Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (2024)

Unless you are living under the rocks, it is likely that you would be familiar with what is Blockchain and what its potential is when it comes to reforming the tech world. Over the years, this technology has helped mitigate the traditional challenges that a myriad of industries face, helping them grab better opportunities.

Blockchain has also proven to hold the potential to revamp the whole economy – be it healthcare, travel, education, or legal domain.

Between 2017 and 2020, the demand for Blockchain rose by nearly 2000 percent, and it became one of the most highly-valued technologies to have in the industry. By 2024, the net worth of the Blockchain market is expected to be around $20 billion.

As the technology is dominating its presence in fields unheard of, many organizations are looking to hire blockchain developers.

With the increasing demand for blockchain app developers, it is also becoming increasingly important to stay competitive in the field. To stay up in the game,technology enthusiasts needs to be familiar with the best languages for blockchain development.

Therefore, this article discussesthe best languages for blockchain development that one can learn in 2022 along with how to program a blockchain.

Top 15 Programming Languages for Blockchain Development

1. Solidity

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (1)

Influenced by JavaScript, Powershell, and C++, Solidity is the first blockchain programming language that one must learn. Especially when you want to develop dApps or are looking to get into the ICO development game.

The Solidity blockchain programming language was developed by Vitalik Buterin, the mastermind behind Ethereum. It serves blockchain development firms with a myriad of benefits, such as:-

  • Developer-friendliness,
  • Accessibility to JavaScript infrastructures, debuggers, and other tools,
  • Statically typed programming,
  • Possibility of inheritance properties in smart contracts,
  • Precise accuracy

2. Java

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (2)

Java, the official language of Android mobile app development and a preferred option for backend development, is also considered one of the top blockchain programming languages used for Blockchain development.

The language is derived from C-syntax and is widely chosen for building sophisticated smart contracts and dApps because of its following properties:-

  • Robust support for OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) methodology,
  • Ease of memory cleaning
  • Availability of ample libraries

Some of the best examples of Blockchain solutions developed using Java are NEM, IOTA, NEO, and Hyperledger Fabric.

3. Python

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (4)

Blockchain programming in Python has not only ruled the world of app development, IoT app development, and network servers’ development, but is also proving to be an asset in the Blockchain-as-a-service arena.

The language, created in 1991, is widely used for dApps and Smart Contracts development because of the exceptional features it offers. Some of those features of blockchain coding in Python include:

  • Blockchain programming in Python language is easy to learn
  • Access to dynamic architecture
  • Perfect for both base and scripting approaches,
  • Open-source support
  • Blockchain coding in python is efficient for prototyping

Steem, Hyperledger Fabric, and NEO are a few popular Pythonbased Blockchain projects that are prevailing in the industry.

4. JavaScript

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (5)

Considered for a wide range of app and game development needs, JavaScript is also one of the best Blockchain programming languages to keep an eye on.

The language, in the form of frameworks like Node.js framework, offers innumerable benefits to developers, such as:

  • Blockchain programming with javascript enables easier and earlier entry to market
  • Blockchain programming with javascript enhances scalability
  • Availability of multiple Blockchain JavaScript frameworks
  • No hassle of integration of respective resources, and more

5. PHP

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (6)

Released in 1995, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is another programming language used for blochain development that every reputed mobile app development company recommends for creating Blockchain solutions.

PHP is often used to develop blockchain solutions of different complexity ranges. Something that is a ripple effect of its huge open-source community and object-oriented features.

6. C++

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (7)

C++, introduced back in 1985 by Bjarne Stroustrup, is the best programming language for cryptocurrency development.

The language follows OOPs methodology and is highly used for developing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple, Stellar, and EOS. Some of the prominent features and functionalities oF C++ are:

  • Efficient CPU management and memory control
  • Ease of running parallel/non-parallel threads
  • Option to move semantics for copying data effectively
  • Compile-time polymorphism for enhanced performance
  • Code isolation for different data structures, and more

7. C#

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (8)

Created by Microsoft as a substitute of Blockchain coding Java, the OOP language offers a huge number of features for enterprise-powered apps, cloud, and cross-platform development. The language comes loaded with features of C, SQL, and .NET frameworks, and is highly favored for Blockchain development because:

  • It is open source.
  • Its syntax is easy to understand and learn – thanks to its identicality with C++ and Blockchain coding Java.
  • It empowers blockchain app developers to write portable code across devices.
  • It is cost-effective to use because of the BizSpark program.

The programming language is majorly considered for building dApps, Smart Contracts, and infrastructure in a Blockchain environment.

8. Go

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (9)

Go programming language also lands in the list of top Blockchain coding languages with a blistering success.

The language is not just easy to comprehend, but also comes with the best features of JavaScript and Python such as user-friendliness, scalability, flexibility, and speed. Something that makes it the right option to deliver bespoke Blockchain solutions.

Two of the best Go-based Blockchain solutions prevalent in the market are Go-Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric.

9. Simplicity

Created by Russell O’ Connor, Simplicity is one of the high-level Blockchain coding languages that hit the market in November 2017.

The Simplicity programming language is based on Ivy and works with a Haskell-like syntax which makes coding easier and effective. Besides, it is highly mathematical in nature and makes the codeline human-readable. Because of which, it is highly used for developing Smart Contracts and blockchain solutions that works with both Bitcoin and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

10. Ruby

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (10)

Ruby is the best language for blockchain development to headstart your career with.

Developed by Yukihiro “Matz” in the mid-1990s, this high-level and general purpose programming language empowersblockchain developers to prototype their vision effectively and effortlessly through open-source third party APIs and plugins. The language also gives developers an opportunity to mix its features with that of other languages to build an enhanced platform.

It is highly considered by Asian developers for building Blockchain-based software and platforms.

11. Rust

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (11)

Though a newbie in the Blockchain ecosystem, Rust is also being widely considered for building innovative, immutable, and secure solutions.

The language enables open-source blockchain developers to create quick and effective frameworks. It also serves them with a highly-capable mechanism of managing mutable states, amazing code optimization, better memory options, and concurrency-based opportunities.

12. SQL

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (12)

SQL (Structured Query Language) is also one of the top blockchain technology programming languages to consider in 2022.

The language was designed by IBM to make communication with databases like MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQl, and Oracle easier and efficient. It is used for building secure and effective enterprise solutions in the Blockchain domain. A clear evidence of which is Aergo.

13. Erlang

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (13)

Erlang is another top Blockchain coding language you must consider for a brighter future ahead.

The language, though less popular than reputed names like blockchain programming Java, JavaScript, and Python, serves Blockchain development companies with options like:

  • Unparalleled backend facility
  • Higher scalability
  • Immutability
  • Inherent fault tolerance, and more

Something that makes it the right choice for building peer-to-peer networks in a Blockchain environment.

14. Rholang

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (14)

Rholang is yet another impressive addition in the list of Blockchain programming languages. The language, unlike C++ or Python, operates with a functional approach over object-oriented. It also assesses the whole app as a series of functions which are then solved in a sequential manner.

Because of this, it is a favorite of developers when they wish to build a high-level project like Smart Contracts.

15. CX

CX has also entered the list of top Blockchain programming languages.

The language has the potential to work as a contractual digital intermediary, and comes loaded with features like simple error control process, and opportunity to use propelled cuts, pointers, and arrays. It also assembles over Go and gives users an escape from executing discretionary codes, which has been a critical issue for present day businesses.

What’s more, the language integrates with OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) efficiently and helps blockchain developers reap better benefits in terms of GPU’s capacity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Are Blockchain developers in demand?

Yes, blockchain developers are highly in demand. In fact, it has been found that the demand for Blockchain engineers in 2020 was 517% more than what was recorded in 2019. And this number is bound to increase in the coming years.

Q. What do you need to learn in order to start developing on the blockchain?

Though the answer to this question is too vast, let us summarize in a few basic pointers:-

  • Strong knowledge of the basics of Blockchain development, i.e. its characteristics and popular platforms.
  • Awareness of the points of failure in the overall system.
  • Expertise at top Blockchain programming languages.
  • Familiarity with the popular cryptocurrencies and the concept of cryptocurrency mining.
  • A background in web development, networking, and security.

Q. What language is Ethereum coded in?

Ethereum programming language, which is currently in its 2.0 version, is coded in Go, C++, and Rust.

Q. What language is Bitcoin Blockchain written in?

The Bitcoin programming language, as per our experts, is written in C++.

Q. What programming languages does blockchain use?

There are a heap of programming languages that can be used for Blockchain development. This includes primitive languages like C++, blockchain programming Java, JavaScript, and Python, and new entrants like Solidity, Simplicity, and CX.

Q. How to learn blockchain programming?

To start with, you can join various blockchain communities, opt for online blockchain programming tutorials, search vlogs on YouTube and read Blockchain news. There are also free courses available to learn blockchain programming.


So, these were some of the programming languages that can be considered for entering the Blockchain world and making the best of the flourishing opportunity. These languages, as already covered in this article, hold different potential and thus, can be used for building different forms of Blockchain and cryptocurrency-based solutions. It implies that you must know which language is best for what type of Blockchain development, and eventually, polish your skills in the same.

Now, while learning through online blockchain programming tutorials and training programs is a good effort to be well-versed with its theoretical concepts, if you wish to do some practical stuff or learn how to program a blockchain under the shade of a reputed Blockchain app development company, connect our recruitment team for an internship opportunity today.

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (16)



Blockchain Evangelist

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I am a seasoned expert in blockchain technology, having actively engaged with the field for several years. My expertise is demonstrated through my deep knowledge of the concepts, programming languages, and applications related to blockchain. I have worked on various blockchain projects, staying updated with the latest trends and advancements. Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the provided article.

The article highlights the growing significance of blockchain technology and its impact on various industries. It emphasizes the surge in demand for blockchain developers and the need for staying competitive in this evolving field. The central focus is on programming languages essential for blockchain development in 2022. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts and programming languages mentioned in the article:

  1. Solidity:

    • Influenced by JavaScript, Powershell, and C++.
    • Developed by Vitalik Buterin for Ethereum.
    • Benefits include developer-friendliness, accessibility to JavaScript infrastructures, and precise accuracy.
  2. Java:

    • Official language for Android mobile app development.
    • Derived from C-syntax.
    • Used for building smart contracts and dApps.
    • Examples include NEM, IOTA, NEO, and Hyperledger Fabric.
  3. Python:

    • Widely used in app development, IoT, and network servers.
    • Efficient for prototyping.
    • Popular projects: Steem, Hyperledger Fabric, and NEO.
  4. JavaScript:

    • Offers frameworks like Node.js for blockchain development.
    • Enhances scalability and provides multiple blockchain JavaScript frameworks.
    • Facilitates easier entry to the market.
  5. PHP:

    • Used for blockchain development with a ripple effect of its open-source community.
    • Recommended by mobile app development companies.
  6. C++:

    • Introduced in 1985, it's a key language for cryptocurrency development.
    • Used in developing Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple, Stellar, and EOS.
    • Features efficient CPU management and memory control.
  7. C#:

    • Created by Microsoft, it is open source.
    • Syntax is similar to C++ and Java.
    • Favored for building dApps, smart contracts, and infrastructure in a blockchain environment.
  8. Go:

    • Known for user-friendliness, scalability, flexibility, and speed.
    • Used in Go-Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric.
  9. Simplicity:

    • High-level blockchain coding language based on Ivy.
    • Developed for smart contracts compatible with Bitcoin and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
  10. Ruby:

    • High-level and general-purpose language.
    • Allows mixing features with other languages for enhanced platforms.
  11. Rust:

    • A newcomer for building secure solutions.
    • Enables quick and effective frameworks with better memory options.
  12. SQL:

    • Structured Query Language.
    • Used for building secure enterprise solutions in the blockchain domain (e.g., Aergo).
  13. Erlang:

    • Known for backend facility, scalability, immutability, and inherent fault tolerance.
    • Suitable for building peer-to-peer networks in a blockchain environment.
  14. Rholang:

    • Operates with a functional approach over object-oriented.
    • Preferred for building high-level projects like smart contracts.
  15. CX:

    • Works as a contractual digital intermediary.
    • Integrates with OpenGL efficiently, enhancing GPU capacity.

The article concludes with frequently asked questions about blockchain development, addressing the demand for developers, essential skills, and languages used in prominent blockchain projects like Ethereum and Bitcoin. It encourages individuals to explore diverse programming languages based on their potential for different forms of blockchain and cryptocurrency-based solutions.

Top 15 programming languages for Blockchain app development (2024)


What language is go programming for blockchain? ›

Golang for blockchain was developed to be a language for creating various high-performance programs, but most programmers agree that it is best suited for developing web applications (as a back-end). At the same time, Go allows you to write other projects, such as Docker, InfluxDB and Kubernetes.

What language is the Bitcoin written in? ›

Bitcoin Core, the original Bitcoin client, is mostly written in C++, but other languages like Python, Java, and GO are also used. Bitcoin Script is a simple language used for transaction processing on the Bitcoin blockchain, and it's not Turing complete, meaning its functions are limited.

What code is Ethereum written in? ›

Ethereum primarily uses a programming language called Solidity for developing smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). Solidity was specifically designed for Ethereum and is a statically-typed, high-level language with syntax resembling that of JavaScript.

Is rust better than Solidity? ›

Rust is better suited for projects where performance and security are top priorities. Scalability Needs: For projects requiring high scalability, Rust's efficiency and performance are advantageous. Solidity is suitable for projects within the Ethereum network, but may face limitations in scalability outside of it.

Do I need Python for blockchain development? ›

It requires a lot of technical expertise and knowledge to code a simple blockchain. While there is no easy way out, there is definitely a simpler and faster way to do the needful. And you guessed it right, it is with none other than Python. Yep, you can code a blockchain with Python.

What is the 3 letter code for Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin (abbreviation: BTC; sign: ₿) is the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Nodes in the peer-to-peer bitcoin network verify transactions through cryptography and record them in a public distributed ledger, called a blockchain, without central oversight.

What code is Bitcoin built on? ›

2 Answers. The most important reason is that the original Satoshi codebase was written in C++. A system like Bitcoin has extremely strong requirements about consistency in behaviour: all nodes on the network must accept and reject the exact same blocks, or we risk a fork.

How much will 1 Bitcoin be worth in 2030? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 70,299.72
2026$ 73,814.71
2027$ 77,505.45
2030$ 89,722.24
1 more row

What language is used in block chain? ›

There are a heap of programming languages that can be used for Blockchain development. This includes primitive languages like C++, blockchain programming Java, JavaScript, and Python, and new entrants like Solidity, Simplicity, and CX.

Which language is close to Solidity? ›

Solidity syntax is also similar to Javascript, one of the most popular programming languages in the world, making it a great starting point for developers transitioning to Web3.

Is Python better than Chainlink? ›

Chainlink nodes source data from data providers and aggregate them, while in Pyth, data publishers run nodes and aggregate data to provide accurate prices. How Fast it is Compared to Chainlink? ChainLink updates price feed data after a few minutes, for BTC/USD it's 10-60 minutes, while Pyth updates data in real time.

Is Solidity hard to learn? ›

Learning Solidity can be challenging, especially if you are new to programming or blockchain development. However, with dedication and the right resources, it is attainable.

Is blockchain coding worth learning? ›

Career Growth: Blockchain expertise can set you apart in competitive job markets. You could specialize in blockchain development, security, or consulting. High Salary Potential: Skilled blockchain professionals are in high demand, often commanding premium salaries across diverse industries.

What software is used for blockchain? ›

Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source blockchain platform that is maintained by the Linux Foundation. It is designed for enterprise use cases and is intended to be a foundation for building blockchain applications and networks.

What is the salary of a blockchain developer? ›

Blockchain Developer salary in India ranges between ₹ 2.0 Lakhs to ₹ 20.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 9.3 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 1.3k latest salaries received from Blockchain Developers. 0 - 5 years exp. 0 - 5 years exp.

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.