The Nordic Education Model (completed) - UiO:Nordic (2024)

A comparative research project that investigated the Nordic education model, with en emphasis on both current and historical aspects.

About the Project

The Nordic Education Model (NordEd) investigated four aspects of the Nordic education model:

  • Pillar 1: Knowledge - Competing traditions, ideals, and concepts of knowledge in the educational policies, pedagogical idea development, and pedagogical practices of the Nordic countries.
  • Pillar 2: Curricula and Subject Sequences - Struggles over and the development of curricula and subject sequences in Nordic education.
  • Pillar 3: Teacher Cultures and Teacher Education - The emergence of Nordic teacher cultures and teacher education in a comparative perspective.
  • Pillar 4: Policy-making and Reform Work - Nordic school reforms in light of international, regional, and national policy-making and reform work.

The choice of these pillars provided a broad perspective on the emergence and formulation of national education systems. Within all four pillars, emphasis was placed on discursive, normative, and practical conflicts, in order to develop approaches that challenge harmonizing concepts of "the Nordic education model."

About the Group

The research group was characterized by great academic diversity and represented a range of different disciplines: Education, gender studies, philosophy, mathematics, music, theology, history, social science, and educational science.

For this reason, the project was also characterized by methodological pluralism, using political network analysis, quantitative and qualitative comparative methods, historical document analysis, conceptual-historical and discourse-analytical approaches, institutional history, intellectual history, and epistemological/philosophical analyses.

The project was led by Professor Inga Bostad and was a collaboration between IPED, ILS, IAKH, IFIKK, STK, IHS, IMV, UB, and TF at the University of Oslo. The project was supported by an international group of advisory experts, and within all four pillars, the project developed Nordic meeting places and networks.



Tveit, Sverre (2023). Eksamen opp til vurdering. Bedre skole nr. 2/2023.


Tröhler, Daniel; Hörmann, Bernadette; Tveit, Sverre; Bostad, Inga.
The Nordic Education Model in Context. Routledge 2023 (ISBN 9781032110462) 368 s.

Bostad, Inga(2022).Kjærlighetens rytme. Philosophia og pedagogiske relasjoner.Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift.ISSN 0029-1943.57(3-4),s. 160–168.

Bostad, Inga & Solberg, Mariann(2022).Rooms of togetherness: Nordic Ideals of Knowledge in Education.I Tröhler, Daniel; Hörmann, Bernadette; Tveit, Sverre & Bostad, Inga (Red.),The Nordic Education Model in Context. Historical Developments and Current Renegotiations.Routledge.ISSN 9781032110462.s. 125–143.

Lie, Hanne Cathrine; Gerwing, Jennifer; Bondevik, Hilde; Bostad, Inga; Ellingsen, Dan-Mikael & Frühholz, Sascha (2022).Studying clinical communication through multiple lenses: The underused potential of inter-disciplinary collaborations.Patient Education and Counseling.ISSN 0738-3991.doi:10.1016/j.pec.2022.04.010.

Bostad, Inga(2022).An ethics of rhythm—reflections on justice and education.Ethics and Education.ISSN 1744-9642.doi:10.1080/17449642.2022.2054559.

Hörmann, Bernadette & Karseth, Berit(2022).From Active Members of the School Community to Active Knowledge Acquirers. The Rhetoric on Students in Norwegian Curricula Across Time.I Tröhler, Daniel; Hörmann, Bernadette; Tveit, Sverre & Bostad, Inga (Red.),The Nordic Education Model in Context. Historical Developments and Current Renegotiations.Routledge.ISSN 9781032110462.s. 273–290.

Karseth, Berit(2022).Skoleutvikling i lys av et nasjonalt læreplanverk.I Mausethagen, Sølvi & Helstad, Kristin (Red.),Skoleutvikling - i forskning, politikk og praksis.Cappelen Damm Akademisk.ISSN 9788202717728.s. 55–73.

Lie, Elin Rødahl(2023).Gender, Equality, and Education—Are We About to Abandon Our Nordic Ideals?I Tröhler, Daniel; Bostad, Inga; Tveit, Sverre & Hörmann, Bernadette (Red.),The Nordic Education Model in Context.Routledge.ISSN 9781032110462.doi:10.4324/9781003218180.

Lie, Elin Rødahl(2022).When unhappiness is not the endpoint, fostering justice through education .Ethics and Education.ISSN 1744-9642.doi:10.1080/17449642.2022.2054562.

Sivesind, Kirsten & Karseth, Berit(2022).Introduction: A comparative Network Analysis of Knowledge Use in Nordic Education Policies.I Karseth, Berit; Sivesind, Kirsten & Steiner-Khamsi, Gita (Red.),Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy. A comparative Network Analysis.Palgrave Macmillan.ISSN 978-3-030-91959-7.s. 1–31.

Steiner-Khamsi, Gita; Baek, Chanwoong; Karseth, Berit & Nordin, Andreas(2022).How Much is Policy Advice Changed and Lost in Political Translation? .I Karseth, Berit; Sivesind, Kirsten & Steiner-Khamsi, Gita (Red.),Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy. A comparative Network Analysis.Palgrave Macmillan.ISSN 978-3-030-91959-7.s. 281–320.

Karseth, Berit & Sivesind, Kirsten(2022).Conclusions: Toward a Renewed Understanding of Evidence-Based Policy in Education .I Karseth, Berit; Sivesind, Kirsten & Steiner-Khamsi, Gita (Red.),Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy. A comparative Network Analysis.Palgrave Macmillan.ISSN 978-3-030-91959-7.s. 409–429.

Sivesind, Kirsten(2022).The Rise and Relevance of Curriculum Reform.I Tierney, Rob; Rizvi, Fazal & Ercikan, Kadriye (Red.),International Encyclopedia of Education.Elsevier.ISSN 9780128186305.

Sivesind, Kirsten(2022).Public schooling in a ‘post-factual’ society: A call for historically nuanced discussions.I Krogh, Ellen; Qvortrup, Ane & Graf, Stefan Ting (Red.),Bildung, Knowledge, and Global Challenges in Education. Didaktik and Curriculum in the Anthropocene Era.Routledge.ISSN 9781032245829.

Sivesind, Kirsten; Tiplic-Lunde, Dijana & Johnsen, Lars Gunnarsønn Bagøien(2022).Surveying Policy Discourses Across Time and Space Internationalization of Knowledge Providers and Nordic Narratives.I Tröhler, Daniel; Hörmann, Bernadette; Tveit, Sverre & Bostad, Inga (Red.),The Nordic Education Model in Context. Historical Developments and Current Renegotiations.Routledge.ISSN 9781032110462.s. 308–331.doi:10.4324/9781003218180-21.

Volmari, Saija; Sivesind, Kirsten & Jónasson, Jón Torfi(2022).Regional Policy Spaces, Knowledge Networks, and the "Nordic Other".I Karseth, Berit; Sivesind, Kirsten & Steiner-Khamsi, Gita (Red.),Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy. A comparative Network Analysis.Palgrave Macmillan.ISSN 978-3-030-91959-7.s. 349–382.

Sivesind, Kirsten & Karseth, Berit(2022).Introduction: A comparative Network Analysis of Knowledge Use in Nordic Education Policies.I Karseth, Berit; Sivesind, Kirsten & Steiner-Khamsi, Gita (Red.),Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy. A comparative Network Analysis.Palgrave Macmillan.ISSN 978-3-030-91959-7.s. 1–31.

Hörmann, Bernadette & Sivesind, Kirsten(2022).Structuring School Reform Policy with Evidence: The Inter-mediational Role of Knowledge Sources and Arguments.I Karseth, Berit; Sivesind, Kirsten & Steiner-Khamsi, Gita (Red.),Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy. A comparative Network Analysis.Palgrave Macmillan.ISSN 978-3-030-91959-7.s. 183–225.

Karseth, Berit & Sivesind, Kirsten(2022).Conclusions: Toward a Renewed Understanding of Evidence-Based Policy in Education .I Karseth, Berit; Sivesind, Kirsten & Steiner-Khamsi, Gita (Red.),Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy. A comparative Network Analysis.Palgrave Macmillan.ISSN 978-3-030-91959-7.s. 409–429.

Tveit, Sverre & Lundahl, Christian(2022).Trajectories of Assessment and Certification in the North. Grading and Testing Policy in Norwegian and Swedish Basic Education .I Tröhler, Daniel; Hörmann, Bernadette; Tveit, Sverre & Bostad, Inga (Red.),The Nordic Education Model in Context. Historical Developments and Current Renegotiations.Routledge.ISSN 9781032110462.s. 217–235.

Open Access 2022

Boken The Nordic Education Model in Context: Historical Developments and Current
har fått open-access støtte fra ReNEW

Eckhard-Larsen, Schulte & Thue (red, 2022). Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model. Comparative and Historical Perspectives.

Karseth, Berit, Sivesind, Kirsten & Steiner-Khamsi, Gita (red., 2022). Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy. A comparative Network Analysis



Bostad, Inga(2021).Å høre hjemme i verden. Introduksjon til en pedagogisk hjemstedsfilosofi.Spartacus.ISBN 978-82-304-0291-7.330 p.

Scientific Articles

Bondevik, Hilde & Bostad, Inga(2021).Ut av hjemmet – inn i hjemmet. Når skole og hjem går sammen.In Bostad, Inga (Eds.),Å høre hjemme i verden. Introduksjon til en pedagogisk hjemstedsfilosofi..Spartacus.ISSN 978-82-304-0291-7.p. 133–170.

Bostad, Inga(2021).Å kjenne seg hjemme og å være hjemme – i verden.In Bostad, Inga (Eds.),Å høre hjemme i verden. Introduksjon til en pedagogisk hjemstedsfilosofi..Spartacus.ISSN 978-82-304-0291-7.p. 19–38.

Hörmann, Bernadette(2021).Fixing the Future: Public Discourse on the Implementation of Education Standards in Austria.I Tröhler, Daniel & Zhao, Weili (Red.),Asian-European Encounters on 21st-century Competence-based Curriculum Reforms. Cultural Views on Globalization and Localization.Springer.ISSN 9789811630088.s. 111–132.

Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth; Hörmann, Bernadette & Sivesind, Kirsten(2021).Bildung: alive and allowed? : a critical study of work plan practices in Norwegian schools.Journal of Curriculum Studies.ISSN 0022-0272.doi:10.1080/00220272.2021.1936191.

Sundby, Anniken Hotvedt & Karseth, Berit(2021).`The knowledge question`in the Norwegian curriculum.Curriculum Journal.ISSN 0958-5176.doi:10.1002/curj.139.

Lie, Elin Rødahl(2021).Livsmestring i skolen. Å lære lykke eller å lykkes?I Bostad, Inga (Red.),Å høre hjemme i verden. Introduksjon til en pedagogisk hjemstedsfilosofi..Spartacus.ISSN 978-82-304-0291-7.s. 197–216.

Jarning, Harald (2021). Hjemlig, muntlig, folkelig Tidsskifter og skolespørsmål fra folkeskolens hundreår. I Bostad, Inga (Red.),Å høre hjemme i verden. Introduksjon til en pedagogisk hjemstedsfilosofi..Spartacus.ISSN 978-82-304-0291-7.

Sivesind, Kirsten(2021).Historical Trajectories of the Contract-School Model in Norway.I Tröhler, Daniel & Zhao, Weili (Red.),Asian-European Encounters on 21st-century Competence-based Curriculum Reforms. Cultural Views on Globalization and Localization.Springer.ISSN 9789811630088.s. 57–84.

Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth; Hörmann, Bernadette & Sivesind, Kirsten(2021).Bildung: alive and allowed? : a critical study of work plan practices in Norwegian schools.Journal of Curriculum Studies.ISSN 0022-0272.doi:10.1080/00220272.2021.1936191.

Hansen, Petteri; Sivesind, Kirsten & Thostrup, Rune(2021).Managing expectations by projecting the future school: Observing the Nordic future school reports via temporal topologies.European Educational Research Journal.ISSN 1474-9041.doi:10.1177/1474904121995695.

Sivesind, Kirsten; Hovdhaugen, Elisabeth & Hörmann, Bernadette(2021).Medierende betingelser for læring og danning – om bruk og betydning av digitale medier i et bachelorstudium i pedagogikk.Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk.ISSN 2387-5739.doi:10.23865/ntpk.v7.2512.

Sivesind, Kirsten & Hovdhaugen, Elisabeth(2021).Oppgaver som medierende betingelser for læring og danning – erfaringer fra et bachelorstudium i pedagogikk.UNIPED.ISSN 1500-4538.44(1),s. 43–59.doi:10.18261/issn.1893-8981-2021-01-05.Fulltekst i vitenarkiv


Graf, L. & Tröhler, D. (2020). Cross-border skill formation and institutional bricolage: the case of Luxembourg and its neighbors. In R. Belkacem & I. Pigeron-Piroth (Eds.)Borders and Crossborders Labor Markets: Opportunities and Challenges(pp. 23-33). UniGR-Center for Border Studies Press.

Jarning, Harald(2020).Comprehensive schooling – the right way conservative policies regarding common schooling in Norway, 1920-2020,InGeiss Michael; Sabine Reh & Joachim Scholz(ed.),Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung 2020; Konservatismus und Pädagogik im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts. Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. ISBN978-3-7815-2413-2. Kapittel. s43 –61.

Jarning, Harald(2020).Government, Policy, and the Role of the State in Primary Education (Norway),InIan Menter; Maria Teresa. Tatto & Karin Hognestad(ed.),Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. ISBN9781474209151.

Karseth, Berit(2020).Bologna Process: Curriculum,InMarylin J. Amey & Miriam E. David(ed.),SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education. Sage Publications. ISBN9781473942912. Volume 1. s176 –178.

Karseth, Berit(2020).Norsk lærerutdanning - alle vil ha fingra i den....,I:Elsi-Brith Jodal; Sverker Lindblad & Caroline Runesdotter(red.),Läroplansteori i och om lärarutbildning. Rapport från den sjunde Nordiska Läroplansteoretiska konferensen. Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik. ISBN978-91-86857-27-1. TEMA: Lärarutbildning i Norden, utmaningar, influenser och förändringar. s35 –50. Nivå 1.

Holmen, Maria Rejkjær & Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt (red.)(2020).Uddannelseshistorie 2020 Lærerkulturer og læreruddannelse. Selskabet for Skole- og Uddannelseshistorie. ISBN9788787185127.

Papastephanou, Marianna; Zembylas, Michalinos; Bostad, Inga; Oral, Sevget Benhur; Drousioti, Kalli; Kouppanou, Anna; Strand, Torill; wain, kenneth; Peters, Michael A. & Tesar, Marek(2020).Philosophy of education in a new key: Education for justice now.Educational Philosophy and Theory. ISSN0013-1857. .doi:DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2020.1793539.

Sivesind, Kirsten & Skedsmo, Guri(2020).Educational Governance, Gap-Management Strategies, and Reorganizational Processes of the State Authorities in Norway,InHelene Ârlestig & Olof Johansson(ed.),Educational Authorities and th schools. Springer. ISBN9783030387587.

Tröhler, D. (2020) (Guest-Ed.). Education, ‘Doing nation’, nation building and the development of national literacies.Croatian Journal of Education22 (Special Issue 2).

Tröhler, D. (2020) (Ed.).A cultural history of education in the age of Enlightenment. London, UK: Bloomsbury [= volume 4 of the series A cultural history of education edited by Gary McColloch].

Tröhler, D. (2020). Nation-states, education and the fabrication of national-minded citizens.Croatian Journal of Education21 (6), 11-27.

Tröhler, D. (2020). The lasting legacy of the European Reformation of the 16th century: Protestant foundations of modern educational reasoning.Journal of Beliefs & Values. Studies in Religion & Education(41).

Tröhler, D. (2020). National literacies, or modern education and the art of fabricating national minds.Journal of Curriculum Studies, 52(5), 620-635. DOI: 10.1080/00220272.2020.1786727.

Tröhler, D. (2020). Knowledge, Media and Communications. In J. Harford & T. O’Donoghue,A cultural history of education in the Modern Age(pp. 35-56). London, UK: Bloomsbury [= volume 6 of the series A cultural history of education edited by Gary McCulloch].

Tröhler, D. (2020). Learning, Progress, and the Taming of Change: The Educational Aspirations of the Age of Enlightenment. In D. Tröhler (Ed.),A cultural history of education in the age of Enlightenment(pp. 1-23) London, UK: Bloomsbury [= volume 4 of the series A cultural history of education edited by Gary McCulloch].



The Nordic Education Model: Conclusive events

The Nordic Education Model-project welcomes you to its final conference.

Time and place:Sep. 14, 2023 2:30 PM–Sep. 15, 2023 4:00 PM,Undervisningsrom 1, Georg Sverdrups hus (day 1) and Auditorium 3 at Helga Engs hus (day 2). Both at University of Oslo, campus Blindern

As a part of the comparative research projectNordEd, where the purpose was to examine the Nordic Education Model, a final conference will be held on 14 and 15 of September 2023.

The project examined four different features: knowledge, curricula and subject lines, teacher cultures and teacher training, and policy-making and reform work.

The research group represents large professional diversity within various disciplines. The project has sought to provide broad and critical perspectives on the emergence, sustainability of some common values, and design of the national education systems. The research group has emphasized both current and historical aspects of the Nordic Education Model.

The conclusive events are open to everyone. The programme is listed below. The programme parts that are described in English, will be held in English. The others will be held in Norwegian.


Thursday 14 of September

Workshop for young scholars.

  • Contributions by Afshan Bibi and Elin Rødahl Lie, commentators Brit Marie Hovland and Synne Myrebøe. Invitations and programme will be distributed. Please notifyKirsten Sivesindif you would like to attend.

Discussion Forum on the Academic Legitimacy and Status of Pedagogy

  • "Det lange 1968 i norsk pedagogikk." Kim Helsvig.
  • "Hva var pedagogikk? Kunnskapstriangelet pedagogikk/ utdanningsvitenskap 1970–2020." Harald Jarning
  • Plenary discussion. Chair: Kirsten Sivesind

Friday 15 of September

Nordic Education Model outreach and stakeholder event

  • Welcome and brief introduction. Tore Rem and Inga Bostad
  • Critiques meet author
  • The Nordic Education Model in Context. Historical Developments and Current Renegotiations. Eds. Daniel Tröhler, Bernadette Hörmann, Sverre Tveit and Inga Bostad.
  • Reader: Merethe Roos
  • Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model. Comparative and historical perspectives.Eds. Jesper Eckhardt Larsen, Barbara Schulte and Fredrik Thue.
  • Reader: Berit Karseth
  • Discussion led by Daniel Tröhler
  • "Høydepunkter fra prosjektet«Den nordiske utdanningsmodellen»"
  • "Lærerutdanning og profesjonalisering i Norge – noen diskurser." Sølvi Mausethagen
  • "Likestilling som pedagogisk ideal – Fra kollektivt fellesskapsprosjekt til individets ansvar for å mestre livet?" Elin Rødahl Lie
  • New knowledge and new opportunities for professional development among Norwegian school teachers, 1927–1937. Afshan Bibi
  • Panel on Teacher Education in the Nordic Region: "Hva kan vi lære av hverandre?" Participants: Dina Knudsen, Sølvi Mausethagen, Steffen Handal, Turid Løyte Harboe and Jonas Bakken.Chair: Jesper Eckhardt Larsen
  • Reception. Greetings from Dean Rita Hvistendahl

Questions concerning the conference can be directed toLinn Evy Iversen.


Nordic Education Model Book launch September 29th

Do you want to learn more about the Nordic Education Model?
September 29th the Nordic Education Model research project is launching its new book edited by Daniel Tröhler, Bernadette Hörmann, Sverre Tveit and Inga Bostad

Time and place:Sep. 29, 2022 1:00 PM–4:00 PM,Aud. 3, Helga Engs Hus

The Nordic Education Model (NordEd) research project chaired by professorInga Bostadare excited to share our new volume which is now available as open-access.

Tracing historical and cultural factors which gave rise to the Nordic Education Model, this volume explores why Northern European education policy has become an international benchmark for schooling.

The book will be of great interest to researchers, scholars, and postgraduates working across the fields of curriculum, comparative education, cultural studies and history and philosophy of education and education policy.

The book includes 17 chapters, 8 of which written by scholars at the Department of Education.

The volume is edited by professor Daniel Tröhler, postdoctoral researcher Bernadette Hörmann, postdoctoral researcher Sverre Tveit and professor Inga Bostad.

Book launch program
  • Tore Rem: Opening
  • Daniel Tröhler: The Nordic Education Model. Trajectories, Configurations, Challenges
  • Afshan Bibi: Schoolteachers, Child-Centered Education, and the Nordic Education Model
  • Elin Rødahl Lie: Gender, Equality, and Education—Are We About to Abandon Our Nordic Ideals?
  • Sverre Tveit and Christian Lundahl:Trajectories of Assessment and Certifcation in the North: Grading and Testing Policy in Norwegian and Swedish Basic Education
  • Otso Kortekangas: Integrating, Segregating, Emancipating? The General and the Specific in Nordic Sámi Education in the Early Twentieth Century and Today
  • Closing discussion
  • Refreshments, champaign and saxophone


Political Philosophy of Education PhD course

The research group Humanities Studies in Education is offering a PhD course in Political Philosophy of Education.

Time and place:Dec. 9, 2021–Dec. 10, 2021,University of Oslo

The course is led by Toril Strand and include lectures byInga Bostad,Claudia Schumann (University of Stockholm) and Judith Suissa (Institute of Education, University College London).

In order to explore some of today's most pressing social issues, we will systematically read and discuss some contemporary thinkers, whose philosophical texts examine key themes raised by these issues – such as the potentiality and limits of inclusion discourses, educational justice and social change. This includes an inquiry of these thinkers’ conception of “the political”.

We will also deliberate on the potential contributions of a few classical thinkers, whose writings relate to the intersection between political and educational philosophy.

The course is particularly valuable for candidates whose research focuses on ethical-political issues related to education in contemporary societies.

The course takes the form of a collaborative research seminar. Consequently, the PhD students’ active engagement with the literature and in the seminar is a vital part of the course content.

PhD candidates at the Faculty of Educational Sciences will be given priority, but it is also possible for others to apply for the course. Applicants must have at least a Master's degree.

Nordic Modes of Bildung, Schooling, and Upbringing - The interplay between individualism, collectivism, and institutionalized lives

Conference organized by the two UiO:Nordic projects“The Nordic Education Model” and “Living the Nordic Model”.

Time and place:Apr. 22, 2021 9:00 AM–Apr. 23, 2021 3:00 PM,Zoom

Images of the modern Nordic societies are often paradoxical: Strongly socially cohesive but renowned for their liberal social values; Equal rights and opportunities for all blended with collective demands and duties; Strong trust and solidarity but less responsibility for helping your neighbor.

The Nordic countries have historically shown both strong collectivist traits epitomized in social democratic concepts like “folkhemmet” (S) or expressions like “raising a building together” (DK) as well as strong individualist traits of universalized individual rights to social goods and services. In the Nordic model of education ideals of a common “folkskola” and of “folkeoplysning/folkbildning” have included both more communitarian as well as more individualistic conceptualizations of “dannelse” (Bildung).

In the field of education individuals are currently urged to optimize their contribution to society. Lifelong learning under the banner of employability is no longer just a possibility but has almost turned into a duty. The strong “welfare states” make equality more possible – but does the turn to strong “competition states” also indicate a new more coercive collectivism?

In the light of these tensions, we aim in this conference at examining historical and current ideals, practices, and institutions related to the formative aspects of Nordic citizens’ lives—their childhoods, parenting values, schooling, education, and lifelong learning. We invite researchers that are engaged in the study of the institutions and arenas in which children and youth are brought up and educated. How have aims and expectations changed over time both in the Nordic settings and worldwide? Are there specific Nordic traditions in Bildung, education, and upbringing? Are they more rooted in common ideals of equality and communitarianism than in other Western and global societies? How are these ideals expressed, justified, and institutionalized in a more globalized era?

Thursday 22. April
  • Opening – by Tore Rem, Director UiO Nordic and Inga Bostad, project leader NordEd, University of Oslo (UiO)
  • The Nordic Model and The Educational Welfare State in a European Light – Between Social Problem Solving and Hidden Spiritual Ambitions
  • Keynote by Professor Mette Buchardt, Centre for Education Policy Research, Aalborg University

Invited lectures

  • Pillar 1:What is knowledge in Education? Changing ideals in Norwegian education policy.
    • Lecture by Professor Mariann Solberg, University of Tromsø.Comments by Lars Løvlie and Inga Bostad, UiO.
  • Pillar 2:Science wars? How conceptualisation of knowledge in education has become the centre of the debate over Sweden's poor Pisa-scores.
    • Lecture by Magnus Hultén, Linköping University. Comments from Jesper Eckhardt Larsen and Harald Jarning, UiO.

Paralell session 1

Paralell session 2

Friday 23. April

Invited panels and lectures

  • Pillar 3:Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model – book presentation with discussant.
    • With the editors: Jesper Eckhardt Larsen, University of Oslo, Fredrik W. Thue, Oslo Metropolitan University,Barbara Schulte, University of Vienna.
    • Discussant: Kim Helsvig, Oslo Metropolitan University.
  • Pillar 4:The Limits of Schools Reforms and their De-limiting power.
    • Kirsten Sivesind, UiO, Christian Ydesen, University of Aalborg, Daniel Petterson, University of Gävle.Panel led by Berit Karseth, UiO
  • Pillar 5:Ideals of theNordic childhood: Civilising missions in changing times.
    • Lecture by Eva Gulløv, University of Aarhus. Discussion led by Ingrid Smette, UiO.
  • Models of Lifelong Learning and their Social and Economic Outcomes. How Distinctive is the ‘Nordic Model’ Now?
    Keynote by Professor Andy Green, Institute of Education, University College London

Paralell session 3

Closing reflections by Professor Daniel Tröhler, University of Vienna

Conference ends


Nordic Teacher Cultures - Education, Social Recruitment, Gender, Knowledge, Protestantism and Professionalism

The UiO:Norden projectNordEdand the NOS-HS networkNordic Teacher Cultures Comparedinvite to an open morning seminar

Time and place:Sep. 26, 2019 9:15 AM–12:00 PM,Aud 2, HE, University of Oslo

Danish school teachers, approx.1900


  • Jesper Eckhardt Larsen –Introduction to the Nordic Teacher Cultures Compared network and pillar three of the NordEd project
  • Emil Marklund –Social and gender aspects ofSwedish teacher recruitment in the 19th and 20th centuries
  • Beatrice Cucco –Initial teacher education in Denmark and Finland: the role of research-based knowledge for teacher professionalism
  • Fredrik W. Thue –Pietism, Professions and the Pedagogical State: Historical reflections on the origins of the Nordic welfare state.
  • Ólöf Garðarsdóttir -Teaching at the eve of public schooling. Schooling arrangements and the profession of teachers in Iceland during the late 19th and early 20th century
  • General discussion

Published Feb. 28, 2019 1:13 PM - Last modified May 23, 2024 12:20 AM

The Nordic Education Model (completed) - UiO:Nordic (2024)
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Article information

Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 6469

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.