Uniswap Price Prediction, will UNI’s price hit 9.89? (2024)

Uniswap Price Prediction, will UNI’s price hit 9.89? (1)Uniswap Price Prediction, will UNI’s price hit 9.89? (2)

Uniswap Price Prediction, will UNI’s price hit 9.89? (3)


Price Prediction

Uniswap, UNI could hit $9.89 in 2024

Uniswap’s price prediction for the most bearish scenario will value UNI at $5.08 in 2024.

Uniswap’s previous All Time High was on 3 May 2021 where UNI was priced at $44.92.

Uniswap’s price at the same time last week was $6.29. It has moved by 2.91 % in the past week and is currently at $6.35. Infact, in the past 24 hours, UNI has pumped by 5.52 %. There is a slight bullish sentiment in the crypto market. The long term sentiment, however, remains bullish and UNI could hit $9.89 in 2024.

The total circulating supply of Uniswap as of writing this article was $753,766,667 and the marketcap of UNI remains at $4,768,719,304


For some coins with little to no data points and inexistent historical data the model by default will show a positive price prediction. There is no way for our AI bot to decipher whitepaper, tokenomics and team integrity. The coin's price that you are about to see below can fall drastically depending on many factors, so please invest wisely after checking the team and project's whitepaper. This current price prediction is done by a machine crunching numbers and the model is still in the early beta stages. It should strictly not be taken as an investment advice. Although the best engineers are currently tweaking and updating the algorithm, no human has verified the price predicted below, so please use your discretion and make a decision wisely.

Uniswap Price Prediction

Uniswap has had an eventful 2021. To simplify the latest UNI price prediction, we have divided up the prediction by short term Uniswap price prediction and long term Uniswap price prediction. As of writing this article, UNI had a trading volume of 270,418,901. Uniswap has gone up by 17.81% in the past 30 days.

According to our analysis in the short term, Uniswap price prediction for February 2024 shows the average price of UNI at 7.20 and the highest possible price for February 2024 would be $7.70.

Further, according to our analysis in the long term, Uniswap price prediction for June 2024 shows the average price of UNI at 7.58 and the highest possible price for June 2024 would be $8.11.

Uniswap's Short Term Price Prediction

DateAvg PriceLowest PriceHighest Price
23 December 2023$6.32$5.88$6.76
24 December 2023$6.30$5.86$6.74
25 December 2023$6.36$5.92$6.81
26 December 2023$6.50$6.05$6.96
31 December 2023$7.01$6.52$7.50
5 January 2024$7.51$6.98$8.03
15 January 2024$8.51$7.91$9.10
February 2024$7.20$6.69$7.70
March 2024$7.29$6.78$7.80
April 2024$7.39$6.87$7.90
May 2024$7.48$6.96$8.01
June 2024$7.58$7.05$8.11
July 2024$7.67$7.14$8.21
August 2024$7.77$7.22$8.31
September 2024$7.86$7.31$8.41
October 2024$7.96$7.40$8.51
November 2024$8.05$7.49$8.62
December 2024$8.15$7.58$8.72

Uniswap price prediction 23 December 2023: Uniswap's price for 23 December 2023 according to our analysis should range between $5.88 to $6.76 and the average price of UNI should be around $6.32.

Uniswap price prediction 24 December 2023: Uniswap's price for 24 December 2023 according to our analysis should range between $5.86 to $6.74 and the average price of UNI should be around $6.30.

Uniswap price prediction 25 December 2023: Uniswap's price for 25 December 2023 according to our analysis should range between $5.92 to $6.81 and the average price of UNI should be around $6.36.

Uniswap price prediction 26 December 2023: Uniswap's price for 26 December 2023 according to our analysis should range between $6.05 to $6.96 and the average price of UNI should be around $6.50.

Uniswap price prediction 31 December 2023: Uniswap's price for 31 December 2023 according to our analysis should range between $6.52 to $7.50 and the average price of UNI should be around $7.01.

Uniswap price prediction 5 January 2024: Uniswap's price for 5 January 2024 according to our analysis should range between $6.98 to $8.03 and the average price of UNI should be around $7.51.

Uniswap price prediction 15 January 2024: Uniswap's price for 15 January 2024 according to our analysis should range between $7.91 to $9.10 and the average price of UNI should be around $8.51.

Uniswap price prediction February 2024: Uniswap's price for February 2024 according to our analysis should range between $6.69 to $7.70 and the average price of UNI should be around $7.20.

Uniswap price prediction March 2024: Uniswap's price for March 2024 according to our analysis should range between $6.78 to $7.80 and the average price of UNI should be around $7.29.

Uniswap price prediction April 2024: Uniswap's price for April 2024 according to our analysis should range between $6.87 to $7.90 and the average price of UNI should be around $7.39.

Uniswap price prediction May 2024: Uniswap's price for May 2024 according to our analysis should range between $6.96 to $8.01 and the average price of UNI should be around $7.48.

Uniswap price prediction June 2024: Uniswap's price for June 2024 according to our analysis should range between $7.05 to $8.11 and the average price of UNI should be around $7.58.

Uniswap price prediction July 2024: Uniswap's price for July 2024 according to our analysis should range between $7.14 to $8.21 and the average price of UNI should be around $7.67.

Uniswap price prediction August 2024: Uniswap's price for August 2024 according to our analysis should range between $7.22 to $8.31 and the average price of UNI should be around $7.77.

Uniswap price prediction September 2024: Uniswap's price for September 2024 according to our analysis should range between $7.31 to $8.41 and the average price of UNI should be around $7.86.

Uniswap price prediction October 2024: Uniswap's price for October 2024 according to our analysis should range between $7.40 to $8.51 and the average price of UNI should be around $7.96.

Uniswap price prediction November 2024: Uniswap's price for November 2024 according to our analysis should range between $7.49 to $8.62 and the average price of UNI should be around $8.05.

Uniswap price prediction December 2024: Uniswap's price for December 2024 according to our analysis should range between $7.58 to $8.72 and the average price of UNI should be around $8.15.

Uniswap's Long Term Price Prediction

Uniswap’s long term Price Prediction below is a look at UNI’s future prospect with regards to price. Uniswap was last seen at $6.35, with a market cap of $4,768,719,304 and trading volumes of $270,418,901. UNI’s price prediction is possible by analyzing historical price action, current developments and social sentiment from the community.

YearsAvg PriceLowest PriceHighest Price

Uniswap price prediction 2024: Uniswap's price for 2024 according to our analysis should range between $6.59 to $9.89 and the average price of UNI should be around $8.24.

Uniswap price prediction 2025: Uniswap's price for 2025 according to our analysis should range between $7.65 to $11.48 and the average price of UNI should be around $9.57.

Uniswap price prediction 2026: Uniswap's price for 2026 according to our analysis should range between $8.88 to $13.32 and the average price of UNI should be around $11.10.

Uniswap price prediction 2027: Uniswap's price for 2027 according to our analysis should range between $10.31 to $15.46 and the average price of UNI should be around $12.88.

Uniswap price prediction 2028: Uniswap's price for 2028 according to our analysis should range between $11.96 to $17.94 and the average price of UNI should be around $14.95.

Uniswap price prediction 2029: Uniswap's price for 2029 according to our analysis should range between $13.88 to $20.82 and the average price of UNI should be around $17.35.

Uniswap price prediction 2030: Uniswap's price for 2030 according to our analysis should range between $16.11 to $24.17 and the average price of UNI should be around $20.14.

Uniswap price prediction 2031: Uniswap's price for 2031 according to our analysis should range between $18.70 to $28.05 and the average price of UNI should be around $23.37.

Uniswap price prediction 2032: Uniswap's price for 2032 according to our analysis should range between $21.70 to $32.55 and the average price of UNI should be around $27.12.

Uniswap price prediction 2033: Uniswap's price for 2033 according to our analysis should range between $25.18 to $37.78 and the average price of UNI should be around $31.48.

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A Historical look at Uniswap, UNI’s price



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22 December 2023


Uniswap Price Prediction, will UNI’s price hit 9.89? (47)


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UNI/Euro Pair

21 December 2020


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21 December 2021


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21 December 2022


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22 December 2023


Uniswap Price Prediction, will UNI’s price hit 9.89? (58)


Uniswap Price Prediction, will UNI’s price hit 9.89? (59)

FAQs about Uniswap

What is the price of Uniswap as of today 22 December 2023?

Uniswap’s current price is $6.35 and witnessed a 5.52% increase in the past 24 hours. UNI/BTC pair saw a 6.34% increase in the past 24 hours

Is UNI a good investment?

Investing in Uniswap, UNI will purely depend on your personal risk appetite. As you can see over the past 24 hours Uniswap’s price has witnessed a 5.52% increase and over the past 30 days Uniswap has increase by 17.81%. So it all depends on if this investment will hit your trading goals.

How high can Uniswap’s price go this year in 2023?

According to our latest Uniswap Price prediction for 2023, UNI should vary between $8.52 and $5.68. Please keep in mind that the crypto market is very volatile and this Uniswap price prediction does not account for extreme wild swings in price.

How much will the Uniswap be worth in 2023 ?

As per the Uniswap price prediction 2023 model above, UNI’s price for December 2023 should range between $5.68 to $8.52 with the average price for December being $7.10

How much will Uniswap be worth in 2024?

According to the Uniswap Price Prediction model above, UNI’s price in 2024 would be $8.24. This price would however would range from $9.89 and $6.59.

How much will Uniswap be worth in 2025?

According to the Uniswap Price Prediction model above, UNI’s price in 2025 would be $9.57. This price would however would range from $11.48 and $7.65.

How much will Uniswap be worth in 2026?

According to the Uniswap Price Prediction model above, UNI’s price in 2026 would be $11.10. This price would however would range from $13.32 and $8.88.

How much will Uniswap be worth in 2027?

According to the Uniswap Price Prediction model above, UNI’s price in 2027 would be $12.88. This price would however would range from $15.46 and $10.31.

How much will Uniswap be worth in 2028?

According to the Uniswap Price Prediction model above, UNI’s price in 2028 would be $14.95. This price would however would range from $17.94 and $11.96.

How much will Uniswap be worth in 2029?

According to the Uniswap Price Prediction model above, UNI’s price in 2029 would be $17.35. This price would however would range from $20.82 and $13.88.

How much will Uniswap be worth in 2030?

According to the Uniswap Price Prediction model above, UNI’s price in 2030 would be $20.14. This price would however would range from $24.17 and $16.11.

How much will Uniswap be worth in 2031?

According to the Uniswap Price Prediction model above, UNI’s price in 2031 would be $23.37. This price would however would range from $28.05 and $18.70.

How much will Uniswap be worth in 2032?

According to the Uniswap Price Prediction model above, UNI’s price in 2032 would be $27.12. This price would however would range from $32.55 and $21.70.

How much will Uniswap be worth in 2033?

According to the Uniswap Price Prediction model above, UNI’s price in 2033 would be $31.48. This price would however would range from $37.78 and $25.18.

What was the highest price of Uniswap?

The highest price for Uniswap was recorded in 3 May 2021 during which UNI hit an All Time High of $44.92

What is the price of 1 Uniswap?

The price of 1 Uniswap according to current market rate is $6.35

As an expert in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, I have been closely monitoring the developments in the crypto market, particularly focusing on Uniswap (UNI). My expertise extends to analyzing historical price actions, current market trends, and social sentiment from the community to make accurate predictions. It's essential to note that I approach this analysis with a depth of knowledge, understanding the complexities and variables that influence the price dynamics of cryptocurrencies.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts used in the provided Uniswap price prediction article:

  1. Uniswap (UNI): Uniswap is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain. It facilitates automated liquidity provision through smart contracts, allowing users to trade various ERC-20 tokens without the need for a traditional order book.

  2. Price Predictions: The article presents both short-term and long-term price predictions for Uniswap (UNI) in USD and Euro pairs. Short-term predictions cover the period up to February 2024, while long-term predictions extend up to 2033.

  3. Current Price and Market Data:

    • Current UNI price: $6.35
    • Market cap: $4,768,719,304
    • 24-hour trading volume: $270,418,901
    • Circulating supply: $753,766,667
  4. Historical Data:

    • Uniswap's previous all-time high: $44.92 on May 3, 2021.
  5. Market Sentiment:

    • The article mentions a slight bullish sentiment in the crypto market, and the long-term sentiment for UNI is predicted to be bullish, with a potential price target of $9.89 in 2024.
  6. Short-Term Price Predictions (Sample):

    • December 23, 2023: Average price $6.32, ranging from $5.88 to $6.76.
    • February 5, 2024: Average price $7.51, ranging from $6.98 to $8.03.
  7. Long-Term Price Predictions (Sample):

    • 2024: Average price $8.24, ranging from $6.59 to $9.89.
    • 2033: Average price $31.48, ranging from $25.18 to $37.78.
  8. Disclaimer: The article includes a disclaimer emphasizing the preliminary nature of the AI model's predictions. It warns readers that the predictions are based on algorithmic analysis and should not be considered as investment advice. It also highlights the potential risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies.

  9. FAQs Section: The article addresses common questions about Uniswap, such as its current price, investment viability, and future price predictions for various years.

  10. Top Coins Price Predictions: The article briefly mentions price predictions for other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Binance Coin (BNB), Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), Dogecoin (DOGE), and more.

In conclusion, the provided article offers a comprehensive analysis of Uniswap's price predictions, covering both short-term and long-term perspectives. It emphasizes the volatility of the crypto market and encourages readers to exercise discretion when making investment decisions.

Uniswap Price Prediction, will UNI’s price hit 9.89? (2024)


Uniswap Price Prediction, will UNI’s price hit 9.89? ›

Their projections also suggest a possible range of $3.60 to $9.52 for Uniswap in 2024-2025. On the other hand, DigitalCoinPrice has a bullish stance, forecasting that UNI might surpass $9.94 in 2024, potentially peaking at $78.53 by 2032.

What is the future price prediction for Uniswap? ›

According to our analysts, UNI coin price prediction for the year 2026 could range between $20.69 to $40.26, and the average price of Uniswap could be around $35.85.

What is the price prediction for Uni in 2024? ›

Our real-time UNI to USD price update shows the current Uniswap price as $7.91 USD. Our most recent Uniswap price forecast indicates that its value will increase by 12.26% and reach $8.88 by July 24, 2024.

What is the price prediction for Uni in 2025? ›

The long term sentiment, however, remains bullish and UNI could hit $37.47 in 2025. The total circulating supply of Uniswap as of writing this article was $753,766,667 and the marketcap of UNI remains at $6,015,302,841. Uniswap price in the longer term is expected to reach a high of $36369.40 in 2035.

Can Uni reach $1000? ›

Can Uniswap (UNI) crypto hit $1,000? - Quora. It's one of the few cryptocurrencies that have the potential to make you rich but don't expect it to do it overnight. To reach $1,000, it will only need to amass a $1 Trillion in market capitalisation, which I think is very achievable given its unmatched growth rate.

Can Uniswap reach $100 dollars? ›

Will Uniswap reach $100? It could do but, if it does, it will not be for quite some time. Price predictions based on technical analysis say it won't happen until at least the 2030s. Keep in mind that UNI's all-time high, which it reached at the start of May 2021, is less than half of that, coming in at $42.44.

What is the price prediction for Uniswap in 2040? ›

Going even further, considering all previous highs and lower time frame prognoses, the prediction for 2040 is $171.20.” Below you may find the comparison table of Uniswap price prediction from different services.

What is the Uniswap price prediction for 2030? ›

Uniswap (UNI) Price Prediction 2030

According to your price prediction input for Uniswap, the value of UNI may increase by +5% and reach $ 10.55 by 2030.

What is the uni all-time high price? ›

The highest price paid for Uniswap (UNI) is $44.92, which was recorded on May 03, 2021 (about 3 years). Comparatively, the current price is 82.21% lower than the all-time high price.

Is Uniswap worth investing? ›

As the world's most popular decentralized exchange and one of the largest digital assets, Uniswap is thought to be a good investment. Even though UNI token's price has gone up and down in its short history, experts think it could rise up even more in the long run.

How much will Uniswap cost in 2050? ›

Uniswap Price Prediction for 2050

According to our technical analysis of Uniswap prices for 2050, the projected minimum and maximum prices are approximately $25.02 and $32.68, respectively. The anticipated average trading cost stands at about $30.98.

What is the price prediction for Unicoin in 2030? ›

The highest Uniswap price prediction we have seen comes from Cryptocurrency Price Prediction which has estimated that UNI could reach a maximum of $627.4980 by the end of 2030. If we follow Uniswap price prediction system till the year 2040, it expects the price of UNI to be worth around $2,000 per coin.

Should I sell Uniswap? ›

Assuming the 90 days trading horizon and your above-average risk tolerance, our recommendation regarding Uniswap Protocol Token is 'Strong Sell'.

How high will Uniswap go? ›

According to our current Uniswap price prediction, the price of Uniswap is predicted to rise by 227.44% and reach $ 25.76 by August 21, 2024. Per our technical indicators, the current sentiment is Bearish while the Fear & Greed Index is showing 71 (Greed).

Is 1000x possible in crypto? ›

For example, if you invest $1,000 in a cryptocurrency and it achieves a 1000x gain, your investment would be worth $1,000,000. Such returns are rare in traditional financial markets but have been seen multiple times in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Can Uniswap reach all time high? ›

The all-time high is still a long way off. However, analysts do expect Uniswap to start a cautious recovery. Throughout the year, the price is projected to trend upward. In September the price will reach €7.10 and by December, it is expected to reach €17.48 euros.

How much will Uniswap cost in 2030? ›

Uniswap (UNI) Price Prediction 2030

According to your price prediction input for Uniswap, the value of UNI may increase by +5% and reach $ 10.76 by 2030.

Is Uniswap a good investment? ›

UniSwap is undoubtedly a credible DEX among crypto investors, and they prefer UNI coins to invest in because of its market performance and solid reputation.

Does Uniswap have futures? ›

Uniswap Futures is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell Uniswap at a predetermined future date and price. The futures contract derives its value from the underlying cryptocurrency, Uniswap in this case.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.