The Most Productive Way to Schedule Your Day (2024)

The Most Productive Way to Schedule Your Day (1)

The ongoing global pandemic has led many companies to rely on remote work for the foreseeable future. The result has become a major workforce shift that—depending on the employer—allows for more flexibility in a person’s schedule, including what hours they work, when they take breaks and what else they can accomplish during the workday while at home.

While some employers may be resistant to remote work because of minimal supervision, theBureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that 37% of jobs can be performed entirely from home.This data may actually be an opportunity for employees to more effectively structure a work-life balance that makes sense for their personal and professional lives.

The Psychology of Productivity and Your Attention Span

Psychological researcher Larry Rosen, Ph.D., suggests that the key to productivity is fewer interruptions, as cited by theAmerican Psychological Association’s (APA) 2017 feature on boosting productivity,but that’s not realistic for most adults working full time. When balancing a work load, family meals, children’s academics, personal fitness goals and more, the endless list of obligations makes it difficult to maintain an attention span on one thing for more than a few minutes.

One of Rosen’s strategies is to leverage the habit of taking breaks. He recommends that people reward themselves with a few minutes of checking their phones or messages after just 15 minutes of uninterrupted work.

While 15 minutes doesn’t seem like enough time to accomplish much, Rosen says, “Once you learn how to work for 15 minutes, start increasing the time before taking a technology break.”

Rosen’s research and other studies have shown thatthe eight-hour workday isn’t the most effective or efficient way to maintain productivity.In fact, breaking up the workday—including the onslaught of standing meetings—can drastically change a person’s energy levels and lead to more sustainable outputs in the long run.

Having a long workday with multiple large tasks can be daunting, especially if you don’t know where to begin or are prone to procrastination. Using the strategies below can help you develop time management skills that will increase your productivity over time while protecting you from burnout and overworking.

The Pomodoro Technique:

The Pomodoro Techniquewas created in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo as a time management strategy designed for sustaining energy and attention. It works by creating a simple timetable for completing work so that you can set achievable goals with small increments of time.

    During this time, focus all of your attention and energy on completing the task at hand.
    Use the break to rest your brain, your body and your attention. You can take a walk, have a cup of coffee or just rest your eyes for a few minutes.
    About 20 to 30 minutes of dedicated rest time can help your cortisol levels reset and sustain your attention for long periods of time when you return to your next set of tasks.

This technique can help you discover how long it actually takes to complete a task and set more realistic expectations for the future of your time management. It can also help you stay focused by rewarding yourself with rest in between each task.

Other Strategies for Increasing Productivity

    Giving your full attention to one task is likely to yield more accuracy and mental acuity and can help with feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction.
    Structure your most intellectually demanding tasks for when you’re feeling the most awake and energetic while leaving smaller managerial tasks for times when your brain is in an autopilot mode.
    Shut off access to other inputs like social media, television or entertainment that can pull your attention away from work.
    Using alarms or reminders can help cue your brain when it’s time to start the next task or wind down after a long day.
    Use a calendar to keep track of meetings, calls or other obligations to protect your most productive hours.
    Streamline your productivity by cutting down on the mental energy required to switch from one task to another.

Maximizing Productivity While Working from Home

While working from home presents some logistical challenges, such as social isolation, it also offers flexibility for workers who are able to schedule their day in a way that works best for their lifestyle.

Freelancers working in the gig economy have been familiar with this flexibility for years, but adults who are new to the remote work lifestyle can explore the benefits of customizing their own schedule around their personal and professional obligations.

In April of 2020,more than 50% of respondents in a Gallup survey indicated they were working from home full time because of the COVID-19 pandemic.That dropped to 33% by October as people began to return to offices, but more than two-thirds of survey respondents said they would prefer to continue working from home.

This major shift in the culture and expectations of the modern workforce may ultimately demand more flexibility and autonomy from employers.

Productivity Strategies for Working from Home

    Being realistic about time management can make you feel more accomplished at the end of the day when you’ve been able to check off each item on your to-do list.
    When you have a few minutes of free time throughout the day, you can make progress on this list.
  • RELY ON THE 52-17 RULE.
    Schedule 52 minutes of work followed by 17 minutes of restto give your brain a break from constant output. You can adjust the ratio to work better for your schedule.
    Whether that involves going for a walk, moving to a different space in your home or running a quick errand,a visual break from your workspace can help you feel more focused when you return to it.

For many people, maximizing productivity can depend on their own internal clocks—known ascircadian rhythms—that regulate when the body feels the most alert and energetic. Harnessing the benefits of the circadian rhythm may take some initial self-reflection to identify when you feel the most energetic and then plan your day accordingly.

Newhouse School Onlinecompiled research on peak productivity hours for early birds and night owls. The following timeline provides a sample of two daily schedules that may help you get the most done during your day—whether you’re an early riser or a late nighter.

How to Maximize Your Daily Schedule: For Early Birds and Night Owls

Take a personal inventory of your energy levels: What time of day do you feel the most awake? How can you leverage your sleep schedule to feel more rested each day? Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, timelines below may help you be more productive during your nine-to-five.

The Most Productive Way to Schedule Your Day (2)


5:30 AM: Wake up.

6 AM:Eat breakfast. The best time is within 30 minutes of waking up.

6:30 AM: Exercise. It can be easier to stick with a morning exercise routine because the timing is less likely to conflict with other responsibilities.

7:30 AM:Send emails. Emails sent between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. are more likely to be opened and receive a response.

8 AM:Commute. On average, it takes Americans 25.4 minutes to commute to work.

8:30 AM:Prioritize your day. Make a list of the things you want to accomplish during the day.

9 AM:Work on the most difficult item on your to-do list. The morning is when you are most alert and can focus best.

10 AM:Take a coffee break. Aim for midmorning to optimize productivity. Coffee is most effective between 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. when cortisol (a natural hormone that regulates energy) levels are lower

10:30 AM:Schedule an interview. Avoid lunchtime and the last hours of the day because interviewees tend to be unfairly judged later in the day.

11:45 AM:Plan the afternoon. This ensures that you can take a break for lunch and be productive immediately when you return.

Noon:Eat lunch. Take a break and get away from your work space instead of eating at your computer.

2:30 PM:Schedule meetings. This is the best time for meetings. People tend to have more time as the day wears on. One study found that this time slot on Tuesdays is the most popular.

3 PM:Eat a snack. Make sure you don’t have too long of a gap between lunch and dinner.

4 PM:Work on a physical task. Hand-eye coordination peaks in the late afternoon.

5 PM:Commute.

6 PM:Brainstorm. Creativity is at its peak when you are less alert.

6:30 PM:Eat dinner. Try to eat at least three hours before going to bed to maintain a healthy metabolism.

8 PM:Relax and pursue interests. If you have a side project or artistic hobby, the late evening is a good time for creativity as fatigue lowers inhibitions and opens you up to unusual ideas.

9:30 PM:Go to sleep. Adults should aim to get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.


7 AM:Wake up.

7:30 AM:Eat breakfast. The best time is within 30 minutes of waking up.

8 AM:Send emails. Emails sent between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. are more likely to be opened and receive a response.

8:30 AM:Commute. On average, it takes Americans 25.4 minutes to commute to work.

9 AM:Brainstorm. Creativity is at its peak when you are less alert.

10 AM:Take a coffee break. Aim for midmorning to optimize productivity. Coffee is most effective between 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. when cortisol (a natural hormone that regulates energy) levels are lower.

10:30 AM:Schedule an interview. Avoid lunchtime and the last hours of the day because interviewees tend to be unfairly judged later in the day.

Noon:Plan the afternoon. This ensures that you can take a break for lunch and be productive immediately when you return.

12:30 PM:Eat lunch. Take a break and get away from your work space instead of eating at your computer.

2:30 PM:Schedule meetings. This is the best time for meetings. People tend to have more time as the day wears on. One study found that this time slot on Tuesdays is the most popular.

3 PM:Take a break. Make time to refresh for 10 to 30 minutes for the rest of the afternoon.

4 PM:Work on the most difficult item on your to-do list. The afternoon is when you are most alert and can focus best.

5 PM:Make a to-do list for the next day. Focus on the things you want to accomplish tomorrow and draft important emails to be sent the next morning.

5:30 PM:Commute.

6 PM:Exercise. This is when reaction time is quickest, blood pressure and heart rate are lowest, and body temperature is almost at its peak. Be sure to eat a snack before the workout if you haven’t eaten since lunch.

8:30 PM:Eat dinner. Try to eat at least three hours before going to bed to maintain a healthy metabolism.

9:30 PM:Relax and pursue interests. If you have a side project or artistic hobby, the late evening is a good time for creativity as fatigue lowers inhibitions and opens you up to unusual ideas.

11 PM:Prepare for the next day. Pack your stuff, choose your outfit, and take out breakfast ingredients.

11:30 PM:Go to sleep. Adults should aim to get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.

The Most Productive Way to Schedule Your Day (2024)


What is the most efficient daily schedule? ›

KEEP A RUNNING LIST OF SMALLER, LESS IMPORTANT TASKS. When you have a few minutes of free time throughout the day, you can make progress on this list. RELY ON THE 52-17 RULE. Schedule 52 minutes of work followed by 17 minutes of rest open_in_new to give your brain a break from constant output.

How to schedule your day effectively? ›

How to create a daily schedule
  1. Write everything down. Begin by writing down every task, both personal and professional, you want to accomplish during a normal week. ...
  2. Identify priorities. ...
  3. Note the frequency. ...
  4. Cluster similar tasks. ...
  5. Make a weekly chart. ...
  6. Optimize your tasks. ...
  7. Order the tasks. ...
  8. Stay flexible.
Aug 15, 2024

What is the most efficient way to organize your day? ›

How To Organize Your Day To Be More Productive
  1. Go screen-free in the morning. ...
  2. Keep a tidy workspace. ...
  3. Find the routine that works best for you. ...
  4. Take small breaks often. ...
  5. Reduce multitasking. ...
  6. Automate tasks where you can. ...
  7. Tackling tasks in order of importance. ...
  8. Go easy on yourself.

What is the most productive way to start your day? ›

Best morning routine: 21 steps for a more productive day
  • Get a good night's sleep.
  • Avoid the snooze button.
  • Give yourself enough time to get to work.
  • Drink a full glass of water.
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.
  • Prepare a healthy breakfast.
  • Take advantage of self care.
  • Fit in a quick workout.
Jan 10, 2024

Which scheduling method is best? ›

Mastering Project Scheduling: Top 10 Techniques to Try
  • Gantt Charts.
  • Critical Path Method (CPM)
  • Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
  • Kanban.
  • Agile Scheduling.
  • Resource Leveling.
  • Critical Chain Scheduling.
  • Monte Carlo Simulation.

What is the ideal daily routine? ›

Tips for creating a daily routine

Consider keeping a daily journal and listing the activities that made you feel personally or professionally fulfilled. For example, you might feel good when you exercise before work, complete your work tasks early or make time to call your parents during the day.

How can I make my daily day productive? ›

Practice These Habits to Be Productive and Efficient All the Time
  1. Plan out your day. Getting into a good routine can really help you to manage your mood and create a positive mental attitude. ...
  2. Focus on the present. ...
  3. Make time for self-improvement. ...
  4. Set yourself realistic goals. ...
  5. Look after your body.

How to build a daily routine? ›

How to Start a New Routine and Stick To It
  1. Decide what needs to be in your routine. Do you want to get more exercise or more alone time? ...
  2. Set small goals. Break each large goal into smaller goals. ...
  3. Layout a plan. ...
  4. Be consistent with time. ...
  5. Be prepared. ...
  6. Make it fun! ...
  7. Track your progress. ...
  8. Reward yourself.
Sep 25, 2019

What does a productive day look like? ›

To have a productive day means actually working productively on your highest priority activities. It also means hitting targets and getting results that help move projects and tasks forward. So if that's the number one goal, then anything that distracts you from this path becomes a hindrance to your productivity.

How do successful people Organise their day? ›

Successful people understand that and schedule themed days or practice task batching to maximize productivity. For example, Mondays can be for calls with clients, Tuesdays are dedicated for team meetings, that can be managed in team management system, and so on.

How to plan your day at home? ›

How to plan your day
  1. Think ahead of your day. The approach you take to planning the coming day will depend on your needs. ...
  2. Identify critical tasks. It's also helpful to identify the critical tasks for each day you plan out and determine how you'll complete them. ...
  3. Pin your to-do's. ...
  4. Schedule breaks. ...
  5. Reference your plan.
Sep 24, 2023

How can I plan my day more effectively? ›

Making a to-do list is one of the most effective methods of planning your day and is highly effective for keeping track of all the important tasks you have to do. Setting realistic targets for the day and then creating an actionable plan to achieve them can be a successful strategy.

What is the secret to a productive day? ›

Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindful walking can help reduce stress, improve focus, and align your actions with your values and goals. By practicing mindfulness, you can enhance your productivity while maintaining a sense of balance and fulfillment in your life.

What is the most effective morning routine? ›

A quick look at the 17 ideas to have a more productive morning
  • Drink water.
  • Get some exercise.
  • Rewire your brain.
  • Eliminate or reduce distractions.
  • Set your priorities.
  • Complete difficult work first.
  • Indulge in a creative pursuit.
  • Make time for a hobby.

What is the most efficient time of the day? ›

The Best Hours for Productivity

If you're an early bird, for example, you'll see peak performance between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m., she says; try to schedule high-priority tasks during those times. Night owls thrive between the hours of 6 p.m. and 9 p.m., which is when they feel the "most awake and focused."

What is the most ideal work schedule? ›

Specifically, the most productive people work for 52 minutes at a time, then break for 17 minutes before getting back to it (similar to the Pomodoro Method—more on that here). What's the best job for you? The employees with the highest productivity ratings, in fact, don't even work eight-hour days.

What is the most productive time of the day? ›

Researchers looked at project management software data to see when most tasks got done. They uncovered that most of the 28 million tasks were completed between 9 and 11 a.m. But take note: While the majority of us are most productive between 9 and 11 am, this isn't the case for everyone.

What is a healthy daily schedule? ›

A wellness routine is a daily schedule that incorporates all of your healthy habits, such as your movement, sleep, meals, work/study/social life balance, and self-care activities. The best wellbeing routine will support you on the tough days and give you some extra energy and good feelings on the best days.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.