Top 10 Programming Languages for Blockchain App Development | Simplilearn (2024)

Blockchain programming was popularized by an unidentified group or a person Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. It is managed by person-to-person networking as a publicly distributed ledger, where nodes follow a specific set of protocols. According to fortunly, the demand for Blockchain rose in recent years and its total contribution is about to reach $20 billion in near future.

Since when do we know about Blockchain? The blockchain system was not that popular before 2008, it was because of Bitcoins that it got the public’s attention. As we know “Necessity is the mother of inventions”, likewise the requirement to do monetary transactions without the involvement of central authorities or financial institutions 24*7 worldwide led to the development of Blockchain Programming. After getting the preliminary knowledge about Blockchain Programming and its growth recently, you might be curious to know about some programming languages used for Blockchain Development Services.

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Top 10 Programming Languages for Blockchain App Development | Simplilearn (1)

Let’s discuss the prominent programming software and the languages used for Blockchain Programming along with their pros and cons:

1. Solidity

Solidity is the most used and stable Blockchain Programming language recommended by developers worldwide. Whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional, you can comfortably gain skills to adhere to this programming language.

Solidity programming language is statically typed curly-braces designed for developing smart contracts to run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Proposed by Gavin Wood in 2014, the smart brain behind the development of Solidity influenced by Java, C++, and PowerShell is Vitalik Buterin, the developer of Ethereum. With this basic information let’s move forward towards the pros and cons of the Solidity:

  • Pros

  1. Statically typed Blockchain Programming language - Solidity provides a stable and more flexible coding pattern for smart contracts ;
  2. User-friendly - Easy-to-use feature of Solidity makes it flexible;
  3. Provides high accuracy rate – Solidity provides a secure, reliable and accurate medium for various sources in framing smart contracts between two parties.
  4. Application Binary Interface (ABI) - Multiple type-safe functions are present in Solidity because of ABI.
  • Cons

  1. Inherently difficult to reason about – In Solidity once a contract is made it cannot be altered if needed. Additional feature cannot be added to the contract;
  2. Sometimes it might fail to achieve sufficient code coverage concerning smart contracts;
  3. Deficiency of centralized documentation of known vulnerabilities.

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Top 10 Programming Languages for Blockchain App Development | Simplilearn (2)

2. Java

Java, one of the most popular programming languages, is also used to frame some prominent Blockchain Programming of Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, IOTA, NEO, etc.

Discovered in 1995 by James Gosling, this programming language supports heavy Application Programming Interface (API) which includes class-based object-oriented programming. The API, OOP, and Portability are the most used features of Java in Blockchain Programming.

  • Pros

  1. Independent platform – Java is a platform-independent language, that is because of its Write Once Run Anywhere (WORA) feature ;
  2. Developer friendly - Non-rigidity for developers makes it easier to use;
  3. Secure interface- Java reduces security threats by avoiding the use of explicit pointers. The security manager in Java allows us to define access rules for a class.
  4. Multithreaded and dynamic- More than one thread can run at a time in java (thread is the smallest unit of a process), and multi-threading leads to optimum utilization of the CPU, which makes it more flexible.
  • Cons

  1. Memory Consuming- it is slower in performance as compared to C or C++ and is more memory consuming;
  2. Java provides no backup facilities- it only focuses on memory which makes it less popular among the developers;
  3. Different from native applications- it is verbose, which means it contains many keywords and consists of long and complex coding.

3. Python

As a fresher Python can be the best programming language to choose for Blockchain Programming between all of these, as it has comparatively shortcodes and is easier to use. You can choose different resources and plug-ins as Python is an open-source language. Dynamically it supports OOP and is prominently used in Blockchain Development, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.

The Graphic User Interface that helps in creating applications such as PyQt5, Tk, etc. are the most popular options in Blockchain Programming.

  • Pros

  1. Extensible features - Python executes the line one by one which makes it easier to detect and debug errors;
  2. Object-Oriented Programming language - Due to simplicity of this language users can focus more time on understanding the coding rather than framing syntax;
  3. Extensive library - You don’t have to depend on external libraries as python’s own library is huge;
  4. Comparatively short codings - It’s English-like syntax makes it easy to use and access.
  • Cons

  1. Weak in cell phone devices - It is rigid for phones;
  2. Frequent run-time errors - Python is a dynamically typed language which means sometimes data type of variables can be changed, the string might hold and integer value causing errors in the output;
  3. Memory consuming language - As it occupies an ample amount of memory it takes more time for execution.

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Top 10 Programming Languages for Blockchain App Development | Simplilearn (3)

4. C++

C++ one of the top 10 programming languages, was discovered in 1985 by Bjarne Stroustrup.

Blockchain Programming developers support the use of C++ as it is decently abundant in terms of run-time polymorphism, function overloading, and multi-threading. It allows developers to mold the data according to their needs. It is highly used in the development of some Blockchain programming such as Stellar, Ripple, Bitcoin, etc.

  • Pros

  1. Structured programming language - It is Object-Oriented Programming language which makes it much easier than other binary coding languages;
  2. Data hiding makes it secure - Global data and functions are used in C++ unlike many high-level programming languages;
  3. Developer-friendly - Easy to be used;
  4. Comparatively rapid and powerful - It is a multi-paradigm language and its execution time is faster as compared to Java.
  • Cons

  1. Doesn’t support Dynamic Memory Allocation - It does not support garbage pickup;
  2. Complexity increases with the length of coding;
  3. Platform Specific Language - It is commonly used for platform-specific applications, unlike Java.

5. Ruby

Ruby, with great memory allocation capabilities, was developed in Japan by Yukihiro Matsumoto. The main focus of this language is simplicity and productivity which makes it developer-friendly and easy to handle along with this it supports cross platforms.

Ruby enables developers to frame Blockchain Programming through third-party APIs and plugins. It allows multi-paradigm, which means developers can use cross platforms to develop Blockchain Programming.

  • Pros

  1. It is a Multi-Paradigm Language;
  2. Rail frameworks have a huge and strong developer community (Ruby on Rails);
  3. Can be installed in Windows as well as PIOX.
  • Cons

  1. Difficult to debug and generates run-time error occasionally;
  2. It has lower Flexibility and is not that popular among developers;
  3. Its Processing speed is comparatively low.

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Top 10 Programming Languages for Blockchain App Development | Simplilearn (4)

6. Go

The Go language, also referred to as Golang, is a compiled and statically typed programming language. Go is preferred by many developers worldwide for Blockchain Programming development because of its prominent features. Golang is developer-friendly, easy-to-use, rapid, and non-rigid which is beneficial for fresher as well as tech freaks.

The most appreciated Blockchain programming developments by GO language are: Go-Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric.

  • Pros

  1. Run-time Efficiency - Languages having virtual runtime usually outperform usual programming languages like Golang;
  2. Smooth web application building - It is a static language but gives the developer the feel of a dynamic language. As it is static many syntax errors can be avoided and web application building becomes easier;
  3. Garbage collection - This language is designed for efficient and effective developers who want to wrap up their task as quickly as possible which is easier because of this feature of Golang;
  4. Organized typing - Syntaxes are organized.
  • Cons

  1. Error Handling - if error tracking is lost, use of repair function is required which makes the developer write long blocks to find the error ;
  2. Still new in the market - Being young in the tech world developers find it difficult to access some of its libraries ;
  3. No niche like Java - Without niche or generic, its codes cannot be reused again like other languages;
  4. Comparatively fewer packages - However, the amount of packages is growing still the standard library of Go is filled with characteristics that do not need third-party assistance.

7. C#

C# is one of the most popular open-source programming languages developed by Microsoft and is pronounced as "C Sharp". According to Visual studio magazine, there are approximately 5 to 8 million developers worldwide using C#. Some popular Blockchain programming that uses C# includes Stratis, NEO, and IOTA. C# uses simple Object-Oriented, and Extensible Markup Language or methods without the help of the developer.

  • Pros

  1. Rich library class makes it easier for developers to use menu functions and implement them at the coding bus stop.
  2. Memory loss is not a problem for developers using C#, unlike C++ programmers.
  3. Assembly concept makes the issue of version control easier and handles it well.
  4. It can act as a support for the distributed system.
  • Cons

  1. A programmer cannot access low-level things like using and interacting directly with hardware through drivers and firmware.
  2. It does not have an independent compiler.
  3. It uses byte codes and the JIT compiler as a link between machine code and hardware which makes the execution process lengthy and time taking.

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Top 10 Programming Languages for Blockchain App Development | Simplilearn (5)

8. Simplicity

Before simplicity blockchain programs developed ideas expressive or reliable. The expressive ones were lengthy and had an unreliable smart contract or else they were very basic but reliable ones. Simplicity was developed by Rachelle O'Connor and is highly focused on decreasing low-level understanding of cryptocurrencies.

Simplicity was developed to be in harmony with Blockstream's Elements platform. It is seen as an opportunity to open up to Liquid Network users such as trust-reduced escrow, vault, and other sophisticated smart contracts.

  • Pros

  1. Languages ​​other than Simplify are not found to be reliable as funds are reported to be stolen or cannot be recovered due to reasonable contractual errors and codes exposing their service limits.
  2. Recently, the development of EVM failed during the testing process because usage does not match the result of the calculation.
  3. Simplicity overcomes all these limitations of other languages and is a secure and reliable application for blockchain programming.
  • Cons

  1. The code optimizers can still be developed.
  2. It is still left to combine functional and formal correctness of cryptographic protocols for the smart contracts to be fully verified.

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Top 10 Programming Languages for Blockchain App Development | Simplilearn (6)

9. Rholang

The Rholang programming language can also be added to the list of blockchain programming languages. It is comparatively new to the tech world and is an easier language as you can understand the syntax you had written on the screen, which relieves the cognitive burden that most developers experience. It basically runs on the Rchain world.

  • Pros

  1. It is reliable and Secure.
  2. User-friendly - The flexibility of the Rolang language makes it easy to use.
  3. It is designed for Speed in blockchain programming.
  • Cons

It is still new in the market and fewer users know about it. It might not be difficult for a tech professional to use undeveloped blockchain programming from this language but it might create difficulties for a newbie.

10. PHP

PHP that stands for (Hypertext Preprocessor) was created in the year 1994 by a Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf. The recent version of the program 8.0.13 was released on 19 November, 5 days ago.

The standard PHP is an open-source and platform-independent language, powered by Zend Engine, and can be developed on various operating systems. It has an extensible library in its source distribution which simplifies the work of blockchain developers.

PHP being a popular programming language is used to develop blockchain programming and is also recommended by several web application developers. The PHP language evolved until 2014, without a written formal specification but from 2014, formal PHP specification was used.

  • Pros

  1. The most prominent advantage of PHP is that it is an open-source programming language. It can be installed and used readily.
  2. PHP is a platform-independent language and it can be used along with any operating system like Windows, Linux, etc.
  3. It is simple and straightforward so it takes less time in learning and working on it becomes easier.
  4. Its built-in database connection module relieves the trouble and time taken for the development of web applications.
  • Cons

  1. It is not the best choice for huge content-based web applications.
  2. It does not allow modification in the core functions and methodologies of online applications.
  3. Runtime errors are frequent.
  4. PHP is tough to manage as it imitates the features of the Java language.


After learning about the top 10 prominent web applications that can be used in the development of blockchain programming you might be thinking about which one goes with your project well.

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As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of blockchain programming, I can assure you that the information provided in the article is comprehensive and offers valuable insights into the various programming languages used in blockchain development. The details provided about each programming language, along with their pros and cons, showcase a keen understanding of the intricacies involved in choosing the right language for blockchain projects. Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Blockchain Origin and Growth:

    • The article mentions that blockchain programming gained popularity in 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto introduced it along with Bitcoin. The technology is described as a publicly distributed ledger managed through person-to-person networking and specific protocols.
  2. Solidity:

    • Solidity is highlighted as the most used and stable blockchain programming language, especially for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
    • Gavin Wood proposed Solidity in 2014, with inspiration drawn from Java, C++, and PowerShell.
    • Pros and cons of Solidity are discussed, including its static typing, user-friendliness, and application binary interface (ABI).
  3. Java:

    • Java, a widely popular programming language, is discussed in the context of blockchain programming for platforms like Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, IOTA, and NEO.
    • Features such as platform independence, developer-friendliness, and a secure interface are highlighted.
    • The drawbacks of Java, such as its memory consumption and verbosity, are also mentioned.
  4. Python:

    • Python is recommended for blockchain programming due to its simplicity, extensibility, and support for dynamic programming.
    • The article notes Python's usage in blockchain development, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
    • Pros of Python include extensible features, object-oriented programming, an extensive library, and comparatively short code.
  5. C++:

    • C++ is presented as a top programming language for blockchain development, with features like structured programming, data hiding, and developer-friendliness.
    • Pros include structured programming, data hiding, and developer-friendliness, while cons include the lack of support for dynamic memory allocation.
  6. Ruby:

    • Ruby, with its focus on simplicity and productivity, is mentioned as a language suitable for blockchain programming.
    • Pros of Ruby include memory allocation capabilities and support for cross-platform development, while cons include difficulty in debugging and lower processing speed.
  7. Go (Golang):

    • Golang is praised for its runtime efficiency, smooth web application building, garbage collection, and organized typing.
    • Pros and cons of Go include runtime efficiency, smooth web application building, garbage collection, organized typing, error handling challenges, relative newness in the market, and a comparatively smaller number of packages.
  8. C#:

    • C# is introduced as an open-source language developed by Microsoft, used in blockchain programming for projects like Stratis, NEO, and IOTA.
    • Pros include a rich library class, memory management advantages, and support for distributed systems, while cons involve limitations in accessing low-level components and reliance on byte codes and JIT compiler.
  9. Simplicity:

    • Simplicity is highlighted as a language designed to decrease the low-level understanding of cryptocurrencies, aiming for security and reliability in blockchain programming.
    • Pros include increased reliability compared to other languages, while cons involve the need for code optimizers and ongoing work to combine functional and formal correctness for full smart contract verification.
  10. Rholang:

    • Rholang, a newer language in the blockchain programming landscape, is noted for its user-friendliness and reliability.
    • Pros include reliability, user-friendliness, and speed in blockchain programming, while the con is its limited recognition in the market.
  11. PHP:

    • PHP is discussed as an open-source and platform-independent language used in blockchain programming.
    • Pros include ease of installation, platform independence, simplicity, and a built-in database connection module, while cons involve limitations in handling large content-based web applications, restrictions in modifying core functions, and frequent runtime errors.

In conclusion, the article provides a thorough overview of various programming languages used in blockchain development, enabling readers to make informed decisions based on the specific needs of their projects. The pros and cons presented for each language contribute to a nuanced understanding of their suitability in different contexts.

Top 10 Programming Languages for Blockchain App Development | Simplilearn (2024)


Which language is best for blockchain development? ›

Python is one of the most popular blockchain programming languages available. Best programming language to learn for blockchain, which when compared to other programming languages, the syntax allows developers to write programs with fewer lines.

What language is go programming for blockchain? ›

Golang (Go) is a popular programming language used for blockchain application development and this blog gives you a tutorial on how you can build your own blockchain using the Go programming language. Before diving into the code, let's first take a look at the basic building blocks of a blockchain.

Which technology is best for developing a blockchain app? ›

The most popular blockchain app development platform is Ethereum since it offers smart contracts that are commonly used for DApp development.

Is Solidity harder than Python? ›

Is Solidity harder than Python? Solidity may be considered harder than Python for beginners due to its unique features and the need to understand blockchain technology. However, experienced programmers might find it easier to pick up.

Is rust better than Solidity? ›

Rust is better suited for projects where performance and security are top priorities. Scalability Needs: For projects requiring high scalability, Rust's efficiency and performance are advantageous. Solidity is suitable for projects within the Ethereum network, but may face limitations in scalability outside of it.

Is Python a good language for blockchain? ›

Python is simple and minimalistic

They can use Python to code a blockchain without having to write a lot of code. To illustrate, Python allows to create a simple blockchain in less than 50 lines of code. Moroever, Python is recommended for blockchain because you can easily perform many tasks with a single command.

How long does it take to build a blockchain app? ›

2–7+ months, depending on the solution's complexity. The development of a blockchain-based solution with ScienceSoft usually has the following stages: Depending on the chosen approach to blockchain implementation: Developing a blockchain network from scratch.

Which tech stack is used for blockchain? ›

Hyperledger technology: Hyperledger technology is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) designed to build enterprise-grade blockchain applications.

How much do Solidity coders make? ›

$105,000 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $135,500 is the 75th percentile.

Is Solidity worth learning in 2024? ›

If you feel certain about dedicating a few years of your life to learning Solidity, give it a try. It's quite probable that you will have a reliable constant career for years to come.

Is Solidity still in demand? ›

Even if it doesn't, Solidity can still be used to increase the security of other blockchain platforms. As long as funds are exchanged on the blockchain, there will be a need for languages like Solidity. Still, there's no indication that EVM-based Defi projects will fade away anytime soon.

Which blockchain is best for developers? ›

Ethereum is considered highly developer-friendly due to its extensive resources, tools, and large community. Which blockchain has the lowest transaction fees for developers? Binance Smart Chain and Solana are known for their low transaction fees, making them cost-effective for developers.

What is the difference between Solidity and Java? ›

Data Types: Java vs. Solidity. In Java, you're familiar with primitive and object data types. Solidity shares similarities but introduces specific types like address, uint, bool, and string for blockchain interactions.

What software is used for blockchain? ›

Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source blockchain platform that is maintained by the Linux Foundation. It is designed for enterprise use cases and is intended to be a foundation for building blockchain applications and networks.

What is the salary of a blockchain developer? ›

Blockchain Developer salary in India with less than 1 year of experience to 7 years ranges from ₹ 2.0 Lakhs to ₹ 20.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 9.3 Lakhs based on 1.3k latest salaries.

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