The Sweetest Way's First Ever Blogging Income Report: How Much I Made in July 2017 (2024)


Guys, my palms are sweating as I type this. Putting your income out there for the world to see is kind of terrifying, I’ve gotta say.

But, that’s actually one of the reasons I knew I had to do this.

“If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.” -Seth Godin

I like to live by this adage and sharing my blogging income reports is, in no uncertain terms, the scariest thing I’ve done all year.

So, you may be wondering why exactly I decided to start publishing income reports after nearly four years of blogging. Why would any blogger openly share what they earn with the world?!

Lots of reasons, actually. Allow me to explain…

Please note: This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting The Sweetest Way!

To be a better resource for bloggers and online entrepreneurs – For the first two years of my blogging career, I blogged under a different name (I’m sure some of you remember). I wrote about travel but lacked a specific focus, and I had no clear path for turning my site into a business at that time.

By my third year, I knew location independence was the niche I wanted to pursue, and so with my rebrand came a shift toward more useful content for others hoping to earn a living online so they could work from anywhere.

Nowadays, rather than exclusively sharing travel stories that entertain a few and help no one, my energy is spent supporting others as they create their ideal travel lifestyle, whether through remote work, freelancing, or entrepreneurship. This blog here is my baby, my vision for the future–and while I’ve written at length on themes like building side hustles or finding freelance work, I’ve yet to really dive into the nuts and bolts of making money through blogging.

I believe these income reports will make my site all the more valuable to you, my loyal readers and fellow dream chasers.

To help myself stay more organized throughout the year – This may come as a shock to absolutelyno one some of you, but I’m not the most organized person you’ll ever meet. I’ve never been good at setting up systems or tracking data or crunching numbers, so by committing to sharing my income reports with you each month, I’ll be forced into the habit of staying on top of my sh*t for once. And, believe it or not, this is useful when you’re trying to grow a business!

To reflect on what’s working and what’s not – One of my biggest mistakes over the last few years has been my failure to stop at regular intervals and reflect on what’s been happening within my business. Even worse, when things haven’t been going my way, instead of stopping to ask “But why?” I’m usually on to the next thing before you know it.

“Part of making good decisions in business is recognizing the poor decisions you’ve made and why they were poor.” -Warren Buffett

What I’m saying is, I suffer from a mean case of Shiny Object Syndrome, and it’s been one of my biggest downfalls. So, these income reports will offer an opportunity to dig into why certain things aren’t working and why others are so I can adjust my sails accordingly and rediscover my path to prosperity.

For more accountability – With a firmer grasp on what’s working, I can set appropriate goals to work toward. Not only will this give me more direction in my day to day dealings, but stating these goals in a public forum will add a layer of accountability that didn’t exist before; my hope is that this will leave me more motivated than ever to work diligently toward them.

Because other bloggers’ income reports have helped me immensely – I’ve known for quite some time how valuable blogging income reports can be; I’ve drawn so much wisdom, guidance, and inspiration from the income reports of so many other bloggers–including blogs I follow religiously and bloggers whose site I’m landing on for the very first time. If my own blogging income reports can be of value to even one person, I’ll know it was worth it.

Want to start your own money-making blog? Find my best beginner advice here.

Because I’ve never openly discussed my income before, there are a few things I want to make sure are crystal clear before we get to what you really came here for, the numbers:

These income reports will cover BLOGGING income only – For the last several years, I have been living a digital nomad lifestyle thanks to a combination of freelancing jobs and a small amount of income generated by this blog. However, in recent months, I decided to give blogging full-time a real go, and by the end of March 2017, I’d given up every last one of my freelancing jobs to focus on this site and this site alone.

Essentially, I went from earning a comfortable monthly income to once again having The Fear, but the timing felt right for a few reasons:

  • I was finally earning a decent chunk of money from my blog each month
  • I was getting ready to settle in Washington state, in a small town where I knew my living expenses would be quite low
  • I wasn’t planning to travel nearly as often anymore, particularly internationally
  • I had money in savings to use as a safety net if necessary
  • I have a super-supportive partner who splits all the bills with me and helps keep me sane

These factors combined to create an opportunity for me to finally take a chance on myself, knowing that even if my income didn’t grow rapidly right away, I’d at least cover my expenses.

Starting your own location independent lifestyle? Follow these steps to prepare financially.

This amount of income did not happen overnight – The last thing I’d want is for someone to stumble upon this post and think I’ve earned this much money in my first monthof blogging. NOT SO. While there are definitely people out there who have grown blogs insanely fast and started earning almost immediately, I am not one of those people.

My background is in nutritional science, for god sake–things like business, marketing, coding, SEO, and the list goes on, were SO far outside my realm of understanding when I started blogging that, for me, the learning curve was steep. And while I was learning all of these new skills, I had bills to pay, which is where freelancing came in. The blog grew slowly while most of my energy was focused on making money elsewhere, so what you see in this income report is the result of three years of part-time blogging by someone who had zero skills from the outset.

I guess my point in telling you all this is that anyone can earn money through blogging if they have enough patience, and please, for the love of God, be patient–this didn’t come quickly or easily for me, and it might not come quickly or easily for you, either.

Want to know how I made money online before becoming a full-time blogger? Click here.

This income report will not be 100% comprehensive (yet) – For the time being, I will be reporting my earnings only, not my expenses. This is simply for the sake of convenience right now, but I plan to include expenses and other relevant numbers (like site traffic) in later income reports.

I’ll be using cash accounting – What you’ll see is the total amount that was actually paid into my accounts that month. In many cases, I earned the money much earlier–every ad or affiliate partner I work with has their own payout schedule so money shows up in my account at strange times. I will do my best to explain this wherever possible.

I am primarily focused on building passive income streams – Below, you will see five major categories (Display Ads, Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Content, E-Book Sales, & Miscellaneous) and subcategories where applicable. The Miscellaneous category is for one-off or infrequent income sources, including the occasional Pinterest consult, a remnant of my former life as a Pinterest manager and consultant.

These categories will be included in each monthly report whether I’ve earned any money from that particular source or not; the majority of my energy is spent building up the streams that are passive, such as affiliate marketing.

Your feedback is very valuable to me – If you have ideas for how these income reports can be improved or things you’d like to see included in next month’s report, please leave me a comment and let me know. I want these to serve YOU and YOUR needs in addition to my own, so discussion is highly encouraged.

Okay, finally we’ve reached the good stuff. Here’s the breakdown…

Display Ads – $348.03

Affiliate Marketing – $433.44

Blogging Services

  • Bluehost – $75
  • ConvertKit – $26.10

Online Courses

  • Pinterest Organic Traffic Avalanche – $155

Affiliate Networks

Remote Job Sites

  • FlexJobs – $15

E-Book Sales – $11.23

Sponsored Content – $0

Miscellaneous – $175

  • Pinterest consulting – $75
  • Link placement – $100


I’ve been a Mediavine publisher for nine months now, during which time my traffic has, unfortunately, remained fairly steady. Despite this stagnation, the earnings are still a drastic improvement from my earlier attempts at implementing Google Adsense on my own (which earned me $100 every three months if I was lucky).

For the month of July, I earned an RPM (rate per thousand impressions) of $7.71, which is lower than previous months. As recently as May, my earned RPM was $9.65. Looking at my dashboard I can see that my ads aren’t performing as well as they could be, so it’s up to me to see where improvements can be made.

I receive Mediavine payouts 75 days from the end of the month they are earned (this is also called NET 75), so the amount reported this month is what I earned in April. For smaller blogs, their program is a great option (you need 30,000 monthly page views before you can apply).

I would love to see more earnings from this income stream, which is largely passive; improving traffic is always a goal, and I’m happy to say I’ll finally be getting some professional help on this front starting this month (more on that below).

Affiliate Marketing

I think one of my strengths in this area is that I’ve got many irons in the fire. Despite the fact that no single income stream is enormous on its own, together they add up, and if one performs poorly, the others make up for it. I’m a huge proponent of diversification for this very reason.

That said, I think I need to focus on one source at a time to improve conversions and make each one a powerhouse in its own right.

My favorite affiliate programs at this point are those offered by bloggers who sell their own digital products. The payouts are high (up to 50% commission on courses that cost $197, for example) and since helping people build online businesses is a part of my niche, it’s fitting for me to promote courses related to blogging, SEO, affiliate marketing and the like. These are courses that I have paid for and taken myself before promoting them, so I can personally vouch for their value.

Recently, to keep better track of my various affiliate partnerships, I created a spreadsheet where I list each affiliate, my contact person, login details, commission rate, and whether or not I’ve created a blog post for that particular affiliate partner. This has proven beneficial, but I will admit I could still make better use of it, for example by recording the date I most recently shared each post.

What I fail to do month over month is to consistently promote my best affiliate blog posts. Most of this affiliate content is evergreen, meaning I can continue to share it long after its original publishing date. The other area I could most certainly improve upon is updating posts that are not performing as well as they could be–if my clickthrough rates are low, I need to start figuring out why and testing various solutions.

I could also stand to revisit the course material in Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing for a refresher. Taking that course is what allowed me to build up my affiliate earnings to where they are now (and this was not my best month by any stretch) but there is always room for improvement.

E-Book Sales

Sales of my e-book were nearly nonexistent in July, which points squarely to my need to improve my sales funnels, both on the site and through automated email sequences.

The only sale I had came from a limited-time coupon code sent to my email list giving them 30% off the purchase price. I use ConvertKit’s tagging feature to know which of my subscribers are potential e-book buyers–if they click on a link to my e-book, they are tagged with “Potential Buyer” (how appropriate, right?). A specific promotion like this goes out to a small segment only to avoid unsubscribes.

I was also THRILLED to find out ConvertKit was releasing a new feature, visual automations. This will be an enormous help as I improve upon my existing e-book sales funnel.

On the site, I’ve long had aspirations of updating my sales page to a WooCommerce store, and that is still one of my goals. I think it’ll make for a more engaging user experience that may just lead to more sales.

Lastly, I’ve taken on several new bloggers as affiliates for my e-book in recent months and have so far neglected to follow up with them. That is definitely my bad.

Do you blog about the digital nomad lifestyle or location freedom? Email me to become an affiliate for my book Take Your Life Back: Finding Freedom Through Location Independence. I offer 50% commission.

Thinking of creating your own digital product? Read this first.

Sponsored Content

This is the income stream I am the least proactive about pursuing; if a company reaches out to me and we’re a good fit, I’ll go for it, but the majority of pitches I receive either a) aren’t a good match for my brand or b) they don’t agree to my rates.

Additionally, this kind of work requires a direct exchange of time for money; it is in no way passive and therefore my lowest priority.

I did work on a few paid campaigns in July, however, and both involved heavy use of Instagram, which I am now realizing is an area that still deserves my attention regardless of my love-hate relationship with the platform.

I’ve always said that I want my business to revolve around my website and not social media, but with nearly 20,000 Instagram followers I am at a tipping point where brands are now interested in Instagram-only campaigns. If the shoe fits, I may just wear it.

Speaking of Instagram, I’m hosting 10 days of giveaways starting TODAY, August 8th. I’ve got lots of cool prizes, including some valued at more than $100!Head there now to find out how to enter today’s drawing!

Develop a content strategy with the help of an SEO consultant – For the next three months (minimum), I’ll be working with Megan Clarke of Clapping Dog Media to improve my web presence and optimize my site for Google searches.

While traffic is certainly a primary goal, so are things like increasing conversions on affiliate links, gaining email subscribers, and tailoring content to the needs of my ideal audience. I think this will be a hugely beneficial investment and I’m super pumped to share the results with you.

Share my best affiliate posts on a rotating schedule – To do this, I plan to make a list of my top performing affiliate posts and decide where to share them and how often. I will use Buffer to schedule posts on Twitter, Facebook’s own scheduling tool for my Facebook page, and a written schedule for Pinterest (because I am currently pinning manually, not with a scheduling tool). I will also create new pinnable graphics for each of these posts.

Follow up with new e-book affiliates – I will email everyone who showed an interest in helping promote my book and offer them any support they need in the form of marketing materials, assistance in promoting their reviews, etc.

Consolidate my affiliate partnerships and apply for new programs – I’m currently part of several different affiliate networks, and some are definitely better than others. It will be useful (and less stressful) to consolidate my favorite brands into a few networks so I can reach payout thresholds faster and have fewer logins to keep track of. Additionally, I have not applied to any new programs in awhile so I could stand to spend some time searching for great new brands and products to promote.

Learn why my display ads aren’t performing well and implement changes – Mediavine gives each major ad unit a performance score along with recommendations for improving that score, so I’ll read through their documentation and make changes where necessary to see if I can improve August’s Session RPM.

Next month, I’ll kick things off with a recap of my goals for the month and whether or not I reached them before diving into next month’s earnings. I’d also love to start sharing traffic reports to provide additional context to these numbers.

If this was useful to you, I’d love to hear from you in the comments. If this was not useful to you, I’d love to hear from you, too so I know where I can improve.

I’d love to know what other blogging topics you are specifically interested in, whether you’re curious about the tools I use to run my blog, how I stay on top of a never-ending to-do list (hint: I don’t) or what it’s like being a blogger in a place where no one else “gets it.”

Last but not least, thank you, as always, for reading. This journey would mean nothing if I couldn’t share it with you guys.

Looking for more posts on blogging?

  • Blog Post Checklist: 25 Things Every Blog Post Must Contain Before Hitting Publish
  • Blogging for Beginners: 5 Skills to Master from the Start
  • 10 Steps to Creating Blog Content That Doesn’t Suck
  • Want to Become Location Independent This Year? Consider Starting a Blog
  • 8 Affiliate Networks to Join to Start Earning Passive Income

Until next month!

The Sweetest Way's First Ever Blogging Income Report: How Much I Made in July 2017 (1)


affiliate marketing blogging as a business blogging for money blogging income blogging income report digital nomad lifestyle digital products full-time blogging location independent lifestyle make money blogging online business

The Sweetest Way's First Ever Blogging Income Report: How Much I Made in July 2017 (2024)


How much did you make in your first year blogging? ›

If you're blogging in a popular and profitable niche, you could be looking at: $30,000 – $50,000 in your first year of blogging. That's around the average income in the USA.

How do you calculate blog income? ›

How To Find Out How Much A Blog Makes
  1. Estimate your website's revenue. ...
  2. Multiply the two to find your profit. ...
  3. Calculate your blog's break-even point. ...
  4. Calculate your blog's earning potential. ...
  5. Develop a content marketing strategy. ...
  6. Create a social media presence. ...
  7. Learn to use marketing tools.

How much did you earn from blogging? ›

Within the first year, bloggers can make $500-$2,000 per month. As you can see, you can earn a wide income range as a blogger. But aside from the numbers, remember these important takeaways before you begin: You can make money blogging even if you're not a professional writer.

How long does it take to make $1000 per month blogging? ›

In most cases, you should expect it to take at least 6 to 12 months (minimum) of consistent blogging & promoting your content to start earning something from your blog. When it comes to making $1,000/mo in blog income, expect that to take 1 to 2 years of consistent effort for most people.

How much does blogger pay for 1000 views? ›

How Much Do Bloggers Make Per 1,000 Views? While the amount of money that bloggers can make varies widely depending on the niche, industry, and quality of the website, bloggers with 1,000 views usually make an RPM of $20-35 on average.

What is the highest income of blogging? ›

We'll take you through how much each blogger earns, before analysing some of the strategic factors which have helped each of these blogs to succeed.
  • Who are the highest earning bloggers? (And how much do they earn?)
  • #1: Timothy Sykes ($1 million per month)
  • #2: Chiara Ferragni ($250,000 per month)

How to check blog income? ›

You can know the value of your blog by noting your average monthly revenue and subtracting your daily costs. You can also make use of online valuation tools.

How do I report blog income? ›

Income you receive for running a blog is generally considered self-employment income and is reported on Schedule C. You're required to report this income generating activity on your tax return.

How many blogs actually make money? ›

81% never make $100 from blogging. 9% enough to sustain their personal lifestyle blogging 4-6 hours a day. 8% make enough money to support a family. 2% make $150K+ blogging 1-2 hours a day.

Are blogs still profitable? ›

Are blogs profitable? Yes, they absolutly can be. However, how to make blogging profitable depends on if the niche you choose is profitable. While it's important to pick a niche that you are passionate about, to start blogging as a profitable blog requires a profitable niche.

Does Google Blogger pay? ›

To make money with Blogger, you can show AdSense and other ads on your pages. To use AdSense, your blog must comply with the AdSense policies and restrictions.

Is blogging worth it? ›

Some bloggers may make a few thousand dollars a month, while others with large audiences may make over $100,000 a month. “If you're looking to monetize your blog, you need to treat it like starting a business from the start,” says Rebecca.

Do small blogs make money? ›

Blog owners with 10,000 to 100,000 monthly page views often earn between 2 cents and 10 cents for each page view from advertising, equating to $200 to $10,000 per month.

Can you make $10,000 a month blogging? ›

Making $10,000/month with a blog is everybody's dream. That's when you're finally making the big bucks. 6-figures per year! You're making a huge amount for relatively little work, especially when you compare it to most real-world careers.

What is the fastest way to make money blogging? ›

Ad Networks

Joining an ad network is one of the most common ways that bloggers make money. Basically, you just sign up with one — such as Google Adsense or — and then ads get displayed on your site.

How much can I make as a beginner blogger? ›

Some of the top bloggers make thousands of dollars per month. But many experts believe bloggers can make $500-2,000 per month within their first year of blogging. Consistently post, promote your content, build your readership, and implement some of these monetization tactics to get started.

How much do new bloggers make? ›

Generally, bloggers should expect to make between $0 – $5,000 per month from advertising, affiliate deals, sponsored posts, and other income sources. A successful blog with high traffic could potentially earn upwards of $50,000 or more each month. How do beginner bloggers make money?

How much should a beginner blogger charge? ›

Blog writing cost per word is a model you're likely familiar with if you've worked with a freelancer or agency. Beginner to experienced writers could fetch between $0.05 – $0.15 per word, while more advanced professional copywriters and agencies charge anywhere from $0.20 to $1 per word.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.