The Investor's Perspective: What They Look for in a Pitch Deck (2024)

Creating a killer pitch deck is super important when you’re trying to get investors on board. It’s not just about making pretty slides; it’s about telling your business story in a way that grabs their attention.

Every day, over 1,000 new pitch decks pop up worldwide. Think about it: a typical venture capital firm sifts through 500 to 1,000 of these annually. The numbers shift based on the firm's size and its niche.

With such fierce competition, it's crucial to make your deck stand out. Remember, it's not just about a great deck, but also finding the right investors to show it to.

In this blog we’re going to break down the key stuff that investors really want to see in your pitch deck. We’ll talk about how to tell your story, show your numbers, and basically, make them excited about your business idea. Whether you’re a startup or a big company looking to grow, knowing what investors are looking for can make a huge difference in how successful your pitch is. Let’s dive in and make your pitch deck into a compelling story!

Why do pitch decks fail?

Crafting a winning pitch can feel like scaling a mountain, especially considering that a whopping 99% of them miss the mark with investors. There are a few key reasons behind this staggering failure rate.

  • From Idea to Business: Having an idea is just the beginning; it's the execution that transforms it into a viable business. Investors aren’t merely interested in concepts, they’re looking for teams capable of turning those concepts into profitable ventures. When asked why you should be the one to bring this idea to life, the answer shouldn’t revolve solely around personal passion or dreams. Instead, it should showcase the expertise, industry connections, and network that position you and your team to succeed. Investors want to know why you’re uniquely qualified to tackle this opportunity and turn it into a successful business venture.

  • Balancing Ambition and Realism: Final projections are a critical component of any startup pitch, but they must be realistic and well-founded. Overestimating revenue potential or relying on simplistic projections like market share percentages can undermine your credibility with investors. It’s essential to strike a balance between ambition and realism when forecasting your startup’s financials. Investors expect a clear understanding of your company’s potential earnings and growth trajectory, aligned with market realities. By demonstrating a thorough grasp of your startup’s financial outlook, you enhance your credibility and appeal to potential investors.

  • Invested Leadership: A committed and fully invested team is a fundamental indicator of a startup’s potential for success. Investors assess the level of dedication and commitment from the founding team, including their willingness to invest their own resources into the venture. If founders aren’t willing to invest their own capital, it raises questions about their confidence in the business and its potential for success. Before seeking external investment, founders should demonstrate their commitment by investing their own funds and resources to the startups. This signals the team’s dedication to seeing the venture through to fruition.

What Investors Really Want to See?

The pitch deck remains a critical tool for startups seeking funding. Despite numerous resources and best practices available, early-stage companies continue to seek guidance on crafting effective presentations. This ongoing pursuit of refinement reflects the vital role a pitch deck plays in securing investment. A well-constructed pitch deck can be the difference between securing the resources needed to propel a startup forward and missing out on crucial funding opportunities. Here are some of the most valuable points to be considered while pitching

  1. The Customer Challenge: A Pain Point Worth Solving

Investors seek pitch decks that succinctly articulate the challenges faced by the target market, emphasizing the size and urgency of the unmet needs. Entrepreneurs must provide compelling evidence, such as market research or customer testimonials, to validate the existence and significance of the problem. By positioning their offering as the optimal solution, surpassing existing alternatives or filling a unique gap in the market, entrepreneurs demonstrate the value proposition of their venture to potential investors. This approach not only showcases the potential for substantial returns on investment but also establishes confidence in the business's ability to address a pressing market demand effectively.

From an investor's perspective, a pitch deck that effectively communicates the customer challenge and presents a compelling solution represents an attractive investment opportunity. By aligning with market demand and demonstrating a clear value proposition, entrepreneurs can instill confidence in investors regarding the viability and growth potential of their venture.

  1. Unveiling Your Service: A Closer Look

By clearly outlining the service features and benefits, entrepreneurs demonstrate the tangible value that their offering delivers to customers, thereby highlighting its market potential and revenue-generating capabilities. Investors are particularly interested in understanding the target audience and how the service addresses their needs, as this directly influences market penetration and growth prospects. Moreover, defining market segmentation enables investors to assess the business's ability to effectively target and capture specific customer segments, enhancing confidence in its market positioning and scalability.

Additionally, investors closely scrutinize production goals and capacity to evaluate the business's operational efficiency and its ability to meet customer demand. Understanding the production process and capacity allows investors to gauge the feasibility of scaling operations to accommodate future growth and capitalize on market opportunities. By presenting these key elements concisely, entrepreneurs can ignite investor interest and lay the foundation for deeper discussions about the business's potential and investment opportunities. Ultimately, a well-articulated service unveiling in the pitch deck not only captures investor attention but also instills confidence in the business's ability to deliver value and achieve sustainable growth.

  1. The A-Team: Why We’re Right People for the Job

Investors often invest in people rather than just ideas, and for good reason. The founder team is one of the most critical factors that investors consider when evaluating startup opportunities. Investors look for founders who not only have a deep understanding of the problem they are solving but also possess the skills, experience, and passion to execute on their vision. A strong founder team typically consists of individuals with complementary skill sets, relevant industry experience, domain expertise, and a track record of success. Additionally, investors pay close attention to the dynamics within the founder team, looking for cohesion, communication, and mutual respect.

By showcasing your team strengths, experience, and unwavering commitment, you build investor confidence in your ability to navigate the road ahead.

  1. Beyond the Starting Line: Traction & Milestone Journey

Traction refers to evidence that the startup is gaining momentum and making progress towards its goals. Investors place a high value on traction because it serves as validation of the startup's value proposition and market demand. Investors weigh traction differently depending on the startup vertical. For example, user growth may be valued higher for a social media startup than an enterprise SaaS company.

Majority of startups fail due to lack of product-market fit. Traction proves that market demand exists for the offering. Traction metrics like user growth, engagement, and retention demonstrate market validation of a product. Startups that can demonstrate meaningful traction and achieve key milestones are perceived as less risky investments and are more likely to attract investor interest.

  1. A Sustainable Business Model for Long-Term Growth

Scalability refers to the ability of a startup to grow its revenue and customer base without a proportional increase in costs. Investors are particularly interested in startups with scalable business models that have the potential to achieve rapid and sustainable growth. A scalable business model allows a startup to leverage its resources efficiently and capture a larger share of the market over time. When evaluating a startup's scalability, investors assess factors such as the size of the addressable market, customer acquisition costs, revenue potential, gross margins, and operational efficiency.

  1. Standing Out From the Crowd: Sharpening the Competitive Edge

There is often a correlation between competitive advantages and share price. A long-term investor wants to invest in companies with a superior edge in their business model.

Companies with strong advantages tend to have higher earnings potential and a greater ability to grow their revenue and market share over time.

In today's competitive landscape, startups need more than just a great idea to succeed—they need a sustainable competitive advantage that sets them apart from rivals. Investors look for startups that have a defensible competitive advantage, whether it's through proprietary technology, unique intellectual property, network effects, exclusive partnerships, strong brand identity, or economies of scale. A sustainable competitive advantage not only helps a startup differentiate itself in the market but also acts as a barrier to entry for competitors, protecting the startup's market share and enhancing its long-term viability.

  1. Crafting Fundraising Strategy: An Effective Approach for Success

Defining your fundraising goals for your startup is crucial for attracting potential investors effectively. Firstly, it's imperative to conduct a comprehensive analysis of your financial needs, understanding precisely how much capital is required to sustain and grow your business. Having a clear understanding of your financial situation ensures you can confidently communicate your funding requirements to investors. Secondly, articulate a clear plan for how you intend to utilize the funds. Investors need assurance that their investment will contribute to tangible growth and progress within your business. Detailing specific goals and milestones that the funds will help achieve demonstrates a strategic approach to resource allocation.

However, it's essential to set realistic fundraising goals tailored to your startup's stage and market position. Being overly ambitious may deter potential investors, so focus on attainable targets that align with your immediate objectives. Moreover, a solid business plan is paramount in garnering investor confidence. Your plan should articulate your company's mission, vision, and strategy, providing insights into your target market, competition, and marketing approach.

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A well-thought-out business plan serves as a roadmap for both your team and potential investors, outlining the path to success. Lastly, be prepared to address challenging questions from investors transparently. Honesty and openness about your business, including its strengths and weaknesses, build trust and credibility with potential investors.

  1. Market Fit and Customer Validation: The Key Pillars of Startup Viability

Achieving product-market fit is crucial for startup success. Investors want to see evidence that the startup's product or service resonates with customers and addresses a real pain point or need in the market. Startups that have validated their product-market fit through customer feedback, market research, user testing, or early sales traction are more likely to attract investor interest. Customer validation can take many forms, including positive testimonials, repeat purchases, referrals, or partnerships with reputable clients. Investors view customer validation as a strong indicator of market demand and a validation of the startup's value proposition.

  1. Building Investor Confidence: Approach to Mitigating Risk

Every startup faces risks, ranging from market competition and technological challenges to regulatory hurdles and operational issues. Investors expect startups to identify and assess these risks upfront and develop effective mitigation strategies to address them. Startups that demonstrate awareness of potential risks and have proactive plans in place to mitigate them are perceived as less risky investments. Investors appreciate startups that are transparent about their risks and candid about their mitigation plans, as it shows a level of preparedness and risk management maturity.

  1. Perfect Fit: Aligning Startup with Investor's Goals

Finally, investors consider whether a startup aligns with their investment thesis, sector focus, and risk appetite. Each investor has unique preferences, objectives, and criteria for evaluating opportunities. Some investors may prioritize certain industries, technologies, or geographic regions, while others may have specific investment themes or impact goals. Additionally, investors assess the potential for alignment in terms of strategic vision, values, and exit expectations. Startups that align closely with an investor's goals are more likely to attract investment and forge a successful long-term partnership.

The Pitch Deck Dealbreaker: Why Investors Pass on Funding

Fundraising is becoming tougher every year.

Only 1 % of the pitch decks clinch the funds. While investors glance at about 10% of decks, a mere fraction, less than 1% succeed.

Investors spend just 2 minutes 37 seconds on each deck, so make sure that your pitch is clear and engaging.

Investors also look for specific information and a clear vision, and a subpar pitch deck can raise red flags that lead to rejection. Here’s a breakdown of the key reasons why investors might pass on a pitch deck:

  1. Unconvincing Value Proposition

  • Problem-Solution Mismatch: A strong pitch deck starts with a clearly defined problem your product or service solves. If the problem isn’t well-articulated or the solution seems irrelevant, investors will struggle to see the unique value proposition.
  • Lack of Differentiation: Is your idea truly innovative, or is it just another player in a crowded market? A deck lacking clear differentiation makes it difficult to see why your startup would succeed.

  1. Flawed Business Model

  • Unrealistic Revenue Streams: How will your company make money? A well-defined business model outlines revenue streams and demonstrates a clear path to profitability. Without a credible plan for generating revenue, investors will not be able to invest in your startup.
  • Missing Financial Projections: While financials are crucial, only 58% of successful pitch decks include them.

DocSend's analysis of 320 decks revealed a stark difference: none of the failed decks had financials.

Though startups might lack existing financials, forecasting can shape the narrative. It's not just about numbers but showcasing diligence and understanding. However, if the financial story isn't compelling, some say it's better left untold and focus on traction.

  1. Weak Team Composition

  • Lack of Expertise: Investors back the people behind the idea as much as the idea itself! Does your team have the necessary experience and skills to execute your vision? A deck that doesn’t highlight the team’s qualifications or portrays a lack of relevant expertise can be a major drawback.
  • Unclear Leadership: Who’s at the helm? A strong leadership is essential for navigating the challenges of a startup. A deck that doesn’t showcase a clear leadership structure can raise doubts about the company’s future direction.

  1. Uncompelling Pitch Deck Design and Delivery

  • Visually unprofessional design: A picture is worth a thousand words, especially in pitch decks.

Research from the University of Minnesota and 3M Corporation reveals that decks with visuals pack a punch, being 43% more persuasive.

It's not just about looking pretty; it's about clarity and impact. While your message is king, presenting it with the right visuals boosts its chances of success. So, when crafting your deck, choose visuals wisely and make every image count.

  1. Market Misunderstanding

  • Insufficient Market Research: A strong understanding of your target market is essential for success. A deck lacking thorough market research, one that misidentifies the target audience suggests a lack of preparation and could lead investors to question the overall market opportunity.
  • Weak Competitive Analysis: Who are your competitors, and how will you outperform them? A deck that downplays the competition or lacks a clear strategy for differentiation raises concerns about the long-term sustainability of the business.

By understanding these common pitfalls, entrepreneurs can craft a pitch deck that effectively communicates their vision, showcases the potential of their venture, and increases their chances of securing investment. Remember, a pitch deck is a crucial key for securing funding, so invest the time and effort to make it truly shine.


In the competitive landscape of startup fundraising, crafting a compelling pitch deck can be the difference between securing investment and facing rejection. Understanding what investors look for in a pitch deck is crucial for entrepreneurs seeking to stand out amidst the sea of presentations.

From highlighting the customer challenge and demonstrating market fit to showcasing the strength of the founding team and outlining a sustainable business model, each element plays a critical role in capturing investor interest and confidence.

However, creating an effective pitch deck can be a daunting task, especially for those new to the fundraising process. That's where Parati's new AI tool, Zynth, comes in. With its ability to generate investor pitch decks, entrepreneurs can streamline the creation process and ensure their presentations are professional, engaging, and tailored to investor expectations.

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or new to the world of pitch decks, it's essential to have a solid understanding of the fundamental building blocks. If you're new to pitch decks, we recommend checking out our basics of developing a pitch deck blog to get started.

At Parati, we've leveraged our proven experience in writing pitch decks for over 50 companies to develop Zynth, providing entrepreneurs with a powerful tool to elevate their fundraising efforts. With Zynth by your side, you can confidently present your business idea to investors, knowing that your pitch deck is backed by expertise and tailored to impress.

In the fast-paced world of startup funding, a well-crafted pitch deck is your ticket to success. Let us help you unlock your fundraising potential and take your startup to new heights.

The Investor's Perspective: What They Look for in a Pitch Deck (2024)


The Investor's Perspective: What They Look for in a Pitch Deck? ›

Investors seek pitch decks that succinctly articulate the challenges faced by the target market, emphasizing the size and urgency of the unmet needs. Entrepreneurs must provide compelling evidence, such as market research or customer testimonials, to validate the existence and significance of the problem.

What do investors look for in a pitch deck? ›

A clear explanation of the problem your product or service is solving. The size of your market and potential competitors. Growth models. Evidence that your team can pull it off.

What are 4 key points in a pitch deck? ›

Your pitch deck should include essential elements like a problem statement, your unique solution, market traction, revenue model, competition analysis, and financial projections. Each slide should focus on telling a compelling story about your business and its potential to attract investment.

What is the investor's point of view? ›

An investment view describes an investor's market outlook and how they perceive the costs vs. benefits of a potential investment. One's investment view will vary deepening on macroeconomic factors, a particular investment's underlying fundamentals, and the investor's own risk profile and funds available to invest.

How do you make a good investor pitch deck? ›

No matter what stage of funding your company is at, your pitch deck will need to cover each of these topics:
  1. Your mission or vision.
  2. The problem you're solving.
  3. The market size of the opportunity.
  4. Your product — and what makes it unique.
  5. Traction and revenue.
  6. Evidence that your team can execute.
Nov 9, 2022

How does a pitch deck look? ›

The structure of a pitch deck includes six main sections: the intro, the status quo section, the product section, the market section, the why us section and the ask. It needs to tell your company story. It needs to convince the investor that they can make money with this. It needs to do that in under 4 minutes.

Why is investor pitch deck important? ›

Pitch decks can be used by entrepreneurs to showcase their business to investors when seeking funding. Entrepreneurs are likely familiar with an “elevator pitch”—a convincing and impressive speech about a business idea or goal that's short enough to tell in an elevator ride.

What is the main goal of a pitch deck? ›

A pitch deck aims to generate interest and even excitement with investors about a company that can lead to another meeting and the potential for investment discussion. A pitch deck can be a critical tool in raising money for a business, but it's only the first step in the process.

What are 5 key elements of a pitch? ›

5 key elements of the perfect sales P-I-T-C-H
  • P- Problem solver (Show how you have a solution that works) ...
  • I- Inspire an action (Have an end goal in mind that you're leading them to) ...
  • T- Tailor it to the audience. ...
  • C- Concise (be quick and to the point) ...
  • H- Heart (Be passionate!)

What makes a pitch deck stand out? ›

Make your pitch deck visually stunning.

Images can convey much more than text can, in a fraction of the time. They can evoke emotion faster than text can. Animations and embedded videos give you the opportunity to leave your audience with a lasting impression. Measure engagement so that you can iterate and optimize.

What is investor perspective? ›

Investor Perspective: The objective of financial reporting and the qualitative characteristics of useful information—what investors should know.

What is investor perception? ›

Definition of Investor Perception

Investor perception significantly influences company valuations. How investors perceive a company can impact its stock price and overall market value. Positive investor perception can lead to higher valuations, while negative perception can result in lower valuations.

What is an investor's goal? ›

Many of us share similar investment goals, including having enough money for retirement, paying for college or amassing enough for a down payment on a house. When you set these or other investment goals, estimating the true cost of each goal is the first step to setting a meaningful target.

What should an investor pitch deck contain? ›

Your pitch deck should include 10 elements: the problem, your solution, key product features, market fit, competitive landscape, revenue and operating models, your traction, your projections, your team, and your funding request.

What is an investment pitch deck? ›

A pitch deck is a visual presentation that tells the story of a business to persuade and engage potential investors. The most common pitch deck slides are introduction, problem, solution, market size and opportunity, product, traction, team, competition, financials and use of funds.

What makes a perfect pitch deck? ›

Telling a compelling story is essential for a pitch deck. It means sharing your startup's journey in a way that's clear and relatable. Instead of diving deep into every detail, your aim is to pique interest. Talk about the hurdles you've crossed and how your product or service makes a difference in customers' lives.

What should be in a good pitch deck? ›

  • What is a pitch deck? ...
  • What to include in a successful pitch deck. ...
  • The problem you're seeking to solve. ...
  • Present your product as the solution. ...
  • The size of your potential market. ...
  • Your operating model. ...
  • Communicating your projections. ...
  • Introducing your team.

Does a pitch deck get investors attention? ›

The pitch deck is often what gets investors excited - it's their first understanding of the startup. Investors expect to see a pitch deck that tells them what they need to know, and quickly. In many cases, a strong deck is the difference between getting that all-important meeting - or not.

What are the five essential parameters which the investors look for in a business plan? ›

7 Things Investors Are Looking for in a Business Plan
  • Strong Executive Summary. ...
  • Complete Financial Forecast. ...
  • Customer Acquisition Costs. ...
  • Strong Execution. ...
  • The Financial Ask & Answer. ...
  • Strong Management. ...
  • Thorough Understanding of Your Market. ...
  • Conclusion.
Feb 26, 2024

What is needed to pitch to investors? ›

Before you start working on your slides, you'll need to have a concrete product roadmap and go-to-market strategy to justify the amount you're raising from investors. You'll also need to be able to show how investment will fuel growth and, ultimately, business value.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.