Understanding the 2022 eCPM Drop in Mobile Gaming (2024)

The year 2022 was a tumultuous one for the world economy, with a number of factors contributing to a volatile market. From geopolitical conflicts and inflation to the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses in a variety of industries were forced to adapt and make adjustments in order to remain competitive. The mobile gaming industry was no exception and experienced a significant drop in eCPM (effective cost per thousand impressions) due to these challenges.

In this blog post, we will analyze how the eCPM compares in 2022 and 2021 and explore the impact that these events have had on the ad monetization industry. By gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges we’re facing, we can better appreciate the steps that must be taken to ensure its continued growth and success in the years to come.

Mobile Game Monetization in 2022: Navigating the eCPM Decline

Understanding the 2022 eCPM Drop in Mobile Gaming (1)

In the last six months, we've shared two posts on the eCPM trend due to the interest our clients and other developers have shown in the topic. Their interest comes as no surprise, as eCPM is one factor developers looking to monetize their users with ads and purchases cannot control.

In our last article on eCPM trends, we covered some basics, including:

• What is eCPM?

• Consistent factors influencing eCPM.

• How developers can include their eCPMs.

• Factors that affect eCPM outside the developer’s control.

Therefore, we will skip these now and refer you to our previous article. Instead, we will address the concerns we hear from clients and colleagues.

How We Structured Our Study

The data in this report is separated per ad format, platform, and country. The following are some guidelines we tried to follow as much as possible when analyzing the data in order to keep the insights useful and meaningful for you:

• We did not analyze games whose scale was too small or drastically changed during the period. As a measure of scale, we look at daily ad impressions (driven by DAU changes).

• We also omitted games if the UA changed drastically (due to sources or budgets).

• We also excluded games from the analysis if other special circ*mstances were present (longer outages of specific ad networks, etc.).

With all these factors in mind, we are able to share insights about eCPM for:

• Games downloaded via Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

• Rewarded video ads and interstitial ads.

• United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, and Mexico.

The games we used for analysis are running on different mediation platforms (LevelPlay by ironSource, MAX by Applovin, and FairBid by Fyber) and using various networks, but common ones being AdMob by Google, Audience Network by Meta, UnityAds, ironSource, and Applovin. Many of the games are using additional ad networks, such as Liftoff (Vungle), DT Exchange (Fyber), etc.

How Does eCPM in 2022 Compare to 2021?

The main question on your mind has to be: “Did eCPM really decline in 2022?”

Sadly, the answer is yes.

As we highlighted in the title, eCPMs declined in 2022 compared to 2021 based on everything we checked.

What did we learn in 2022? eCPMs have decreased across:

Both iOS and Android. However, iOS saw a bigger decrease than Android.

Rewarded ads and interstitials. We did not have enough data to analyze banner ads. However, rewarded video ads were more affected than interstitial ads.

Different countries. Internationally, eCPMs have decreased more than in the U.S.

Were Some Games Affected More Than Others?

While we were trying to find patterns based on the game genre and how their revenue was split between ads and IAPs, we could not find any. Interestingly, one thing did come up: games with higher eCPMs to begin with experienced a greater decrease than games with lower eCPMs.

The table below shows the average eCPM of six different games (various genres), rewarded video ads, Android, United States. We are sharing the average absolute eCPM and the % decrease in eCPM for 2021 and 2022. It almost perfectly demonstrates our point (apart from Game 4, which should have decreased more).

We observed similar behavior in other countries as well (and on iOS as well). Since we observed such a long time frame for insights, we did not have enough data to verify our findings for interstitials and banner ads.

As shown in the table above, asking "What is a good eCPM?" makes no sense regardless of platform, ad format, or country (as we specified above).

Even though all the games above have well-optimized waterfalls and have competitive setups, eCPM varies from $16.2 to $68.1 due to a complex set of factors.

How Does the eCPM Compare Between December and January?

The high eCPMs we enjoy in December are typically short-lived, followed by a decrease in eCPMs in January. Ad monetization managers know this. However, this year it feels as if the drop was more significant. Do we have the data to support this?

In short, we do not.

Based on the data we have, it appears that the above statement is not true. We found games that experienced a sharper decrease in eCPM from December 2022 to January 2023 than from December 2021 and January 2022. Nevertheless, there were many instances (not just a few exceptions) where eCPMs decreased less for both rewarded videos and interstitial ads.

While we heard several complaints that banner eCPMs dropped dramatically in January 2023, our data indicates that this is no different than what occurred a year earlier. We can see the following by looking at a specific game's banner eCPM on iOS and Android in the United States for the selected month.

According to our data, banner eCPMs have fallen the most (versus rewarded video or interstitial ads), which makes sense since banners are more dependent on brand advertising than the other two formats.

Month-On-Month eCPM Analysis

Similarly to our previous post about eCPM trends, we are sharing month-over-month changes for ten different games.

The biggest drop in a single month for each game is different. You can see the exact values in the table below. The worst drop in a month for each game is marked in red.

Some games even experienced the biggest month-on-month drop in November or December, typically the strongest months of the year, especially when brand advertising budgets increase. According to Appodeal's latest report, many tier 1 countries saw a decrease in eCPM between November and December.

While we could not identify any periods of greater drops last time, we can now clearly see that most games had their biggest declines in the first half of the year.

Taking one more look at the table above (and also the absolute $ values behind it), we see that the eCPM is lower in:

• December 2022 than in January 2022.

• Q4 2022 than in Q1 2022.

• Q4 2022 than in Q3 2022.

Although the above comparisons may not be your first choice, it just proves that the decline in eCPMs in 2022 was so strong and widespread that even unorthodox, unfair comparisons like this couldn't deny it.

We were able to verify this on Android, Rewarded video, and the United States too.

There are a lot of changes in the market, so all of the predictions for 2022 were probably overestimated by at least 20%. Needless to say, 2022 was not easy on ad monetization managers and their respective companies.

What Should We Learn From The 2022 eCPM Drop?

The 2022 eCPM drop is indicative of the ever-evolving nature of ad monetization, and understanding this can help developers stay ahead of the curve. It's important to be aware of current trends so developers and ad monetization managers can be prepared to adjust their strategies accordingly.

Here are the main lessons we learned from this drop:

Wider context matters. In 2022, a great deal happened that affected economies around the world. The gaming industry is no exception. The ad monetization industry is no exception. It would be unrealistic to expect either to be immune to macroeconomic factors or trends.

It doesn't mean we should give up. Optimizing the performance (both in-game and on the mediation side) will likely help to stabilize or reduce the decline in revenue, if not grow it.

Diversify your ad revenue stream. Rewarded video ads, for example, have been impacted more than interstitial ads. If you haven't diversified your ad revenue streams, you may want to reconsider.

Soften the blow by adding more ad networks to your mediation. While we couldn't provide hard data to support this claim, having more networks in the mediation increases its resistance to downfall. You might want to test some ad networks you haven't used before if you don't have extreme crash and ANR rates, and developer time is not limited. By tapping into additional demand pockets, you might gain an advantage over the trend.

How Can You Navigate the eCPM Decline?

Understanding the 2022 eCPM Drop in Mobile Gaming (2)

The eCPM drop in 2022 was a challenge for the mobile gaming industry, but it also presented an opportunity for developers to reevaluate and refine their ad monetization strategies. Even though gaming accounted for 69,02% of advertising traffic on App Store and 55,58% on Google Play, according to this report by Apptica, the larger factors at play influenced the noticeable eCPM decline. By understanding these factors, developers can take proactive steps to minimize losses and ensure the long-term success of their games.

One solution to this challenge is to seek out expert support from ad monetization services such as GameBiz Consulting. With our expertise in the field, we can help developers make informed decisions about ad placement, targeting, and optimization. By working with GameBiz Consulting, developers can tap into the extensive industry knowledge and resources needed to design and implement effective ad monetization strategies

Understanding the 2022 eCPM Drop in Mobile Gaming (2024)


What is the average eCPM mobile game? ›

Full-Screen Ads eCPM in Mobile Apps & Games

For iOS, values ranged from $12.71 in March to $13.23 in June, while Android saw values from $12.00 in April to $12.51 in June. Takeaway: Developers should leverage this consistency by maintaining high ad quality and frequency to maximize revenue.

Why is eCPM dropping? ›

Common reasons eCPM might be lower than your Min CPM

For example, the user closes the browser window before the ad is rendered, a JavaScript error occurs, or a user fails to interact with an interactive ad.

How big is the mobile gaming market in 2022? ›

Global mobile gaming market size was valued at USD 100.96 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 118.22 billion in 2023 to USD 417.99 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 17.1% in the forecast period (2024-2031). Increased government support has accelerated advancements in the local gaming sector.

Is mobile gaming slowing down? ›

According to data.ai, the size of the video game industry in 2022 amounted to $193 billion, a 5% decrease from the 2021 figures. Another "novelty" was that the leader of the fall was the mobile games segment which comprised more than half of the overall gaming industry and declined by almost 7%.

What is a good eCPM value? ›

eCPMs differ a lot depending on where the ad is placed (above the fold or below the fold), your traffic geography (tier one such US, UK tend to be higher), seasonality, site speed, user engagement, and even your niche. In general for a publisher monetizing with display ads, one can expect an eCPM range of $4 – $10.

How can I increase my eCPM rate? ›

How to Increase eCPM?
  1. Become a part of more than one ad network. ...
  2. Work on your traffic. ...
  3. Experiment with ad formats. ...
  4. Improve ad viewability. ...
  5. Experiment with layouts. ...
  6. Enhance user experience. ...
  7. Optimize your website. ...
  8. Try a supply-side platform.
Jul 2, 2024

How to interpret eCPM? ›

Key takeaways
  1. eCPM stands for effective cost per mille. ...
  2. To calculate eCPM, take your total earnings, divide it by your total number of impressions, and multiply by 1000.
  3. A higher eCPM means ads are effective at engaging users and driving conversions – so publishers can charge more for the space.

Which country has the best eCPM? ›

As of June 2022, the United States was the market with the highest effective cost-per-mile (eCPM) for in-app banner ads in Android apps, reaching 0.61 U.S. dollars. Canada ranked second, with a reported eCPM of 0.45 U.S. dollars, while Australia ranked third with 0.41 U.S. dollars.

What influences eCPM? ›

There are many different aspects that affect eCPMs, including ad placement, location, seasonality, site speed, user engagement, advertising format, etc.

Is mobile gaming still growing? ›

Despite PlayStation and Xbox seeming to dominate the gaming landscape, it is, in fact, mobile gaming that makes up for most video game revenue. This dominance isn't expected to end anytime soon, with predictions for mobile gaming to grow 13.55% annually until 2030.

What is the mobile gaming market prediction? ›

The market is anticipated to demonstrate a 5.98% annual growth rate (CAGR 2024-2029), leading to a market volume of US$132.00bn by 2029. The number of users in the Mobile Games market market is projected to reach 2.4bn users by 2029.

What gaming platform makes the most money? ›

Mobile games generated the most revenue for the global gaming industry at $92.2 billion in 2022. Console games also generated a significant amount – $51.8 billion of revenue. Downloaded PC games and browser PC games generated $38.2 billion and $2.3 billion in revenue respectively.

Why do most mobile games fail? ›

"Many mobile game developers are finding it hard to remain profitable in the face of challenges such as ATT, heavy competition in a mature mobile market, and macroeconomic conditions like high inflation."

What is the main problem with mobile games? ›

These include small screen size, limited memory, network issues, infrastructure, language barriers, and security concerns such as authenticity, confidentiality, and privacy .

Are mobile games losing popularity? ›

A decrease in downloads in the field of mobile games, which is related to the previous point. Users are becoming more demanding, and developers can no longer count on the wow effect of simply releasing a game. Popular games continue to be major players and revenue generators for the market.

Is $3 CPM good? ›

What is a good cost per thousand? It all depends on your industry, advertising budget, and CPM pricing model, but the average online advertising cost per thousand impressions an advertiser pays would be around $3-$10. if you pay less than $3 for one thousand impressions, you probably have a pretty good CPM.

What is a good ARPU for a mobile game? ›

In general, though, a “good” ARPU is a number that's higher than your cost per conversion. In other words, if it costs your app $2 to acquire a new paying customer, your ARPU should be $2 or more.

How much does the average mobile game earn? ›

Mobile game apps can generate average earnings ranging between $10 and $200 per day through advertisem*nts. And that's a conservative estimate for an app with only 1,000 active users.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.