Types of Encryption Algorithms | Venafi (2024)

Protecting confidential data in a digital world is especially challenging, but especially important, too. Files, messages, credit card information, and other sharable data are targets of cybercrime, both for individuals and for corporations. Businesses, governments, and all kinds of organizations use cryptography to keep their information private and secure while still sharing, managing, and processing that data.

Encryption algorithms are a specific method of cryptography that allows us to encode information for authorized users only. Encryption is essential to digital security, and depending on the level of security needed, different types of encryption methods and algorithms are used.

What are encryption algorithms, and how do they work?

Encryption algorithms are mathematical formulas that transform plaintext into ciphertext. Plaintext is what the message looks like unaltered, but ciphertext scrambles the message to a point where it’s unreadable—unless you have the right authorization to decrypt the code back into plaintext. Put simply, algorithms make encrypting and decrypting code possible, specifically between the correct users. These algorithms are written into software for computer systems and networks.

When a message or file is encrypted, it can only be unscrambled and read if the receiver of the message has the correct password or code. Codes used to encrypt or decrypt are often referred to as keys, and without the proper cryptographic key, a recipient has no way of accessing an encrypted file.

Types of Encryption Algorithms | Venafi (1)


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Types of encryption

Encryption algorithms can be classified into two main types: symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. Let’s review the differences:

Symmetric encryption

With symmetric encryption, there is only one key that is used by both the owner and the recipient. Symmetric encryption uses either stream ciphers (encrypting bits of data one at a time) or block ciphers (encrypting a certain number of bits and grouping them into a single unit).

Think of it as sending someone a package that’s locked. No one can open the package without the key, including hackers, but you also have to find a secure way to send or share the key. In the case of computers, both computers would need to have the key to open certain files.

One advantage of this type of encryption is how efficiently large amounts of data can be sent. Only having one key doesn’t require as much mathematical computing. Symmetric encryption is also extremely secure if you have a trusted algorithm.

The issue with symmetric encryption is sharing the key with others without compromising security. If, for example, the owner of an encrypted file sends the key over email, a hacker can hack into their email and use the key to access shared information, defeating the purpose of encrypting something to begin with. The key is often shared in person to mitigate such risk, but this isn’t always a realistic option for the extent of the internet. This issue calls for a key hierarchy or a way to manage the keys being used in huge bouts of data.

Asymmetric encryption

Asymmetric encryption, also known as public-key encryption, involves two keys. The key that encrypts a message or file is public, meaning it can be exchanged with anyone. However, the second key is private and is the only key that can decrypt the message or file.

Think of asymmetric encryption like a deposit box. Anyone can leave a letter, but only the owner of the private key can open the box to access the private information. This is most commonly used to exchange information and data on the internet.

The most obvious advantage of public-key encryption is its security and convenience. Instead of having a “secret code” that only two specific sources know, data can be safely exchanged with more people online. Asymmetric encryption also uses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which protects communications between the server and the client using digital certificates, which make it easier to verify that the recipient is coming from the correct sender.

The downside to asymmetric encryption is that the keys only go one direction, meaning a correspondence would require both parties to have their own set keys, one public and one private. In other words, every recipient needing to decrypt a message needs their own deposit box with a private key. Unlike symmetric encryption, the asymmetric encryption method is also more mathematically complex, which can slow down processing time.

3 main types of encryption algorithms

With data being exchanged constantly online, both symmetric and asymmetric encryption is used today to verify, authenticate, and protect users. Depending on the level of security necessary, who needs access to data, the type of requests being made, etc., different encryption algorithms are better for certain scenarios. Some are more advanced than others, but the following systems are the most common and secure types of encryption.

Triple Data Encryption Standard (Triple-DES)

One of the first major algorithms used was the Data Encryption Standard (DES), a type of symmetric encryption. It was the standard for electronic communications. Though DES provided a solid foundation for encryption, it could be hacked in a matter of hours and couldn’t keep up with modern computing.

Triple-DES was much more secure because it overcame the small keyspace of DES, and it eventually became the standard symmetric encryption algorithm for a time, specifically in the 1990s. It weaved its way into cryptographic protocols, too, such as SSH and TLS. Triple-DES (or 3DES) uses the cipher of DES three times over to encrypt data, which allows for multiple key lengths despite only using 56-bit keys.


  • Symmetric encryption
  • Uses 64-bit blocks, but only 56-bits are secure
  • Runs DES 3 separate times with 3 separate keys

Triple-DES is one of the most efficient algorithms to implement. In its prime, 3DES changed security and helped resolve some of the biggest security leaks of DES. It still works for some hardware security encryptions.

In the face of more secure encryption algorithms, Triple-DES is becoming more and more obsolete. Though it can compute more than DES, 3DES can only work with 64-bit blocks, which doesn’t keep up with most modern organizations. Most big companies and organizations use different symmetric encryption methods.

During the peak of Triple-DES use, big names like Microsoft and Firefox used Triple-DES for data security. Financial, payment, and other private services still use Triple-DES, though it’s unlikely they will continue using it.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a type of symmetric encryption that is considered both the most unbreakable algorithm and the global standard of security. AES dethroned Triple-DES due to its higher computing capabilities and advanced security.


  • Compatible with both hardware and software
  • Uses 3 different key lengths: 128, 192, and 256-bit keys
  • Symmetric block cipher
  • Encrypted in 128-bit blocks

There are no guarantees in the cyberworld, but to date, AES has yet to be cracked as far as anyone knows. With the ability to use a 256-bit key length, it’s one of the most secure forms of encryption. In fact, it would take billions of years to crack even a 128-bit encryption.

Even though it’s more powerful than both DES and Triple-DES, it is a bit harder to implement. It’s also slower due to the key size, which can sometimes hinder communication.

The U.S. government uses this algorithm to keep all sorts of information private and secure. From government computers to cybersecurity, AES is an essential tool for keeping data classified. AES is truthfully used everywhere: solid-state drives (SSDs), WiFi in local area networks, cloud storage, internet browsers, and more.

Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)

Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) is a public-key encryption algorithm and is the primary way data is securely sent over the internet. As an asymmetric encryption method, RSA uses two keys, one for public encryption and one for private decryption. A defining element of RSA is how the algorithm is used: by factoring prime numbers.


  • Create and verify digital signatures
  • Supports key sizes 512 bits to 4096 bits
  • Asymmetric encryption

This is the best system for communicating with others online, especially when exchanging potentially sensitive information. It’s especially used to verify digital signatures. It’s easy to implement and sharing public keys to online users is relatively easy.

Because RSA is an asymmetric algorithm, it’s notably slower in comparison to symmetric encryption. It also requires more power compared to single-key encryption. Plus, though it’s great for security, if the private key is lost, the data cannot be decrypted.

RSA is used all over online, including web browsers, VPNs, emails, chats, and other communication servers.

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The machines used to communicate, streamline and process data are immensely helpful, but also at immense risk. Leaving machine communications unprotected leaves confidential and classified information unprotected, too. That’s why you need to efficiently manage the identities of all machines, which is why Venafi exists.

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As an enthusiast and expert in cybersecurity, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of digital security. My expertise extends to encryption algorithms, a crucial component in safeguarding confidential data in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article you provided.

Encryption and Its Importance: In the digital realm, protecting confidential data is a paramount concern. Files, messages, credit card information, and other shareable data are prime targets for cybercrime. Cryptography, particularly encryption algorithms, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the privacy and security of information while facilitating its sharing, management, and processing.

Encryption Algorithms: Encryption algorithms are mathematical formulas designed to transform plaintext into ciphertext. Plaintext represents the unaltered message, while ciphertext scrambles the message to make it unreadable without the proper authorization to decrypt it back into plaintext. These algorithms are integrated into software for computer systems and networks.

Types of Encryption: The article introduces two main types of encryption: symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption.

  1. Symmetric Encryption:

    • In symmetric encryption, a single key is used by both the sender and the recipient.
    • It efficiently encrypts large amounts of data, using either stream ciphers or block ciphers.
    • The challenge lies in securely sharing the key without compromising security.
  2. Asymmetric Encryption:

    • Also known as public-key encryption, asymmetric encryption involves two keys: a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption.
    • It allows secure communication between parties, with the public key exchanged openly.
    • While more secure and convenient, it involves a more complex mathematical process and can be slower in processing time.

Common Encryption Algorithms: The article highlights three main types of encryption algorithms:

  1. Triple Data Encryption Standard (Triple-DES):

    • A symmetric encryption algorithm that uses the Data Encryption Standard (DES) cipher three times over.
    • Overcame some security limitations of DES but is becoming obsolete due to evolving encryption standards.
  2. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES):

    • A symmetric encryption algorithm considered highly secure and the global standard.
    • Uses key lengths of 128, 192, or 256 bits, providing strong encryption capabilities.
  3. Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA):

    • A public-key encryption algorithm widely used for secure data transmission over the internet.
    • Involves two keys for creating digital signatures and supports key sizes from 512 to 4096 bits.

These encryption algorithms are essential for various applications, ranging from securing government information (AES) to facilitating secure online communication (RSA).

In conclusion, the digital world relies on robust encryption algorithms to protect sensitive information. Understanding the distinctions between symmetric and asymmetric encryption, as well as the characteristics of specific algorithms like Triple-DES, AES, and RSA, is crucial for implementing effective cybersecurity measures.

Types of Encryption Algorithms | Venafi (2024)


What are the three main types of encryption? ›

There are different types of encryption techniques, but the following three are the most common and widely used: Symmetric Encryption, Asymmetric Encryption, and Hashing.

What is the easiest encryption algorithm? ›

Asymmetric Encryption

As it uses only one key, it's a simpler method of encryption.

What is the strongest encryption algorithm available? ›

AES 256-bit encryption is the strongest and most robust encryption standard that is commercially available today.

What are the three main types of cryptographic algorithms? ›

Cryptography can be broken down into three different types:
  • Secret Key Cryptography.
  • Public Key Cryptography.
  • Hash Functions.

Which encryption algorithm is fastest? ›

AES - it reserves the key size of 128-bit, 198-Bit and 256-bit which is considered as a faster algorithm. Though it is a faster one, its speed depends on the Key Size. 4. Blowfish - with key size of 128-bit up to 448-bit, its considered as a better faster algorithm.

What are the four 4 most secure encryption techniques? ›

Now let's look at seven common methods of encryption that you can use to safeguard sensitive data for your business.
  1. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) ...
  2. Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES) ...
  3. Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) ...
  4. Blowfish. ...
  5. Twofish. ...
  6. Format-Preserving Encryption (FPE) ...
  7. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
Nov 29, 2022

What are data encryption algorithms? ›

An encryption algorithm is the method used to transform data into ciphertext. An algorithm will use the encryption key in order to alter the data in a predictable way, so that even though the encrypted data will appear random, it can be turned back into plaintext by using the decryption key.

What are the 3 major components of encryption system? ›

The main components of an encryption system are: (1) plaintext (not encrypted message), (2) encryption algorithm (works like a locking mechanism to a safe), (3) key (works like the safe's combination), and (4) ciphertext (produced from plaintext message by encryption key).

What is the weakest encryption algorithm? ›

The DES (Data Encryption Standard) family is a symmetric block cipher. It was designed to handle only 56-bit keys which is not enough for modern computing power. It is now considered to be weak encryption. The triple DES family improves on the original DES (Data Encryption Standard) by using 3 separate 56-bit keys.

How do I choose an encryption algorithm? ›

- 🌐 Choose between symmetric and asymmetric encryption based on your use case. Symmetric (e.g., AES) is faster, while asymmetric (e.g., RSA) offers secure key exchange. Choosing the right encryption algorithm depends on factors such as data sensitivity, performance requirements, and compliance standards.

What is the standard algorithm for encryption? ›

The Data Encryption Standard (DES /ˌdiːˌiːˈɛs, dɛz/) is a symmetric-key algorithm for the encryption of digital data. Although its short key length of 56 bits makes it too insecure for modern applications, it has been highly influential in the advancement of cryptography.

What is the secret key algorithm? ›

Definitions: A cryptographic algorithm that uses secret keying material that is shared between authorized parties. A cryptographic algorithm that employs the same secret key for an operation and its complement (e.g., encryption and decryption).

What is the most unbreakable encryption? ›

A stream cipher is designed based on the only completely unbreakable encryption algorithm: the one-time pad (OTP). The OTP takes a random secret key the same length as the plaintext and exclusive-ors (XORs) each bit of the plaintext and key together to produce the ciphertext as shown in the image above.

Has AES-256 been cracked? ›

Is AES-256 Encryption Crackable? AES-256 encryption is virtually uncrackable using any brute-force method. It would take millions of years to break it using the current computing technology and capabilities. However, no encryption standard or system is completely secure.

Is AES-256 better than AES-128? ›

Our best guidance is that AES-128 provides more than adequate security while being faster and more resource-efficient but readers who want that extra security provided by greater key sizes and more rounds in the algorithm should choose AES-256.

What is the difference between AES and RSA? ›

When comparing AES vs. RSA encryption methods, it is essential to understand their unique strengths and applications. While AES is a symmetric algorithm designed for rapid data encryption and decryption, RSA is an asymmetric method used primarily for secure key exchange and digital signatures.

Is SHA-256 an encryption algorithm? ›

SHA-256 is a patented cryptographic hash function that outputs a value that is 256 bits long. What is hashing? In encryption, data is transformed into a secure format that is unreadable unless the recipient has a key. In its encrypted form, the data may be of unlimited size, often just as long as when unencrypted.

What is the difference between RSA and DES? ›

DES and AES are symmetric. That is, you use the same key to encrypt the data and decrypt the data. RSA is asymmetric—that is, you use one key to encrypt the data, and a separate key to decrypt that data. Knowing the key used to encrypt the data is of no help in decrypting the data.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.