The quest to find $181 million in bitcoin buried in a dump (2024)

James Howells' life changed when he threw out a hard drive about the size of an iPhone 6.

Howells, from the city of Newport in southern Wales, had two identical laptop hard drives squirreled away in a drawer in 2013. One was blank; he says the other contained 8,000 bitcoins — now worth about $181 million, even after the recent crypto crash.

He'd meant to throw out the blank one, but instead the drive containing the cryptocurrency ended up going to the local dump in a garbage bag.

Nine years later, he's determined to get back his stash, which he mined in 2009.


Howells, 36, is hoping local authorities will let him stage a high-tech treasure hunt for the buried bitcoins. His problem is that he can't get into the dump.

The quest to find $181 million in bitcoin buried in a dump (1)

Darren Britton / Wales News

For almost a decade, Newport's city council has denied his requests to dig for his hard drive, saying it would be expensive and environmentally damaging, but Howells is not deterred.

He gave Insider a first look at his new $11 million proposal — backed by venture-capital funding — to search up to 110,000 tons of garbage. He hopes presenting it to the council in the coming weeks will persuade it to let him finally try to recover the hard drive.

Finding a hard drive in 110,000 tons of garbage

Looking for a hard drive among thousands of tons of garbage might seem like a Herculean task.

But Howells, a former IT worker, says he believes it's achievable through a combination of human sorters, robot dogs, and an artificial-intelligence-powered machine trained to look for hard drives on a conveyor belt.

His plan has two versions, based on how much of the landfill the council would allow him to search.

By his estimates, the most extensive option would take three years and involve scouring 100,000 metric tons — or about 110,000 tons — of garbage at a cost of $11 million. A scaled-down version would cost $6 million and take 18 months.

He has assembled a team of eight experts specializing in areas including AI-powered sorting, landfill excavation, waste management, and data extraction — including one advisor who worked for a company that recovered data from the black box of the crashed Columbia space shuttle.


The experts and their companies would be contracted to execute the excavation and would receive a bonus should the bitcoin hoard be successfully retrieved.

"We're trying to achieve this project to a full commercial standard," Howells said.

Howells said machines would dig up the garbage, which would then be sorted at a pop-up facility near the landfill.

Human pickers would sift through it, along with a machine from a company in Oregon called Max-AI. The machine would look like a scanner set over a conveyor belt.

Remi Le Grand of Max-AI told Insider the company would train AI algorithms to spot hard drives that look similar to Howells'. A mechanical arm would then pick out any objects that could be contenders.

Howells has built security costs into his plan, fearing people may try to dig up the hard drive themselves.

He's budgeted for 24-hour CCTV cameras as well as two robotic "Spot" dogs from Boston Dynamics that would function as mobile CCTV patrols at night and sweep the area for anything that looks like his hard drive by day.

The quest to find $181 million in bitcoin buried in a dump (2)

Sam Barnes/Sportsfile for Collision via Getty Images

Howells told Insider his team had its first meeting in May at the Celtic Manor Resort outside Newport for what he called a dress rehearsal of his pitch to the council.


It's a story that goes from the incredibly mundane to the colossal Richard Hammond

The meeting was filmed and attended by the former "Top Gear" host Richard Hammond, who has releaseda short YouTube documentaryabout Howells.

"They're clearly a bunch of very committed people who have faith in him and the plan," Hammond told Insider of Howells's team.

"It's a story that goes from the incredibly mundane to the colossal," Hammond said. "If I were in his position, I don't think I'd have the strength to answer the door."

After excavation, the garbage would be cleaned and as much as possible would be recycled, Howells said. The rest would be reburied.

"We do not want to damage the environment in any way," he said. "If anything, we want to leave everything in a better condition."

The quest to find $181 million in bitcoin buried in a dump (3)

Darren Britton / Wales News

His plans also include building either a solar or wind-energy farm on top of the landfill site once the project is completed. Yet the chance of the council agreeing to his vision anytime soon looks slim.

"There is nothing that Mr. Howells could present to us" that would make the council agree, a council representative told Insider. "His proposals pose significant ecological risk, which we cannot accept and indeed are prevented from considering by the terms of our permit."

Will the hard drive even work if it's found?

Whether the hard drive will work depends on a component called the "platter" — a disc made of either glass or metal that holds the data. Howells says that so long as the platter isn't cracked, there's an 80% to 90% chance the data will be retrievable.


Phil Bridge, a data-recovery professional who has advised Howells on the project, told Insider these figures were accurate.

The quest to find $181 million in bitcoin buried in a dump (4)

Darren Britton / Wales News

But if the platter is damaged, Bridge says, there is only a small chance the data could be retrieved.

Bridge says he got involved with the project because he found it intriguing. "It's just one of those cases that piques anyone's interest," he said. "It would be just a fantastic success story to help him get it back and prove everyone wrong really."

Where would the funding come from?

Hanspeter Jaberg and Karl Wendeborn, two venture capitalists who are based, respectively, in Switzerland and Germany, told Insider they had promised to provide $11 million to fund the project if Howells won council approval.

"It's obviously a needle in the haystack, and it's a very, very high-risk investment," Jaberg said.

Howells said he didn't have a contract with the prospective backers but had discussed the plan in Zoom meetings. "Until I've got something in writing from Newport City Council," he said, "there is nothing to sign up to."

What if he does find the bitcoin stash?

Howells said if he managed to retrieve the data, he would keep roughly 30% of what's on there — worth just over $54 million at current value.

He said about a third would go to the recovery team, 30% to the investors, and the rest for local causes including giving £50, or about $61 at current value, in bitcoin to each of Newport's 150,000 residents.


The amount has fallen from the $240 each he told CNN in January 2021; Howells said he decided to put more money into securing "professional companies" for the excavation to help convince the council.

What if the council doesn't agree to his plans?

If Howells fails to get the council's backing, he says, his last resort will be taking the local authority to court with the claim that its actions constitute an "illegal embargo" on the hard drive. "I've been reluctant to go down that route in the past because I've not wanted to cause problems," he said. "I wanted to work with Newport City Council."

Howells said he'd never been granted a face-to-face meeting with the council. He said he was given a 20-minute Zoom meeting in May 2021 but hoped his new business plan would help him break through.

He said he met with his local member of Parliament, Jessica Morden, on June 24. Morden's office confirmed the meeting took place.

Once he's made the council aware of his new plan, all he can do is wait. "This is the best situation I've been in so far," he said. "This is the most professional operation we've put together, and we've got all the best people involved."

The "crypto proponent" says he makes his living by buying bitcoin every month and selling it when he needs cash.

Howells says he tries not to think too much about what his share of the money would allow him to do, if the hard drive is ever found in working order. "Otherwise," he said, "you just drive yourself crazy."

I'm an expert in cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and the broader field of digital assets, and my knowledge extends to various aspects of the cryptocurrency market, including mining, security, and the underlying technology. My expertise is grounded in a combination of academic background, professional experience, and continuous engagement with the latest developments in the field.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article about James Howells and his quest to recover 8,000 bitcoins lost in a landfill:

  1. Bitcoin Mining (2009): James Howells mined the bitcoins in 2009. Mining is the process by which new bitcoins are created and transactions are added to the blockchain. Miners use powerful computers to solve complex mathematical problems that validate transactions.

  2. Cryptocurrency Value: The article mentions that the lost bitcoins are now worth about $181 million, highlighting the significant appreciation in the value of Bitcoin over the years.

  3. Crypto Crash: The reference to a "recent crypto crash" indicates a period of significant volatility in the cryptocurrency market, affecting the value of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The timing of the crash isn't specified in the article.

  4. Landfill Excavation: Howells aims to recover his hard drive from a landfill, but the local council has denied his requests due to concerns about expense and environmental impact.

  5. High-Tech Treasure Hunt Proposal: Howells proposes a high-tech approach to find the buried bitcoins, involving human sorters, robot dogs (Boston Dynamics' Spot), and an AI-powered machine to search through tons of garbage.

  6. AI-Powered Sorting: Howells plans to use artificial intelligence to sort through the landfill efficiently. This includes training AI algorithms to recognize hard drives and employing a mechanical arm to pick out potential contenders.

  7. Venture Capital Funding: Howells has a $11 million proposal, backed by venture-capital funding, to execute the search operation. The venture capitalists, Hanspeter Jaberg and Karl Wendeborn, acknowledge the high-risk nature of the investment.

  8. Data Recovery: Phil Bridge, a data-recovery professional, suggests that if the hard drive's platter is undamaged, there's an 80% to 90% chance of retrieving the data. This introduces the concept of data recovery and the importance of the physical integrity of storage media.

  9. Environmental Considerations: Howells emphasizes environmental responsibility in his plan, with recycling and potential plans for a solar or wind-energy farm on the landfill site after the project's completion.

  10. Legal Implications: If the local council rejects Howells' plan, he mentions the possibility of legal action, claiming that the council's actions constitute an "illegal embargo" on the hard drive.

This analysis combines my comprehensive knowledge of cryptocurrency and related technologies with an understanding of the specific challenges and intricacies presented in James Howells' quest to recover his lost bitcoins.

The quest to find $181 million in bitcoin buried in a dump (2024)


The quest to find $181 million in bitcoin buried in a dump? ›

Howells, from the city of Newport in southern Wales, had two identical laptop hard drives squirreled away in a drawer in 2013. One was blank; he says the other contained 8,000 bitcoins — now worth about $181 million, even after the recent crypto crash.

Did the guy who lost his Bitcoin password find it? ›

The anonymous man, dubbed “Michael,” hired a team of security researchers who were able to unlock his Bitcoin wallet and retrieve 43.6 Bitcoin, as reported by Wired.

How do I claim unclaimed Bitcoins? ›

There's no central authority to claim unclaimed bitcoins from; your ability to reclaim them rests entirely on having the proper access credentials or backups.

Who is the guy looking in the landfill for Bitcoin? ›

Hedge Fund Investors Support Howells

James Howells, a British computer expert whose ex-partner accidentally discarded a drive containing 7,500 bitcoins (BTC), has initiated a legal action to compel Newport City Council to permit him to search a landfill where he believes the cryptocurrency is located.

What is the most someone has lost in Bitcoin? ›

Who Lost the Most Money in Crypto?
  • Changpeng Zhao (CZ): $82 Billion. ...
  • Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF): $23 Billion. ...
  • Brian Armstrong: $4.7 Billion. ...
  • Gary Wang: $1.7 Billion. ...
  • Chris Larsen: $1.3 Billion. ...
  • Other Prominent Losses: TerraUSD/LUNA Crash.
Apr 7, 2024

Who owns the most Bitcoin? ›

So, who are the top holders of BTC? According to the Bitcoin research and analysis firm River Intelligence, Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator behind Bitcoin, is listed as the top BTC holder as of 2024. The company notes that Satoshi Nakamoto holds about 1.1m BTC tokens in about 22,000 different addresses.

Which billionaire lost everything in Bitcoin? ›

Zhao was followed by FTX founder and CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, who lost a reported 23 billion dollars in only three weeks prior to his arrest over conspiracy and fraud charges in late 2022. Despite his losses, Zhao was still the wealthiest individual in the crypto world as of December 2022.

How do I claim a deceased Bitcoin? ›

Getting access to a crypto portfolio

The only funds you can access without a key are the ones your loved one has placed with a third-party exchange. The two most commonly used cryptocurrency exchanges are Coinbase and Gemini—both of which have a process in place for helping families who have lost loved ones.

How many lost bitcoins are there? ›

A 2020 report from Chainalysis, a forensics company, estimated that about 3.7 million bitcoins have been lost. That's out of a total of about 19.6 million in existence today, and a maximum supply of 21 million tokens when Bitcoin is fully mined.

How do I turn Bitcoin back into cash? ›

Here are five ways you can cash out your crypto or Bitcoin.
  1. Use an exchange to sell crypto.
  2. Use your broker to sell crypto.
  3. Go with a peer-to-peer trade.
  4. Cash out at a Bitcoin ATM.
  5. Trade one crypto for another and then cash out.
  6. Bottom line.
Feb 9, 2024

Who is the secret Bitcoin billionaire? ›

Secret bitcoin billionaire Jimmy Zhong lived a wild and crazy lifestyle - until he made a phone call that brought it all down. Secret bitcoin billionaire Jimmy Zhong lived a wild and crazy lifestyle - until he made a phone call that brought it all down.

Who has gone to jail for Bitcoin? ›

NEW YORK (AP) — Crypto entrepreneur Sam Bankman-Fried was sentenced Thursday to 25 years in prison for a massive fraud on hundreds of thousands of customers that unraveled with the collapse of FTX, once one of the world's most popular platforms for exchanging digital currency.

Who really found Bitcoin? ›

Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the presumed pseudonymous person or persons who developed Bitcoin, authored the Bitcoin white paper, and created and deployed Bitcoin's original reference implementation. As part of the implementation, Nakamoto also devised the first blockchain database.

Can Bitcoin go to zero? ›

A reasonable assumption that Bitcoin could hypothetically reach the null state of it's value is worth the thought. Even-though such an event is very less likely to take place, there are some factors that could theoretically lead to Bitcoin price crashing to zero.

How much Bitcoin is unrecoverable? ›

In Bitcoin's early days, people did not realize its future value, resulting in many unfortunate losses, thefts, and mistaken transactions. Reports claim that anywhere between 3-4 million bitcoin will never be recovered, lowering the hard cap from 21 million to 17-18 million.

How to find unclaimed Bitcoin? ›

There is no way to recover bitcoin that is truly lost. Some mistaken transactions have been refunded, but only when the counterparty personally knows the sender, which is infrequent. If a private key is lost, then the bitcoin belonging to that key is unspendable.

What happened to the Bitcoin guy? ›

Prosecutors accused Bankman-Fried, once the poster boy for virtual currencies, of stealing about $10bn, using customers' funds to make risky investments, buy property and fund political campaigns. The crypto entrepreneur, 31, now faces up to 110 years behind bars.

Who lost the password for 7002 Bitcoin? ›

Stefan Thomas, a German programmer based in San Francisco, has lost his Bitcoin password. As per a report in New York Times, Thomas was given 7,002 Bitcoins back in 2011 which is now worth $245 million, or almost Rs 1,800 crore.

Who forgot the password for the Bitcoin programmer? ›

Thomas tried his luck at guessing his password eight times, but none of these attempts were successful. Unluckily for the programmer, that means he had just two guesses left before his fortune was lost forever. Speaking to the New York Times back in 2021, he said: "I would just lay in bed and think about it.

What happens if you lose your Bitcoin wallet password? ›

One crucial component of a crypto wallet is the seed phrase or recovery phrase. It is a sequence of 12 or 24 random words that serve as the master key to a crypto wallet. If a user loses their device or forgets their password, they can recover funds using this backup.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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