Trade Skills Overview (2024)



A core system in Lost Ark, Trade Skills provide a wayto collect crafting material, repair your ship,and even come with a Collectible system in the form of WorldTree Leaves, which reward you with with LuminousGemstones, further boosting your trade skill levels and theamount of material you collect while gathering. Thereare six different Trade Skills in Lost Ark, each with theirown specific items that can be obtained:

  • Foraging
  • Logging
  • Mining
  • Hunting
  • Fishing
  • Excavating

Each Trade Skill uses a resource called Work Energy, which has a maximum capstarting at 10,000. Every time you access the Trade Skills hotbar (B key), your Work Energymeter will pop up where your Identity Gauge normally sits at the bottom of your HUD.By gathering materials, this resource will slowly deplete. There aretwo ways to regain Work Energy; Either natural regeneration over time, whichrestores 30 Energy every 10 minutes, or through using a Trade Skills Overview (1) Basic Life Energy Potion,which will instantly replenish 3,000 Energy upon use. The only way to increase yourmaximum Work Energy is by using Trade Skills Overview (2) Max Life Energy Increase potions, whichare limited rewards only gained through leveling your Roster Level.

The Trade Skill menu (L key) will show you multiple things, including what level each skillis at, the experience bar for each specific Trade SKill, as well as milestones a player needs to reachto unlock skills or passive boosts corresponding to each Trade Skill. These bonus skills have varyingdegrees of usefulness, from increased drop rate of higher quality materials to allowing the playerto gather at locations that were previously unusable. On top of these bonus skills, each level gained willalso increase a Mastery Skills, which will increase rare drop chances, lower durability chances, orincrease gathering speeds. Level 30 is seen as the soft cap for every Trade Skill, but each Trade Skillcan be brought up to level 60. Beyond level 30 the only gains will come from your Mastery Skills. Trade Skilllevels are shared across an entire roster of characters, so it won't matter which character you're using.

Gathered Materials are placed into the Storage portion of your Inventory, under the Stronghold & TradeSkills tab. This means all materials are shared across your roster of characters and you'll have access to everythingno matter which class you're currently playing.



Foraging is used to gather flowers and mushrooms, which can then be used in your Stronghold to crafta multitude of different Battle Items, such as Potions, Grenades, or Robes. While the game typicallygives you a moderate amount of these things for free, you may find yourself running out if you decide topartake in end-game raiding. Crafting these items can save you a decent bit of Trade Skills Overview (3) Gold. On the flipside, you can turn these materials into items specifically for selling and make a tidy profit!

Foraging nodes can be located on the map by looking for the leaf icon. Similar to Mining and Woodcuttingnodes, you will run into these gathering nodes everywhere; Take advantage of this! The short amountof time it takes to gather while walking around a continent or island is worth it. Especially new players,I can't stress this enough. Early on in Tier 3 you may run into issues with Trade Skills Overview (4) Gold, so having astockpile of materials to sell may prove priceless to ensure you're not blocked from honing and increasingyour gear score.

If you're looking to spam level Foraging, the best places are listed as follows:

  • Lullaby Island: The best perk here is there is no enemies on the island. Gatherto your hearts content without having to worry a mob interrupts your gathering cast bar.
  • Slime Island is filled with Foraging nodes, with normally little to no competitionover them.
  • Liebeheim doesn't have Foraging nodes, but the trade merchant, Summers, will offeryou Trade Skills Overview (5) Novice Foraging XP Potions in exchange for 250 Trade Skills Overview (6) Bright Wild Flowers. If you don'tneed the material, and would benefit more from the experience, you can buy five a week from her.



Logging is one of the more important Trade Skills, and is used to gather, as you may haveguessed, wood. This material is used in a large amount of activities, ranging from Strongholdcrafts, ship improvements, and housing decorations, just to name a few. Wood and Timber canall be sold on the marketboard for a tidy profit, just be wary not to sell all of whatyou've stockpiled, you will for sure need this material in the future.

Logging nodes can be found on maps by searching for the log-type icons. If a map hasvegetation of any kind, chances are there will be trees to chop down. It mayconfuse you at first, but if you look at your Logging skills, you'll seeWild Growth which is gained at level 20. This skill is used to make sapling treesgrow large enough to cut down. Saplings don't have a level requirement to chop down themselves,they're just gated by access to this skill. If you're chopping trees with another player who'sLogging level is higher than yours, you can still chop these trees down as long as they grow intoa tree within your own level range. Since Logging is the one Trade Skill you can co-op, this maycome into play at some point!

If you're looking to spam level Logging, the best places are listed as follows:

  • Lullaby Island: The best perk here is there is no enemies on the island. Gatherto your hearts content without having to worry a mob interrupts your gathering cast bar.
  • Panda Island is in a similar boat, no enemies and an abundant amount of trees toharvest.
  • Vernese Forest is another great option. The map is huge, you won't have to dealwith others stealing your trees, but you will have to deal with enemies.



One of the more important Trade Skills, Mining is used to gather ore. This material feels like it's usedfor just about everything in the Stronghold. Repairing Stronghold ships, upgrading your sailing ships,crafting Grenades, and even crafting furniture. This is just naming a few uses. Needless tosay, you're going to need a lot of rocks. Just like Foraging, Mining can be just as profitable,even if all you do is sell the raw materials on the marketboard.

Mining nodes are on the map as small rock-type icons. These are located in most maps, similarto Foraging and Woodcutting nodes. If you come across them, don't hesitate to take a second tocollect some materials and start leveling this Trade Skill up. While most Trade Skills don'thave much function outside of just straight gathering, high levels of Mining will help with boththe objective on Spida Island and getting the Mokoko Seedson Promise Isle that can only be obtained by planting a Mining Bomb, the level 30 Mining Skill.

If you're looking to spam level Mining, the best places are listed as follows:

  • There is one island in particular you should be using to help level Mining efficiently, and that'sMeteora, a small island just South of Shushirethat serves a single purpose; Mining. There is no other objective here. The island has enough Mining nodes tosupply two players with an endless supply of materials. Any more than that and you will deplete the islandof nodes faster than it can replenish them, so keep this in mind.
  • On top of all these gathering nodes, Meteora has a trade merchant, Ritarre, will offeryou Trade Skills Overview (7) Novice Mining XP Potions in exchange for 250 Trade Skills Overview (8) Strong Iron Ore. If you don'tneed the material, and would benefit more from the experience, you can buy five a week from him.
  • Yorn is a good place with lots of Mining nodes, but may be annoying due tolarge amount of enemies.



Fishing connoisseurs can rejoice, Fishing in Lost Ark is actually quite relaxing. There's no movementneeded, you can just sit in one spot and fish until your Work Energy has been depleted. After you castyour line, you will see a fish get close to your hook. When the fish grabs on, reel it in. It's that easy.

As you might have guessed, fishing is used to gather fish, but will also net you pearls. These materials willbe used to craft something very important, that every player will require to level up; Fusion Material.There's only three ways to obtain these. Either craft it yourself through fishing, buy it off themarketboard from others who have crafted it at a slight increase in Trade Skills Overview (9) Gold, or, very rarely,Fusion Material can be obtained through daily login rewards or similar event.

Fishing spots are not as common as the previous gatherable materials, as you need an actual body of waterto do the activity. There's no limit on how many people can fish at one spot, so don't fret if others arealready gathered on the docks in Punika at Tideshelf Path. It does matter which fishing spotyou go to, since differing locations will net you different fish. If you need Tier 2 materials, simply go toone of the Tier 2 continents (either Yorn or Feiton) and head to thedesignated fishing spot and look for the fishing hook icon on the map.

Fishing locations are listed below:

  • Sub-Level 50 and Tier 1 Locations
    • Lakebar
    • Wavestrand Port
    • Seaswept Woods
    • Port City Changhun
    • Arid Path
    • Port Krona
    • Regens Village
    • Glass Lotus Lake
  • Tier 2 Locations
    • Yorn's Cradle
    • Wailing Swamp
  • Tier 3 Locations
    • Tideshelf Path
    • Candaria Territory



Hunting is a fairly active Trade Skill that involves a "skill-shot" typeaction to hit animals with. This will throw a dagger at the target locationand kill/injure the animal if it makes contact, depending on the animal.Bunnies have a single health bar, while cats have two, and will gain a movementbuff after taking the first instance of damage.

Hunting will provide you with meat and leather, with the former being used to craft food, whilethe latter is used to craft Fusion Material, something required by every player when honing. Due tothis need, Hunting can be made fairly profitable, or at the very least save you some Trade Skills Overview (10) Goldwhen leveling up yourself as you won't be reliant on marketboard prices. Be mindful, if youdecide to craft Fusion Material, you will want to hunt in locations specific to the tierat which you're crafting those items at.

Hunting doesn't necessarily have visible locations on the map to go towards. Instead,animals will either be running around the area visibly near you, or hidden within Miningand Foraging nodes. Gathering at those spots or throwing your hunting knife at them willscare them out of hiding.

If you're looking to spam level Hunting, the best places are listed as follows:

  • Bilbrin Forest is a good spot for early on. I do not recommend using this spot if youhave access to other, better locations, but this is perfect for a new player.
  • Crescent Isle is an option, but if other players are already here you may want to opt foranother location. The spawns just aren't good enough for more than one person.
  • Eternity Isle is probably the best place in the game to hunt. Plenty of animal spawns,and good experience to boot. There's a decent bit of mobs here, but the experience gains make up for that.



Excavating, just like Hunting, is an active type of gathering in Lost Ark. Excavating worksby activating Sonar, an Excavation skill given to you at level 1, which will work as a sort of"hot and cold" game. As you get closer to buried treasure, the icon above your head will startblinking faster. When the icon above your head starts flashing blue, it means you're close enoughto the spot to activate Relic Search, revealing the exact location to dig up the materials. At level 30,you'll gain access to a Sniffer Dog, a friendly comrade who will follow you around and periodicallydig up treasure on it's own. This is the perfect way to passively burn through Work Energy and gatheruseful materials at the same time.

Excavation provides a material called Relics, which can be used to craft Treasure Mapsas well as Fusion Materials. Just like Fishing and Hunting, Excavation can be highlylucrative. Since Excavation can be done passively while doing other activities, it makesthis Trade Skill the most useful for material gathering when compared to time spent doing it.To top it off, Excavation will also allow you a chance at getting crafting kits to makegathering tools. Higher tier gathering tools come with special perks, something we will cover laterin this guide. If you have no need for these crafting kits yourself, you can opt to sellthem on the marketboard for a large chunk of Trade Skills Overview (11) Gold.

If you want to know if you can Excavate in a specific area, just open your mapand check to see if there's a relic icon on the gathering bar in the top right ofthe window. You can find Excavation nodes in any part of the map as long as it allows youto.

If you're looking to spam level Excavation, the best places are listed as follows:

  • Arid Path is great for Tier 1 materials.
  • Azure Wind Island is the spot to go to for Tier 2 materials.
  • Secret Forest is where you'll want to head for Tier 3 materials.
  • In all honesty, if you're just trying to level, find somewhere that's uncontestedand just have at it.


Just like our combat gear, gathering tools come with differing quality. You can obtain tools with eitherUncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, or Relic quality. Uncommon tools can be purchased using Trade Skills Overview (12) Silver inany major town from Trade Skill Tool Merchants. Rare and above will either need to be crafted in your Strongholdor be given to you through a special event. Crafting kits can be obtained either through the marketboard orthrough the Excavation Trade Skill.

With higher quaility, gathering tools will gain something called perks. Uncommon tools willcome with a single perk, while Relic tools come with six. These perks can range from something likeSuper Armor, which will allow you to continue to gather uninterrupted while being attacked by mods, to simplycollecting more materials from certain Trade Skill mini-games or even gathering speed. Some of these perks will also have a percentagebased number on them. These are completely random, but will determine how good the tool actually is.


Tool Durability and Repairs

Similar to normal gear, gathering tools come with a durability. This durabilitycan be topped off in a similar way, by spending silver either at a repair NPCor by using the Pet Function with Crystalline Aura.

The difference in the system is the max durability will slowly decrease over time, forcing you torepair your tools much more frequently. This is more an annoyance than anything, but it willeventually stop you from being able to use the tool at all if the durability bottoms out. To remedythis, you will need to use something called a Trade Skills Overview (13) Trade Skill Tool Restoration Kit. It requires a lot tofully increase the max durability back to full if you've gotten low, but it's the only way to do this.These kits can be crafted in your Stronghold or bought from Mari's Secret Shop. Keep in mind, theserestoration kits are fairly expensive. Don't bother using them on low grade gathering tools, such asRare or Epic grade.


Platinum Field

Tickets for Platinum Field will drop randomly while gathering. This is essentially a mini-gameof sorts that places you in an instanced area and allows you to gather as much as you can withinthe given time frame. There's an objective in here to bring back certain items that the NPC asks for,and once you do, grants access to a special area on the map where you can gather mats a bit faster than inthe normal portion of the map.

Platinum Field is split into two maps:

  • Nahun's Domain: Allows the player to gather with Foraging, Logging, and Mining.
  • Old Yudian Canal: Allows the player to gather using Hunting, Fishing, and Excavation.

Take note, you will not gain experience from using Platinum Field. It is specifically meant to beused as a way to gather an excess amount of materials in a fast period of time. Feel free to hold ontothese tickets until later on when your Trade Skills are a bit higher of a level, since early on theexperience is way more important than the items gained. Alternatively, just use the tickets whenyou're out of Work Energy. Platinum Field also rewards you with Trade Skills Overview (14) Providence Stones.



  • 27 Jan. 2023: Guide Added.

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Trade Skills Overview (2024)


What are trade skills? ›

A skilled trade is any occupation that requires a particular skill set, knowledge, or ability. It is usually a hands-on job, but skilled trades are found in every career cluster. When it comes to finding a career that is right for you, everyone's path is different.

What is the quickest trade to get a certificate? ›

Below, we've listed 10 of the fastest trade jobs to learn in 2024.
  • Electrician. ...
  • Truck Driver. ...
  • Welder. ...
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) ...
  • Medical Assistant. ...
  • Dental Assistant. ...
  • Surgical Technologist. ...
  • Phlebotomist. Phlebotomists work in healthcare settings and are responsible for drawing blood.

How do you list trade skills on a resume? ›

Outline your trades skills in the skills section

These may be skills you've learned in training, through apprenticeship or while working. For example, you may list that you have novice-level skills in framing but master-level electrician skills.

What is the easiest trade skill to learn? ›

Carpentry is one of the easiest trades to learn. It involves constructing and repairing structures made from wood, such as houses, furniture, and other wooden objects. Carpenters typically use hand tools like saws, hammers, chisels, planes and drills to create their projects.

What is the best skill trade? ›

9 Highest Paying Trade Jobs
  • #1. Construction Manager. There are several methods of getting your first job as a construction manager. ...
  • #2. Elevator Mechanic. ...
  • #3. Dental Hygienist. ...
  • #4. Ultrasonographer. ...
  • #5. Boilermaker. ...
  • #6. Electrician. ...
  • #7. Plumber. ...
  • #8. HVAC Technician.
Feb 5, 2024

What are examples of trades? ›

As noted above, many skilled trade occupations are high paying and do not require a college degree. Some examples include: machinist; plumber; electrician; carpenter; industrial machinery mechanics; and heating, air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics and installers.

What is the hardest trade to learn? ›

What is the hardest trade to learn? Electrical and HVAC trades require intensive technical training, which can be difficult to learn.

How to learn trade skills? ›

Often, trade professionals attend a vocational or trade school where they receive focused education in their chosen field to learn these skills. Apprenticeships and on-the-job training are other popular methods of learning a new trade. Trades exist across a broad range of industries.

What trade school jobs pay the most? ›

What are some of the best trades to learn that pay well? Some of the best trade jobs that pay well include construction manager, elevator repairer, radiation therapist, and nuclear medicine technologist. Construction managers earn a median annual salary of nearly $105,000 and have a strong job outlook.

What is trading skill? ›

What are trader skills? Trader skills are the skills that financial traders, stock traders, investment traders and securities traders use to complete their day-to-day activities. These skills help prepare traders to work in high-stress, highly competitive environments and stand out from other traders.

What is a skilled trade job description? ›

Skilled trade jobs are roles that require workers to have a detailed scientific knowledge of specialist subjects, together with the practical hands-on skills needed to solve specific (and often complex) industry problems.

What is a trade resume summary? ›

A trade resume is a professional document used to showcase someone's skills, background and achievements in a trade-related career. Trade jobs are ones that require supplementary training rather than additional education.

Which trade is best for beginners? ›

Swing trading is most suitable for beginners due to this low speed. In fact, the chance of success is also the highest here - but the risk must still be taken seriously! Although they are particularly well suited to trading for beginners, few newcomers opt for swing trading strategies.

Which trade has the highest demand? ›

There are quite a few skilled trades that are set to remain in high demand over the next 10 years in these outlooks, including:
  • Electricians.
  • Welders.
  • Plumbers.
  • Home inspectors.
  • Aircraft mechanics.
  • HVAC technicians.
  • Diesel technicians.
  • Construction managers.

What are the levels of trade skills? ›

There are three levels of a skilled tradesperson: apprentice, journeyman and master. As expected, each level requires a higher level of knowledge and skills before you can attain them.

How do you get trade skills? ›

Often, trade professionals attend a vocational or trade school where they receive focused education in their chosen field to learn these skills. Apprenticeships and on-the-job training are other popular methods of learning a new trade.

What defines skilled trade jobs? ›

Skilled trade jobs are roles that require workers to have a detailed scientific knowledge of specialist subjects, together with the practical hands-on skills needed to solve specific (and often complex) industry problems.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.