The Complete Guide to Play-to-Earn (P2E) Games in Crypto (2024)

The Complete Guide to Play-to-Earn (P2E) Games in Crypto (3)

Play-to-earn (P2E) games are taking the crypto world by storm. In these games, players can earn real cryptocurrency rewards just by playing. The concept turns traditional gaming economics on its head — instead of players paying to play, they get paid.

P2E games are still in their early stages, but they have exploded in popularity recently. The total value locked in P2E games surpassed $3 billion in 2021, up from just $260 million at the start of the year. Some analysts predict the P2E gaming market could grow to over $50 billion by 2025.

So how exactly does play-to-earn work? Why are crypto gaming projects attracting so much interest and investment? Is this just a passing trend or something with real staying power? This in-depth guide will explain everything you need to know about the emerging world of play-to-earn crypto games.

What is Play-to-Earn?

Play-to-earn describes a model where players are rewarded with crypto tokens or other digital assets for their time and effort in a game.

P2E games usually incorporate blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Game assets like characters, items, or land exist as unique digital collectibles tracked on a blockchain. Players who acquire these assets can use them in-game to progress and earn rewards. The assets can also be traded on open markets outside the game.

Some key advantages of the play-to-earn model:

  • Players have true ownership of in-game assets as NFTs, verified on the blockchain
  • Assets can appreciate in value if demand rises — providing an incentive to play early
  • Players can monetize their time spent in-game by earning crypto rewards
  • P2E creates new tokenomic models between players, developers, and community

Advocates argue that P2E provides a better value proposition and sense of ownership for players compared to traditional free-to-play games. It also allows open-ended digital economies to form around games.

However, critics say P2E games feel more like jobs than entertainment. They also raise concerns about excessive monetization and speculation overwhelming gameplay.

How Play-to-Earn Games Work

P2E games blend conventions of traditional gaming with blockchain mechanics and token economics. Here’s an outline of how most play-to-earn game designs work:

In-Game Assets as NFTs

All key assets in a P2E game, like characters, equipment, or virtual land, exist as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on a blockchain. This gives players transparent ownership and verification of scarce digital assets.

Earning Tokens for Gameplay

Players can earn native utility tokens and sometimes additional rewards like NFT items by performing actions in the game — such as battling enemies, completing quests, selling items on markets, etc.

Native Tokens and Progression

Native utility tokens are needed for progression in the game, like improving characters, but they also have value outside the game on exchanges. Popular P2E games have highly valued native tokens.

In-Game Economies and Trading

In-game marketplaces let players trade NFT items directly for cryptocurrency or native tokens. Strong in-game economies with active trading develop in the top P2E games.

Competitions and Tournaments

P2E games usually incorporate competitive rankings and tournaments with prize pools paid in native tokens and NFTs. High-skill play gets rewarded.

Governance and Revenue Sharing

Some P2E games let holders of native tokens participate in governance of the game and share in revenues. This helps align incentives between developers and players.

Onboarding and Costs

There is usually some initial cost, either money or time, for getting started in a P2E game to acquire a starter character NFT. Top P2E games try to minimize this cost to increase accessibility.

That covers the key characteristics and mechanics of most play-to-earn game designs. Let’s look at some examples to illustrate further how these dynamics work in action.

Case Studies: Axie Infinity and The Sandbox

Axie Infinity and The Sandbox are the two breakout hits of the P2E gaming world so far. Their designs showcase many core elements of play-to-earn games.

Axie Infinity

  • Turn-based battle game inspired by Pokémon and Tamagotchi virtual pets
  • Players collect, breed, raise, and battle creatures called Axies (NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain)
  • Earn tokens called Smooth Love Potions (SLPs) by playing and completing daily quests
  • SLPs have value and utility — can be used to breed new Axies or sold for money
  • Highly active marketplace for players to buy, sell, and trade Axies and in-game items
  • Top players compete on ranked ladder and tournaments for prizes
  • Launched in 2018 and saw exponential growth in 2021, reaching over 2.5 million daily active players at peak

Axie Infinity perfectly demonstrates the appeal and potential of P2E gaming. Players are financially rewarded for their time playing due to SLP token earnings. The best Axies can sell for thousands of dollars due to strong demand. And the core gameplay itself is engaging and strategic.

However, the high cost of entry has been a barrier for many new players. To start playing Axie Infinity, you either need to buy 3 starter Axies from the marketplace (which can cost $200-$400 total) or get a scholarship where someone else lends you their Axies.

The Sandbox

  • Virtual world where players can build, own, monetize voxel game experiences
  • Provides the tools to create voxel NFT game assets and social hubs
  • Land and assets exist as NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain
  • Players earn native SAND tokens for participating in the metaverse
  • SAND is used to buy assets, land, avatars, names, etc. and has exchange value
  • Also contains many play-to-earn mini-games where users can earn tokens
  • Generated over $144 million in land and asset NFT sales by November 2021

The Sandbox offers a wider metaverse experience beyond just gaming. But at its core it still revolves around play-to-earn game mechanics. Owning virtual land and assets provides passive income opportunities by charging others fees to use them. Active gameplay like crafting items and playing mini-games generates SAND rewards.

The Sandbox lowers the barrier to entry by offering free customizable avatar NFTs which allow access to the metaverse. However, most desirable land parcels and assets carry high price tags only affordable to wealthy holders.

These two examples demonstrate the appeal of true ownership and creative monetization that comes with P2E gaming. But high token and NFT valuations also limit accessibility for some players.

History of Play-to-Earn Gaming

While play-to-earn models are just recently exploding onto the scene, their origins trace back decades:

1980s-1990s: Early MMORPG Economies

Some early massively multiplayer online roleplaying games like Ultima Online and RuneScape allowed players to earn in-game currency and items they could sell to others for real money. Grey markets formed around these games.

Second Life

The virtual world Second Life, launched in 2003, enabled user-generated content and in-world economies. Participants could earn money by selling virtual goods and services.

Early Experiments in Crypto Gaming

HunterCoin, launched in 2013, was one of the first blockchain games allowing players to earn cryptocurrency rewards. But it never saw mass adoption.

Spells of Genesis in 2015 brought Bitcoin micropayments and blockchain asset ownership to arcade-style gameplay.

CryptoKitties Goes Viral

The 2017 launch of CryptoKitties overwhelmed the Ethereum network. The collectible NFT cats could be bred to produce new value. It foreshadowed interest in blockchain gaming.

Axie Infinity Ignites the Craze

Axie Infinity, released in 2018, was the first crypto game to implement full play-to-earn mechanics. But it only grabbed mainstream attention starting in early 2021, helping trigger the P2E gaming explosion.

P2E Use Case Proven

2020–2021 finally provided the recipe for P2E success — increased crypto adoption, high mobile penetration, infrastructure improvements, and pandemic conditions. The value of play-to-earn gaming was finally proven.

While still nascent, play-to-earn gaming builds on decades of experimentation with virtual economies and blockchain technology to provide real value to players. What’s emerging today is an entire ecosystem of crypto games with their own complex token-based economies.

Why Play-to-Earn Matters

Play-to-earn games represent a disruptive shift that could change the face of gaming:

Player-First Economies

P2E creates player-owned economies where users have control, rather than corporation-owned economies driven by maximizing publisher revenue.

Accessible Ownership

True digital ownership gets opened to all players, not just wealthy collectors. P2E assets are more accessible compared to high-value traditional gaming skins and items.

Monetizing Game Time

Players can earn real rewards proportional to their gameplay effort — potentially even a livelihood in developing nations. P2E adds meaningful value not found in standard gaming.

Aligning Incentives

Developers benefit when players participate, creating a mutually beneficial relationship. The most engaged communities will be the most successful.

Persistent Worlds

P2E environments live on the blockchain so they can persist and evolve over decades of gameplay. The best become complex player-driven economies.

Beyond Gaming Itself

At the highest level, P2E brings digital ownership, DeFi mechanics, decentralized governance, and cooperation to gaming in an unprecedented way.

If the model succeeds at scale, it has the potential to shift power and profits in the $175 billion gaming industry away from monopolistic publishers and over to the players and creators.

However, realizing this potential depends on maintaining sustainable economies, minimizing speculation, and bringing mainstream appeal. Play-to-earn is still in an experimental phase.

Criticisms and Challenges

While play-to-earn gaming has explosive upside, it also faces plenty of valid criticisms and challenges:

Feels Like Work

Critics argue that excessive grinding and monetization mechanics make P2E gaming feel more like jobs than entertainment. Fun gameplay should come first.

Pay-to-Win Dynamics

Some games disproportionately benefit early adopters and wealthy players who can invest more. Late entrants can struggle to profit.

Economic Sustainability

If rewards eventually fail to cover costs of playing, the game economies could collapse. Revenue models must be balanced long-term.

Education Gap

Blockchain gaming remains confusing for mainstream gamers uneducated on wallets, NFTs, DeFi, and tokenomics. Better onboarding is essential.

Platform Fragmentation

The diverse mix of blockchains, currencies, NFT standards, and markets creates hurdles. Game portability needs improvement.

Regulatory Unknowns

P2E combined with cryptocurrencies raises plenty of regulatory gray areas around currencies, securities, and gambling. More regulatory guidance is needed.

The long-term trajectory of play-to-earn gaming relies on addressing these challenges around sustainability, accessibility, and mass appeal. But creative solutions can help maintain the disruptive potential.

Sustainability Solutions

Making P2E economies sustainable long-term is critical. Some creative solutions that top games are exploring:

  • Governance participation— Giving players voting rights on revenue distribution and gameplay systems gives them stewardship in sustainability.
  • Burning token models — Making native tokens deflationary through automatic burning helps sustain value.
  • Revenue sharing — Allocating a portion of marketplace fees or other revenues to players retains their loyalty.
  • Balancing rewards — Tying token rewards to fluctuating market conditions, rather than fixed payouts, can prevent hyperinflation.
  • New player programs — Free resources for new users like Axie scholarships helps onboard new payers to grow the economy.
  • Dynamic difficulty — Scaling rewards and difficulty based on factors like player levels and asset rarity helps monetary balance.

Well-designed sustainability mechanics baked into the games themselves will be key. Models based solely on speculation are unlikely to endure. The most engaging gameplay combined with sustainable, player-aligned economics will make for long-lived play-to-earn game economies.

The Future of Play-to-Earn Gaming

Play-to-earn gaming still has a long road ahead, but the meteoric early successes prove it represents the future direction of the industry:

  • Tens of billions in additional market valuation will flow into P2E gaming in the next 5 years.
  • Major developers will launch AAA-quality P2E titles over the next 1–2 years, bringing more traditional gamers into the fold.
  • Incumbent gaming companies will shift to incorporate blockchain assets and P2E mechanics into their games, like Ubisoft’s recent announcement.
  • An entire ecosystem of services supporting P2E gaming will emerge around analytics, infrastructure, funding, education, and more.
  • Regulatory clarity will start solidifying around how P2E assets are classified and taxed. This will help adoption.
  • Newer blockchains with greater scalability and lower costs will grow as the preferred platforms for the most ambitious P2E game environments.
  • The long-tail of gaming will thrive by leveraging user-generated content and player-driven economies in exciting new ways.
  • Entire digital societies with player-governed social dynamics will rise around the most engaging persistent P2E worlds.

The play-to-earn gaming revolution has just begun. While still experiencing growing pains, its disruptive nature is undeniable. At its full potential, it can entirely redefine gaming economies and communities for the benefit of billions of players around the world. The trend is worth nurturing through its early phases as it provides a glimpse into the exciting future ahead for the blockchain gaming industry.

Leading Play-to-Earn Games

Dozens of interesting P2E gaming projects are emerging, but these stand out currently as the most popular and promising titles:

Axie Infinity

The runaway hit that catalyzed the P2E gaming craze in 2021. It offers deep strategic gameplay and a sustainable dual-token economy. Extremely high costs for entry are the only barrier to even wider adoption.

Key Details

  • Players: Over 2.5 million daily active at peak
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Key Tokens: AXS (governance), SLP (rewards)

The Sandbox

A virtual world where players can create voxel NFT assets and monetize game experiences on their virtual land. The creative freedom and digital ownership remains compelling despite high LAND prices.

Key Details

  • Sales: $144M of virtual LAND and assets
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Key Token: SAND


A fast-growing trading card battle game with accessibility in mind. Offers affordable starter packs to get into the action and daily rewards structured around seasons. More casual gameplay gives it appeal beyond hardcore crypto gamers.

Key Details

  • Players: Over 1 million accounts
  • Platform: Hive blockchain
  • Key Token: Dark Energy Crystals

Guild of Guardians

An upcoming mobile RPG embracingAAA-quality gameplay with immersive graphics and multiplayer adventuring. The uncompromising production values and co-op questing provide appeal to more traditional gamers.

Key Details

  • Raised: $26M from leading VCs like a16z
  • Platform: Immutable X
  • Key Token: $GOLD

Star Atlas

An upcomign space MMO built on Unreal Engine featuring stunning triple-A visuals and deep lore. The vast scale incorporates DeFi yield mechanics for spaceships and NFTs forged into highly valued meta-items through crafting.

Key Details

  • Raised: $26M from VCs
  • Platform: Solana
  • Key Token: ATLAS

These projects give a sample of the diversity of gameplay and economic designs taking shape across the nascent play-to-earn category. Gamers can choose between deep RPG systems, creative sandbox worlds, card battle arenas, and more — all rewarding skill with cryptoeconomic incentives.

How Traditional Gaming Can Adapt

Established gaming studios still dominate the industry, but they risk missing out on the play-to-earn revolution. Some ways top studios can participate in blockchain gaming’s growth:

  • Offer blockchain asset interoperability between titles under their umbrella, providing more utility.
  • Incorporate NFT items into existing games that can be exported and traded externally.
  • Launch stand-alone play-to-earn titles while incorporating lessons from their traditional games.
  • Acquire promising P2E studios early and incubate them while providing IP assets and marketing.
  • Expand in-game shops to also support blockchain payments and assets.
  • Utilize layer two solutions on Ethereum or rival blockchains to minimize gas costs.
  • Structure token rewards around skill-based competitions utilizing proven progression systems.
  • Provide rental systems or scholarships to guarantee base accessibility to premium NFT items.
  • Focus on retention first rather than short-term monetization — make tokenomics rewarding long-term.
  • Establish governance systems to let players vote on gameplay changes and reward distribution.

The benefits are too big for incumbent studios to ignore — new revenue streams around NFT transactions, deeper social retention, and utilizing proven IP in new settings. Those who smartly embrace play-to-earn stand to gain back market share being lost to indie P2E disruptors. But they must do so in a way that stays true to their brand values around quality gameplay.


Play-to-earn gaming represents the frontier of the multi-billion dollar gaming industry. It leverages blockchain technology to provide true digital asset ownership to players along with open economic benefits.

Despite growing pains around speculation and barriers to entry, P2E games offer a glimpse into the future

The Complete Guide to Play-to-Earn (P2E) Games in Crypto (2024)
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