The Back-up (2024)

The Back-up (1)The Back-up (2)

The Back-up

The Back-up (3)
Call drones for back up. Lasts 25 seconds.
Call 4 Strike Drones to fight for you. Lasts 25 seconds.
Amount needed for permanent effect
6 The Back-up (4) Gesture of the DrownedThe Back-up (5)The Back-up (6)Gesture of the Drowned
Dramatically reduce Equipment cooldown... BUT it automatically activates.

Reduce Equipment cooldown by 50% (+15% per stack). Forces your Equipment to activate whenever it is off cooldown.
9 The Back-up (7) Fuel CellThe Back-up (8)The Back-up (9)Fuel Cell
Hold an additional equipment charge. Reduce equipment cooldown.

Hold an additional equipment charge (+1 per stack). Reduce equipment cooldown by 15% (+15% per stack).
Strike Drone
The Back-up (10)
Health225 (+67.5 per level)
Health Regen5/s (+1 per level)
Damage7 (+1.4 per level)
Speed17 m/s

"Backup" redirects here. For the common item, see The Back-up (11) Backup MagazineThe Back-up (12)The Back-up (13)Backup Magazine
Add an extra charge of your Secondary skill.

Add +1 (+1 per stack) charge of your Secondary skill.

The Back-up is a returning equipment in Risk of Rain 2.

When activated, it summons 4 Strike Drones that follow the player and attack nearby enemies with fast-firing machine guns. After 25 to 28 seconds, the Strike Drones automatically self-destruct.


  • 1 Notes
  • 2 Tips
  • 3 Lore
  • 4 Version History
  • 5 Trivia


  • The Strike Drone is the only ally that does not scale with the monster level, but instead with the player level. As such, it deals less damage as time passes, since monsters level up faster than the player. This is most likely a bug.
    • It is worth noting that Strike Drones spawned by an Equipment Drone or a The Back-up (14) ScavengerThe Back-up (15)Scavenger
      Item HoarderHP: 3800 (+1140 per level)
      Damage: 4 (+0.8 per level)
      Class: Ranged
      Speed: 3 m/s
      Armor: 20
      will be at ambient level, since their summoner also scales accordingly.


  • This equipment is extremely beneficial for The Back-up (16) CaptainThe Back-up (17)CaptainThe Captain is a unique survivor that can control the battlefield with utility and damage - with help from the UES Safe Travels.
    Class: Ranged
    HP: 110 (+33 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Armor: 0
    Umbra: Tired Veteran
    , since his The Back-up (18) passive skillThe Back-up (19)Defensive Microbots (Passive)Passively gain Microbots that shoot down nearby enemy projectiles. Drones are also given Microbots.
    Survivor: Captain
    grants every Strike Drone The Back-up (20) Defensive MicrobotsThe Back-up (21)The Back-up (22)Defensive Microbots
    Shoot down nearby projectiles. Recharge rate scales with attack speed.

    Shoot down 1 (+1 per stack) projectiles within 20m every 0.5 seconds. Recharge rate scales with attack speed.
    until their duration runs out.
  • Giving The Back-up to an Equipment Drone is quite useful, since the drone itself will activate the equipment when enemies are near. Both the Equipment Drone and Strike Drones will follow the player nearly all the time, since the Equipment Drone reduces its equipment's cooldown by about 80%.
    • This is especially useful as Captain, as the Equipment Drone and the Strike Drones will get Defensive Microbots.
  • Due to its 100 second cooldown, it's best to use this against a horde of enemies or during the Teleporter Event, as the drones have a high rate of fire and can draw enemies' attention.
  • This item has a hard limit of 20 drones that can be active at any one time. This cap is affected by other drones the player already has, and activating it will no longer have any effect if they have 20 drones already.
  • It's possible to gain permanent uptime of the drones by having a The Back-up (23) Gesture of the DrownedThe Back-up (24)The Back-up (25)Gesture of the Drowned
    Dramatically reduce Equipment cooldown... BUT it automatically activates.

    Reduce Equipment cooldown by 50% (+15% per stack). Forces your Equipment to activate whenever it is off cooldown.
    and at least five The Back-up (26) Fuel CellsThe Back-up (27)The Back-up (28)Fuel Cell
    Hold an additional equipment charge. Reduce equipment cooldown.

    Hold an additional equipment charge (+1 per stack). Reduce equipment cooldown by 15% (+15% per stack).
    • Interestingly, this equipment can still benefit from gathering more Gestures and/or Fuel Cells even after permanent uptime is achieved, since more than 4 drones can be summoned at once.
  • Drones summoned will not receive the visual drone augmentations provided by The Back-up (29)The Back-up (30)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
    Spare Drone Parts is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    The Back-up (31) Spare Drone PartsThe Back-up (32)The Back-up (33)The Back-up (34)The Back-up (35)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
    This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
    Click for more info.
    Spare Drone Parts
    Your drones fire faster, have less cooldowns, shoot missiles, and gain a bonus chaingun.

    Gain Col. Droneman. Drones gain +50% (+50% per stack) attack speed and cooldown reduction. Drones gain 10% chance to fire a missile on hit, dealing 300% TOTAL damage. Drones gain an automatic chain gun that deals 6x100% damage, bouncing to 2 enemies.
    but will receive the stat boosts.


"The inclusion of Rapid Response Drone Squadrons (RRDS) by local law enforcement marked a dire turning point of Plank's Rebellion. After its massive "success" in quelling the Rebellion - and subsequent implementation across Mercury - underground drone hackers became highly sought after by black market users."-Overview of Drone Technology, Vol.2

Version History[]

Anniversary Update
  • Quality of Life
    • Graphics Updates
      • Update visuals to match other assets
Early Access Artifacts Content Update
  • Sound & Music
    • Fix The Back-up equipment not playing activation SFX correctly over the network
Early Access Hidden Realms Content Update
Early Access Scorched Acres Content Update
  • QOL
    • ☂ Add 0.5s cooldown to repeatedly using The Backup equipment


  • Prior to the Anniversary Update, the Strike Drones shared the same model as the The Back-up (37) Missile Drone.
  • The Back-up has a retro "walkie talkie" styled LCD screen, which can be read if examined in the logbook. It has a signal strength (or battery) indicator at the top, says that it's connected to Channel 2, and is set to 0/100 Voice Mod SVL (presumably standing for sound velocity levels).
  • The Back-up (38)

    See Also

    A close up of The Back-up's screen.

The Back-up (39) Blast ShowerThe Back-up (40)The Back-up (41)20sBlast Shower
Cleanse all negative effects.

Cleanse all negative effects. Includes debuffs, damage over time, and nearby projectiles.
The Back-up (42) Disposable Missile LauncherThe Back-up (43)The Back-up (44)45sDisposable Missile Launcher
Fire a swarm of missiles.

Fire a swarm of 12 missiles that deal 12x300% damage.
The Back-up (45) Eccentric VaseThe Back-up (46)The Back-up (47)45sEccentric Vase
Create a quantum tunnel between two locations.

Create a quantum tunnel of up to 1000m in length. Lasts 30 seconds.
The Back-up (48) Executive CardThe Back-up (49)The Back-up (50)0.1sThe Back-up (51)The Back-up (52)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Executive Card
Gain 10% cash back on all purchases. Multishops remain open.

Whenever you make a gold purchase, get 10% of the spent gold back. If the purchase is a multishop terminal, the other terminals will remain open.
The Back-up (53) Foreign FruitThe Back-up (54)The Back-up (55)45sForeign Fruit
Heal on use.

Instantly heal for 50% of your maximum health.
The Back-up (56) Forgive Me PleaseThe Back-up (57)The Back-up (58)45sForgive Me Please
Throw a cursed doll that repeatedly triggers your 'On Kill' effects.

Throw a cursed doll out that triggers any On-Kill effects you have every 1 second for 8 seconds.
The Back-up (59) Fuel ArrayThe Back-up (60)The Back-up (61)Fuel Array
Looks like it could power something. EXTREMELY unstable...
The Back-up (62) Gnarled WoodspriteThe Back-up (63)The Back-up (64)15sGnarled Woodsprite
Heal over time. Activate to send to an ally.

Gain a Woodsprite follower that heals for 1.5% of your maximum health/second. Can be sent to an ally to heal them for 10% of their maximum health.
The Back-up (65) Goobo Jr.The Back-up (66)The Back-up (67)100sThe Back-up (68)The Back-up (69)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Goobo Jr.
Create a clone of you for 30 seconds.

Spawn a gummy clone that has 300% damage and 300% health. Expires in 30 seconds.
The Back-up (70) Gorag's OpusThe Back-up (71)The Back-up (72)45sGorag's Opus
You and all your allies enter a frenzy.

All allies enter a frenzy for 7 seconds. Increases movement speed by 50% and attack speed by 100%.
The Back-up (73) Jade ElephantThe Back-up (74)The Back-up (75)45sJade Elephant
Gain massive armor for 5 seconds.

Gain 500 armor for 5 seconds.
The Back-up (76) Milky ChrysalisThe Back-up (77)The Back-up (78)60sMilky Chrysalis
Gain temporary flight.

Sprout wings and fly for 15 seconds. Gain +20% movement speed for the duration.
The Back-up (79) Molotov (6-Pack)The Back-up (80)The Back-up (81)45sThe Back-up (82)The Back-up (83)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Molotov (6-Pack)
Throw 6 flaming molotovs that ignite enemies upon shattering.

Throw 6 molotov co*cktails that ignites enemies for 500% base damage. Each molotov leaves a burning area for 200% damage per second.
The Back-up (84) Ocular HUDThe Back-up (85)The Back-up (86)60sOcular HUD
Gain +100% Critical Strike Chance for 8 seconds.
The Back-up (87) Preon AccumulatorThe Back-up (88)The Back-up (89)140sPreon Accumulator
Fire a ball of energy that electrocutes nearby enemies before detonating.

Fires preon tendrils, zapping enemies within 35m for up to 600% damage/second. On contact, detonate in an enormous 20m explosion for 4000% damage.
The Back-up (90) Primordial CubeThe Back-up (91)The Back-up (92)60sPrimordial Cube
Fire a black hole that draws enemies in.

Fire a black hole that draws enemies within 30m into its center. Lasts 10 seconds
The Back-up (93) Radar ScannerThe Back-up (94)The Back-up (95)45sRadar Scanner
Reveal all nearby interactables.

Reveal all interactables within 500m for 10 seconds.
The Back-up (96) RecyclerThe Back-up (97)The Back-up (98)45sRecycler
Transform an Item or Equipment into a different one. Can only recycle once.

Transform an Item or Equipment into a different one. Can only be converted into the same tier one time.
The Back-up (99) Remote CaffeinatorThe Back-up (100)The Back-up (101)60sThe Back-up (102)The Back-up (103)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Remote Caffeinator
Request a healing soda machine.

Request an Eclipse Zero Vending Machine from the UES Safe Travels. Delivery guaranteed in 5 seconds, dealing 2000% damage. Heal up to 3 targets for 25% of their maximum health.
The Back-up (104) Royal CapacitorThe Back-up (105)The Back-up (106)20sRoyal Capacitor
Call down a lightning strike on a targeted monster.

Call down a lightning strike on a targeted monster, dealing 3000% damage and stunning nearby monsters.
The Back-up (107) SawmerangThe Back-up (108)The Back-up (109)45sSawmerang
Throw a fan of buzzing saws that come back to you.

Throw three large saw blades that slice through enemies for 3x400% damage. Also deals an additional 3x100% damage per second while bleeding enemies. Can strike enemies again on the way back.
The Back-up (110) Super Massive LeechThe Back-up (111)The Back-up (112)60sSuper Massive Leech
Heal for a percentage of the damage you deal for 8 seconds.

Heal for 20% of the damage you deal. Lasts 8 seconds.
The Back-up (113) The Back-upThe Back-up (114)The Back-up (115)100sThe Back-up
Call drones for back up. Lasts 25 seconds.

Call 4 Strike Drones to fight for you. Lasts 25 seconds.
The Back-up (116) The CrowdfunderThe Back-up (117)The Back-up (118)The Crowdfunder
Toggle to fire. Costs gold per bullet.

Fires a continuous barrage that deals 100% damage per bullet. Costs $1 per bullet. Cost increases over time.
The Back-up (119) Trophy Hunter's Tricorn (Consumed)The Back-up (120)The Back-up (121)60sThe Back-up (122)The Back-up (123)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Trophy Hunter's Tricorn (Consumed)
Looks kinda cool, but that's about it.
The Back-up (124) Trophy Hunter's TricornThe Back-up (125)The Back-up (126)0sThe Back-up (127)The Back-up (128)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Trophy Hunter's Tricorn
Execute a large monster and claim its trophy. Consumed on use.

Execute any enemy capable of spawning a unique reward, and it will drop that item. Equipment is consumed on use.
The Back-up (129) Volcanic EggThe Back-up (130)The Back-up (131)30sVolcanic Egg
Transform into a speeding draconic fireball, dealing damage as you pass through enemies.

Turn into a draconic fireball for 5 seconds. Deal 500% damage on impact. Detonates at the end for 800% damage.
The Back-up (132) Effigy of GriefThe Back-up (133)The Back-up (134)15sEffigy of Grief
Drop a permanent effigy that cripples ALL characters inside. Can place up to 5.

ALL characters within are slowed by 50% and have their armor reduced by 20. Can place up to 5.
The Back-up (135) Glowing MeteoriteThe Back-up (136)The Back-up (137)140sGlowing Meteorite
Rain meteors from the sky, hurting both enemies and allies.

Rain meteors from the sky, damaging ALL characters for 600% damage per blast. Lasts 20 seconds.
The Back-up (138) Helfire TinctureThe Back-up (139)The Back-up (140)45sHelfire Tincture
Burn everything nearby... including you and allies.

Ignite ALL characters within 15m for 12s. Deal 5% of your maximum health/second as burning as damage. The burn is 0.5x stronger on yourself, 0.25x stronger on allies, and 24x stronger on enemies.
The Back-up (141) Spinel TonicThe Back-up (142)The Back-up (143)60sSpinel Tonic
Gain a massive boost to ALL stats. Chance to gain an affliction that reduces ALL stats.

Drink the Tonic, gaining a boost for 20 seconds. Increases damage by +100%. Increases attack speed by +70%. Increases armor by +20. Increases maximum health by +50%. Increases passive health regeneration by +300%. Increases movespeed by +30%.

When the Tonic wears off, you have a 20% chance to gain a Tonic Affliction, reducing all of your stats by -5% (-5% per stack).

The Back-up (144) Her Biting EmbraceThe Back-up (145)The Back-up (146)Her Biting Embrace
Become an aspect of ice.
The Back-up (147) His ReassuranceThe Back-up (148)The Back-up (149)The Back-up (150)The Back-up (151)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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His Reassurance
Become an aspect of earth.
The Back-up (152) Ifrit's DistinctionThe Back-up (153)The Back-up (154)Ifrit's Distinction
Become an aspect of fire.
The Back-up (155) N'kuhana's RetortThe Back-up (156)The Back-up (157)N'kuhana's Retort
Become an aspect of corruption.
The Back-up (158) Shared DesignThe Back-up (159)The Back-up (160)Shared Design
Become an aspect of perfection.
The Back-up (161) Silence Between Two StrikesThe Back-up (162)The Back-up (163)Silence Between Two Strikes
Become an aspect of lightning.
The Back-up (164) Spectral CircletThe Back-up (165)The Back-up (166)Spectral Circlet
Become an aspect of incorporeality.
Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
ArtifactsChallengesChestsDifficultyDronesEquipmentInteractablesItemsItem StackingLoreMechanicsMonstersNewt AltarsPrismatic TrialShrinesStatus Effects
The Back-up (167) AcridThe Back-up (168)AcridAcrid is a melee-range hybrid who uses powerful poisons to melt tanky enemies.
Class: Melee / Ranged
HP: 160 (+48 per level)
Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
Armor: 20
Umbra: Test Subject
The Back-up (169) ArtificerThe Back-up (170)ArtificerThe Artificer is a high burst damage survivor who excels in fighting large groups and bosses alike.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Herald of the House Beyond
The Back-up (171) BanditThe Back-up (172)BanditThe Bandit is a high-skill combo character that can dish out devastating backstabs while weaving in and out of stealth.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Desperate Outlaw
The Back-up (173) CaptainThe Back-up (174)CaptainThe Captain is a unique survivor that can control the battlefield with utility and damage - with help from the UES Safe Travels.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Tired Veteran
The Back-up (175) CommandoThe Back-up (176)CommandoThe Commando is a jack-of-all-trades character that is reliable in all situations of the game.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Cornered Gunslinger
The Back-up (177) EngineerThe Back-up (178)EngineerThe Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.
Class: Ranged
HP: 130 (+39 per level)
Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Fortification Expert
The Back-up (179) HereticThe Back-up (180)HereticThe Heretic is a powerful character who can only be accessed through extraordinary means.
Class: Ranged
HP: 440 (+132 per level)
Damage: 18 (+3.6 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Unorthodoxy Risen
The Back-up (181) HuntressThe Back-up (182)HuntressThe Huntress is an extremely mobile but fragile survivor with a high damage output.
Class: Ranged
HP: 90 (+27 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Judge, Jury, Executioner
The Back-up (183) LoaderThe Back-up (184)LoaderThe Loader is a slow but powerful bruiser that can use her grappling hook to uniquely navigate the environment.
Class: Melee
HP: 160 (+48 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 20
Umbra: Bionic Powerhouse
The Back-up (185) MercenaryThe Back-up (186)MercenaryThe Mercenary is a high skill melee survivor that uses his many dodges to weave in and out of combat.
Class: Melee
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 20
Umbra: Hired Blade
The Back-up (187) MUL-TThe Back-up (188)MUL-TMUL-T is an aggressive survivor who has the tools necessary for any job!
Class: Melee / Ranged
HP: 200 (+60 per level)
Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
Armor: 12
Umbra: Right Tool for the Wrong Job
The Back-up (189)The Back-up (190)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Railgunner is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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The Back-up (191) RailgunnerThe Back-up (192)The Back-up (193)The Back-up (194)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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RailgunnerThe Railgunner is a long-range, single target survivor that can instantly kill any high priority target - and from any range.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Forgotten Nomad
The Back-up (195) REXThe Back-up (196)REXREX is a half robot / half plant that uses HP to cast devastating skills from a distance. The plant nor the robot could survive this planet alone – but thankfully they have each other.
Class: Ranged
HP: 130 (+39 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 20
Umbra: Symbiotes
The Back-up (197)The Back-up (198)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Void Fiend is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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The Back-up (199) Void FiendThe Back-up (200)The Back-up (201)The Back-up (202)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Void FiendThe Void Fiend is a corrupted survivor that fluctuates between a controlled and corrupted form, each with different strengths and weaknesses. Managing this curse has become its fate.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Corrupted Amnesiac
Abandoned AqueductThe Back-up (203)Abandoned Aqueduct (Stage 2)
Origin of Tar
You dream of sand beneath your feet.

Massive skeletons and pools of tar are littered around, and a towering aqueduct pouring down tar dominates the area.

Abyssal DepthsThe Back-up (204)Abyssal Depths (Stage 4)
Tectonic Relics
You dream of fire.

A hellfire-forged zone of blazing heat, the Abyssal Depths are believed to be a continuation and adaptation of the Magma Barracks from Risk of Rain.

The Back-up (205)The Back-up (206)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Aphelian Sanctuary is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Aphelian SanctuaryThe Back-up (207)The Back-up (208)The Back-up (209)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Aphelian Sanctuary (Stage 2)
Cleansing Center
You dream of clarity.
CommencementThe Back-up (210)Commencement (Final)
Moon of Petrichor V
You dream of glass and dirt.

Large domain located above the shattered breach of The Back-up (211) Petrichor V's moon. It is made up of the shattered remains of four individual sections, emblematic of The Back-up (212) MithrixThe Back-up (213)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
and Providence's tools of creation.

Distant RoostThe Back-up (214)Distant Roost (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of waves, crashing on cliffsides.

Spires of earth jut through the fog and unknown avian creatures circle far peaks guarding their broods.

Rallypoint DeltaThe Back-up (215)Rallypoint Delta (Stage 3)
'Contact Light' Survivor Camp
You dream of quiet snowfall.

Rallypoint Delta is the remains of a makeshift camp constructed by a group of scattered crew members from the UES Contact Light, somewhere in the frigid tundra of Petrichor V.

Scorched AcresThe Back-up (216)Scorched Acres (Stage 3)
Wisp Installation
You dream of wind, blowing through trees.

Large, circular platforms make up the majority of the stage, and embers float through the air.

The Back-up (217)The Back-up (218)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Siphoned Forest is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Siphoned ForestThe Back-up (219)The Back-up (220)The Back-up (221)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Siphoned Forest (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of fire and ice.

The map is blanketed in a layer of snow, with large trees surrounded by platforms spanning multiple levels.

Siren's CallThe Back-up (222)Siren's Call (Stage 4)
Ship Graveyard
You dream of wind.
Sky MeadowThe Back-up (223)Sky Meadow (Stage 5)
Sprite Fields
You dream of serenity.
The Back-up (224)The Back-up (225)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Sulfur Pools is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Sulfur PoolsThe Back-up (226)The Back-up (227)The Back-up (228)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Sulfur Pools (Stage 3)
Pungent Spring
You dream of brimstone.

Tiered lakes of shallow sulfur pools. Arcing bridges and underground caves connect the map together.

Sundered GroveThe Back-up (229)Sundered Grove (Stage 4)
Dormant Locus
You dream of violent growth.

Ancient flora has risen up to reclaim this once sacred refuge. Mazes of roots and overgrown fungus have twisted the landscape, leaving only ruins.

Titanic PlainsThe Back-up (230)Titanic Plains (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of rolling hills.

Gigantic stone arches bracket the skyline, while the main play-field overlooks a vast fractured tectonic lowland.

Wetland AspectThe Back-up (231)Wetland Aspect (Stage 2)
Rehabilitation Zone
You dream of twisting roots.

Full of ruined stone structures and swampy areas filled with water.

Hidden Realms
A Moment, FracturedThe Back-up (232)A Moment, Fractured (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: A Moment, Fractured
Multiple floating islands in a void, with sharp blue crystals embedded in them. The Obelisk can be found on top of the last island.
A Moment, WholeThe Back-up (233)A Moment, Whole (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: A Moment, Whole
A bleak and desolate realm. The refuge of the The Back-up (234) Twisted Scavengers, safe from The Back-up (235) Mithrix'sThe Back-up (236)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
vengeance and destruction.
Bazaar Between TimeThe Back-up (237)Bazaar Between Time (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: Bazaar Between Time
This stage serves as the shop in Risk of Rain 2. Players can purchase various Items with Lunar Coins or exchange items for higher-rarity ones in two crucibles.
Bulwark's AmbryThe Back-up (238)Bulwark's Ambry (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: Bulwark's Ambry
The area consists of block-shaped platforms, with the Artifact Reliquary in the center.
Gilded CoastThe Back-up (239)Gilded Coast (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: Gilded Coast
You dream of wealth.

This area is where the player fights the boss Aurelionite, the Titanic Goldweaver.

The Back-up (240)The Back-up (241)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
The Planetarium is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
The PlanetariumThe Back-up (242)The Back-up (243)The Back-up (244)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
The Planetarium (Final)
Cell V
The Planetarium is an area somewhere within the Void, housing a collection of planets detained by the Void's denizens. It is inhabited primarily by the Voidling, the guard of the Planetarium or potentially the controller of the Void itself.
Void FieldsThe Back-up (245)Void Fields (Hidden Realm)
Cosmic Prison
Hidden Realm accessible only through the Bazaar Between Time. Until the cell is stabilized, the Void Fields will constantly "suffocate" the player for a small percentage of their current health.
The Back-up (246)The Back-up (247)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Void Locus is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Void LocusThe Back-up (248)The Back-up (249)The Back-up (250)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Void Locus (Hidden Realm)
You dream of potential.

The Void Locus contains many Void Potentials and Cradles in place of chests, and is inhabited by Void monsters.

The Back-up (251)The Back-up (252)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Survivors of the Void
Alternate Game Modes
EclipsePrismatic TrialsThe Back-up (253)The Back-up (254)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
ArmorDamageDirectorsEnemy AIFamily EventsGoldHealthItem StackingLunar CoinsMovement SpeedProc CoefficientThe Back-up (255)The Back-up (256)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Void Fog
Developer ConsoleDevelopment TeamLanguagesModdingSoundtrackUnreleased ItemsVersion History

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I'm well-versed in the world of Risk of Rain 2 equipment and drones. Based on the provided article, it seems to be a comprehensive guide to "The Back-up" equipment, which summons Strike Drones to fight alongside the player. Here's a breakdown of the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. The Back-up Equipment:

    • Summons 4 Strike Drones with fast-firing machine guns.
    • Lasts for 25 seconds.
    • 100-second cooldown.
    • Can be beneficial for the Captain character, as it synergizes with Defensive Microbots.
  2. Strike Drones:

    • Follow the player and attack nearby enemies.
    • Automatically self-destruct after 25 to 28 seconds.
    • Damage scales with the player's level.
  3. Equipment Synergies:

    • Gesture of the Drowned: Dramatically reduces Equipment cooldown but automatically activates it.
    • Fuel Cell: Holds an additional equipment charge and reduces equipment cooldown.
  4. Tips and Strategies:

    • The Back-up is useful for Captain, especially when paired with an Equipment Drone.
    • The Captain's Defensive Microbots can be applied to Strike Drones.
    • The equipment has a hard limit of 20 drones active at a time.
    • Permanent uptime of drones is possible with Gesture of the Drowned and Fuel Cells.
    • Visual drone augmentations from DLC content don't affect Strike Drones.
  5. Lore:

    • Provides background information on the use of Rapid Response Drone Squadrons in the game's universe.
  6. Version History and Trivia:

    • Details updates to the equipment in different game versions.
    • Trivia about the equipment's appearance and features.
  7. Other Equipment:

    • Mention of various other equipment in Risk of Rain 2, each with unique effects.
  8. Environments and Stages:

    • Descriptions of different in-game environments and stages.
  9. Survivors and DLC Content:

    • Information about playable characters (Survivors) and DLC content.
  10. Hidden Realms and Alternate Game Modes:

    • Descriptions of hidden realms, alternate game modes, and DLC content.
  11. Mechanics:

    • Details about game mechanics such as armor, damage, enemy AI, lunar coins, and more.
  12. Categories:

    • Classifies content into categories like Equipment, Drones, and more.

Overall, this article provides a comprehensive guide to "The Back-up" equipment and related concepts in Risk of Rain 2. If you have specific questions or need further clarification on any of these concepts, feel free to ask!

The Back-up (2024)


How do I stop Google One backup? ›

Stop future device backups
  1. On your Android phone, open your device's Settings app.
  2. Tap Google. Backup.
  3. Turn off Backup by Google One.
  4. To turn off backup, follow the on-screen instructions.

What do you mean by backup? ›

Data backup means creating a copy of the data on your system that you use for recovery in case your original data is lost or corrupted. You can also use backup to recover copies of older files if you have deleted them from your system.

How to take full backup of android phone? ›

Automatically back up your phone
  1. Open your device's Settings app.
  2. Select Google. Backup. Tip: If this is your first time, turn on Backup by Google One and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. Tap Back up now.

What is the 3 backup rule? ›

The 3-2-1 backup strategy simply states that you should have 3 copies of your data (your production data and 2 backup copies) on two different media (disk and tape) with one copy off-site for disaster recovery.

What are the 3 backups? ›

The most common backup types are a full backup, incremental backup and differential backup. Other backup types include synthetic full backups and mirroring.

Does deleting photos from Google Photos delete from phone? ›

You can delete up to 1,500 photos and videos from your Google Photos library or your camera roll at a time. Important: Deleting photos and videos from the Google Photos app deletes the same items from your device.

Does Google One backup everything on my phone? ›

Google One seamlessly backs up photos, videos, contacts, and more on your mobile device. Just turn it on in the Google One app. And if you break or lose your device, no problem. Just restore the content to your new one, and you're good to go.

How do I turn off backup? ›

Turn backup on or off
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Photos app .
  2. Sign in to your Google Account.
  3. At the top right, tap your Profile picture or Initial.
  4. Tap Photos settings. Backup.
  5. Turn Backup on or off.

Why backup is needed? ›

The Importance of Backups

Backups protect against human errors, hardware failure, virus attacks, power failure, and natural disasters. Backups can help save time and money if these failures occur.

How often should you back up your data? ›

Important data should be backed up at least once a week, but preferably once every twenty-four hours. These backups can be performed manually or automatically. A lot of automatic software options are available that you can set to make a backup of your data at a set time of the day or week.

Is backup the same as storage? ›

Cloud storage solutions are designed for accessibility while backup solutions are primarily intended for restoring lost or stolen data. Users of cloud storage will be accessing and managing files in real time.

Are my contacts backed up on Google? ›

Your existing device contacts and any future device contacts you add will be automatically saved as Google contacts and sync to your Google Account. When you sign out of a phone or tablet, all your Google contacts will be removed from that device to prevent other people who use that device from accessing them.

What do I do when my Android storage is full? ›

  1. Close apps that don't respond. You don't usually need to close apps. ...
  2. Uninstall apps you don't use. If you uninstall an app and need it later, you can download it again. ...
  3. Clear the app's cache & data. You can usually clear an app's cache and data with your phone's Settings app.

What is an example of backing up data? ›

Removable media backup, such as CDs, DVDs, and flash drives, has long been a popular method of data protection. This type of backup is affordable and easy to use, making it an attractive option for many users.

What is an example of a backup strategy? ›

The 3-2-1 backup rule is a simple, effective strategy for keeping your data safe. It advises that you keep three copies of your data on two different media with one copy off-site. Let's break that down: Three copies of your data: Your three copies include your original or production data plus two more copies.

What is a backup test? ›

What is Backup and Recovery Testing? As per the definition, “A backup and recovery test is the process of assessing the effectiveness of an organization's software and methods of replicating data for security and its ability to reliably retrieve that data should the need arise. ”

What is backup assessment? ›

A Backup and Restore Assessment thoroughly analyzes, investigates, and tests the backup and restore system to ensure that any cracks in its defence are discovered and understood.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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