The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figur (2024)

Table of Contents
1. First, in the opening minutes of the film when Peter and MJ are swinging through NYC, you can spot two posters for Rogers: The Musical, which was first introduced in Hawkeye. 2. Peter and MJ briefly stop on top of the Queensboro Bridge after his identity is revealed, and in Spider-Man, Green Goblin notoriously dropped MJ from this exact bridge. 3. When Peter and MJ pop out of the sewer while swinging back to Peter's apartment, they stop in front of Delmar's deli, which was featured in Spider-Man: Homecoming. 4. Damage Control shows up at Peter and Aunt May's apartment shortly after his identity is revealed. In Spider-Man: Homecoming, we learned about how this agency is the reason Adrian Toomes lost his job following the Battle of New York. 5. When MJ is being interrogated at the police station, it's the first time we learn her real last name. Up until this point, we've only heard her referred to as "Michelle Jones," but now we know her full name is "Michelle Jones-Watson." 6. While Matt Murdock's appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home isn't a hidden detail, it is a nod to an issue of The Amazing Spider-Man when Peter is arrested and is represented by Matt. 7. Inside Happy's apartment, you can spot a Downton Abbey DVD, which we learned was Happy's favorite show after Tony mentioned it in Iron Man 3. 8. Protestors outside Peter's school are holding several signs that refer to Spider-Man as the devil, and, not to go all Mephisto on us, but in the Spider-Man: One More Day seven-issue comic run, Peter makes a deal with Mephisto to bring back Aunt May. 9. When Betty Brant is giving her newscast outside of the school, she tells Peter to "go get 'em, tiger," which was also said by MJ at the end of Spider-Man 2. 10. When Peter is talking to his teachers at school, there is a mural of famous scientists, innovators, etc. behind him. If you look closely, you can spot Howard Stark and Hank Pym. 11. When Peter, MJ, and Ned are hanging on the roof between classes, you can spot some graffiti reading "DITKO" on the wall behind them. This is a nod to Steve Ditko, a comic book artist who co-created Spider-Man. 12. When Peter visits Doctor Strange and asks for his help, you can see he's wearing a Columbia University sweatshirt. In the comics, that's the college Doctor Strange attended too. 13. During Doctor Strange's spell, Peter continues to add to the list of people he wants to make sure DO remember him. This is similar to a storyline in The Amazing Spider-Man comics where Peter asks Doctor Strange if everyone can forget except for MJ. 14. When Aunt May and Peter are opening his college acceptance letters, you can see that he's building a Lego Death Star from Star Wars with DUM-E. This is a callback to Spider-Man: Homecoming when Ned destroys his Death Star after finding out Peter is Spider-Man. 15. When Peter is walking down the highway to try and catch up to the MIT vice chancellor, you can see the license plate on her car reads "63ASM-3," which is a nod to The Amazing Spider-Man Issue #3, which was released in 1963. 16. And speaking of license plates, the taxi behind the vice chancellor's car has a license plate that reads "1228," which is a nod to Stan Lee's birthday, Dec. 28. 17. When the teaser trailer dropped for Spider-Man: No Way Home, people thought that the Peter in the suit on top of the car was actually Tobey Maguire's Peter. While that turned out to be false, the suit is a nod to Spider-Man 3. 18. When Doc Ock first arrives and confronts Peter, he says, "The power of the sun in the palm of my hand," which is the same thing he said in Spider-Man 2 right before he was turned into Doc Ock for the first time. 19. When MJ, Peter, and Ned are working in Doctor Strange's basem*nt, MJ picks up a box for a goatee template, which is just hilarious. 20. When Peter goes out to find Electro and Sandman, he's wearing a black and gold Spider-Man suit, which is his suit turned inside out. This was previously referenced in Spider-Man: Homecoming when Peter removed Tony's tracking chip. 21. In the movie, we see that Aunt May works at F.E.A.S.T., which is a homeless shelter taken directly from the Marvel's Spider-Man video games. In the games, Miles Morales also volunteers there. 22. Norman Osborn brilliantly says the line, “You know, I’m something of a scientist myself" when he's trapped in the "wizard's dungeon" with the rest of the villains. This quote is a nod to Spider-Man, where he says the exact same thing to Peter. 23. When Peter is trying to steal the rogue spell from Doctor Strange, he briefly wears Doctor Strange's cape, which not only happened in What If...? Episode 5, but in the comics as well. 24. At the same time, Doctor Strange walks past a newsstand where you can see Liz Toomes, Peter's girlfriend from Spider-Man: Homecoming, on the cover of People Magazine with the quote, "He's a liar." 25. When Aunt May low-key flirts with Doc Ock and asks what kind of water he wants, it relates to the comics, where Aunt May and Dr. Otto Octavius date for a brief period. To be fair, Marisa Tomei has chemistry with everyone. 26. When Aunt May is dying, she utters, "With great power there must also come great responsibility," which is a heartbreaking callback to Uncle Ben in Spider-Man. 27. Ned learns that Tobey's Peter dealt with his best friend, Harry, betraying him and then dying, and Ned looks worried. Sadly, this is a nod to Ned's comic book trajectory, where he is thought to be Hobgoblin. 28. The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. 29. While preparing to fight all of the villains, Andrew's Peter adorably cracks Tobey's Peter's back after he talks about how it bothers him. It's a funny moment that is actually a callback to Spider-Man 2 when Peter hurt his back after jumping off a building. 30. When the three Peters are chatting, Tobey's Peter calls Andrew's Peter "amazing," which is an on-the-nose nod to Andrew's films being called The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. 31. Tobey's Peter mentions that he fought an "alien made out of black goo," which is a reference to Spider-Man 3, where he fought Venom. 32. Tom's Peter hilariously tries to explain who The Avengers are to the other Peters, and he says "Earth's mightiest" before Tobey's Peter cuts him off. This is a nod to the Marvel comics, where The Avengers slogan is "Earth's Mightiest Heroes." 33. When Electro meets the Peters at the Statue of Liberty, he's now rocking a suit that closely mirrors his look from the Marvel comics. 34. Andrew's Peter reluctantly takes the codename "Peter three," which could honestly be a nod to the fact that, for years, Andrew's portrayal of Spider-Man was notoriously ranked last after Tobey and Tom's. 35. When Doctor Strange eventually returns from the Mirror Dimension, he says he was dangling over the Grand Canyon for 12 hours, similar to how he left Loki falling in Thor: Ragnarok. 36. When Andrew's Spider-Man is unmasked, Electro says he always imagined Spider-Man as a Black man and there has got to be a Black Spider-Man out there somewhere. This is a perfect nod to Miles Morales, who we've met in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. 37. The most heartbreaking callback in No Way Home is when Andrew's Peter is able to save MJ after she falls off the Statue of Liberty. This is something he wasn't able to do in Amazing Spider-Man 2, when Gwen tragically fell to her death. 38. When the multiverse begins to crack open, you can spot the silhouettes of Rhino and Scorpion in the sky. Both are famous Spider-Man villains who we've previously seen iterations of in the live-action movies. 39. The world forgetting Peter Parker also happened at the end of the Spider-Man: One More Day comic book run. In the comic, Peter and MJ trade their memories of their wedding and life together to Mephisto in an attempt to bring back Aunt May. 40. After the battle, you can see that the Statue of Liberty is fixed and has not been turned into a Captain America memorial just yet. This "new and improved" version is mentioned in Hawkeye Episode 5 by Yelena. 41. When Peter goes to see MJ after her memory is erased, you can see that she's still wearing the broken black dahlia necklace Peter gave her in Spider-Man: Far From Home. 42. When Peter is moving into his new apartment, he places a Lego figure of Palpatine from Star Wars on his desk. This figure was featured in Spider-Man: Homecoming when Ned invites Peter to build a Lego Death Star with him. 43. And finally, Peter's new suit at the very end of Spider-Man: No Way Home is a nod to the classic Spider-Man suit from the comics, complete with the vibrant blue and red. Did you catch any other Easter eggs or cool details? Have a better theory for one mentioned above? Tell me everything in the comments below! FAQs

Spider-Man: No Way Home includes a subtle Easter egg for Stan Lee on a license plate.

by Nora DominickBuzzFeed Staff

🚨Warning: There are MASSIVE — and I mean massive — spoilers ahead for Spider-Man: No Way Home!🚨

1. First, in the opening minutes of the film when Peter and MJ are swinging through NYC, you can spot two posters for Rogers: The Musical, which was first introduced in Hawkeye.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (3)

Marvel / Sony / Via

Hawkeyedirector and executive producer Rhys Thomas detailed how Rogers: The Musicalended up in the show in an interview with BuzzFeed earlier this year. He said, "I pitched it to Kevin [Feige] and talked about doing a musical about the Battle of New York. It felt like a cool way of paralleling what we see in the beginning and showing how these traumatic moments can sometimes get reframed. It felt interesting."

2. Peter and MJ briefly stop on top of the Queensboro Bridge after his identity is revealed, and in Spider-Man, Green Goblin notoriously dropped MJ from this exact bridge.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (4)

Marvel / Sony / Everett Collection

3. When Peter and MJ pop out of the sewer while swinging back to Peter's apartment, they stop in front of Delmar's deli, which was featured in Spider-Man: Homecoming.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (5)

Marvel / Sony

4. Damage Control shows up at Peter and Aunt May's apartment shortly after his identity is revealed. In Spider-Man: Homecoming, we learned about how this agency is the reason Adrian Toomes lost his job following the Battle of New York.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (6)

Marvel / Sony

This is also important to note because it's most likely why they know that Nick Fury has been off world.

5. When MJ is being interrogated at the police station, it's the first time we learn her real last name. Up until this point, we've only heard her referred to as "Michelle Jones," but now we know her full name is "Michelle Jones-Watson."

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (7)

Sony / Everett Collection

Of course, in the comics, MJ Watson is Peter's main love interest and later his wife. She first appeared in The Amazing Spider-ManIssue #25 in 1965 before making her official first appearance in Issue #42.

6. While Matt Murdock's appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home isn't a hidden detail, it is a nod to an issue of The Amazing Spider-Man when Peter is arrested and is represented by Matt.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (8)


In Amazing Spider-ManIssue #219, Peter is hilariously arrested while trying to break into Ryker's Island, and Matt represents him in court.

7. Inside Happy's apartment, you can spot a Downton Abbey DVD, which we learned was Happy's favorite show after Tony mentioned it in Iron Man 3.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (9)

Marvel / Sony

8. Protestors outside Peter's school are holding several signs that refer to Spider-Man as the devil, and, not to go all Mephisto on us, but in the Spider-Man: One More Day seven-issue comic run, Peter makes a deal with Mephisto to bring back Aunt May.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (10)

Marvel / Sony

We'll get into more specific nods to this comic series later on too, but yes, Mephisto does appear and Peter does make a deal with this slippery devil. Mephisto even takes the form of Peter and MJ's future daughter in the comic.

9. When Betty Brant is giving her newscast outside of the school, she tells Peter to "go get 'em, tiger," which was also said by MJ at the end of Spider-Man 2.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (11)


10. When Peter is talking to his teachers at school, there is a mural of famous scientists, innovators, etc. behind him. If you look closely, you can spot Howard Stark and Hank Pym.


In Spider-Man: Homecoming, you can also see the mural, but it only features Howard Stark. It looks like Hank Pym has since been added.

11. When Peter, MJ, and Ned are hanging on the roof between classes, you can spot some graffiti reading "DITKO" on the wall behind them. This is a nod to Steve Ditko, a comic book artist who co-created Spider-Man.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (13)

Marvel / Sony

Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Steve Ditko famously worked together to create Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Ditko also went on to create Doctor Strange, who plays a huge role in Spider-Man: No Way Home. You can also spot "DITKO" graffiti on the moving truck Peter and Aunt May keep Lizard in later on.

12. When Peter visits Doctor Strange and asks for his help, you can see he's wearing a Columbia University sweatshirt. In the comics, that's the college Doctor Strange attended too.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (14)

Marvel / Sony

You can also see the sweatshirt again a little later when Ned, MJ, and Peter go to the basem*nt to work.

13. During Doctor Strange's spell, Peter continues to add to the list of people he wants to make sure DO remember him. This is similar to a storyline in The Amazing Spider-Man comics where Peter asks Doctor Strange if everyone can forget except for MJ.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (15)

Marvel / Sony

This storyline is famously called "One Moment in Time" and takes place over the course of The Amazing Spider-ManIssues #638 to #641.

14. When Aunt May and Peter are opening his college acceptance letters, you can see that he's building a Lego Death Star from Star Wars with DUM-E. This is a callback to Spider-Man: Homecoming when Ned destroys his Death Star after finding out Peter is Spider-Man.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (16)

Marvel / Sony

Before ending up in Happy's apartment, DUM-E helped Tony Stark in his lab throughout the Iron Manmovies.

15. When Peter is walking down the highway to try and catch up to the MIT vice chancellor, you can see the license plate on her car reads "63ASM-3," which is a nod to The Amazing Spider-Man Issue #3, which was released in 1963.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (17)

Marvel / Sony

That comic features the first appearance of Doc Ock, who, of course, Peter encounters for the first time in No Way Homemoments later.

16. And speaking of license plates, the taxi behind the vice chancellor's car has a license plate that reads "1228," which is a nod to Stan Lee's birthday, Dec. 28.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (18)

Gregg Deguire / WireImage / Getty Images

This date also appeared in WandaVision Episode 7 during the opening credits. A license plate reading "Wanda" had the numbers "122822" included on it, which stands for Dec. 28, 1922.

17. When the teaser trailer dropped for Spider-Man: No Way Home, people thought that the Peter in the suit on top of the car was actually Tobey Maguire's Peter. While that turned out to be false, the suit is a nod to Spider-Man 3.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (19)

Marvel / Sony

In Spider-Man 3, Peter wears the suit when he fights Harry, aka the new Green Goblin.

18. When Doc Ock first arrives and confronts Peter, he says, "The power of the sun in the palm of my hand," which is the same thing he said in Spider-Man 2 right before he was turned into Doc Ock for the first time.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (20)


Later in No Way Home, he starts saying the line again when he's holding the arc reactor, only this time Tobey's Peter finishes the line.

19. When MJ, Peter, and Ned are working in Doctor Strange's basem*nt, MJ picks up a box for a goatee template, which is just hilarious.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (21)

Marvel / Sony

20. When Peter goes out to find Electro and Sandman, he's wearing a black and gold Spider-Man suit, which is his suit turned inside out. This was previously referenced in Spider-Man: Homecoming when Peter removed Tony's tracking chip.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (22)

Marvel / Sony

21. In the movie, we see that Aunt May works at F.E.A.S.T., which is a homeless shelter taken directly from the Marvel's Spider-Man video games. In the games, Miles Morales also volunteers there.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (23)

Marvel / Sony

22. Norman Osborn brilliantly says the line, “You know, I’m something of a scientist myself" when he's trapped in the "wizard's dungeon" with the rest of the villains. This quote is a nod to Spider-Man, where he says the exact same thing to Peter.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (24)


23. When Peter is trying to steal the rogue spell from Doctor Strange, he briefly wears Doctor Strange's cape, which not only happened in What If...? Episode 5, but in the comics as well.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (25)

Marvel / Disney+

24. At the same time, Doctor Strange walks past a newsstand where you can see Liz Toomes, Peter's girlfriend from Spider-Man: Homecoming, on the cover of People Magazine with the quote, "He's a liar."

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (26)

Marvel / Sony / Via

Clearly Liz is capitalizing on Peter's blown identity.

25. When Aunt May low-key flirts with Doc Ock and asks what kind of water he wants, it relates to the comics, where Aunt May and Dr. Otto Octavius date for a brief period. To be fair, Marisa Tomei has chemistry with everyone.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (27)

Marvel / Sony

In fact, in The Amazing Spider-Man Issue #131, Aunt May actually marries Dr. Otto Octavius. This issue follows Spider-Man as he tries to stop the wedding and save Aunt May from making his archenemy his new uncle.

26. When Aunt May is dying, she utters, "With great power there must also come great responsibility," which is a heartbreaking callback to Uncle Ben in Spider-Man.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (28)


The famous line was also said in anAmazing Spider-Man 2deleted scene where Richard Parker talks to Peter at Gwen's grave.

27. Ned learns that Tobey's Peter dealt with his best friend, Harry, betraying him and then dying, and Ned looks worried. Sadly, this is a nod to Ned's comic book trajectory, where he is thought to be Hobgoblin.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (29)

Sony / Everett Collection

Hobgoblin's origin in the Spider-Man comics is a great (but heartbreaking) one. Basically, his identity remains a secret until Ned eventually dies and Peter thinks he was Hobgoblin. However, it's eventually revealed that Hobgoblin was never Ned in the first place. Thank GOD. But if we get another Spider-Man movie, I'm curious if Ned heads down this path too.

28. The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (30)

ABC / Marvel / Via

The meme originated from the 1967 animated TV series Spider-Man. The moment was also re-created in Spider-Man:Into the Spider-Verse.

29. While preparing to fight all of the villains, Andrew's Peter adorably cracks Tobey's Peter's back after he talks about how it bothers him. It's a funny moment that is actually a callback to Spider-Man 2 when Peter hurt his back after jumping off a building.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (31)


30. When the three Peters are chatting, Tobey's Peter calls Andrew's Peter "amazing," which is an on-the-nose nod to Andrew's films being called The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (32)

Columbia Pictures / Everett Collection

31. Tobey's Peter mentions that he fought an "alien made out of black goo," which is a reference to Spider-Man 3, where he fought Venom.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (33)


Now, in the mid-credits scene of No Way Home, some goo is left in our universe too.

32. Tom's Peter hilariously tries to explain who The Avengers are to the other Peters, and he says "Earth's mightiest" before Tobey's Peter cuts him off. This is a nod to the Marvel comics, where The Avengers slogan is "Earth's Mightiest Heroes."

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (34)

Marvel / Disney / Everett Collection

33. When Electro meets the Peters at the Statue of Liberty, he's now rocking a suit that closely mirrors his look from the Marvel comics.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (35)

Sony / Everett Collection

When he's charging himself with electricity, you can see several small lightning bolts shooting out around his head. This is a nod to the mask he wears in the comics.

34. Andrew's Peter reluctantly takes the codename "Peter three," which could honestly be a nod to the fact that, for years, Andrew's portrayal of Spider-Man was notoriously ranked last after Tobey and Tom's.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (36)

Sony / Marvel / Everett Collection

35. When Doctor Strange eventually returns from the Mirror Dimension, he says he was dangling over the Grand Canyon for 12 hours, similar to how he left Loki falling in Thor: Ragnarok.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (37)


Benedict Cumberbatch even delivers the line with the same inflection as Tom Hiddleston.

36. When Andrew's Spider-Man is unmasked, Electro says he always imagined Spider-Man as a Black man and there has got to be a Black Spider-Man out there somewhere. This is a perfect nod to Miles Morales, who we've met in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (38)

Sony Pictures Animation / Everett Collection

37. The most heartbreaking callback in No Way Home is when Andrew's Peter is able to save MJ after she falls off the Statue of Liberty. This is something he wasn't able to do in Amazing Spider-Man 2, when Gwen tragically fell to her death.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (39)

Marvel / Sony

This gives Andrew's Peter the closure he needs, which is something we most likely would've seen if he got a third The Amazing Spider-Man movie.

38. When the multiverse begins to crack open, you can spot the silhouettes of Rhino and Scorpion in the sky. Both are famous Spider-Man villains who we've previously seen iterations of in the live-action movies.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (40)

Marvel / Sony

A version of Rhino appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and Mac Gargan, who is the most famous person to use the Scorpion villain name, appeared in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Rhino first appeared in The Amazing Spider-ManIssue #41 and Scorpion in The Amazing Spider-ManIssue #19.

39. The world forgetting Peter Parker also happened at the end of the Spider-Man: One More Day comic book run. In the comic, Peter and MJ trade their memories of their wedding and life together to Mephisto in an attempt to bring back Aunt May.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (41)

Marvel / Sony

Also in the"One Moment in Time" storyline in The Amazing Spider-Mancomics, Peter asks Doctor Strange to do a spell so everyone forgets he is Spider-Man after MJ is seriously injured.

40. After the battle, you can see that the Statue of Liberty is fixed and has not been turned into a Captain America memorial just yet. This "new and improved" version is mentioned in Hawkeye Episode 5 by Yelena.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (42)

Marvel / Sony / Disney+

41. When Peter goes to see MJ after her memory is erased, you can see that she's still wearing the broken black dahlia necklace Peter gave her in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (43)

Marvel / Sony

42. When Peter is moving into his new apartment, he places a Lego figure of Palpatine from Star Wars on his desk. This figure was featured in Spider-Man: Homecoming when Ned invites Peter to build a Lego Death Star with him.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (44)

Marvel / Sony

43. And finally, Peter's new suit at the very end of Spider-Man: No Way Home is a nod to the classic Spider-Man suit from the comics, complete with the vibrant blue and red.

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figuring out how to work together at the Statue of Liberty. (45)

Marvel / Sony / Everett Collection

Did you catch any other Easter eggs or cool details? Have a better theory for one mentioned above? Tell me everything in the comments below!

There are also A TON of details in the second post-credits scene trailer forDoctor Strange in the Multiverseof Madnesswe'll have to discuss, and you can find a detailed breakdown of it all HERE!

The absolutely iconic meme of the Spider-Men pointing at each other is re-created twice in this movie by Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, and Tobey. Once when they are inside the science classroom and Ned calls their names, and then again when they are figur (2024)


What is the Spider-Man pointing meme about? ›

The original image used in the meme comes from a 1967 episode of the Spider-Man cartoon series, featuring two Spider-Men accusing each other of being impostors. The meme has been widely used since 2011, often to mock people or groups who claim to be different but act similarly.

What is an iconic Spider-Man quote Andrew Garfield? ›

The 10 Best Andrew Garfield Spider-Man Quotes, Ranked
  • 5 "You're not nobody!
  • 6 "Are you okay?" ...
  • 7 "On behalf of the fine people of New York City and real rhinos everywhere, I ask you to put your mechanized paws in the air!" ...
  • 8 "My weakness... it's small knives!" ...
  • 9 "You seriously think I'm a cop? ...
  • 10 "A god named Sparkles?!" ...
Jun 7, 2024

Who created the Spider-Man meme? ›

Meme history and origin - The "Spider-Man Pointing at Spider-Man" meme originated from a 1967 Spider-Man cartoon episode called "Double Identity." In this episode, a villain tries to impersonate Spider-Man, resulting in a scene where two individuals dressed as Spider-Man point at each other.

Did they do the meme in Spider-Man No Way Home? ›

The powers that be at Marvel and Sony might not have been able to keep Garfield and Maguire's roles totally under wraps, but they did surprise audiences by recreating the iconic pointing Spider-Man meme during the movie.

What's Spider-Man's saying? ›

"With great power comes great responsibility" is a proverb popularized by Spider-Man in Marvel comics, films, and related media. Introduced by Stan Lee, it originally appeared as a closing narration in the 1962 Amazing Fantasy #15, and was later attributed to Uncle Ben as advice to the young Peter Parker.

What did the spider do to Peter? ›

American teenager Peter Parker, a poor sickly orphan, is bitten by a radioactive spider. As a result of the bite, he gains superhuman strength, speed, and agility, along with the ability to cling to walls, turning him into Spider-Man.

Who gave Spider-Man his name? ›

Although at the time teenage superheroes were usually given names ending with "boy", Lee says he chose "Spider-Man" because he wanted the character to age as the series progressed, and felt the name "Spider-Boy" would have made the character sound inferior to other superheroes.

Who is the pig Spider-Man? ›

Spider-Ham (Peter Porker) is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is an anthropomorphic pig and is a cartoon animal parody version of Spider-Man. He was created by Larry Hama, Tom DeFalco, and Mark Armstrong.

What is Spider-Man's name? ›

Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Was Spider-Man: No Way Home sad? ›

It's a heartbreaking ending for Holland's Peter, as he has to say goodbye to everyone who he's ever known. Peter's memory forgetting spell was specifically targeted at the multiversal characters coming through.

Was No Way Home in 3D? ›

A first-rate 3D presentation for fans of the format. A must-see in 3D. Spider-Man: No Way Home is the must-see third-feature in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-Man film series.

What does the Spider-Man gesture mean? ›

What do Spider-Man's hand gestures mean? They're not hand gestures. It's how he created his web-shooters. Because of how they're placed, he uses his middle finger and ring finger to press down on the web-shooters, that causes him to shoot webbing or release it.

What was the idea behind Spider-Man? ›

He said the idea for Spider-Man arose from a surge in teenage demand for comic books and the desire to create a character with whom teens could identify. As with Fantastic Four, Lee saw Spider-Man as an opportunity to "get out of his system" what he felt was missing in comic books.

What is the main message of Spider-Man? ›

Spider-Man preaches an essential message of morality, responsibility, and sacrifice. No matter how hard it is, Spider-Man will do what's right.

Why is the Canon event a meme? ›

A canon event is something that happens to you that shapes and defines who you are. The phrase gained popularity with the movie Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse and quickly became a TikTok meme. Most users define their canon event as a formative or embarrassing shared experience.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.