Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (2024)

Table of Contents
How to check Vastu for home entrance? #1: Vastu for home entrance: Which is this ideal direction? Vastu tips for south-facing entrance: Can we have a door in the southeast corner? What are the Vastu rules for main entrances in north-facing houses? Where should the main door be located in an east-facing house? Where should the entry be for a west-facing house? Is northeast good for the main door? Is a northwest-facing main door good? Is southwest good for the main door? #2: Why is following Vastu directions for your home’s entrance important? #3: Vastu for home entrance: Dos and don’ts #4: What should be placed in front of the main door? Nameplate Wooden accents Use a threshold Mirrors No doors in the corners! Lighting Plants Passageway Colours #5: Best Vastu-compliant main entrance doors Door with wooden engravings Arched doors Main entrance doors with brass handles Other metallic elements Floral decoration with beads #6: Additional things to consider Which deity should you place by your home’s entrance? Which side should the main door open out to? What is the main door size as per Vastu? Where should you place your doormats? Should you keep a dustbin in your entryway? How many doors should I have in my house Vastu? Which wood is best for the main door as per Vastu? #7: Vastu tips for home entrance defects Vastu tips for southeast and southwest home entrance Remedies for other defects General recommendations #8: Vastu tips for home entrance: Locks and keys A final word How can Livspace help you?

Use this list to know the dos and don’ts of home entrance Vastu. Discover some clever tips that will help you create a Vastu-compliant house entrance with ease!

In This Article

  • How to check Vastu for home entrance?
  • #1: Vastu for home entrance: Which is this ideal direction?
  • #2: Why is following Vastu directions for your home’s entrance important?
  • #3: Vastu for home entrance: Dos and don’ts
  • #4: What should be placed in front of the main door?
  • #5: Best Vastu-compliant main entrance doors
  • #6: Additional things to consider
  • #7: Vastu tips for home entrance defects
  • #8: Vastu tips for home entrance: Locks and keys
  • A final word
  • How can Livspace help you?

Your home’s entrance is more than just a doorway; it’s a portal for energy to flow in and out. In Vastu, the main entrance plays a crucial role in ushering in prosperity, good health and positive vibes. So, how about we invite some positivity into your home with Vastu tips for your home entrance? This article explores key Vastu principles for your home entrance, guiding you towards creating an inviting and auspicious entryway.

How to check Vastu for home entrance?

Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (1)

Here’s how to check Vastu for your home entrance:

  1. Stand inside your house, right in front of your main entrance door
  2. Hold a compass straight out with the display facing you
  3. Ensure there are no metallic objects, electronic devices or magnetic sources nearby that could interfere with the compass needle
  4. Allow the compass needle to settle and stop moving
  5. Rotate yourself (not the compass) until the red part of the needle aligns perfectly with the 0 or 360-degree mark on the compass
  6. Once the needle is aligned, look at the direction the front of the compass is pointing towards. This is the direction of your front door

#1: Vastu for home entrance: Which is this ideal direction?

Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (2)

As per Vastu, the entrance of the house should be in these ideal directions:

  • Northeast: This is the most auspicious direction due to its exposure to the morning sun
  • North: The second-best direction, associated with high energy levels and bringing fortune to the residents
  • East: Ideal for those seeking power and luck. For better Vastu, place your entrance as close as possible to the north side of the east wall
  • Northwest: This direction is beneficial as it brings in plenty of evening sun and wealth. If your entrance is on the west side, ensure it is in the northwest direction to enhance Vastu benefits

Which direction should I avoid?

  • South: Generally considered inauspicious for house entrances. If unavoidable, prefer a southeast entrance over a south-facing one to mitigate negative effects

Here’s a quick breakdown of why the listed directions are good for the entrance of the house as per Vastu:

Kubera,the God of fortuneNorth
Yama,the God of justice and deathSouth
Indra,the Lord of heaven and God of the weather, sky, rain and stormsEast
Varuna, God of the seas, oceans and rainWest
Ishana, God of birth, death, resurrection and timeNortheast
Agni,God of fireSoutheast
Vayu,God of the winds and airNorthwest
Nirṛta,God of death, sorrow and decaySouthwest

Vastu tips for south-facing entrance:

Here are some tips for the south-facing entrance of the house as per Vastu:

  • Correct door placement: Draw the south wall of your house divided into 9 equal sections. The best spots for the main door are sections 1, 2, 3 or 4 (starting from the east side). This means the door should ideally face north or east. The most important thing is to avoid having the main door in the southwest section
  • Kitchen: The kitchen should be in the northwest or southeast part of the house. This gets good morning sun and also makes sense because the southeast is linked to Agni (the fire God), which is great for cooking!
  • Bedrooms: The master bedroom is ideally placed in the southwest corner, especially if your house has multiple floors. Other bedrooms are good in the northwest area. You can add some Earth crystals for good vibes
  • Colours: Use light red curtains in the entrance and living area. This colour brings good energy according to Vastu because of its connection to the Planet Mars
  • House design: For the house itself, a square or rectangular shape is best. The south and west walls should be thicker and taller than the others. Avoid putting a water pump, car porch, septic tank or garden in the southwest corner

Also Read: Vastu for South-Facing House: Tips and Remedies for a South-Facing House

Can we have a door in the southeast corner?

Southeast-facing houses can have a lot of active energy, which is good for some things but not for others. While kitchens do well in this energetic spot, it might be a bit too much for your main entrance. A southeast-facing main door could bring unnecessary stress and arguments into your family life.

What are the Vastu rules for main entrances in north-facing houses?

As per Vastu, the entrance of the house facing north should ideally be on the north side. But there’s more to it! Within the north section, the fifth area (called a “pada”) is considered especially lucky because it’s linked to wealth and prosperity – that’s the domain of Lord Kubera in Vastu. The third, fourth and eighth padas, also bring good luck for wealth. So, if you’re building a north-facing house, choosing your main door placement based on any of these padas is considered very auspicious.

Where should the main door be located in an east-facing house?

The ideal direction for the entrance of an east-facing house as per Vastu is to place the main door right in the centre of the east-facing wall. If that’s not possible and your door is in the northeast corner, leave a small gap of 6 inches between the door and the wall. It’s best to avoid having the main door facing the southeast direction altogether.

Where should the entry be for a west-facing house?

To keep your west-facing house cool, the entrance should ideally face northwest or west. This prevents the hot afternoon sun from hitting the house directly. Big windows on the west side are also best avoided. Planting trees in front of your house is another great way to block the sun’s heat and keep things comfortable inside.

Is northeast good for the main door?

Yes, this is the ideal direction for the main entrance of a house. Other recommended directions for home entrances are the north, east or west. Try to avoid having your main door facing south, southwest, northwest or southeast.

Is a northwest-facing main door good?

The northwest direction is governed by the air element and is associated with the moon. This direction is generally considered neutral in terms of energy. It does not bring the same level of auspiciousness as the north (ruled by Kubera, the God of wealth) or the east (ruled by Indra, the king of Gods and the God of rain), but it is not inauspicious either.

As per Vastu for home entrance, a main door facing the northwest is generally acceptable. However, certain precautions and enhancements can be taken to ensure positive energy flow:

  • Ensure the entrance is clean, clutter-free and well-lit
  • Decorate the entrance with auspicious symbols like Swastika or Om
  • Use a nameplate to enhance the positive vibes

Is southwest good for the main door?

In Vastu, the southwest direction is ruled by the demon Rahu, and an entrance in this direction is believed to invite negative influences and challenges.

Also Read: Southwest Facing House Vastu: Essential Tips for Harmony and Prosperity

#2: Why is following Vastu directions for your home’s entrance important?

Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (3)

How you design the entrance will directly dictate the kind of energy you bring into your home. You can attract positive energy into your home by leveraging auspicious Vastu directions.

The northeast direction is the best entry as per Vastu

#3: Vastu for home entrance: Dos and don’ts

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While this isn’t an exhaustive list, here are some best practices you can follow to improve the Vastu for home entrance.

Ensure that the home is not at ground level
by constructing a few steps
to the entrance
Avoid aligning your main door
with another home’s entrance.
If this happens, draw a swastika
with red turmeric powder on your
door to fix this dosha
It’s ideal to use high-quality wood
for the main door
Avoid entrances facing large obstacles
like poles, trees or wires directly in front
as they can block positive energy
Adding a stone or a wooden threshold
can prevent the loss of wealth
Avoid placing a septic tank near
the entrance
A well-maintained and attractive nameplate
can bring good luck
Do not keep a shoe rack or shoes
in front of the main entrance
Have a main door with two shuttersDon’t opt for a circular or a sliding
entrance door
Ensure the door is not shaky or crackedAvoid using torn or faded
decorations at the entrance
The main door should be the largest door
and should open in a clockwise direction
Avoid using symbols or paintings
that depict violence, sorrow or negativity
near the entrance
Use colours like white, light blue or light greenAvoid using black as a house exterior colour
Position a window in front
of the house’s main door
Avoid placing an overhead water tank
above the main entrance
Use a copper lock for an east-facing
iron locks for a west-facing
brass for a south-facing main entrance
Avoid having the main entrance
at an uneven height
compared to the rest of the house

More details on these dos and don’ts!

#4: What should be placed in front of the main door?


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  • Place the nameplate at the main door, at eye level
  • It should be clearly visible and easily readable
  • The nameplate should be on the same side as the main door (if your main door is on the right side when facing the house, the nameplate should also be on the right side)

Note: Use high-quality materials like wood, metal or acrylic for the nameplate. Wooden nameplates are especially auspicious as they are associated with natural elements.

Wooden accents

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Wood is considered to be the most auspicious material as per Vastu for home entrance and your foyer designs. If your house entrance is not facing the best direction, then using wood and metal in your door can help correct this dosha.

Use a threshold

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The threshold serves as a protective barrier that prevents negative energies from entering the house and retains positive energies within.

  • Embedding metal strips (usually copper or brass) within the threshold can enhance positive energy
  • The threshold should be slightly elevated from the ground level to create a subtle barrier (to prevent the loss of positive energy and wealth)
  • Drawing rangoli or kolam designs on the threshold is also considered auspicious
  • Placing small potted plants near the threshold can enhance their positive energy


Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (8)

As per Vastu, mirrors are double-edged swords; they reflect energy, be it good or bad. According to mirror Vastu for homes, they must never be placed directly opposite the main entrance, as you don’t want to reflect away good energy. It’s advisable to place a mirror at a right angle to the door to allow it to reflect positivity into the house.

No doors in the corners!

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According to the principles of Vastu for home entrances, the main door of a house should never be placed exactly in the corner of a room. This is also applicable from a design perspective, as access may become difficult if the entrance is in a corner.

Improve the Vastu for home entrance by keeping your corners empty to promote wellness and easy accessibility.


Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (10)

Poor lighting at the entrance has an off-putting effect on people, fostering an environment for brewing negative energies. To avoid this, the entrance of your home should be brightly lit, preferably with warm lights, to exude warmth and happiness.

  • Use even lighting to avoid shadows
  • Use warm, soft lights instead of harsh, glaring lights
  • Place lights symmetrically on either side of the entrance door
  • A light fixture above the main door can provide focused illumination

Also Read: 6 Important Vastu Shastra Lighting Tips for All the Rooms in Your Home


Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (11)

What plants should you keep at your entrance? Beauty attracts positivity and if that beauty happens to be natural, then there’s nothing like it! As per Vastu Shastra, Zen and Feng Shui philosophies, greenery is synonymous with wellness and harmony.

Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (12)

Money plants are said to attract wealth and well-being into your space. You can further invite luck and positivity into your home by placing them by the entrance. However, avoid thorny plants or cacti, as they aren’t ideal for Vastu.

Also Read: 5 Plants That Are Not Good for Your Home, According to Vastu


Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (13)

The principles of Vastu for home entrances dictate that an ideal home should begin with a narrow passage and then open up into a wider space. Hence, homes with a foyer are considered more auspicious. You can also design and decorate your foyer with mirrors, plants and lights to further this effect.

  • Keep furniture in the passageway minimal to avoid obstruction
  • A small table or console for keys and mail is practical
  • Do not place shoes, umbrellas or any other clutter in the passageway
  • Avoid placing sharp or pointed objects in the passageway as they can create negative energy
  • Consider using natural fragrances or incense in the passageway to create a pleasant and welcoming environment
  • If possible, a small water fountain or an aquarium in the entrance area can be very auspicious as they signify flow and prosperity

Also Read:


Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (14)
DirectionRuling planetColour for the home entrance
SouthMarsCoral red, pink or orange shades
EastSunWooden colours, yellow or gold, light blue
NortheastJupiterYellow or cream
SouthwestRahuYellow or smoky colours, grey or brown
SoutheastVenusSilver white, orange, pink

#5: Best Vastu-compliant main entrance doors

Door with wooden engravings

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Wood is a natural material and is considered very auspicious in Vastu Shastra. It symbolises growth, stability and natural energy. Engravings of auspicious symbols like Om, Swastika, Lotus, Kalash or religious deities are said to attract positive energy and good fortune.

Arched doors

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These doors are often seen as a representation of celestial gateways or portals to higher realms. Passing through an arched door is believed to invite divine blessings into the home. The curved design of arched doors allows for efficient space utilisation, especially in areas with limited clearance. They also provide a sense of openness and flow, making rooms feel more spacious.

Main entrance doors with brass handles

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For south-facing main door designs wooden doors with brass handles are an ideal Vastu choice. On the other hand, metal door handles are considered auspicious for west-facing houses and wood and metal combination door handles for east-facing house entrances.

Other metallic elements

Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (18)

Metals are excellent conductors of energy. They facilitate the smooth flow of positive energy (Prana) into the home, ensuring harmonious vibrations throughout the living space.

Floral decoration with beads

Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (19)

Their presence at the main door symbolises a connection with the natural world and invites positive energy into the home. Different colours of the flowers come with their own symbolic meaning. For instance, red flowers symbolise passion and energy, while white flowers represent purity and peace.

#6: Additional things to consider

Here are a few bonus tips to help you perfect the Vastu for your home’s entrance.

Which deity should you place by your home’s entrance?

Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (20)

Wondering which god’s photo to keep at the entrance to create a positive environment? As per Vastu, you should keep idols and photos of Ganesha and Lakshmi at the entrance of your home to welcome good luck, wealth and prosperity.

Remember to light candles, diyas and incense sticks in front of the idols you place at the entrance. You can also place flowers in bowls of water for a pleasant aroma and tranquil ambience.

Which side should the main door open out to?

As long as the direction is correct, the side from where the main door opens is not relevant. Ideally, your main entrance should face the north, east or northeast direction.

What is the main door size as per Vastu?

  • Make it the biggest door in your house
  • Ideally, have it in two halves instead of one large panel
  • Leave some space around the doorway and avoid placing it in a corner
  • Keep the main door taller than all the other doors in your home
  • Finally, any exit doors should be smaller than the main entrance

Where should you place your doormats?

A doormat might seem like a functional accessory for a home, but it’s much more than that. When you dust your feet on the doormat before entering, you are leaving all the negative energy outside along with the dirt. So, be sure to keep one handy!

Should you keep a dustbin in your entryway?

Avoid keeping a dustbin in your entryway as it may attract bad luck and clutter the space. Cleanliness and decluttered spaces are vital to promoting good Vastu for both your home and entrance, so be sure to keep trash away from the entrance.

How many doors should I have in my house Vastu?

Number of doorsVastu benefits
4Helps extend life
6Good childbearing
8Growth of wealth
12Growth of business
14Boosts wealth

Did you notice that we have mentioned just the even number of doors? There’s a Vastu secret behind this! According to Vastu Shastra, positivity comes in even numbers. Having an even number of doors is believed to promote positive energy flow in your home.


  1. The main gate of the house or outhouse doors must not be counted in the total number of doors
  2. Two flanged doors are considered a single-door design
  3. If the area is covered overhead, forming an enclosed passage, such area is counted as doors
  4. Doors that are designed to partition the areas inside a house but do not connect to the ceiling are not counted in the total number of doors
  5. Two doors in the house entrance ensure a comfortable life for the inhabitants, while three doors in a line, parallel to the main door, are considered harmful
  6. There should not be more than three doors at the main entrance as it leads to problems

Also Read: Vastu for Doors and Windows: Top 8 Tips From Experts

Which wood is best for the main door as per Vastu?

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Teak wood symbolises stability, protection and prosperity, making it an ideal choice for attracting positive energy into the home.

Rosewood is associated with qualities such as resilience, abundance and auspiciousness, making it suitable for inviting positive energy into the home.

Mahogany is believed to symbolize prosperity, abundance and protection.

Oak wood is associated with qualities such as endurance, resilience and stability.

Sandalwood is believed to attract positive energy, promote tranquillity and ward off negative influences.

#7: Vastu tips for home entrance defects

Vastu tips for southeast and southwest home entrance

There are several remedies for southeast and southwest main doors:

  • Paint the main door in auspicious colours like green, blue or brown to balance the energy of the southeast direction
  • Avoid using dark or vibrant colours that may exacerbate negative effects
  • Install a raised threshold (dhwaja) at the entrance to prevent negative energy from entering the house
  • Ensure that the threshold is clean and well-maintained
  • Place auspicious symbols like Om, Swastika or images of deities near the main door to attract positive energy
  • Avoid negative or aggressive symbols
  • Ensure that the entrance area is well-lit with bright, welcoming lights
  • Place healthy, vibrant plants near the main door to bring in positive energy and refresh the chi (life force energy)

Vastu Shastra acknowledges that not everyone has the ideal home layout, so it offers some solutions or remedies, to address defects in the main door placement. Here are some common remedies for main door defects:

Remedies for other defects

  • Small main door: If the main door is significantly smaller than other doors in the house, consider adding a grander door if feasible. Alternatively, a Vastu consultant might suggest a symbolic remedy.
  • Broken/cracked door: Replace broken or cracked doors immediately. A damaged door is seen to hinder positive energy flow.
  • Sloping entrance: If the entrance slopes downwards from the inside out, consider adding a levelling layer inside the house to create a more even plane, if structurally possible. A Vastu consultant can offer more specific advice.

General recommendations

  • Maintaining cleanliness around the entrance: Keeping the entrance area clean and free of clutter is a core Vastu principle. This creates a positive first impression and allows for unimpeded energy flow
  • Horseshoe: While not universally recommended by Vastu experts, some people use a horseshoe placed above the door (open ends facing upwards) as a symbol of good luck and protection
  • Rangoli: Creating a beautiful Rangoli (decorative floor art) near the entrance is believed to welcome positive energy and blessings
  • Consult a Vastu expert: For a personalised approach, consulting a Vastu expert can be very helpful. They can assess your specific situation, recommend the most suitable remedies and advise on the proper placement of these remedies within your home’s layout

Important note: It’s important to remember that Vastu is a complex system with various interpretations. The effectiveness of these remedies can vary depending on individual situations and the expertise of the consultant you might consult.

#8: Vastu tips for home entrance: Locks and keys

Vaastu isn’t just about door design! Your entrance lock and key should also follow these principles to welcome good energy into your home. The most important thing is that the lock works smoothly, so there’s no blockage for positive vibes. Here are some other Vastu tips for your door lock and key:

  • East-facing door? Use a copper lock
  • West-facing door? An iron lock is ideal
  • North-facing door? Choose a brass lock
  • South-facing door? Opt for a special lock made of 5 metals, called “panch dhatu
  • Metal keys? Use a wooden keychain
  • Keep your keychain positive
  • Always hang your keychains neatly on a key stand

A final word

It may not be practical or possible to follow all the Vastu tips for house entrances if you don’t already live in a Vastu-compliant home. However, certain corrective measures are always within your reach.

You can get started by keeping the hinges of the main door oiled so that they don’t creak and place a water body in front of your home to absorb all the negative energy. Apart from these fixes, consider consulting a designer to renovate your space and make it Vastu-compliant.

How can Livspace help you?

Found these Vastu tips useful? Get in touch with us for Vastu-compliant interiors catered to your design specifications and trends.

  • We offer a flat 10-year warranty*
  • Our products undergo 146 quality checks
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Our designers can recommend materials that are long-lasting and of premium quality for your home interiors.

*For select finishes on modular products. For full scope of warranty, please visitlivspace.com/in/service

Disclaimer: All contents of the blog are specific to the time of publication. Mentions of costs, budget, materials, finishes and products from the Livspace catalogue can vary with reference to current rates. Talk to our designer for more details on pricing and availability.

Unlock Prosperity With These Vastu Tips for Home Entrances (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.