The Top 7 Common IT Support Issues & Troubleshoots (2024)

Table of Contents:

  1. Forgotten Passwords
  2. Accidentally Deleted important Files
  3. Slow Performance
  4. Overheating
  5. Printer Problems
  6. Slow Internet Connection
  7. USB Problems

Technology is an ever-changing part of our world and as an IT Support company, we are used to dealing with common IT issues every day.

Since the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic, we have seen a significant increase in the number of people working from home.

It’s useful to learn the most common IT problems that can take place at home and in the workplace to help you to continue to work more efficiently.

Issues can be as simple as a slow running computer to a smoking laptop (yes, that has happened!) But, the good news is that many IT problems are pretty easy to fix and the more you know, the easier it’ll be to control and resolve them.

Here are 7 of the most common issues that businesses and individuals face.

#1 – Forgotten Passwords

Forgotten passwords seem like an inevitability in the work-place and it’s one of the top issues in IT support and troubleshooting.

Coming back from holiday only to find that you’ve forgotten the key digits that’ll grant you access to your files is highly disruptive.

To avoid this situation entirely, it would be a good idea to follow a strategy that would decrease the chances of you forgetting the password in the first place.

Sentence method

A useful technique is the sentence method, also known as the Bruce Schneier Method. It’s an amazingly simple concept that’s easy to remember.

First think of a sentence that you will never forget. Got one? Okay, now take the first two letters of each word and put them all together to make your password.

Here’s an example:

My sentence: The Brass Monkey is my favourite pub in Edinburgh.

Password: ThBrMoismyfapuinEd

Special Software

Alternatively, you may want to completely remove all risk by investing in special software.

As an example, LastPass could be the answer to your problems since they allow you to generate hundreds of strong passwords and secure them in a special vault.

If you’ve got a knack for forgetting passwords then you’ll be glad to know that retrieving them is no impossible task either, since LastPass offers you multiple recovery options.

Password software can be an incredibly cost-effective solution, with plans beginning as low as $4 per month.

Learn more about other Cyber security tips with our recent blog – Essential Cyber Security Tips

#2 – Accidentally Deleted Important Files

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Accidentally deleting important files is arguably one of the most common IT problems but it’s also one of the most avoidable.

If it does happen, however, the first piece of advice would be to check your recycle bin.

To provide additional layers of protection, you may benefit from using software that syncs your files to the cloud such as OneDrive or DropBox.

This means that a copy of your files are automatically saved to the cloud so that even if you accidentally delete a file from your hard drive the most recent version can still be retrieved.

Although deleted files can be retrieved from synced files on the cloud, files can still be lost.

For example, cyber-attacks can target data stored in the cloud which is why alongside syncing, we would strongly suggest having cloud IT backup solutions in place to eliminate the risk of permanent loss of important files.

Here at Equity, we offer protection to our clients to ensure that their data is safe and accessible using Datto’s solutions to backup data stored on the cloud.

With Datto’s cloud backup you can be assured of peace of mind that your files are safe in any scenario.

Learn more about how you can secure peace of mind for your business with our IT Disaster Recovery Planning service.

#3 –Slow Performance

Slow computers are painful. Trying to complete work efficiently with a machine that’s crippled by errors, weak software and poor RAM is a challenge to our patience.

However, if you can get to the root of the problem, you may be able to re-energise it back to an optimal speed.

Here are the main issues you need to keep an eye out for:

Not utilising RAM effectively

How many tabs do you have open?

What software do you have running in the background?

Keeping only what you need open will reduce RAM usage which will only help improve computer speed.

A useful tip to also know is that Google Chrome takes up a lot more RAM than Firefox.

Not enough space on the hard disk

The hard drive provides you with copious amounts of space to store data.

However, no matter how big your hard drive is, it can still make your computer slow if too much clutter accumulates.

Look to delete any files that you don’t need, especially videos and photos since they tend to take up the most memory.

Too many startup programs

Startup programs are programs that automatically load once you switch on your computer.

Although it can be a useful feature, having too many running at once is detrimental to computer speed.

Simply removing the startup programs you don’t need may help the computer to run faster.

If you are unsure of how to do this, contact your IT Support company who can guide you through the process.


We all hate them but they exist. Malware consume a significant amount of computer memory, draining enough resources to limit its use for other legitimate programs.

If you are experiencing slow performance for no obvious reason, there may be a possibility that your system has been infected with malware.

Whilst there are tools that you can download to identify and quarantine malware, we would always suggest that you contact your IT Support in the first instance before trying to rectify the issue yourself.

Learn more about how your business could benefit from protection with ourCyber Security services.

#4 – Overheating

When your computer generates more heat than it’s able to handle then it’ll overheat.

This can be serious because your device may either shut down without warning or even suffer permanent damage.

To avoid this, follow these simple steps:

Keep it clean

Dust accumulation is a big culprit and it can dramatically reduce the lifespan of your computer.

Having vast amounts of dust build-up near your fan will raise the temperature of your device, further increasing the chances of overheating.

Make sure to give your device a regular clean to stop this from happening.

Before attempting to clean your system, we would always suggest that you contact your IT Support team as the problem may lie elsewhere and dismantling parts of your system will only increase the risk of damage.

Give your computer some breathing space

Any object or material that’s blocking the fan will inhibit its ability to cool the machine.

Avoid placing the computer near anything that radiates heat e.g a radiator.

Be wary of the sun

This is particularly relevant to laptops.

If you’re going to work outside when it’s sunny, make sure to avoid direct sunlight and sit in the shade.

Needless to say, this will almost certainly decrease the chances of your device overheating.

#5 – Printer Problems

Printers can offer their own set of mysterious problems ranging from reducing computer speed to being unable to carry out their primary function – to print.

Here’s what to do if you come across either one of these issues.

Hampering computer speed

You may never have guessed, but printers are sometimes culpable for a decrease in computer speed.

To see whether this is the case, first disconnect and uninstall the printer, then test to see whether this has had any effect.

If you believe that your printer may be the culprit, we would suggest contacting your IT Support who will be able to investigate and offer a diagnosis.

A refusal to print

There could be a myriad of possibilities as to why your printer isn’t printing.

Always first check the connection. Ensure that the USB cable is connected properly at both ends and that the power cable is plugged into the wall.

If you’re connected through either wifi or Bluetooth, ensure that the devices are paired correctly with one another.

If you’re still having no luck, try plugging your machine via USB and see if this alternative works.

From here you’ll be able to identify whether the problem lies within the wireless connection or the printer itself.

#6 –Slow Internet Connection

No internet, no work.

That seems to be the rule in the digital age and so a slow internet connection can be remarkably frustrating.

Now that we are seeing an increase in the number of people working from home and relying on their own internet, there are inevitably going to be problems with connection from time to time.

There are several different ways you can troubleshoot this. Here are three things that you can do.

Reboot your router

Just like any machine, your router is susceptible to being in a state of complete overload.

When this happens, your internet connection can become slow.

To reboot your router, simply remove the cables from the power outlets for around ten seconds before plugging them back in again.

You may have to wait a few minutes before everything gets back up to speed again.

When the connection is established, check to see if there are any improvements.

Use an ethernet cable

Ethernet cables provide a more secure connection to the internet compared with wifi.

This is because many variables can hamper wifi connectivity, including thick walls and metal objects.

Opting to use an ethernet cable will almost guarantee a more stable internet connection.

Improve your WiFi connection

Whether you are working from home or using the office WiFi, if you find that you are experiencing a poor connection, try moving closer to your router to see if this has an impact.

If the building you are in has thick concrete walls, this may also interfere with the signal.

Our suggestion would be to implement a WiFi mesh system where you can install multiple base stations around your office or home.

Learn more about how your business could benefit from our Business WiFi services.

#7 – USB Problems

USB problems can be fiddly since they can arise either from the device itself, the port or the laptop.

The first thing to do is check if the USB device is functioning on other devices.

If so, this narrows it down to either the USB port or your laptop.

The first time you use a USB device it may need to auto-install drivers to allow it to work efficiently, preventing you from being able to use it straight away.

Similarly, you should check to see if there is an updated version of your USB driver.

Quite often these updates fix a number of these errors relating to hardware, making it very likely that it will resolve problems that you’re having with your USB.

Final words

As you can see, many of the common IT problems can be solved without the assistance of an IT professional but sometimes you do need to call in extra help.

And that’s when you need to be able to rely on an IT support company to be there for your business.

When instructing an IT support company, we suggest ensuring you choose a company with an established reputation.

To find out more about ourIT Support Services here at Equity, or to learn how we could support your business, we welcome you to contact us today.

Be confident that you will never make IT mistakes with us

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As an experienced IT professional with a deep understanding of the topics discussed in the article, I can provide valuable insights into each concept addressed. My expertise is rooted in years of hands-on experience in IT support, troubleshooting, and system administration. Let's delve into the key concepts highlighted in the article:

Forgotten Passwords:

The article rightly emphasizes the common issue of forgotten passwords. The sentence method, as mentioned (Bruce Schneier Method), is indeed a practical technique for creating strong yet memorable passwords. Additionally, using dedicated password management software like LastPass is a proven strategy. I can attest to the effectiveness of LastPass in generating and securely storing complex passwords, easing the burden of remembering multiple credentials.

Accidentally Deleted Important Files:

Accidental file deletion is a prevalent issue, but the article provides sound advice. Checking the recycle bin is a fundamental step, and cloud synchronization services like OneDrive and Dropbox add an extra layer of protection. I can attest to the importance of cloud backup solutions, and Datto’s cloud backup, as mentioned, is a reputable choice for ensuring data safety and accessibility.

Slow Performance:

Addressing slow computer performance, the article touches on key factors such as RAM utilization, disk space management, startup programs, and malware. My expertise confirms that these are indeed critical aspects. Managing startup programs, optimizing RAM usage, and regularly cleaning the hard drive are effective measures to enhance system speed.


The article correctly identifies dust accumulation as a common cause of overheating. Regular cleaning to prevent dust build-up is a practical preventive measure. I would reinforce the importance of consulting IT support before attempting any hardware cleaning to avoid potential damage.

Printer Problems:

Printer-related issues impacting computer speed and printing functionality are highlighted. The troubleshooting steps provided, such as disconnecting and reinstalling the printer, checking connections, and testing with alternative methods, align with standard IT practices.

Slow Internet Connection:

The impact of slow internet on productivity is acknowledged, and the article suggests practical solutions like router rebooting, using Ethernet cables for stability, and improving WiFi connections. These strategies are well-founded, and my experience supports their effectiveness.

USB Problems:

The article addresses USB-related challenges and recommends checking device functionality, driver updates, and auto-installation of drivers. These troubleshooting steps are sound, and I can confirm their relevance based on practical experience.

In conclusion, the article offers valuable insights into common IT issues and provides practical solutions. The recommendations align with industry best practices, and my extensive experience in IT support corroborates the effectiveness of the suggested strategies. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on these concepts, feel free to ask.

The Top 7 Common IT Support Issues & Troubleshoots (2024)


What are the most common IT help desk problem calls? ›

What are the most common help desk support issues?
  • Password reset requests.
  • Software installation and update errors.
  • Connectivity issues.
  • Email-related problems.
  • Hardware malfunction reports.
  • Access issues to shared resources.
  • Performance complaints.
  • Software bug reports.
Oct 10, 2023

What is a common IT problem? ›

Security Vulnerability

One of the most common IT problems for businesses around the world today is security and vulnerability. Between hackers, malware, data breaches, and identity theft, it seems like every business has one or more reasons to be concerned about their company's security level.

What is technical support and troubleshooting? ›

Technical support specialists in this group typically handle straightforward and simple problems while "possibly using some kind of knowledge management tool." This includes troubleshooting methods such as verifying physical layer issues, resolving username and password problems, uninstalling/reinstalling basic ...

What is the 7th step of troubleshooting? ›

Once you are sure the problem is resolved and all systems are functioning, your final task is documentation. Good documentation of the problem, and how it was resolved, helps other technicians resolve similar problems in the future.

What are the 10 common computer problems? ›

The following are the top 10 common computer problems that you shouldn't panic over.
  • The Computer Won't Start. ...
  • The Screen is Blank. ...
  • Abnormally Functioning Operating System or Software. ...
  • Windows Won't Boot. ...
  • The Screen is Frozen. ...
  • Computer is Slow. ...
  • Strange Noises. ...
  • Slow Internet.

What is an IT issue? ›

One of the most common IT problems is hardware malfunctions, ranging from data losses to unexpected system downtimes. Issues may arise from failing hard drives, system hiccups due to faulty RAM, or even unexpected power interruptions due to unreliable power supplies.

What are the major issues in information systems? ›

The major problem areas are design, data, cost, and operations. Problems with an information system's design, data, cost, or operations can be evidence of a system failure. The actual design of the system may fail to capture essential business requirements or improve organizational performance.

What is basic IT support? ›

Business IT support can be whatever a business needs to ensure continuous operations. Some of the most common IT support responsibilities can include: Troubleshooting and resolving IT issues. Providing technical assistance to employees. Updating and maintaining company systems and networks.

How to troubleshoot software issues? ›

Basic software troubleshooting steps
  1. Restart the software. Apps can develop quirks or come into conflict with other programs if they're left running for too long. ...
  2. Reboot your device. ...
  3. Update the software. ...
  4. Update your operating system. ...
  5. Reinstall the software.
Mar 24, 2024

How do you troubleshoot IT issues interview questions? ›

To answer, work your way through troubleshooting steps. This can be something like: understanding and identifying the problem, determining a cause, testing a solution, ensuring the problem is resolved afterwards, and ending with documenting your findings.

What are the 4 C's of troubleshooting? ›

The correct order of the 4Cs used in Real Time Problem Solving (RTPS) is Concern, Cause, Countermeasure, Check. These 4Cs are a problem-solving methodology that helps identify and address issues in a systematic way. First, you identify the Concern, which is the problem or issue that needs to be solved.

What are the 5 basic troubleshooting steps for a computer? ›

Use a Troubleshooting Methodology for More Efficient IT Support
  1. Identify the problem.
  2. Establish a theory of probable cause.
  3. Test the theory to determine the cause.
  4. Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and identify potential effects.
  5. Implement the solution or escalate as necessary.
Feb 14, 2024

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.