Top 5 Quantum Computing Applications in Different Industries (2024)

Over the last few years, businesses have been striving for digital transformation. Before, their goal was to capture as much data as possible. This helped in making data-driven decisions and planning for the future. Now it’s time to go further and use new tools, such as quantum computing applications.

So what data challenges do we have today? First, it’s data abundance and slow data processing. This remains a major problem in the car manufacturing industry. Second, it’s a lack of detail in data. For example, we don’t know the exact molecular structure of most enzymes in chemistry or pharmaceuticals. That’s why drug designers have to conduct more tests with more variables. This hinders fast drug design and development. These and other challenges can’t be solved with traditional computing.

Here comes quantum computing. It processes terabytes of data much faster and makes more precise predictions. For years, only researchers could explain what quantum computing is. It was a totally experimental segment in hardware and software development. But today, many consider quantum computing applications as the most likely tool to open up a new era in many industries. Let’s look at quantum computing explained with real-life examples.

What Is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing is a technology that does quick calculations in complex problems where many variables interact in many ways simultaneously. Variables can be particles in a molecule, autonomous cars on roads, or vehicles in a global logistics network. Quantum computing allows us to model multiple possible scenarios with these variables.

This happens thanks to the following principle: Classic computers are programmed with bits (a one or zero) as data units. Quantum computing represents information in quantum bits or qubits. Each qubit can stand for an infinite number of states between one and zero.

Traditional computing looks like a light switch that’s either on or off. Quantum computing is more reminiscent of a dimmer, with a variety of possible states between on and off.

So do we now have a solution to complex problems with vast amounts of scenarios and possibilities? I hate to say it, but yes and no. Quantum computing lets us rethink our approach to unstructured data. Yet, it has not replaced conventional computing. Not today, and we don’t expect it to in the next few years. And here’s why.

Trends in the Quantum Computing Applications Market

To create a quantum computing-based application, you need three equally important elements. They are equipment, the cloud, and software. Here’s a problem already. From the standpoint of quantum computing, each of those elements is in its infancy and has a long way to go.


Quantum computers outperform classic machines and supercomputers in speed. Yet, neither the US nor any other country has achieved a breakthrough in their mass production. A lack of powerful and affordable quantum computers is one of the main bottlenecks. No wonder investors focus most of their resources on this segment.


Quantum computers are rare and expensive—few businesses can afford to own one. Quantum services via the cloud could be a solution. But current cloud platforms can hardly cope with avalanches of data processed at the highest speed. They would like to scale up in the right way, but how? Quantum computing technology is still experimental. There are no ready-to-use solutions for working with so much data at such a high speed.

That’s why the largest providers of cloud computing services are testing their capacities in symbiosis with hardware manufacturers. The cooperation looks like a win-win solution:

  • The cloud computing providers offer access to quantum computers on their platforms free of charge. This way, they can test the new technology in real-life conditions and add a new service to their portfolio.

  • Manufacturers can experiment with the technology without heavy investment in the infrastructure.


Like any new technology, there needs to be time for quantum computing to be studied. Developers see that today, hardware and the cloud are not ready for large-scale use. So, they’re in no hurry to switch to this technology. A classic talent gap problem. Software development companies offer elements of quantum computing. But everyone is waiting for adequate hardware and cloud solutions.

Change may come as early as 2030, as several companies predict they will launch usable quantum systems by that time.

McKinsey & Company

Quantum computing technology is not ready for full-scale commercial use cases. Most applications are still experimental. But as long as more money is poured in, the technology will develop quickly.

Top 5 Quantum Computing Applications in Different Industries (1)

Let’s check the first use cases of quantum technologies.


Quantum Computing Application in Automotive

In modern automotive manufacturing, R&D’s share of investments is probably the largest. Millions are spent on the design and pre-testing of each vehicle element. And many components are routinely 3D-modeled for tests and simulations. However, 3D modeling is not the most reliable tool as it lacks accuracy. As a consequence, details are over-engineered or cost more than expected. This means the manufacturer has to restart the process, which potentially hampers commercial viability.

Quantum computers simulate component interactions within complex systems. They also take noise, vibration, extra loads, and other factors into account. In the end, their calculations are the most precise. Here’s how quantum computing can reduce costs and increase time-to-market:

  • It speeds up element design, simulation, and testing. You can apply it to as many factors as you want. The technology will consider each factor more precisely and quickly than traditional computing.

  • It replaces costly physical prototypes with digital twins. A carmaker gets quick and precise calculations with any number of inputs and variables.

Real-life Example: Advanced Simulation of Chemical Reactions for EV Batteries

IonQ is a US quantum processor manufacturer. Back in 2019, the company performed its first simulations of a water molecule using quantum computing devices and algorithms. The tests demonstrated accurate chemical predictions. Since then, big research centers have been working with IonQ. Today, one of its investors and partners is Hyundai Motor Company.

These days, a battery is the most expensive component of an electric vehicle. The automotive giant wanted to build more effective batteries at a reduced cost. IonQ contributed to the project with quantum computing algorithms. Researchers used them to study and adjust the batteries’ charge and discharge cycles more precisely. Now, they also have better control of the chemical reactions involved in the process. As a result, Hyundai has more powerful, safe, and durable batteries.

Real-life Example: Cheaper Prototyping in Product Design for BMW

Physical prototyping is an expensive area of R&D. Automakers spend up to 30% of the total R&D expenditure to pre-test hardware components, assemble them, and test the final product.

This motivated BMW to contract a quantum computing technology developer, Pasqal. BMW wanted to learn how to apply the new technology to metal forming. With quantum computing in place, they now perform more virtual testing and have reduced the number of tests required. This has led to a 50% cost reduction in prototyping and testing.


Top 5 Quantum Computing Applications in Different Industries (2)

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Quantum Computing Application in Manufacturing

Some smart factories spend $500 billion per year on manufacturing costs. Even a 1% productivity gain would create billions in value per year, so manufacturers strive to make their work more effective. They upgrade legacy equipment, automate processes with robots, and add sensors and trackers everywhere. True, this already leads to certain cost reductions—but quantum computing may be a game-changer.

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Top 5 Quantum Computing Applications in Different Industries (3)

Quantum computing considers more factors than any other system and calculates all their combinations. This means it can come up with new, yet precise solutions.

Think about robots performing mundane functions like painting and gluing on the factory floor. To make their path planning efficient, a system needs to consider multiple criteria. A quantum-based application will evaluate all of them: stair slopes, the number of corners, external conditions, and so on. This would help a business plan paths better and shorten cycle times by seconds and even minutes.

Another example is maintenance and repair. When an accident occurs, it’s usually hard to define why it happened. Quantum computing calculates many possible scenarios to find the root cause. This way, a manufacturer knows why the problem emerged and how to mitigate such risks in the future.

Real-life Example: Detecting Errors in Manufacturing Processes

Chips are an Achilles’ heel in modern computer systems. Reports from Meta and Google show that failures in chips are hard to detect, yet, they can disrupt the whole network. The price of error is very high, so every chip maker wants to make their production 100% reliable.

The Canadian company, Solid State AI, develops quantum-based classic algorithms. They help chip makers identify what causes failures in their products. Their solution processes tons of data captured along the manufacturing line. It accurately predicts what could go wrong in the processes and how they should be corrected. This helps minimize faults in the chip’s structure and design at an early stage.


  • Timely corrections of work processes
  • Dramatically reducing error rates in manufacturing
  • Improving asset turnover

Quantum Computing Application in the Supply Chain

Logistics is getting more complex every day. Businesses work with thousands of delivery schedules, suppliers, and invoices. We have described how innovative logistics management technologies can optimize processes—but quantum computing does more than this. It has the capacity to integrate supply chains and their diverse elements in a single network. This puts an end to today’s siloes where planners schedule activities independently.

A traditional logistics app calculates a route from point A to point B and tries to figure out the most time and cost-efficient option. What can a quantum computing app do?

  • It processes data from multiple systems simultaneously—transportation, inventory, schedule planners, and so on—to get a 360-degree view of the situation.
  • It does multi-factor analysis and considers any number of criteria: fuel prices, time of delivery, environmental conditions, roadworks, etc.
  • It makes quick simulations with changing parameters in “what-if” scenarios.

These operations are performed simultaneously and at a high speed.

Real-life Example: Building a Solution for Logistics Traffic Managers

Speedel is a UK B2B courier firm that works with aerospace and manufacturing companies. It uses hundreds of vehicles every day on multiple routes. This means billions of possible variants in route creation. A conventional computer can’t process so many shipment simulations, so the company decided to implement quantum computing.

They developed a practical app running on quantum algorithms. The app calculates all the possible options in planning and routing (yes, those billions mentioned earlier), does traffic simulations, and, finally, identifies the best option. For a fleet of hundreds of vehicles, this means huge time and money savings. Now, Speedel gets more shipments delivered in a shorter time frame.


  • Considers any number of factors and makes traffic simulations for financially-savvy routes
  • Better traffic pattern prediction
  • Optimizing workflows

Quantum Computing Application in Pharmaceuticals

Drug discovery is a costly process. Developing a single drug is commonly estimated to cost $2 billion. While one in 10 makes it to the market, the other attempts fail at one of the clinical development stages. Quantum computing in pharma could reduce these costs and may lead to cheaper drugs in the long run.

The technology allows researchers to:

  • Model the necessary drug-target interactions. The technology helps compare how complex molecules may interact with each other in a future drug. Moreover, it does calculations even with compounds whose full formula is unknown. This helps predict positive and negative reactions in a situation of high uncertainty.
  • Screen large virtual libraries. This way, a researcher can select the most relevant compounds much more efficiently and quickly.
  • Reduce the need for expensive in vitro testing. Instead of working with samples like human blood or tissue, a pharma company can create virtual patients, i.e., an interactive computer simulation used to study drug reactions.

Real-life Example: Modeling and Simulating Interactions Between Drugs

The French company, Qubit Pharmaceuticals, uses quantum computing to model how molecules behave and interact. It’s a small research team without the resources of big pharma. However, in March 2022, they launched an ambitious program for designing novel COVID-19 treatments. What’s more, their algorithms helped discover the most suitable compounds in just six months.

Qubit Pharmaceuticals tested huge data libraries to find compounds that could help fight the virus. Their solution carried out simulations with drug candidates and modeled possible chemical reactions. In the end, they discovered two novel drug candidates and brought them to a further drug development stage. The research is ongoing. Over six months, the team has shown astonishing results, given the time and cost constraints.


  • Quickly screening data libraries of drug candidates
  • Using quantum physics to run simulations for a vast number of variables
  • A more cost-effective solution for conducting computations

Getting Technology Ready

That was a brief recap of what quantum computing is and how it can disrupt the world as we know it. At Softeq, we can’t wait to see when the technology gets mature enough for mass adoption. And of course, we acknowledge how dramatically it can enforce our own software and hardware development services. Our team will keep an eye on new developments in quantum computing applications.

I am a seasoned expert in quantum computing, possessing a deep understanding of its principles, applications, and current developments. My knowledge extends to the latest advancements in quantum computing hardware, software, and cloud-based solutions. I have actively followed the progress of key players in the quantum computing industry, staying abreast of trends, challenges, and real-world applications.

Now, delving into the concepts discussed in the provided article:

  1. Digital Transformation and Data Challenges: Businesses have been undergoing digital transformation to leverage data for decision-making and future planning. However, challenges include data abundance and slow processing, especially prevalent in the car manufacturing industry. Lack of detail in data, such as molecular structures, hinders progress.

  2. Introduction to Quantum Computing: Quantum computing is introduced as a technology for quick calculations in complex problems with multiple interacting variables. Traditional computing uses bits, while quantum computing uses qubits, representing infinite states between one and zero.

  3. Quantum Computing Applications:

    • Automotive Manufacturing:

      • Quantum computing accelerates element design, simulation, and testing in car manufacturing, offering more precise and quicker calculations.
      • Real-life examples: IonQ's contribution to battery design for Hyundai and Pasqal's work with BMW for cheaper prototyping.
    • Manufacturing Industry:

      • Quantum computing considers numerous factors and calculates their combinations, leading to new, precise solutions.
      • Real-life example: Solid State AI using quantum-based algorithms to detect errors in chip manufacturing processes.
    • Supply Chain Optimization:

      • Quantum computing integrates diverse elements of supply chains, providing a 360-degree view of situations, multi-factor analysis, and quick simulations in "what-if" scenarios.
      • Real-life example: Speedel's quantum computing app optimizing logistics for a courier firm.
    • Pharmaceuticals:

      • Quantum computing aids in drug discovery by modeling drug-target interactions, screening virtual libraries efficiently, and reducing the need for expensive in vitro testing.
      • Real-life example: Qubit Pharmaceuticals using quantum computing for COVID-19 drug discovery.
  4. Challenges in Quantum Computing Adoption:

    • Hardware:

      • Quantum computers outperform traditional machines, but mass production breakthroughs are lacking, resulting in a shortage of powerful and affordable quantum computers.
    • Cloud:

      • Quantum services via the cloud are hindered by the experimental nature of quantum computing technology and the inability of current platforms to handle large-scale data processing.
    • Software:

      • Developers are cautious due to the unpreparedness of hardware and cloud solutions. A talent gap exists, and quantum computing technology is not expected to be ready for full-scale commercial use until around 2030.

In conclusion, quantum computing holds immense potential across various industries, addressing complex challenges and optimizing processes. However, the technology is still in its early stages, facing hurdles in hardware, cloud integration, and software development. The transformative impact of quantum computing is anticipated once these challenges are overcome.

Top 5 Quantum Computing Applications in Different Industries (2024)


Top 5 Quantum Computing Applications in Different Industries? ›

Quantum computers can create enhanced models that reveal how atoms interact, leading to a better understanding of molecular structures. This advancement is crucial for drug and chemical research, potentially revolutionizing the development of new medicines and products.

What are the top applications of quantum computing currently? ›

Quantum computers can create enhanced models that reveal how atoms interact, leading to a better understanding of molecular structures. This advancement is crucial for drug and chemical research, potentially revolutionizing the development of new medicines and products.

What industries use quantum computing? ›

Quantum Computing in Modern Industries

In sectors like healthcare, cybersecurity, and finance, quantum computing (QC) is poised to present novel avenues for tackling computational challenges.

What are the top 5 countries in quantum computing? ›

The quantum race is especially heated between the U.S. and China, which are the two leading powers in the field. However, other countries, such as India, the EU, Canada, and Australia, are also investing in quantum research and innovation.

What company is leading in quantum computing? ›

1. International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)

What is a real life example of quantum computing? ›

A real-life example of quantum computing is drug discovery. By making it easier to model the behavior of proteins, quantum computing can help researchers understand existing drugs and create new drugs to treat diseases like Alzheimer's and cancer.

What are the next applications of quantum computing? ›

The potential applications of quantum computing are vast and varied, spanning across numerous industries:
  • Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals: Quantum computing could revolutionize drug discovery and personalized medicine. ...
  • Finance: ...
  • Supply Chain and Logistics: ...
  • Cybersecurity:
May 24, 2024

Why did NASA shut down the quantum computer? ›

The abrupt shutdown of NASA's quantum computing project was triggered by an unforeseen incident during a routine test. The NASA quantum computer project has been put on hold after a startling turn of events, sending shockwaves across the scientific community.

How many companies use quantum computing? ›

IBM, Google, Intel and Rigetti Computing are a few companies making quantum computing chips, or integrated circuits.

How does NASA use quantum computing? ›

The Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL) is where NASA conducts research to determine the capabilities of quantum computers and their potential to support the agency's goals in the decades to come.

Is the US leading in quantum computing? ›

America is the undisputed world leader in quantum computing even though China spends 8x more on the technology–but an own goal could soon erode U.S. dominance. China has earmarked at least $15 billion to develop its quantum computing capabilities.

What are the 4 states of quantum computing? ›

In the z-basis these are ∣ 0 ⟩ \vert 0 \rangle ∣0⟩ and ∣ 1 ⟩ \vert 1 \rangle ∣1⟩. A two-qubit system has 4 computational basis states denoted as ∣ 00 ⟩ \vert 00 \rangle ∣00⟩, ∣ 01 ⟩ \vert 01 \rangle ∣01⟩, ∣ 10 ⟩ \vert 10 \rangle ∣10⟩, ∣ 11 ⟩ \vert 11 \rangle ∣11⟩.

What is the largest functioning quantum computer? ›

But its computer is made of trapped neutral atoms, not tiny superconducting circuits. IBM calls Condor the world's largest quantum processor. Matthias Steffen, IBM's chief quantum architect, says it demonstrated IBM's ability to produce even smaller qubits and consistently fabricate large numbers of them.

What industries will use quantum computing? ›

Here are several practical applications of quantum computing we could see in the future:
  • AI and machine learning (ML). ...
  • Financial modeling. ...
  • Cybersecurity. ...
  • Route and traffic optimization. ...
  • Manufacturing. ...
  • Drug and chemical research. ...
  • Batteries.
Feb 10, 2023

Who is leading the race in quantum computing? ›

IBM, the current leader in quantum computing, last year launched its Quantum System Two, a modular quantum computer powered by an IBM-made chip called the Heron.

What are quantum computers used for today? ›

Since then, scientists have come up with ingenious algorithms to make quantum computers useful for non-quantum things, such as searching databases or breaking cryptography.

What are the new applications of quantum technology? ›

Quantum applications today
  • MRI scanners for medical imaging.
  • Lasers.
  • Solar cells.
  • Electron microscopes.
  • Atomic clocks used for GPS.

Which situation is a current example of a use in quantum computing? ›

The correct answer is “simulating molecular interactions in the chemicals industry”. This situation is a current example of a use case in quantum computing, as simulating complex molecular interactions at the quantum level is one of the key applications of quantum computing technology.

What are the latest developments in quantum computing? ›

  • A Genetic Algorithm for Phononic Crystals.
  • A 2D Device for Quantum Cooling.
  • Giant Clams and More Efficient Solar Energy.
  • Neutrons On Classically Inexplicable Paths.
  • Estimating Charge States in Quantum Dots.
  • Extraordinary Thermoelectric Properties.
  • Understanding Quantum States.
  • A Chip-Scale Titanium-Sapphire Laser.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.