UDP Scan (-sU) | Nmap Network Scanning (2024)

  • Nmap Network Scanning
  • Chapter5.Port Scanning Techniques and Algorithms
  • UDP Scan (-sU)

UDP Scan (-sU)

While most popular services on the Internet run over the TCPprotocol, UDP servicesare widely deployed. DNS, SNMP, and DHCP(registered ports 53, 161/162, and 67/68) are three of the mostcommon.Because UDP scanning is generally slower and more difficultthan TCP, some security auditors ignore these ports. This is a mistake, asexploitable UDP services are quite common and attackers certainlydon't ignore the whole protocol. Fortunately, Nmap can help inventoryUDP ports.

UDP scan is activated with the -sU option. Itcan be combined with a TCP scan type such as SYN scan(-sS) to check both protocols during the samerun.

UDP scan works by sending a UDP packet to everytargeted port. For most ports, this packet will be empty (no payload),but for a few of the more common ports a protocol-specific payload willbe sent.Based on the response, or lack thereof, the port isassigned to one of four states, as shown inTable5.3.

Table5.3.How Nmap interprets responses to a UDP probe

Probe ResponseAssigned State
Any UDP response from target port (unusual)open
No response received (even after retransmissions)open|filtered
ICMP port unreachable error (type 3, code 3)closed
Other ICMP unreachable errors (type 3, code 1, 2, 9, 10, or 13)filtered

The most curious element of this table may be theopen|filtered state.It is a symptom of thebiggest challenges with UDP scanning: open ports rarely respond to emptyprobes. Those ports for which Nmap has a protocol-specific payload aremore likely to get a response and be marked open, butfor the rest, the target TCP/IP stack simply passes the empty packet upto a listening application, which usually discards itimmediately as invalid. If ports in all other states would respond,then open ports could all be deduced by elimination. Unfortunately,firewalls and filtering devices are also known todrop packets without responding. So when Nmap receives no response afterseveral attempts, it cannot determine whether the port isopen or filtered. When Nmap wasreleased, filtering devices were rare enough that Nmap could (and did)simply assume that the port was open. The Internetis better guarded now, so Nmap changed in 2004 (version3.70) to report non-responsive UDP ports asopen|filtered instead. We can see that in Example5.4, which shows Ereet scanninga Linux box named Felix.

Example5.4.UDP scan example

krad# nmap -sU -v felixStarting Nmap ( https://nmap.org )Nmap scan report for felix.nmap.org ( 997 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)PORT STATE SERVICE53/udp open|filtered domain67/udp open|filtered dhcpserver111/udp open|filtered rpcbindMAC Address: 00:02:E3:14:11:02 (Lite-on Communications)Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 999.25 seconds

This scan of Felix demonstrates theopen|filtered ambiguity issue as well as anotherproblem: UDP scanning can be slow. Scanning athousand ports took almost 17 minutes in this case due to ICMP response rate limiting performed by Felix and most other Linux systems. Nmap providesways to work around both problems, as described by the following two sections.

Distinguishing Open from Filtered UDP Ports

In the case of the Felix scan, all but the threeopen|filtered ports were closed.So the scan was still successful in narrowing down potentially openports to a handful. That is not always the case. Example5.5 shows a UDP scan againstthe heavily filtered site Scanme.

Example5.5.UDP scan example

krad# nmap -sU -T4 scanme.nmap.orgStarting Nmap ( https://nmap.org )All 1000 scanned ports on scanme.nmap.org ( are open|filteredNmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.50 seconds

In this case, the scan didn't narrow down the open ports at all.All 1000 are open|filtered. A new strategy iscalled for.

Table5.3, “How Nmap interprets responses to a UDP probe” showsthat the open|filtered state occurs when Nmap failsto receive any responses from its UDP probes to a particular port.Yet it also shows that, on rare occasions, the UDP servicelistening on a port will respond in kind, proving that the port isopen. The reason these services don't respond often is that the emptypackets Nmap sends are considered invalid. Unfortunately, UDP servicesgenerally define their own packet structure rather than adhering tosome common general format that Nmap could always send. An SNMPpacket looks completely different than a SunRPC, DHCP, or DNS requestpacket.

To send the proper packet for every popular UDP service, Nmapwould need a large database defining their probe formats.Fortunately, Nmap has that in the form ofnmap-service-probes,which is part of the service andversion detection subsystem described in Chapter7, Service and Application Version Detection.

When version scanning is enabled with -sV (or-A), it will send UDP probes to everyopen|filtered port (as well as knownopen ones). If any of the probes elicit a response from an open|filtered port, the state ischanged to open. The results of adding-sV to the Felix scan are shown in Example5.6.

Example5.6.Improving Felix's UDP scan results with version detection

krad# nmap -sUV -F felix.nmap.orgStarting Nmap ( https://nmap.org )Nmap scan report for felix.nmap.org ( shown: 997 closed portsPORT STATE SERVICE VERSION53/udp open domain ISC BIND 9.2.167/udp open|filtered dhcpserver111/udp open rpcbind 2 (rpc #100000)MAC Address: 00:02:E3:14:11:02 (Lite-on Communications)Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1037.57 seconds

This new scan shows that port 111 and 53 are definitely open.The system isn't perfect though—port 67 is stillopen|filtered. In this particular case, the portis open but Nmap does not have a working version probe for DHCP.Another tough service is SNMP, which usually only responds when thecorrect community string is given. Many devices are configured withthe community string public, but not all are.While these results aren't perfect, learning the true state of two outof three tested ports is still helpful.

After the success in disambiguating Felix results,Ereetturns his attention back to Scanme, which listed all ports as open|filtered last time. He tries again with version detection, as shown in Example5.7.

Example5.7.Improving Scanme's UDP scan results with version detection

krad# nmap -sUV -T4 scanme.nmap.orgStarting Nmap ( https://nmap.org )Nmap scan report for scanme.nmap.org ( shown: 999 open|filtered portsPORT STATE SERVICE VERSION53/udp open domain ISC BIND 9.3.4Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3691.89 seconds

UDP Scan (-sU) | Nmap Network Scanning (1)Tip

While Ereet eventually found the open port, he made a mistake in not updating his Nmap version first. Nmap version 5.10BETA1 and newer have a payload system which sends proper service protocol requests to more than three dozen well known UDP ports if they are selected for port scanning or host discovery. While it isn't as comprehensive as version detection, it would have quickly identified the open port 53 in Example5.5.

This result took an hour, versus five seconds for the previousScanme scan, but these results are actually useful. Ereet's smilewidens and eyes sparkle at this evidence of an open ISC BINDnameserver on a machine he wants to compromise. That software has a longhistory of security holes, so perhaps he can find a flaw in thisrecent version.

Ereet will focus his UDP attacks on port 53 since it isconfirmed open, but he does not forget about the other 999 ports listed asopen|filtered. As we witnessed withthe dhcpserver port on Felix, certain open UDP services can hide evenfrom Nmap version detection. He has also only scanned the default ports sofar, there are 64529 others that could possibly be open. For therecord, 53 is the only open UDP port on Scanme.

While this version detection technique is the only way for Nmapto automatically disambiguate open|filtered ports,there are a couple tricks that can be tried manually. Sometimes aspecialized traceroute can help. You could do a traceroute against aknown-open TCP or UDP port with Nmap or a tool such asNping.Then try the same againstthe questionable UDP port. Differences in hop counts candifferentiate open from filtered ports. Ereet attempts this againstScanme in Example5.8. The first command does a UDP traceroute againstknown-open port 53. The second command does the same thing againstpresumed-closed port 54. The first few hops have been omitted to save space.

Example5.8.Attempting to disambiguate UDP ports with TTL discrepancies

krad# nping --udp --traceroute -c 13 -p 53 scanme.nmap.orgStarting Nping ( https://nmap.org/nping )SENT (7.0370s) UDP > ttl=8 id=4826 iplen=28RCVD (7.1010s) ICMP > TTL=0 during transit (type=11/code=0) ttl=248 id=38454 iplen=56SENT (8.0400s) UDP > ttl=9 id=38166 iplen=28RCVD (8.1050s) ICMP > TTL=0 during transit (type=11/code=0) ttl=247 id=39583 iplen=56SENT (9.0420s) UDP > ttl=10 id=6788 iplen=28RCVD (9.1080s) ICMP > TTL=0 during transit (type=11/code=0) ttl=246 id=59897 iplen=56SENT (10.0440s) UDP > ttl=11 id=366 iplen=28RCVD (10.1100s) ICMP > TTL=0 during transit (type=11/code=0) ttl=243 id=42710 iplen=56SENT (11.0470s) UDP > ttl=12 id=63478 iplen=28SENT (12.0490s) UDP > ttl=13 id=56653 iplen=28Max rtt: 73.003ms | Min rtt: 0.540ms | Avg rtt: 48.731msRaw packets sent: 13 (364B) | Rcvd: 10 (560B) | Lost: 3 (23.08%)Tx time: 12.02836s | Tx bytes/s: 30.26 | Tx pkts/s: 1.08Rx time: 13.02994s | Rx bytes/s: 42.98 | Rx pkts/s: 0.77Nping done: 1 IP address pinged in 13.05 secondskrad# nping --udp --traceroute -c 13 -p 54 scanme.nmap.orgStarting Nping ( https://nmap.org/nping )SENT (7.0370s) UDP > ttl=8 id=56481 iplen=28RCVD (7.1130s) ICMP > TTL=0 during transit (type=11/code=0) ttl=248 id=22437 iplen=56SENT (8.0400s) UDP > ttl=9 id=23264 iplen=28RCVD (8.1060s) ICMP > TTL=0 during transit (type=11/code=0) ttl=247 id=50214 iplen=56SENT (9.0430s) UDP > ttl=10 id=9101 iplen=28RCVD (9.1070s) ICMP > TTL=0 during transit (type=11/code=0) ttl=246 id=880 iplen=56SENT (10.0450s) UDP > ttl=11 id=35344 iplen=28RCVD (10.1110s) ICMP > TTL=0 during transit (type=11/code=0) ttl=243 id=44617 iplen=56SENT (11.0470s) UDP > ttl=12 id=53857 iplen=28SENT (12.0490s) UDP > ttl=13 id=986 iplen=28Max rtt: 76.488ms | Min rtt: 0.546ms | Avg rtt: 48.480msRaw packets sent: 13 (364B) | Rcvd: 11 (616B) | Lost: 2 (15.38%)Tx time: 12.02908s | Tx bytes/s: 30.26 | Tx pkts/s: 1.08Rx time: 13.03165s | Rx bytes/s: 47.27 | Rx pkts/s: 0.84Nping done: 1 IP address pinged in 13.05 seconds

In this example,Ereetwas only able to reach hop eleven of boththe open and closed ports. So these results can't be used todistinguish port states against this host. It was worth a try, anddoes work in a significant number of cases. It is more likely to workin situations where the screeningfirewallis at least a hop or two before the target host. Scanme, on the otherhand, is running its own Linuxiptableshost-based firewall. So there is no difference in hop countbetween filtered and open ports.

Another technique is to try application-specific tools againstcommon ports. For example, a brute force SNMP community stringcracker could be tried against port 161. As Nmap's version detectionprobe database grows, the need to augment its results with externalspecialized tools is reduced. They will still be useful for specialcases, such as SNMP devices with a custom community string.

Speeding Up UDP Scans

The other big challenge with UDP scanning is doing it quickly.Open and filtered ports rarely send any response, leaving Nmap to timeout and then conduct retransmissions just in case the probe orresponse were lost. Closed ports are often an even bigger problem.They usually send back an ICMP port unreachable error. But unlike theRST packets sent by closed TCP ports in response to a SYN or connectscan, many hosts rate limit ICMP port unreachable messages by default.Linux and Solaris are particularly strict aboutthis.For example, theLinux 2.4.20 kernel on Felix limits destination unreachable messages to one persecond (in net/ipv4/icmp.c). This explains whythe scan in Example5.4, “UDP scan example” is so slow.

Nmap detects rate limiting and slows down accordingly to avoidflooding the network with useless packets that the target machine willdrop. Unfortunately, a Linux-style limit of one packet per secondmakes a 65,536-port scan take more than 18 hours. Here are somesuggestions for improving UDP scan performance. Also read Chapter6, Optimizing Nmap Performance for more detailed discussion and general advice.

Increase host parallelism

If Nmap receives just one port unreachable error from a single target host per second, it could receive 100/second just by scanning 100 such hosts at once. Implement this by passing a large value (such as 100) to --min-hostgroup.

Scan popular ports first

Very few UDP port numbers are commonly used. A scan of the most common 100 UDP ports (using the -F option) will finish quickly. You can then investigate those results while you launch a multi-day 65K-port sweep of the network in the background.

Add --version-intensity 0 to version detection scans

As mentioned in the previous section, version detection (-sV) is often needed to differentiate open from filtered UDP ports. Version detection is relatively slow since it involves sending a large number of application protocol-specific probes to every open or open|filtered port found on the target machines. Specifying --version-intensity 0 directs Nmap to try only the probes most likely to be effective against a given port number. It does this by using data from the nmap-service-probes file. The performance impact of this option is substantial, as will be demonstrated later in this section.

Scan from behind the firewall

As with TCP, packet filters can slow down scans dramatically. Many modern firewalls make setting packet rate limits easy. If you can bypass that problem by launching the scan from behind the firewall rather than across it, do so.

Use --host-timeout to skip slow hosts

ICMP-rate-limited hosts can take orders of magnitude more time to scan than those that respond to every probe with a quick destination unreachable packet. Specifying a maximum scan time (such as 15m for 15 minutes) causes Nmap to give up on individual hosts if it hasn't completed scanning them in that much time. This allows you to scan all of the responsive hosts quickly. You can then work on the slow hosts in the background.

Use -v and chill out

With verbosity (-v) enabled, Nmap provides estimated time for scan completion of each host. There is no need to watch it closely. Get some sleep, head to your favorite pub, read a book, finish other work, or otherwise amuse yourself while Nmap tirelessly scans on your behalf.

A perfect example of the need to optimize UDP scans isExample5.7, “Improving Scanme's UDP scan results with version detection”. The scan obtainedthe desired data, but it took more than an hour to scan this one host!In Example5.9,Ereet runs that scanagain. This time he adds the -F --version-intensity 0options and the hour long scan is reduced to 13 seconds! Yet the samekey information (an ISC Bind daemon running on port 53) isdetected.

Example5.9.Optimizing UDP Scan Time

krad# nmap -sUV -T4 -F --version-intensity 0 scanme.nmap.orgStarting Nmap ( https://nmap.org )Nmap scan report for scanme.nmap.org ( shown: 99 open|filtered portsPORT STATE SERVICE VERSION53/udp open domain ISC BIND 9.3.4Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 12.92 seconds

UDP Scan (-sU) | Nmap Network Scanning (2024)


What is UDP scanning? ›

UDP scanning is a process in which we scan for the UDP services that are being deployed on the target system or are currently in a running state. UDP is a connectionless protocol, hence it is hard to probe as compared to TCP.

How to do UDP scan in Nmap? ›

UDP scan is activated with the -sU option. It can be combined with a TCP scan type such as SYN scan ( -sS ) to check both protocols during the same run. UDP scan works by sending a UDP packet to every targeted port.

Why is UDP scanning difficult? ›

A big challenge with UDP scanning is doing it quickly. Open and filtered ports rarely send any response, leaving Nmap to time out and then conduct retransmissions just in case the probe or response were lost. Closed ports are often an even bigger problem. They usually send back an ICMP port unreachable error.

What is UDP usually used for? ›

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) refers to a protocol used for communication throughout the internet. It is specifically chosen for time-sensitive applications like gaming, playing videos, or Domain Name System (DNS) lookups.

How does UDP response work? ›

UDP uses a simple connectionless communication model with a minimum of protocol mechanisms. UDP provides checksums for data integrity, and port numbers for addressing different functions at the source and destination of the datagram.

What ports are most often scanned by hackers? ›

Commonly hacked TCP port numbers include port 21 (FTP), port 22 (SSH), port 23 (Telnet), port 25 (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol or SMTP), port 110 (POP3), and port 443 (HTTP and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure or HTTPS).

What is network scanning? ›

Network scanning is a procedure for identifying active devices on a network by employing a feature or features in the network protocol to signal to devices and await a response.

Is port scanning illegal? ›

Fundamentally, it is not a crime to conduct a port scan in the United States or the European Union. This means that it isn't criminalized at the state, federal, or local levels. However, the issue of consent can still cause legal problems for unauthorized port scans and vulnerability scans.

What is Nmap sU? ›

nmap -sU <target> The -sU option is used to perform a UDP scan on a <target> . It can be combined with any TCP scan type. For example, a stealth (SYN) scan ( -sS ) checks for UDP and TCP ports in the same run.

What is UDP Ping scan? ›

Ping scans are used to determine if a host is responding and can be considered online. UDP ping scans have the advantage of being capable of detecting systems behind firewalls with strict TCP filtering leaving the UDP traffic forgotten.

What is an example of UDP traffic? ›

Examples include Voice over IP (VoIP), online games, and media streaming. Speed – UDP's speed makes it useful for query-response protocols such as DNS, in which data packets are small and transactional.

Why can UDP scans be unreliable? ›

UDP does not provide error correction and is therefore an unreliable protocol. In other words, delivery of packets is not guaranteed. UDP datagrams are transmitted without provision for an acknowledgment. Because there is no virtual connection between sender and receiver, UDP is also said to be connectionless.

What is the difference between TCP scan and UDP scan? ›

While most popular services on the Internet run over the TCP protocol, UDP services are widely deployed. DNS, SNMP, and DHCP (registered ports 53, 161/162, and 67/68) are three of the most common. Because UDP scanning is generally slower and more difficult than TCP, some security auditors ignore these ports.

What is the weakness of UDP? ›

Disadvantages of UDP

It's connectionless, which makes data transfer unreliable. There's no system in place to acknowledge a successful data transfer. There's no way to know if data is delivered in its original state, or at all. It has no error control, so it drops packets when errors are detected.

What is the difference between TCP and UDP scanning? ›

TCP vs UDP: Differences between the protocols. The main difference between TCP (transmission control protocol) and UDP (user datagram protocol) is that TCP is a connection-based protocol and UDP is connectionless. While TCP is more reliable, it transfers data more slowly. UDP is less reliable but works more quickly.

What are the advantages of UDP scan? ›

Unlike TCP scanning, which establishes a connection with the target system, UDP scanning works without a handshake process. This makes UDP scanning faster but less reliable.

What is an UDP ping scan? ›

Ping scans are used to determine if a host is responding and can be considered online. UDP ping scans have the advantage of being capable of detecting systems behind firewalls with strict TCP filtering leaving the UDP traffic forgotten.

What is TCP UDP port scanning? ›

A port scanner sends a UDP or TCP network packet that asks the port about its status. The results will uncover network or server status, which can be one of the following: open, closed and filtered.

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