Unenforceable Contract: Everything You Should Know (2024)

What is an Unenforceable Contract?

An unenforceable contract is a valid contract that the court chooses, for specific reasons, not to enforce. An unenforceable defense is commonly used in contradistinction to void the contract or make it voidable. Below explains a what makes a contract void or voidable:

  • Void : A void contract is a contract that is not legally valid
  • Voidable : A voidable contract is one in which one party is not legally bound by the agreement.

Disputes will commonly arise between two parties, which triggers questions about the enforceability of a binding contract. A perfect example of a contract becoming voidable is in cases where a minor has signed a contract.

Here is an article about age requirements for a legal contract.

What Makes a Contract Unenforceable?

To determine what makes a contract unenforceable, it is easier to start with the question of what makes a contract enforceable. An enforceable contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. To be enforceable, a contract must be legally valid, and the defending party must not have any valid defenses against breach of contract.

Most contracts do not need to be on paper to be considered enforceable, but those that aren’t are harder to prove in court. Three elements define a legally binding and enforceable contract:

  1. An offer
  2. Acceptance of that offer
  3. Consideration

The first two are self-explanatory, but the last warrants a brief explanation. In legal terms, consideration is an exchange of promises to do or not do something. For example, a common consideration is money in exchange for services.

The court will not enforce a contract if it finds that one party was taken advantage of or if there is a lack of proof of an agreement. To determine whether a contract is enforceable, the court uses eight key criteria:

  1. Lack of Capacity
  2. Coercion
  3. Undue Influence
  4. Misrepresentation and Nondisclosure
  5. Unconscionability
  6. Public Policy
  7. Mistake
  8. Impossibility

Here is an article about unenforceable contracts.

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Examples of an Unenforceable Contract

Below are the key criteria the court looks for to determine whether a contract is considered unenforceable:

  • Lack of Capacity: This happens in a contract when one party doesn’t fully grasp what they agree to. It is a way to take advantage of someone else and, if proven, could result in an unenforceable contract. An excellent example is when an agreement is made with either a minor or someone with a mental disability that prevents them from understanding the full gravity of the agreement they are signing. In either case, the court would not enforce the contract.
  • Coercion: Coercion is when a party is coerced, or forced, into signing a contract. If this is proven, the contract would be unenforceable, but there has to be evidence proving the threatening behavior. A good example of coercion in a contract is blackmail.
  • Undue Influence: This refers to one party persuading another party to sign an agreement, taking advantage of their relationship. The court does not tolerate this level of deception and, if proven, would likely result in an unenforceable contract.
  • Misrepresentation: Misrepresentation, as the name suggests, is when you only tell part of the story in a contract. Suppose the courts found a party involved in a contract to have concealed information about a matter concerning the contract. In that case, it could result in an unenforceable contract.
  • Nondisclosure: Nondisclosure is another form of concealment, but it involves misrepresenting the issues related to the contract by omission. If it is proven that any party in a contract neglected to disclose pertinent information regarding the agreement, it could result in an unenforceable contract. Usually, in these cases, the courts will consider whether the accused party was obliged to share the information or if the other party could have gotten it another way.
  • Unconscionability: This refers to something in the contract, or in some cases the entire contract, that is so unfair that the contract shouldn’t exist the way it is written. The court will consider if one side has unequal bargaining power, if one of the parties is having difficulty understanding the terms of the agreement (i.e., they can’t read the language), or if the contract itself is unfair. In the case of unconscionability, deeming the contract unenforceable isn’t the only option. The court could elect to enforce a part of the contract, the conscionable parts, and have the other part rewritten.
  • Public Policy: Contracts that the court finds unenforceable based on public policy defense are meant to protect society and the parties involved. Also, if a contract goes against an existing State or Federal law, the court will not enforce the contract.
    A prime example of this involves a real estate contract. For instance, in a landlord/tenant dispute, if a landlord forces a tenant to sign a lease agreement that doesn’t allow for a medically necessary companion animal, it could be considered unenforceable.
  • Mistake: Sometimes, it boils down to a little mistake. It could be a unilateral or mutual mistake where both parties are responsible. Regardless, the court will consider whether the point in question was important enough to have a huge effect on the agreement. In many cases, the courts will require that the mistake be rewritten for the contract to be enforceable.
  • Impossibility: Sometimes, contracts are created in such a way that it would be impossible or impractical to carry out. If something is too expensive, it could be considered enough evidence for an impossibility ruling.

Here is an article about conditions where your contract can be unenforceable.

Who Can Review a Contract to Make Sure it is Enforceable?

Many contracts may appear legal but have no legal standing in court. Therefore, it is important to seek the counsel of a licensed business contracts lawyer before entering into a contract agreement.

Here is an article about what a contract lawyer does.

How to Avoid Signing an Unenforceable Contract

There are two ways to avoid signing an unenforceable contract:

  1. First, seek advice from a business contract lawyer. They can review anything before you sign and help point out any potential pitfalls.
  2. Judge every contract based on each of the examples of unenforceable contracts above. Again, the more you know, the better off you are.

Here is an article about what makes a contract binding.

Difference Between an Unenforceable Contract and a Void Contract

A void contract has no legal standing, whereas unenforceable contracts are valid contracts that cannot be enforced in court because of legal requirements or evidentiary issues.

Here is an article about unenforceable contracts vs. void contracts.

Get Help With an Unenforceable Contract

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As a legal expert with extensive knowledge in contract law, I can confidently provide insights into the concepts discussed in the article about unenforceable contracts. My expertise is grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the legal principles and nuances surrounding contract formation, enforceability, and the various defenses that may render a contract unenforceable.

The article aptly begins by defining an unenforceable contract as a valid contract that the court, for specific reasons, chooses not to enforce. This distinction is crucial, as it sets the stage for understanding the legal landscape surrounding contracts and their enforceability.

The article delves into the broader context of contract law by introducing the concepts of void and voidable contracts. A void contract is one that is not legally valid, while a voidable contract is one in which one party is not legally bound by the agreement. This distinction lays the foundation for discussing the factors that can make a contract unenforceable.

To determine what makes a contract unenforceable, the article outlines the essential elements of an enforceable contract: offer, acceptance, and consideration. The discussion emphasizes that a contract must be legally valid, and the defending party must not have any valid defenses against breach of contract. This sets the criteria for evaluating the enforceability of a contract.

The article then introduces eight key criteria that the court considers when determining the enforceability of a contract. These criteria include lack of capacity, coercion, undue influence, misrepresentation and nondisclosure, unconscionability, public policy, mistake, and impossibility. Each of these factors is explained in detail, providing a comprehensive overview of the defenses that can render a contract unenforceable.

To illustrate these concepts, the article provides examples of unenforceable contracts, such as cases involving lack of capacity (e.g., contracts with minors or individuals with mental disabilities), coercion (e.g., contracts signed under threat), undue influence (e.g., contracts where one party takes advantage of a relationship), misrepresentation, nondisclosure, unconscionability, public policy violations, mistake, and impossibility.

The article goes further to highlight the importance of seeking legal advice before entering into a contract and provides practical tips on avoiding unenforceable contracts. It emphasizes the role of a business contract lawyer in reviewing contracts to ensure legal standing in court.

Finally, the article distinguishes between unenforceable contracts and void contracts, clarifying that a void contract has no legal standing, while unenforceable contracts are valid but cannot be enforced due to legal requirements or evidentiary issues.

In conclusion, my expertise in contract law enables me to affirm the accuracy and depth of the information provided in the article about unenforceable contracts. The concepts discussed align with established legal principles, and the examples enhance the reader's understanding of the complexities involved in contract formation and enforcement. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on these concepts, feel free to ask.

Unenforceable Contract: Everything You Should Know (2024)


Unenforceable Contract: Everything You Should Know? ›

A contract is unenforceable when there is evidence of lack of capacity, coercion, undue influence, misrepresentation/nondisclosure, unconscionability, violation of public policy, or impossibility.

What is required for an unenforceable contract? ›

Unenforceable Contracts: What to Watch Out For
  • Lack of Capacity. It's expected that both (or all) parties to a contract have the ability to understand exactly what it is they are agreeing to. ...
  • Duress. ...
  • Undue Influence. ...
  • Misrepresentation. ...
  • Nondisclosure. ...
  • Unconscionability. ...
  • Public Policy. ...
  • Mistake.

What are the six major requirements of all enforceable contracts? ›

Every contract, whether simple or complex, is considered legally enforceable when it incorporates six essential elements: Offer, Acceptance, Awareness, Consideration, Capacity and Legality. It is critical that all six elements are present—just one missing element can make a contract invalid and unenforceable.

How do you know if a contract is unenforceable? ›

Unenforceable contracts are any contracts that will not be enforced by a court. Unenforceable contract examples include void contracts, unconscionable contracts, contracts against public policy, and impossible contracts.

What are the four elements required for a contract to be enforceable? ›

A contract is an agreement between parties, creating mutual obligations that are enforceable by law. The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality.

What is a common reason a valid contract becomes unenforceable? ›

An Unenforceable Contract Might Have Been Signed Under Duress. The parties to a contract should be signing it voluntarily. However, one party might force another person to sign a contract. The act of forcing someone to do something they ordinarily would not do is duress.

How to get out of an unfair contract? ›

You can get out of a binding contract under certain circ*mstances. There are seven key ways you can get out of contracts: mutual consent, breach of contract, contract rescission, unconscionability, impossibility of performance, contract expiration, and voiding a contract.

What makes a contract void? ›

Lack of capacity: If a party to the contract cannot understand the contract, such as a minor or person under the influence of alcohol, the contract may be void. Lack of assent: Contracts must have a genuine agreement. If a contract is formed under duress or threats, undue influence, or fraud, it's generally void.

Does a written contract hold up in court? ›

Any written or verbal agreement between two or more parties can be legally enforced in court. However, absent a legally binding document, accurately determining an oral agreement's terms could be challenging, especially if the parties' recollections or interpretations diverge significantly over time.

What are the 7 essential elements of a contract? ›

What are the essential elements of a contract? There are seven essential elements an agreement must have to be considered a valid contract. The elements of a contract include identification, offer, acceptance, consideration, meeting of the minds, competency and capacity, and contract legality.

What makes a contract legally invalid? ›

If the subject matter is illegal, the contract will not be valid. All terms of your contract must not contravene any federal or state law. If the formation or performance of the contract will require a party to break the law, the contract is invalid.

What type of contract is not legally enforceable? ›

Generally, contracts are void because the subject matter is not legal or one of the contracting parties does not have the competency to contract. For example, a contract to commit a crime is void and cannot be enforced.

Which type of lack of capacity is easiest to prove? ›

Mental incapacity or incompetence refers to a person's inability to enter into a contract due to mental illness or intoxication and is the easiest to prove as a lack of capacity.

How to make a legal contract without a lawyer? ›

Contracts have three essential elements: an offer, an acceptance of that offer, and sufficient “consideration,” or what each party will “get” out of the contract. The contract should be written in such a way that the parties involved clearly understand the contract without an attorney to interpret it.

What does an enforceable contract always require? ›

A contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties in which they agree to each other's rights and responsibilities. Offer, acceptance, awareness, consideration, and capacity are the five elements of an enforceable contract.

What is not required for a contract to be enforceable? ›

Final answer: The condition that is not required for a contract to be enforceable is that the contract must be in writing and notarized. The other conditions (agreement to identical terms, specific offer and acceptance, and no coercion in signing) are necessary.

What is required for implied contracts to be enforceable? ›

For an implied-in-fact contract, there must be an offer, an acceptance of the offer, mutual agreement, and consideration. The terms and execution of the agreement will be evidenced by the behavior of the parties involved. For an implied-in-law contract, circ*mstances form the contract, rather than intent.

What makes a contract not legally binding? ›

Parties must voluntarily consent to be bound by the agreement without coercion or intimidation. If any party was compelled to enter into the contract against their will, it will invalidate the contract. To determine whether there is duress, you'll look at the effect of the action on the person's state of mind.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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