Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (2024)

Societies are increasingly becoming unsafe. Social unrest, shooting, and bullying are a few issues arising from the absence of safety in many communities. Also, the internet has shown that there are many more security loopholes. Its digital setup means that new vulnerabilities are being discovered daily. Many people affected by these insecurities and vulnerabilities are family members and friends.

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (1)

To ensure that they are protected and safe, it is advised that we watch each other closely. For instance, the best way to preserve my kid is to track my child's phones without them knowing for free. This article will further explore how to keep our children safe by tracking their phones without them knowingfor free.

  • Method 1: Free Child Phone Tracker App
  • Method 2: Free Cell Phone Tracker by Number
  • Method 3: Phone's Built-in Functions
  • Method 4: Google Family Link
  • Method 5: Google Maps

Part 1: Why You Should Track Your Child's Phone

The world is becoming dangerous by the day, and you need to maintain peace of mind. As a parent, you are responsible for ensuring that their actions will not unknowingly harm them, their friends, or others.

Hence, it would be best if you track your child's phone. Keeping track of the activities on your child's phone will keep you informed about their behavior and decisions. You can advise them on the troublesome or harmful ones. Also, you can easily spot a scam and help them avoid it.

On the other hand, parents should not also allow their child have sleepless school nights because they are playing games. And one of the ways to know this is by monitoring the phone of such a child.

However, a child may feel trust is missing if the parent bugs their phone with a tracker. So it is advised that parents can let the child know through an open discussion that you will be tracking them.

If you do not want them to see, you can get up the tracking app without their knowledge and not give them a clue of what you are doing.

Part 2. 5 Ways to Track My Child's Phone without Them Knowing for Free

This section discusses five main options to track a child's phone without them knowing. Hence, you can pick the one that suits your need the most without being detected or grey-balled.

1Free Child Phone Tracker App

AirDroid Family Locator is a full-feature tracking app. It is a safekeeping tool for parents to protect their children from physical and online harm. Its interface makes it easy for parents to track their children from other devices. These features allow you to enable many functions that relay the action on your child's phone to you.

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (2)

Key Features

  • Track kid's Android phone location in real-time and without them knowing
  • Remotely monitor your kid's phone surroundings
  • Monitor online activities in real-time and review daily or weekly report
  • Sync social media apps' notifications, such as Facebook Messenger, Line, and WhatsApp
  • Set geofenced zones and get instant alerts
  • Schedule screen time and app usage to help kids build healthy digital habits
  • Block or restrict specific inappropriate apps and new apps

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (3)Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (4)

2Free Cell Phone Tracker by Number

Instead of using an app, you can use the phone number of the phone to track your child. This method does not often offer full features like using a dedicated tracking app. However, some apps that use numbers to track cell phones have full features. Most apps and methods (like service providers) that follow a phone with the number only provide your child's location. Some online options to track your child's cell phone using a number are GPS Mobile Number Tracker, Phone Location, Phone Number Tracker, etc.

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (5)

3Phone's Built-in Functions

Both Android and iOS phones have in-built functions that can help you track a phone. For instance, Android phones with Google enabled can use the Find My Device feature. Samsung devices have a similar Find My Mobile feature that you can use to track your child's location. Apple has a dedicated Find My iPhone feature to track its user's phones.

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (6)

If you know their account before, you can track kids' phones without them knowing.

4Google Family Link - Track Your Child's Android Phone for Free

Google Family Link is a setup account created by Google. It is designed to help parents monitor all digital activities their children are involved in. It helps you track your child's Android phone for free, and as such, It could be used to track your children's online activities without them knowing.

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (7)

With Google Family Link, parents can have a uniform platform to track the activities of their wards in the system. Also, it provides a range of features such as age content filters, easy integration with other Android devices, remote device locking, and many more. All of these features help to protect your kids and help you take control of your child's exposure online.

5Google Maps - Free Child Phone Locator for Android & iOS

Google Maps is one tool that can track your child's phone without them knowing. However, it is important to note that Google Maps is not a tracking tool. It contains certain features that make it easy to track your child's phone without them knowing.

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (8)

With Google Maps, you have a location-sharing tool at your disposal. Use your child's phone and send you a location-sharing message on Google Maps; then, you may track your child's location without them knowing. So it makes family locations possible. Aside, Google Maps comes with a feature that enables you to access the Android function "Find My Device."

Bonus Tips to Choose the Right App to Track Your Child's Phone

If you're still not sure which software can help you track your kid's phone without them knowing, you might want to check out our suggestions:

  • Get a rough idea of where your child is: Free Cell Phone Tracker by Number
    Cons: Results aren't always precise or accurate.
  • Track your child's phone location without installing an app: Built-in phone features
    Cons: Can't track if your child's phone isn't linked to yours or if they unlink it themselves
  • Track your child's location for free: Google Family Link
    Cons: Limited location tracking features.
  • Track your kid's location for free without any parental control software: Google Maps
    Cons: The shared location link might get discovered and stopped by your child at any time.
  • Track your kid's phone for more than just location: AirDroid Parental Control
    Cons: Can't track if location services are turned off.
  • Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (9)Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (10)

Part 3. Can I See Everything on My Child's Phone Without Them Knowing

Yes, you can see everything on your child's phone without them knowing. You need to monitor their phone discreetly with a phone monitoring app. However, not all monitoring apps are discreet and invisible. Hence, you should use an app like the AirDroid Parental Monitoring app that works in stealth mode.

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (11)

While you want to install the monitoring app on your child's phone, you should wait until the child has gone to school or out to play with friends. Also, you can use phone features that allow you to hide apps. Once the app is kept from sight, it becomes almost impossible for the child to know that their phone is being tracked.

One of the things that can make your child know that their phone is being watched is changes in their phone settings. Hence, avoid making unnecessary changes to their phone from your tracking app. For instance, some tracking app allows you to block certain apps, turn off location, lock your child's phone, etc. Give parental counsel for why changes should be made to certain settings and ensure they are there when making the changes.

Once their susception is raised about how those changes were made, tracking their phone may become more difficult. It would be best if you also were careful not to raise a point that will tip them off about being monitored. During discussions, avoid using information obtained while tracking their phone, except if there is an additional source to confirm the information.

Part 4. What You Want to Track on Your Kid's Phone

The purpose of tracking your child is to protect them from harm and prevent them from making grave mistakes. Hence, it would be best to specify what you want to track on your kid's phone.


Some parental control tools allow parents to monitor their child's surrounding, knowing what is going on there at the moment. Parents can easily know the events occurring there and understand their kid's current situation.

Live location

You can easily know the current location of your child. You can track your child's real-time location to ensure your child's safety or make sure your child is not in an inappropriate place. For example, your child is arriving at school for class and not skipping to hang out.


You want to ensure your child is not exposed to cyberbullying or harassment in the neighborhood and at school.


Older folks may want to take sexual advantage of your child. Tracking helps prevent your child from such danger by knowing who they speak with and go out with.


Children are curious creatures, and the internet has the answers to satisfy their curiosities. One of those curiosities is sex and p*rnography. You want to ensure your child is not accessing inappropriate sites and sharing their nudity with anyone, especially strangers.


Children are not very watchful in identifying the intention of strangers. Hence, they can easily be targeted with ads to defraud them of their money or any other valuable.


Kidnapping for ransom is another danger to children. You can track their movement and know that they are safe.

Addiction (Drug and Alcohol)

There are growing chains or means of accessing drugs in society. Many bars do not require a means of identification to sell alcohol. Hence, you want to track your child to ensure they do not fall victim to addiction to these social vices.

Part 5. How to Prepare the Kid's Phone for Tracking

The target phone often requires app installation that is linked to your device. However, some phones require rooting or jailbreaking. It is best to buy a phone and root it or jailbreak it immediately to avoid the child's suspicion. However, if you don't want to root their Android phones, you can install the kids' version of the AirDroid Parental Control. Then, you can hand it to them as a gift.

Part 6. Weighing the Pros and Cons of Tracking Your Child's Phone

While it is good to track your child's phone, it is very important to compare the pros and cons of what you are about to do so you can make the best decision.

Let's start with the benefits:

Safety and Security

Tracking your child's phone helps you monitor your children for their security and their safety. This is because it gives you access to their location and probably what is going on around them.

Prevention of Cyberbullying

Tracking your child's phone helps you to monitor how your child interacts in the digital space and can provide you with heads-up information about what is happening to your child. This, in the long run, helps in early detection and prevention of Cyberbullying.

Control over Screen Time

Monitoring your child's over-screen time is tracking your child's phone. Usually, most phone tracking apps come with screen time and control which can be used to monitor and regulate how long your child spends on the device.

Inappropriate Content

When you track your children's phones without them knowing, you can easily regulate the kind of content they get. This is because you can use age restriction to restrict the kind of programs or content they watch, which helps prevent them from harmful content.

The Potential drawback and cons:

Privacy Invasion

Tracking your child's phone without them knowing is a breach of privacy that can breed distance between you and your child. And as such, it should be approached cautiously.

Overdependence on Technology

Tracking your child's phone may make you over-dependent on technology and lead you to ignore other aspects of child raising.

Creating Anxiety

Tracking your children's phones could create Anxiety and some forms of worry, particularly on the part of the parent.

Stifling Independence

Tracking your child's phone unawares could damage your child's sense of freedom. It could also restrict some of their actions and reduce their independence.

Part 7. Consider Discussing Phone Tracking with your Kids First

Tips for Having an Open Conversation

Choose the Right Place and Time

To successfully have this discussion with your kids, you must discuss it at the appropriate place and time; failure to do this could lead to tension and distrust.

Express Your Intensions Honestly

Though our topic is tracking your child's phone without their knowledge, we still recommend parents be honest about their intentions when monitoring their child's phone.

Being honest with your child demonstrates respect and care for your child and does not diminish your child's trust in you.

Listen to the Child's Perspective

Ensure the conversation is a free-flowing conversation that is not authoritative. To do this, you have to listen to the child too. Learn what your child thinks about cell phone monitoring through conversations and answer any questions your child has.

Also, you can learn about what your child is currently interested in or concerned about, making it easy to customize the content or app your child can and cannot access when you monitor a cell phone.

Discuss Boundaries and Expectations

It is important to have boundaries and expectations to ensure a fair and open standard. We do not support completely dictatorial phone monitoring.

Implementing phone monitoring that parents and children agree on under one standard helps children develop a sense of rules and does not cause them to lose trust in their parents.

Educate Them about Online Danger

Educating children about the dangers online can help increase receptiveness to the plan, making it easy to comply.

Building Trust with Your Child

After establishing communication with them, it is important to build trust with your kids; you can do that by ensuring the following:

Respecting Privacy

It is important to stay within the agreed boundaries. Except in emergencies, parents should refrain from any exploratory behavior that violates the agreement with the child and risks breaking trust with the child if the child learns of it.

Encourage Open Conversations

Open conversations serve as a way to get feedback and more from their expression. Encourage your child to initiate a conversation with you. You can also guide your child to express their ideas or opinions. Talk about anything, but remember not to use a preachy or scolding tone, or your child will be frustrated and refuse a conversation.

Be a Role Model

Being a role model makes it easy for children to follow. Trust and compliance can be achieved once the parents set good examples and become good role models.

Encourage Them to Make Choices

It is important to give children some level of freedom within acceptable limits to choose what they want. It can boost the trust of your child.

Regularly Discuss Phone Usage

You can regularly discuss cell phone use with your child, who is under cell phone monitoring. Listen to whether the situation inconveniences your child. If your child's reasons are valid, you may consider whether to relax the intensity of monitoring their cell phone.

Part 8. Balancing Tracking Your Child's Phone and Their Independence

Also, it is important to balance phone tracking and children's children's independence. Here are some tips:

Encouraging Responsible Phone Use

Set online etiquette: Set clear rules and guidelines for the children; this helps them regulate their behavior and not do anything undesirable.

Cultivate online critical thinking skills: Guide your child to cultivate online critical thinking skills that can help them to interact successfully in digital space without being scammed, bullied, and blackmailed.

Set Screen Time Limits: Screen limits, when implemented, would ensure that children enjoy the flexibility of independence within a specified period. Also, it creates a healthy environment for children to use cell phones and avoid over-indulgence in the internet.

Fostering Independence While Maintaining Safety

Allowing more freedom over time: If your child can perform well under the monitoring standards you set, you may consider lifting some of the restrictions on your child's phone overtime to give them some freedom.

Teach cyber safety skills: It is important to teach children cyber safety skills to guide how they use the media. Children could be conducted online privacy, online literacy, cyber security, and more.

Offer support without intrusion: It is always important to have limits when interacting with children, particularly when helping out on any issue.


AirDroid Parental Control is the best solution to ensure your child is safe online. It has features that can help you keep track of your child's location anywhere and anytime. In addition, you can listen to the child's environment, watch where the child is, and get alerts about what the child may be doing.

More than what you have expected, right? Download to try to track your kid's phone for free right now.

FAQs about Tracking My Child's Phone

Q 1. How Can I Track My Child's Phone Without Installing an App?

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (12)


You can track their phone through the carrier app or phone number. Some apps can track their location with these two options, and you would not need to install an app on their phone. Another alternative is using the IMEI number.

Q 2. How Can I See Everything on My Child's Phone Without Them Knowing?

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (13)


You need to monitor their phone discreetly with a phone monitoring app. However, not all monitoring apps are discreet and invisible. Hence, you should use an app like AirDroid Parental Monitoring app, that works in stealth mode. It can show your kid's live screen on yours and sync app notifications.

Q 3. How to Track My Child's Location in Real-time?

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (14)


You can track your child's location in real-time by following the recommendations provided in this article. For instance, you can use AirDroid Parental Control.

Q 4. My Daughter Ran Away; How Can I Track Her Phone?

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (15)


You can track her through a phone monitoring app, phone number tracking apps, through her carrier, and check if she has her phone's built-in tracking features enabled.

Q 5. Can I Track My Child Without Giving Them a Phone?

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (16)


Yes, there are some keychain-sized GPS trakers which can clip to a wriggly kid's belt loop, shoelace, or backpack. You can share your child's location with trusted adults, set geofences, get alerted when your kid gets out of bounds, and swipe between multiple children.

Q 6. Can I Remotely Access My Daughter’s iPhone?

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (17)


Yes, you can. Apple's family sharing features allow you to access your daughter's phone remotely.

Q 7. How Can I Track My Child’s iPhone Location?

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (18)


Using the IOS family sharing feature, you can track your child's phone once they are connected to the family account you must have created.

Q 8. Can My Child Uninstall the Tracking App?

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (19)


The answer is no. Because most of these tracking apps will usually require the parents to use a password to keep it from being deleted by their children, if the password is exposed, the app can then be deleted.

As an expert in the field of child safety and phone tracking, I bring forth a wealth of knowledge and expertise to address the growing concerns related to the safety of children in today's society. My understanding spans various aspects of digital safety, online threats, and the use of technology to monitor and protect children without compromising their privacy.

In the article provided, the overarching theme revolves around the increasing safety concerns in society, both in physical spaces and the digital realm. It emphasizes the need for parents to actively engage in monitoring their children's activities, especially on their phones, to ensure their well-being and protect them from potential dangers.

The article covers several essential concepts and methods related to child phone tracking:

  1. Safety Concerns in Society:

    • Mention of the rising issues such as social unrest, shootings, bullying, and security loopholes in the digital space.
    • Highlighting the impact of these insecurities on family members and friends.
  2. Methods for Tracking Phones:

    • Introduction of various methods to track a child's phone without their knowledge, including the use of tracking apps, phone numbers, built-in phone functions, Google Family Link, and Google Maps.
  3. Importance of Tracking Your Child's Phone:

    • Emphasis on the increasing dangers in the world and the responsibility of parents to monitor and guide their children to prevent potential harm.
    • Stressing the significance of tracking activities to stay informed about a child's behavior and decisions.
  4. Detailed Methods for Phone Tracking:

    • In-depth information about five different methods for tracking a child's phone without their knowledge, each with specific features and benefits.
  5. Balancing Privacy and Safety:

    • Acknowledgment of potential trust issues if a child discovers they are being tracked without their knowledge.
    • Suggestion to discuss phone tracking openly with children to maintain trust and transparency.
  6. Pros and Cons of Phone Tracking:

    • Evaluation of the benefits, including safety and security, prevention of cyberbullying, control over screen time, and protection from inappropriate content.
    • Discussion of drawbacks, such as privacy invasion, overdependence on technology, creating anxiety, and stifling independence.
  7. Preparing the Kid's Phone for Tracking:

    • Mention of the need for app installation or rooting/jailbreaking, with a recommendation for using the AirDroid Parental Control app.
  8. Tips for Discussing Phone Tracking with Kids:

    • Guidance on choosing the right time and place for discussions, expressing intentions honestly, listening to the child's perspective, and setting boundaries and expectations.
  9. Balancing Phone Tracking and Independence:

    • Tips for encouraging responsible phone use, fostering independence while maintaining safety, and regularly discussing phone usage with children.
  10. Conclusion and Recommendations:

    • Recommendation of AirDroid Parental Control as a comprehensive solution for ensuring child safety online.
  11. FAQs:

    • Addressing common questions about tracking without installing an app, viewing everything on a child's phone, tracking location in real-time, and more.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive guide for parents on the importance of tracking their child's phone, various methods to do so, and considerations for maintaining a balance between safety and privacy.

Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways (2024)


Track My Child Phone without Them Knowing for Free - 5 Ways? ›

Parental Control Apps: Apps like Google Family, Qustodio, and Net Nanny are designed to help parents monitor their child's phone activities. They offer features such as call and message monitoring, GPS location tracking, and social media monitoring.

How can I secretly track my child's phone for free? ›

3 Free Ways to Track My Child without Them Knowing
  1. Find My Devices (Android) If your child is using an Android phone, the built-in function called Find My Device can help you track your child's location. ...
  2. Find My (iPhone) ...
  3. Google Family Link (Android & iPhone)
Jan 3, 2024

How can I see everything on my child's phone? ›

Parental Control Apps: Apps like Google Family, Qustodio, and Net Nanny are designed to help parents monitor their child's phone activities. They offer features such as call and message monitoring, GPS location tracking, and social media monitoring.

What is the free app to locate your child? ›

Findmykids is designed with your child's safety in mind. The app's unique family safety features ensure you can easily keep in contact with your child when they aren't with you or when they aren't responding to you on their device.

How can I see my child's location on iPhone for free? ›

How to Find My Daughter iPhone for Free
  1. Enable Find My App on Your Phones. Go to Settings on your daughter's phone. ...
  2. Create a Family Share Group. Tap on your Apple ID and select Family Sharing. ...
  3. Activate Location Sharing on Your Child's Device. ...
  4. Track Kids iPhone on Find My App.

What is the best free tracking app? ›

Overview of 6 Tracking Apps for Android and iPhone
AppBest FeatureFree-Trail Days
Find my Phone - Family LocatorOffers SOS button for help7-days
Family360Locating logs for above 30 days21-days
Google MapsExplore your neighborhood with this appFree
GlympseSend a link to your friends to locate you30-days
2 more rows
Apr 26, 2024

Is the FindMyKids app free? ›

You can use all the functions of the service for free for 7 days. At the end of this period, the free version will only have location tracking online. For all functions in the app, you will need to buy a subscription.

How can I see my childs deleted texts? ›

Method #3: Recover Deleted Messages From Google Backup
  1. In the Settings, find google and choose Backup.
  2. Click “Back up now”.
  3. Sign in to their Google account and find deleted messages.
May 13, 2024

Is there an app that lets me see my child's texts? ›

Bark scans your child's text messages, 30+ social media apps, web browsers, emails, and other online activity, keeping you informed and your child protected.

How to track child location? ›

How to locate your child's Android phone with Family Link
  1. On YOUR PHONE, Open the Family Link app.
  2. Go to Location and press 'Set up'
  3. Choose which child you want to turn on location sharing for.
  4. Press 'Turn on'
Apr 12, 2024

What's the best free family tracking app? ›

Top 9 Best Family Tracking Apps for iPhone & Android (2024)
  • The Family1st Mobile Tracking Application is the most reliable tracking tool available.
  • FamiSafe is the best child-tracking application.
  • MSpy Mobile Tracking Application: Best for Spouse Tracking.
  • Google Find My Device: The Best Way to Locate a Lost Phone.

How can I track a family member's location for free? ›

Find my Phone - Family Locator: This GPS tracking application proves valuable for Android devices. Alongside location monitoring, it offers functionalities like personalised text alerts to inform friends and family of your current movements in real-time, enabling them to stay updated on your whereabouts continuously.

What is the best free app to control your child's phone? ›

Kaspersky Safe Kids is parental control software for Windows, macOS, Android, iOS devices, with both free and paid-for versions.

Is there a free app to find someone's location? ›

To follow someone on Google Maps, either track their location through Google Maps for free or use a spy app like mSpy. Both require access to the other person's device, but spy apps' real-time GPS tracking is more accurate, and they offer more tracking features like social media monitoring and keylogging.

How do I track a family member on Google Maps? ›

If you shared your location with someone, or they shared with you in the past, you can ask for their location in Maps.
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app .
  2. Tap your profile picture or initial. Location sharing.
  3. Tap a contact who shared with you before.
  4. Tap Request. Request.

What is the free app to track iPhone location? ›

Find My iPhone: If you misplace your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac, the Find My iPhone app will let you use any iOS device to find it and protect your data. Simply install this free app, open it, and sign in with the Apple ID you use for iCloud.

Can a parent track a child's phone when with the other parent? ›

Essentially, parents may not intentionally use location apps or GPS devices to track their children while they are with the other parent without express consent. Doing so could theoretically lead to more family law conflict, as the other parent might decide to take legal action over that invasion of their privacy.

Is Life360 free? ›

Our basic service is free to download and use. Once downloaded, you can sign up for a paid membership plan via the app. Silver, Gold and Platinum provide your Circle with additional safety features. For users outside of the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand, we offer Life360 Premium with additional features.

What is the best app to monitor your child's phone? ›

Qustodio offers one of the most comprehensive collections of parental control and online protection tools from a single service. This includes web content and app filtering, activity monitoring, and the ability to set time limits across all devices and computers a child uses.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.