The Kelly Formula: Growth-Optimized Money Management Not for the Faint of Heart (NASDAQ:PETS) (2024)

A law of the theory of betting is that the optimal procedure is to bet proportionally to one's advantage, adjusted by variance. This is the well-known "Kelly Formula" (aka 'Kelly Criterion'), discovered by John Kelly in the 1950’s. It results in the maximum expected rate of bankroll growth, and is mathematically the optimal strategy for money management in betting games.

The Kelly Formula was popularized by Ed Thorp in his 1962 book “Beat the Dealer” This book inspired millions of gamblers and stock investors alike. The concept is simple – when the odds are good, you bet a higher percentage of your bankroll. All great investors use this formula, either implicitly or explicitly. When Warren Buffett managed much smaller sums of money back in the ‘60’s, he is known to have placed up to 40% of the portfolio in a single stock.

The Kelly Formula is: Kelly % = W - (1-W)/R where:

  • Kelly % = percentage of capital to be put into a single trade.
  • W = Historical winning percentage of a trading system.
  • R = Historical Average Win/Loss ratio.

So why doesn’t every money manager follow this simple formula? It’s because betting the standard Kelly % entails wild swings, which are not for the faint of heart. Betting the straight Kelly % results in a 1/3 chance of halving a portfolio before it doubles. Many investors will not hold on to a stock during such extreme drawdowns. A more risk-averse strategy used by some is to scale things back and bet a fraction (such as ½ or 1/3) of the Kelly bet. This is done commonly by blackjack and poker players. The risk of a 50% drawdown of your bankroll is significantly reduced with fractional Kelly betting (less than 1% at ¼ Kelly).

The Kelly formula (and fractional Kelly betting) easily applies to simpler betting games such as Poker, where the gambler can calculate the exact odds, has an immediate payback, and has only one investing opportunity per unit of time (a single hand).

The stock market requires a special application of the Kelly formula because the Odds received cannot be known precisely, the stock investor must wait up to several years for his payback, and the stock market offers thousands of investing opportunities each day. While many investors may walk away from Kelly betting due to these difficulties, I do not think they are insurmountable. Ed Thorp himself ran a hugely successful hedge fund in the 1970’s and ‘80’s using Kelly Formula principles.

I’ve input the Kelly Formula into Excel, and created a spreadsheet with adjustments for stock market investing. Once a favorable stock investment opportunity is identified, I’m going to use this spreadsheet to decide how much of my portfolio to invest. Again, the idea is that you want to find that fraction which maximizes the amount of money you expect to win over a lifetime of investing.

Below is a photo of the spreadsheet with some standard inputs (you can purchase this spreadsheet on the ‘Research Offers’ page of my website). I can easily change the assumptions to generate new Kelly fractional bets. Cells colored Blue require User input, those in yellow show several versions of Kelly fractions. Column definitions with further explanations follow:

The Kelly Formula for Stock Investing

Column Definitions

(1) This is the discount of a stock from its fair value. For example, you calculate a stock’s value as $100, and the stock is selling for $75 in the market, giving a 25% discount. My own minimum discount is 25%. I have the spreadsheet set up to automatically increase the discount by 5% each successive row but this can easily be changed . Side note, for more information about calculating fair value, see my post here.

(2) One of my favorite Warren Buffett quotes is: “The price you pay determines your rate of return.” column 2, an input into the Kelly Formula, is calculated automatically and displays the rate of return for each given discount in column 1. For example, that $100 stock selling for $75 presents a 100/75 = 1.33, or 33% return opportunity.

(3) and (4) Column 3 is the probability of a winning trade, and column 4 the probability of a Losing trade. Examine your trading history to determine this (ie. 12 winning trades out of 20 total gives 60% Winners) These columns have the greatest impact on the Kelly equation. Be conservative here, thinking of both bull and bear markets. Column 4 is calculated for you as (1-column 3).

(5) The Standard Kelly %, only for the brave of heart, or for use at your Friday night Poker game where you don’t mind some wild swings.

Columns 6 through 11 provide adjustments due to the realities of stock investing.

(6) Column 6 addresses the issue of not knowing a stock’s true fair value precisely. Some stocks you may have 90% or more confidence in your calculation of its fair value. Others may be far less. For example, I can more confidently estimate the value of a steady grower like Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) or Coca-Cola (KO) than a small-cap stock with erratic earnings. I leave this value as a judgment call. If I believe I can estimate a stock’s true value within 10%, I’ll use a 90% confidence. Greater range of value will lead to less confidence.

(7) Column 7 is simply column 6 multiplied by column 2.

(8) Column 8 introduces the ‘Time Value of Money’. At the base of the column, the user enters the expected number of years for a discounted stock to reach fair value (3 years is often given in literature), and the return on cash as an alternate investment opportunity.

(9) Column 9 shows the impact of columns 6 and 8 on the Kelly Formula. As seen by comparing column 9 to column 5, a high confidence level and current low level of return on cash result in a somewhat minimized impact on the optimal Kelly fraction. But don’t be fooled, changing those assumptions has very interesting results. I call this the ‘Non-Diversified’ Kelly %, as it does not yet account for a situation such as the stock market, with many simultaneous investment opportunities.

10) Column 10 is the ‘magic formula’ which provides diversification, found in an Ed Thorp paper written in 1997 describing (among other things) how to adjust the Kelly approach when multiple investing opportunities - such as encountered in the stock market – are offered. Thorp first used this formula for sports betting in Las Vegas, where he could find many decent bet opportunities each day. The formula is fairly simple, and is always a ratio less than the difference between winning and losing percentage (column 3 – column 4).

11) Column 11 presents the final modified Kelly fraction, which accounts for all prior adjustments as well as the diversity found in stock investing. Naturally, the investor places a greater fraction of his portfolio in stocks which provide a greater opportunity of return, and this column shows how.

Undervalued Stock Application
Petmed Express (NASDAQ:PETS), better known as 1-800-PETMEDS, is a highly successful pet pharmacy specializing in online and direct-to-consumer marketing of pet medications and health products. This small-cap stock has had consistent earnings growth for the last 10 years. PETS has no debt, holds over 20% of its market value in cash, offers an attractive 3.3% dividend yield, and management has been shareholder-friendly. The PETS stock is at $14.72 per share, and I calculate fair value at $22.60, giving us a 35% discount from fair value.

Given its steady earnings growth, I'm at a high (90%) confidence on fair value. Utilizing the Kelly Formula, I should place 5% of my portfolio in PETS stock (column 11) and hold until the market recognizes this value. If I could find 19 more stocks offering this set of discount/confidence levels, I would construct a 20 stock portfolio of undervalued stocks.

Further Notes on the Spreadsheet Results:

a) Using the results shown in column 11, an investor would end up with a 10 to 25 stock portfolio (ie, 10 stocks offered at an 80% discount each, up to 25 stocks offered at a 25% discount each). I’ve found that many value investing managers have said that range of number of stocks was an ideal portfolio. Personally, I’d be willing to hold just 10 stocks if I can purchase each at an 80% discount to fair value.

b) Joel Greenblatt, hedge fund manager and creator of the Magic Formula stock investing method, used a 25 stock portfolio to generate 30% annual returns for almost 20 years. I note that the ‘Diversified’ Kelly fraction of 4% (25 stocks) correlates well with an expected return of 33% (column 2).

c) In my own experience, I can now see where I should have been using a method such as this to place a higher percentage of my portfolio in stocks with a greater discount to fair value. The best two stocks that I’m currently holding (HOS and GOK - average return of 84% in 6 months - were deeply discounted to fair value, around 70%. Yet, I only bought 3% of each, when I should have invested 9% each (18% total) – see column 11 using current assumptions. The resulting gains in my portfolio would have been significantly more.

d) Warren Buffett has said investors should invest as if they will only purchase 20 stocks in their entire lives. If you want to play Warren Buffett, and have high confidence in your abilities – then use column 9, the ‘Non-Diversified’ fractional Kelly %. But you can expect significant volatility (hopefully, of course, only on the upside).

Disclosure: I am long PETS.

Healthy Wealthy Wise Project

I've developed personal investing strategies for individual stocks and Asset Allocation:1) Stocks - Fundamental value investor using Free Cash Flow as defined by Buffett's 1987 shareholder letter. Invest in predictable, undervalued stocks with good management. Buy with a Margin of Safety, Sell at Intrinsic Value. Hold cash when nothing is available at my price. Use the Kelly Formula to determine optimum fraction to invest in each stock which maximizes the amount of money you win over a lifetime of investing.2) Asset Allocation (for 401-k, small IRA accounts, and available cash) - Use a 'Value-Weighted' asset allocation strategy with inputs of projected returns/historic volatility. Apply the Kelly Formula to determine optimal asset allocation. Rebalance twice a year in April and October.Store my portfolio - and my brain - on the web at

The Kelly Formula: Growth-Optimized Money Management Not for the Faint of Heart (NASDAQ:PETS) (2024)


What is the Kelly growth rate formula? ›

Deriving the Kelly Criterion

So, after applying a simple logarithm and deriving it, we get that the max growth rate is achieved when x = p/a – q/b, which is super simple! Again, when a = 1, which means that you lose the entire amount of money you bet if you lose, then we get the initial equation given: F = p – q/b.

What is the Kelly's equation? ›

It is based on the formula k% = bp–q/b, with p and q equaling the probabilities of winning and losing, respectively.

What is the Kelly rule for growth optimal investment? ›

In probability theory, the Kelly criterion (or Kelly strategy or Kelly bet) is a formula for sizing a sequence of bets by maximizing the long-term expected value of the logarithm of wealth, which is equivalent to maximizing the long-term expected geometric growth rate.

What is the optimal F Kelly formula? ›

With this we can calculate the optimal Kelly leverage via f = μ / σ 2 = 0.077 / 0.124 2 = 5.01 . Thus the Kelly leverage says that for a 100,000 USD portfolio we should borrow an additional 401,000 USD to have a total portfolio value of 501,000 USD.

What is the Kelly formula for money management? ›

The Kelly's formula is : Kelly % = W – (1-W)/R where: Kelly % = percentage of capital to be put into a single trade. W = Historical winning percentage of a trading system. R = Historical Average Win/Loss ratio.

What is the Kelly formula used? ›

The Kelly criterion is a mathematical formula relating to the long-term growth of capital developed by John L. Kelly Jr. while working at AT&T's Bell Laboratories. It is used to determine how much to invest in a given asset, in order to maximize wealth growth over time.

What is the Kelly's method? ›

Kelly's Method

This method is known as fixed weighted aggregative index and is currently in great favour n the construction of index number series. An important advantages of this formula is that like Laspeyres index it does not demand yearly changes in the weights.

What is the Kelly's ratio? ›

Kelly's ratio (KR) or Kelly's index (KI)

KR/KI > 1 indicates an excess level of Na+ in waters.

How to use Kelly Criterion in options trading? ›

Investors can put Kelly's system to use by following these simple steps:
  1. Access your last 50 to 60 trades. ...
  2. Calculate "W," the winning probability. ...
  3. Calculate "R," the win/loss ratio. ...
  4. Input these numbers into Kelly's equation.
  5. Record the Kelly percentage that the equation returns.

What is the 72 rule in wealth management? ›

What Is the Rule of 72? The Rule of 72 is a simple way to determine how long an investment will take to double given a fixed annual rate of interest. Dividing 72 by the annual rate of return gives investors a rough estimate of how many years it will take for the initial investment to duplicate itself.

What is the 3 fund rule? ›

A three-fund portfolio consists of a U.S. total market stock fund, an international total market stock fund and a total market bond fund. These funds can be purchased through online brokers, and you typically shouldn't have to pay an expense ratio of more than 0.10 percent.

What is the 5 rule of investing? ›

This sort of five percent rule is a yardstick to help investors with diversification and risk management. Using this strategy, no more than 1/20th of an investor's portfolio would be tied to any single security. This protects against material losses should that single company perform poorly or become insolvent.

How to calculate the Kelly formula? ›

Kelly formula for bets
  1. The first Kelly equation looked as follows:
  2. f = P – Q.
  3. where:
  4. f – the capital share;
  5. P – probability of the winning bet;
  6. Q – probability of the loss, that is Q=1-P.
  7. This formula could be applied if wins and losses are equal. ...
  8. If the win and loss are not equal, you can use another variant:

What is the difference between optimal F and Kelly? ›

Optimal f provides the correct optimal fraction to risk in all cases, while the Kelly Criterion only does so in the special case and can result in values greater than 1, which do not represent a true fraction.

What is the Kelly criterion for stocks? ›

In any situation where there are favorable risky investments, following the Kelly strategy means that you accept a medium-term risk which is always of the same format: 40% chance that at some time your wealth will drop to only 40% of what you started with.

How do you calculate growth rate formula? ›

To calculate the percentage growth rate, use the basic growth rate formula: subtract the original from the new value and divide the results by the original value. To turn that into a percent increase, multiply the results by 100.

What is the formula for list growth rate? ›

First, determine the net increase in subscribers over a given period. This is found by subtracting the number of unsubscribes from the number of new subscribers. Then, divide this net increase by the total number of subscribers at the start of the period. Multiply the result by 100 to express the rate as a percentage.

What is the formula specific growth rate? ›

Specific growth rate (SGR) was calculated for each group at the end of each sampling period as: SGR: (% day − 1) = 100 × [(ln final fish weight) − (ln initial fish weight)]/days fed.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.