The Truth Behind Exchange Student Host Family Problems: Top 9 Myths Uncovered | Ayusa (2024)

Welcoming a foreign exchange student into your home is a heartwarming adventure. It presents an opportunity to experience diverse cultures and to nurture lifelong friendships. However, some families are apprehensive due to misconceptions surrounding exchange student host family problems.

At Ayusa, we know the joys of hosting a high school exchange student through the J1 visa program firsthand! For the past 40 years, we’ve connected families around the world through the joys of international exchange, bringing top-achieving students to the United States.

In this article, we'll dispel the top nine myths about these perceived challenges. We’ll discuss:

  • Cultural differences
  • Strict qualifications
  • Expenses
  • Language barriers
  • Family impact
  • Behavioral issues
  • Working with schools
  • Homesickness
  • Dealing with issues

We’ll also highlight AYUSA's relentless dedication to ensuring that students and host families have enriching and joyous experiences. Whether you've contemplated the idea of hosting or are just getting acquainted with it, we’re here to uncover the truth. You might discover that embracing the world is easier and more fulfilling than ever!

Myth: Cultural Differences Will Create Conflict

Many potential host families for foreign exchange students are initially apprehensive about the idea of inviting an exchange student into their homes. The root of their concern? The belief that pronounced cultural differences might lead to complications, be it in adhering to household rules, understanding new customs, or navigating daily routines.

Truth: Cultural Exchange is a Growth Opportunity for Everyone

Far from being a potential pitfall, cultural exchange is actually one of the most transformative and enriching experiences for both the student and the host family!

Picture this: your family is celebrating Thanksgiving with a delightful new Indian dish from your exchange student's home country, or your student eagerly sharing stories of their local festivals and traditions, sparking intrigue and wonder among your family members. These are moments of learning, bridging gaps, and forming lifelong memories!

At the heart of a successful hosting experience are three vital elements:

  • open communication
  • clear rules
  • an openness to mutual learning

When both the host family and the student approach the experience with these in mind, what was once perceived as differences become invaluable lessons. A simple act like the student introducing a bedtime ritual from their country can become a cherished nightly tradition for the host family.

The key lies in embracing and celebrating these differences. By doing so, families don't just gain a temporary member; they gain a broader worldview, an enriched cultural perspective, and, often, a lifelong friend.

Myth: Most Families Aren’t Qualified to Host

There's a common misconception floating around who can host. Many think the family must fit a particular mold: perhaps a certain socioeconomic status or the depiction of a typical nuclear family with a white picket fence.

Truth: No Two Host Families Are Alike

In reality, the world of hosting exchange students is as diverse and multifaceted as the international students visiting. Every family, regardless of its composition or background, possesses its own unique charm and warmth.

Whether you’re a single actor in a New York City apartment or a retired couple in a serene coastal town, as long as you have plenty of love and time to give, you can make a great host!

At Ayusa, we only have a few requirements:

  • Must be 25 years or older
  • Must provide a safe, steady place to live for 5-10 months
  • Must be able to provide three meals a day
  • Must have access to reliable transportation

The essence of hosting transcends the superficial boundaries we often mistakenly perceive. It's not about having the biggest house, the most "typical" family, or the most luxurious amenities. It's about sharing your world, whatever that might look like, with an eager young mind. The heart of the matter is simple: extending warmth, fostering understanding, and creating an environment where the student and the host family learn, grow, and enrich each other's lives.

So, if you've ever second-guessed your ability to host, remember that your unique family dynamic and your distinct life experiences are exactly what could make your hosting journey unforgettable!

Myth: Hosting is Expensive

The prospect of adding another member, even temporarily, to the household might sound like it comes with a hefty price tag. Concerns often arise about extra grocery bills, additional costs for outings, or the financial implications of accommodating another person's needs and desires.

Truth: Students Pay Much of Their Own Way

Participating in a study abroad program is far from a financial burden. These students come prepared to shoulder much of their own expenses. Their families back home understand the costs associated with such a venture, and they take responsibility for significant portions of it.

All students and their families are required to pay for:

  1. Tuition: In addition to the program's cost, if there are private school tuition fees, it's their family's responsibility to cover these costs. This ensures that the host family isn't burdened with educational expenses.
  2. Health Insurance: Health and safety are paramount, and students arrive with their own health insurance, ensuring they're covered in case of any medical contingencies.
  3. Travel and Personal Expenditure: Flights, personal shopping, souvenirs, or any special activities the student wishes to undertake are typically borne by the student's personal spending money.

The primary contributions you'd be making as a host family relate to daily living: things like providing meals (which, let's face it, might involve adding an extra plate at the dinner table) and assisting with transportation when necessary. The additional costs are minimal compared to the wealth of experiences, memories, and relationships you're bound to forge during this journey.

Myth: The Language Barrier is Too Difficult

One of the most common reservations potential host families express is the fear of a challenging language barrier. Struggling through every conversation, resorting to gestures, or constantly miscommunicating can seem daunting.

But it doesn’t have to be!

Truth: Students Must Pass an English Language Proficiency Test

Here's the comforting reality: exchange students bound for the U.S. through the Student Exchange and Visitors Program are not only equipped with a basic understanding of the language but are often quite proficient. Before embarking on their exchange journey, foreign exchange students are required to take and pass the ELTiS English Proficiency test. Achieving a score of at least 212 on this test is no small feat—it signifies that the student can communicate fluently in English.

This ensures that from day one, communication is smooth. Of course, like anyone refining a second language, they may occasionally search for the right word or phrase, but the foundation for effective communication is solidly in place. Plus, living with a host family provides them an invaluable opportunity to hone their language skills in real-world settings further.

So, while there might be a few endearing mix-ups or charming mispronunciations along the way, they only add to the richness of the experience. Instead of a barrier, language becomes a bridge, deepening bonds and fostering mutual learning.

Myth: Hosting an Exchange Student Strains Your Family

For families, especially those with children, there's a lingering concern that introducing an exchange student into the household might disrupt the established rhythm. Worries range from diverting attention from one's own kids to potential jealousy issues or the challenge of integrating a newcomer into established family routines. But in reality, it’s just another person to love and welcome into the family!

Truth: Hosting an Exchange Student Enriches Every Member of the Family

The presence of an exchange student often amplifies the warmth and vitality within a home. AYUSA prides itself on a meticulous matching process, ensuring that the student aligns well with the host family's lifestyle and preferences. This careful selection provides a smoother integration and a harmonious living experience for everyone involved.

Moreover, for families with children, having an exchange student often becomes an enlightening journey for the kids as well. They gain a sibling from another part of the world, someone to share stories with, learn from, and create lasting memories. Many kids recount their time with an exchange student as one of the most enriching periods of their life—a phase where they learned about different cultures, perspectives, and values firsthand.

The essence of hosting isn't about accommodating a stranger but welcoming a new member into the family. Instead of straining the family unit, the experience tends to weave families closer together, broadening horizons, strengthening bonds, and leaving an indelible mark of global friendship.

Myth: You’ll Have to Deal with Behavioral Problems

A concern that sometimes surfaces is the fear that hosting an exchange student might mean tackling behavioral issues. The line of thinking often stems from the assumption that cultural differences might translate into a lack of respect for household rules or that the student views the high school exchange program merely as a free vacation in the U.S.

Truth: Exchange Students Demonstrate Great Character and Maturity

This myth couldn’t be more wrong!

The students who embark on this international journey, especially through AYUSA, are among the best ambassadors of their countries. These aren't just any students; they are young leaders, handpicked based on their demonstrated maturity, dedication to their education, and genuine passion for cross-cultural experiences.

AYUSA ensures a rigorous selection process, emphasizing academic excellence and qualities like adaptability, respect, and an eagerness to learn. These students understand the weight and privilege of the opportunity they've been given. They come prepared – not to take a leisurely break – but to immerse themselves wholeheartedly into a new culture, family, and educational setting.

One great example of the caliber of our students is Haya Al-Kubati – a participant in our . This grant program awards scholarships to high school students from more than 40 countries with Muslim populations. It allows students to spend a year in the U.S. and break down barriers and misconceptions surrounding their culture. Earlier this year, Haya received the 2023 Diana Award for her dedication to social action and humanitarianism. She was actively involved in community service during her time in the United States and returned home to Yemen to volunteer over 6,000 hours of healthcare support.

Rather than being a potential source of discord, these exchange students often set admirable examples, showcasing resilience, understanding, and a deep-seated respect for their host families' values and rules. Through this shared experience, host families often find themselves inspired by the young individuals they've welcomed into their homes.

Myth: My School Doesn’t Host Exchange Students

Another logistical worry many potential host families grapple with is the uncertainty surrounding their local high school's stance on accommodating exchange students. There's a prevalent assumption that if a school has yet to host an exchange student, it simply doesn't, or won't.

Truth: Your Exchange Program Will Help You Work with Your Local School

Navigating the educational landscape for an exchange student isn’t completely on your shoulders. With AYUSA at the helm, families have an ally in our Community Representatives. AYUSA doesn’t just facilitate student-family matching; they actively engage with local educational institutions to ensure a seamless academic experience for the student.

If your local high school hasn't previously been part of such an initiative, AYUSA steps in to explore the possibility of them qualifying to host. Our trained representatives are adept at communicating the benefits and logistics to school administrations, ensuring that all parties are well-informed and equipped to make the exchange a success.

Furthermore, in scenarios where a public school might not be an option, our expansive network and resources come into play. We also assist families in coordinating with private schools, ensuring that the student's academic journey in the U.S. is as enriching and smooth as their cultural experience.

Myth: My Exchange Student Will Get Home Sick and Want to Go Home

Homesickness, a natural sentiment many of us experience when away from familiar surroundings, is a concern potential host families often share. They worry that the cultural shift might prove too overwhelming for the student, leading them to yearn for their homeland and, perhaps, even cut short their exchange journey.

Truth: You Can Make Them Feel at Home

While the feeling of missing home is innate to most of us, especially in a new environment, the beauty of hosting lies in families' power to bridge this emotional gap!

Here's how:

  1. Plan Engaging Activities: Whether it's a weekend hike, a movie night, cooking together, or exploring local attractions, planning fun things to do can help divert their mind from homesickness and allow them to bond with the host family.
  2. Celebrate Their Culture: Encourage your exchange student to share tales, traditions, and festivities from their homeland. Dedicate an evening to cooking a traditional dish from their country or watching a popular film from their region. This provides comfort to the student and enriches the host family's cultural knowledge.
  3. Personalize Their Space: Consider incorporating elements from their home country in their room. Whether it's a flag, traditional artifacts, or posters of their favorite places, these touches can make their space feel more personal and comforting.
  4. Open Channels of Communication: Let them know it's okay to feel homesick and encourage open conversations about their feelings. Sometimes, just voicing their emotions and being heard can make a world of difference.

Remember, the hosting journey is as much about understanding and compassion as it is about cultural exchange. By proactively creating a nurturing environment, you can transform their experience from merely an educational stint abroad to a heartfelt home away from home.

Myth: You Have to Deal with Problems Yourself

A major concern that deters many from hosting is the fear of isolation. The apprehension is that, much like parenting their own children, they'll be left to their own devices in managing and navigating the myriad experiences and challenges of hosting an international student.

Truth: Community Representatives Are Here to Help

Contrary to this notion, hosting an exchange student, especially through reputable programs, is far from a solo journey! Ayusa’s Community Representatives will help you every step of the way.

  1. Guidance from Start to Finish: The best student exchange programs, understanding the complexities of cross-cultural experiences, ensure you're paired with a dedicated local Community Representative. This liaison is your go-to guide, a support system from the get-go.
  2. Administrative Assistance: From acquiring the necessary approvals and coordinating with schools, to understanding the nuances of the exchange program, Community Representatives are equipped to manage the bureaucratic and logistical intricacies.
  3. Ongoing Support: Throughout the exchange program, these representatives remain a constant source of support. Whether you face challenges, need advice, or look for resources, they're just a call away.
  4. Building Bridges: They also play a pivotal role in bridging any communication gaps between the students, their families back home, and the host family, ensuring smooth interactions and resolution of any potential issues.

As a host family, you're never truly 'alone' in the experience. With Community Representatives by your side, you're equipped with knowledge, resources, and an unwavering support system to make the hosting journey as fulfilling and hassle-free as possible.

Become a Host Family with Ayusa

As a founding member of the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET), Ayusa is recognized as one of the premier foreign exchange programs in the country. Ayusa isn’t just about connecting international students with host families—it's about forging lifelong relationships, expanding horizons, and fostering global understanding.

If you've ever considered opening your home and heart to a young individual eager to learn and share, now's the time. Whether you're keen on becoming a host family or wish to support this incredible initiative as a Community Representative, Ayusa offers various avenues for involvement.

Don't let this chance pass you by. Apply now, request more information, and become a beacon of cultural exchange. Let's build bridges and make the world a little smaller, one connection at a time!

Did you enjoy this article? You may also be interested in:

  • What to Look for in the Best Foreign Exchange Programs for High School Students
  • Hosting International Students: Tips for Creating an Exceptional Experience
  • Enhance the Exchange Experience: Become an Ayusa Community Representative
The Truth Behind Exchange Student Host Family Problems: Top 9 Myths Uncovered | Ayusa (2024)


How much do host families get paid? ›

Host Families can receive a monthly stipend of $1,000* (Varies by state) to assist with their expenses. Boost your monthly stipend and earn other rewards by referring qualified host families matched with a student.

Do host families get paid for exchange students? ›

For students who come on an F-1 Visa program, yes families do receive a monthly stipend for hosting an exchange student. The stipend varies based on the location of the family and the program. If the student is part of a J-1 Visa program it is all voluntary and families do not receive a stipend but a tax exemption.

How to deal with a bad host family? ›

Navigating Troubles and Communicating Your Needs
  1. Identify what is bothering you. The first step to navigating your troubles is to identify them. ...
  2. Focus on what you can control. ...
  3. Talk to your host family. ...
  4. Work to change. ...
  5. Prepare what you want to say. ...
  6. Take your time. ...
  7. Stay respectful. ...
  8. Take some responsibility.
Mar 22, 2023

How long do exchange students stay? ›

An exchange student typically stays in the host country for a period of 6 to 12 months; however, exchange students may opt to stay for one semester at a time. International students or those on study abroad programs may stay in the host country for several years. Some exchange programs also offer academic credit.

How much do foreign exchange students get paid for hosting? ›

Depending on the length of stay, homestay company, and region, hosting an exchange student can earn you anywhere from an extra $30 a day to $1,400 per month. First, it depends on whether you are looking to host a short-term student or a long-term student.

Does the government pay host families? ›

No. You will not receive compensation as a volunteer host family. The U.S. Government does appreciate your commitment to international exchange, however, and you can claim a flat $50 per month tax deduction as an American host family for the coming tax year.

Do you get paid to host a foreign exchange student in the US? ›

Will I get paid? A: Host families are volunteers who provide room & board and loving parental guidance to an exchange student. ICES students come with medical insurance and spending money to cover all personal expenses, including school/sports fees, clothing, entertainment, phone, toiletries, etc.

Do you have to pay to stay with a host family? ›

Host Family Compensation

StudentRoomStay (SRS) pays a stipend to our hosts to help cover the day-to-day food and accommodation expenses of hosting a homestay student. Student weekly fees are paid directly to SRS by the student.

What does a host family have to provide? ›

Host families are responsible for providing their exchange student with their meals, transportation and a clean and safe living environment.

What makes a bad host? ›

You Don't Tidy Up. One of the most basic things a good host will do is clean up the place before guests arrive. Stepping into a cluttered home will likely make guests come up with excuses for why they need to leave immediately. Be sure to also prep your guest room for any last-minute overnight requests.

Is it safe to stay with a host family? ›

The longer an organization has been working with a host family, the greater the odds are that it is a safe home. Be aware of scams on the internet for homestays. Do not stay with a family that has not been recommended by a reputable organization or previous students.

When should I change host family? ›

Reasons for changing to a new host family

Au pairs usually change host families when they wish to stay in their host country for a little longer and their stay at their present host family's home is due to end.

How much money does an exchange student need? ›

You can expect to pay about $600 per week for an exchange program. Add to that the cost of your travel, which can be equal to the cost of the exchange itself, your visa expenses (if any), and insurance. You'll also need some pocket money and may have to pay for some meals.

What happens if an exchange student gets pregnant? ›

Immigration issues: studying on a visa

Becoming pregnant is not a breach of your Student or Tier 4 Visa but as an international student becoming pregnant and taking time out of your studies can affect your immigration status.

How much should I get paid as a host? ›

As of Apr 25, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Hostess in the United States is $14.17 an hour. While ZipRecruiter is seeing hourly wages as high as $19.47 and as low as $7.21, the majority of Hostess wages currently range between $11.54 (25th percentile) to $16.11 (75th percentile) across the United States.

How much money should I make as a host? ›

What are Top 5 Best Paying Related Part Time Hostess Jobs in the U.S.
Job TitleAnnual SalaryHourly Wage
Lead Hostess$53,524$25.73
Store Host$44,930$21.60
Spa Host$39,428$18.96
Host Compliance$37,956$18.25
1 more row

What are the benefits of being a host family? ›

Reasons to Consider Being a Host Family
  • Personal and Familial Development. ...
  • New Found Respect and Understanding. ...
  • Inspires New Language Possibilities. ...
  • Lifelong Acquaintance. ...
  • Learn More about their World. ...
  • Have Fun. ...
  • Change the World. ...
  • Myth #1: Host families must speak the student's native language—fluently.

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.