Types of Stocks in Canada (2024)

In This Article

  • 1. Common stock
  • 2. Preferred stock
  • 3. Large-cap stocks
  • Top large-cap stocks:
  • 4. Mid-cap stocks
  • Top mid-cap stocks:
  • 5. Small-cap stocks
  • Top small-cap stocks:
  • 6. Microcap stocks
  • 7. Mega-cap stocks
  • 8. Domestic stocks
  • Top domestic stocks:
  • 9. International stocks
  • Top international stocks:
  • 10. Growth stocks
  • Top growth stocks:
  • 11. Value stocks
  • Top value stocks:
  • 12. IPO stocks
  • Recent IPO stocks:
  • 13. Dividend stocks
  • Top dividend stocks:
  • 14. Non-dividend stocks
  • 15. Income stocks
  • 16. Cyclical stocks
  • Top cyclical stocks:
  • 17. Non-cyclical stocks
  • Top non-cyclical stocks:
  • 18. Safe stocks
  • Top safe stocks:
  • 19. ESG stocks
  • Top ESG stocks:
  • 20. Blue chip stocks
  • Top blue chip stocks:
  • 21. Penny stocks
  • Top penny stocks:

­Investing in the stock markethas historically been one of the most significant ways to build wealth over the long-term. As you begin to research different stocks, you’ll inevitably come across concepts like “diversification” and “asset allocation,” both of which encourage you to spread your investment dollars across numerous industries and markets.

Part of learning how to diversify wisely is learning the different types of stocks, each of which comes with varying levels of risk and reward. Though on a basic level, stocks come in two types, common and preferred, on a much deeper level they can be separated into 21 different categories:

1. Common stock

When you hear investors talking about stocks, they’re most likely talking about “common stock.” Common stock represents partial ownership in a company. As a common stockholder, you get certain voting privileges, as well as a claim on some of the company’s profits (if they pay out dividends).

With common stock, you have unlimited upside potential, as stock values theoretically have no ceilings. On the flip side, if a company goes bankrupt and liquidates, you risk losing your entire investment. Any money the company has will go to creditors, bondholders, and preferred stockholders first. Once those three groups are paid off, you might receive something for your shares, though, more often than not, your shares will become worthless.

But that’s only in the extreme example of bankruptcy and liquidation. More likely, the value of your common stocks will go up and down, following the company’s performance and assets, trends in the stock market, and investor demand.

Because the upside is unlimited, the value of common stocks have the potential to double or triple, sometimes doing so several times over long periods of time. For this reason, common stocks are better for investors who are looking for long-term growth, rather than generating income now.

2. Preferred stock

Preferred stock works differently than common stock. It doesn’t represent partial ownership in a company, meaning you don’t have voting rights, and the value of your preferred stock doesn’t appreciate as the company becomes more profitable and grows.

Rather,preferred stocksare a form of fixed-income security. They entitle shareholders to a set dividend payment, which the companies then pay out at regular intervals. Dividends on preferred stocks are usually higher than those on common stocks, and, in the event of a bankruptcy or a tough financial time, preferred stockholders will receive their payout before common stockholders. Hence the “preferred” in the title.

Preferred stocks are great for investors who want to generate income, not growth. The yield on a preferred stock could change overtime, usually in response to a change in the benchmark interest rate. Unlike common stocks, however, the value of your preferred stock won’t grow substantially over time.

3. Large-cap stocks

Large-cap stocks are companies with market capitalizations of $10 billion or more. Recall thatmarket capitalizationrefers to the total value of a company’s stock. For instance, if a company has 30 million outstanding shares, with each one worth $100, then we’d say that company has a market cap of $30 billion (30 million x $100), and we would consider it a large-cap stock.

Large-cap stocks are typically leaders in their respective industries. They’re often companies with household names, and they typically pay out dividends, too. Because of their size, large-caps are considered safer investments, as it’s unlikely the company’s stock value will tank considerably. With added security, however, comes a limited upside, as many large-caps have reached a point where they won’t grow exponentially.

Top large-cap stocks:

Royal Bank of Canada(TSX:RY)The largest bank in Canada by market cap.
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TSX:TD)Largest Canadian bank by assets ($1.73 trillion)
Enbridge Inc.(TSX:ENB) North America’s largest natural gas utility with the world’s longest crude oil transportation system (17,809 miles).

4. Mid-cap stocks

Mid-cap stocks are companies with a market cap between $2 and $10 billion. Because they’re smaller than large-caps, mid-caps have more potential for growth. At the same time, they could be riskier, as they don’t have the same capital investment as large caps to fall back on.

Many mid-caps are growing companies that continue to push out exciting products and innovative research. Some, however, are former large-caps that have fallen back into the mid-cap range. Others, on the other hand, are leaders in their respective markets, but their markets are so small, they’re struggling to grow any bigger.

Top mid-cap stocks:

West Fraser Timber Co. (TSX:WFG) Major producer of diversified wood products in Canada.
Descartes Systems Group (TSX:DSG) Software developer that helps companies with supply chain management.
Air Canada(TSX:AC) Canada’s largest airline and founding member of Star Alliance.

5. Small-cap stocks

Small-cap stocks are companies with a market capitalization between $300 million and $2 billion. Small-caps are often young startups with a potential for growth but less stability than mid-caps and large-caps.

Because of their size, small-caps are often more volatile than larger stocks. That’s not always a bad thing, as small-caps have the potential to explode in value. Of course, for every small-cap that becomes a success, there are hundreds that don’t. If a small-cap can’t lift off the ground, it could easily fail, making them more risky than large, more stable stocks.

On the flip side, several small-caps end up becoming the stocks investors wished they had invested in when they were small. For investors who have a longer investment horizon and want more upward growth, small-caps could become a lucrative opportunity.

Top small-cap stocks:

goeasy (TSX:GSY) Financial company that offers non-prime leasing and lending services.
Birchcliff Energy (TSX: BIR) Gas company that develops natural gas.
Dream Office REIT (TSX:D.UN) Real estate investment trust that develops suburban offices.

6. Microcap stocks

Microcap stocks are even smaller than small-caps. By definition, amicrocap stockis a company with a market capitalization between $50 and $300 million.

Like small caps, microcaps are typically young startups that haven’t caught the attention of the larger market. They’re usually in an aggressive growth stage, reinvesting their shareholder’s dollars in company expansion and research development.

Because of their size, microcaps typically don’t trade on a stock exchange, like the TSX. Instead, you usually have to buy them “over-the-counter,” on the OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB) or through pink sheets.

Because they don’t trade on a stock exchange, microcaps may have less liquidity than stocks with larger market caps. In other words, you might have more difficulty trading your microcaps than other types of stocks.

Likewise, companies on pink sheets don’t always reveal information about their finances, as regulation is much looser than on a stock exchange. That, in addition to their small size, can make microcaps a risky investment.

Despite their risks, microcaps could bring you hefty gains. If you can find great microcap companies, you can get in the door before the company takes off.

7. Mega-cap stocks

Mega-caps are companies that have market capitalizations of $200 billion or higher. Like large-caps, megacaps offer more stability rather than immense growth potential. They can be great for investors who are nearing retirement, who don’t want to take on the risks of micro- to mid-cap stocks, or who want to stabilize a portfolio of more volatile investments.

Only a dozen or so companies have reached this exclusive status, and none reside in Canada. For examples of mega-stocks, you’ll have to look south of the border: Amazon, Apple, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, and Verizon.

8. Domestic stocks

Domestic stocksare Canadian companies that trade on our exchanges, such as the TSX. Domestic stocks are typically headquartered in Canada, and you’ll always see their share price in Canadian dollars.

For beginning investors, domestic stocks are a good place to start, as you’re probably more familiar with Canadian companies than with international ones.

Top domestic stocks:

Brookfield Asset Management (TSX:BAM.A)Global asset manger with $725 billion of assets.
Thomson Reuters Corporation (TSX:TRI) Leading news source and provider of accounting software.
Shopify (TSX:SHOP) Provider of an e-commerce platform to small and midsized businesses.

9. International stocks

International stocks, or foreign stocks, are stocks that trade on exchanges outside of Canada. International stocks are slightly more risky than domestic stocks, as they might require you to research and learn about foreign markets.

That said, international stocks can help you achieve greater diversification, especially since Canada’s market is only about 3% to 4% of the total world market.

Top international stocks:

Alphabet(GOOG)American holding company that includes Google.
Amazon(AMZN) The world’s largest online retailer and a large cloud service provider.
StoneCo(STNE) Provider of financial services in Brazil.

10. Growth stocks

Growth stocks are companies that are expected to grow their revenues or profits at a faster-than-average pace.Growth stocksmay have a savvy leadership, an explosive business model, or an innovation that looks to disrupt a larger market. Often they’re on the cusp of some larger trend, such as an advance in technology or a change in consumer behavior.

Because they’re often small to mid-sized companies with a sizable market opportunity, growth stocks offer investors an opportunity to earn big returns.

Of course, growth stocks have their risks, too, including an overinflated share price that bursts when the company doesn’t deliver on its promises. But if you’re okay with large price fluctuations and more risk, growth stock investing could be for you.

Top growth stocks:

Docebo (TSX:DCBO) Cloud-based learning platform.
Lightspeed POS (TSX:LSPD)SaaS software that helps retailers manage customer and inventory data.
Dye & Durham (TSX:DND)Provider of cloud-based software and technology, specifically for legal and business professionals.

11. Value stocks

Value stocksare companies that are trading for less than they’re truly worth. These companies could have had a bad quarterly report, or a temporary price cut due to a market correction. Either way, their share price is below their actual value, which makes them seem like a “discount” to perceptive investors.

Unlike growth stocks, which are usually new companies looking to grow, value stocks are typically larger, more-established companies that have slowed down. They have relatively stable revenues, steady growth rates, and they typically pay out dividends, too.

To find value stocks, investors often use valuation metrics, such P/E ratios and P/S ratios. This helps investors see if the underlying company has more intrinsic value than the share price suggests.

Top value stocks:

Shopify (TSX:SHOP)E-commerce company that helps businesses create online platforms.
CIBC(TSX:CM) Fifth largest bank in Canada.
Constellation Software (TSX:CSU) Company that develops software for public and private businesses.

12. IPO stocks

Recall that an IPO, or “initial public offer,” is when a private company goes public and begins to sell shares to investors. AnIPO stock, then, is simply an opportunity to get in on the ground floor and invest in a company whose stock shares are brand-new.

IPO stocks come in two types, those that are sold beforethe IPO happens and those that are sold after.

Those that are sold before the IPO happens are fairly exclusive. Often, your broker will need to have access to the stock, and if they don’t, you might be out of luck. If they do have access, you typically have to meet specific requirements, such as having a certain amount of money in your brokerage account or trading stocks a certain number of times per year.

If you can’t get a stock before the company’s IPO, you can always wait until the stock is available on an exchange. It might be better to wait, as you can see how the stock value holds up in the weeks and months after the IPO.

IPO stocks could present you with a lucrative opportunity to get in on the ground floor before a company explodes. But proceed with caution. Always evaluate the company before you buy its stock, and be wary of “investor hype,” as overzealous excitement can easily overinflate a company’s initial share price.

Recent IPO stocks:

DefinityFinancial (TSX:DFY)Property and casualty insurance company.
H20 Innovation Inc (TSXV:HEO)Water company that uses innovate technology to provide drinking water and clean wastewaters.
Valeo Pharma Inc. (TSE:VPH) Pharmaceutical company dedicated to innovative prescriptions.

13. Dividend stocks

Dividend stocksare stocks that pay out a portion of the company’s profits to shareholders. These payouts are usually cash, but sometimes they can be distributed in the form of shares in the company’s stock. Dividends are paid out periodically—annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly—and occasionally companies will increase their dividends.

RELATED: Top Canadian Monthly Dividend Stocks

Top dividend stocks:

Enbridge (TSX:ENB)Midstream oil company with a n annual dividend yield of 6.45%.
TransAlta Renewables Inc. (RNW:CA)Renewable energy company with an annual dividend yield of 5.59%
CIBC (CM:CA) The fifth largest bank in Canada with an annual dividend yield of 5.70%

14. Non-dividend stocks

A non-dividend stock is simply a stock that doesn’t pay a dividend. Many growth stocks and small-cap companies won’t pay out a dividend, as they typically reinvest profits and investor’s dollars into continued growth.

Even without the quarterly payout, however, non-dividend stocks can be a strong investment, as the capital appreciation on the stock can far outweigh a quarterly dividend. Even so, many companies that reach a large market capitalization end up paying out dividends to shareholders.

15. Income stocks

Income stocks are stocks that reliably pay out a dividend (income stocks are nearly synonymous with dividend stocks). While dividend stocks refer to all companies that pay out a dividend, income stocks are typically reserved for those companies that are well-established, mature, and regularly increase their dividends.

Investors who are in or near retirement will often buy income stocks to create a passive income strategy. Even if you’re not close to retirement, income stocks could be ideal for investors who want to generate cash now from their investments.

16. Cyclical stocks

When you look at the history of a national economy, you’ll see that every economy goes through periods of prosperity, as well as periods of economic slowdowns. Investors call this pattern “cyclicality.” When a stock is heavily affected by these cycles, it’s referred to as a cyclical stock.

Cyclical stockstend to perform exceptionally well during economic booms, while also performing poorly during challenging times. For instance, companies within the discretionary sector, such as airlines, hotels, retail stores, restaurants, car manufacturers, and tech companies, typically sell less products and services when money is tight. When times are good, however, these companies tend to perform very well, as people have more money to spend.

Though economic cycles can have a major impact on cyclical stocks, it’s often hard to predict just which companies will perform poorly and which won’t. For instance, the pandemic-induced recession caused bank and manufacturing stocks to decline, though because people started working from home, tech stocks performed fairly well. For that reason, it’s good to diversify your cyclical stocks, spreading your money around different industries.

Top cyclical stocks:

Suncor Energy (TSX:SU) Integrated energy company that develops oil sands as well as sells retail gas through its gas stations, PetroCanada.
Magna International (TSX:MG)Major supplier of automotive parts.
NFI Group(TSX:NFI) Canadian automobile manufacturer that’s developing zero-emission vehicles.

17. Non-cyclical stocks

Not every company is susceptible to economic cycles. Some, in fact, are relatively immune to them. We call these “non-cyclical stocks,” or defense stocks, as they tend to perform similarly during both periods of prosperity and recessions.

Examples of non-cyclical stocks include those in non-discretionary retail, such as grocery stores, drugstores, and wholesale retailers, as well as utility stocks and real estate.

Top non-cyclical stocks:

Loblaws (TSX:L)Canada’s largest retailer of groceries, pharmaceuticals, and general merchandising.
Metro Inc. (TSX:MRU) One of Canada’s most popular grocery stores.
Empire Company Limited (TSX:EMP.A) Owner of Sobeys Inc, one of the largest grocery chains in Canada.

18. Safe stocks

While no stock is 100% safe from market volatility, some stocks are safer than others. We call these stocks “safe stocks.”

Safe stocks are companies that grow their revenues year after year. They’re often relatively immune to economic cycles, and they have durable competitive advantages that all but concretize their status as an industry leader.

Because of their size and prestige, they typically have power over their rivals, and often their products and services continue to sell even in recessions.

Of course, no stock is completely immune to volatility, and safe stocks can lose value during market corrections or recessions. That said, their price movements are typically less jumpy when compared to other types of stocks, such as microcaps, small-caps, and growth stocks.

Top safe stocks:

Royal Bank of Canada (TSX:RY)Canada’s largest bank by market cap.
BCE(TSX:BCE) Canada’s largest wireless and internet provider with a heavy hand in developing 5G technology.
Waste Connections (TSX:WCN)Third-largest provider of waste and recycling services in North America.

19. ESG stocks

ESG investingis an ethical approach to investing in which you measure a company’s impact on their environment, community, shareholders, and— broadly speaking—the world, alongside their financial returns.

ESG stands for “environmental, social, and governance.” The “environmental” aspect relates to the company’s carbon footprint, as well as other green principles, such as water conservation, recycling, and proper waste disposal. The “social” aspect relates to how the company treats employees, shareholders, consumers, suppliers, and other members of the local community. And the “governance” aspect looks at the company’s leadership and business ethics.

ESG investors analyze corporate sustainability reports along with third-party ratings to decide a company’s ESG ranking. Some research suggests that companies with strong ESG principles have lower downside risk and stronger returns than non-ESG counterparts.

Top ESG stocks:

Brookfield Renewable Partners (BEP.UN:CA)Large owner and operator of clean energy assets.
IGM Financial Inc. (IGM:CA) Canada’s largest asset manager that isn’t affiliated with a bank. It’s ESG rating is 11.7, ranking it 33 out of 920 in diversified financials.
Innergex Renewable Energy (INE:CA)Independent renewable power producer with facilities in Canada, the U.S., France, and Chile.

20. Blue chip stocks

Blue chip stocks are industry-leading companies with a long tract record of success and a dependable business model. These companies have typically grown so large, they’ve become household names, and there’s little doubt in consumers’ minds that the company will go on operating.

Like large-caps,blue chipsare very stable, with little or no prospect of explosive growth. Unlike large-caps, however, which are defined by their market capitalization, blue-chips aren’t defined by any quantifiable metrics. Instead, they’re defined by more subjective characteristics, such as reputation, brand recognition, and popularity.

Because of their size, blue-chips are a fairly safe investment. Many have a history of paying out dividends, too, with those dividends increasing regularly. That said, because blue-chip stocks have reached a place of stability, they don’t offer as much growth potential as small- and mid-caps.

Top blue chip stocks:

Royal Bank of Canada(TSX:RY) Canada’s largest bank by market cap.
Fortis(TSX:FTS) Major gas and electric utilities companies.
Canadian Tire (TSX:CTC.A)Canada’s largest and most recognized retail store.

21. Penny stocks

Penny stocks are small companies whose stocks trade for $5 or less per share. Like microcaps and small-caps, penny stock companies are usually small start-ups with no track history of success. Unlike microcaps and small-caps, however, penny stocks typically don’t have a long-term prospect for growth. They’re priced cheap, and, in this case, their price reflects the company.

If their companies are so bad, why do people invest in penny stocks? Most of the time, penny stock investors aren’t looking for long-term growth. They buy large quantities of penny stocks, hoping that the share prices increase even by a few cents. If they do, these investors can earn some quick gains, as long as they sell the stocks in time.

For any investor, not just beginners, penny stocks are an extremely risky venture. Be sure you understandtheir risksbefore you start trading them. Even so, the other 20 types of stocks listed above will most likely offer you a better opportunity for your investment dollars.

Top penny stocks:

Hive Blockchain Technologies (TSX:HIVE)A cryptocurrency mining firm and the first crypto miner to go public.
Poet Technologies (TSXV:PTK)Semiconductor company pioneering chips with electronic and photonic capabilities.
good natured Products Inc (TSXV:GDNP) Developer and producer of durable and ecologically friendly plastic containers.
Types of Stocks in Canada (2024)


What are the best stocks to invest in Canada? ›

Top 10 Performing Stocks in the Canadian Stock Market in 2024
  • Shopify Inc: SHOP. Sector: Technology. ...
  • Cameco Corp: CCO. Sector: Energy. ...
  • Constellation Software Inc: CSU. Sector: Technology. ...
  • Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited: FFH. ...
  • Great-West Lifeco: GWO. ...
  • Brookfield Asset Management Ltd: BAM. ...
  • Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc: ATD.

What are the 3 main types of stock? ›

Types of stock
  • Common stock. ...
  • Preferred stock. ...
  • Large-cap stocks, mid-cap stocks and small-cap stocks. ...
  • Domestic and international stocks. ...
  • Growth and value stocks.
Mar 15, 2024

How to buy stocks in Canada for dummies? ›

How to invest in stocks: A step-by-step guide for beginners
  1. Step 1: Open an online brokerage account. ...
  2. Step 2: Open a tax-sheltered investment account. ...
  3. Step 3: Fund your stock trading account. ...
  4. Step 4: Pick your investing approach. ...
  5. Step 5: Research stocks and ETFs to buy. ...
  6. Step 6: Make your trades.

How do I choose stocks in Canada? ›

Research the companies you want to invest in

Do your due diligence. Research sectors, compare companies within the same sector, compare companies of different sizes. The more you read, the better equipped you are to help make an educated choice about where to put your money.

What is the most traded stock in Canada? ›

Most actively traded Canadian stocks
SymbolVol * PriceEPS dil TTM
BMO D1.001 B CAD8.11 CAD
ENB D701.527 M CAD2.65 CAD
TD D419.904 M CAD5.95 CAD
RY D389.044 M CAD10.88 CAD
29 more rows

What is the biggest stock in Canada? ›

Which Canadian Corporation Has the Greatest Market Capitalization? With a market value of 142.03 billion Canadian dollars as of 2024, Royal Bank of Canada topped the list of companies.

What are the different types of shares in Canada? ›

There are three types of shares in Canada: common, non-voting, and preference. Each share determines the right to ownership, vote, and dividends.

What are the 3 main stocks? ›

In the United States, the S&P 500, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and the Nasdaq Composite are the three most followed indexes by the media and investors.

What are the best types of stocks to invest in? ›

Growth stocks and value stocks

Value investors look for companies whose shares are inexpensive, whether relative to their peers or to their own past stock price. Growth stocks tend to have higher risk levels, but the potential returns can be extremely attractive.

Which investment is best in Canada? ›

What are the best investments in Canada?
  • • Stocks. If you want the highest possible returns with more volatility, stocks may be for you. ...
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds. ...
  • Government and Corporate Bonds. ...
  • Real Estate.

How do stocks work in Canada? ›

Like any other free market, the stock market works according to the laws of supply and demand. Supply refers to how much of something is available, and demand is how much of it consumers want to buy. Excess demand will drive prices up and excess supply will push prices down.

What is the cheapest way to invest in stocks in Canada? ›

To start investing in stocks, you'll need a brokerage account. If you're a self-directed investor, you can open a brokerage account online and buy and sell stocks yourself. Although there may be fees to hold the account and/or perform trades, this typically is the cheapest option.

What are good stocks to buy in Canada? ›

Best Canadian Stocks To Buy and Hold In 2024
  • Franco-Nevada Corporation (NYSE:FNV) ...
  • Bausch Health Companies Inc. ( ...
  • Canadian National Railway Company (NYSE:CNI) ...
  • Suncor Energy Inc. ( ...
  • Nutrien Ltd. ( ...
  • Canadian Natural Resources Limited (NYSE:CNQ) ...
  • Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE:GOLD) ...
  • Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (NYSE:AEM)
Feb 22, 2024

How to start investing in Canada for beginners? ›

Before you start investing, make sure you are prepared by following these simple steps:
  1. Define your goals. You should be clear about why you are investing and what you expect. ...
  2. Identify your risk levels. ...
  3. Choose how you want to invest. ...
  4. Create a diversified portfolio.

How do stock options work in Canada? ›

When you get an option to buy securities through your employer, it does not immediately affect your tax situation. An option is an opportunity to buy securities at a certain price. The securities under the option agreement may be shares of a corporation or units of a mutual fund trust.

What is the best investment in Canada today? ›

What are the best investments in Canada?
  • • Stocks. If you want the highest possible returns with more volatility, stocks may be for you. ...
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds. ...
  • Government and Corporate Bonds. ...
  • Real Estate.

What are the 10 best stocks to buy right now? ›

Sign up for Kiplinger's Free E-Newsletters
Company (ticker)Analysts' consensus recommendation scoreAnalysts' consensus recommendation
ServiceNow (NOW)1.49Strong Buy
Assurant (AIZ)1.50Strong Buy
Howmet Aerospace (HWM)1.50Strong Buy
Insulet (PODD)1.50Strong Buy
21 more rows

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The 9 Best Stocks To Buy Now
Company (Ticker)Forward P/E Ratio
TopBuild Corp. (BLD)18.2
Citigroup, Inc. (C)50.8
The Kraft Heinz Company (KHC)8.7
Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. (FIS)18.4
5 more rows
Jul 1, 2024

What can I invest in to make money in Canada? ›

Save and invest for the long term
  • bonds, such as Canada Savings Bonds.
  • mutual funds.
  • index-linked deposits.
  • stocks.
  • long-term deposits.
  • long-term guaranteed investment certificates ( GIC s)
Feb 23, 2024

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