The 6 Basic Elements of a Contract, Explained (2024)

Did you know that the first-ever contract was created over4,000 years ago?

It was a clay tablet from Mesopotamia that detailed the transfer of goods from one party to another. And while modern contracts may not need to be written in stone, they remain an essential part of how we do business today.

But what makes a contract legally binding, and why?

Well, if you’ve already made it through law school, you can probably skip this one, but for everyone else, knowing exactly what makes a contract legal and binding can be a lifesaver.

If you want to understand these elements and why they’re important, look no further. This post will take a look at the seven essential elements of a contract and why they matter.


  • Contracts are an essential part of doing business.
  • The seven elements of a contract are classification, offer, acceptance, awareness, consideration, capacity, and legality.
  • Contract management software can help ensure contracts are legally compliant.

What Is a Contract, and Why Are They Important?

Before diving straight into the deep end, let's learn a little about what a contract is and why it's important:

  • Contracts are agreements between two or more people that formalize a new or renewing relationship or transaction.
  • They’re used in all kinds of business dealings, from buying property, trading services or goods, employment arrangements, and more.
  • Contracts are essential for making sure all parties know their rights and responsibilities before they enter into any kind of agreement. In other words, having a contract helps protect everyone involved in the transaction.

Contracts are like snowflakes. Yes, they’re all unique, but they’re ultimately made of the same base elements.

There are manytypes of contracts,but, if you’re following best practices for contracts, you should include these elements: offer, acceptance, awareness, consideration, capacity, and legality.

Below, we’ll cover the six elements that make up a contract in more detail.

1. Offer

The 6 Basic Elements of a Contract, Explained (1)

You can't have a contract without an offer. An offer is what kicks off the whole spiel. To create a contract, one party needs to make

You can't have a contract without an offer. An offer is what kicks off the whole spiel. To create a contract, one party needs to make an offer and the other needs to accept.

The offer can be broken down into two parts: expression and intention.

The expressioncan be verbal, written, or implied through conduct.

The intentionneeds to show agreement to the terms of the offer.

The offer needs to be specific, with enough details about the exchange of value so everyone knows how the offer benefits each party. The value can be money or something else like an action, service, or outcome.

It also has to have a clear acceptance period and must be communicated to the other party — or else it won't count.

After an offer has been made, the receiving party can reject the offer, accept the offer, or reply with a counteroffer.

2. Acceptance

The 6 Basic Elements of a Contract, Explained (2)

Once an offer has been made, the other party will have to accept it in order for the contract to be valid. After all, what’s the point of making an offer if nobody accepts it?

Most consider a contract to be accepted once it’s signed. Anything else or thenegotiationof terms may be considered a counteroffer and would restart the process.

Inaction does not mean the offer has been accepted — both parties must take explicit action to create an enforceable contract. Think of it like a dance, where one person leads, and the other follows until both are in sync.

There are two primary types of acceptance to be aware of: express and implied.

Express acceptanceis when the offer is accepted in the same way it was given. For example, if you send an email with all the details of your offer and the other party replies by email with “I accept,” then that would be express acceptance

Implied acceptanceis when action is taken that indicates an acceptance of the offer. If, for example, you have a verbal agreement with a lawn mowing company to show up every month and mow the lawn even though there is no contract, this would be considered implied acceptance. The key here is that you need to act on what was offered.

Likewise, if one party starts to perform their duties under a contract before explicitly accepting it in writing, that can also be considered acceptance. This could be painting a house while waiting for the contract to be signed, or starting work on a design project before it is officially accepted.

3. Awareness

The 6 Basic Elements of a Contract, Explained (3)

For a contract to be valid, all parties need to be aware of the offer and the acceptance. Sometimes called a “meeting of the minds,” awareness means that all parties understand what they’re getting into.

If one party is unaware of the terms and conditions, then they can argue that there was no true agreement.

This may sound obvious, but clarity is everything. That’s why contracts will usually contain a section that explains all the details in plain language so that everyone knows exactly what they’re signing up for.

If there is no “meeting of the minds,” the contract may not be valid. After all, you can't dance if you don't know the steps.

4. Consideration

The 6 Basic Elements of a Contract, Explained (4)

The consideration is the whole reason we’re here. Consideration is the value that each party agrees to exchange to make a contract valid.

The consideration can be money, goods, services, or any other form of legal tender that both parties agree upon. This element is essential because it sets out what each party gets if they fulfill their end of the bargain.

An example of this could be an employer-employee relationship. No one is lining up to work for free, right? And no employer is going to pay someone for nothing.The exchange of value here is the paycheck an employee receives for doing the job outlined in their job description.

5. Capacity

The 6 Basic Elements of a Contract, Explained (5)

Simply put, capacity is each party’s ability to comply with their end of the contract. Both parties must be capable of understanding the obligations they’re entering into and have a legal right to do so.

For instance, minors can’t enter into contracts because they don’t have the capacity to understand the implications of their decision. Similarly, those who are incapacitated due to mental illness or intoxication won’t be held legally responsible for any agreements made during that state.

Here are a few examples where a person may lack capacity:

  • They are under the age of 18
  • They are mentally unsound
  • They are under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • They are under duress
  • They do not speak the language

6. Legality

The 6 Basic Elements of a Contract, Explained (6)

Finally, you need to make sure that the contract you’re entering into is legal. In other words, it shouldn’t violate any laws or regulations.

Several things can make a contract illegal, including agreements that:

  • Violate public policy:Agreements must be legal within federal, state, and local law ordinances.
  • Are made under misleading circ*mstances:This includes agreements made under duress or based on fraud or misrepresentation.
  • Involve illegal activities:Agreements cannot require either party to do something that is against the law.
  • Involve a person who lacks the capacity to sign a contract:Agreements cannot involve a minor or person who is mentally unsound.

Any contract that is deemed illegal isvoidandunenforceable.

Additionally, if a contract is impossible to fulfill due to circ*mstances beyond the control of the parties involved, it may be considered a force majeure event.

Force majeure events are typically the result of somethingreally badhappening. For example, when the world went into lockdown in 2020, many contracts were impossible to fulfill as a result of shuttered factories, travel restrictions, or supply chain disruptions. Other force majeure events might include natural disasters, war, civil unrest, or acts of terrorism.

How Is a Contract Enforced?

A large business has an average of20,000 to 40,000 contractsto keep up with at any given time, so disagreements are bound to arise. But what actually happens when there is a dispute?

When a contract is breached, the aggrieved party has several legal remedies available.

The most common remedy is (surprise!) cold hard cash. Depending on the specific breach of contract and any other applicable laws, an aggrieved party can seek compensatory and/or punitive damages and attorney’s fees.

But this can be a lengthy process. In fact, in the United States, it takes an average of444 daysto enforce a contract.

And if you consider the fact that litigation costs alone for an average contract dispute are $91,000, you can see why so many people choose to settle outside of court.

The good thing, though, is that a comprehensive contract and proper contract management can prevent disputes from happening altogether. By clearly outlining roles and responsibilities and including a dispute resolution clause, all parties involved know exactly where they stand.

Take the Legwork Out of Contract Management

Compliance with a contract's terms is especially important when you consider that70% to 80%of any given business's operations are governed by contracts.

That’s why57% of senior executivessay “risk and compliance” is one of the categories they’re least prepared to effectively address.

And just like your wallet and keys every other morning, about 10% of those contracts are lost, according to a report by the Journal of Contract Management.

The true cost of poor contract management is staggering, sitting at an estimated 9% of total company revenue.

Across theForbes Global 2000 list, as much as $4,284,000,000,000 in revenue is lost yearly due to poor contract management. That's 4 trillion (trillion, with a T).

But that doesn't have to be you.

Contract management softwarecan help streamline the contract management process, and help ensure contract compliance.

By automating the process, you can be sure that your contracts are stored securely and in accordance with regulations and laws. Plus, you can easily access all your contracts, track their progress throughout thecontract management lifecycle, and receive notifications for important dates and obligations.

The 6 Basic Elements of a Contract, Explained (7)

Not sold yet?

Here are some of the ways contract management software can help your business today:


Contract management software can help you make sure everything has been approved, all parties have signed, and all conditions are outlined.

Date Reminders

Reminderscan inform you when important dates are coming up, so you can stay on top of your obligation deadlines and renewal dates.


A digital repository helps guarantee compliance andmitigate risksby providing an auditable record that shows exactly who has done what when it comes to all your contracts — so no lapses go unnoticed.

Version Tracking

Contract management software also keeps track of different versions. That'll help you make sure everyone is reading the right document.


Data security is a big concern when it comes to contract management. With the right software, you can rest assured knowing your information is safe and secure.

The 6 Basic Elements of a Contract, Explained (8)


What are void contracts?

A void contract is an agreement that has become unenforceable due to a defect in the formation process. This could be a lack of mutual consent, fraud, misrepresentation, or illegal terms.

When does a contract become legally binding?

A contract becomes legally binding when the parties to the agreement agree to it, and all requirements for a valid contract are met. This includes the offer and acceptance of terms, consideration, and a meeting of minds.

What’s the difference between an agreement and a contract?

An agreement is an understanding between two or more parties that they can rely on. A contract is a legal document outlining the terms of an agreement and carries more weight in a court of law.

Ensure Your Contracts Are Compliant Today

Contracts are an essential part of any business, but they can be daunting to manage. Contract management software helps you stay on top of all your documents and ensures contract compliance throughout the entire contract management lifecycle.

When you’ve got thousands of contracts to manage, ContractSafe can take the hard work off your plate. Get things done efficiently and easily, from searching and finding contracts in just a few clicks to ensuring compliance with regular contract audits. You can sleep at night knowing nothing is slipping through the cracks.

Schedule a demoto see how contract management software can transform your business today.

The 6 Basic Elements of a Contract, Explained (9)

The 6 Basic Elements of a Contract, Explained (2024)


The 6 Basic Elements of a Contract, Explained? ›

Enforcing a contract comes down to six key elements: offer, acceptance, awareness, consideration, capacity, and legality. If a contract lacks any of these elements, you may not have the legal right to enforce it.

What are the 6 elements of a contract explain each one? ›

Every contract, whether simple or complex, is considered legally enforceable when it incorporates six essential elements: Offer, Acceptance, Awareness, Consideration, Capacity and Legality. It is critical that all six elements are present—just one missing element can make a contract invalid and unenforceable.

What are the 6 elements of a valid contract and define each element? ›

There are many types of contracts, but, if you're following best practices for contracts, you should include these elements: offer, acceptance, awareness, consideration, capacity, and legality.

What are the 6 major requirements of a contract? ›

6 Essential Elements of a Contract
  • Offer.
  • Acceptance.
  • Awareness.
  • Consideration.
  • Capacity.
  • Legality.

What are the essential elements of a contract explain in detail? ›

There are seven essential elements an agreement must have to be considered a valid contract. The elements of a contract include identification, offer, acceptance, consideration, meeting of the minds, competency and capacity, and contract legality.

What are the six steps of a contract? ›

While contracts vary in scope, term length, and party involvement, every contract must include the following six required elements:
  • Offer.
  • Acceptance.
  • Signatory Awareness.
  • Consideration.
  • Capacity.
  • Legality.

What are the 6 elements required to have a legally binding contract quizlet? ›

  • Offer and Acceptance (Mutual Assent)
  • Acceptance.
  • Consideration.
  • Legally Competent Parties.
  • Reality of Consent.
  • Legal Purpose.

What are the basic elements of a valid contract? ›

For a contract to be valid and recognized by the common law, it must include certain elements-- offer, acceptance, consideration, intention to create legal relations, authority and capacity, and certainty. Without these elements, a contract is not legally binding and may not be enforced by the courts.

What is the most basic rule to a contract? ›

Offer and Acceptance

The most basic rule of contract law is that a legal contract exists when one party makes an offer and the other party accepts it.

What are the five 5 essential elements of a contract list and briefly describe? ›

Lesson Summary. A contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties in which they agree to each other's rights and responsibilities. Offer, acceptance, awareness, consideration, and capacity are the five elements of an enforceable contract.

What are the six 6 stages of contract management? ›

The 6 steps of contract management lifecycle
  • Stage 1: Contract Initiation. ...
  • Stage 2: Contract Creation and Negotiation. ...
  • Stage 3: Contract Approval. ...
  • Stage 4: Contract Execution. ...
  • Stage 5: Contract Monitoring and Management. ...
  • Stage 6: Contract Renewal or Termination.
Dec 28, 2023

What are the six types of contracts that must be in writing? ›

The six categories of contracts that must be written down in order to satisfy the Statute of Frauds are:
  • contracts for the sale of an interest in land,
  • contracts for the sale of goods for $500 or more (under the U.C.C.),
  • contracts in consideration of marriage,

What are the six requirements to create a valid contract quizlet? ›

  • offer.
  • acceptance.
  • consideration.
  • Legality of subject matter.
  • contractual capacity.
  • contractual intent.

What are the six elements of a contract with definition? ›

Even contracts written in legal jargon may not be valid in court. Enforcing a contract comes down to six key elements: offer, acceptance, awareness, consideration, capacity, and legality. If a contract lacks any of these elements, you may not have the legal right to enforce it.

Which of the six factors of a binding contract states that the contract can't violate a law? ›

The factor of a binding contract that states that the contract cannot violate a law is known as Legality. Legality refers to the requirement that the terms and conditions of a contract must adhere to the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which the contract is being formed.

Who cannot enter into a contract? ›

A minor is among the three groups of people excluded from having the capacity to contract. The other two include people with mental illness or those who have been intoxicated. Therefore, the law postulates that those lacking mental capacity cannot be obligated to the terms and conditions of the contract.

What are the 5 elements of a contract and define each? ›

There are five essential elements in a contract which include the following: offer, which is a promise and a demand of some sort; acceptance, which is the agreement to the terms of the offer presented; consideration, which is what is actually presented in exchange for the something in the contract; capacity, which ...

What are the four elements of a contract and explain what each means? ›

A contract is an agreement between parties, creating mutual obligations that are enforceable by law. The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality.

What are the essential elements of a contract list and explain quizlet? ›

Any contract includes three essential elements: an offer, an acceptance, and consideration. The contract is formed when one party accepts the offer of another party. An offer is a commitment with certain terms made to another party, such as a declaration of willingness to buy or sell a product or service.

Which of the six factors of a binding contract is what the lender is giving you? ›

The factor in a binding contract that represents what the lender is giving you is C) Consideration. In contract law, consideration refers to something of value that is given by both parties and can take the form of goods, services, or promises. In the case of a lender, the consideration they provide is the loan funds.

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