The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (2024)

Success leaves clues. These real estate success tips reveal how top Realtors® experience success consistently.

There are specific habits and systems that real estate agents implement consistently that place them in the top income tiers.

Read on for these success tips you can implement in your own business.

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (1)


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Be sure to get your download “Real Estate Success: Secrets of 6 Figure Real Estate Agents”below. You’ll have links referenced in this article too.

Real Estate Success #1

1. Improve Your Google Local Ranking

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (2)

Increase your online exposure for optimal professional success.Ensure your business is set up with a Google business listing and use these tips to improve your google ranking.

Make it easy for clients to find you. These tips can also help your website ranking in Google’s search engine.

Haven’t set up a business listing on Google yet? Head over here and set it up free.

Real Estate Success #2

2. Have a Social Media Presence

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (3)

More and more people are engaging with Social Media. Use the various social media platforms to stay top of mind, generate new leads and make it easy for your SOI to engage with you.

If you don’t have a social media presence yet, start with Facebook. It has the highest level of engagement over the other social media platforms.

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (4)

Head over here and learn how to effectively set up and use a facebook business page to drive your real estate business.

If you already have a Facebook business page presence, begin adding more social media business accounts.

LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter are popular social media platforms that real estate agents use to stay top of mind and establish a strong professional presence.

If you’re not on social media you’re missing out. Head over here and read “How Social Media is Shaping the Real Estate Industry” to learn about the impact that social media can have on your business.

Real Estate Success #3

3. Send a Branded Real Estate Newsletter: E-Zine

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (5)

This is one of the best ways to consistently stay in front of your SOI, be a helpful and valuable resource to them, leverage yourself and generate leads.

Since these land right in their email box you don’t have to fight with all of the *noise* in social media. You have their full attention.

When done strategically you can also see who are potential sellers and buyers in your SOI.

A branded, strategic real estate E-Zine (Realtor® newsletter) is a must for top earners.

Real Estate Success #4

4. Call Past Clients and SOI

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (6)

This is something that’sso simple and basic and it’s often forgotten and put on the back burner to day to day events happening.

But, it’s something your past clients will appreciate…and my hunch is you’ll enjoy connecting again with them too.

We become close with our clients and often they look at us as a trusted advisor and even a *member* of the family.

If they don’t answer leave a voicemail. They’ll remember you for it.

Pay attention to their birthdays, their momentus occasions and make a simple phone call wishing them a happy birthday or congratulating them on something.

If you don’t have birthday information, celebratory occasions and other events you can often find this information on their Facebook or LinkedIn pages.

Agents can be so busy generating new leads that they can forget the acres of diamonds in their own backyard – past clients and existing SOI.

Pick up the phone, say hello and connect!

Real Estate Success #5

5. Set Goals, Plan and Execute For Success

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (7)

Figure out what’s most important in you achieving your goals, create a plan and EXECUTE.

We can get so caught up in the myriad of insignificant tasks and distractions that the most important goals are not accomplished – or not at the level we’d like.

Highly successful people focus on what’s most important.

They Plan. They Execute.CONSISTENTLY.


Real Estate Success #6

6. Learn From Others

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (8)

They’re consistently learning and evolving. The most successful top real estate agents read books, have mentors, have advisors, take classes, listen to podcasts and learn in a myriad of ways available.

They know they’re not an island and they don’t have all the answers to take them to the next level.

What can you learn and apply in the next 12 months to take you to the next level?

Head over here and see the classes and help available.

Check Out 10 Best Books For Real Estate Agents

Real Estate Success #7

7. Have Systems

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (9)

The top businesses and companies ALWAYS have systems in place. You are your own business and in order to reach higher and higher levels you must have systems in place.

Create a system for every area of your business. When you bring on team members and more agents you can plug them into your systems.

Systems create consistency, can increase your income and ultimately save you time.

Real Estate Success #8

8. Have Efficient Work Areas

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (10)

Ensure you have organized and efficient work areas and you’re always prepared to work on the road. This will make your work (and life) more enjoyable and productive.

Whether you go into an office or make home your primary work base, make sure all your work areas are organized.

Have the essential work accessories close by (technology, office tools, remote tools) that allow you to perform at your highest levels.

Keep your work space comfortable. I keep a crystal pitcher filled with fresh water on my desk and I keep a crystal tumbler next to it. It keeps me hydrated, keeps the water cool and I like the elegance of this set.

Take some time and personalize your space for efficiency and enjoyment.

Real Estate Success #9

9. Generate Leads Consistently

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (11)

A consistent pipeline of leads is the lifeblood of your business. Your success in real estate depends on this.

Have systems and lead generating processes in place to keep leads coming in consistently.

Use this real estate planner to keep you on track and focused on lead generating activities.

Include a monthly E-Zine as one of your lead generating systems. Not everyone you know is selling or buying right now but someone usually knows someone who will be.

Your own branded E-Zine is a great reminder to your SOI to send referrals your way!

Real Estate Success #10

10. Successful Realtors® Set Themselves Apart

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (12)

Be sure you’re the number one go to real estate professional.

Set yourself apart from other agents with your marketing efforts and branding.

Brainstorm ideas that will set you apart from other agents. Create a unique tagline and include this in all of your marketing material.

Check out these 10 musts to be the top of mind agent.

Real Estate Success #11

11. They Get Back Up

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (13)

Successful, top earners get back up when they have setbacks. They know there are bumps in the road, problems that inevitably arise and do what it takes to get back up and press on.

Sometimes pivoting is a must. Real estate is a moving targeting and you must be prepared to pivot where necessary. Barbara Corcoran is the queen of pivoting.

These 25 Motivational Quotes come from top real estate professionals, world renowned business leaders and founders of successful companies. The one common denominator of each of these people – They experienced some type of *failure* and got back up.

Real Estate Success #12

12. Have An Excellent Team

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (14)

Your team is not only agents who work with you butalsoincludes your preferred Title Companies, your preferred lenders, transaction coordinators, your photographers, your home inspectors and your preferred contractors.

Have you heard the term *synergy*? This is 1 + 1 = 3. With another strong team member you become exponentially greater and stronger than you are alone.

However, the reverse is true. One *poor peforming* team member can pull you down and weaken you. You’ll be less successful than you are alone.

Select your team members wisely.

If someone on your team is not providing the level of service to your clients (and you)let them gofind someone else who will.

I usually have at least a conversation with someone before I stop working with them. It’s a case by case basis.

Your excellent team can take your business to heights you cannot accomplish alone.

The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (15)

The best practices above take agents to high levels of success.

With focus, intention, hard work and execution YOU CAN ACHIEVE whatever success you set for yourself.

The sky is the limit.

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The Success Secrets of 6 Figure Agents: Real Estate Success e-Guide — Real Estate Marketing (2024)


Is it easy to make 6 figures as a real estate agent? ›

While making a six-figure income as a real estate agent is certainly possible, it's not something that's guaranteed. In fact, even if you're doing everything right, don't be surprised by inconsistent outcomes.

How to make 6 figures in real estate investing? ›

How to make 6 Figures in Real Estate – The Top 11 Tips
  1. Outsource As Much As Possible.
  2. Build a Strong Team of Professionals to Help You Grow Your Business.
  3. Get Educated on Real Estate Investing.
  4. Create Multiple Sources of Income.
  5. Focus on Building Relationships With Past and Current Clients.
Mar 29, 2022

What are the 7 steps to becoming a successful real estate agent? ›

Founder & CEO at SERHANT. | 3X Bestselling Author…
  • Step 1: Find the Best Real Estate Agent in Your Area and Work for Them for Free. ...
  • Step 2: Get your Real Estate License. ...
  • Step 3: Join a Team. ...
  • Step 4: Build Your Sphere of Influence. ...
  • Step 5: Structure Your Day for Success. ...
  • Step 6: The Three F's. ...
  • Step 7: Meet New People.
Oct 11, 2019

How do real estate agents get so rich? ›

Real estate agents make money by helping clients sell, rent, or buy properties. The majority of real estate agents in the United States work solely off of commission. So, instead of getting paid hourly or weekly, they receive a portion of the home's sale price after closing.

How to make $100k as a realtor? ›

How to Earn $100k in Your First Year as a New Real Estate Agent
  1. Make 20-30 Contacts a Day. Prospecting is an important part of success in the real estate industry. ...
  2. Hire a Coach. ...
  3. Be Coachable. ...
  4. Learn Scripts. ...
  5. Create A Business Plan. ...
  6. Buy Leads. ...
  7. Surround Yourself With Top Producers. ...
  8. Stay Focused on Your Goal.

Can you make $1000000 a year in real estate? ›

If You're Going to Dream, Dream Big (and Plan Even Bigger) Consider what it would take to make $1 million in gross commissions your first year selling real estate (before expenses and taxes). It would involve selling approximately $50 million of real property with an average salesperson commission of 2%.

How to thrive as a real estate agent? ›

7 Steps to Become a Successful Real Estate Agent
  1. Develop resiliency. ...
  2. Learn about small business. ...
  3. Become an expert in your local area. ...
  4. Create a referral network. ...
  5. Find a good mentor or training program. ...
  6. Provide great customer service. ...
  7. Create a success plan and stay accountable.
Mar 8, 2022

How long does it take to succeed as a real estate agent? ›

You can make money in your first year as a real estate agent. You can do it by earning commissions or having a related side hustle like managing short-term rentals. However, if you're planning on making a living out of real estate alone, that will take 18 months on average.

How to be the best estate agent? ›

As you don't need any specific qualifications or training to become an estate agent, it's important that your personality and passion shines through. At the end of the day, you're helping people make one of the biggest and most costly decisions of their lives, so it's important to show drive, passion and empathy.

How do people get so rich in real estate? ›

The most common way to make money in real estate is through appreciation, an increase in the property's value. Location, development, and improvements determine real estate appreciation. Real estate investors commonly rely on income from rents for residential and commercial properties.

What is the richest real estate job? ›

14 high-paying real estate jobs
  • Property accountant. ...
  • Real estate broker. ...
  • Realtor.
  • New home sales consultant.
  • Compliance specialist.
  • Real estate agent. ...
  • Real estate attorney.
  • Mortgage loan officer.
Apr 18, 2024

What do the top 1 of real estate agents make? ›

Each real estate office sets its own standards for top producers, but it's safe to say that a top producer would have to sell at least one home per month to qualify. Top producers earn around $112,610 a year to start, according to the BLS. 1 Mega-stars could earn $500,000 per year and up.

Is it easy to become a millionaire in real estate? ›

Becoming a millionaire estate agent is no easy feat. It requires unwavering dedication, hours of hard work, and commitment to your craft. Success in this industry doesn't materialize overnight.

What type of real estate agent makes the most money? ›

High Paying Real Estate Agent Jobs
  • Real Estate Officer. Salary range: $82,500-$137,000 per year. ...
  • Realtor. Salary range: $79,500-$125,000 per year. ...
  • Real Estate Broker. ...
  • Commercial Real Estate Agent. ...
  • Real Estate Rep. ...
  • Licensed Real Estate Agent. ...
  • Commercial Real Estate Assistant. ...
  • Property Consultant.

What are the odds of making it as a realtor? ›

Being a successful real estate agent is easier said than done. After all, there's a reason 87% of real estate agents fail. However, knowing the mistakes these realtors make, such as failing to follow up with clients or not having adequate funding, can help you prepare and grow a successful real estate business.

Can a real estate agent be a billionaire? ›

Yes, you can become a billionaire with significant real estate holdings and investments. It is unlikely that you will reach billionaire status as a real estate agent. Some of the richest people in the world have achieved their wealth through real estate investments.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.