The mystery of the Genesis block (2024)

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When the Bitcoin software was publicly announced in 2009, it was important that nodes joining the network could build a common history of the blockchain. Satoshi Nakamoto accomplished this by hardcoding in the “Genesis block” in the Bitcoin software. While blocks in the Bitcoin network are normally mined by nodes in the network, it was important for there to be a single source of truth for nodes to build the blockchain from when joining the network, even if they were the first node to ever join the network. By hardcoding the Genesis block into the Bitcoin code, there was a guarantee that nodes joining the network all started at the same beginning.

The Genesis block is shrouded in mystique. Encoded in the first coinbase transaction is a string: “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.” It is widely accepted that Satoshi included this string as a timestamp for the Genesis block, linking it to January 3, 2009.

In court over the last few weeks, Craig Wright made an interesting statement regarding the Genesis block that prompted ridicule. He said (using a rough transcript of the court proceedings):

“The Genesis block isn’t mined. It’s an anchor block. It’s designed so that you can’t spend it because if you spend it, it actually could unravel the end. It’s like if you’re knitting or sewing. You have to tie off the thread to make sure it doesn’t break. So the blockchain requires a block that is not like a mined block. It is not mined.”

A lazily posted quotation of Dr. Wright’s statement prompted ridicule from BTC Core developers Matt Corallo and Peter Todd, with the former saying it was the “dumbest thing ever said about Bitcoin” and the latter dreaming about framing the quote on his wall.

Decoding the Genesis block

To understand the Genesis block, we need to contextualize it using the original Satoshi client.

The hash of the Genesis block was listed in the main.cpp file of the repository:

const uint256 hashGenesisBlock(“0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f

In this same file, the code does a check to see if the node has recorded the genesis block into the node’s block database. This block contains a 50 bitcoin coinbase payout to the address 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa (though it is noted that the transaction is actually coded as a Pay to Public Key transaction). All of the info regarding the Genesis block is kept as commented code beginning on line 1439 of main.cpp.

The node kept two databases—a database of blocks and a database of transactions. The node included the Genesis block in its block database but excluded the coinbase transaction from the transaction database. As a result, any attempted spend of the Genesis block would attempt to spend coins that don’t exist in the node’s transaction database and be rejected by the software. The coins are locked using a standard Pay to Public Key (P2PK) output script, where a valid signature using the private key could unlock the coins as an input to a new transaction, but only if the parent transaction was recognized by the node software in its transaction database.

It’s important to note that while the software leaves this transaction out of its transaction database, there is nothing that precludes a node from adding it to its transaction database manually (via hard fork). If a node did this and had a valid unlocking script (signature) for the transaction, the Genesis block could be spent on that chain. If the majority of hash power on the network decided to include this spending transaction, then the Genesis block could definitely be spent. However, by excluding the Genesis coinbase transaction from the transaction database, it is clear from the original code that Satoshi clearly intended for the Genesis block transaction to remain unspent.

The Genesis Block as an Anchor

Satoshi wrote a comment in the original code that defines the Genesis block as the “root” of the blockchain: “The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the genesis block at the root, with each block potentially having multiple candidates to be the next block.”

The mystery of the Genesis block (1)

While the subsequent blocks have potentially multiple candidates, the Genesis block is established as an anchor to which all possible branches are built from. To be a good anchor, it is important that nodes in the network have the anchor. Since the Genesis block contains just one transaction in it (the coinbase transaction), a spend of this transaction would introduce a problem to the network: If all of the transactions in the block are spent, then the block itself can be pruned from every node on the network. This would then enable a node to prune all subsequent blocks as the coins in them are spent. This would completely break the immutability property of the historical record and cause big problems for anyone attempting to sync the chain of block headers, let alone the full blockchain. This would “unravel” the blockchain, so to speak.

Remember, the novel solution Bitcoin uses to solve the double spending problem of electronic cash begins with the use of a timestamp server, with “each additional timestamp [block hash] reinforcing the ones before it.” If the first 1000 blocks can be pruned by a node, then the 1001st block becomes the new anchor, erasing 1000 blocks of history. It would also be trivial for a modern ASIC to create 1000 blocks of history with fake timestamps in an attempt to trick/attack the rest of the network. Without a single anchor, how do you know that what you’re syncing with is even Bitcoin?


Now that we’ve covered why it is important that the Genesis block remains unspendable, and the truth regarding Dr. Wright’s statement on the “unraveling” of the chain, we still have an unresolved problem—is it actually unspendable?

To BTC Core developers like Matt Corallo and Peter Todd, it has to be unspendable because the current BTC Core software hardcodes the exclusion of the Genesis block coinbase transaction from the UTXO set. Developers like Matt and Peter, who have very little understanding for the economic system that Satoshi Nakamoto created, don’t think Bitcoin can undergo hard forks. Besides misunderstanding Satoshi’s definition of nodes and advocating against hard forks, they go as far to say that hard forks are impossible despite Bitcoin hard forking several times under Satoshi’s leadership. As BSV has shown in restoring the original Satoshi protocol, hard forks are a normal part of Nakamoto Consensus to upgrade the network.

Matt, Peter, and the other hat wearers can’t comprehend Dr. Wright’s statement about spends of the Genesis Block “unraveling” the chain because they have a limited understanding of what Bitcoin is. As we covered above, spending the Genesis Block is technically possible if the corresponding private key is used to create a signature and the majority of nodes (miners) on the network hard fork the network to include the initial Genesis transaction and the corresponding spending transaction.

If Satoshi understood how dangerous spending the Genesis block transaction could be, then is this scenario a threat to Bitcoin should Satoshi create a valid signature with the private key corresponding to address 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa?

It turns out that Satoshi ensured that even he himself could not cause the unraveling of the chain.

An Unknown Private Key

In ECDSA, the digital signature algorithm used in Bitcoin, signatures are composed of a pair of integers—r and s. r is the x-coordinate of a securely but randomly determined point on the elliptic curve, and s is a function of the private key used to create the signature and a hash of the message that is signed (in Bitcoin, the message is the transaction itself). For most use cases this is pretty straightforward—the holder of a private key can generate a signature, and others can validate that the public key that corresponds to the private key that matches the signature.

In Bitcoin, this mechanism is utilized for Pay to Public Key transactions as outlined in the whitepaper itself:

The mystery of the Genesis block (2)

This means that any coins locked up in a public key can be spent with the corresponding private key. This introduces our aforementioned vulnerability where the corresponding private key to the public key used in the Genesis block coinbase transaction could cause an “unraveling” of the blockchain.

However, it turns out that Satoshi Nakamoto solved for this vulnerability at Bitcoin’s Genesis.

In a blog post “The Genesis of Genesis” dated April 12, 2019, Craig Wright waxes poetically on the circ*mstances surrounding the launch of Bitcoin. Towards the end, he finally provides some background on how the Genesis block was constructed. He references a technique that can be used to create an “Unknown Private Key.” Cited from Advances in Elliptic Curve Cryptography, we are introduced to a technique to generate a public key from a random value of (r,s) using the hash of any message m. Utilizing this technique, we see that it is theoretically possible to produce a public key for which the corresponding private key is unknown to even Satoshi Nakamoto himself:

The mystery of the Genesis block (3)

This could be made to be even more complex—the private key could be a combination of information which could never be known to one individual person. This introduces an interesting question—if no private key for the Genesis block exists, does Satoshi Nakamoto have information about the message m that was used to generate the signature that produced the public key used for the Genesis Block coinbase transaction?

In the paragraph preceding this section, we see a section titled “Self-Signed Signatures”:

The mystery of the Genesis block (4)

In this, we see that it is possible to create a self-signed Bitcoin transaction using a private key that is computed after the creation of the signature. Is it possible that Satoshi Nakamoto holds a private key that can prove the creation of the message m used to generate the public key used in the Genesis block coinbase transaction, while not being able to sign the Genesis block itself?

I submit that the Genesis block coinbase transaction remains a mystery to me, but I imagine it won’t remain a mystery forever.

New to blockchain? Check out CoinGeek’s Blockchain for Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about blockchain technology.

The mystery of the Genesis block (2024)


The mystery of the Genesis block? ›

The genesis block , also known as Block 0, is the very first block created in a blockchain network. For Bitcoin, it was mined by the mysterious creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, on January 3, 2009. This block is unique because it does not reference any previous block, establishing the initial point of the blockchain.

What is the secret message in the Genesis Block? ›

Second, Nakamoto mysteriously embedded a message in the first block, which reads, “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.” The message refers to the headline of the London newspaper, The Times, on the noted date.

What is the story of Genesis Block? ›

Bitcoin's Genesis Block was the first instance of a proof-of-work blockchain system and is the template for all other blocks in its blockchain. In 2009, Bitcoin's anonymous developer, Satoshi Nakamoto, created the Genesis Block by transferring 50 BTC and mining the first block.

What is the code for the Genesis Block? ›

Bitcoin's First Block: A Unique Entity

Diving deeper into Bitcoin's genesis block, its hash code stands out. Labeled as "000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f", this hash bears a distinctive feature: two extra leading hex zeros, setting it apart from its successors.

What is the difficulty of Genesis Block? ›

As we explained before, the difficulty of the genesis block is 1. After every 2016 blocks, the target is recalculated in the following way. new_target = old_target / new_difficulty, where the old_target is shown above (which is from the genesis block, in this case).

What is the purpose of the Genesis Block? ›

The Genesis Block, also referred to as Block 0 or Block 1, is the inaugural block for any blockchain. Think of it as the equivalent of a chain's first link, marking the initiation of a new, unbroken chain of transactions. Just as any chain requires its starting link, the blockchain mandates its Genesis Block.

What is the reward of the Genesis Block? ›

The Bitcoin genesis block, created in 2009, is a recognized example of a genesis block. It contained a reward of 50 BTC, which was sent to a valid address but remains unspendable. The reason for this remains a mystery.

What is the point of the Genesis story? ›

This book sets forth the Creation of the earth and all life thereon, the Fall of Adam and Eve and the introduction of sin into this world, the origin of the house of Israel, and the establishment of covenants by a merciful Father in Heaven for the salvation of His children.

When did Satoshi Nakamoto disappear? ›

The name "Satoshi Nakamoto" is the pseudonym for the person or people who introduced the concept of Bitcoin in a 2008 paper. 1 Nakamoto remained active in the creation of Bitcoin and the blockchain until about 2010 but has not been heard from since.

How many bitcoins does Satoshi have? ›

How Much Bitcoin Does Satoshi Own? Satoshi Nakamoto is rumored to own 1.1 million bitcoin in several accounts, but no one is 100% sure these account belong to Bitcoin's creator.

How many Bitcoin are in Genesis Block? ›

The so-called “genesis” block featured what was then a 50 bitcoin (BTC) block subsidy — worth a whopping $2.1 million at today's prices — and the message above, referring to the economic turbulence of the day when bitcoin went live.

Who owns the most Bitcoin? ›

So, who are the top holders of BTC? According to the Bitcoin research and analysis firm River Intelligence, Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator behind Bitcoin, is listed as the top BTC holder as of 2024. The company notes that Satoshi Nakamoto holds about 1.1m BTC tokens in about 22,000 different addresses.

Does the Genesis block have previous hash? ›

Ans: Genesis block is the 1st block and its unique because of its unique characteristics : Doesn't contain a previous block hash because there isn't any block preceding it. Consists of hardcoded data for initializing the blockchain network.

What is the first contradiction in the Bible? ›

The contradictions start in the opening chapters of the Bible, where inconsistent creation stories are told. Genesis chapter 1 says the first man and woman were made at the same time, and after the animals. But Genesis chapter 2 gives a different order of creation: man, then the animals, and then woman.

Is Genesis Block 0 or 1? ›

A genesis block is the first block of a block chain. Modern versions of Bitcoin number it as block 0, though very early versions counted it as block 1.

How to create a Genesis Block? ›

The Genesis Block in a blockchain is the very first block of a cryptocurrency's chain, representing the starting point of the ledger. It is not created or mined by a person; instead, it's hardcoded into the software as the foundational block.

What is the message in Genesis? ›

The main message of the Book of Genesis is god's creation and love of humanity. The book begins with god's creation of the heavens and of the Earth. God's dedication to humanity is seen in his placing Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It is also seen in god creating everything on Earth for the use of men.

What is the previous hash stored inside Genesis Block? ›

Ans: Genesis block is the 1st block and its unique because of its unique characteristics : Doesn't contain a previous block hash because there isn't any block preceding it. Consists of hardcoded data for initializing the blockchain network.

What is the deep in Genesis? ›

Tehom (Hebrew: תְּהוֹם təhôm) is a Northwest Semitic and Biblical Hebrew word meaning "the deep” or “abyss” (literally “the deeps”). It is used to describe the primeval ocean and the post-creation waters of the earth.

What is the abomination in Genesis? ›

In Genesis 46:34 Joseph instructs his brothers to tell Pharaoh that they are shepherds so that they would be kept apart from the Egyptians. Again the Biblical narrator explains: for all shepherds are abominable to Egyptians.

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