The scandinavian secrets to work (and life) satisfaction - Work Life by Atlassian (2024)

Something’s up in Scandinavia. And no, I’m not talking about its high cost of living or many, many hours of sunlight in summer; I’m referring to this region’s ability to excel in multiple measures of work and life satisfaction while the rest of the world struggles to catch on.

Want proof? Scandinavian countries consistently dominate the top spots of the annual World Happiness Report for a variety of reasons, including:

Given how much Scandinavians are winning at work and life, I wanted to explore their cultures to find out what we can learn from them about work-life balance.

From the folks who brought you IKEA, Skype, and hygge, below are even more ideas worth stealing from our northern neighbors to apply to your own life wherever you live in the world.

Let’s shed some (northern) light on the ways our neighbors in the north are topping the happiness charts, despite those arctic temperatures.

The scandinavian secrets to work (and life) satisfaction - Work Life by Atlassian (1)

1. Shorter Work Days And Workweeks

Think you’d get more done if you had more time?

Results from the Nordic nations say otherwise. According to Expert Market, Norwegians work an average of 1,424 hours per year—that’s 359 hours less than Americans—and still have a higher annual GDP per capita than the U.S.

In 2015, some employers in Sweden started switching to six-hour workdays, which yielded promising results: One study found that nurses in Gothenburg who chopped two hours off of their workday took fewer sick days and had more energy.

So what’s at play here? It could be Parkinson’s Law, which states that “work expands to fill the time available for its completion.”

In other words, when you know you’ve got excess time, you’re more likely to dawdle. In a 1967 study, participants who were “accidentally” given 15 minutes to finish a task that could be completed in five minutes took significantly longer than those who were given less time.

When you realize how little time you have, you’re more likely to use that limited resource more efficiently.

2. Generous Parental Leave And Subsidized Child Care

For many parents, the joy of welcoming a child into their lives brings with it new worries about how to balance family with work commitments. For Scandinavians, though, those worries are lessened thanks to government-mandated parental leave.

Sweden offers its workforce 480 days of parental leave at about 80% of their salary. This country has become such a standout when it comes to paternity leave that it’s given rise to the trend of “latte papas,” stylish Swedish dads who push a stroller with one hand while holding a coffee with the other.

The obvious benefit to paternity leave is that the father gets to spend time with his new baby, but there are spillover effects too, as one study found. Not only does the dad’s job satisfaction increase, but the mother’s family relationship satisfaction also gets a boost.

Fathers staying home with their kids has a positive effect on women’s wages, too. Sweden’s Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation found that for each month a father takes parental leave, the mother’s earnings increase by nearly 7%, while seeing no decrease on the father’s earnings.

And Scandinavia’s family-friendliness doesn’t end when the paid parental leave is over. These countries’ laws ensure that children are cared for even after mom and dad re-enter the workforce.

In Denmark, much of child care is paid for by the state with parents paying, at most, 30% of the cost. In Finland, parents can opt for subsidized child care through daycare or a home care allowance of 340 Euros a month per child under three years old.

3. Heaps Of Hygge

Hygge is a Danish word that has no exact English translation but means something like “coziness.” Lately, this quintessentially Scandinavian concept has been all over the home decor scene in the form of chunky throw blankets, ambient lighting, and neutral colors. But at its core, hygge is an interior disposition that focuses on community and bonding.

As Denmark’s official tourism website puts it:

“Hygge means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. The warm glow of candlelight is hygge. Cosying up with a loved one for a movie – that’s hygge, too.”

And it’s not hard to believe that hygge and happiness go hand-in-hand. An 80-year Harvard study on adult life found that close relationships are the key to a happy, healthy life.

4. Remote And Flexible Work Structures

In this digital age, remote work is on the rise—and Scandinavia is ahead of the curve. Since the 90s, Finland’s Working Hours Act has allowed workers to adjust their start or end times by up to three hours. As if that weren’t enough, effective January 2020, Finland’s updated act allows employees to determine the timing and location of their work for at least half of their regular working hours.

And if you’re wondering how working from home affects performance, a Stanford study found that remote workers showed a substantial boost in productivity. On top of that, among telecommuters in the study, employee attrition went down by 50%.

5. Consistent Coffee Breaks

How often during your busy workday do you take a break (besides lunch)? For Swedes, the time-honored ritual of fika—translating to something like “coffee break”—remains strong. Once to twice a day, the Swedes step away from their work to sip a coffee, nibble a pastry, and socialize with their colleagues.

While it may seem counterintuitive, taking breaks from work can actually boost your productivity, as science has shown time and again. This is because the human brain works in “sprints,” staying focused for about one hour before needing to rest and recharge. Fika can also promote a stronger sense of camaraderie among your teammates.

6. Plentiful Vacation Days

Enjoying fika with your coworkers is great, but people need more than just a 10-minute break twice a day. And Scandinavia has a solution for that, too. Denmark, Sweden, and Norway have laws mandating a minimum of 25 days (or five weeks) of paid vacation—making its employees the recipients of some of the most paid annual leave in the world.

But does more vacation result in less productivity?

Well, if the OECD’s list of the most productive countries in the world is right, then it seems all that time off isn’t hurting Scandinavia’s output. Finland, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway all sit at the top 15, with Norway leading the way at number two.

In addition, a University of Waterloo study found that when participants took more paid vacation days, their overall health and life satisfaction levels increased. That’s reason enough to not feel guilty about booking a vacation!

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7. A “We” Mentality

Perhaps the most important factor in Scandinavia’s happiness is difficult to measure and impossible to mandate, but can be summed up in one Danish/Norwegian word: janteloven.

Janteloven comes from a book by Askel Sandemose, in which he tells the story of the fictional Danish town of Jante, where all its citizens sacrifice personal identity for the sake of harmony and unity in the collective whole.

Janteloven is a way of life in Scandinavia, where being average is fine and the focus is on team, rather than individual, accomplishments. It may be a controversial concept, but maybe this overriding concern for the community is part of the recipe for the region’s unrivaled happiness.

As Dr. Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, co-editor of the World Happiness Report, told Time Magazine:

“The Scandinavian countries are very big on social support. The top countries, you can see, have societies which are not at each other’s throats.”

De Neve added that people in Nordic countries are more likely to pick up and return a stranger’s wallet than citizens of countries lower in the happiness rankings.

In addition, Scandinavians are known for being exceedingly modest. For example, despite Sweden’s successes in business, bragging is discouraged in the workplace. And for years, the Danish beer Carlsberg boasted the slogan of “probably the best beer in the world,” and recently, amended it to “probably not the best beer in the world.”

Now, before you rush to buy a one-way ticket to Finland, realize that Scandinavians pay a pretty penny for all that social support. To give you an idea, Denmark’s highest tax rate in 2018 was 55.8%, while the United States maxed out at 37% (both countries have progressive tax systems). And government-mandated programs like subsidized child care come with frustrations, such as the pressure of arbitrary deadlines, as one Norwegian working mom points out.

Even so, don’t write off the Nordic countries’ successes as mere products of social democracy; some of the facets of Scandinavian life mentioned above (fika and hygge) aren’t legislated at all, but are simply ingrained in the culture.

So what can you do if you don’t live in Scandinavia?

Here are some take-home lessons you can implement regardless of your job or location:

Prioritize Family Over Work

Close relationships are an integral part of Scandinavian culture. If you want to improve work-life balance, practice setting boundaries to protect crucial family time.

Truly unplug after work, meaning no business calls or work emails when you get home. And if you want to see changes at the policy level, try getting involved with organizations like Paid Leave for the United States, a non-profit advocating for paid family leave for all.

Schedule Breaks Into Your Day

How about instituting your own fika at work, like Quartz reporter Lila MacLellan did? Grab some pastries, brew some coffee, and invite your team to chat with you for 10 minutes or so.

Use Your Paid Leave

Americans are notorious for having relatively few vacation days, and not even using the ones they do have! According to the U.S. Travel Association, more than half of Americans leave their vacation time untouched. So make the most of your paid leave—your brain will thank you for it.

Advocate For A Remote Work Or Flexible Schedule

More and more companies are opening up to the idea of remote work, or even flexible schedules. Even if you don’t have a telecommuting policy at your job, why not bring it up to your boss?

By taking the initiative to bring flexible schedules into your workplace, your team (and leadership) may start thanking you. In aGensler U.S. workplace survey, the results found that “employees who are given a choice of when and where to work are higher performing, more satisfied, and see their companies as more innovative.” Improved satisfaction and higher productivity sounds like a win-win, right?

Bring Hygge To The Workplace

Want to create a warm atmosphere in your office? To encourage bonding, design shared spaces where colleagues can gather and chat. Better yet, foster psychological safety by creating a welcoming environment where teammates feel free to speak up and take risks.

The scandinavian secrets to work (and life) satisfaction - Work Life by Atlassian (3)

Change Your Mindset

None of the perks of being Scandinavian mean anything if you have the wrong attitude. Here’s what I mean: What good is five weeks of paid vacation if your workplace culture dissuades you from using it?

Does it matter if fathers are offered 480 days of paternity leave if society stigmatizes the men who take it?

The only reason “latte papas” get so much love in Sweden is that the culture embraces the idea that being a stay-at-home dad is a good thing. Thinking like a Scandinavian means considering what’s best for your team at large, not just what you would like for yourself.

Practice These Lessons From Your Nordic Neighbors

At first, I was intent on figuring out how to douse my own work life in the Scandi secret sauce that’s transforming this region of the world into a seeming work-life utopia. But as paradoxical as it seems, I realized that learning to be as happy and productive as the Scandinavians begins with being content with what I have, being modest about my achievements, and focusing on what will help my community as a whole.

Still, it must be nice to be on a winning streak. And Scandinavia, if you’re not going to boast about it, I will for you.

Next: À Table! Take A Better Lunch Break The French Way

The scandinavian secrets to work (and life) satisfaction - Work Life by Atlassian (2024)


What is the Scandinavian approach to work-life balance? ›

The Swedes have a specific word to describe their attitude towards work – “lagom”, which roughly translates to “just the right amount”. They work enough hours in the day to get everything done, but they value their free time and don't sacrifice it.

What is the Scandinavian approach to life? ›

The Scandinavian lifestyle is characterized by simplicity, functionality, and a strong connection with nature. From their design aesthetics to their cultural philosophies, the Nordic countries prioritize balance and contentment in all aspects of life.

What is the Scandinavian mentality? ›

Because the Scandinavian mindset on life is a lesson for many louder, more tribal, voices elsewhere: respecting nature and adapting to it, prioritising the community over the individual, treating others as equals and trusting strangers, finding happiness in the everyday, responsibly trying to make life better.

What is the Scandinavian workplace culture? ›

The Scandinavian working culture is unique in its focus on work-life balance, trust and autonomy, flat organizational structures, gender equality, and sustainability. These values create a positive and productive working environment, where employees can thrive and contribute to the success of their companies.

What is the Scandinavian theory? ›

In the Scandinavian Defense, White has a space advantage and better central control, but this doesn't mean that Black should not fight for the center in his own terms. An essential idea in the Gubinsky-Melts Defense is to play the move c7-c6.

What is the main motivation behind the Scandinavian model? ›

Much of the model is based on how Nordic cultures have developed over the centuries. The citizens have a high degree of trust in their government and a history of working together to reach compromises and address societal challenges through democratic processes.

Why are Scandinavian people so happy? ›

A piece by Jessica Yu for the Business Review at Berkeley suggests some reasons why the Nordics are happy. Social cohesion and a high level of trust lead the way, followed by the high quality of public services and low levels of income inequality.

What are the Scandinavian concepts of life? ›

With a focus on balance, connection, a healthy work-life balance, high standards of living with less pressure, less stress, and more time for everything they enjoy, and love doing, the Scandinavians have developed their way of living life to the fullest.

What is a Scandinavian healthy lifestyle? ›

The Nordic diet is often compared to the Mediterranean diet because it has similar aspects. This diet places an emphasis on seasonal vegetables, unprocessed food, seafood as well as whole grains. Local foods such as fish and reindeer meat are a big staple.

What is a typical Scandinavian personality? ›

Scandinavians are in truth loving people who look after each other. That changes once we're in the circle of close friends. They open up and talk much more freely. So, why is it desirable to not do small talk you might ask?

What are Scandinavian core values? ›

Scandinavian Values
  • Preserving the environment and natural resources. Working for sustainable growth and development.
  • New ways of thinking, creativity and innovation. Using everyone's talents to tackle problems and come up with new things to improve life.
  • Openness and transparency. ...
  • Compassion and equality. ...
  • Trust.

What makes someone look Scandinavian? ›

"The Nordid race is light-eyed, mostly rather light-haired, low-skulled and long-skulled (dolichocephalic), tall and slender, with more or less narrow face and narrow nose, and low frequency of blood type gene q.

What is the work ethic in Scandinavia? ›

According to Donatella, the most important feature of Scandinavian work culture is equality between ages, genders, and levels of experience. “There's something called a 'low power distance' between leaders, managers, and employees, which means there is very little hierarchical or status difference,” she explains.

What is the Scandinavian style of management? ›

The Scandinavian management model is characterized by flat hierarchies, greater participation and the delegation of responsibility – and is quite the opposite to the hierarchical, authoritarian, command and control-based management style which dominates the way work is organized in many other parts of the world.

Are Scandinavians hard working? ›

According to Expert Market, Norwegians work an average of 1,424 hours per year—that's 359 hours less than Americans—and still have a higher annual GDP per capita than the U.S.

What is the Scandinavian concept of balance? ›

Uncover the secrets of the Swedish philosophy of life called Lagom – meaning 'just enough'. At its core is the idea that we can strike a healthy balance with the world around us without having to make extreme changes, and without denying ourselves anything.

What is the Scandinavian approach? ›

This is the Scandinavian way.

We highlight and value different needs, opinions and perspectives within the group. We notice, acknowledge and respond to the children's perspectives and actions. In conversation and in play, we challenge the children's thinking and invite them to take part in curious exploration.

What is the Nordic way of working? ›

The core values of this are based around employee wellbeing through equality and respect in the workplace, an openness towards new ideas and crystal clear communication, fostering effective and supportive work relationships that motivate people and ultimately drive the business ever forwards.

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