The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Today (2024)

Whether you are just starting a career in the real estate industry, or you have 20 years of experience, continuously learning is a must.

While there are plenty of resources you can tap into that may be able to help you garner success, books offer a unique opportunity to learn from the best real estate agents in the industry for the cost of an eBook or paperback.

To that end, “The Million Real Estate Agent” by Gary Keller remains one of the best books for real estate agents who want to improve their skills. While the book was written nearly 20 years ago, it still holds up in a mostly digital world.

“The Millionaire Real Estate Agent” was first published in 2003 and was written to help other real estate professionals take their careers to the next level. In this post, we will take a look at how the methods and real estate marketing tactics illustrated by Gary Keller are still effective today.

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Today (1)

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Includes The 3 L’s: Listings, Leads, and Leverage for Success

The three key L’s that are necessary for garnering long-term success include Listings, Leads, and Leverage. Gary Keller became a successful real estate agent because he was able to complete numerous contracts in a short period of time.

However, you can’t complete contracts without first obtaining leads who may turn into actual customers.

By accumulating leads, it’s possible to start selecting the most qualified ones. Listings can be created by obtaining a higher number of seller leads in comparison to buyer leads.

The third L involves leverage, which can be centered around people, systems, and tools. Leveraging the tools at your disposal, the people in your network, and the systems that you have access to can help you grow your business.

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Today (2)

Understanding Your Motivation as a Real Estate Agent

Within “The Millionaire Real Estate Agent”, Gary Keller explains the importance of understanding your motivation for being an agent. Good planning is essential before you begin any long-term project.

Knowing why you want to be a successful real estate agent and grow your company will allow you to gain long-term determination and focus. The two types of motivators that could drive you include intrinsic motivators and extrinsic motivators.

Proper Financial Planning

Another area of focus in this book involves proper financial planning. To develop an effective financial plan for your future, it’s important to first assess your performance as an agent over the past year. What were your personal and business expenses?

How much income and profit did you bring in? What was your cash flow over the past 12 months? Answering these questions allows you to set realistic revenue and income goals for the coming year.

Finding a Work-Life Balance to Achieve Success

If you want to achieve success, Gary Keller goes into detail about the need to find the right work-life balance, which will facilitate growth and eventual success.

Managing a heavy workload will introduce ample amounts of stress to your life, which invariably hurts productivity. Finding the right work-life balance means doing what you can to reduce stressful situations at home and in the workplace.

Systematizing Lead Generation

Lead generation has become easier than ever thanks to the internet, which helps with systematizing lead generation. Through the internet, it’s easier to build a website and run targeted ads, both of which are essential tools for generating new leads.

Both tools have become streamlined over the past decade. When you want to run targeted ads that appeal to your core audience, doing so is simple with marketing automation and similar systems.

Building a website can be accomplished in a short period of time. Real Geeks, BoomTown, and Lion Desk are just a few content management systems that provide real estate agents with all of the tools and features they require to build a website.

Even if you have no coding skills, most of these systems offer a drag-and-drop builder for simple site development.

Another benefit of being able to generate leads via the internet is that your digital lead generation ties into your real estate farming campaigns. For example, your real estate brochure or postcard can include a QR code or URL to your website and social media pages.

With so many options at your disposal, you’ll find that pricing is typically affordable. If you run standard print ads, you don’t have as many options, which can make pricing high and give you little control over how your ads are run and managed.

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Today (3)

Lead-Generation Model Described in The Millionaire Real Estate Agent

The lead-generation model described in “The Millionaire Real Estate Agent” is tied directly into the economic model. Knowing the number of appointments that you need as a real estate agent can help you determine the number of leads that are necessary to get these appointments.

The most important thing to remember is that you’ll never have enough quality leads. The lead-general model requires building strong relationships within your Sphere of Influence and providing your leads with consistent marketing materials and contacts. Once you generate leads, it’s essential that you don’t lose them.

Farming for Real Estate Listings

The best way to generate new listings is by engaging in real estate farming, which is an aspect of a lead-generation strategy that involves performing premium marketing that’s targeted at a specific neighborhood.

If this marketing is performed properly, you could become the first real estate agent that the neighborhood looks to when they want to place their homes on the market.

Real estate farming is typically a four-step process that involves:

  • Selecting the right neighborhood – one with solid turnover and no agent representing most of the listings
  • Determining when and how you’ll deliver value to the neighborhood
  • Making a plan that will allow you to manage and track leads
  • Executing your plan with long-term automated and personal communication

By establishing yourself as the premier real estate agent for a certain neighborhood, you’ll be able to improve your reputation and bring in more word-of-mouth leads.

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Today (4)

33 Touch and 12 Direct

Two of the core marketing methods that Gary Keller emphasizes include the “33 Touch” method and the “12 Direct” method. The marketing method you decide to employ depends on how well you know the contact in question. When you’re contacting individuals who you haven’t had contact with in the past, consider using the 12 Direct method. On the other hand, the 33 Touch plan is designed to be used when communicating with people you know well.

The 12 Direct plan involves sending 12 real estate mailers out per year to the section of your lead database that you have yet to contact or meet. Since you don’t know these people, dropping by their properties or making telephone calls is not required. Your mailing list will likely consist of thousands of contacts you haven’t met.

When it comes to the 12 Direct plan, Gary Keller found that sending 12 direct mailers to 50 customers generated one sale during a given year. As such, you could generate 50 closed sales in a year by sending direct mailers to 2,500 people. Even though sending mailers to 2,500 people is possible, you’ll likely need to do some work to ensure a successful direct mail campaign. Building up a mailing list requires obtaining names and placing their information into your database.

The 33 Touch plan is a comprehensive program designed to ensure year-round communication with the contacts you’ve met and know well. There are six different forms of communication used in the 33 Touch plan, which include:

  • 18 touches, which can extend to emails, cards, mailings, letters, and drop-offs
  • 8 “thank you” cards
  • 3 telephone calls
  • 2 birthday cards
  • 1 mother’s day card
  • 1 father’s day card

The primary touches that consist of emails, cards, and letters can be sent as: real estate news, market reports, personal brochures, holiday cards, and Just Listed postcards. Your main goal is to make sure that you are the foremost real estate agent that these individuals think of when they’re looking to buy a home, invest in a property, or list their home on the market. The market research performed by Gary Keller indicated that agents could net a total of two sales for every 12 individuals who were recipients of the 33 Touch plan.

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Today (5)

Building a Team to Convert Your Leads for You

Once you begin to make consistent sales, you should be ready to grow your real estate business. The key to growth in the real estate industry is to build a team who will be able to convert your leads for you. Eventually, you’ll find that you don’t have the time needed to cultivate every lead on your own. To that end, having the right team members by your side can help you manage this process without it becoming overwhelming. You don’t want to be in a position where you generate leads but don’t follow up with them, which only results in lost business and a worse reputation in the industry.

Once leads have been generated, Gary Keller states that these leads “must be followed up on and turned into listing presentations and buyer appointments”. The appointments that you set should lead to a decent number of seller and buyer agreements being signed. If you want to grow your business to the point that you bring in more than $1 million in net income, it’s important that you hire staff members who are able to convert leads at the same rate as you are.

To accomplish your goals in real estate, it will take some time for you to identify, recruit, and fully train the talent you bring onboard. Along with hiring the right talent, it’s also essential that you have the right tools in place to track and convert your leads.

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Today (6)

The Organizational Model

The organizational model involves knowing which individuals to bring onboard as well as the skills that should be listed on their resumes. Real estate companies require three staffing areas, which include:

  • Administrative staff – Listings manager, administrative manager, marketing manager, lead coordinator, transaction coordinator, and assistant
  • Buyer staff – Buyer specialists, lead buyer specialist, and showing agents
  • Seller staff – Listings specialists and lead listings specialist

Your focus should be on hiring for administrative positions, all of which should be filled before you begin hiring buyer and seller staff. If every member of your team has the drive and talent that you do, your business will invariably grow.

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Today (7)

Using Formulas to Keep Expenses in Order

If you want your net income to be as high as possible, it’s essential that you take measures to keep your expenses in order. Let’s say that your real estate company brings in $800,000 in revenue for a single year. If your expenses amount to $770,000, you would only have around $50,000 in net income. You can increase your income by getting rid of as many unnecessary expenses as possible.

The Budget Model

The Budget model has proven to be among the most effective ways to grow a real estate business. In this book, Gary Keller describes the budget model as being centered around real estate expenses. It’s important to identify what happens to the money you bring in. When you first receive money, this is referred to as gross revenue. The gross revenue that you end up keeping is your net income. The difference between gross revenue and net income involves expenses.

The purpose of the budget model is to effectively maximize your net income, which means that your total expenses won’t reduce your gross revenue by too much. Most real estate agents don’t enjoy using the budget model because they view their expenses as a simple cost of doing business. Gary Keller says that expenses are an investment into a real estate agent’s future. The expenses you pay for now are designed to solidify and grow your business, both of which are essential for long-term success.

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Today (8)

Breaking Down the Path to $1 Million Dollars in Net Earnings

Once you’ve started to cultivate and convert leads, hire the right staff for your company, and create a budget, you should have all of the necessary tools in place to obtain $1 million in net earnings.

The Economic Model

This is a simple formula that tells you how to input numbers that you’ll need to reach in certain areas if you want to obtain your desired net income. If $1 million in net income is your current goal, the economic model is necessary if you want to reach your goal in a structured manner. A proper economic model should tell you where the money comes from, where the money goes, and how much is left.

While this model may seem simplistic, many agents make the mistake of not knowing where their money is coming from or not understanding how much money will be left by year’s end. Any economic model depends on projected outcomes and results. You must identify the numbers you need to reach, appointments you need to make, and conversion rates. The only way to earn any income is by converting leads into sales.

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Today (9)

What’s Changed Since The Millionaire Real Estate Agent was Published?

While “The Millionaire Real Estate Agent” is nearly just as relevant in 2021 as it was when it was first published in 2003, there have been some notable changes in the real estate industry over the past two decades. Real estate agents have had to adapt to these changes to continue their success.

Print Ads are (Almost) Obsolete

In the early 21st century, print ads were among the most effective methods for advertising your business and new listings that you wanted readers to see. Today, however, print ads are nearly obsolete and should no longer take precedent over more modern forms of advertising. While you can still place ads in print media, it’s more affordable and productive to take advantage of digital marketing with social media ads, email ads, and search ads.

Yellow Pages has Gone Digital

The digital age has also caused Yellow Pages to go digital, which can make your job easier. Any ads you create can be displayed on websites that show Yellow Pages, which should have a considerably broader reach in comparison to traditional yellow pages.

Zoom and Signing Documents Digitally

Zoom is a highly popular teleconferencing software that allows prospective buyers to view properties virtually as opposed to attending open houses. Keep in mind that real estate agents can host as many as 100 participants in a single conference, which can be invaluable when you’re trying to obtain offers on a listing.

One aspect of the real estate industry that has changed for every agent is that documents are now signed digitally. When offers are made and contracts are signed, these transactions can be finalized with the use of electronic signatures through a secure portal. As such, these transactions can be completed in a much more efficient manner. Other than these three aspects, everything else that’s stated in “The Millionaire Real Estate Agent” still holds true in 2021.

Final Thoughts

While “The Millionaire Real Estate Agent” was published nearly two decades ago, the subject matter continues to be relevant well into the 21st century. Lead generation is as important as ever and is the only way that you’ll be able to garner long-term growth and success.

However, it’s also important that you budget well, hire the right people, maintain a good work-life balance, and adhere to the four business models mentioned previously. With the right approach, you can put your real estate company on the path towards $1 million in net earnings.

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The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Today (2024)


What is the millionaire real estate agent book quotes? ›

And remember, you can't get anywhere if you never start! If it's to be, it will be me. If you choose to track only two areas of your business, track your leads and your listings. Think a Million, Earn a Million, Net a Million, and Receive a Million.

What is the most asked question to real estate agent? ›

Frequently Asked Real Estate Questions from Buyers
  • What's the initial step in purchasing a home? ...
  • What are my options if my offer is turned down? ...
  • How does my agent get paid when buying a house? ...
  • What if I sell my home but I'm not able to find a new one to buy? ...
  • Home prices are going down.

What percent of real estate agents become millionaires? ›

California: 44% New York State: 24%

What is the millionaire real estate investor book about? ›

The Millionaire Real Estate Investor represents the collected wisdom and experience of over 100 millionaire investors from all walks of life who pursued financial wealth and achieved the life-changing freedom it delivers. This book--in straightforward, no nonsense, easy-to-read style--reveals their proven strategies.

What is the millionaire real estate agent about? ›

Brief summary

"The Millionaire Real Estate Agent" by Gary Keller, Dave Jenks, and Jay Papasan offers a proven formula for achieving great success in real estate by focusing on finding quality leads, earning trust, and delivering results.

What is 5 millionaire quotes? ›

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Quotes
  • Rich people believe "I create my life." Poor people believe "Life happens to me."
  • Rich people play the money game to win. ...
  • Rich people are committed to being rich. ...
  • Rich people think big. ...
  • Rich people focus on opportunities. ...
  • Rich people admire other rich and successful people.

What is the toughest thing about being a real estate agent? ›

One of the hardest things about being a real estate agent is smoothing your income so that it is consistent throughout the year. This requires discipline and rigorous budgeting. Some agents take second jobs.

What is the most googled question about real estate? ›

The eternal question of whether it's the right time to buy or sell a home is a perennial favorite among internet searches. Timing the real estate market perfectly is challenging, and the decision to buy or sell should be based on individual circ*mstances and objectives.

What is the most important for real estate agent? ›

Top Ten Traits of a Real Estate Agent
  • An Understanding of the Local Housing Market.
  • Attention to Detail. ...
  • An Engaging Personality. ...
  • An Interest in Houses and Architecture. ...
  • Hustle and Tenacity. ...
  • Honesty and Integrity. ...
  • An Entrepreneurial Spirit. ...
  • A Problem-Solver Mindset. ...

Why are realtors so rich? ›

Most real estate agents are paid for their services through commissions that are based on a percentage of the property's selling price. How much money agents make each year depends on the number of transactions they complete, the commissions they bring in, and the split with their sponsoring broker.

What do 90% of millionaires have in common? ›

Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.

What type of realtors make the most money? ›

Commercial Real Estate Broker: Highest Potential Salary: $296,500. Real Estate Wholesaler: Highest Potential Salary: $360,000+ (12+ deals per year with $30,000 profit per assignment fee) House Flipper: Highest Potential Salary: $392,000 (7+ flips per year with $56,000 profit per deal)

What are the 6 basic rules of investing Robert Kiyosaki? ›

Six Basic Rules of Investing
  • Basic investing rule #1: Know what kind of income you're working for. ...
  • Basic investing rule #2: Convert ordinary income into passive income. ...
  • Basic investing rule #3: The investor is the asset or liability. ...
  • Basic investing rule #4: Be prepared. ...
  • Basic investing rule #5: Good deals attract money.
Oct 12, 2017

Who is the most famous real estate investor? ›

The 8 Biggest Real Estate Investors in America
  1. Donald Bren. Net Worth. In the first quarter of 2021, Donald Leroy Bren's net worth was $12.4 billion. ...
  2. Stephen Ross. Net Worth. ...
  3. Sun Hongbin. Net Worth. ...
  4. Leonard Stern. Net Worth. ...
  5. Neil Bluhm. Net Worth. ...
  6. Igor Olenicoff. Net Worth. ...
  7. Jeff Greene. Net Worth. ...
  8. Sam Zell. Net Worth.

Who is the real estate rich guy? ›

While Ross' wealth declined, it's been a good year for Orange County, California-based Donald Bren, who remains the wealthiest real estate billionaire in the U.S. Bren's net worth is now estimated at $18 billion, up from $17.4 billion in 2022.

What is the quote from millionaire Success habits? ›

It doesn't matter how fast you can go, it doesn't matter how much passion you have, and it doesn't matter how much energy you put into something. If you don't have a vision and clarity on the destination you want to reach, you'll simply never get there.

What does the millionaire next door talk about? ›

In summary, "The Millionaire Next Door" provides valuable insights into the lifestyles and habits of self-made millionaires. It challenges the stereotypes associated with wealth and highlights the importance of financial discipline, investing wisely, and living below one's means.

What is the million to one quote? ›

Scientists have calculated that the chances of something so patently absurd actually existing are millions to one. But magicians have calculated that million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten.

Why is the book titled The Automatic millionaire? ›

The book is not a “fast lane” guide to riches, it really is what it says it is: a plan to put your money to work automatically and let it get to grow to millions.

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.