Toronto Housing Market | 2024 Home Prices (2024)

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Toronto Housing Market | 2024 Home Prices (1)

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    Toronto Market Report Summary

    • The average selling price of a home in Toronto decreased by 5.0% year-over-year to $1,097,300 in July 2024.
    • The average selling price of a single-family home in Toronto decreased by 4.2% year-over-year to $1,325,300 in July 2024.
    • The average selling price of a townhouse/multiplex in Toronto decreased by 4.1% year-over-year to $817,200 in July 2024.
    • The average selling price of a condo in Toronto decreased by 5.1% year-over-year to $679,200 in July 2024.
    • The average rent in Toronto decreased by 5.0% year-over-year to $2,719 for July 2024.

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    Composite Home Prices

    Toronto Housing Market | 2024 Home Prices (2)

    The average selling price of a home in Toronto was $1,097,300 for the month of July 2024, that’s decreased by 1.2% compared to the previous month. On a year-over-year basis, Toronto home prices have decreased 5.0% over the last 12 months.

    Single-family Home Prices

    Toronto Housing Market | 2024 Home Prices (3)

    The average selling price of a single-family home in Toronto was $1,325,300 for the month of July 2024, that’s decreased by 1.3% compared to the previous month. On a year-over-year basis, single-family home prices in Toronto have decreased by 4.2% over the last 12 months.

    Townhouse and Multiplex Prices

    Toronto Housing Market | 2024 Home Prices (4)

    The average selling price of a townhouse in Toronto was $817,200 for the month of July 2024, that’s decreased by 1.3% compared to the previous month. On a year-over-year basis, the price of a townhouse in Toronto has decreased by 4.1% over the last 12 months.

    Condo Prices

    Toronto Housing Market | 2024 Home Prices (5)

    The average selling price of a condo in Toronto was $679,200 for the month of July 2024, that’s decreased by 0.7% compared to the previous month. On a year-over-year basis, the price of a condo in Toronto has decreased 5.1% over the last 12 months.

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    Toronto Housing Market Summary

    Data from the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board (TRREB) indicates that the average price of resale residential homes sold across Toronto in July 2024 was $1,097,300, and it decreased of 5.0% compared to a year ago.

    TREBB also reported a sales-to-new-listings ratio (SNLR) of 33%, indicating a buyers market in Toronto for July 2024.

    According to the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board (TRREB), Toronto’s real estate market saw a slight uptick in sales in July, signalling a potential shift in buyer sentiment as interest rates decline. While this increase is encouraging, the market remains well-supplied, with new listings outpacing sales. This surplus inventory, particularly in the condo market, keeps prices stable and offers buyers more choice.

    The MLS Home Price Index Composite benchmark experienced a 5% year-over-year decrease in July, and the average selling price saw a slight dip of 0.9% compared to the same period last year. However, experts predict this price stability is temporary, reassuring potential buyers and investors. They anticipate a resumption of price growth as inventory is absorbed and demand increases due to further rate cuts.

    Despite the slowdown, the market shows early signs of a potential rebound. Increased showings and a year-over-year increase in sales for detached, semi-detached, and townhomes suggest buyers are starting to respond to lower interest rates. However, the condo market remains sluggish, with a glut of inventory and record-high active listings.

    TRREB president Jennifer Pearce and chief market analyst Jason Mercer believe that the market will accelerate as borrowing costs continue to decline, igniting anticipation. However, the timing and extent of this recovery remain uncertain, as some buyers may wait for further rate cuts before entering the market.

    While the current market conditions present a favourable environment for buyers, with increased choice and negotiating power, experts warn that this window of opportunity may be limited. As inventory is absorbed and demand picks up, prices will likely increase again, potentially making homeownership less affordable.

    The GTA housing market may be currently in flux; while there are signs of a potential rebound, the market remains sluggish, with buyers benefiting from increased choice and stable prices. As interest rates continue to decline, the market is expected to become more active, potentially leading to a resumption of price growth.

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    Month-over-Month Market Expectations for Toronto

    Transactions – Number of Sales

    Toronto Housing Market | 2024 Home Prices (6)

    The number of sales in Toronto was 5,391 during July 2024, that’s decreased by 13.2% compared to the previous month. On a year-over-year basis, sales in Toronto have increased by 2.7% over the last 12 months.

    New Listings

    Toronto Housing Market | 2024 Home Prices (7)

    The number of new listings in Toronto was 16,296 during July 2024, that’s decreased by 9.3% compared to the previous month. On a year-over-year basis, new listings in Toronto have increased by 18.8% over the last 12 months.

    Real Estate Market

    Toronto Housing Market | 2024 Home Prices (8)

    The sales to new listings ratio (SNLR) in Toronto was 33% during July 2024, indicating a buyers market. On a monthly basis, that’s decreased by 4.3% compared to the previous month. Toronto’s yearly sales to new listings ratio has decreased by 13.6% over the last 12 months.

    The sales to new listings ratio (SNLR) measures the number of home sales compared to new listings. An SNLR under 40% suggests a buyer’s market in which buyers have the upper hand and more negotiating power. An SNLR between 40% and 60% is a balanced market, while an SNLR of over 60% is considered a seller’s market.

    Market Breakdown By Property Type for Toronto

    Annual Changes to Composite Home Prices in Toronto

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    Toronto Market Rents Summary

    The average rent in Toronto was $2,719 for the month of July 2024, which decreased by 5.0% on a year-over-year basis.

    The average rent for a bachelor apartment in Toronto was $1,985 for the month of July 2024, which decreased by 4.0% on a year-over-year basis.

    The average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in Toronto was $2,458 for the month of July 2024, which decreased by 5.0% on a year-over-year basis.

    The average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment in Toronto was $3,214 for the month of July 2024, which decreased by 5.0% on a year-over-year basis.

    The average rent for a 3-bedroom apartment in Toronto was $2,458 for the month of July 2024, which decreased by 5.0% on a year-over-year basis.

    How Does Renting Compare with Homeownership in Toronto?

    Each $100,000 in mortgage balance costs an average of $545 per month on nesto’s lowest fixed 5-year rate at and $608 per month on nesto’s lowest adjustable 5-year rate at . For each $100,000 in mortgage balance, a 0.25% change in Canada’s policy rate impacts the monthly payment by $15. Rates used for calculation are those offered on insured purchases with less than a 20% downpayment on a 25-year amortization. Canada’s policy rate is , and nesto’s prime rate is set to .

    Rental Price Changes by City

    Rental Price Changes by Province

    Rental Price Growth by Housing Type

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is the Toronto housing market going to crash in 2024?

    Toronto home prices are currently sagging due to surging mortgage rates. Toronto prices remain some of the highest in the country, and with the current Bank of Canada rate hikes, mortgages have been harder to qualify for due to the stress test. Toronto prices will recover quicker than other areas once mortgage rates decline back to manageable levels for homebuyers to purchase or homeowners to refinance their homes.

    Will Toronto’s housing prices increase in 2024?

    Although currently declining, many experts believe that a turnaround is imminent. Buyers are waiting on the sidelines for the opportune time to make a move.

    How do I get approved for a mortgage in Toronto?

    To get approved for a mortgage in Toronto, look at Toronto mortgage rates and see how much you can afford. This will give you an idea of what it will cost to buy a home in Toronto at today’s prices and rates. You can check out what you need to get pre-approved for a mortgage or start by getting a quote.

    Why Choose nesto

    At nesto, our commission-free mortgage experts, certified in multiple provinces, provide exceptional advice and service that exceeds industry standards. Our mortgage experts are non-commissioned salaried employees who provide impartial guidance on mortgage options tailored to your needs and are evaluated based on client satisfaction and advice quality. nesto aims to transform the mortgage industry by providing honest advice and competitive rates using a 100% fully digital, transparent, seamless process.

    nesto is on a mission to offer a positive, empowering and transparent property financing experience – simplified from start to finish.

    Contact our licensed and knowledgeable mortgage experts to find your best mortgage rate in Canada.

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    Interest Rates

    Property Values

    Home Price Index

    Property Types

    Property Ownership Classes

    Strata Insurance

    Rental Values

    Qualifying Criteria

    Professional Titles

    Mortgage Experts

    Interest Rates

    Qualified using nesto’s fixed 5-year insured and uninsured rates as advertised on our website. For today, Friday, September 13, 2024, our example calculations are qualified on our lowest rates, which may or may not apply to your unique financing situation or long-term goals. Insured fixed-rate mortgages will be qualified at , which is exactly 2% in addition to our fixed insured rate currently at . Uninsured fixed-rate mortgages will be qualified at , which is exactly 2% in addition to our fixed uninsured rate currently at . Insured variable rate mortgages will be qualified at , which is exactly 2% in addition to our variable insured rate currently at . Uninsured variable rate mortgages will be qualified at , which is exactly 2% in addition to our variable uninsured rate currently at .

    We appreciate your patience and understanding and encourage you to email us at [email protected] with information that needs correction alongside your sources.

    Property Values

    Home values collected from CREA or QPAREB are those presented as the composite benchmark or average prices for each city/province/region unless specified. They may be interchangeably called average home prices, though an average price may not be available for many regions outside Quebec.

    MLS® Home Price Index (HPI)

    TheMLS® Home Price Index (HPI)is a real estate price index compiled by the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) that tracks the price of homes in your neighbourhood. It’s a quick way for Canadians to compare home prices in different parts of Canada and between different periods without having to factor in the unique characteristics of a particular property.

    While market prices can vary from one month to the next based on seasonal factors, the Home Price Index (HPI) provides a more consistent view and tracks price trends over an extended period. The Home Price Index (HPI) is updated annually in May to reflect changes in real estate markets.

    MLS® HPI is the most comprehensive and precise way to track a neighbourhood’s home price level and trends. MLS HPI uses over 15 years of data from the MLS® System and advanced statistical models to create a “typical” home based on the characteristics of homes purchased and sold. This benchmark home is tracked across all Canadian neighbourhoods and various types of homes.

    Property Types

    Detached homes, also known as single-family homes, are residential properties that stand alone and are not connected to other buildings. They are legal single residential units on their own parcel of land and have a separate title.

    Semi-detachedhomes are characterized by their unique architectural design. Two houses are built side by side and share a common wall. Although sharing a building, semi-detached homes have their own parcel of land and separate legal titles.

    Townhousesare residential dwellings typically characterized by narrow, tall structures, often sharing walls with neighbouring units. Although they may share yards or common elements with their neighbours, townhouses will have separate legal titles from any adjoining building. Townhouses can be purchased as freehold or leasehold within a condo or strata and may come with their own land parcel. Townhouses can be part of a low-rise or high-rise building.

    Condo apartments, also known as condominiums, are residential properties that combine elements of apartments and individual homes. It is a unit within a larger building or complex owned by an individual who also shares ownership of common areas and amenities with other residents. Condo apartment owners have legal ownership of their units and can modify them within the guidelines set by the condominium association. Unlike a townhouse, condos do not offer exclusive use of outdoor space unless they come with a balcony or terrace. Condos can be part of a low-rise or high-rise building.

    Plexes or multiplexesare unique residential buildings constructed into 2 to 6 units within a single structure. Traditionally, they have been designed as low-rise residential buildings where any unit is accessible via an external entrance with higher floors connected by staircases. Each unit will have a separate registration and title but may share common elements and co-ownership fees with the other multiplex owners. Plexes are common in Québec and older parts of Toronto.

    Property Ownership Classes

    Afreeholdis a type of property ownership where an individual or entity has complete and indefinite ownership rights over a property and its parcel of land. Common freehold property types include detached houses, semi-detached houses, farms, and townhouses, which are not part of condominium corporations.

    Acondominium or condois a distinct type of property class that combines apartment living and individual homeownership elements. In a condominium, individual units are owned by the residents, while the common areas and amenities are shared among all the unit owners. This type of ownership gives you rights to your specific unit and some rights and responsibilities to the common areas, such as the hallways, elevators, garage, pool and rooftop patios.

    Aleaseholdis a legal arrangement where a person or entity holds the right to use and occupy a property for a specific period, typically through a lease agreement. In some cases, the leaseholder may own the building or unit and rent the land from the landowner (landlord).

    Strata insurance

    Strata insuranceis insurance that a strata or condominium uses to cover damages to common areas, assets and liabilities to the strata. It can also include fixtures built or installed as part of the original construction of each unit, even though these may not be common structures. Strata insurance can cover the following:

    • Buildings and structures on the strata’s property, including common areas such as the garage, roof, lobby, pool, etc.,
    • Liabilities for any property damage or bodily harm due to an injury suffered on a strata property,
    • Which also includes fixtures in the standard unit or part of the original make of each unit.

    Strata insurance generally does not cover personal belongings and appliances in a condo unit. Damage caused by individual unit owners (e.g., water damage due to a unit owner’s negligence) is typically covered under personal condo insurance.

    Rental Values

    Our monthly or year-over-year rental averages are sourced from Urbanation’s monthly National Rental Report.

    Mortgage Qualifying Criteria

    Insured qualifying criteria are limited to a 39% gross debt service (GDS) ratio and up to 25 years of amortization. For insured mortgage transaction calculations, we have used a 20% downpayment, unless otherwise indicated, in our examples and excluded any mortgage default insurance (CMHC) premium. Uninsured qualifying criteria are limited to a 35% gross debt service (GDS) ratio and up to 30 years of amortization. Our examples use a 20% downpayment for uninsured mortgage transaction calculations. Unless otherwise indicated, a $100 monthly heating cost is attributed to the total monthly stress-tested payment. Municipal tax rates are the most recently shown on the applicable municipality’s website (1% used as default when unavailable or for a region with an unspecified mill rate). Mortgage default insurance is not permitted on purchases that have valuations of $1 million or more, amortizations exceeding 25 years, or on refinance transactions.

    Regulatory Titles

    In Ontario (FSRA), mortgage brokers and agents serve as the middle person between borrowers and lenders, helping clients find the most suitable mortgage options for their financing situation. A Mortgage Agent works under the supervision of a Mortgage Broker and assists in the mortgage application process. A Mortgage Broker may also be responsible for compliance requirements for their brokerage or a team.

    The provinces of Quebec (AMF) and Newfoundland (Digital & Government Service NL) both exclusively utilize the designation of Mortgage Broker as a licensing designation.

    British Columbia (BCFSA) has two distinct roles within the mortgage industry: the Submortgage Broker and the Mortgage Broker. These positions have specific responsibilities and functions that contribute to the overall process of securing mortgages for clients. The Submortgage Broker works under the supervision of a licensed Mortgage Broker and assists in various tasks, such as gathering client information, completing paperwork, and liaising with lenders. The Mortgage Broker oversees the entire mortgage application process, including assessing client needs, finding suitable mortgage options, negotiating terms, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

    In Alberta (RECA) and New Brunswick (FCNB), the distinction between a Mortgage Associate and a Mortgage Broker lies in their roles and responsibilities within the mortgage industry. A Mortgage Associate typically works under the supervision of a Mortgage Broker and assists in the mortgage application process gathering necessary documentation, and providing support to clients. A Mortgage Broker is licensed to independently negotiate and arrange mortgage loans on behalf of clients, offering a more comprehensive range of mortgage options and expertise in the field.

    In Saskatchewan (FCAA) and Nova Scotia (Government of Nova Scotia, Business Licensing), there are distinct roles for both Associate Mortgage Brokers and Mortgage Brokers. The critical difference lies in their level of experience and licensing requirements. Associate Mortgage Brokers work under the supervision of a licensed Mortgage Broker and are in the early stages of their career. They may assist with gathering client information and preparing mortgage applications. Mortgage Brokers have obtained the necessary qualifications and licences to operate independently and provide mortgage services directly to clients. They have the authority to negotiate mortgage terms, advise clients, and facilitate the mortgage process from start to finish.

    In Manitoba (MSC), a Salesperson is primarily responsible for promoting and selling products or services, while an Authorised Official holds the authority to make legally binding decisions on behalf of the organization. These roles have different levels of authority and expertise, with the Salesperson focusing on sales and the Authorised Official having broader decision-making powers and acting as the liaison between the brokerage and the regulator.

    For a complete list of licensing terms in Canada, please see the Mortgage Broker Regulators’ Council of Canada (MBRCC) published list.

    nesto Mortgage Experts

    Titles such as mortgage broker, mortgage agent, submortgage broker, mortgage salesperson, or principal broker are provincially regulated licensing terms with educational requirements specific to each province. Although they may all commonly be referred to as mortgage brokers, in Ontario, where mortgage agents are used as a designation,mortgage brokers or principal brokers have additional responsibility for compliance and training mortgage agents.

    Licensed mortgage professionals often use the industry norm of “mortgage broker,” “broker,” or “advisor” to refer to themselves. However, disclosure requirements for licensed mortgage professionals’ titles vary across each province in Canada. These disclosures require mortgage brokers to adhere to specific rules when using titles to represent their qualifications and expertise. The provinces have regulations and guidelines that govern the use of titles by mortgage brokers. These regulations aim to ensure transparency and protect consumers in the mortgage industry.

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    in this series Toronto Guide

    • Income Needed to Buy a Home in Toronto next read
    • Toronto Housing Market Outlook currently reading
    • Is It Still A Good Time To Buy A Condo In Toronto? next read
    • Where Should I Live In Toronto? next read
    • How Much Does a Home Cost in Toronto? next read
    • Compare Toronto Mortgage Rates next read

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    Author: Edwin Metz

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    Name: Edwin Metz

    Birthday: 1997-04-16

    Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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    Job: Corporate Banking Technician

    Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

    Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.