Top 10 Best Self-Defense Weapons for Women — DEFENSE NINJAS (2024)

In recent years, the number of women who have experienced sexual harassment has increased by the tenfold, and while the criminal justice system in this department may be improving, the number of women who experience sexual violence remains at a staggering 90%. More recent studies conducted in the UK, report that 97% of women experience some form of harassment at least once in their lives. With this surge in crimes of this nature, self defense is becoming a pivotal part of many women's lives.

What's Sexual Harassment

A common misunderstanding in this fields is the term "sexual harassment" itself, which many people may believe only encompasses assault or direct threats. Sexual harassment actually cover a wide variety of concerns, including: catcalling, inappropriate touching/comments, following, and more. In light of these situations, many people might consider carrying self defense weapons. When considering a self defense weapon, or more precisely, tools for women’s personal safety, it is important to remember three key details;whatself defense should one use,howto use said weapon, andwhereit is best suited for use (home defense, street defense, workplace, etc.)

Self-Defense Weapons

We’ll talk about the top 10 best self-defense products for women, including lethal and non-lethal self-defense weapons for women. We’ll also share non-product weapons or tools for your personal safety and evaluate pros and cons of each to help you find the self-defense option that’s best for you.

1. Gun

One of the most lethal weapons for self-defense would be a firearm. Do note that many states have different laws surrounding the usage of a firearms, including permits, concealment, etc. and it goes without saying that most people would prefer not carrying a gun.To use a gun effectively, you’ll need extensive training, including the training to draw your firearm quickly.

Advantages of owning a gun:

  1. Deterrant: The presence of a firearm can deter potential attackers or intruders, reducing the risk of confrontation or harm.

  2. Range: You can stop a charging attacker from several feet away, unlike other self-defense tools that require close combat with the attacker.

Disadvantages of owning a gun:

  1. Extensive training: You need a lot of training to use a gun as an effective self defense tool. You need to learn how to shoot, how to have a good aim, how to keep and release the safety, how to store a gun, how to care for a gun, how to carry a gun, how to hold it, how to draw your firearm fast before you are attacked for drawing it, etc.

  2. Risk: There are several high stake risks of owning a gun such as risk of accidental injury, risk of being stolen, increased anxiety, and other psychological impacts such as trauma and/or guilt in case you accidentally kill someone where you only meant to incapacitate an attacker.

  3. Legal Restrictions: Many public spaces and buildings restrict concealed carry or make it outright illegal to have a weapon on your within their premises. This limits your ability to have your self-defense tool with you at all times.

  4. Limited Usefulness: If you’re in a close range situation, or where you don’t have the time to draw your firearm, what will you do? Since most violence that women face are close range (domestic violence, sexual harassment at work, sexual harassment on the streets while traveling/commuting, etc.), women are less likely to find a firearm as an effective self-defense tool.

  5. False Sense of Security: Gun ownership may make you feel safe, but there are more effective ways to be actually be safe (like the ones discussed in option #9, and #10). By solely relying on the gun, you neglect evaluating what’s causing these unsafe situations and how to eliminate these unsafe situations permanently.

2. Pocket Knife

Another option is knives, which can be used to either threaten, or defend. There are, many types of knives (over 30, categorized into 12 types, in fact), but the best one for self defense would be any pocket knife. In most states, it is legal to carry a concealed foldable pocket knife, though fixed blades must be shown on a person. Take heed of the laws surrounding the carrying and concealment of weapons in regards to whatever state or country you live in, and be sure to practice proper safety when handling knifes.

Advantages of owning a pocket knife:

  1. Portable: they are small, lightweight, and easy to carry.

  2. Multipurpose use: Besides self-defense, pocket knives, especially if you have a swiss army knife, are useful for opening packages, camping, etc.

  3. Ease: They are easy to use. Beware of this advantage because holding a knife may seem natural but using it to defend yourself is not a natural movement of the body.

Disadvantages of owning a pocket knife:

  1. Risk of Disarm: If holding and weilding a knife does not feel like an extention of your hand, then your knife is likely to be taken away by your attacker and used against you.

  2. Requires Extensive Training: Most people think that you do not need a lot of training to learn how to use a knife in self-defense; you just slice and stab like a wild madman. This is false and will likely get you injured fatally. Ideally, you need 200 hours (or 6 months) of daily training to feel like your pocket knife is just like another finger on your hand. After this initial timeframe of building your muscle memory, you need regular practice to keep up your skills (1-2 hours per week.) There’s no data on this number, just speaking from personal experience of training myself, classmates, and my students. If you’re not ready to put this much time into training, you’re better off not carrying a knife.

  3. Attack First: You need your attacker to attack you, before you can defend yourself with a knife. If someone is verbally threatening you, and you pull out a knife, you may get into legal trouble for using your knife as a personal protection tool.

  4. Close-Range: You can only use your knife if your attacker is no more than a few feet away from you. At this range, if your attacker has longer arms or more upper-body strength, they you are likely to be attacked. Since you’re holding a lethal weapon, your attacker is likely to attack with 3x more speed and power (no thanks to adrenaline), and you are likely to lose your life.

  5. 100% Injury Rate: According to Officer Craig Hanaumi of the Bellevue Police Department, you cannot escape a knife attack without getting sliced, even if you’re an expert double black belt martial artist. So if the knife is taken away from you, the chances of you getting cut are 100%. Even if the knife is not taken away from you, your attacker can push your hand into your body causing self-injury.

3. Kubaton

Kubaton is a cylindrical stick that goes onto your keychain. These keychains are often referred to as self-defense keychains where you attach several self-defense tools such as a safety alarm, kubaton, whistle, etc. Many kubatons that you'll find for sale are blunt-edged, short, and made of aluminum (they also don't really scream 'scary self defense weapon' to keep away would be attackers). While kubatons aren't made for stabbing, the point is to have some weapon in case you do get caught in a violent situation. Many of these advertised kubatons are used for breaking windows, which is a niche situation that many women may not find themselves in.

Advantages of carrying a kubaton:

  1. Non-lethal: This is not a lethal self defense weapon.

  2. Keychain: Can be attached to your self-defense keychain. This is an advantage only if you carrying your keys in your hand or lanyard at all times.

Disadvantages of carrying a kubaton:

  1. Close-Range Tool: You must be in range to attack your attacker which also means that your attacker is in range to attack you. If an attacker has chosen to attack you, then they have calculated that their chance of winning in extremely high, otherwise they would not have chosen you as a target. See Prey Predator Relationship.

  2. Legal Restrictions: In some jurisdictions, carrying a Kubotan may be illegal or subject to restrictions, so it's important to be aware of local laws.

  3. Training: While basic usage is simple, effective use in a high-stress situation requires skill and continuous practice.

  4. Reduced Effectiveness: Against a significantly larger or more aggressive attacker, a Kubotan might not be as effective.

  5. Psychological Impact: When you’re attacked, you’re most likely going to freeze for a few seconds due to shock rendering you unable to use your kubaton. You can reduce your freeze time and freeze in a safe stance if you train how to do so.

4. Expandable Batons

Another weapon, recommended by Sgt. Julie Beard of Redmond Police Department is expandable batons, which can be helpful in mid-range combat and shooing away animals that may attack you on a hike. They're also a good option for those afraid of accidentally hurting people around, as would be common with knives and firearms. Like other weapons, each state has it's own laws of the concealment and carrying of expandable batons, so make sure to check the laws of your state and country.

Advantages of owning an expandable baton:

  1. Extended Reach: Close combat weapons have the disadvantage of your attacker being able to reach you. Long range weapons (like firearms) have the disadvantage of aim - most of us are unable to aim accurately far away. An expandable baton, on the other hand, is a mid-range weapon with dual advantage of both being able to keep your attacker at bay while also being able to aim accurately.

  2. Mostly Non-lethal: You can hit someone hard on their head, neck, spine and cause fatal injuries but for the most part, an expandable baton is not lethal.

Disadvantages of owning an expandable baton:

  1. Legal Restrictions: Ownership and carry are heavily regulated or illegal in some areas.

  2. Training: Effective use requires skill and training to avoid self-injury or ineffective defense.

  3. Needs Space: Less effective in tight spaces due to swinging action required.

5. Pepper Spray

Pepper spray or OC, comes in two forms: spray and stream. While Mace uses a chemical agent commonly known as tear gas, pepper sprays use chili peppers. Comprised of oil based capsaicin peppers, small canisters of pepper spray shoot a mist-like stream of the contents into attacker's eyes, rendering them unable to see for a short amount of time. This can give you enough time to run away and/or call for help. There are still precautions that should be taken when using pepper spray. One is the rebounding spray if you are standing too close to the attacker. Pepper spray, being a mist, can create a cloud which can hurt the person using it as well. Additionally, it is important to keep pepper spray on hand, in an easy to access location, as it won't do you any good lost in the depths of your purse or car's glove box.

Advantages of using pepper spray:

  1. Non-lethal: Provides a way to defend yourself without causing permanent harm.

  2. Range: Can be used from a mid-range distance, reducing the need for physical confrontation.

  3. Ease: Simple to operate, but still requires some training.

Disadvantages of using pepper spray:

  1. Backfire: If there is slight wind in your direction or if you’re standing too close to your attacker, 10% or more of the spray will come back to you. The way to mitigate this is to use pepper stream, but this is harder to aim and requires more accuracy.

  2. Inaccessible: Unless you’re carrying the pepper spray in your hand with your finger on the trigger, your pepper spray is useless. Most of us carry pepper spray in our purse where it takes at least 5-10 seconds to pull out. A lethal attack can take upto 2 seconds to complete. So keep in mind that by the time you touch your purse, the attacker may have permamnently disabled you.

  3. Accuracy: Accurate aim and timing are key to disabling your attacker.

  4. Ineffective: May not work as well on individuals under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  5. Temporary Solution: Pepper spray only provides a short window for escape, it does not permanently incapacitate your attacker. So if this person is a stalker, someone who knows your routes, where you live/work, then they are likely to come back with a strong vengeance after you use pepper spray on them, increasing the risk on your life.

6. Taser

Taser, also known as stun gun, uses an average of 50,000 volts to electrocute your attacker which provides an ideal time frame to run away or get help. Many tasers come in inconspicuous casing, such as cell phones, pens, etc. providing adequate concealment. A downside to tasers is that they are usually close combat, as you need to touch the attacker with the electrifying tip to do any damage. A crucial point about tasers is that anyone touching the tase victim will not feel the electrical shock. This means that is an attacker hold your wrist to a wall, and you use your other had to tase them, you will not feel any effects of the taser.

Advantages of using a taser:

  1. Non-lethal: For the most part, a taser or stun gun is not lethal, if you avoid the head, neck, and chest areas and if the attacker doesn’t have a heart condition.

  2. Range: Can be used from several feet away, reducing the need for close combat.

Disadvantages of using a taser:

  1. Limited Use: Often only one or two shots available, requiring accuracy.

  2. Legal Restrictions: Ownership and carrying of Tasers are regulated in many areas.

  3. Training: Effective use requires understanding of operation and aiming.

  4. Risk of Failure: Can be less effective on thick clothing or fail to deliver a shock.

  5. Temporary Solution: Just like any other non-lethal weapon, your attacker can find your and take revenge on hurting them.

7. Personal Alarms

These can be carried on a self-defense keychain and emit a loud noise when activated. This can both deter an attacker and attract attention of fellow bystanders nearby who can come to your aid.

Advantages of carrying a personal alarm:

  1. Loud: This alarm is definitely attention grabbing and very deafening to be near.

  2. Non-violent: Barring injuries to inner eardrum, there are no physical injuries or body harm to your attacker.

  3. Portable: Small, lightweight, easy to carry on a keychain or clip to your belt or backpack.

Disadvantages of carrying a personal alarm:

  1. Inaccessible: Most of us carry a personal alarm on a keychain and most of us carry keychains buried in our purse. Unless you’re carrying the alarm in your hand, you won’t be able to use it to call for help.

  2. Not instinctual: Even if not buried in your purse, but attached to your belt or jeans, it is hard to access. When you’re being choked, your hands automatically go to your throat. When you’re being grabbed and dragged by your hair, your hands automatically go to your head to stop the pull and the pain that comes therewith. Your first instinct is to protect yourself, not to sound an alarm.

  3. False Sense of Security: Can lead to over-reliance and less vigilance when it comes to rape prevention or street safety. Many young girls and adult women think that they are safe being in an unsafe situation because they have an alarm.

  4. Battery Dependency: Relies on battery power, which can fail and since such a device is rarely used, we don’t even realize when the battery has died. So in time of need, it is likely to be to dead and unusable.

  5. Bystander Effect: Most people who listen to this alarm will assume that someone else will come to your aid, and chances that someone will come to your aid are 20% to none at all.

8.Tactical Pens

A tactical pen is a multi-functional tool designed for self-defense and practical use. It functions as a regular writing instrument but is constructed with robust materials like aircraft-grade aluminum, making it sturdy enough for defensive actions. Its discreet appearance allows it to be carried almost anywhere. Some models feature additional tools like glass breakers, LED flashlights, or DNA collectors. While it offers a means of protection, its effectiveness depends on the user's skill and training in self-defense techniques. Its non-threatening appearance and everyday utility make it a popular choice for those seeking a subtle form of personal defense.

Advantages of using a tactical pen:

  1. Secret: Looks like a regular pen, allowing it to be carried without drawing attention.

  2. Multi-Use: unctions as a pen and can have additional features like glass breakers. They are usually made of strong materials capable of withstanding force.

  3. Legal: Generally legal to carry in places where weapons are not allowed.

Disadvantages of using a tactical pen:

  1. Limited Effectiveness: accuracy, and precision. Even so, you can push back an attacker, but not incapacitate them.

  2. Close-Range: Requires close proximity to your attacker in turn giving the attacker a change to attack you or retaliate.

  3. Easily disarmed: Easy to be grabbed by your attacker and taken away from you. If that happens, your attacker will most likely use this defensive tool as a weapon against you.

  4. Training: Effective use in self-defense situations requires training and practice.

  5. Not Accessible: Unless you pin it to your shirt pocket, you’re not likely to have it handy when needed.

9.Self-Defense Classes

Learning self-defense techniques can be empowering and effective. The problem is that most self-defense classes are combative instead of proactive or preventative. If you have to fight, it's too late. Would you rather be attacked and then fight for your life, or would you rather prevent an attacker from attacking you to begin with?

So how do you prevent an attack? By looking strong. Attackersusually look for women who look weak. Why? Because they are cowards. They do not want to attack someone who will put up a fight.So if you look strong, they are likely to leave you alone. This is called the prey-predator relationship.

So how do you make sure that you look strong? Walk confidently, keep your head up, look around, and make eye contact. This shows them you see them and they are likely to avoid you. If they still decide to approach you, then confront them. Do not ignore them. Check out our blog on detailed strategies on what to do if you’re being followed.

Developing situational awareness and a strong presence is often more effective than combat skills alone. So make sure that the next time you type “self-defense classes near me” in your favorite search engine, you check if they offer trainings on body language, voice, deescalation, communication, and situational awareness, to just name a few.

10.Empowerment Training

External skills only take us so far. We need to build internal skills to have a long lasting impact. We can only fake our confidence with strong body language so far. At some point, we need tofeel confident or else we will get exhausted pretending to be someone we are not. Yes, fake it till you make it. But you mustmake it at some point in your life. So how do you develop this internal confidence? How do you naturally start feeling confident every day? By working on your psychology.

See, we are like Pavlov's dog. We have been conditioned from a young age to be disempowered. How many timesin your past have you been asked to behave and act in a way that diminishes your confidence and worth? Have you been bullied or violated? All these incidents slowly chip away our self-worth and confidence over time and then acting unconfidently just becomes a habit.

To become your best and safest self, you need to feel good about who you are inside. This means understanding and dealing with past trauma, and then building up your self-worth, confidence, and self-esteem. When you really believe in yourself, it's like having a forcefield, a natural shield, that's better than any wielding any physical weapon.


So our first recommendation is #10 Empowerment Training. Empowerment training is highly recommended as it not only enhances personal safety but also positively impacts other aspects of life like having fewer work conflicts, better personal relationships, and improved mental health.

Our second recommendation, is #9 Learning Self-Defense techniques that go beyond mere combat – such as situational awareness eye exercises, reading body language, predicting attacks, etc. These are essential life skills that I have learned from law enforcement officers and retired FBI agents and these are skills that will change your life forever.

Remember: The best self-defense, is no self-defense at all.

If you’re looking to start your personal safety and empowerment journey, to travel safely, to eliminate workplace harassment, to have healthier personal relationships, and to become strong, powerful, and successful in all areas of your life, then start with our FREE 1-Hour Masterclass HERE and book a free consultation with us HERE.

To your power,
Coach Fauzia
2x Blackbelt, Empowerment Psychology Expert, Certified in ESI, DEI, NLP, and more. Connect with me on TikTok or Instagram.

Top 10 Best Self-Defense Weapons for Women — DEFENSE NINJAS (2024)


What is the most effective self-defense weapon for a woman? ›

Pepper spray is one of the best self defense weapons for women due to its effectiveness and defensive capabilities. There's a reason why law enforcement throughout the world uses various forms of pepper spray for incapacitating and subduing criminals. Overall, if you don't already have pepper spray, buy one.

What is the number 1 self-defense weapon? ›

1. Stun Guns. Stun guns are a popular non-lethal self-defense weapon that deliver a high-voltage shock to an attacker, temporarily incapacitating them. They are compact, easy to carry, and highly effective in close-quarters situations.

What should a woman carry for protection? ›

Non-lethal defense guns come in a variety of types, including pepper spray guns and stun guns. They are a great choice for women who are looking for a reliable self defense tool, without the need for lethal force.

What weapons can a woman carry? ›

Carrying legal self-defense items like pepper-spray, personal alarms, or a whistle can also deter potential threats.

What is the best legal weapon for self-defence? ›

The only fully legal self-defence product at the moment is a rape alarm. These are not expensive and can be bought from most local police stations or supermarkets.

What is the best self-defense item to own? ›

We've included tools that can suit a variety of situations and environments.
  1. Pepper Spray – Sabre Red. ...
  2. Personal Alarm – Vigilant 130dB. ...
  3. Taser or Stun Gun – Taser Pulse+ ...
  4. Benchmade Pocket Knife – Benchmade Griptilian. ...
  5. Tactical Pen – Gerber Impromptu. ...
  6. Kubotan Keychain – Fury Tactical SDK. ...
  7. Expandable Baton – ASP P16.
Jun 7, 2024

What is the most powerful weapon you can own? ›

. 50 caliber is the largest cartridge an American civilian can own without an NFA exemption. Aside from large bore African double rifles that are exempted for sporting purposes, the Barrett M82 in . 50 BMG is one of the most powerful gun models that can be enjoyed by the average firearms fan.

What is the most lethal self-defense system? ›

Krav Maga is considered to be the deadliest martial art for self-defense due to its comprehensive approach. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Boxing, Jeet Kune Do and other styles are among the top 10 deadliest martial arts in the world.

What is the best protection any woman can have? ›

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a famous 19th century suffragist, once said, “The best protection any woman can have… is courage.”

What is the best taser for a woman? ›

In conclusion, the Taser Bolt 2 is an outstanding choice for women seeking a dependable, convenient, and non-lethal means of protecting themselves against potential threats.

What's the best self-defense gun for a woman? ›

To begin your search, we've gathered a few of the top handguns for women that offer excellent performance in a comfortable size and caliber.
  • SIG P365. Beginning our list of the best guns for women is the celebrated SIG P365. ...
  • S&W CSX. ...
  • SIG P238. ...
  • Kimber Micro 9. ...
  • Glock 19. ...
  • Glock 43X. ...
  • S&W M&P Shield. ...
  • S&W M&P 380 Shield EZ.

What is the best gun for a female with small hands? ›

Smith & Wesson's line of Military and Police (M&P) Shield semi-automatic pistols are some of the most popular concealed carry handguns since the 2.0 version was released in 2017. The compact and subcompact models in this product line are robust and accurate, making them among the best pistols for small hands.

Where is the best place for a woman to carry a gun? ›

For women, the best place for a concealed weapon may vary based on personal preference and body shape. However, some recommended options include the appendix or hip carry positions, as they provide ease of access and minimal printing.

What is the most effective fighting style for self-defense? ›

Best Martial Arts for self-defense
  • Boxing. First on this list is probably the most popular martial art/combat sport, which is boxing. ...
  • Wrestling. ...
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. ...
  • Muay Thai. ...
  • MMA.
Jun 4, 2022

How can a woman defend herself? ›

For a palm heel strike, smash the heel of your hand into the attacker's nose. For an eye strike, drive your fingers toward the eyes to make the attacker recoil. For a knee strike, hit the stomach or groin to make the attacker double over or back off. For an elbow jab, hit the chin, temple, back of the head or chest.

What is the best taser for a woman to carry? ›

In conclusion, the Taser Bolt 2 is an outstanding choice for women seeking a dependable, convenient, and non-lethal means of protecting themselves against potential threats.

What to carry when walking alone? ›

It is a good idea to carry pepper spray, a cell phone or an alarm in case you get into trouble. It can also be helpful to carry a walking stick or umbrella in case you need to fend off an unleashed dog. Maybe bring a dog of your own as a companion and for safety.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.