Top 5 Reasons Most Affiliate Marketers Fail (And How To Fix Them) (2024)

Quick Answer: Many affiliate marketers fail either because of a lack of clarity or wrong niche and keyword selection. In other words, not having a solid overall strategy. Impatience, however, is the biggest reason most quit too early before giving their earnings enough time to grow.

We’ve helped countless aspiring entrepreneurs create full-time affiliate marketing incomes online.

In that time we’ve:

  • Celebrated our students’ first sales
  • Cheered them on their first 100 email subscribers
  • And toasted their first $1,000 days.

Safe to say, I really believe in affiliate marketing. It works for me and many of our students.

But the word online is that between 75% and 95% of beginner affiliate marketers fail.

Whichever way you cut it, that’s a HIGH failure rate.

So why is it so many fail to earn a full-time income from this thing?

If everyone dreams about earning online, why do so few actually make it?

After achieving super affiliate status and mentoring and coaching others to affiliate marketing success, I believe I may be able to offer some insight and help you avoid the most common newbie mistakes.

Here are the top 5 reasons most affiliate marketers fail and what you can do to avoid the same fate:

Reason 1. They Have No Clear Strategy

You want to build an online business that will generate extra cash flow and eventually full-time freedom.

Good for you!

So you start looking online to figure out how to go about it. But…

There are so many different methods, courses and systems out there – where do you even start?!

I mean, take a look at these screenshots from some of the affiliate marketing “experts”. What do you see?

Top 5 Reasons Most Affiliate Marketers Fail (And How To Fix Them) (1)

35 tips to do this, 21 tricks to do that… it’s neverending!

While affiliate marketing tips can be helpful, here’s what happens:

  • You take a course that says launch jacking is the only way to go…
  • You watch a YouTube video on how to do keyword research…
  • Someone tries selling you a done-for-you affiliate marketing system
  • You read about a “new” SEO technique you just “have” to try…
  • You hear Pinterest is a great source of traffic…

And before you know it, you’re like Stretch Armstrong being pulled in all directions. You have all this information without an OVERALL STRATEGYyou can follow to actually make it happen.

  • THEY SAY:You have to get on [some social media site] and use this cutting edge tactic to get a huge following. Oh, and don’t forget to use this expensive sales funnel software to skyrocket your earnings!
  • I SAY:This is not how you become an affiliate marketer. Okay, so you get 1,000 followers on Instagram. Then what? How do you use that to make your first $10,000 online and build it into a stable stream of income?

This is the number one reason most aspiring affiliate marketers fail, despite their best efforts.

So say “No!” to information overload.

Choose a strategy and stick to it!

And if you’re looking for an exact blueprint that’ll take your online income to $1,000, $10,000 or $100,000 a month then follow our proven roadmap.

We’ve learned over the years exactly what works and what doesn’t, meaning you get to cut out all the guesswork, learn from experienced experts and fastrack your progress.

Reason 2. They Don’t Have A Website

Yes, you can make money with affiliate marketing without a website by:

  • Sharing affiliate links in Facebook groups
  • Buying solo ads
  • Paying for PPC ads
  • Starting a YouTube channel

But you need a website if you want to build a sustainable affiliate marketing business that’s going to provide for you and your family in the long term.


Because without a website, what are you going to do? Do you really think you can build a solid financial future by spamming social media sites?

Using social media sites is all well and good, but what if that platform you’re using closes down? You’re going to have to start all over again.

With a website, you own 100% of it. It’s not going to go anywhere and YOU are in complete control.

It’s also worth remembering most affiliate programs require affiliates to have a website to get approved.

All this to say, just build a website! You know it makes sense 🙂

Most people scream in terror at the mere mention of building a website because they think they need a coding degree. While that might’ve been true a decade ago, now it couldn’t be further from the truth.

It’s really not that difficult. Sites like WordPress, SiteRubix and Wix all make it super easy to start your very own affiliate site even if you’ve never done it before.

Want a click-by-click walkthrough?

Take the Commission Academy Crash Course and we’ll guide you every step of the way.

Reason 3. They’re In The Wrong Niche

A lot of people fail at affiliate marketing, not because they have the wrong skill set or mindset, but because they chose the wrong niche, to begin with.

It’s all too easy for newbie affiliate marketers to pick the wrong niche because they think it’s more profitable or they’re chasing high ticket commissions and NOT because it’s a topic they have a level of interest in.

Yeah, good luck with that!

You’ll be far more likely to succeed if you choose a niche that you actually like.

You also want a niche that has plenty of products and/or services you can promote.

If you think you may have chosen the wrong niche, think about how you might be able to tweak your direction a bit. Sometimes it’s just looking at your niche from a new angle that can make all the difference.

If you think it’s best to dive into a brand new and start again from scratch then do that. I know it’s scary but just think, you’ll be taking everything you’ve learned so far with you into your next project so you’ll progress a lot faster than the first time around.

Reason 4. They’re Not Writing The Right Content

Successful affiliate marketers know that to maximise sales they need to create content around the right keywords.

Keywords are the phrases and questions people google and you can use keyword tools like Jaaxy or Semrush to see how often these phrases get searched on average per month.

But not all keywords were created equal. There are some keywords that are naturally going to generate more affiliate commissions than others. If it takes say, 3 hours to write a blog post, you might as well focus your efforts on those.

Let’s say you have a language affiliate websitewhere you’re promoting online language courses:

Bad keyword: How To Say Thank You In Japanese
Good keyword: Best Japanese Courses For Beginners
Great keyword: iTalki Review

The bad keyword here might have a high monthly search volume, but somebody searching that is likely going to come to your site, get the answer they’re looking for and leave. Whereas someone searching for a specific online course review is much more likely to result in a sale.

This is why understandingsearcher intent is vital. It’s your job to match the right people with the right products so you’ve got to put yourself in the headspace of your audience.

We know a lot about someone searching“iTalki Review”:

  • We know they’re looking to learn a language
  • They’ve decided they want to learn from a native teacher online
  • They’re almost ready to sign up to iTalki but want to make sure it’s the right choice

So you can come in, do a super-helpful product review and grab the sale.

And all because you choose the right kinds of keywords 😉

Reason 5. They Haven’t Given It Enough Time

I totally get it. You want to see those affiliate commissions coming in and you want to see them coming in like yesterday.

I’ll be honest. If I was where you are reading this post, I’d probably be rolling my eyes at this point…

Because I’ve been there and it’s really frustrating when you don’t see any results after you’ve put in the hours… And those doubts creep in…

“Is this ever going to work?”

“Will anyone ever read what I’ve written?”

“This niche is way more competitive than I thought.”

“Maybe I’m just not cut out for this!”

Or maybe that’s just me 😉

No, let’s face it: super affiliate or not, we’ve all thought about calling it a day. Especially when you’re just starting out and are waiting to experience that first real breakthrough.

The biggest reason most fail at affiliate marketing is that realistically it can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months of solid work to turn this into a full-time income.

I made my first sale at the 2-week mark, was making a regular income at 6 months and was finally able to quit my job at 12 months. Your timeline might be different. It really depends on your schedule and your work ethic.

Yes, affiliate marketing takes time, but the very fact you are reading this right now means you still believe this whole affiliate marketing gig is worth it and shows that you have the determination and grit to see it through.

You Never Fail If You Never Quit

Mastering the skill of affiliate marketing is a huge learning curve that takes time.

It’s easy (if not even normal!) to get impatient, but stick with it. Remember why you started and stay consistent. It’s those small daily action steps that are going to get you to where you want to be.

Top 5 Reasons Most Affiliate Marketers Fail (And How To Fix Them) (2)

Made a mistake?

It’s ok, just learn from it and you’ll be better next time.

Not getting everything right the first time doesn’t mean you’re failing at affiliate marketing, it just means you’re growing. You only fail when you quit so see it as a learning experience and refuse to be a statistic.

Remember Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb? It took him 1,000 tries before he got it right but you know what?

He kept going.

So you should too!

Because the truth is, with the right training and support, you can absolutely become a huge affiliate marketing success!

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Top 5 Reasons Most Affiliate Marketers Fail (And How To Fix Them) (2024)


Why do most affiliate marketers fail? ›

Not Having A Clear Niche

One of the main reasons people fail at affiliate marketing work is because they try to be everything to everyone. They don't focus on any one thing, and as a result, they don't build up the expertise or authority required to succeed.

What mistakes do people make in affiliate marketing? ›

A common affiliate marketing mistake made by many affiliates is to go for a product or service that will earn them high commissions without actually knowing the product or the service. Many try selling products or services without digging deep into their details and without trying/using it themselves.

What are the 3 secrets for becoming a high earning affiliate marketer? ›

Testing, tracking, and optimizing are essential components of a successful affiliate marketing strategy.

Why is affiliate marketing not working for me? ›

There are a number of reasons why affiliate marketing may not work for you. Perhaps you are not choosing the right products to promote, or you are not targeting the right audience. You may also not be providing enough value to your audience, or you may not be using the right marketing techniques.

What percentage of affiliate marketing fails? ›

Anyone Can Do Affiliate Marketing, But 95% Will Fail

For a bunch of reasons. For some, it's a lack of proper training and accountability, for others it's more work than they expected. Mostly, it's because they get impatient and don't give enough time for their online business to grow.

How to not fail at affiliate marketing? ›

  1. Promote only products/services you have tried or truly believe in.
  2. Think about your audience's needs when picking affiliate programs.
  3. Join one affiliate program at the time, implement your strategy and only after that go looking for more.

Why is affiliate marketing so hard? ›

Market and competitor saturation is the hardest part of affiliate marketing. This is also a common reason why affiliate marketers fail. Potential and existing online marketers struggle with this factor because the industry keeps growing yearly. The more competition the industry has, the lesser their income will be.

What is better than affiliate marketing? ›

Dropshipping typically provides higher profit margins since you can decide your selling price. Meanwhile, most affiliate programs offer a fixed commission. Earning potential.

What percentage of people succeed in affiliate marketing? ›

Affiliate marketers get a successful conversion rate of 0.5% to 1% per visitor. However, this is a rough estimate, and our data shows that conversion rate increases as affiliate marketers gain more experience.

What are the pain points of affiliate marketing? ›

The challenges of affiliate marketing include the difficulty of finding quality products and services to promote, the need to build a large and engaged audience, and the need to continually adapt to changes in the market and the products and services being promoted.

Why I failed in affiliate marketing? ›

The reason why affiliate marketers fail is because affiliates do not invest energy in understanding the products they are marketing. Your study and understanding can give you better results. Your content will get better, and so will your approach.

What they don't tell you about affiliate marketing? ›

What they don't to tell you about is the hard work and dedication of building a successful affiliate marketing business. Many people say it is easy to make easy money as an affiliate, but typically those are the same people with a background in marketing, video editing, or some skill that already puts them ahead.

Is affiliate marketing really that easy? ›

While you won't need to outlay money, what you will need to get started is time. Affiliate marketing is a skilled practice, and learning the ropes can be a slow, hard slog. So be prepared to spend a lot of time, rather than a lot of money, at the start of your affiliate career.

What is the most successful niche in affiliate marketing? ›

Best niches for affiliate marketing
  • Technology.
  • Pet.
  • Health and wellness.
  • Fitness.
  • Cosmetics and beauty.
  • Home décor.
  • Food.
  • Gaming.
Nov 24, 2023

What are the 3 pillars of affiliate marketing? ›

The three pillars – niche selection, trust building, and traffic generation – are your compass on this exciting journey. Remember, mastering these pillars takes time, dedication, and a willingness to learn from the affiliate marketing gurus who came before you.

How to master affiliate marketing? ›

How can I be successful in affiliate marketing?
  1. Diversify your affiliate partners.
  2. Own the relationship with your audience.
  3. Become an affiliate for audience-recommended products.
  4. Know the ins and outs of the products you're recommending.
  5. Disclose affiliate links.
  6. Share discount codes.
  7. Create an Instagram affiliate shop.
Jan 26, 2024

Why is no one clicking my affiliate links? ›

If your site or blog isn't designed to speak to the correct audience, the links will get missed. You must understand the demographic of your traffic to get the most out of your affiliate links. These reasons are common, many affiliates go into the market thinking it's just an easy way to make money.

How many people fail affiliate marketing? ›

There are countless reasons why affiliate markets fail. But it is important to understand that failure is part of success. Making mistakes is part of the journey as long as you don't keep making the same mistakes over and over again. This is the main reason that 97% of affiliate marketers fail.

Why am I not making any money with affiliate marketing? ›

That's because, in order to make money with affiliate marketing, you need to have a lot of traffic and a high conversion rate. The thing is, most people don't have a lot of traffic, and they don't have a high conversion rate. So, they wind up not making any money with affiliate marketing.

What is the average income of an affiliate marketer? ›

Affiliate Marketing Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$125,000$10,416
75th Percentile$99,500$8,291
25th Percentile$66,000$5,500

How long does it take to succeed in affiliate marketing? ›

The reality is that most people tend to become successful with affiliate marketing around 3 to 6 months after getting started & by this, we mean that's when they typically start generating their first commissions.

What is realistic earnings for affiliate marketing? ›

The reality is that 80% of affiliates earn between $0 and maybe $80,000 per year. And there's nothing wrong with $80k a year – that's a bloody nice income. 15% of other affiliates earn somewhere between $80,001 and maybe $1 million per year.

What is the success rate of affiliate marketers? ›

Affiliate marketers get a successful conversion rate of 0.5% to 1% per visitor. However, this is a rough estimate, and our data shows that conversion rate increases as affiliate marketers gain more experience.

Is there a downside to affiliate marketing? ›

You can't establish your customer base

Another disadvantage of affiliate marketing is that once a referral is made, a repeat customer won't ever purchase from you again.

Does everyone succeed with affiliate marketing? ›

Myth: Anyone can be an affiliate marketer. Reality: Anyone can be an affiliate marketer, but not everyone will succeed. Being an affiliate marketer requires skill, experience, and work. It is not a quick or easy road to success, but when done properly, it can generate impressive income.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.