Top 6 Web Design Mistakes: What Businesses are Doing Wrong (2024)

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Creating a site users love interacting with isn’t easy. The road to a frictionless website is full of errors, iterations, and testing.

Last updated

31 May 2024

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Top 6 Web Design Mistakes: What Businesses are Doing Wrong (1)

While making mistakes is part of any design process, we’re here to help you sidestep some of the biggest errors website owners and business teams make. This article dives into the six most common website design mistakes and how to avoid them.

6 top web design mistakes to avoid

Anticipate and avoid the following six design mistakes for a website that delights customers and makes a great first impression, boosting sales, conversions, and findability through search engines.

1. Unclear communication & navigation

Complicated website layouts and poor communication will make users click away without really understanding what your site and product are all about and produce a negative customer experience.

Avoid confusing and frustrating your users as they navigate by designing your website around customer needs. Avoid making assumptions—like thinking users already understand your solution and know what to do on your site—by incorporating customer feedback into your website design at every stage of the process.

For great communication, make sure that when visitors arrive on your homepage, they instantly know who you are and what you do. Clearly show how your products and services can help your users.

For stellar navigation, keep the 'three-click rule' in mind: users who can't find what they're looking for after three clicks are likely to bounce. People visit websites for a reason: they need to be able to get what they came for in as little time as possible.

2. Weak calls-to-action (CTAs)

Many websites have weak calls-to-action (CTAs) that don’t do a good job of guiding customers to carry out specific actions or tasks.

When you don’t help your customers along in their website journey with clear, easily understandable CTAs, they won’t do what you need them to. That means lower conversions, opt-ins, and sales.

"A bold large button above the fold is tried and true to make your CTA effective. But good, emotional copy that makes you believe in the message and service is the key to whatever you're selling. People don't want to simply be sold to anymore, they want to align to a brand."

Andrew Jasper

For clear, strong CTAs, take inspiration from Typeform’s site.

When a new lead lands on their homepage, Typeform wants them to sign up for a free trial. The best practices they use to guide users toward that free trial are:

  • A clear CTA button positioned above the fold

  • Addressing common user concerns: there's no time limit on their free plan and users don't need a credit card to sign up

  • Integrating their unique selling proposition (USP) into their homepage: Typeform is a much more enjoyable and interesting survey platform than their competitors because of their relatable brand identity and stand-out graphic design.

  • Communicating the problem they’re solving: Typeform can help with creating effective and engaging surveys

Top 6 Web Design Mistakes: What Businesses are Doing Wrong (2)

Typeform’s homepage revolves around their free trial CTA—they have a clear button and support it with relatable copy.

3. Too many website elements

Design teams often get overly enthusiastic about all the different content they want to include on their site and forget to prioritize clarity. The result? A cluttered user interface (UI) with too many elements, which leads to confused and overwhelmed customers.

A good website lets users navigate intuitively and clearly, without unnecessary clutter.To create a clear and simple browsing experience for your users, avoid too many different fonts and colors, and make sure you don’t have an overload of images, buttons, and media elements competing for attention.

"It’s great to have a fancy page and show off your design talents but when our audience comes to our page, we want them to intuitively know what they are supposed to do. What action do we want them to take with the information on the page? The design should answer that without taking all of our audience’s time."

Graham Sawrey

Here are two of the most effective techniques to streamline your web design:

  • Incorporate negative space: minimalist sites with plenty of white space are more than just a web design trend. Adding more negative space between elements makes interfaces look cleaner and draws customer attention to your most important content.

  • Prioritize the most important elements: use product experience (PX) insights tools like Hotjar to zero in on which elements customers focus on the most. Once you know which to prioritize, move or get rid of what isn’t serving your users.

IMDB’s homepage is an example of web design that may confuse users. Their fonts and colors are streamlined, but they have too many different videos and clickable icons front and center. Their menu is also hidden and their search bar is small—all elements that users are likely to click on but are hard to find.

With more negative space and streamlined media elements, the homepage would give users a clearer, more enjoyable experience.

Top 6 Web Design Mistakes: What Businesses are Doing Wrong (3)

IMDB’s homepage interface doesn’t serve user needs—there are too many media elements and not enough focus on visitors’ most-used elements.

4. Untrustworthy design elements

With more websites on the internet than ever and increasing fears around cybercrime, it’s important to build brand credibility through your website's design.

When users arrive on your website, they need to feel reassured that you are who you say you are and that your business is trustworthy. It’s especially important for newer businesses that aren’t widely used or well-known in their industry to establish credibility.

If users don’t trust your website, they’ll be reluctant to interact and are likely to navigate away. That means fewer leads, higher bounce rates, less traffic, poor SEO rankings, and lower conversion rates.

To create a trustworthy website, avoid the following red flags:

  • Missing or incomplete contact information: make sure your site has a comprehensive contact information page that includes a physical address and a phone number

  • Excessive graphics and pop-ups: there’s nothing wrong with pop-ups, but use them sparingly. When users are bombarded with tons of pop-ups and graphics as soon as they land on a site, it can come off as spammy and arouse suspicion.

  • No SSL certificate: SSL certificates safeguard data and communications, verify site ownership, help prevent cybercrime, and play a critical role in making customers feel safe while interacting with your site

  • No ‘About Us’ page: customers want to know the story behind your brand and get a glimpse of the real people working behind the scenes. If you don’t have an ‘About Us’ page, users may question your transparency.

  • Performance issues: for your site to be trustworthy, it has to be consistent and work well. Problems like slow loading times, glitches and bugs, and broken elements all make your brand seem less credible.

5. Not optimizing across different devices

Users view websites on mobile devices almost as much as they do on desktops—meaning your web design needs to work brilliantly on screens of all sizes.

If you don’t prioritize design that’s responsive to both mobile and desktop interfaces, you’ll lose out on traffic, conversions, and sales on one device or the other.

So why does non-responsive design happen? Some designers plan out their site’s desktop design first, then throw together their mobile interface as an afterthought. Others make an effort with their mobile design, but don’t observe user behavior or test it out sufficiently to make sure users can interact with it intuitively and seamlessly.

Take the design of Alaska Airlines’ mobile site, for example. Some elements are mobile-friendly:frequently-used pages like check-in, flight booking, and trips & reservations are highlighted, and they’ve enlarged their navigation menu to make it easier to read on a smaller screen.

But Alaska Airlines’ mobile interface (below) doesn’t provide the same quality user experience as their desktop interface.

Top 6 Web Design Mistakes: What Businesses are Doing Wrong (4)

While Alaska Airlines’ mobile site isn’t bad, it doesn’t provide the same quality experience as their desktop site.

Now, compare their mobile interface with their desktop interface. Alaska Airlines’ desktop site is more dynamic, provides more information, and is generally easier to navigate.

To avoid this mistake, prioritize designing for both desktop and mobile devices from the get-go. Test your finished product out with real customers before you launch, optimize it where necessary, and be open to user feedback once your site is live. By designing for users of different devices, you’ll keep your site user-centered, responsive, and high-performing.

Top 6 Web Design Mistakes: What Businesses are Doing Wrong (5)

Alaska Airlines’ desktop site clearly wins over their mobile site⁠—it has better aesthetics, answers more user questions, and focuses on the elements people use the most.

6. Poor accessibility

If your website isn’t accessible and inclusive, you’ll be seriously limiting the group of people who engage with your site. For example, those living with disabilities make up the world’s largest minority at approximately one billion people worldwide.

Without accessible design, you’ll miss out on connecting with a significant user group, potentially lose traffic and conversions, and miss opportunities to create a better UX for all users.

"If we consider a feature likeLive Captions, which was created for people who are deaf, it also benefits other people without disabilities as they may use the feature in the case of bad internet connection or loud spaces like airports to take their calls."

Nandita Gupta

Accessibility Program Manager

, Microsoft

To avoid this mistake, here are some tips to make accessibility and inclusivity a part of your design process from the beginning:

  • Remember to include alt text

  • Choose large, easy-to-read fonts (minimum of 18px font for paragraph text)

  • Opt for high-color contrasts

  • Select imagery and media that showcase diversity

  • Determine whether your design would be compatible with assistive technologies

  • Integrate continuous feedback into your site design

  • Use tools like Accessibility Insights

  • Test with user groups that include people with disabilities

Though we can't claim to be experts on accessibility at Hotjar and we have work to do to make our own site more inclusive, we’re actively improving. We believe all businesses should prioritize inclusive and accessible design.

Sidestep design mistakes to create a fantastic website

It’s inevitable that you’ll make some mistakes when designing your website. Work with a growth mindset: use your mistakes to learn, grow, and inform future design decisions.

By understanding the most common design blunders, you'll anticipate potential errors and sidestep them in time toproduce a site that delights your users.

FAQs about web design mistakes

A web design mistake is any error in design that blocks your website users or causes friction. Many people think that web design is only about interface design and aesthetics, but it goes much deeper than that. It also encompasses everything from navigation to usability to site performance.

The biggest web design mistakes are those that seriously impact users’ ability to navigate and interact with your site. While there are many design mistakes you should avoid, here’s a shortlist of those we think are most problematic in 2022:

  • Unclear communication and messaging

  • Weak calls-to-action

  • Too much clutter

  • Untrustworthy design elements

  • Non-responsive design

  • Poor accessibility

By far, the biggest benefit of great web design is a fantastic user experience (UX). When you create a site that users genuinely enjoy interacting with and want to return to time and time again, you’ve struck gold.

Here are a few more benefits of excellent web design:

  • Get more conversions

  • Boost your revenue

  • Make a good first impression

  • Build user trust

  • Enjoy better SEO rankings

  • Create a richer overall brand experience

  • Stand out from your competitors

The best way to sidestep harmful web design mistakes is by keeping your process user-centered. After all, your users are the people who will actually be engaging with your site on a regular basis, so you need to make sure you’re creating an enjoyable experience for them.

Here's how you can work with your users to create an excellent website design:

  • User research: before you begin designing your site, talk to your users so you can build empathy and understand their wants and needs

  • Pre-launch testing: once you’ve got a new site ready to share with the world, make sure you beta test it with real, external users first

  • Site monitoring: whether you’ve launched a totally new site, fixed bugs, or are trying out a new feature, collect insights about how users are interacting with your product. Hotjar's Observe and Ask tools are great to help you monitor your website.

Top 6 Web Design Mistakes: What Businesses are Doing Wrong (2024)


What is a common mistake web designers make when designing their site? ›

Complicated website layouts and poor communication will make users click away without really understanding what your site and product are all about and produce a negative customer experience. Avoid confusing and frustrating your users as they navigate by designing your website around customer needs.

What are the most problematic mistakes designers make? ›

  1. Using Too Many Fonts. One of the most common mistakes new graphic designers make is using too many fonts on one project. ...
  2. Overusing Icons. ...
  3. Relying on Trends. ...
  4. Using Too Many Stock Images. ...
  5. Choosing the Wrong Color Scheme. ...
  6. Not Following the Style Guide/Brief. ...
  7. Too Many Filters. ...
  8. Improperly Naming Files.
Jun 6, 2024

What is the major challenge for company website designer? ›

Incorporating SEO best practices into site design.

By now, you're probably familiar with the importance of search engine optimization (SEO). One of the most frequent web design challenges is forgetting to build SEO into the site's fabric.

What is good and bad web page design? ›

The core difference between good and bad websites lays in visual appeal, consistency and ability to help companies achieve business goals. A good website has a clear structure, easy-to-use navigation, and non-distracting design, while a bad website makes you feel confused or even annoyed.

Do web designers get sued? ›

Freelance web developers can get sued, says John Demos, JD, general counsel at KNOW Bio, LLC, and former director of intellectual property at Cree. But it's rare. “I don't want people to let their guard down, but it's not a very frequent occurrence. People don't sue freelancers because it's not where the money is.

What is the biggest problem in design? ›

One of the most important graphic design challenges have is communicating with clients about their vision for the creative. Beginners often struggle with asking the right questions, interpreting client feedback and managing the expectations of both their leaders and the client.

What is the biggest problem facing designers in the future? ›

Here are five challenges I think designers will face in 2040.
  1. Climate change and the environment. We'll kick things off with a hot topic; climate change and our effects on the environment. ...
  2. Tighter controls on social media. ...
  3. More augmented experiences. ...
  4. Popularisation of driverless cars. ...
  5. Complex design tools and prototypes.

What makes a design unsuccessful? ›

Perhaps most graphic design fails happen because of text. Whether it's the placement, poor choice of typography, or simply a lack of aesthetic considerations, a text can make or break a piece of design. Here are just a few funny examples of designs failing to deliver the right message.

What is the most challenging part of creating a website? ›

What is the hardest part of creating a website? The hardest part is often just getting started and then balancing all the different elements – design, content, functionality, and maintenance. It's a bit like juggling a bunch of different tools at once, each needing its own kind of attention.

What do designers struggle with? ›

Like most other creatives, graphic designers usually work as a part of a larger team. Therefore, they often face the usual challenges of teamwork, such as miscommunication or chasing impossible deadlines.

What makes a website poorly designed? ›

There are six things bad websites have in common. A cluttered layout, hidden navigation menu, lack of color contrast, non-responsive design, and inconsistent typefaces are a few hallmarks of bad website design. Still, the main issue with sites with poor design is a lack of user-centricity.

How can you as a web designer avoid bad web designs? ›

7 Ways to Avoid Bad Website Design
  1. Navigation Nightmare. ...
  2. The Thing About Responsiveness. ...
  3. Slowly but Surely? ...
  4. Just Right is Better than A Lot. ...
  5. Typography Can Make or Break Design. ...
  6. Bad Colors – There is Such a Thing. ...
  7. Bad CTAs. ...
  8. 16 Top Graphic Design Trends in 2024: A Guide for Creatives.
Jan 18, 2022

How much is a good website design? ›

On average, you can expect to pay $20-$100 per hour and $500-$10,000 per project for web design. Actual costs will depend on the nature and size of the project, approach, platform choice, and pricing model, among other factors.

What are the key issues which should be carefully considered while designing a web site? ›

9 Principles of Good Web Design
  • WEBSITE PURPOSE. Your website needs to accommodate the needs of the user. ...
  • SIMPLICITY. Simplicity is the best way to go when considering the user experience and the usability of your website. ...
  • CONTENT. ...
Sep 30, 2021

What are the most common mistakes designers make in graphic design? ›

One of the most common graphic design mistakes is poor visual hierarchy. Elements such as lack of hierarchy in size, color, or shape, or unusual placement, can confuse viewers and won't properly communicate the marketing message.

How do you describe a poorly designed website? ›

A cluttered layout, hidden navigation menu, lack of color contrast, non-responsive design, and inconsistent typefaces are a few hallmarks of bad website design.

What are the five errors in using design patterns? ›

  • 1 Overusing patterns. One of the most common design pattern mistakes is overusing them. ...
  • 2 Misusing patterns. Another common design pattern mistake is misusing them. ...
  • 3 Ignoring context. ...
  • 4 Forgetting teamwork. ...
  • 5 Neglecting testing. ...
  • 6 Learning from others. ...
  • 7 Here's what else to consider.
Aug 16, 2023

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.