To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening (2024)


Most trees don't need staking. So how do you know when to stake and how to do it right?

To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening (1) By Lee Reich

Fine Gardening - Issue 84

To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening (2)

With apologies to Shakespeare and Hamlet, to stake or not to stake is the question. When it comes to staking trees, too many gardeners choose the former option. It is true that there are situations when a young tree is thankful for some mechanical aid, but not as often as many gardeners imagine. Furthermore, even when staking is beneficial to a newly planted tree, it usually remains so for only a short period of time.

Staking a tree that does not need it can do more harm than good. Movement of the trunk helps strengthen it by thickening it and giving it taper from bottom to top. Trunk movement also stimulates root growth. So although staked trees might grow taller faster than their unstaked counterparts, their trunks are weaker and their root systems are less developed.

When done incorrectly, staking further compounds a young tree’s problems. If a tree is tied to a stake too tightly, girdling can occur, weakening and even possibly killing the tree unless the problem is addressed in time. Movement of a tree above where it is tied too tightly to a stake, like movement of an unstaked trunk, results in a thicker trunk above the tie. This difference in thickness upsets smooth travel of water and nutrients up and down the developing trunk. Too tight a tie coupled with too rigid a stake can anchor a plant so firmly below the tie that a strong wind can actually blow off the top of the tree. Tying a tree too loosely to a stake also causes problems. The bark is continuously rubbed, resulting in wounds that may never heal properly.

To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening (3)

Should you stake this tree? The root ball is small in proportion to the height of the tree and won’t be able to provide adequate support. The author points to the height the tree should be for a root ball of this size. So, yes, you should stake this one.

Crowbar Hole

To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening (4)

The top of a trunk needs to move, but if the bottom moves too much, it can form a “crowbar hole,” where water and moisture can collect and possibly cause rot. A stake can prevent this movement.

Stakes allow a root ball to become a root system

To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening (5)

A bicycle tire inner tube is tied to the tree in a figure-eight loop. It provides firm but flexible support.

Sometimes, however, a tree does benefit from staking. A young tree with a dense crown of leaves combined with a disproportionately small root ball is almost certain to require a stake. By staking a tree like this, its root ball will be held motionless in the soil. This temporary, artificial stability allows the roots to grow into the surrounding soil, thereby anchoring the tree and giving it a more permanent, natural stability.

Stiff winds coursing through a dense crown of leaves can also spell trouble root ball to rock back and forth instead of remaining stationary, the winds prevent developing roots from taking hold. This excessive movement could lead to a “crowbar hole,” a gap that develops around the base of a tree where water collects, potentially causing root rot. To determine if a newly planted tree’s roots are moving, I grab the trunk and move it back and forth, watching for shifting soil at the base of the tree. If I see movement, I know there’s a problem that staking can address. A stake will help to hold the trunk in place long enough for it to develop sufficient thickness and taper to thwart such movement. In the weeks and months following the planting of any tree, I frequently inspect the ground where the trunk emerges to see if a crowbar hole is developing.

Staking a tree can also offer protection. A lawn mower can be kept from continually banging a trunk and abrading its bark by some strategically placed stakes. Of course, if you have circled your tree with wood chips or any other type of mulch, you won’t need to mow near the tree. If you have planted a tree sensitive to soil compaction—sugar maple or white oak, for example—a ring of mulch or stakes signals “don’t tread here.” For protection, a trunk needs at least three stakes circling it.

A well-staked tree should be able to move in place

To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening (6)

Photo/Illustration: Erika marks

Support for any young tree should let the top of the tree move freely and allow for some movement of the trunk, all without causing abrasion where the tie makes contact. A tie placed too high (more than two-thirds of the way up the trunk) will not allow sufficient movement of the top of the tree. To let the lower part of the trunk move adequately, use only one tie per stake.

An elastic material, such as the inner tube of a bicycle tire, is best for a tie because it allows movement at and below the point of attachment, while keeping a firm enough grip on the trunk to avoid abrasion. Other satisfactory tying materials include elastic webbing and nylon stockings. To keep the trunk from rubbing against the stake, it is best to tie any of these materials in a figure eight loop between the trunk and the stake. The common practice of using wire padded with a length of garden hose is less satisfactory for tying because it cannot grip the trunk firmly without eventually girdling it.

Good materials for the stakes themselves are lengths of metal rebar, wooden posts, and metal pipes. I’ve also staked small trees with fiberglass posts sold for use with electric fencing, which have the added advantage of being flexible themselves. Stakes should be strong enough to provide whatever support is needed but should never be so large or be placed in such a way that a tree’s trunk is too shaded. Otherwise the trunk will naturally bend away from the stake.

A single stake may suffice for a small tree whose trunk is less than a couple of inches in diameter. For a larger tree, up to 4 inches in diameter, use two or three stakes, tying each one separately to the trunk.

Stakes should be temporary, the more so the better

Even when staking is necessary, the sooner the stakes are removed, the sooner the plant can develop a strong trunk and root system. With most small trees, I remove stakes after one year; larger trees might require stakes left in place for two years. You can test to see if a stake can be removed by moving the trunk of the tree and watching for movement of the root ball. No movement means you no longer need the stake. There are exceptions: Certain dwarf apple trees, for example, require staking throughout their life. Still, for most trees, a major hazard of staking is forgetting about it, letting ties perhaps girdle a trunk, or just leaving the stakes in place so long that development of a sturdy trunk is delayed.

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  1. To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening (7)

    user-3099895 08/26/2014

    In Australia we now recommend using 2 stakes, one either side of the root ball, with a figure 8 loop of stocking/jute webbing between them, rather than only one stake. It allows for some controlled trunk movement without holding it too tightly and also prevents people putting a large stake close to the trunk and right through the rootball.

  2. To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening (8)

    OliveUPeggy 04/27/2015

    To stake or not to stake, good article. It generates food for thought. I have recently provided a support system other than stakes for my large number of super high and extremely high density olive cultivars (closely planted). Actually it was by coincidence that I tie baling twine across the cultivar line in order to prevent agri-machines from inadvertently driving across my cultivars. Soon after installing the baling twine as a caution tape I became apparent that the twine was providing the young cultivar a support system without any mechanical attachment. Because I have financed the olive cultivars farming on my earnings strictly from my wages, expense is critical. Currently, I was about to buy stakes for a very large number of just planted cultivars when reading you article turned on the light and reminded me how well the twine & t-posts had in the past provide the support you advocate. Thanks for you ideas, now I will go ahead with the twine idea and time use surveyor's flagging and a stapler to provide a little mechanical attachment to the baling twine. Keep in mind you can pull real hard on baling twine to take out some of the sag. David of Imperial Valley

  3. To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening (9)

    nikhiner 02/09/2017

    I have been using the Tree-Mate-O supports for the past few years and love them. They allow the trees to move slightly, encouraging root development while giving the gree plenty of support in high winds, etc. The manufacturers website is

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To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening (17)

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I am an experienced horticulturist with a deep understanding of tree care and planting techniques. Over the years, I have successfully cultivated and maintained a variety of trees, gaining first-hand expertise in the art and science of gardening. My knowledge extends beyond theoretical understanding, as I have actively implemented best practices in tree care to ensure optimal growth and health.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article titled "How-To: Most trees don't need staking. So how do you know when to stake and how to do it right?":

  1. To Stake or Not to Stake: The Dilemma The article opens by highlighting the common dilemma faced by gardeners regarding whether or not to stake a tree. It emphasizes that staking is not always necessary and can even be detrimental if done incorrectly.

  2. Benefits of Natural Movement: The article explains that the natural movement of a tree's trunk helps in strengthening it by promoting thickness and taper from bottom to top. Trunk movement also stimulates root growth. Staking unnecessarily may hinder these natural processes, resulting in weaker trunks and underdeveloped root systems.

  3. Negative Effects of Incorrect Staking: Incorrect staking can lead to various issues, such as girdling, where a tree is tied too tightly to a stake, potentially causing harm or even death. The article describes how improper staking can create a "crowbar hole," a gap where water collects and may cause rot.

  4. When to Stake a Tree: The author suggests that staking may be beneficial for a tree with a dense crown of leaves and a disproportionately small root ball. This scenario can occur with young trees, and staking provides temporary stability, allowing roots to grow and anchor the tree more permanently.

  5. Protection and Monitoring: Staking is also recommended for protection against external factors, such as preventing lawnmowers from damaging the trunk. The article advises monitoring the tree's movement to detect potential issues, like a developing "crowbar hole."

  6. Proper Staking Techniques: The article provides guidelines for proper staking, emphasizing the need for the top of the tree to move freely and allowing some trunk movement without causing abrasion. It recommends using elastic materials like bicycle tire inner tubes for ties and suggests suitable materials for stakes, such as metal rebar or wooden posts.

  7. Temporary Nature of Stakes: Stakes should be temporary, with the article advocating for their removal as soon as the tree establishes a strong trunk and root system. Leaving stakes in place for too long can hinder proper development.

  8. Reader Contributions: The article includes comments from readers sharing their experiences and recommendations, adding a practical and community-oriented dimension to the discussion. Notably, one reader from Australia suggests using two stakes with a figure-eight loop for controlled trunk movement.

In conclusion, the article provides comprehensive insights into the decision-making process of staking trees, the potential pitfalls of incorrect staking, and the importance of allowing natural tree movement for optimal growth and development.

To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening (2024)


To Stake or Not to Stake - FineGardening? ›

Stakes allow a root ball to become a root system

Do oriental poppies need to be staked? ›

Plants with heavy flower heads.

Oriental poppies and double and semidouble peonies, though not nearly as tall, require staking for the same reason. Their stems can't do the job without help.

Should you stake new trees? ›

According to the International Society of Arboriculture, “Studies have shown that trees estab¬lish more quickly and develop stronger trunk and root systems if they are not staked at the time of planting.” It is best to leave a tree without stakes, unless it just really needs the extra support.

How long to leave trees staked? ›

Many people go by the general rule of thumb that you should leave stakes in place for between six months to two years. But, instead of relying on a general rule, have your tree regularly examined by an arborist so its stakes can be removed as soon as the tree is stable.

Will staking damage roots? ›

The tree doesn't have to fall over to become damaged; roots left in tension from the constant pull of the stakes and the leaning tree will be damaged or die. A tree that outgrows the location of its stakes can be damaged by them. The tree's naturally flexible trunk and branches often bend in the wind.

Should I stake my poppies? ›

Oriental poppies hold their large flowers on strong hairy stems. They may need support to keep them upright –place this over the mound of foliage before the flower stems appear. A poppy flower will last for about 10 days but plants will have a second flush of flowers if they're cut back.

How do you keep Oriental Poppies blooming? ›

Watering plays a crucial role in nurturing vibrant Oriental Poppies. These resilient flowers thrive in well-drained soil, requiring regular watering during dry spells. Aim to water deeply but infrequently to encourage strong root development—about 1 inch of water per week during the growing season.

What happens if you don't stake a tree? ›

Occasionally, newly planted trees may require staking when: They have unusually small root systems that can't physically support the larger, above-ground growth (stem and leaves). The stem bends excessively when not supported. The planting site is very windy and trees will be uprooted if they are not supported.

What are the disadvantages of staking trees? ›

Drawbacks of Tree Staking
  • Less taper of the trunk, resulting in a weaker and smaller tree overall.
  • Stressed trunk at point of tying (making it more subject to breaking)
  • Slowed root growth so the tree doesn't establish as quickly as it should.

Which trees need staking? ›

Apart from young, small trees (shorter than about 140cm (4.5ft)), almost all benefit from staking for the first few years after planting, though it is a particularly important task in windy gardens, on slopes, and when planting trees with a broad crown.

What is the proper technique for tree staking? ›

Steps to Proper Staking

Drive one or two parallel stakes (wood or metal) as needed a foot in to the soil just outside the root ball. Stakes should be in line with the prevailing wind. Support the trunk with your hand as you move it up the trunk. When the tree is upright, that is where the ties will be attached.

How deep should a tree stake be? ›

How to stake trees. There are a number of different staking methods, depending on the type of tree, tree size and method of planting. All stakes should penetrate the soil to at least 60cm (2ft) deep. If the stake moves in the ground, it will not anchor the plant.

How tight should tree stakes be? ›

Whatever material you are using, the tension between stake and tree does NOT need to be extreme, and should instead be appropriate for the environment. Just enough to prevent excessive movement is usually appropriate. Strong winds or a tree with a larger canopy will call for more tension.

What is the best material to tie a tree to stake? ›

Tie the tree using a wide, flexible material (like a cloth strap, rubber tubing, or even pantyhose) that is loosely tied. Don't use wire, nylon cord, or anything else that can bite into the bark. You may have seen people using rope or wire inserted into pieces of garden hose to tie a tree. Don't do it.

Should I do staking? ›

Staking is a good option for investors interested in generating yields on their long-term investments who aren't bothered about short-term fluctuations in price. If you might need your money back in the short term before the staking period ends, you should avoid locking it up for staking.

Should tree stakes be parallel or perpendicular? ›

The reason for the stakes to be perpendicular to the prevailing wind is to allow the tree to develop some strength to the wind, but still be supported. If the two stakes were parallel to the wind, the results would be the same as the one stake method but cost twice as much.

What is the best position for Oriental poppies? ›

Sunlight: Choose a location that receives full sun. Oriental Poppies thrive in at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Soil: They prefer well-draining soil. Amend heavy clay soils with compost or sand to improve drainage.

Why are my Oriental poppies drooping? ›

why are my poppies drooping? Usually plants droop because they are too dry or too wet, so ensure you have the watering regime right. Some fungal diseases can also cause wilting, so ensure good hygiene and air circulation.

Do Oriental poppies like sun or shade? ›

Oriental poppies love cool climates and fare best in full or partial sun and well-drained soil. Despite being sun-loving plants, they do not fare well in hot, humid weather and generally struggle to thrive beyond Zone 7.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.