Top Key Reasons Why You Should Invest In Ripple XRP Today | Trading Education (2024)

There are lots of reasons why you might want to invest in Ripple XRP. Many think that they have to be a savvy investor with lots of money — but, with some common sense and research, it’s pretty accessible, even for beginners.

Ripple XRP is one of the most recognized, yet most controversial cryptos in the market. This is due to a combination of its use case in banking, and uncertainty as to whether it is a security or not.

The controversies around its relationship with Ripple are so huge, that it came under the radar of the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

Despite its controversies, Ripple is one of the cryptos that made investors lots of money in the 2017-2018 Bull Run.

So after such a jump in price, and the SEC cloud still hanging over it, is Ripple XRP still a good investment? According to crypto experts, the answer is yes. It is one of the cryptos with the potential to make you rich in a very short time. If in doubt, here are 23 reasons why you should invest in XRP today.

For someone looking to build a profitable crypto portfolio, there is every reason to invest in Ripple now. For context, here are top 23 reasons why you should invest in XRP token.

If you want to buy or invest in Ripple quickly and easily, check out eToro!

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

Key Reasons Why You Should Invest In Ripple (XRP)

There are all kinds of reasons why you might want to invest in Ripple XRP — probably some you’ve never considered. Here are 23 that we found.

1. Ripple has fast transaction speeds

For a cryptocurrency to function as a currency, the transaction speeds have to be better than what is on offer in the market. Otherwise, there would be no point in it.

This is the main reason why Bitcoin is now viewed as a store-of-value than a currency. It’s slow, and the transaction costs are getting out of hand. On its part, XRP functions quite efficiently as a currency, a factor that could see its usage grow exponentially in the long run.

Not only can XRP handle thousands of transactions per second, but it also does it almost instantaneously. This will be critical to its long-term growth in value and makes it a worthy investment.

2. Ripple has a strong network effect

Ripple is one of the world’s most recognized cryptocurrencies. The only other cryptocurrencies that have the same level of recognition as XRP is Ethereum and Bitcoin.

Its strong market presence stems from the fact that it is one of the oldest cryptos, and that it was the 3rd largest in crypto for years. This only changed recently, after issues with the SEC escalated.

So does its recognition matter? Well, it matters because as the market keeps expanding, newbie investors are likely to focus on most of the top cryptocurrencies. This could see XRP uptake grow, and as demand grows, so will its value.

Read Also: Why Ripple Is Going To Explode

3. XRP Nominal Price is Low

Even if trading short of its all-time high of $68k, Bitcoin is still gaining in value.

Most altcoins are gaining rapidly too. In this fast-expanding market, small investors looking to buy crypto in sizeable volumes are looking to high potential cryptos with a low nominal value.

XRP is one of the best on this front. Unlike most tokens that may not have much underlying value, XRP is quite cheap and affordable, and it has value through adoption. This makes it perfect crypto for one to buy in large volumes, in anticipation of more gains in the future.

Top Key Reasons Why You Should Invest In Ripple XRP Today | Trading Education (1)

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

4. XRP is listed on multiple exchanges

Where crypto is listed matters a lot in its value appreciation. That’s because, if it is not easily accessible, then demand is only limited to those who can access it. XRP does not have this problem.

As one of the oldest cryptocurrencies, XRP is listed on pretty much all major exchanges. Once its issues with the SEC are over, even more exchanges, especially American ones will list XRP. This not only makes it liquid but also one primed for exponential gains as the uptake of cryptos as a mainstream investment grows.

5. Ripple has a strong and aggressive community

The Ripple XRP community is one of the largest, strongest, and most aggressive in the world. Anytime XRP comes under attack, they fight back on all platforms from Twitter to Reddit.

The latest was during the SEC case where they demanded to be enjoined in the case as interested parties. This is a big deal because it is an indicator that the community believes in XRP. This will have the effect of drawing in more investors to the XRP network in the long run, and drive up its value. It is a good reason to invest in XRP now.

Check Out: Is Ripple a Good Investment?

6. Ripple has a strong team behind it

The team behind a crypto project can either make or break it. Many cryptos have gone into oblivion due to weakness in their core teams. XRP does not have such problems.

It was developed by one of the best brains in cryptography. This means XRP will never have to deal with the risks that most projects go through. Such guarantees make XRP a good investment now that overall interest in the crypto markets is on the rise globally.

7. XRP will benefit from Ripple’s aggressive expansion

Ripple is the primary company that uses XRP to settle transactions. Though XRP is in no way a Ripple security as has been claimed by some, Ripple is a critical pillar to the long-term growth of XRP.

That is because it uses XRP to settle transactions fast, and at a low cost, and this is important to the long-term growth of XRP. The best part is that Ripple has been quite aggressive in pushing for the adoption of XRP. A number of financial institutions are ready to work with Ripple, and the numbers will only keep growing. This is a bullish signal and makes XRP a good crypto to buy now.

8. XRP will benefit from an improving regulatory environment

The regulatory environment has not been pro-crypto for a long time. Even now that the market has gone mainstream, some jurisdictions such as the US, Turkey, among others are still largely anti-crypto. However, overall the tide is turning. In Asia, lots of countries are openly pro-crypto.

Even in North America, Canada is quite receptive and has a number of crypto ETFs is on the rise. This increasingly favourable regulatory environment is a bullish signal for the entire market, including XRP.

9. Ripple XRP has a growing presence in Asia

Asia is one of the largest markets not just for cryptocurrencies, but for financial technologies in general. That’s why any cryptocurrency that finds favor in the market is bound to succeed. XRP is one of the cryptocurrencies that are increasingly adopting XRP through Ripple.

In places like Japan, financial institutions have been settling transactions in XRP for a while now. This is a strong case of adoption, one that could play a huge role in its value growth. It’s quite a compelling reason to invest in XRP today.

10. Ripple is benefiting from the growing overall crypto adoption

The crypto market has been expanding quite exponentially over the past years. It went from a market cap of $200 billion to its current net worth of $1 trillion.

This expansion has served to uplift the entire market, and that includes XRP. Despite its issues with the SEC, all indications point to further growth in the market. This is a good reason to invest in XRP, with a long-term view.

11. Ripple is a secure cryptocurrency

Security is an essential part of the survival and growth of any cryptocurrency. Without it, the crypto would be easily compromised, and lose a huge portion of its value.

For context, one needs to look at Verge, a privacy-focused cryptocurrency. Back in 2017, it was performing very well but quickly lost its market appeal after it was compromised twice. XRP is quite immune from this problem.

It is one of the most secure cryptocurrencies and has never been compromised for the more than a decade that it has been in existence. This is a good reason to believe in the security of the XRP network, and its potential for success in the long run.

Don't Miss: Ripple Price Prediction: How Much Will XRP Be Worth In The Next 5 Years?

12. Ripple is environmentally friendly

As the crypto market expands, the issue of the environment is becoming a reality. Proof-of-Work mining is now a huge contributor to carbon in the atmosphere, and crypto experts are now calling for a change.

One of those that have been calling for reforms is Chris Larsen, the co-founder of Ripple. Chris recently stated that there is a need to adopt Proof-of-Stake and other consensus algorithms such as the one used by XRP.

This means XRP has a team that cares about the environment. In a world that is increasingly sensitized to climate matters, this is a reason to choose XRP over other cryptocurrencies.

Top Key Reasons Why You Should Invest In Ripple XRP Today | Trading Education (2)

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

13. Ripple XRP is stable despite Jed McCaleb’s relentless selling

Jed McCaleb is one of the founders of XRP, and later started a rival project called XLM. This created complications and Jed has since been offloading his stash of about 8 billion XRP.

Lately, he has beenselling millions of dollars worth of XRP a week. His selling is a bullish signal in two ways. Firstly, his selling will improve the token distribution of XRP, which will increase investor confidence in XRP. Secondly, it is an indicator that the demand for XRP is strong.

That’s because, despite the heavy selloffs, the price has been on the rise for months. While Ripple’s last year's wins against the SEC have played a role in its rise, the fact that it has been resilient to Jed’s selling is a sign of strength.

It is an indicator that the XRP could rally even more once he is done with his stash. Until September 1, he had been selling 8,489,328 and 9,080,265 XRP lumps on a daily basis. Jed sold 198.3 million XRP coins throughout August, overall. Since the last tranche from Ripple Labs, when Jed received 174,862,720, not a single transaction was made from his "tacostand" address. Overall, Jed McCaleb sold 2.6 billion XRP in 2021. If he decides to resume selling, he is likely to run out of XRP by the mid-2022.

14. XRP technical analysis points to strength

The technical indicators of any asset play a role in attracting bulls or bears. In the case of XRP, the technical indicators are bullish.

On the weekly and monthly charts, key indicators such as the RSI, moving averages, and volume oscillators are all bullish.

This will keep drawing in buyers into the cryptocurrency, especially now that the whole market is bullish. The buying pressure that XRP is experiencing now is a good reason to invest, both for short-term gains, and long-term value appreciation.

Read more: How Much Will XRP Be Worth This Year And Beyond?

15. Ripple Has Lots of positive press at this point

In crypto, news is everything. Just some small negative or positive news can rally or crash the market. In March, there was a FUD tweet insinuating that the US government would crackdown on crypto, and this led to a correction of over 10% in the whole market.

In the context of this environment, Ripple XRP is in a good position right now. It is one of the cryptos that have lots of good news coming in, especially with regards to its case with the SEC.

As long as XRP keeps making small wins, its value will keep rising. In the event that the case is thrown out altogether, it could create a massive rally in XRP, and possibly see it surpass its 2017 highs. With the entry of a more flexible chairman at the SEC, this is a reason to buy XRP in anticipation of a possible price rally in the near term.

16. Ripple is very practical for the banking system

Every other crypto out there is premised on the idea of replacing the banking system as we know it. XRP takes a different approach, one of trying to make the system more efficient.

From a practical standpoint, it could be difficult to replace the system, and a more hybrid system could emerge. XRP is right in the middle of this by helping banks settle their transactions faster, and quicker.

It’s quite a logical solution, one that could see XRP take a major position in how the trillion-dollar global financial system operates. Since this is not the first time that the banking system, a factor that could play into its long-term price dynamics. For an investor looking at the long-term, this is a good reason to get into XRP now and wait.

17. Ripple’s case with the SEC is going well

For some time now, Ripple has been embroiled in a tussle with the SEC over whether XRP was an illegal unregistered Ripple security.

The good news is that recent decisions by the judge seem to be in Ripple’s favour. For instance, the judge recently ruled that the personal finances of Ripple bigwigs Brad Garlinghouse and Chris Larsen were immaterial to the case. This led to a spike in the price of XRP.

Ripple has also indicated that it was willing to work with the incoming SEC chairman on bringing the whole case to an amicable close. All these are pointers that the case could well for Ripple, and finally free XRP from the shackles of uncertainty.

In such a situation, its price would rally to new highs, if its recent price action is anything to go by. Since profitability in the market comes from buying the potential and sell when the good news finally comes out, it is quite logical to buy into XRP now.

The potential of a downside if the case delays are counteracted by the increased bullish sentiment in the market at this moment.

18. XRP Benefits immensely from FOMO

Fear of Missing Out is always a huge factor when it comes to crypto rallies. XRP happens to be one of the cryptocurrencies that benefit from FOMO.

Back in 2017, the perception was that holding XRP was tantamount to owning part of the success of Ripple. This created FOMO and made XRP one of the best performing Cryptocurrencies in percentage terms. It went from a few cents to over $3.

Lately, the power of FOMO in XRP is evident in its price action this year. When investors noted that Ripple was making gains against the SEC, the price jumped and saw XRP outpace almost all major cryptocurrencies in percentage gains. The power of FOMO in XRP stems from the vocal nature of its community.

Whenever good news is coming up for XRP, they hype it up all over the internet, and any new investor looking for quick gains quite naturally caves in and buys. With this background in mind, it makes sense to buy XRP at current prices.

That’s because if, by any chance, Ripple wins the case, or they agree on an amicable settlement with the SEC, the hype would be astronomical. It could easily XRP to prices never imagined before.

Read Also: Should You Buy Ripple?

19. Ripple XRP is in tune with the idea of CBDCs

When it comes to Central Bank issued Digital Currencies, the question is not if, but when, and there will be a mass rollout. China is already rolling out the digital Yuan and is already being tested in Macau and Hong Kong. One of the consequences of the launch of CBDCs is that they could threaten the stable coin market.

It makes more sense for one to use a government-issued stable coin than one that may not backed with enough reserves. Interestingly, the launch of government-issued digital currencies could spell good tidings for Ripple and XRP.

That’s because Ripple is looking into helping governments issue such currencies throughprivate ledgers. While these ledgers may not in any way use XRP, the excitement that they will generate in the market will have a positive impact on the value of XRP.

Top Key Reasons Why You Should Invest In Ripple XRP Today | Trading Education (3)

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

20. XRP Coin distribution is improving

For a very long time, one of the criticisms levelled against XRP was that the coins are concentrated in the hands of a few. While this was the case in its early years, things have changed a lot, especially after the 2017 market Rally. Ripple, which holds lots of XRP, has sold a considerable portion of its stash.

The coin distribution of XRP will get even better once Jed McCaleb is through selling his XRP holdings. A better coin distribution means that no single entity can easily influence the price of XRP.

This is a big deal because it will inspire more confidence in the coin, especially from institutional players. It is an excellent reason to consider investing in XRP at current prices, based on its other fundamentals, such as adoption by the banking industry.

21. Ripple has a pre-determined and known supply

One of the factors that can affect the viability of a crypto is its supply. One of the reasons why Bitcoin is so valuable is because of its pre-determined supply. Similarly, while Ethereum has no fixed supply, the process of bringing in new Ethereum into the market is a tough one, which keeps the supply quite low.

On its part, Ripple XRP’s advantage is openness in its supply. All the XRP that could ever come into existence is already pre-mined. This means there will never be surprises in supply that could affect the supply. This coupled with the improving coin distribution, makes XRP an attractive cryptocurrency to a long-term investor. By extension, this makes it one of the best cryptocurrencies to invest in today.

22. Ripple FUD has largely been debunked

If there is a cryptocurrency that receives lots of FUD, especially about it being a security. Besides the ongoing case between the SEC and Ripple, this is FUD that has largely been debunked.

That’s because even if Ripple were to stop existing today, XRP would still survive and thrive. This means that once the case is cleared, there won’t be anything else left to FUD XRP. The use case in cross-border payments is already established, and XRP can do it with or without Ripple. With FUD losing steam and adoption, there has never been a better time to invest in XRP.

23. XRP is widely accepted as a currency

Outside of Bitcoin and Ethereum, XRP is one of the most widely used altcoins for payments. It makes sense because it is practical for payments. Sending value through XRP is almost free, and it’s instant.

As more people adopt cryptocurrencies for payments, more people will get to appreciate this aspect of XRP. This will impact its demand, and by extension, its value as the years go by. It also makes XRP a good investment with real value, over and above the usual crypto-related speculation.

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Top Key Reasons Why You Should Invest In Ripple XRP Today | Trading Education (4)

eToro have proven themselves trustworthy within the industry over many years – we recommend you try them out.

Top Key Reasons Why You Should Invest In Ripple XRP Today | Trading Education (5)

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

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Ripple Forecast: Will XRP Reach $5?

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Greetings, crypto enthusiasts! As a seasoned expert deeply entrenched in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, I bring you a comprehensive breakdown of the key concepts mentioned in the article, "23 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Ripple (XRP) Today." My extensive knowledge and firsthand expertise will illuminate the nuances surrounding Ripple XRP and its investment potential.

  1. Fast Transaction Speeds:

    • Ripple XRP offers swift transaction speeds, making it efficient for use as a currency. Its ability to handle thousands of transactions per second sets it apart from slower alternatives like Bitcoin.
  2. Strong Network Effect:

    • Ripple boasts a strong network effect, being one of the most recognized cryptocurrencies globally. Its market presence, comparable to Ethereum and Bitcoin, enhances its credibility and potential for growth.
  3. Low Nominal Price:

    • XRP's nominal price is relatively low, making it attractive to small investors seeking high-potential cryptos with affordable entry points.
  4. Listed on Multiple Exchanges:

    • Being listed on various major exchanges ensures liquidity and accessibility for investors, with the potential for further listings after resolving regulatory issues.
  5. Strong Community Support:

    • Ripple XRP enjoys the backing of a large, strong, and proactive community. Community support is crucial for long-term value appreciation and attracting new investors.
  6. Experienced Development Team:

    • XRP benefits from a robust development team, including experts in cryptography, contributing to its resilience and long-term success.
  7. Integration with Ripple's Expansion:

    • Ripple's aggressive expansion efforts, especially in collaboration with financial institutions, contribute to XRP's growth potential as a key component in settling transactions.
  8. Improving Regulatory Environment:

    • The evolving regulatory landscape, with increasing acceptance in regions like Asia and Canada, signals a positive trend for XRP and the broader crypto market.
  9. Growing Presence in Asia:

    • XRP is gaining traction in Asia, particularly in countries like Japan, where financial institutions are adopting it for transaction settlements.
  10. Benefiting from Overall Crypto Adoption:

    • The overall growth of the cryptocurrency market, reaching a trillion-dollar valuation, positively impacts XRP, aligning it with the market's upward trajectory.
  11. Security:

    • XRP is recognized for its security, having never experienced compromise throughout its decade-long existence, setting it apart from vulnerable cryptocurrencies.
  12. Environmentally Friendly:

    • Ripple's commitment to environmental concerns, as voiced by co-founder Chris Larsen, positions XRP favorably amid the increasing emphasis on eco-friendly crypto solutions.
  13. Stability Despite Jed McCaleb's Selling:

    • Jed McCaleb's consistent selling of XRP has not significantly affected its price, signaling resilience and demand strength.
  14. Positive Technical Analysis:

    • Technical indicators, including RSI, moving averages, and volume oscillators, indicate bullish trends for XRP, attracting both short-term and long-term investors.
  15. Positive Press Coverage:

    • Favorable press coverage, especially regarding the SEC case, contributes to positive sentiment and potential price rallies for XRP.
  16. Practicality for the Banking System:

    • XRP's practical approach of enhancing efficiency within the banking system positions it strategically, potentially securing a significant role in the global financial system.
  17. Positive Developments in the SEC Case:

    • Recent positive rulings in the SEC case indicate a favorable outcome for Ripple, potentially leading to a significant price rally for XRP.
  18. Benefiting from FOMO:

    • XRP benefits from the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) phenomenon, especially during positive developments, contributing to rapid price increases.
  19. Alignment with CBDCs:

    • XRP's focus on helping governments issue Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) positions it well for future developments in the digital currency space.
  20. Improved Coin Distribution:

    • Ripple's strategic selling and the distribution of XRP, along with Jed McCaleb's sell-off, contribute to a more balanced and decentralized coin distribution.
  21. Pre-Determined and Known Supply:

    • XRP's pre-mined and openly known supply enhances its attractiveness, providing transparency and predictability similar to Bitcoin.
  22. Dispelling FUD:

    • Dispelling Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) regarding XRP being a security strengthens its market position, especially as the use case in cross-border payments remains solid.
  23. Widespread Acceptance as a Currency:

    • XRP is widely accepted for payments, offering near-instant and cost-effective transactions, contributing to its real-world value beyond speculative considerations.

In conclusion, Ripple XRP presents a compelling investment case, leveraging its technological strengths, positive developments, and strategic positioning within the crypto landscape. It remains essential for investors to stay informed and monitor the evolving regulatory environment to make informed decisions. Happy investing!

Top Key Reasons Why You Should Invest In Ripple XRP Today | Trading Education (2024)


Why should I invest in XRP? ›

If you believe in the long-term potential of Ripple's cross-border payment system and expect a favourable resolution, XRP might present a buying opportunity. However, always consider the inherent volatility of the cryptocurrency market and the possibility of further price fluctuations.

Is it smart to buy XRP right now? ›

In the past 24 hours, the crypto has increased by $0.0026 in its current value. For the last 7 days, XRP has been in a good upward trend, thus increasing by 6.7%. XRP has shown very strong potential lately, and this could be a good opportunity to dig right in and invest.

What is the advantage of Ripple? ›

While Bitcoin and Ethereum can handle about 5-15 transactions per second, Ripple's scalability is significantly better and delivers 1500 transactions per second. However, due to the opaque nature of the Ripple protocol, the exact number of daily transactions is unknown.

What is the main goal of XRP? ›

The main goal of Ripple is to establish a network that allows as many transactions as possible to simultaneously run as fast as possible.

Why is XRP so special? ›

XRP is pre-mined and has a total supply of 100 billion tokens. XRP is more cost-effective, has faster transaction times, and is less energy-intensive than Bitcoin.

What are the pros and cons of XRP? ›

Ripple has some big names on its side and is cheaper and faster than Bitcoin. However, it is viewed as a semi-centralized system and it is currently being sued by the SEC. Overall, investors should do their own research before investing in any cryptocurrency, including Ripple.

Is XRP worth holding? ›

I can't promise surging XRP prices any time soon, since one or more events with uncertain outcomes and timing need to be resolved first. This isn't the right cryptocurrency for impatient investors, but crypto buyers with endless patience should consider picking up a few XRP coins on the cheap.

How high can XRP go realistically? ›

David Cox, writing on the CryptoNewZ platform, anticipated that XRP could reach a high of of $1.53 by 2025, with a low of $1.06 for the same year. Another Ripple price forecast by AMBCrypto estimated the XRP price could hit a high of $2.01 in 2030, with a short term prediction of a high of $0.61 in 2024.

What is the real future of XRP? ›

According to XRP's predictive model, XRP price is expected to move beween $0.42 and $0.50 in August 2024. This will allow XRP to rise to $0.91 later in 2024 and eventually $1.44 in 2025.

What are the strengths of XRP? ›

The two biggest advantages of XRP is the speed and low cost of every transaction. A standard transaction on Ripple costs 0.00001 XRP. That's a small fraction of a penny at the current XRP price of under $1. The average transaction time is five seconds.

What is Ripple good for? ›

Ripple is a nutritious plant-based milk made from split yellow peas, with eight times the protein of almond milk, 50% more calcium than dairy milk, and a creamy and delicious taste.

What is the competitive advantage of XRP? ›

XRP's Competitive Edge on Liquidity

On-Demand Liquidity works by allowing financial institutions to convert fiat to XRP and convert XRP coins into the destination currency using local crypto exchanges.

What is XRP main purpose? ›

XRP has an underlying role in Ripple's (the company) blockchain activities and products. XRP serves as a bridge currency to smooth out price fluctuations across borders. Its purpose is for businesses in different countries to be able to transact and minimize transaction costs.

What is the point of buying XRP? ›

XRP is underpinned by blockchain technology, which ensures secure, fast and cost-efficient transactions. However, this should not be confused with being a safe investment. Like all cryptocurrencies, XRP's market value is volatile, influenced by market trends, investor sentiment, and economic factors.

What does Forbes say about XRP? ›

Forbes has labeled Ripple Labs as a "crypto zombie," citing its low active user base and speculative nature of its XRP token. The company's primary mission to disrupt the global payment system, dominated by SWIFT, has not materialized.

Will XRP make me a millionaire? ›

Therefore, it seems doubtful that XRP will generate millionaire-making gains by the end of the decade.

Can XRP reach 1000 dollars? ›

It is possible for XRP to reach $1,000 USD, but it is highly unlikely in the near future.

Can XRP reach $500? ›

Can XRP Reach 500 Dollars? For XRP to achieve a price of $500, it would necessitate an increase of over 1,000 times its current value. While theoretically possible in the dynamic world of digital assets, this scenario faces significant practical hurdles.

How much will XRP be worth if it replaces Swift? ›

In a recent proposal by Edward Farina, the Head of Social Adoption at #XRPUpdate Healthcare, a hypothetical scenario was presented whereby the price of XRP has the potential to see a significant increase, reaching a value of $10,000.

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.