The Do's andDon'ts of Contacting Potential Investors for Your Startup - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. Do your research

2. Make a personal connection

3. Keep it professional

4. Have a solid business plan

5. Know your numbers

6. Don't be pushy

7. Be prepared to answer tough questions

8. Follow up after the meeting

9. Remember that not every investor is a fit

1. Do your research

Do Your Research

When contacting potential investors for your startup, it is essential to do your research in advance. You should have a clear understanding of the investor's background, prior investments, and current portfolio before reaching out. It is also important to have a good grasp of your own company's unique value, and how it can be a good fit for the investor.

Knowing the investor's past investments is an essential step in the process. This allows you to craft a more tailored pitch, and demonstrate that you have done your homework. It also gives you an idea of the type of companies that the investor may be interested in. For example, if the investor has a history of investing in technology startups, then you should emphasize how your company is on the cutting edge of technology.

In addition to researching the investors background and portfolio, it is also important to understand your own company's unique value. What sets it apart from other startups? What makes it attractive to potential investors? Make sure you have a clear understanding of your company's strengths and weaknesses and be prepared to explain them. This will help you craft an intriguing pitch that will entice investors.

It is also important to research the investors investment style and preferences prior to contacting them. Are they more likely to invest in early stage startups, or later stage ones? Do they prefer to make larger investments or smaller ones? Knowing this information will help you determine if your startup is a good fit for the investor's interests.

Finally, if possible, reach out to other entrepreneurs who have received funding from the investor in the past. Ask them about their experience working with the investor, what they liked or disliked about it, and any advice they may have for you. This can be incredibly valuable information that can give you an edge when reaching out to potential investors.

Doing your research prior to contacting potential investors for your startup is an essential step in the process. It will give you insight into what type of companies the investor may be interested in, and help you craft an effective pitch that can attract their attention and possibly lead to a successful investment.

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2. Make a personal connection

Personal connection

When it comes to reaching out to potential investors, making a personal connection is an absolute must. It isn't enough to simply send an email or make a phone call. You need to make sure that you are connecting with the investor on a personal level in order to establish trust and credibility.

A great way to start making contact is by introducing yourself and your venture. This can be done through an email or even a letter, but it should be personalized. Make sure that you are introducing yourself and your business in the right way, as this will leave a lasting impression and give the investor an idea of who you are and what your company stands for.

The next step is to make sure that you are providing the investor with all the information they need. This includes details about your venture, such as its mission, goals, and any successes it has achieved so far. You should also provide financial information such as startup costs, revenue projections, and any other pertinent data. Providing all of this information will help the investor understand what you are looking for and why they should invest in your company.

Once you have established a connection and provided the investor with all the necessary information, it is important that you keep in touch with them regularly. This could be done through emails or even phone calls. You want to make sure that they are up-to-date on any changes or developments that may have occurred in your business since they last heard from you.

Finally, it is important to make sure that you are respectful and professional when dealing with potential investors. Make sure that all communication is polite and courteous, and never try to pressure them into investing in your company. It's also important to remember that investors may not always be interested in what you have to offerand if they aren't, don't take it personally! Just move on to another potential investor and try again.

Making a personal connection with potential investors is an essential part of getting your startup off the ground. By taking the time to introduce yourself and your venture properly, providing them with all the necessary information, staying in contact with them regularly, and being respectful and professional throughout the entire process, you will be able to create a relationship of trust that will lead to higher chances of investment success.

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3. Keep it professional

When you are contacting potential investors for your startup, it is essential to keep it professional. Establishing a professional relationship is the key to gaining their trust and respect.

The first step is to remember that you are the one asking for something, so be sure to maintain a polite and respectful attitude. Always address potential investors by their proper titles, such as Mr., Ms., or Dr. It is also important to be honest in your communications. Do not exaggerate or make promises that you cannot keep. It is important to be realistic and provide an accurate picture of your business and its goals.

It is also important to be concise when communicating with potential investors. Do not ramble on about irrelevant details, as this can make you seem unprepared and unprofessional. Keep your communications direct and to the point. Do not waste their time with long-winded emails or phone calls. Instead, focus on providing the information they need in order for them to make an informed decision about investing in your startup.

In addition, make sure that all communication is professional in nature. Avoid using slang or informal language, as this can come off as unprofessional and disrespectful. Additionally, avoid using emoticons or other visual elements that could be seen as unprofessional or immature.

Finally, when communicating with potential investors, always be sure to thank them for their time and attention. A simple thank you can go a long way in establishing trust and demonstrating respect. Additionally, it is important to follow up with them after any meetings or conversations to let them know that you value their time and input. Doing this helps create a positive impression and can increase the chances of a successful investment proposal.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that all communication with potential investors remains professional and respectful. This will help you establish trust and demonstrate that you are a responsible business owner who is serious about their startup. Ultimately, this will increase the chances of receiving an investment from a potential investor.

4. Have a solid business plan

When it comes to contacting potential investors for your startup, it is essential to have a solid business plan. A great business plan is the key to success when it comes to getting investors on board and can be the difference between your startup succeeding or failing. Here are some dos and donts when it comes to preparing a business plan that will help you get the attention of investors.


-Clearly define your goals and objectives. Potential investors need to understand what your company is trying to accomplish and how you plan to achieve those goals. Make sure that you explain why you believe your idea is unique and how it can benefit your customers.

-Describe how you plan to make money. Investors want to know that their money will be put to good use and that there is a potential for a return on their investment. Make sure that you explain in detail how you plan to make money through your startup, including any revenue streams, pricing models, and other business strategies.

-Research potential investors. Before you contact potential investors, make sure that you have done research on them and that they are likely to be interested in your business idea. Knowing who your target investors are and what they are looking for can help you craft a more effective pitch and increase your chances of success.

-Be transparent. Investors want to know whatthey are getting into, so make sure that you are honest and open about the risks associated with your startup as well as the opportunities. Being transparent will show investors that you are serious about your business and confident in its potential.


-Forget the details. Investors want to see a comprehensive plan that covers every aspect of your business, from marketing strategies to financial projections. Don't forget the details make sure that your plan covers all the bases and is easy for investors to understand.

-Be unrealistic. Be realistic about the risks associated with your business as well as what is achievable in terms of growth and profits. Don't make promises or set expectations that are impossible to meet or too ambitious this will only hurt your chances of success.

-Make assumptions. Don't assume that investors know everything about your industry or have a good understanding of how startups work make sure that you explain everything clearly and provide evidence where appropriate.

-Be disorganized. When presenting your business plan, make sure that it is organized, clear, and easy for investors to follow. Presenting a disorganized or confusing plan can be a major turnoff for potential investors, so make sure that everything is in order before making your pitch.

By following these dos and donts when preparing a business plan for contacting potential investors, you can increase the chances of success for your startup and get the attention of investors who can help fuel its growth. Having a solid business plan is an essential part of any startups success, so make sure that you invest time in crafting a comprehensive but concise plan that demonstrates the potential of your business idea and why it deserves investment.

5. Know your numbers

When it comes to getting potential investors interested in your startup, one of the most important assets you have is your numbers. Knowing your numbers and being able to present them confidently and accurately is essential for success when contacting potential investors.

Having a good understanding of your financials is key, as it will help you to make well informed decisions about how much funding you require, as well as what kind of return on investment you can offer investors. Its also important to be able to communicate this information clearly and effectively, so having a thorough understanding of your startups finances is essential.

When you're contacting potential investors for your startup, its important that you have a solid understanding of your financials. This includes understanding all aspects of your income and expenses, including revenue, profits and losses, cash flow, and any other financial metrics relevant to your business.

Its also important to understand how much capital you need in order to fund your startup operations. This includes any working capital required to cover day-to-day costs, as well as any additional funds needed for growth opportunities or long-term investments. You should also be able to explain how you plan to use the funds and how they will benefit your business.

Knowing your numbers also means understanding the risks associated with investing in your startup. Investors want to know that their money is safe, so its important that you can provide them with an honest assessment of the risks involved in investing in your business. This includes any financial or operational risks associated with running your business, as well as any market or competitive risks posed by other businesses in the same sector.

Finally, having an understanding of the current market conditions is also essential when contacting potential investors for your startup. Knowing which industries are performing well and which are struggling can help you make more informed investment decisions. It can also help you develop a more convincing pitch when meeting potential investors.

In conclusion, having a good understanding of the financials of your startup is essential when contacting potential investors. Knowing the numbers behind your business operations will not only help you to make more informed decisions regarding how much funding you require, but it will also help you communicate this information clearly and effectively when meeting potential investors. Doing this will give you the best chance of success when seeking investment for your startup.

6. Don't be pushy

When approaching potential investors for your startup, you should always keep the Don't be pushy rule in mind. This is an important lesson to learn because investors tend to be more wary of startups that come across as too aggressive or pushy.

When contacting potential investors, it is important to remember that you are essentially pitching yourself and your company. Its important to be confident and passionate about what you're offering. You want the investor to believe that you have a great idea and that you're the right person to help them make money from it. However, its also important to remember that you are dealing with a human being and not a robot. Investors are people and they want to be treated with respect and courtesy.

One way to avoid coming across as too pushy is to take your time when making contact. Don't rush into an investor meeting or send out multiple emails in a short period of time. Instead, take the time to craft a thoughtful, well-written pitch that explains why you believe your startup is worth investing in. Spend time researching the investor and their interests, so that you can tailor your pitch to their particular needs.

Additionally, it is important to remember that investors are busy people and they may not always reply to your requests on the same day. If they don't respond immediately, don't take it personally and don't pester them with follow-up emails or calls. Instead, be patient and give them the time they need to consider your proposal.

Finally, it is important to avoid making unrealistic promises or demands of potential investors. Don't overstate the potential of your startup or promise returns that are unlikely. Investors want to see realistic expectations and goals, so make sure your pitch accurately reflects the potential of your startup.

Overall, when approaching potential investors for your startup, make sure you keep the Don't be pushy rule in mind. Take your time when making contact, do research into the investor, be patient if they don't respond immediately, and don't make unrealistic demands or promises. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your interactions with potential investors will go smoothly and increase your chances of getting the investment you need for your startup.

Entrepreneurs cannot be happy people until they have seen their visions become the new reality across all of society.

7. Be prepared to answer tough questions

Prepared to Answer Tough

Answer Tough Questions

Prepared to answer tough questions

When it comes to preparing for contact with potential investors, it can be difficult to anticipate the kinds of questions they might ask. Its important to be prepared for anything and understand that the goal of these questions is to assess the viability and potential of your business. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for the tough questions an investor might ask.

Research their portfolio: Before you even contact the investor, take a look at their portfolio and see what kind of investments theyve made in the past. This can help you tailor your pitch and show that you understand the types of investments they are interested in.

Understand your business model: You should have a thorough understanding of your business model, from the financials to your competitive advantage. Investors want to know that you have done your research and understand how your business will make money.

Know your target market: Investors are also interested in understanding your target market, so be sure to have a clear understanding of who your customers are and why they would be interested in your product or service.

Be able to explain why you need the money: Investors want to know why you need their money and how it will help you achieve success. Be able to explain how the funds will help you reach specific goals and why now is the right time for investment.

Be prepared to answer questions about competitors: Investors will likely ask questions about your competitors, so be prepared to discuss who they are and why you believe you can differentiate yourself from them.

Understand your long-term goals: Investors want to know where you see your business in one year, five years, or longer. Be prepared to discuss the long-term goals for the company and how they might benefit from investing in it now.

Be prepared to discuss risks: No investment is without risk, so be prepared to discuss any potential risks or challenges that could arise for investors. Show that you have thought about these risks and have plans in place for mitigating them.

Know what makes you unique: Investors want to know what makes you stand out from other businesses in the same space. Show them why investing in your company makes more sense than investing elsewhere, and what advantages you have that other businesses dont.

Be honest about what you don't know: Don't try to fake it if you don't know the answer to a question. Investors appreciate honesty and transparency, so let them know if there's something you don't know or don't understand yet but that you are working on figuring out.

Be open-minded: Finally, investors want to see that you are open-minded and willing to accept feedback or criticism as part of the process. Show them that you are willing to learn and adjust as needed in order to make your business successful.

Investors may ask tough questions during contact, but if you take the time to do your research and be prepared, it can make all the difference in getting the funding you need. With the right preparation, an investor meeting can be an opportunity for growth instead of a cause for concern.

8. Follow up after the meeting

Follow Up After Meeting

Once your meeting with a potential investor is over, it's important to follow up. Following up after the meeting is an excellent way to show your appreciation for the investor taking the time to meet with you and to demonstrate that you are serious and organized.

When following up after the meeting, it's important to keep in mind the do's and don'ts of contacting potential investors. Here are some key tips for following up after a meeting:


Send a Thank You Note: After your meeting, send a thank you note to the investor expressing your appreciation for their time. This is a great way to maintain a positive relationship and to show that you are professional and organized.

Follow Up Promptly: Try to follow up as soon as possible after your meeting with the investor. This will demonstrate that you are eager and have a sincere interest in their investment. It will also help keep the conversation alive, which is important when it comes to forming relationships with investors.

Keep It Professional: When following up with potential investors, always keep your emails and messages professional. Avoid texting or using too many emojis and abbreviations. Stick with formal language, even if the investor is a friend or family member.

Check In Periodically: After your initial follow-up, it's important to check in periodically with potential investors. This will help keep the conversation going and ensure that they are still interested in investing in your startup. Try sending a short email or message from time to time, just to stay in touch.


Harass Them: Don't bombard potential investors with calls and emails every day. This will only annoy them and make them less likely to invest in your startup. Be respectful of their time and wait until they reach out before contacting them again.

Forget About Them: Don't forget about potential investors once you've sent them a thank you note or checked in with them periodically. Follow up with them regularly to ensure that they are still interested in investing in your startup. This will also help build a relationship with them over time, which could be beneficial down the line.

Send Too Much Information: When following up with potential investors, don't send too much information at once. Keep emails and messages brief and be sure to include only relevant information. If they have questions or need more information, they will ask for it themselves.

Be Pushy: Don't be pushy when following up with potential investors. Respect their decision if they say no or don't respond right away. Keep following up politely but don't pressure them too much or they may become disinterested in investing in your startup altogether.

Following up after the meeting is an essential part of contacting potential investors for your startup, but it's important to keep in mind the do's and don'ts of doing so. Be sure to send a thank you note promptly after the meeting, check in periodically, keep messages professional, and avoid being too pushy or sending too much information at once. Doing this can help maintain relationships with potential investors and create opportunities for successful investments down the line.

One misconception is that entrepreneurs love risk. Actually, we all want things to go as we expect. What you need is a blind optimism and a tolerance for uncertainty.

9. Remember that not every investor is a fit

When considering potential investors for your startup, remember that not every investor is a fit. It's important to take the time to research investors and determine which ones have the potential to make the best fit for your company.

First, it's important to understand the different types of investors in the market. Generally, investors can be divided into two main categories: angel investors and venture capitalists. Angel investors are typically high net worth individuals who invest their own money directly into a business. Venture capitalists, on the other hand, are professional investors who manage funds and invest on behalf of their clients.

The type of investor you want to approach depends on your specific needs and goals. For instance, if you are looking for a large sum of capital, you may want to consider working with a venture capital firm. They can provide larger amounts of capital than angel investors and they often have industry contacts and experience that can be beneficial for startups. However, if you prefer to have more control over decisions, an angel investor may be a better option since they are typically more hands-on with the companies they invest in.

Once you have identified potential investors, it's important to remember that not every investor is a fit. This is why it's important to do your research and get to know the investor before you approach them. It's also important to remember that investing is often a long-term relationship, so it's important to find an investor who is committed to your company's success and is willing to provide support and resources beyond just financial capital.

When researching potential investors, look for information such as their previous investments and track record, their portfolio companies and any industry contacts they may have. Make sure you understand their investment criteria so that you can tailor your pitch accordingly. Keep in mind that some investors may only be interested in certain industries or sectors so make sure that your startup aligns with their interests as well.

It's also important to keep in mind that some investors may be difficult to work with or even unhelpful if things don't turn out as expected. Be sure to ask questions during meetings or calls and get as much information as possible. Make sure you understand what rights they have as an investor and what kind of commitment they expect from you in return for their investment.

Finally, don't forget that not every investor is a fit for your startup. Take the time to research potential investors carefully so that you can find the one who is best suited for your company's needs and goals. With the right investor by your side, your startup can thrive and reach its full potential!

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The Do's andDon'ts of Contacting Potential Investors for Your Startup - FasterCapital (2024)


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If you want to know more about investing, here are some tips to help you get started:
  • Know Your Budget. ...
  • What's Your Time Horizon. ...
  • Understand your goals. ...
  • Understanding your appetite for risk. ...
  • Manage your investment expectations. ...
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  • Making the pieces fit.
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Pitch Perfect: How to Convince VCs to Invest in Your New Startup
  1. Mastering the Art of the Pitch. ...
  2. Riding the Wave of Global Trends. ...
  3. Develop a Strong Value Proposition. ...
  4. Showcase a Strong Team. ...
  5. Validate Your Concept. ...
  6. Address Market Size and Potential. ...
  7. Develop a Clear Business Plan. ...
  8. Build Relationships.
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So here are 9 things not to do when talking to investors.
  • Talk About Exits. ...
  • Be Oblivious and Don't Listen. ...
  • Ask for an NDA. ...
  • Say: “I have no competitors.”

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Always get a fair idea of what a particular investor is looking for and make your introduction detailed enough, especially considering the points they would want you to cover. Investors put their money into a business for the ultimate reason – they want to make a profit out of it.

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The golden rules of investing
  • Keep some money in an emergency fund with instant access. ...
  • Clear any debts you have, and never invest using a credit card. ...
  • The earlier you get day-to-day money in order, the sooner you can think about investing.

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Many real estate investors subscribe to the “100:10:3:1 rule” (or some variation of it): An investor must look at 100 properties to find 10 potential deals that can be profitable. From these 10 potential deals an investor will submit offers on 3. Of the 3 offers submitted, 1 will be accepted.

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How To Attract Investors?
  1. Develop a Strong Business Plan.
  2. Avoid Herd Mentality.
  3. Ask For Advice.
  4. Social Media.
  5. Conduct Market Research.
  6. Scalability.
  7. Obtain Customer References.
  8. Be Realistic With Your Pitch:

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Connecting with investors

To contact an investor for a meeting, send an email request, as it is quick and easy to forward around an investor firm or angel network. Your email should include an articulate elevator pitch telling the investor who you are and what you do.

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  • The Character Of The Startup Founder.
  • The Startup Founder's Ability To Perform.
  • The Management Team's Skills And Passion.
  • Unique and Viable Business Plan.
  • Market Opportunity.
  • The X-Factor.
  • Gaining Traction.
  • The Startup's 10-Year Goal.

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So they're going to want to know exactly why you need the cash and exactly what you plan to do with it. They'll also want to know when they can expect a return; that should be a part of your business plan. Investors will also be looking for an exit strategy, and you need to think about that in advance.

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Selecting an investor: Key considerations for startups
  1. Vision. To start, ensure your strategy, goals and overall vision for your company align with those of the potential investors. ...
  2. Financial alignment. It is key to fully understand a potential investor's financial goals. ...
  3. Value. ...
  4. Final thoughts.

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The Top 10 Traits That Attract Investors To Your Startup
  1. A market they know and understand.
  2. Powerful leadership team.
  3. Investment diversity.
  4. Scalability.
  5. Promising Financial Projections.
  6. Demonstrations of consumer interest.
  7. A clear, detailed marketing plan.
  8. Transparency.

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How to make a pitch to investors
  1. Deliver your elevator pitch. ...
  2. Tell your story. ...
  3. Show your market research. ...
  4. Introduce and demonstrate your product or service. ...
  5. Explain the revenue and business model. ...
  6. Clarify how you will attract business. ...
  7. Pitch your team. ...
  8. Explain your financial projections.

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Best investments for beginners
  • High-yield savings accounts. This can be one of the simplest ways to boost the return on your money above what you're earning in a typical checking account. ...
  • Certificates of deposit (CDs) ...
  • 401(k) or another workplace retirement plan. ...
  • Mutual funds. ...
  • ETFs. ...
  • Individual stocks.
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It all comes down to a few things:
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  • Risk tolerance.
  • Goals.
  • More.
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If your time horizon allows it, a focus on the future with an eye toward long-term investing can maximize profits for almost any investor.
  • Resist the Lure of Penny Stocks.
  • Pick a Strategy and Stick With It.
  • Focus on the Future.
  • Adopt a Long-Term Perspective.
  • Be Open-Minded.
  • Keep Taxes in Mind, But Don't Worry.
  • The Bottom Line.

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Start from solid ground. To establish a solid foundation for investing, make sure you have emergency savings, have paid off any high-interest debt, and are taking advantage of any employer matching programs. Determine goals. Setting goals will give your investing a purpose and provide a finish line for your hard work.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.