Troubleshoot Always On VPN - Windows Server (2024)

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This article provides instructions for verifying and troubleshooting Always On VPN deployment.

If your Always On Virtual Private Network (VPN) setup isn't connecting clients to your internal network, you may have encountered one of the following issues:

  • The VPN certificate is invalid.
  • The Network Policy Server (NPS) policies are incorrect.
  • Issues with client deployment scripts or Routing and Remote Access.

The first step in troubleshooting and testing your VPN connection is understanding the core components of the Always On VPN infrastructure.

You can troubleshoot connection issues in several ways. For client-side issues and general troubleshooting, the application logs on client computers are invaluable. For authentication-specific issues, the NPS log located on the NPS server can help you determine the source of the problem.

General troubleshooting for Always On VPN connection issues

Always On VPN clients go through several steps before establishing a connection. As a result, there are several places where connections can be blocked, and sometimes it's difficult to figure out where the issue is.

If you're encountering issues, here are some general steps you can take to figure out what's going on:

  • Run a whatismyip scan to make sure your template machine isn't externally connected. If the machine has a public IP address that doesn't belong to you, then you should change the IP to a private one.
  • Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections, open the properties for your VPN Profile, and check to make sure the value in the General tab can publicly resolve through DNS. If not, the Remote Access server or VPN server being unable to resolve to an IP address is likely the cause of the issue.
  • Open the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) to the external interface and ping the VPN server from the remote client. If the ping succeeds, you can remove the ICMP allow rule. If not, then your VPN server being inaccessible is probably causing the issue.
  • Check the configuration for the internal and external NICs on your VPN server. In particular, make sure they're on the same subnet and that the external NIC connects to the correct interface on your firewall.
  • Check the client firewall, server firewall, and any hardware firewalls to make sure they allow UDP 500 and 4500 port activity through. Also, if you're using UDP port 500, make sure IPSEC isn't disabled or blocked anywhere. If not, the ports not being open from the client to the VPN server external interface is causing the issue.
  • Make sure the NPS server has a Server Authentication certificate that can service IKE requests. Also, make sure your NPS client has the correct VPN server IP in its settings. You should only authenticate with PEAP and the PEAP properties should only allow certificate authentication. You can check for authentication issues in the NPS event log. For more information, see Install and Configure the NPS Server.
  • If you can connect but don't have internet or local network access, check your DHCP or VPN server IP pools for configuration issues. Also, make sure your clients can reach those resources. You can use the VPN server to route requests.

General troubleshooting for VPN_Profile.ps1 script issues

The most common issues when manually running the VPN_Profile.ps1 script include:

  • If you use a remote connection tool, make sure you don't use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) or other remote connection methods. Remote connections can interfere with the service's ability to detect you when you sign in.
  • If the affected user is an administrator on their local machine, make sure they have administrator privileges while running the script.
  • If you've enabled other PowerShell security features, make sure your PowerShell execution policy isn't blocking the script. Disable Constrained Language mode before running the script, then reactivate it after the script is finished running.


You can also check the application logs and NPS logs for events that can indicate when and where an issue is happening.

Application logs

The application logs on client machines record higher-level details of VPN connection events.

When you're troubleshooting Always On VPN, look for events labeled RasClient. All error messages return the error code at the end of the message. Error codes lists some of the more common error codes related to Always On VPN. For a full list of error codes, see Routing and Remote Access Error Codes.

NPS logs

NPS creates and stores the NPS accounting logs. By default, logs are stored in %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Logfiles\ in a file named IN<date of log creation>.txt.

By default, these logs are in comma-separated values format, but they don't include a heading row. The following code block contains the heading row:


If you paste this heading row as the first line of the log file, then import the file into Microsoft Excel, then Excel properly labels the columns.

The NPS logs can help you diagnose policy-related issues. For more information about NPS logs, see Interpret NPS Database Format Log Files.

Error codes

The following sections describe how to resolve the most commonly encountered errors.

Error 800: the remote connection couldn't connect

This issue happens when the service can't make a remote connection because the attempted VPN tunnels failed, often because the VPN server isn't reachable. If your connection is trying to use a Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) or IPsec tunnel, this error means the required security parameters for IPsec negotiation aren't configured properly.

Cause: VPN tunnel type

You can encounter this issue when the VPN tunnel type is set to Automatic and your connection attempt is unsuccessful in all VPN tunnels.

Solution: check your VPN configuration

Because VPN settings cause this issue, you should troubleshoot your VPN settings and connection by trying the following:

  • If you know which tunnel to use for your deployment, set the type of VPN to that particular tunnel type on the VPN client side.
  • Make sure the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) ports on User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports 500 and 4500 aren't blocked.
  • Make sure both the client and server have correct certificates for IKE.

Error 809: can't establish a connection between local machine and VPN server

In this issue, the remote server doesn't respond, which prevents your local machine and the VPN server from connecting. This could be because one or more network devices, such as routers, firewalls, or the Network Address Translation (NAT) between your computer and the remote server isn't configured to allow VPN connections. Contact your administrator or your service provider to determine which device may be causing the problem.

Error 809 cause

You can encounter this issue when the UDP 500 or 4500 ports on the VPN server or firewall are blocked. Blocking can happen when one of the network devices between your computer and the remote server, such as the firewall, NAT, or routers, aren't configured correctly.

Solution: check the ports on devices between your local machine and remote server

To address this issue, you should first contact your administrator or service provider to find out which device is blocked. After that, make sure the firewalls for that device allow the UDP 500 and 4500 ports through. If that doesn't address the issue, check the firewalls on every device between your local machine and the remote server.

Error 812: can't connect to Always On VPN

This issue occurs when your remote access server (RAS) or VPN server can't connect to Always On VPN. The authentication method the server used to verify your user name and password didn't match the authentication method configured in your connection profile.

Whenever you encounter error 812, we recommend that you contact your RAS server administrator immediately to let them know what happened.

If you're using the Event Viewer to troubleshoot, you can find this issue marked as event log 20276. This event usually appears when a routing and remote access (RRAS)-based VPN server authentication protocol setting doesn't match the settings on the VPN client computer.

Error 812 cause

You typically encounter this error when the NPS specified an authentication condition the client can't meet. For example, if the NPS specifies it needs a certificate to secure the Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) connection, then it can't authenticate if the client is trying to use EAP-MSCHAPv2 instead.

Solution: check your client and NPS server authentication settings

To resolve this issue, make sure the authentication requirements for your client and the NPS server match. If not, change them accordingly.

Error 13806: IKE can't find a valid machine certificate

This issue occurs when IKE can't find a valid machine certificate.

Error 13806 cause

You usually encounter this error when the VPN server doesn't have the required machine or root machine certificate.

Solution: install a valid certificate in the relevant certificate store

To resolve this issue, make sure the required certificates are installed on both the client machine and the VPN server. If not, contact your network security administrator and ask them to install valid certificates in the relevant certificate store.

Error 13801: the IKE authentication credentials are invalid

You encounter this issue when either the server or client can't accept the IKE authentication credentials.

Error 13801 cause

This error can occur due to the following:

  • The machine certificate used for IKEv2 validation on the RAS server doesn't have Server Authentication enabled under Enhanced Key Usage.
  • The machine certificate on the RAS server expired.
  • The client machine doesn't have the root certificate for validating the RAS server certificate.
  • The client machine's VPN server name doesn't match the subjectName value on the server certificate.

Solution 1: verify the server certificate settings

If the issue is the RAS server machine certificate, make sure the certificate includes Server Authentication under Enhanced Key Usage.

Solution 2: make sure the machine certificate is still valid

If the issue is that the RAS machine certificate expired, make sure it's still valid. If it isn't, install a valid certificate.

Solution 3: make sure the client machine has a root certificate

If the issue is related to the client machine not having a root certificate, first check the Trusted Root Certification Authorities on the RRAS server to make sure the certification authority you're using is there. If it isn't there, install a valid root certificate.

Solution 4: make the client machine's VPN server name matches the server certificate

First, make sure the VPN client connects by using the same fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that the VPN server certificate uses. If not, change the client name to match the server certificate name.

Error 0x80070040: server certificate doesn't have Server Authentication in its usage entries

This issue occurs when the server certificate doesn't have Server Authentication as one of its certificate usage entries.

Error 0x80070040 cause

This error occurs when the RAS server doesn't have a server authentication certificate installed.

Solution: make sure the machine certificate has the required certificate usage entry

To address this issue, make sure the machine certificate the RAS server uses for IKEv2 validation includes Server Authentication in its list of certificate usage entries.

Error 0x800B0109: a certificate chain processed but terminated in a root certificate

The full error description is, "A certificate chain processed but terminated in a root certificate that the trust provider doesn't trust."

Generally, the VPN client machine is joined to an Active Directory (AD)-based domain. If you use domain credentials to sign in to the VPN server, the service automatically installs the certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. You may encounter this issue if the computer isn't joined to an AD domain or you use an alternative certificate chain.

Error 0x800B0109 cause

You may encounter this error if the client computer doesn't have an appropriate trusted root CA certificate installed in its Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.

Solution: install the trusted root certificate

To resolve this issue, make sure the client machine has a trusted root certificate installed in its Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. If not, install an appropriate root certificate.

Error: Oops, you can't get to this yet

This error message is associated with Microsoft Entra Conditional Access connection issues. When this issue appears, the Conditional Access policy isn't satisfied, blocking the VPN connection but then connecting after the user closes the dialog window. If the user selects OK, it starts another authentication attempt that also doesn't succeed and prompts an identical error message. The client's Microsoft Entra Operational Event log records these events.

Microsoft Entra Conditional Access error cause

There are a few reasons why this issue can happen:

  • The user has a client authentication certificate in their Personal Certificate store that's valid but didn't come from Microsoft Entra ID.

  • The VPN profile <TLSExtensions> section is either missing or doesn't contain the <EKUName>AAD Conditional Access</EKUName><EKUOID></EKUOID><EKUName>AAD Conditional Access</EKUName><EKUOID></EKUOID> entries. The <EKUName> and <EKUOID> entries tell the VPN client which certificate to retrieve from the user's certificate store when passing the certificate to the VPN server. Without the <EKUName> and <EKUOID> entries, the VPN client uses whatever valid Client Authentication certificate is in the user's certificate store and authentication succeeds.

  • The RADIUS server (NPS) hasn't been configured to only accept client certificates that contain the AAD Conditional Access object identifier (OID).

Solution: use PowerShell to determine certificate status

To escape this loop:

  1. In Windows PowerShell, run the Get-WmiObject cmdlet to dump the VPN profile configuration.

  2. Verify that the <TLSExtensions>, <EKUName>, and <EKUOID> variables exist and their output shows the correct name and OID.

    The following code is an example output of the Get-WmiObject cmdlet.

    PS C:\> Get-WmiObject -Class MDM_VPNv2_01 -Namespace root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap__GENUS : 2__CLASS : MDM_VPNv2_01__SUPERCLASS :__DYNASTY : MDM_VPNv2_01__RELPATH : MDM_VPNv2_01.InstanceID="AlwaysOnVPN",ParentID="./Vendor/MSFT/VPNv2"__PROPERTY_COUNT : 10__DERIVATION : {}__SERVER : DERS2__NAMESPACE : root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap__PATH : \\DERS2\root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap:MDM_VPNv2_01.InstanceID="AlwaysOnVPN",ParentID="./Vendor/MSFT/VP Nv2"AlwaysOn :ByPassForLocal :DnsSuffix :EdpModeId :InstanceID : AlwaysOnVPNLockDown :ParentID : ./Vendor/MSFT/VPNv2ProfileXML : <VPNProfile><RememberCredentials>false</RememberCredentials><DeviceCompliance><Enabled>true</ Enabled><Sso><Enabled>true</Enabled></Sso></DeviceCompliance><NativeProfile><Servers>;</Servers><RoutingPolicyType>ForceTunnel</RoutingPolicyType><NativeProtocolType>Ikev2</NativeProtocolType><Authentication><UserMethod>Eap</UserMethod><MachineMethod>Eap</MachineMethod><Eap><Configuration><EapHostConfigxmlns=""><EapMethod><Typexmlns="">25</Type><VendorIdxmlns="">0</VendorId><VendorTypexmlns="">0</VendorType><AuthorIdxmlns="">0</AuthorId></EapMethod><Configxmlns=""><Eap xmlns=""><Type>25</Type><EapType xmlns=""><ServerValidation><DisableUserPromptForServerValidation>true</DisableUserPromptForServerValidation><ServerNames></ServerNames></ServerValidation><FastReconnect>true</FastReconnect><InnerEapOptional>false</InnerEapOptional><Eap xmlns=""><Type>13</Type> <EapType xmlns=""><CredentialsSource><CertificateStore><SimpleCertSelection>true</SimpleCertSelection></CertificateStore></CredentialsSource><ServerValidation><DisableUserPromptForServerValidation>true</DisableUserPromptForServerValidation><ServerNames></ServerNames><TrustedRootCA>5a 89 fe cb 5b 49 a7 0b 1a 52 63 b7 35 ee d7 1c c2 68 be 4b </TrustedRootCA></ServerValidation><DifferentUsername>false</DifferentUsername><PerformServerValidation xmlns="">true</PerformServerValidation><AcceptServerName xmlns="">false</AcceptServerName><TLSExtensionsxmlns=""><FilteringInfo xml ns=""><EKUMapping><EKUMap><EKUName>AAD Conditional Access</EKUName><EKUOID></EKUOID></EKUMap></EKUMapping><ClientAuthEKUListEnabled="true"><EKUMapInList><EKUName>AAD Conditional Access</EKUName></EKUMapInList></ClientAuthEKUList></FilteringInfo></TLSExtensions></EapType></Eap><EnableQuarantineChecks>false</EnableQuarantineChecks><RequireCryptoBinding>false</RequireCryptoBinding><PeapExtensions><PerformServerValidation xmlns="">false</PerformServerValidation><AcceptServerName xmlns="">false</AcceptServerName></PeapExtensions></EapType></Eap></Config></EapHostConfig></Configuration></Eap></Authentication></NativeProfile></VPNProfile>RememberCredentials : FalseTrustedNetworkDetection :PSComputerName : DERS2
  3. Next, run the Certutil command to determine if there are valid certificates in the user's certificate store:

    C:\>certutil -store -user MyMy "Personal"================ Certificate 0 ================Serial Number: 32000000265259d0069fa6f205000000000026Issuer: CN=corp-DEDC0-CA, DC=corp, DC=deverett, DC=info NotBefore: 12/8/2017 8:07 PM NotAfter: 12/8/2018 8:07 PMSubject: [email protected], CN=WinFed, OU=Users, OU=Corp, DC=corp, DC=deverett, DC=infoCertificate Template Name (Certificate Type): UserNon-root CertificateTemplate: UserCert Hash(sha1): a50337ab015d5612b7dc4c1e759d201e74cc2a93 Key Container = a890fd7fbbfc072f8fe045e680c501cf_5834bfa9-1c4a-44a8-a128-c2267f712336 Simple container name: te-User-c7bcc4bd-0498-4411-af44-da2257f54387 Provider = Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0Encryption test passed================ Certificate 1 ================Serial Number: 367fbdd7e6e4103dec9b91f93959ac56Issuer: CN=Microsoft VPN root CA gen 1 NotBefore: 12/8/2017 6:24 PM NotAfter: 12/8/2017 7:29 PMSubject: [email protected] CertificateCert Hash(sha1): 37378a1b06dcef1b4d4753f7d21e4f20b18fbfec Key Container = 31685cae-af6f-48fb-ac37-845c69b4c097 Unique container name: bf4097e20d4480b8d6ebc139c9360f02_5834bfa9-1c4a-44a8-a128-c2267f712336 Provider = Microsoft Software Key Storage ProviderPrivate key is NOT exportableEncryption test passed


    If a certificate from Issuer CN=Microsoft VPN root CA gen 1 is present in the user's Personal store, but the user gained access by selecting X to close the Oops message, collect CAPI2 event logs to verify the certificate used to authenticate was a valid Client Authentication certificate that wasn't issued from the Microsoft VPN root CA.

  4. If a valid Client Authentication certificate exists in the user's personal store and the TLSExtensions, EKUName, and EKUOID values are configured correctly, the connection shouldn't succeed after the user closes the dialog box.

An error message should appear that says, "A certificate couldn't be found that can be used with the Extensible Authenticate Protocol."

Unable to delete the certificate from the VPN connectivity tab

This issue is when you can't delete certificates on the VPN connectivity tab.


This issue occurs when the certificate is set to Primary.

Solution: change certificate settings

To delete certificates:

  1. In the VPN connectivity tab, select the certificate.
  2. Under Primary, select No, then select Save.
  3. In the VPN connectivity tab, select the certificate again.
  4. Select Delete.
Troubleshoot Always On VPN - Windows Server (2024)


Troubleshoot Always On VPN - Windows Server? ›

Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections, open the properties for your VPN Profile, and check to make sure the value in the General tab can publicly resolve through DNS. If not, the Remote Access server or VPN server being unable to resolve to an IP address is likely the cause of the issue.

How to troubleshoot always on VPN? ›

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:
  1. Check VPN Configuration: Ensure that the VPN configurations on all client machines are consistent. ...
  2. Check User Profiles: ...
  3. Windows Image (WIM) File: ...
  4. Recreate VPN Profiles: ...
  5. Check RAS Policies: ...
  6. Event Viewer:
Jan 8, 2024

Why is Microsoft always on VPN not connecting automatically? ›

The Windows 10 Always On VPN device tunnel is supported only on Windows 10 1709 or later Enterprise edition clients that are domain-joined. To ensure the device tunnel connects automatically, upgrade to Windows 10 Enterprise 1709 or later and join it to a domain.

How do I troubleshoot my VPN server? ›

If your VPN is not connecting, you can try a few ways to fix the issue:
  1. Check your internet connection. ...
  2. Check your credentials. ...
  3. Check your VPN server status. ...
  4. Check your VPN protocol and ports. ...
  5. Look for VPN software issues. ...
  6. Check the firewall blocking. ...
  7. Restart your VPN app. ...
  8. Reinstall the latest version of your VPN app.

Why is my VPN server on Windows not working? ›

Windows Firewall will prevent unsecured or unauthorized connection from accessing your computer. Windows Firewall might block the VPN software. To eliminate this cause of can't connect to VPN Windows 10, you can try to temporarily disable firewalls or third-party antivirus software.

How do I make sure my VPN is always on? ›

  1. If you haven't already, add a VPN.
  2. Open your device's Settings app.
  3. Tap Network & internet. VPN. ...
  4. Next to the VPN you want to change, tap Settings .
  5. Turn Always-on VPN on or off. If you've set up a VPN through an app, you won't have the always-on option.
  6. If needed, tap Save.

Why does my VPN not always work? ›

Your VPN software might be outdated. Your VPN settings might not be configured correctly. You might have poor internet connectivity or an intermittent network connection. The problem may not be a VPN issue at all – but it might be your internet connection preventing your VPN from connecting.

Why is always on VPN user tunnel not connecting? ›

Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections, open the properties for your VPN Profile, and check to make sure the value in the General tab can publicly resolve through DNS. If not, the Remote Access server or VPN server being unable to resolve to an IP address is likely the cause of the issue.

Did Microsoft fix the VPN issue? ›

Today, ​Microsoft fixed a known issue breaking VPN connections across client and server platforms after installing the April 2024 Windows security updates.

How do I make my VPN connect automatically? ›

Setup on Windows
  1. Click on VPN settings.
  2. Scroll down to find the Auto-connect option and toggle the switch to activate it. The toggle will turn green when active.
Jun 19, 2024

How do I troubleshoot VPN on Windows 10? ›

If you're struggling with your VPN not connecting, here are eight solutions to help you troubleshoot.
  1. Restart Your Computer. ...
  2. Check Your Internet Connection. ...
  3. Update Your VPN Software. ...
  4. Run as Administrator. ...
  5. Adjust Your Firewall or Antivirus Settings. ...
  6. Setting up Windows Defender Firewall for VPN:
Nov 22, 2023

How do I fix VPN connection failure? ›

How to fix a VPN that's not working
  1. Check your internet connection.
  2. Check your firewall settings.
  3. Try a different VPN protocol.
  4. Check the VPN server status.
  5. Give your VPN more time to connect.
  6. Update your VPN app.
  7. Restart your VPN app.
  8. Reinstall your VPN app.
Nov 9, 2023

How do you check if VPN is working or not? ›

How do I check if a VPN is working? Visit websites such as WhatIsMyIP or IPLocation to see your original IP address. After connecting to a VPN, revisit the IP address checking website to recheck your IP address. The VPN works if the displayed IP address differs from your original IP address.

How does always on VPN work? ›

It automatically activates a secure connection via a VPN server whenever internet access is detected, employing both the user's and a specific IP address for enhanced security. This enables IT administrators to apply security policies, such as DNS filtering, without needing user action.

How do I enable VPN on Windows server? ›

Once you have your work or personal VPN settings ready:
  1. Select Start > Settings > Network & internet > VPN > Add VPN.
  2. Under Add a VPN connection, do the following: For VPN provider, choose Windows (built-in). In the Connection name box, enter a name you'll recognize (for example, My Personal VPN). ...
  3. Select Save.

How do I restart the VPN service on Windows server? ›

Right-click on your local server under the left-pane of the Routing and Remote Access window. Click on “Restart” under “All Tasks”. This will restart all services and tasks under the Routing and Remote Access service.

How to turn off always on VPN? ›

How to disable a VPN on your Android phone
  1. Access your phone's settings menu.
  2. Look for and select a menu option labeled, Connections, Network & Internet, or Connection & Sharing.
  3. Look for a button labeled VPN. ...
  4. If you previously selected VPN, select your VPN and tap the toggle switch to disable the VPN.
Jul 29, 2024

How do I troubleshoot remote access VPN? ›

Troubleshoot remote access VPN
  1. Make sure you've correctly configured the signing CA. By default, the server certificate uses ApplianceCertificate, and its CA is Default CA.
  2. Regenerate the certificate generated from this CA.
  3. Users must download and install the SSL VPN configuration ( . ovpn ) file again.
Jul 29, 2024

How do I troubleshoot open VPN? ›

There are several possible solutions you can try to resolve this:
  1. Check that the port is open. ...
  2. Check that the port is correct. ...
  3. Check that the address is reachable via the internet. ...
  4. Set up a proper FQDN DNS name. ...
  5. If using an FQDN DNS name, ensure it's assigned to a public IP address.

How do I fix VPN glitch? ›

Restart the VPN client: Often, simply closing and reopening the VPN client can resolve a temporary glitch or connection error. Check Your internet connection: Make sure your desktop is connected to the internet and that the connection is stable. Try browsing without the VPN to verify, as discussed earlier.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.