The Difference Between Claiming 1 and 0 on Your Taxes (2024)

Disclaimer: LoanMart does not provide tax or accounting advice. The below information has been prepared for informational purposes only. You should consult your own tax and accounting advisors when filing your taxes or completing tax forms.

Filing taxes every year is an important obligation. One aspect that precedes filing your taxes is filing your Withholding Certificate with your employer. If it’s done incorrectly, you could have too much withheld or too little, which determines whether you’ll get a refund or owe taxes when submitting your tax return. So, what’s the difference between claiming 1 and 0 on taxes, and which one is the better option for you?

Before jumping into tax terms, make sure you at least understand the difference between allowances and exemptions:

  • Allowances are marked on your W-4 when you start new employment, and the amount you mark will depend on your situation, like the number of jobs you have, marital status, number of children, etc. You can adjust them any time to ensure you have the correct amount of taxes taken out.
  • Exemptions – Exemptions reduce the amount of taxable income and are claimed on the IRS Form 1040. You can claim yourself, your spouse, and each qualifying dependent. If someone claims you as their dependent, you cannot claim yourself.

What’s the Difference Between Claiming 1 and 0?

The difference between claiming 1 and 0 on your taxes will determine when you will be getting the most money: with every paycheck or in one lump sum during tax season. Each allowance you claim lowers the income subject to withholding. For example, if you have one job, you can claim 0 or 1.

What Does the Number of Allowances Mean?

Learning the number of allowances meaning can help you determine which options are best for you and your taxes. The best way to understand this is by knowing what withholding means first.

Whenever your employer gives you a paycheck, they will withhold a portion of it to pay for taxes. So instead of owing one large sum during tax season, you pay taxes gradually throughout the year.

This can be very convenient compared to the alternative, which is putting tax money you owe away by yourself and making sure you pay the correct amount when the time comes.

People who are independent business owners or do contract work are examples of workers who don’t get a portion of their paychecks withheld for them. But in most states, employers must do this for their employees.

The Number of Allowances Meaning?

When you claim an allowance on your taxes, you are telling the government that you are qualified to reduce the amount of money that’s withheld from your paycheck. If you claim zero allowances, that means you are having the most withheld from your paycheck for federal income tax.

If you didn’t claim enough allowances, you overpaid in taxes and will get that amount back through a tax refund.

If you claim too many allowances, the IRS will tell you that you owe them more money. The more allowances you claim, the more money you will take home with each pay period, but always being honest when making these claims is essential.

Instead of searching the internet for ‘number of allowances meaning,’ read on to learn how much you should be claiming on your taxes.

How Many Allowances Should I Claim?

After learning about the meaning behind allowances, you may wonder, “how many allowances should I claim?”. This depends on how many jobs you have, what your marital status is, and whether or not you have dependents, like children.

For example, a single person who works one job will claim fewer allowances than a married person with multiple children. If someone else claims you as a dependent, like a parent, you should not claim any allowances.

Depending on your life circ*mstances, you and your spouse can claim one allowance. If you are married but don’t have children and work jobs, you should consider each claiming one allowance.

Claiming 1 on Your Taxes

If you prefer to receive your money with every paycheck rather than waiting until a specific time every year, claiming 1 on your taxes could be your best option. Claiming 1 reduces the amount of taxes that are withheld, which means you will get more money each paycheck instead of waiting until your tax refund. You could also still get a small refund while having a larger paycheck if you claim 1. It just depends on your situation.

If you are single, have one job, and have no dependents, claiming 1 may be a good option. If you are single, have no dependents, and have 2 jobs, you could claim both positions on one W-4 and 0 on the other.

Claiming 0 on Your Taxes

When you claim 0 on your taxes, you have the largest amount withheld from your paycheck for federal taxes. If your goal is to receive a larger tax refund, then it will be your best option to claim 0. Typically, those who opt for 0 want a lump sum to use as they wish, like:

  • Pay bills
  • Go on vacation
  • Put towards a loan

If you claim 0, you should expect a larger refund check. By increasing the amount of money withheld from each paycheck, you’ll be paying more than you’ll probably owe in taxes and get an excess amount back – almost like saving money with the government every year instead of in a savings account. You might also need to claim 0 in a few different situations:

  1. Your parents still claim you as a dependent – If you are employed (whether 16 or 20), and your parents still claim you as a dependent, you might have to claim 0 on your taxes because you cannot claim yourself, since your parents already do.
  2. Other income – Another situation could be if you have other income where tax is not withheld, like a self-employed job, contract positions, selling stocks, or interest on savings. To avoid owing taxes for those situations, it might be best to claim 0.

Should You Claim 1 or 0 on Your Taxes?

How much you claim will be determined by your lifestyle and living situations. As mentioned previously, things like marital status, children, number of jobs, and more can help you determine what you should claim on your taxes. The best option for figuring it out is to talk with your accountant or contact an IRS agent.

Don’t worry about claiming the wrong allowances on your W-4, either. You can revisit your W-4 either electronically or with worksheets provided by the IRS. People make changes all the time for reasons like:

  • Getting a second job

This is the most common reason that people have to adjust their W-4. Whether you have a home business or get another full-time job, you’ll want to change your W-4 to match it.

  • Spouse gets a job/changes jobs

Any change of household income will also require a different tax bracket for allowances. Based on the income change, it may be beneficial when one spouse claims the allowances over another.

  • Unemployed for part of the year

If you get laid off or stay unemployed for the remainder of the year, you may have too much tax withheld. But, if you are rehired within the same year, you’ll have to adjust for the downtime.

  • You get married/divorced.

Tying or untying the knot will change your tax rate – primarily if both spouses work. Joint filing gives a lower tax rate and other deductions, so divorce will also reverse the benefits. Your withholdings could be inaccurate if not adjusted properly.

  • You have a baby/adopt one

Having a child is a significant tax event since you now have a dependent as an allowance, and adoptions also give you another tax credit. Either of these situations can reduce your withholding amount with the tax benefits, so you’ll want to adjust it.

Should I Claim 0 or 1 if I Am Married and Why?

This answer partly depends on when you got married. If you recently tied the knot, your filing status will depend on what your marital status was on the last day of the tax year. If you qualify for this, you will need to decide if you want to choose married filing jointly or separately.

Filing for the married separately status can usually lower a married couple’s overall tax bill.

The next question you’ll want to ask yourself is, “should I claim 0 or 1 if I am married?”. The answer depends on a couple of factors.

Claiming 0 when you are married indicates that there is only one sole earner in the family. Let’s say you work, but your spouse doesn’t, or they only work a part-time position. This would be an excellent example of claiming 0 as a married partner.

This is a good option if you would prefer to get back a large sum of money in the form of a tax return but have more money withheld from your monthly paychecks.

If you claim 1 on your W-4 as a married person, this typically means that less money will be withheld from your monthly paychecks, but you will also receive less in the form of a one lump sum amount of tax return.

The bottom line is that claiming a 1 or a 0 on your taxes as a married person depends on how you want to pay your taxes or receive money. Some people prefer larger monthly paychecks, while others prefer waiting for that large amount of ‘extra’ cash around tax season.

Choosing one or the other depends on your preferences and current lifestyle.

What Do I Claim on My W-4?

Most people have asked themselves, “what do I claim on my W-4?” in a moment of confusion. The good news is you no longer have to claim allowances on your W-4 since the IRS updated the W-4 form in 2020. The updated form no longer makes use of allowances, but instead provides for a 5-step process to accurately let your employer know about your withholdings:

  • Step 1 is to confirm your personal information and filing status
  • Step 2 is used for multiple jobs (including by your spouse as applicable)
  • Step 3 can be used to claim dependents and other credits
  • Step 4 allows you to set amounts for other income, deductions and withholdings
  • Lastly, Step 5 is to date and sign the updated form

If your tax situation is simple, you may only need to complete the required steps 1 and 5. However, if you’d like to continue to claim dependents or have other sources of income, you may need to work through all steps.

One thing to understand is that even though the IRS published the revised form in 2020, your tax withholdings may still be based on your old W-4 which used the allowance methodology – employers were not required to obtain an updated W-4 form from their employees just because of the form redesign in 2020.

If you’ve been working the same job for a while with little change in your life, you don’t need to worry about filling out a new form. If you have experienced life-events such as your marital status has changed, you’re working another job, or you’ve welcomed a new child into your home, these are all things that should prompt you to review and potentially revise your W-4.

Also, always keep in mind that income tax forms and the rules and regulations for filing taxes in America can change yearly. It’s essential to keep yourself up to date with changes by the federal government or within your state regarding W-4s and taxes!

I Claimed 0 and Still Owe Taxes 2021?

When April rolls around, and you’ve finished filing your taxes, are you asking yourself why “I claimed 0 and still owe taxes 2021?”. The good news is that there are a few answers to why this happened.

One common mistake that can lead to you owing taxes after claiming 0 is that you accidentally claimed you were married on your W-4 form. When you claim 0 in allowances, it says that you are the sole income earner in your household.

If you and your spouse are both earning enough to reach the 25% tax bracket, then you are not paying enough in taxes from your income.

The best way to solve this is by going back and changing your status to single, or if you are married, going back and changing both of your statuses to “married but withhold at a higher single tax rate.” This way, you will be seen under the single bracket instead of the married one.

Can I borrow money to pay taxes?

To owe absolutely nothing on your federal tax returns, you need to double-check that you’re making all of the correct estimations and adjustments based on your personal circ*mstances.

If you ask yourself many tax-related questions like ‘how many allowances should I claim’ and ‘should I claim 0 or 1 if I am married,’ or anything else related, you may want to consider reaching out to a tax professional in your area.

If you ever find yourself in the unfortunate situation of owing the IRS after filing your taxes, you may wonder if you can borrow money to pay your taxes. In short, yes, you can obtain a loan to pay for taxes that you owe. However, you may first want to consider short-term or long-term payment plan options that the IRS provides.

If you don’t qualify for an IRS payment plan, or if your tax payment plan still leaves you short on cash at the end of the month, a title loan serviced by LoanMart may be able to provide you with the funds you need!

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Click here to file your taxes with TurboTax now

Don’t stress about not understanding the number of allowances meaning or ‘what do I claim on my W4’– there are plenty of resources to help you file your taxes correctly.

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The Difference Between Claiming 1 and 0 on Your Taxes (2024)


The Difference Between Claiming 1 and 0 on Your Taxes? ›

What's the Difference Between Claiming 1 and 0? The difference between claiming 1 and 0 on your taxes will determine when you will be getting the most money: with every paycheck or in one lump sum during tax season. Each allowance you claim lowers the income subject to withholding.

How much difference is claiming 1 or 0? ›

By placing a “0” on line 5, you are indicating that you want the most amount of tax taken out of your pay each pay period. If you wish to claim 1 for yourself instead, then less tax is taken out of your pay each pay period. 2. You can choose to have no taxes taken out of your tax and claim Exemption (see Example 2).

Will I owe money if I claim 1? ›

Claiming 1 reduces the amount of taxes that are withheld from weekly paychecks, so you get more money now with a smaller refund. Claiming 0 allowances may be a better option if you'd rather receive a larger lump sum of money in the form of your tax refund.

Why is claiming 0 not enough? ›

Claiming 0 allowances means that too much money will be withheld by the IRS. The allowances you can claim vary from situation to situation.

Should I claim 1 or 0 if single in 2024? ›

When Should I Claim 1 on W-4? In 2024, it doesn't matter if you claim 1 or 0 on your W-4. Your taxes will not be affected because you can no longer claim allowances. In the past, claiming one allowance meant that a little less tax was withheld from your paycheck over the year than if you'd claimed zero allowances.

Do I get more money if I claim 1 or 2? ›

You can claim anywhere between 0 and 3 allowances on the W4 IRS form, depending on what you're eligible for. Generally, the more allowances you claim, the less tax will be withheld from each paycheck. The fewer allowances claimed, the larger withholding amount, which may result in a refund.

Is it better to not withhold taxes? ›

Is It Better to Withhold More or Less Taxes? If you want to avoid paying taxes when you file your tax return, it is better to withhold more income throughout the year.

Is it better to claim dependents or not? ›

Claiming a dependent can allow you to take tax credits and deductions, which lower your overall tax liability. A dependent for income tax purposes may be either a qualifying child or a qualifying relative such as a sibling or parent who you support. A dependent can only be claimed by one taxpayer in a tax year.

How do I make sure I don't owe taxes? ›

Having enough tax withheld or making quarterly estimated tax payments during the year can help you avoid problems at tax time. Taxes are pay-as-you-go. This means that you need to pay most of your tax during the year, as you receive income, rather than paying at the end of the year.

Will I get a bigger refund if I claim 0? ›

If you claim 0, you should expect a larger refund check. By increasing the amount of money withheld from each paycheck, you'll be paying more than you'll probably owe in taxes and get an excess amount back – almost like saving money with the government every year instead of in a savings account.

Is it better to owe or get a refund? ›

The best strategy is breaking even, owing the IRS an amount you can easily pay, or getting a small refund,” says Clare J. Fazackerley, CPA, CFP. “You don't want to owe more than $1,000 because you'll have an underpayment penalty of 5% interest, which is more than you can make investing the money.

Why do I owe taxes if I only made 30k? ›

Under-withholding means you'll owe. Many people try to get as close as possible to even so they get more money in their paychecks during the year, but don't owe a lot or get a bigger refund at tax time. The key is managing your withholding to get the result you are looking for.

Is it better to claim 1 or 0 if single? ›

if you claim 0, you may have a few dollars less in your paycheck and then get it back at the end of the year as a refund. If you 1, you could owe something at the end of the year. The perfect return is to not owe any money and not get a refund.

Is it better to claim single? ›

Watch Out for Higher Rates: If you file separately, you might pay higher taxes than if you teamed up on a joint return. This is especially true if only one spouse has taxable income. Saving on Medical Bills: Got big medical expenses? Filing separately might help you clear the 7.5% threshold on adjusted gross income.

How to get less taxes taken out of a paycheck? ›

Change your withholding
  1. Complete a new Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, and submit it to your employer.
  2. Complete a new Form W-4P, Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments, and submit it to your payer.
  3. Make an additional or estimated tax payment to the IRS before the end of the year.

How to tell if you claimed 1 or 0 on W2? ›

No. The Form W-4 you filed with your employer tells you that.

Can I withhold zero taxes? ›

If an employee qualifies, he or she can also use Form W-4 to tell you not to deduct any federal income tax from his or her wages. To qualify for this exempt status, the employee must have had no tax liability for the previous year and must expect to have no tax liability for the current year.

What happens if I claim tax exempt for one paycheck? ›

If you claim exemption, you will have no Federal income tax withheld from your paycheck. This could affect your tax return filed at the end of the year. Refer to the IRS W-4 form and instructions or consult a tax expert if you are unsure if you should claim exemption.

What's an average tax return for a single person? ›

States with the largest/smallest average refunds for tax year 2021
RankStateAverage refund
6 more rows
Mar 11, 2024

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