The Best Side Hustles For Real Estate Agents In 2024 (2024)

If you’ve worked in the real estate industry for any amount of time, you know that it can be a feast or famine job. That’s where this list of side hustles for real estate agents comes in!

The Best Side Hustles For Real Estate Agents In 2024 (1)

There’s a rising trend among real estate agents like myself to diversify income sources and make some extra money on the side.

The reasons for this shift are multifaceted, including fluctuating market conditions that lead to unpredictable earnings.

Economic pressures, such as the need to bridge gaps between commission checks or to save for leaner times, play a significant role in this new dynamic.

Most importantly, the quest for financial stability is at the forefront, driving agents to explore avenues that can provide a steady secondary income.

This approach mitigates risks and offers peace of mind in an industry that, at times, can be incredibly volatile.

Side hustles are not just a great way to earn extra cash but they can help you bridge the gap when your full-time job doesn’t quite pay the bills.

In this article, we will show you the best side hustles that you can do alongside your day job. Some require a real estate license while others offer a stream of income online.

Ready to check out these lucrative side hustles? Let’s dig in!

The Best Side Hustles For Real Estate Agents

Below you will find some of the most fun and exciting side hustles for real estate agents.

From property investors to social media gurus, there are so many options to make extra money out there.


The Best Side Hustles For Real Estate Agents In 2024 (2)

I’ve discovered that my position as a real estate agent gives me a unique advantage in generating additional income through offering notary services.

Often, clients require notarizing documents related to property transactions, and who better to trust than their real estate agent?

This convenient solution not only streamlines the process for clients but also boosts my income.

I ensure that any documents I notarize adhere strictly to legal standards, maintaining trust and dependability.

By becoming a certified notary, I can offer this essential service at closings, meetings, or even as a standalone service.

Clients appreciate the one-stop-shop experience, as it saves them time and effort finding a separate notary public.

It also provides a steady stream of income as people always need a notary.

The process is simple: I confirm the identity of the signers, witness the signatures and apply my official stamp.

The minimal overhead and the ability to charge a fee per signature make notary services a lucrative and low-barrier entry point into side hustles for me.

Property Tax Appeals

As real estate agents, we constantly seek opportunities to boost our income.

Focusing on property tax appeals presents a unique, recession-proof side hustle.

In economic downturns, when property values tend to decrease or stagnate, many homeowners find their properties overvalued for tax purposes.

I can step in as an agent with an understanding of property values and assist in appealing property taxes.

This service is not just beneficial to clients but also profitable for me as an agent.

Handling tax appeals involves examining assessment records and comparable property values, and then contesting overvaluations on behalf of clients.

Given the right circ*mstances, success rates can be high, which could establish a steady stream of extra income.

Besides enhancing trust with clients, it allows me to make the most of my real estate prowess.

It’s a win-win: clients save money on taxes and I earn a fee for my expert representation.

Property Management

The Best Side Hustles For Real Estate Agents In 2024 (3)

Side hustles for us real estate agents are more than just about making ends meet; they’re about expanding our portfolios and applying our industry knowledge in dynamic ways.

Property management stands out as a robust avenue to increase earnings alongside our primary profession.

I see it as a natural extension of my day-to-day tasks as a realtor; from understanding landlord-tenant laws to marketing rental properties effectively, property management calls on the same skills we use when brokering sales.

Focusing on property management offers a consistent stream of income through management fees and the potential for bonus earnings linked to occupancy rates and property performance.

By utilizing our existing contacts and property knowledge, I can seamlessly integrate this side hustle into my current real estate practice.

This not only bolsters my service offerings but also grants clients more comprehensive support.

For me, the allure of property management springs from its potential to create a dependable, passive revenue source.

While sales can fluctuate with the market’s tide, property management holds promise for stability even when the market takes a downturn, securing my financial position through diverse income streams.



By harnessing my experience, I can craft eBooks and online courses that cater to potential homeowners, novice agents, or anyone looking to learn more about the market.

The process starts with identifying topics that spark interest—those questions I’m frequently asked or areas where I see common misunderstandings.

From there, I organize my insights into teachable segments, making sure to simplify complex concepts.


I can host these events locally or even expand my reach with webinars.

Being proactive, I set up a schedule and promote these sessions through my network, ensuring I provide real value by addressing pain points and offering solutions.

Selling these resources not only bolsters my income but also reinforces my reputation as an authority in real estate.

Each eBook sale or seminar registration marks not just an earnings boost but a step towards becoming a sought-after thought leader in my field.


As a real estate agent, my blog offers the perfect opportunity for sharing insights with potential clients and fellow professionals.

And you can start your own blog in just a few hours.

Real Estate websites can give tips on getting your home ready for sale, the buying process and finding investment properties.

An additional benefit comes from monetizing this digital space.

By weaving affiliate links into my posts, I receive a commission when my readers click through and make purchases.

The products I endorse are ones I trust and believe will offer value to my audience, maintaining integrity while generating income.

Moreover, partnering with relevant companies for sponsored content adds another revenue stream.

I craft informative and engaging posts about their services, for which these businesses compensate me.

This approach requires disclosing the sponsored nature of the content to preserve transparency with my audience.

By adopting these strategies, I turn my blog into a source of extra income while continuing to provide valuable content to my readers.

If you don’t like writing, you can start a YouTube channel or harness the power of social media platforms.

Real Estate Photography

The Best Side Hustles For Real Estate Agents In 2024 (4)

I’ve found that real estate photography can be an incredibly rewarding side hustle if you have an eye for detail and a passion for photography.

With every property listing requiring high-quality photos, this niche skill is in constant demand.

By providing professional photographic services, I not only create a valuable asset for fellow real estate professionals but also enhance the appeal of the properties on the market.

It’s a good side job for realtors because it means you can offer another service to your clients and save money on another photographer.

By positioning myself as a real estate photographer, I offer an array of services, including interior and exterior shots, virtual tours, and even aerial photography with drones.

Leveraging my real estate experience, I understand exactly what potential buyers are looking for and how to showcase a property to its best advantage.

This not only aids in a quicker sale but also can command higher listing prices, making my service indispensable.


I schedule photo shoots around my real estate appointments, ensuring seamless integration into my busy calendar.

Moreover, by staying at the forefront of technological trends and mastering post-production software, I provide exceptional value, separating my services from the competition and establishing a solid reputation that drives referrals and repeat business.

Bear in mind that you can always sell photos you take to stock photo sites for even more cash!




Picture this: income trickling in without the direct exchange of time for money.

Intriguing, right?

For instance, venturing into rental properties offers a steady flow of rental income, which can be a reliable source of earnings even when traditional sales cycles ebb.

In diversifying, I also consider Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), which allow me to invest in real estate markets without the complexities of direct property ownership.

Passive doesn’t mean hands-off entirely, though.

It’s crucial to monitor these investments for performance, but the day-to-day involvement is minimal.




These passive strategies serve as financial bedrocks, providing a buffer during market slowdowns and ensuring that there’s income flowing in, irrespective of the transactions I’m currently closing.

Real Estate Coaching

The Best Side Hustles For Real Estate Agents In 2024 (5)

Seasoned real estate professionals possess a wealth of knowledge gained from experience in the field.

I am aware many of them recognize this experience is invaluable to newcomers.

By offering coaching services, these agents can guide aspiring individuals through the complexities of property transactions.

They can demonstrate negotiation techniques, marketing strategies, and the nuances of local real estate markets.

As a mentor, I can set realistic scenarios for practice, provide constructive feedback, and be a reliable source of advice.

This doesn’t just benefit rookies; it can also be a rewarding additional revenue stream for the mentors themselves.

Furthermore, real estate coaching goes beyond just training others.

It’s about networking and expanding personal brand reach.

I can speak from experience when I say that the connections made through coaching can lead to future collaborations, referrals, and a stronger presence in the real estate community.

In essence, coaching is not only about sharing success but also about sowing seeds for future benefits that go full circle in enhancing both the coach’s and the trainee’s careers.


The Best Side Hustles For Real Estate Agents In 2024 (6)


Platforms like Airbnb and VRBO offer a prime opportunity for me to turn a property into a profitable venture.

Engaging in short-term rental management involves listing the property, maintaining high standards of hospitality, and ensuring a great experience for guests.

Given my background in real estate, I’m already equipped with the skills to make a property shine.

Rental arbitrage takes this concept a step further.

In this model, I lease a property and then re-rent it out on short-term rental sites.

This method allows me to capitalize on the demand for flexible accommodations without owning additional properties.

With an eye for the right locations and an understanding of the market, I can play to the strengths of seasonal trends and local events to maximize occupancy rates and income.

Diligence with regulations and a clear strategy for guest management are key.

I can design a system that not only satisfies guests but also streamlines operations, making the most of this dynamic side hustle.


Investing in real estate stands as one of the most popular side hustles for real estate agents.

Real estate investors purchase properties to flip or hold, participate in real estate investment trusts (REITs), or even contribute to crowd-funded real estate projects.

It’s a great addition to any real estate career because you can leverage all your knowledge to find the best properties out there.

Plus, you save money on the real estate transactions by doing them yourself!

You can also start your own business with long-term rentals too.

For me, it’s not just about the immediate returns; it’s about creating long-term wealth.

My involvement in real estate investing goes beyond mere capital gains.

I leverage my expertise to identify undervalued properties, predict market trends, and understand the intricacies of neighborhood development.

By engaging in this side hustle, I increase my net worth and add a layer of security for my future.

Whether I focus on residential or commercial properties, I always keep an eye out for opportunities.

Each investment teaches me something new, and I carry these lessons back to my primary practice as a real estate agent.

This symbiotic relationship between my side hustle and main career continually reinforces my success in both arenas.


The Best Side Hustles For Real Estate Agents In 2024 (7)

I can’t overstate the potential income from transforming a property to appeal to buyers’ sense of a dream home.

With a keen eye for design, I accessorize and arrange furniture in a way that highlights a home’s best features, enabling buyers to envision themselves living there.

For me, home staging isn’t just moving sofas around; it’s about creating emotions and connections that drive sales.

By tapping into their inherent understanding of what sells a home, agents like me can offer staging services, often commanding fees that reflect the added value we bring to the table.

This isn’t just about fluffing pillows; it’s strategic design thinking applied to real estate.

We leverage our market knowledge and understanding of buyer preferences to make strategic choices, from color schemes to layout designs.

The beauty of this side hustle? I’m not just selling a piece of real estate; I’m crafting a lifestyle that buyers are eager to buy into.

Part of this process may involve renting or investing in decor pieces, which can build up an inventory for future stagings.

Also, developing partnerships with furniture stores or interior designers opens doors for collaborative opportunities, enabling a broader service offering.

This hustle effectively blends creativity with commerce, creating an aesthetic that sells while bolstering my income.


The best side hustles for real estate agents harness the skills you already use every day.

I’ve discovered that the diverse talents I possess as a real estate agent can serve me well beyond just buying and selling properties.

My knack for meticulousness and my eye for detail, for instance, lend themselves perfectly to side gigs like painting or cleaning – tasks that demand precision and a critical eye.

By offering these services, not only do I address immediate needs in the market, but I also get to flex some less-used muscles, adding variety to my day-to-day routine and of course, padding my bank account.

Similarly, my organizational skills prove to be a gold mine.

Home organizing can be a godsend for those overwhelmed by cluttered spaces.

As an agent, I know all too well how a well-organized room can transform the perception of a potential buyer.

I take this understanding and apply it to helping clients declutter and organize their spaces.

It’s gratifying work that often leads to a more harmonious living environment and can provide me with a steady stream of lucrative opportunities.

Tapping into these side hustles is not just about earning more.

It’s about leveraging my abilities to their fullest potential – finding joy and satisfaction in the work I do, and recognizing the myriad ways these skills can create value.

They speak to the adaptability and enterprising spirit that we as real estate agents embody, turning every skill into a possible source of income and personal growth.








Networking with other professionals nurtures referral pipelines.

Moreover, I immerse myself in online endeavors, from a real estate blog capitalizing on affiliate marketing to crafting digital products that resonate with a global audience.

These endeavors do not just pad my wallet; they build a robust buffer against market fluctuations, securing financial resilience.




Side Hustles For Real Estate Agents: Final Thoughts

I’ve walked you through a wealth of side hustles for real estate agents seeking financial growth and resilience.

Dabbling in these ventures, you not only diversify your revenue but acquire new skills that augment your primary profession.

Picture property tax appeals padding your bank account when the market slows, or imagine happy clients referring others to your thriving property management side gig.

Each photo you snap, home you stage, or digital product you launch can be a stepping stone to a more secure and flexible future.

Let’s harness the power of opportunity and carve out a prosperous path in the world of real estate.

You have the unique advantage of market knowledge and a network that spans beyond the average entrepreneur.

Take that first step with a side hustle that resonates with your passion and expertise.

Start small, dream big, and watch as these additional income streams transform your career and life.

Remember, a flourishing side hustle today could very well be the core of your business tomorrow.

Go forth, elevate your game, and let your entrepreneurial spirit soar!

The Best Side Hustles For Real Estate Agents In 2024 (2024)


How to make $1 million as a real estate agent? ›

Consider what it would take to make $1 million in gross commissions your first year selling real estate (before expenses and taxes). It would involve selling approximately $50 million of real property with an average salesperson commission of 2%.

What is the future outlook for a real estate agent? ›

Overall employment of real estate brokers and sales agents is projected to grow 3 percent from 2022 to 2032, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 51,600 openings for real estate brokers and sales agents are projected each year, on average, over the decade.

Is real estate as a side hustle worth it? ›

One of the most highest paying side hustles is being a real estate agent. You don't have to work on any schedule, and if done right, you can have clients come to you or you don't have to go far to find someone who will hire you.

Can I become a millionaire as a real estate agent? ›

Most of my students seem to have one burning question: can a real estate agent become a millionaire? Yes, they can. As a real estate agent, you have the potential to unlock a level of wealth that most people only fantasize about.

How do real estate agents get so rich? ›

Real estate agents make money by helping clients sell, rent, or buy properties. The majority of real estate agents in the United States work solely off of commission. So, instead of getting paid hourly or weekly, they receive a portion of the home's sale price after closing.

How long does it take to become a millionaire in real estate? ›

For those who purchase rental properties, it can take between five and 15 years to generate substantial income. Those seeking to become rich can expect to see significant returns within 15 or more years, especially if they hold their properties over multiple market cycles or until the timing is most favorable.

Will real estate agents be around in 10 years? ›

The demand for real estate agents is on the decline and is likely to continue this trend over the next 10 years.

Will real estate always be in demand? ›

Home values in California rose by 40.6% in the last 5 years. Home sales increased by 8.6% in January 2024 YoY and the mortgage rate climbed to 7.28%! So, California's housing market remains resilient and in demand. Even if mortgage rates continue to increase alarmingly, home sales will not falter.

Is real estate a good investment for the future? ›

On its own, real estate offers cash flow, tax breaks, equity building, competitive risk-adjusted returns, and a hedge against inflation. Real estate can also enhance a portfolio by lowering volatility through diversification, whether you invest in physical properties or REITs.

What is the best side hustle to make money in 2024? ›

The easiest side hustles are those that allow you to work from home and on your computer. Things like freelancing, social media marketing, answering surveys, and proofreading for other small businesses are pretty easy side jobs from home that can still turn a nice profit.

What part of real estate makes the most money? ›

7 highest paying jobs in real estate
  1. Real estate agent. Perhaps the most accessible and commonly known of all jobs in the property sector, real estate agents earn big from buying and selling property. ...
  2. Property investor. ...
  3. Real estate asset manager. ...
  4. Real estate lawyer. ...
  5. Property developer. ...
  6. Property appraiser. ...
  7. Real estate analyst.
Jul 31, 2023

What part of real estate is most profitable? ›

Here are the five most profitable real Estate ventures and the key factors and trends contributing to their success.
  1. Residential Real Estate Development. ...
  2. Commercial Real Estate Investment. ...
  3. Real Estate Crowdfunding. ...
  4. Real Estate Technology ( PropTech) ...
  5. Short-Term Rentals and Vacation Properties.
Dec 28, 2023

What is the richest real estate job? ›

14 high-paying real estate jobs
  • Property accountant. ...
  • Real estate broker. ...
  • Realtor.
  • New home sales consultant.
  • Compliance specialist.
  • Real estate agent. ...
  • Real estate attorney.
  • Mortgage loan officer.
Apr 18, 2024

How many millionaires start in real estate? ›

90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.” This famous quote from Andrew Carnegie, one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs of all time, is just as relevant today as it was more than a century ago. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world have built their wealth through real estate.

How to become wealthy through real estate? ›

7 Ways to Build Wealth Through Real Estate Investing
  1. Invest in a Private Equity Fund. ...
  2. Invest eligible capital gains in a Qualified Opportunity zone. ...
  3. Invest in a REIT. ...
  4. Complete a 1031 exchange. ...
  5. Invest in a syndicate. ...
  6. Participate in a “mini-IPO” ...
  7. Invest in a private debt fund.

Can you make a million dollars in real estate? ›

By continually flipping or renting the homes you live in, your net worth will probably hit the $1 million dollar mark within another 10–15 years and you can continue to get rich in real estate, while everyone else you knew at age 25 is still plodding along with little to nothing in the bank.

Can you make a million dollars a year selling real estate? ›

However, there are many agents all over the United States making at least one million dollars a year as real estate agents. The best part is you do not have to have a college education or even a high school education (depending on the state). You do have to work hard, plan well and be a great networker.

How much commission do million dollar listing agents make? ›

First is the total commission paid by the seller. In California, it ranges anywhere from 1-6% of the sales price. The standard is 5-6%, but for high-priced properties (i.e. $1+ million) the commission may be more like 4-5%. The amount is negotiated between the seller and listing agent before a contract is signed.

Do most millionaires get rich from real estate? ›

Conclusion. The claim that 90% of millionaires are made through real estate is a myth. While real estate can certainly contribute to wealth creation, it is not the primary wealth source for most millionaires.

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.