The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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4' MONEY and BUSINESS Section of Log ound 40 eet Below Surface of Con of the Hutchiifs Armory aidermen CHICOPEE li of BLANDORD comfortably at the Mas performed THOMPSONVILLE LONGMEADOW rail in EAST LONG MEADOW town The bride national MINE RESCUE WORK HELD UP leave to ts LEYLAND LINE CHESTER Improved Service BOSTON LIVERPOOL I INSURANCE MONSON insurance 40TH BIRTHDAY attended by nearly 200 persons the Hoosac tunnel giv and east portals a his 'Run him it is predict that they will be better to handle the traffic than they been in a year of active busi transient guests complete sale and as is in tLe was Camels lived in lorida of thousands of years ago HonmN I re the Briasco Negotiates With Crooks to Self Place for $12 Whereby Italian The held iova i oke on theHtert wholesale nnl retail districts Sheffield Eng July The rescue parties at the Maltby colliery where through an explosion yesterday many These popular cabin steamers offer every modern comfort splendid service and delightful cuisine at extremely low rates SAYS SUBWAY PLAN NOT AAIR to death A posse took up the suit of the Negro who escaped Of of the na at Hamp four days thousands the coun AUTO ACCIDENTS OVER WEEK END prophet saw a young man STARTED TO SEEK WIE OUND DEAD AUSTIN BROTHERS SHARE IN UNCLE'S WILL futures without taking a loss were forced to sell out on what practically a spot cotton basis is the time when the first of the cotton comes on the market and the carryover is small fer tile at this dis THREE RIVERS MAN GETS $125 OR DEATH Lewis will month's vacation at Great Barrington at Services to the Mixter farm Thursday Donald Nye and Vernon Bod bought calves to contain TELLS STUDENTS YOUTH IS PERIOD OR VISION the and hill by Palmer grange riday night was attended by nearly 200 persons The program consisted of readings singing and instrumental music The lawn was decorated with Japanese lanterns jnd a number of automobiles ONE INJURED WHEN TROLLY HITS AUTO Railway company to meet ACTORIES CLOSE OR ANNUAL OVERHAULING Consumption is running last year While ew Exceptional acconi in (illa tions for both per BURN NEGRO AT STAKE OR ATTACK ON GIRL reveal any such know nothing of to the police by He said that on Chester July Miss Ella Whee lock who has been employed as book keeper for the Chester Granite quar ries inc for the past two years has resigned to take a position with the Desilets Granite Co inc of Mont pelier Vt Mrs Hanna Dinian Mr Hatties Miss Anna Battles Miss Mary rat tles Miss Alice Alurtough and Murtough were among those who joined the pilgrimage to St Anne's shrine in iskdale today Mr and Mrs Charles Pease and sons Hollis and Hewitt plan to spend the coming week at York Beach Me Bodies of Horses Buried Water Shortage Hampered ire Department WARE July 29 Workmen have started cleaning up the ruins of the large bain on Greenway farm which burned riday night The bodies of the five horses were buried The owner George IL Timmins has not yet decided whether to rebuild The water pressure was insufficient partly because only a 2ki inch pipe feeds the section south of the South street railroad bridge One solution advanced to the water supply problem is to equip eve hydrant with a six inch suction pipe 'so the six inch pipe used by the mo tor truck would it its full quota of i ater PLACED UNDER ARREST $125 for fox hound esterday as Rivers ian artists of the day The opera was "The Barber of Seville" by Rossini's Comic Opera and its artists were Madame Pgrepa as Rosina Signor Brignolt Almaviva Signor erran ti as aro Signor Susini as Bartolo and Signor Sarti as Don Basilio' Signor Berlioz w'as the conductor It is interesting to note that the curtain was scheduled to rise half past seven and the back page was entirely covered with a perfumery advertisem*nt Son company A profile of ing both west tory of construction and the names of Manager Prescott Chief Engineer Granger Treasurer Austin Bond and Secretary Edwand Hamil ton has been given to the society by James Ingersoll of Bow'doin street Of particular local Interest is a rare collection of old etchings and steel en gravings given by A Damon of the ire and Marine Insurance company They picture Springfield from 1835 to 188b snowing by a wooden by ox carts: grounds with from the Hartford police with a complete de scription of the men who perpetrated the scheme It was thought that having been so successful in Con necticut they might turn their atten tion to Massachusetts In the course of the deal the name of Peter Borra supposedly of Springfield was used as a reference by one of the men The directory fails to name and the police him The story as told Briasco was simple the 11th he was approached by a man giving his name as Gina Borra who opened negotiations to buy his farmBorra gave the name of his for whom he said he spoke and who he said lived in Springfield At first Briasco showed no enthusi asm as he had no desire to sell The man called at his home everyday un: til the 24th when they finally came Passenger Office 84 State St Bos ton or Local Agents BUMPS MOTOR TRIES GET AWAY IS CAUGHT After bumping his automobile Inti one owned by Mary Zimba of Union street yesterday afternoon the driver who later gave his name as Alexander Charbonneau tried to escape without stepping He was chased and caught and held for the police who locked him up on charges of driving while under the influence of liquor and driv ing away without making himself known and drunkenness Witnesses said that the Zimba car was parked near the curb and the oc cupants were watching the pessing parade when Charbonneau drove around the corner from Center street and crashed into the Zimba car No one was injured Dodge Sedan Overturns Thompsonville July 29 A Dodge sedafi owned and driven by Lucius Davis of 93 Patchen avenue Brook lyn while rounding the corner leading from King street to Depot Hill at 130 this morning skidded end turned over into a ditch Several of 'he occupants were injured none serious ly Mr Davis was cut in the forehead Mrs Davis was cut about the head and her back was injured William George also cut in the forehead and two chil dren Margaret and Grace Davis were shaken up The top was crushed in and the windshield and all windows but the rear one smashed Patrolman Sheridan investigated Thomas A Reilly and Anthony Mil ler returned yesterday from the shrine of St Anne de Beaupre in Quebec Both were present at the impressive serv ices Thursday in observance of the feast of St Anne The general committee in charge of St parish lawn festival and entertainment to be held August 13 14 17 and 18 will meet at St Joseph's hall at 8 o'clock tomorrow night to hear reports from the various subcom mittees The entertainment commit tee hate secured Councilman Denis Hogan of Springfield to assist in the musical arogram the opening night The body of Mr Robertson son of the late David Robertson a well known former resident will be brought here tomorrow afternoon for burial in the Hannifin lot in St Patrick's ceme tery Many tobacco growers have planned to begin during the coming week which means that there will be work for everybody having any inclination for that line of labor Some sales have Already been reported at prices rang ing from 42 to 48 cents a pound In some cases it is said more than 50 cents a pound has been received Many Attend Party Monson July The lawn party at home of former Representative Mrs Omer Bradway on East miners were entombed were obliged to give up work during the night Only one body thus far has been covered The official estimate of dead is 27 Clever Confidence Men Get $5000 rom South Manchester (Ct armer near here a mob of attacking Mayor Would Have Business Men Back of Stone's quarrel to Port nutomo intended is MOTHERS' DAY TO BE BIG EVENT THIS YEAR I DEL Morrn Gen Manager David Reed Manager Telephone Enck Phillips's store on Church street was broken into yesterday afternoon and a small amount of candy taken The police who are investigating think it to be the work of children The license committee of the board of aidermen will hold a public hear ing on garages Thursday night The funeral of rank Garrity of 34 Columbia street was held at the home at 145 yesterday afternoon followed by service at St church at 230 Rev James Broderick officiated Mary A Ashe sang Sweet Day" The bearers were Ed ward Malloy Harry Malloy William Garrity Thomas Garrity John En right and John Macurdy ather Broderick officiated at the burial St Patrick's cemettry Rome July 29 Premier Mussolini celebrated his 40th birthday today by treading some of the thousands of tele mms and rnhlpe rnms thfit noured in Mount Hermon Commence ment Preacher Draws Les son rom Zechariah rom Our Special Reporter Mount Hermon July from the Old Testament to men about how they should their life plans was given this ing by Rev East Harrison anniversary sermon to members of the graduating class and their rela tives and friends at Mount Herman chapel Tonight a senior service was tornor chapel Spring The local police were asked yester day to be on the alert for two clever sharpers who by means of the an cient handerchief game and a little sleight of hand swindled Guiseppe Briasco a Soujh Manchester (Ct) farmer out of $5000 The game which is one of the oldest known to the police was consummated last week taking two weeks to it It had to do with the purchase of two farms The report was received Blandford July 29 Word has been received that Samuel Tiffany is rest ing more sachusetts General hospital in Boston where an operation was several days ago The Jersey Calf club went to Hard wick when vrtha 29 Advice young make morn in the WINIREDIAN Aug 4 DEVONIAN Aug 25 uckminste? BOSTON THE SPRINGIELD DAIIA REPUBLICAN MONDAY JULY 30 1923 The season statements hand and almost these reports make While it is recog that this is water over the dam the indicate that most industries will bp in good financial condition to weather rougher waterwithout trouble American Woolen Raises Prices An indication of how one industry 'Jocks at the future is contained in the announcement of a 11 per cent in crease in prices by the American jWoOlen company Apparently this company Is confident that the con fuming public will absorb the ad vance The outlook for rubber su gar and certain of the nonferrous nietals laso has imprwed With 1 11 1 but three Cuban centrals th oughwith the year's campaign it is evi dent that the crops will fall consider ably short of the 4000000 ton output of last year well un with buying in copper has not actually de veloped as yet the trade has re affirmed its belief that it is bound to coma with the fall The steel industry apparently Is catching up with Its unfilled orders and experts predict some price reces sions during the fall Still production remains high and it is pointed out that held Graduation will come row morning at 1030 at the Rev James Gordon Gilkey of field will make the address Rev Mr Harrison today took for his text Zechariah II: 4: speak to the young Return of the Jews from the captivity of Babylon has begun and the Jews who came back to their own land found Jerusalem and the temple in he sgid those who encouraged the returned captives nf ederate Makes' Deal Draws Bank Money Tin Box inal Detail Dr EadsHow Was Adver tising Hobo Picnic at Phila delphia Philadelphia July 29 Dr Eads How of St Louis "millionaire tending the city was arrested Springfield Men and Colleges Remembered by New York Attorney Edgar Austin and Clarence Austin of 465 White street are to di vide the residuary estate of their uncle Clarence Austin widely known member of Onondagacounty bar with offices In the City Bauk building Syracuse Y't ho died re cently in Syracuse leaving an estate of $36000 The will is to be probated Saturday at Syracuse Edgar Austin is left $5000 and Clarence Austin $3000 to be paid him when he becomes 21 and who is now 19 Mrs Lillian A Noble of ay etteville aunt of the deceased appointed executrix of estate is given $3000 and life use of the home of the deceased in ayetteville which goes to Edgar Austin at her death The ayetteville Presbyterian church Phillips Andover academy and Wil liams college which he attended are each given $1000 to rebuild the temple and city was Zechariah prob had seven with some phase situa of $12000 was Second Escapes After Al leged Confession Girl Hit With Ax May Die Yazoo City Miss July 29 Willie Minnifield Negro was burned at the stake at 11 1 Yi a white woman 20 miles southeast of here with an ax early last night in flicting wounds which physicians be lieve will prove fatal Minnifield and another Negro were captured by a posse in a swamp near here at 10 this morning ztccordingto members of the posse the other Ne gro who escaped declared that he stood outside the woman's home while Minnifield went in to attack her Minnifield was taken frpm the posse by a mob tied to a stake and burned pur necticut River and in Excellent State of Preserva tion Among the ive Gifts to be Added to Local Collection in a swamp thig morning by accused him STATE HAS DROP IN EMPLOYMENT of this city iuuaY praised the recent pronouncement of Woodrow Wilson urging spiritual re generation of the world re spect the utterances of such a man as Woodrow Wilson when he gives expression to our innermost wishes ami thoughts It matters nothing to us whether he is Republican Demo crat or said Bonnar Court square encircled rail fence and traveled showing the grape vines and tall hedges: and picturing the 250th an niversary in 1886 when a huge arch was erected Over Main street for the parade and a large chorus of children garnered to sing at Court square particular note are pictures tional horse show held here den park in 1856: It lasted horses were entered and attended from throughout try There' are prints of Bowie win ning the two mile footrace for the Bennett cup in 1873 and of the Inter national regatta held here in 1867 several companies which in the past have been quick to cut prices in dull times are now merged with com panies which usually pursue a differ ent policy The United States Steel corporation will issue its second quar terly earning statement on Tuesday The report is expected to show a large gain over the preceding quarter freight Loadings Continue Hfgji Another favorable sign from the standpoint of fall business is the main tenance of record freight car loadings Loadings for the second week of July were again above the million car mark and this is taken as an indi cation that goods are moving into consumption rathet than piling up Moreover it augurs well for railroad earnings Statements covering June operations are being received and they are running about equal with the previous and well ahead of last year Moreover the roads arc making ex traordinary efforts to get their tracks and equipment into proper shape for handling the fall business This they are well able to do because of good earnings to date There may be some congestion again this fall but railroad men able have ness Collapse of the bull movement in July cotton contracts which began in May and June was the feature of the commodity market July has been brought on the belief that a scarcitv of the staple before the new crop came on would result in a squeeze of the shorts This did not occur and as trading in the July future came to an end last week holders were unable to hedge with sales of the dis tant anti referred to and who conference today while tributfng cards advertising the meet ing and a picnic to be held along the Wlssahickon creek He was ar raigned on a technical charge of dis orderly conduct but later was re leased He will be given a hearing tomorrow The arrest occurred on ranklin square Dr How complied with the older of a policeman to feather up all the cards he had distributed but then it was charged he continued tu advertise the conference by word of mouth Dr How was prevented from appearing at the religious ser vices of the conference where he was scheduled to a Th conference which has for its aims mutual and educational bene fits also urges that migratory work rs in quest of employment be pros vided with food and lodging accord ing to Dominick Roach organizer George Donner chairman of the Relics of the Old Days Passed On to the Historical Society WORKING CONDITIONS GENERALLY GOOD Washington July Employment conditions are described as generally pood throughout the country in a report made public today on a special survey by the employment service of the department of labor Shortages ef various kinds of labor are reported in several states notably Indiana Kentucky Michigan New Jersey Pennsylvania and Rhode Island while in others surplusses mostly of minor importance are reported but general ly the supply and demand are de ecribd as fairly equal Several Bruised When Trolly and Blakeslee Car Collide Others of Minor Nature Westfield July Several minor automobile accidents occurred over the week end A trolly car struck a touring car at thecorner of llighla 1 avenue Saturday afternoon and de molished the rear wheels and bruised four of the eight occupants Ray mond Blakeslee was operating the car Dr A Douglas' attended three small children and Mrs James Murren of Smith avenue who were passen gers in the automobile Robert Towle of this City and Wil liam J' Spencer of 366 Chicopee street Chicopee collided at the cor ner of Orange nnd Elm streets yester day Both machines were damaged Jew elew icz and Mrs Louis Yelineck collided at the corner of Main and Mechanic street today Slight damage was done to the machines William Townsend of the South ampton road figured in a slight au tomobile accident at the Great river I ridge this morning The other mi chine a sedan got away before its registration number could be obtain ed The bridge is now under repair and there is a traffic officer stationed at the entrance Owing to the conges tion of traffic he could not get number of the machine Damage slight appeal to young men nrnfoundpst imnortance should apply your measuring line and expend your activities in directions which fall with the great purposes of AWAY BARN RUINS SAYS COVIETS PLAN TO CAPTURE WRANGEL Nome Alaska July The Russian Soviet government in Siberia is out fitting a vessel at Vladivostok to cap ture Wrangell island according to Capt of the American trading schooner Iskum which arrived here last week having in irons two guards who had been put aboard to detain the boat ou the Siberian coast The Connecticut Valley Historical society received five valuable additions to its local collections last week one of which is a chunk or rough hewn log It was given to the society by ay Spofford and Thorndike engi neers for the Hampden County Me morial bridge and is a cross section of the big 40 foot hardwood log which their workmen found imbedded in thevest bank 40 feet below' the surface of the river when digging to place the abutments How so large a log could have be come fastened at such a depth with out being carried downstream by the current and the washouts the engi neers! cannot understand: nor have they record of its being placed there for any specific purpose It is there fore supposed that the log has been hidden in the bank for many years and it is considered a remarkable bit of natural preservation The speci men given to the historical society is but a foot in diameter about a foot in depth and might have been newly chopped from a live tree so well is it preserved It will likely hold a promi nent place in the future museum of the society Secretary Adams stated The other four contributions receiv ed are relics of the Spring field of the and Mrs Caroline Hixon of New Brighter and formerly Of this city found a ydllowed old program of the first Italian opera ever held at the old Opera hcuse here and has sent it to Mr Adams It bears the dates ebruary 22 1867 And the names of a number of the finest Ital Palmer July Daniel ogarty of Three Rivers won a judgment of of a court Thom Three RENEWAL BEAR 1 ATTACKS BASED ON DISQUIETING NEWS REPUBLIC CONCRETE MIXERS IN STOCK Telephone or Write for Particulars Russell Co Inc Holyoke Mass TO HAVE BALANCE IN CUBAN BUDGET Havana Cuba July A cabinet meeting was held at the country home of President Zayas yesterday at which the secretary of the treasury stated that the finances were In a most satisfactory condition After all budget allowances had been met the end of the fiscal year would sbuw a balance of about $12000000 9 available to meet interest on the pub lic debt and provide for a sinking fund Slight Decrease in Industry Only Temporary ederal Bureau Says Building and arm Labor Scarce Washington July There is a slight decrease in employment in the principal manufacturing industries of Massachusetts but this curtailment is temporary and prospects for improve ment within 60 days are encouraging according to the employment service of the depa' trnent of labor The ser vice tonight made public results of a telegraphic survey of employment con ditions throughout the country Trie report says with regard to conditions in three New England states: from Mas sachusetts indicate slight decrease in employment in the principal manufac turing sections of this state although there is very li'tle unemployment no ticeable In any section Supply of skilled building tradesmen and farm labor inadequate and a seasonal short age of hotel help prevails Curtiil ment in manufacturing considered mporary and prospects for better employment within the next 60 days are encouraging" Connecticut healthy demand tor all classes of labor exists in this state There is practically no unehiploym nt in any section of Connecticut and he outlook for the next 60 days bespeaks the continuance of this condition Rnode "In asurvey of em ployment conditions in Rhode Island a shortage of common labor and of skilled building tradesmen was re vealed Demand for farm labor is considerably in excess of the supply and there is a persistent demand for domestic help Some temporary de pression noted in textile mills and jewelry manufacturing This cond'tion is however seasonal and the outlook for the next 60 days for employmen ot all Classes of labor is considered The survey did not develop reports concerning conditions in Maine New Hampshire and Vermont POLISH SOCIETY HOST TO MANY VISITORS More than 1000 members of the John Sobieski society were enter tained yesterday by the local branch There were several visitors from Thompsonville Ct Easthampton Hol yoke Northampton and Springfield The members marched to St Stan islaus church in the morning where a special mass was celebrated by Rev Lawrence Cymon The United States and Polish flags were blessed at this service After the service the members went to the Polish Parochial hall where exercises were held Mayor Joseph Grise made a short speech on patriotic subjects Other speakers were Rev Lawrence Cymon pastor of St church Rev James liger of Northampton and Joseph Zelenski treasurer of the Holyoke National bank Local Polish children sang and danced The Pade rewski band furnished music This office extends an ones celled 'PERSON AL SERVICE in lines of Body Bore Bullet Wound Cry Am Heard Middletown July 29 Au thcrities of three states are investi gating circ*mstances surrounding the death of Samuel Van Stone of Stillwater who was found un conscious beside the highway near ort Jervis Saturday morning and who died later at Port Jervis hospitalwithout regaining consciousness Van Stone was found beside the read at a point where New Jersey New York and Pennsylvania state lines meet Physicians said his scull was fractrcd and bore also the wound of a bullet fired from a revol va at close range Neighboring far mers said they 'heard loud talking in the vicinity just before daylight Saturday morning and heard some one cry am It was learned that Van wife left his home after a about a week ago He came Jervis riday botuowed an tile nnd told relatives he to seek his wife The automobile missing Electric Car Throws Ma chine Against Pole on Ca rew Street John Ken nedy Suffers Cut Wrist John Kennedy of 371 Chicopee road was slightly injured and a car cwned by Michael A Mitchell of 391 Chicopee road was badly smashed in a collision with a street car on etreet near Liberty soon after 9 yes terday morning Kennedy was taken to the hospital in the police ambu lance where his wounds were dressed and he was later allowed to go home The car driven by Mitchell and containing his wife on the front seat and Kennedy on the rear seat wis proceeding west on Carew street ie rear end of the car was on the tracks hen a north bound trolly operated Motorman James A Bruton of James avenue crashed into it automobile was thrown across the street and broadside against a Pole Kennedy was scratched on the leg and received a cut on his wrist Patrolman William Hogan who itnessed the accident reported that the motorman of the street car ap plied his brakes but that they would not hold owing to the wet and slip rery rails The automobile lost its itar wheels and mudguards 1n tH6 collision and had to be abandoned AUSTRO HUNGARIAN BANK ENDS CAREER By the Associated Press Vienna July The Austro Hun garian bank which hid heen the fore most central European financial insti tution for 107 years ceased its ex istence riday when a final general meeting of the stockholders was held to wind up its affairs under the peace treaty decision The stockholders will get $525 for shares which were valued in prewar times at about $1200 AU trace has been lost Of 30000 chares and that proportion of the redemption fund will bo taken by the government but stockholders hope that it will be di vided among them STRIKE MAY TIE UP NEW JERSEY TROLLIES Newark July New Jer sey's 6000 trollymen tomorrow night will begin balloting on the proposal of their leaders that a strike be called because ot the refusal of the Pul lie ervice their demands for a 36 per cegt in crease in wages and a si day ween With a strike regarded as inevitable by union andSiompany officials alike it is expected that August 1 will see New Jersey's trolly system illy isralyzed' The company having rn rounced that it will not employ strike bit akers Although hope of arbitrating the wage question has been practically abandoned Mayor Breidenbach will make a last minute effort to prevent the strike vote is right for youngmen to form tho time for vision This young man's dream was religious and patriotic and also practical Sometimes in our lives voices and impulses which interrupt us are those of angels but not always Samaritans and opponents of Jesus used every means to hinder the building of the walls when Nehemiah was sent to complete the rebuilding But in this case it was God who interposed be tween the voung man and the achieve ment of his plan Young men arke eften too impatient when their pans are interfered with "Why did God want this youth to cease his commendable activity Be cause good as his scheme was it was not the Divine plan Had the walls been erected here he would have put them the city would have been far too small God's thought for Jeru salem was much greater and grander than this young man's conception Any design which left God out was worse than useless It would be a positive hindrance to the people ot God Seek Inspiration "Dream but let God inspire your dreams Make him the center of all your plans When hindered in carry ing out your schemes and in making your visions concrete make sure whether the obstruction has been placed in your way by God If not see in it a challenge to braver effort but if it is God who hinders look to the Lord to reveal to you his nobler wider grander plan and fall in with it call of patriotism and of the need of a ruined orld for reconstruc tive work must make an irresistible It is tnen or that you new hile eign demand is limited and trade con ditions are such that domestic mills aic moving slowly The government crop report is due August 1 The trade expects a condition of 70 per cent as against 699 last month and an in dicated cropof 11800000 as com rared with the June estimate of 11 412000 Oil Situation Uneasy The oil situation is causing some worry although each week should bring nearer the time when flush pro duction in California the upsetting factor will decline appreciably Out put however continues to keep ahead of consumption Under these circum stances it is easy to see why the price tendency is downward This is the time ot peak consumption ot gasoline but stocks are so htgn that it is be lieved many of the smaller com panies will have difficulty in carrying inventories into another season After alf however the price cuts indicate no decrease in demand which is really increasing but rather unprecedented production Money shows no tendency of tight ening such as it would do if the credit position were becoming strained The weekly statement of the reserve sys tem shows that member banks in the agricultural district have been able to finance the crop movement so far without aid This encourages ftte be lief held in some quarters that so long as money rates are comparatively easy nothing very alarming is in the immediate path of business tion The project of a railroad which Engineer Joseph O'Brien and six business men of this city asked the board of aidermen to Investigate in a petition mailed Saturday is a private enterprise that should be taken up with the 'railroad by those interested Mayor Edwin Leonard said last night The mayor had not received a copy of the petition' and it ould not be discovered that any aiderman had up to last night The mayor feels that it was not particularly a concern of the and that the petitioners should enter into discussions with the railroad if they wanted action He said he knew nothing about an ear lier petition which the let ter urged the aidermen to plead for at' the Septmeber 5 hearing of the state public utilities commission This petition sought the removal of the railroad arches across ulton Main North and Chestnut streets One aiderman last night said that (he letter mailed to tne which he had read about in the news papers but had not then received was essentially a repetition of a plan urged upon the board a year ago He indicated that the board had not taken the plan very seriously The O'Brien petition requests that a engineering commis sion" determine the facts relative to the new Union station its track con nections and passenger approaches and to consider the removal of the railroad barrier through tne neart the city INDIAN ORCHARD Children at Myrtle Street Playground Getting Ready or Activities at the Myrtle street playground August 11 is expected to be a bigger attraction than in the six previous years Director Thomas McCarthy has arranged an all day program of sports parades and band concerts culminating in an open air dance from 7 to 10 The doll parade is the outstanding feature for the girls and jiore than 100 dolls is ex pected to compete for the prizes awarded by the Indian Orchard Citi association The athletic events will be an added feature and the boys are getting in condition at the playground under the direction of Coach John Crane The dance will be the best drawing card and arrangements will probably be made for a prize fox trot Body Taken to Boston The body of Thomas Healy who died riday night at the Ludlow hos pital after being run over by an ice truck on Boston road was taken to Boston yesterday afternoon by Un dertaker Edward Russell The fu neral tvill be held this morning at Lawler's undertaking parlors Boston Burial will be in the Dorchestel cem eterv The man's body wras claimed Saturday night by his brother in law John Connors He leaves besides his widow three small children living at 14 Roseman grove Dorchester Miss Clara Mills of Main street re turned yesterday from a two weeks vacation at Niagara alls Charles Hassler and Claude Bas sette have resumed their duties at hose 5 fire station after a two weeks vacation Approximately 1 2000 Op eratives Given Week En forced Vacation Holyoke July 29 Approximately 12000 workers employed in the local mills will have an enforced vacation Curing the coming week when the factories are closed tor repairs The Skinner and arr Alpaca companies closed yesterday at noon and will re 01Three of the PaDer 1'1? workers have now tasted of heir first vacation caused by the stiike of the firemen and many of them have had enough and have attempted to se cure work elsewhere the the board of public works and of the mayor have been literally besieged There were no developments in the strike situation this week end aside from the statement of the mill owneis that they would hold firm on the mat ter of increases rom all appea lanccs the men out of work felt the siege will be long one and many have left the city toseek work tip bedroom and bath $6 nnd up Dining: Room a la Cnrte and Table industrial Conditions Seem Sound and Continuance of Selling Not Expected Some Improvement Noted By the Associated Press New York July 29 Increased ac fvlty in many of the financial mar kets as the past week closed was coupled with a renewal ot bearish at tacks at points where it was believed "that resistance might crumble As reasons or at least excuses for tho telling were cited disquieting news frm Germany and unfavorabe do mestic political and industrial de velopments Nothing really new has cecured however either at home or abroad In Europe a settlement ap pears to be nearer although ofcourse it will not come so suddenly as to take anyone by surprise At heme the pegs on which selling was hung have been in place for some Vine namely an increasingly diffl cult situation in oil unsatisfactory earnings of certain western railroads and a slackening ot manufacturing activity in some lines notably cotton tc xtiles undamentally conditions remain ound and it is not believed that the markets are going to be stampeded this stage Having adopted a wait ing attitude since the turn of the half ear the markets according to the best quarter are not likely to move vet far in either direction until more cf a line can be had on what the autumn will bring forth of half yearly earning meanwhile is at without exception cheerful reading xiized ot course which has flowed results obtained ably a young man visions each dealing of the religious and national uuna with a measuring line engaged in making a careful survey of the ruins No sight was calculated to fill the 5 oung prophet with more joy In his excitement he cried out to the young surveyor and asked him W'hat be was doing learning that he was about to measure Jerusalem He Avas seeking to determine where the walls of the city as it was to be rebuilt were to be placed "Just as Zachariah was filled with thankful joy at the thought that the fortifications of Jerusalem was to be reconstructed an angel who stood be sde'him spoke these woras si eak to the young man Stop for the city as God would have far larger than he Youth Time for Vision is right for youngmen to plans 1 locked and turned over to Briasco to be home Borra retaining the key The final details of the arrangement were to be 'cleared up the next day at house When the men failed to appear Briasco opened the box and found it to contain $6 andsome folded newspapers He imme diately reported to the police and a state wide search has been started for the two confidence men with lights on were faced toward the lawn The auction sale of Miss Viola Mc household goods scheduled for yesterday was postponed until 130 Tuesday afternoon on account of the storm Mrs red Squier who has been stay ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Justin Grindell of State street has gone to Brattleboro to live with her son Cone Sherwood A Brainard S13C Mierwood TeL Walnut 51 52 1515 241 Main St Springfield Maas One class only $115 I CONERENCE OPENS Sinaia Rtjminia July 29 The tle Entente" conference hel its first sitting today Dr Benes foreign min ister ot Czecho Slovakia set forth the general situation in Europe notably rs regards the settlement of repara tions A discussion followed which according to an official communique disclosed that the delegates were en tirely in agreement on all points Watson Clark Wedding East Longmeadow July 29 Miss Myra Julia Watson of Spencer and Ravmond Lilly Clark ot tms were married at Spencer yesterday noon bv Rev Leroy Lyons was attended by her sister Miss Grace Elizabeth Watson of Worcester and Alfred Clark of Montague brother of the groom was best man Mrs Chirk has taught here for five years first at the Center school and later at Pleas ant View Mr and Mrs Clark will live on Stony Hill road on the place formerly owned by the Richards family East Longmeadow July community service tonight at the Methodist church Selby of Springfield sol Unrest' Rev John morrow for a TjiUa RiiaII in NnrfhflAld and in at the Congregational church will be conducted by Rev William Ganley of Dudley and the following Sunday by Rev Dr Edward A Reid of Spring field The annual Sunday school picnic of the Methodist church will be held August 11 at Charles Lay's house on Shaker road The committee in charge are Rev I Arnold Mrs Everett Day and Edward Reid Mrs A Denslow of Shaker road announces the engamement of her daughter Marjorie iances to Thom as Robbins of Washington TEACHERS SELECTED Term of Public' Schools Starts September 5 of teachers for the Long public schools for the fall been completed reeland to terms A price I VCVi upvil The same day Briasco came to Hartford where with Borra he met another man who gave his name is Perelli When the terms were being settled between Briasco and Borra Perelli interrupted to say that he had a small farm at Barnside Ct that he would like to sell to Briasco for $5000 The price was also accepted The next day the three met again at Hartford by appointment With him Briasco carried $4000 which he had drawn out of the bank and $1000 which he had at home According to the agreement Briasco was to sell his farm to Borra for $12000 and bur one from Perelli for $5000 A cash box was purchased in which the money wras to be stored and left with Briasco He laid his $5000 on a table and one of the men wrapped it up in a handerchief and placed in very carefully in the cash box Along with it was placed bulging wallet which was supposed $12000 The cash box was to CHECK UNSUITABLE MOVIES OR CHILDREN Geneva July The protection of children from undesirable moving pic tures Is the object of a resolution adopted at the annual meeting of International Child Welfare associa tion: This association has decided to create an official central bureau for ntrol of world moving pictures with a clearing house of information irom 11 countries concerning films go cr bad for children The convention at which the Unit ei States is represented has also pro vc ftr i on intAvnntinnnl agreement for vov vu grams ana cablegrams mat iwuieu the repatriation of abandoned from all parts of Italy and chUdren at the expense of the Coun try where they are fonua I The list meadow term has Wheeler continues to be superin tendent The principal of the junior ii gh school will be Charles King late principal of MOnson academy Other members of the force are: rancis X' Keating supervisor of manual training Miss Phoebe Hooper supervisor of music Miss Helen Bartlett supervisor of draw ing: teachers Miss Rosaritta Speight Miss Sara Cushman Marion Howlett Miss Marion Johnson from Illinois a graduate of Wellesley col lege In the Center school the teachers will be Miss lorence Hicks prin cipal Mrs Blanche Danforth Mrs Ethel Elting and Miss Viola Bet tinger a graduate of the Westfield Normal school Converse street school Mrs Caroline A Greenwood principal trenchers Miss Clara McCorrtson Miss Marvis St rail Miss Mabel Wil liams Norway street school Miss Marfe Jones principal: Miss Hazel I ow ers Miss Marjorie Skiff and Miss Katherine Strong a graduate rf the ramingham Normal school Of this number Miss Johnson Miss Strong and Miss Bettinger will teach Longmeadow for the first time Miss Signe Polson is the school nurse The fall term will open September 5 and close December 21 Mr and Mrs Donald Kirshaw have keen entertaining his father John Kirshaw of New' Y'ork Mr and Mrs Miner and son Norton of Hazelw ood a venue ai spending their vacation at the Rock Haven hotel Weekapaug I Mrs Charles Jacobs and son Carl ot Birchwood avenue areat Pleasure beach Ct for a 10 outing Miss Marion Hyland who has been ill of ptomaine poisoning is improv II Mr and Mrs Charles Whitall agd daughter of Uongmeadow street are having their vacation at their cottage on Laurel beach Milford Ct Miss Clara Allen is their guest the death in the district morning against Mendeloski also of zT TrntflnndV IV I II I 14 llrlVl xz been convicted of cruelty to animals in this court as a result of shooting a dog causing it to suffer At that time it was brought out that he had shot several other dogs which had tres passed on his property Several wit nesses testified to the value of the fox bound.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.