The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (2024)

The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (1)

When you use a search engine like Google, you don’t expect it to be collecting information about you. But that’s exactly what happens with every query and every search.

Among other things, this data collection leads to the “I bought one lava lamp, and now I’m drowning in lava lamp ads” cases. But there are search engines that don’t track you and we’re reviewing some of the best.

Table of contents

    What is a private search engine?

    A private search engine is one that doesn’t track you. They’re expected to have the following features:

    • Don’t track user data;
    • Don’t store your IP address;
    • Don’t store your search history;
    • Don’t sell your data to marketers;
    • Don’t offer targeted advertising;
    • Anonymize your data (as some information has to be stored for various functionality purposes);
    • Disclose funding sources.

    Anything beyond that is a benefit, though the most common ones are:

    • Map functionality;
    • Google-like search results page;
    • Browser plug-ins;
    • Dedicated apps;
    • Ways to make it the default search engine.

    And now, let’s get into our list of the best search engines that won’t leave you feeling watched.

    Top search engines that don’t track you

    1. DuckDuckGo

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (2)

    As far as privacy goes, DuckDuckGo is safe to use. In fact, it’s the preferred private search engine for millions of privacy enthusiasts, reaching 100 million daily search queries in 2021. It collects information from around 400 sources (such as Bing) as well as from its own crawler.

    DuckDuckGo is monetized in two ways: via Microsoft Advertising (while still keeping your data safe) and affiliate contracts with eBay and Amazon.

    When I tested it, just searching for “cat” or “cats” wasn’t enough to bring up cat food ads. DuckDuckGo also has its own fun features like !Bangs, which immediately leads you to search results on other websites. For example, !w cats would take you straight to the Wikipedia page on cats.




    Search results often miss obvious stuff

    Lots of users

    Still shows ads

    Has a custom crawler

    Good additional features

    1. Surfshark Search

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (3)

    Surfshark Search is a search engine by Surfshark (that’s us unless you’re somehow reading this post on some other blog, in which case I’m flattered they stole it). It’s a search engine built with privacy in mind, so it doesn’t collect any data about you and gives you organic search results.

    The only teeny-tiny downside is that it only comes with a Surfshark One subscription (though we’re certain that it’s a good product to own). On the other hand, this means that Surfshark Search doesn’t have to be funded through third parties and shows no ads or affiliate links. Ever.

    Forget ads and tracking

    Use Surfshark Search



    No ads whatsoever

    Lacking extra features

    Developed by a cybersecurity company

    Not free

    1. Startpage

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (4)

    Startpage traces its roots back to 2006 (or even 1998 if Wikipedia is to be believed), which is fairly old as far as search engines are concerned. It’s headquartered in the Netherlands (just like one other company whose blog you may be reading right now) and thus operates under stringent Dutch and EU privacy laws.

    Their other selling point is Google. Unlike many alternative search engines, Startpage uses Google’s search engine while at the same time anonymizing the search request. That’s why your search experience will be similar to Google, including ads. Startpage funds its business by showing ads, but they’re contextual rather than targeted.



    Uses anonymized Google results

    Still shows ads

    Beholden to EU privacy laws

    Established presence

    1. Ecosia

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (5)

    Carbon offsets — kind of whack. However, Ecosia isn’t in the business of pretending to care about the environment by maybe planting a tree now and then. It’s a private search engine that donates 80% of its profits to tree-planting programs.

    Ecosia claims that it has planted over 140 million trees at this point impressive for a search engine funded entirely by ad partnerships. According to the project, a single search brings in, on average, half a Euro cent. For added transparency, Ecosia hosts a load of reports and data on how their tree-planting efforts are going on their site.

    On the less exciting end, Ecosia draws search results from Microsoft Bing (also their ad partner) enhanced with its own algorithm.



    Look at all of them trees

    Still gives you ads

    Very transparent

    Still Bing results, kinda

    Bing results improved by own algorithm

    1. Qwant

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (6)

    Qwant was launched in France in 2013. It is set apart from other search engines that don’t track you by having its own indexing. This means that it stores and categorizes data in its own way and doesn’t, say, rely on Bing to do it. So if you’re unhappy with the search results that Bing brings up, Qwant will be an improved experience.

    Quant, like many others, is financed via ad deals with Tripadvisor, eBay, and others. It also offers Maps (based on the OpenStreetMap project) and Junior, a search engine version calibrated for 6-12-year-olds.



    Has its own indexing

    Financed by ads

    Offers features like kid-friendly search

    Some project information only available in French

    OpenStreetMap integration

    1. Gibiru

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (7)

    Launched in 2009, Gibiru is certainly a privacy search engine very little is known about it otherwise. It uses Google search results but with a twist!

    You can choose to see “censored” results for your searches, meaning it’s stuff that Google chooses not to show you. Other than that, it’s funded by commissions (when users buy something or place a call to action), offers its own VPN (Virtual Private Network) service, and has Android and iOS apps.



    Builds on Google search results

    Little is known about the project

    Censored search

    1. Searx

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (8)

    Searx is a bit different from other search engines here. It’s openly a metasearch engine, gathering results from 83 other sources (including Qwant and Startpage). Secondly, it was made by massive privacy nerds, and, as such, there’s no central Searx page: anyone can run a public instance. And the instances are a necessity since Google has started blocking some of them.

    You can set some preferences for the search engines, which will be stored on a cookie on your device rather than anywhere else. You can also use specific commands that allow you to draw results from a single specific engine rather than all of them.



    Collates results from many sources

    Independent public instances are of variable quality

    No central hub that could be taken down

    You can run your own public instance

    1. Swisscows

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (9)

    Swisscows resides in Switzerland, with a server-based in Mount10 AG secure bunker (seriously, that’s what their marketing material says). They claim that their searches are faster thanks to their company’s semantic indexing system. Like most entries on this list, it’s financed by Bing ads.

    Another thing Swisscows prides itself on is being a family-friendly search engine, immediately omitting any sexually explicit content. The rest is the usual fare: no user profiles, data anonymization within a week, no transfer to third parties, and so on.



    Semantic indexing for speed gains

    You may want those family-unfriendly results


    Bing ads

    1. MetaGer

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (10)

    MetaGer is positively ancient, having been launched in 1996. A cooperation between a German organization promoting media literacy and the University of Hannover, it’s a metasearch engine with a view to transparency and privacy. Also, its infrastructure is powered by solar- and hydropower.

    The source code of MetaGer is freely available for anyone to root around in. They’re also fairly open about how their system ranks pages for search results, including how they remove pages they’re legally obliged to or ones that look badly made or provide blatant misinformation.




    They admit to removing results, which is a balancing act

    The source code is available for inspection

    1. Search Encrypt

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (11)

    The name gives it all away when it comes to Search Encrypt. It’s a search engine that encrypts your searches. On top of that, it does not keep your data, cookies, or cache, and all of your activity gets completely wiped off after 30 minutes of inactivity. As a result, it is one of the best search engine options for privacy.

    As with most others on this list, Search Encrypt shows contextual ads to fund their activity. The results you get are retrieved from a number of search partners rather than a single search engine, and you can access Search Encrypt through their website or a Chrome extension.



    Does not store data

    Still shows ads

    Deletes your history after a period of inactivity

    Uses secure encryption for your searches

    1. Mojeek

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (12)

    Mojeek is another great private search engine for the environmentally conscious. Instead of using results from other engines, Mojeek has its own crawler with over 5 billion pages indexed to date. As with all others on this list, Mojeek does not track you or store data about your searches.

    The company hosts its servers in Custodian, a data center known for only using renewable energy, as well as other “green” initiatives. They do their best to do what’s right, both when it comes to your privacy and the environment. They also offer customizable searches and a mobile app to provide you with the best searching experience they can.

    Mojeek gets its funding by running ads and exploring other revenue sources, such as partnerships and APIs.



    Environmentally friendly

    Shows ads

    Has its own crawler

    Smaller search index compared to biggest search engines

    Doesn’t track user data

    Customizable searches

    1. Disconnect Search

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (13)

    If you’re looking for a private alternative to Google, why not choose one that was created by ex-Google employees? It does not have its own crawler; in fact, it does not even run your searches itself. You can simply use the Disconnect extension to protect your searches on all platforms, including the likes of Google and Bing.

    The extension runs your searches through their servers, encrypts them, and does not keep any information about your activity. In a way, it’s similar to a VPN but only protects your search queries, while a VPN protects the entirety of your internet traffic.



    Blocks ads

    Does not have its own engine

    Encrypts searches

    Only works through an extension

    Doesn’t store information

    1. Brave Search

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (14)

    As you may be able to guess from the name, Brave Search is the default search engine for the Brave browser, but you can access it through other browsers as well. It has its own indexing but uses results from third-party search engines to try and provide the best results possible.

    Brave Search does not track your activity or store your information. The ads they show are not personalized (although you can apply for the Brave Rewards program and get reward points for being shown targeted ads). Brave also uses private usage metrics by default, but they can be turned off in the settings.



    Doesn’t store data

    Shows ads

    Has its own indexing

    Requires you to go through settings for maximum privacy

    Does not track your activity

    1. Infinity Search

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (15)

    If you’re willing to spend a few bucks for a private and ad-free searching experience, Infinity Search is a great option to go with. It offers a lot of customization while providing results from its own indexing, as well as Wikipedia and Google.

    Since it does not store your data or track your activity, you get completely unlogged results every time you search for anything. If you’re a business owner, Infinity Search also offers private browsing plans for businesses.



    Doesn’t store data

    Is a paid service

    Doesn’t track activity

    Requires registration

    Doesn’t show ads

    Has a lot of customization

    Get the private search engine that’s right for you

    While Google dominates the search engine scene to an absurd degree, you don’t have to submit to its Orwellian nightmare. As this list shows, alternative search engines exist, and they can help you browse without drowning you in annoying targeted ads or hoovering up your data for sale. And now that you’ve read up on it, you can make an informed choice.

    Use a search engine that doesn’t track you

    Get Surfshark Search


    Is there a search engine that does not track you?

    Yes, there are multiple private search engines that do not track you, like DuckDuckGo, Surfshark Search, and Startpage.

    What search engine is the most private?

    Nobody really knows which search engine offers the most privacy. Especially when “most private” is a fairly nebulous term when it comes to search engines and determining just how much user data they need to operate.

    For now, any search engine on our list is good.

    How can I search and not be tracked?

    Here’s how you search without being tracked:

    1. Use a private search engine;
    2. Use a VPN;
    3. Use your browser in Incognito mode.

    What is the downside of DuckDuckGo?

    As someone who uses DuckDuckGo on his phone, I can say that search results do sometimes miss the obvious answers that Google would provide.

    But that’s the tradeoff: you trade convenience for privacy.

    Is DuckDuckGo owned by Google/Amazon/China?

    No, DuckDuckGo is owned by Duck Duck Go Inc., an American company.

    What are the different types of search engines?

    To their core, search engines can be categorized as private or not private. The giants of the industry, such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo, are great at providing search results, but they store your data and track your activity to show targeted ads, which makes them not great for privacy.

    Then there are search engines like DuckDuckGo, Surfshark Search, Startpage, and others, that don’t keep track of your activity, nor do they store your data. Some of them don’t even show ads, and those that do, show ads based on the context of your search rather than your activity. The search results themselves aren’t always as great, but they keep you more private.

    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark (2024)


    The best private search engines in 2024 - Surfshark? ›

    Plus, with Surfshark, you can use Surfshark Search as your search engine for private browsing. It doesn't collect any data about your browsing habits, so you'll always have the most unbiased search results.

    What is the best search engine for Surfshark? ›

    Despite relying on Bing for search results, DuckDuckGo provides better anonymity, and is one of the main search engines for ToR. Remember, there's no one perfect privacy tool. But with DuckDuckGo and Surfshark combined, you can be sure that your data is safer than it would have been without it.

    What is Surfshark private search engine? ›

    What is Surfshark Search? Surfshark Search is an ad-free, private search tool that allows you to see organic results without tracking or interference.

    What is the best most private search engine? ›

    The best private search engines
    • Startpage.
    • DuckDuckGo.
    • Qwant.
    • Searx.
    • SearchEncrypt.
    • Gibiru.
    • Ecosia.
    • Swisscows.
    Jan 25, 2024

    What search engine doesn't spy on you? ›

    Yes, there are multiple private search engines that do not track you, like DuckDuckGo, Surfshark Search, and Startpage.

    Can police track Surfshark? ›

    Police can't track live, encrypted VPN traffic, but if they have a court order, they can go to your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and request connection or usage logs. Since your ISP knows you're using a VPN, they can direct the police to them.

    Is there a better VPN than Surfshark? ›

    So, in terms of download speeds, both providers are almost identical. However, NordVPN is a bit more efficient with upload speeds. Overall, NordVPN is a faster VPN than Surfshark as its NordLynx performance is better regarding both download and upload speeds.

    Is Surfshark really Anonymous? ›

    Surfshark never tracks what you do online, meaning that nothing of your connection info is kept aside from what is needed to keep your connection up.

    Does Surfshark have private DNS? ›

    The Surfshark advantage

    Each VPN server has its own DNS complete with leak protection when used in conjunction with IPv4 stack. Protect your online privacy with second-to-none technology.

    Is a VPN better than a private search engine? ›

    However, your internet service provider (ISP) will still be able to see this information and your device's IP address. VPNs, on the other hand, hide your web traffic and IP addresses from everyone, including your ISP, so they are much more private than incognito mode.

    Is there a truly private search engine? ›


    DuckDuckGo allows you to search the web without being tracked by its search engine. It also has measures in place to stop other websites from tracking your online activity. It keeps no user profiles, and there's no way to track an individual's search history or what websites they visited.

    What is the safest and most private search engine? ›

    1. DuckDuckGo. DuckDuckGo is a popular private search engine that emphasizes user privacy by not tracking your searches or storing personal information.

    What is the top 3 search engine? ›

    Google, Bing, Yahoo! and DuckDuckGo are the most popular search engines in the United States.

    Which browser has 100% privacy? ›

    What is the best browser for privacy?
    Best browser for privacyAd tracking prevention?Onion routing?
    Mozilla FirefoxAvailable ✓X
    DuckDuckGoAvailable ✓
    1 more row
    Apr 7, 2024

    What is the most unsafe search engine? ›

    Shodan: The Most Terrifying, Dangerous Search Engine in the World.

    Which search engine does hackers use? ›

    10 Best Hackers Search Engines
    Best Hackers Search EnginesKey Features
    WiGLEWireless network mapping It has web applications
    CensysEnhance general security It helps to find open ports
    HunterThis is the most dynamic It is also accessible along with their API
    PiplThis is the world's largest people search engine.
    6 more rows
    Jun 12, 2023

    What browser to use with Surfshark? ›

    Surfshark VPN is just the thing – and it will work on any platform your privacy browser can support. It even has browser extensions that work with Brave, Firefox, and Chrome. Plus, with Surfshark, you can use Surfshark Search as your search engine for private browsing.

    What browsers work with Surfshark? ›

    Surfshark browser extension: for your browser
    • Google Chrome (will also work on Brave and Opera browsers)
    • Mozilla Firefox (will work on many other Gecko-based browsers)
    • Microsoft Edge.
    Feb 8, 2024

    What is the best protocol for Surfshark? ›

    How do I know which Surfshark VPN protocol is the best for me?
    • WireGuard® is good all around, especially when speed is the issue.
    • IKEv2 is on par with WireGuard® and is really good with mobile.
    • OpenVPN usually works best for routers.

    How do I optimize my Surfshark? ›

    If OpenVPN (UDP) does not help, try the WireGuard protocol and others.
    1. Turn on small packets. You will find an option to use small packets in Surfshark's settings. ...
    2. Change your network. Some networks might be performing worse compared to others when connected to a VPN. ...
    3. Turn off the Battery-saving mode. ...
    4. Reboot your device.
    Jan 30, 2024

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    Author: Tyson Zemlak

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    Author information

    Name: Tyson Zemlak

    Birthday: 1992-03-17

    Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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    Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

    Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

    Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.