The 5 pillars of BSA: Does the new AML/CFT program rule add a sixth pillar? (2024)

Tips for a strongAML programthat willlead to a successful exam

The task of building arobustAMLprogram may seem overwhelming, but there is nobetter place tostart than with the five pillars of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).

You might also like this checklist to prepare your AML program for changes tied to AMLA and national priorities.


Takeaway 1

AML industry guidance takes the stress out of building an AML program. Understand the guidance to help implement the 5 pillars of BSA.

Takeaway 2

The proposed AML/CFT program rule includes a mandatory risk assessment. If finalized, this requirement may become a sixth pillar for AML compliance.

The 5 pillars of BSA

Understanding the pillars to build a strong AML program

This post updates a 2022 blog to include information on AML pillars from newer rules.

The task of building arobustAML/CFTprogram may seem overwhelming for Anti-money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT)Officers. Knowing where tobeginis the key to a successful projectplan when developing a new programor revamping an outdated or inefficientprogram. Historically, there has been nobetter place tostartthan with the foundation ofan AML/CFT program, the five pillars of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).

An interesting question to pose now is whether there are still only five pillars of an AML program.

With FinCEN’s new Proposed Rule to Strengthen and Modernize Financial Institutions’ AML/CFT Programs (AML/CFT proposed rule), we might argue that there are now six pillars of BSA. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network’s AML/CFT program rule codifies a risk assessment process as part of BSA and AML compliance. Perhaps the risk assessment mandate will become the primary BSA pillar once the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council (FFIEC) updates its examination manual.

BSA Exam Manual takeaways

Pillars for AML compliance from the FFIEC

Fortunatelyfor AML/CFTOfficers,regardless of experience level, the FFIECBSA Examination Manual already providesguidancefor youto buildor restructureyour AML/CFT program.However, copying and pasting therecommendations into your policies and procedures will not be enough to ensure asolidprogram. You must understand each of the pillarstomanage accordingly and educate those on the front line about the role they will play in bringing it to life. You must alsoinstilla strongculture of complianceat your institutionto ensure long-term success.

Let's examine the key takeaways for each of the current five pillars of BSA and AML compliance. Then, we’ll examine what might become the sixth AML pillar.

1. Internal controls

Many factors make the internal control pillar critical to your AML/CFT program. Not only is this a required part of BSA compliance, but controls also ensure that things are running smoothly and that you won't be caught off guard during a regulatory examination. Critical internal controls include:

  • Developing policies, procedures, and processes designed to mitigate and manage money laundering and terror financing.
  • Providingtimely updates in response to changes in regulationsto keep your AML/CFT programalignedwith regulatory expectations.
  • Incorporatingdual controls and the segregation of dutiesto ensure anessentialsecondmanagement layer.
  • Managingtechnological and staffing resources strictly will enable you toensure that all AML responsibilities are met. Or,at the minimum, allow you to make your business case to seniormanagementif resources are deficient.
  • Providingforprogram continuity despite changes in operations, management, or employee structureto ensure that no surprises occur from issues such as a pandemic or other natural disaster.

2. Designation of an AML/CFT Officer (formerly BSA Officer)

The AML/CFT Officer pillar seems intuitive; all successful programs must have a competent leader. A well-sought-out appointment is critical. Remember these important key factors when appointing your AML/CFT Officer:

  • The designatedAML/CFTOfficermust be approved by the board of directors and recorded in meeting minutes.
  • The AML/CFT Officermusthave the appropriatebackground and level of experiencefor the position.Promoting the head teller of the institution, no matter how great a staff membertheymay be,will probably not pass regulatory scrutiny.
  • The AML/CFT Officer must have the necessary authority, independence, and access to resources to administer an adequate AML compliance program. Independence means that the reporting structure should be outside of the compliance area, and the AML/CFT Officer should be the decision maker in all matters relating to BSA. The title of this position is unimportant from a regulatory perspective, but the authority, independence, and access to resources are critical.

3. Periodic BSA training

Despite sounding straightforward, BSA training is often not implemented properly and is a common examiner finding. Ongoing training is at the heart of a solid AML compliance program. Be sure to take these steps to fulfill the BSA training requirements:

  • Avoid one-size-fits all training. BSA training must be tailored to each employee's roles and responsibilities. Thefront-linestaff is your ultimate line of defense and must have detailed BSA training. However, lenders need to know what is relevant to their job functions, and the board of directorsrequireshigh-level training to cover their fiduciary duties.
  • Conduct BSA training at least annually and more often if you experience deficiencies in implementing policies and procedures. An effective AML/CFT program cannot be achieved without all team members having the necessary knowledge.
  • Document training modules and dates for every staff member, includingtheboard of directors. If one stubborn executivemisses training, you will receive regulatory criticism. Remember to stressaculture of compliance if you run into this situation.

4. Independent testing

The term independent testing is used interchangeably withanaudit function. This pillar is designedto assess a financial institution's compliance with AML requirements and the overall adequacy of the AML compliance program. An independent auditbeforean exam, either internal or by a third party, gives you the ability to shore up any gaps in your programbeforea regulatory exam.Takeaways for financial institutions from this pillar include:

  • Independent testing should be conducted by the internal audit department, outside auditors, consultants, or other qualified independent parties.
  • Those conducting the audit must have sufficient knowledge and experience with AML compliance.
  • Audits shouldconsider the entire AML/CFT program, includingAML and OFAC monitoring technical resources. Periodic AML model validations will also be required to ensurethat AMLsoftware is working as intended and that all critical data sources feeding into each model are identified.

5. Ongoing customer due diligence (CDD)

A cornerstone of a robust AML compliance program is adopting and implementing risk-based CDD policies, procedures, and processes for all customers, particularly those that present a higher risk for money laundering and terrorist financing. The objective of ongoing customer due diligence is to understand the nature and purpose of customer relationships, which may include understanding the types of transactions in which a customer is likely to engage. These processes assist financial institutions in determining when transactions are potentially suspicious. Below are important factors to assess when developing your CDD program:

  • Each CDD program should begin with a Customer Identification Program (CIP) as outlined in the USA PATRIOT Act.
  • CDDshould berisk-focused. Not all customers in a higher-risk category have equal riskwithin an institution. Rely on yourinstitution's uniquerisk assessment to determine how much due diligence isrequired for each customer type.
  • As part of CDD, financial institutions must identify and verify beneficial owners of legal entities with an ownership interest of 25% or more. Beneficial ownership is determined under both a control prong and an ownership prong. Under the control prong, the beneficial owner is a single individual with significant responsibility to control, manage, or direct a legal entity customer. For each legal entity, the customer must identify one beneficial owner under the control prong.
  • It's worth noting that the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020has required FinCEN toanalyzeany changes needed to the CDD legislation onceFinCEN establishes the beneficial ownership registry. Although details for this requirement are very late in coming to fruition, you should keep your eyes open for future updates onCDD and beneficial ownership changes.

Risk assessment requirement

A possible sixth pillar for AML compliance

The risk assessment process has been a regulatory expectation for AML/CFT programs for a long time but has never been codified until mentioned in the AML/CFT proposed rule. If the rule is finalized as currently written, a financial institution would be mandated to establish a risk assessment process to serve as the basis of the AML/CFT program. FinCEN intends for financial institutions to utilize a dynamic and recurrent risk assessment process not only to assess and understand a financial institution's money laundering and terrorist financing risks but also to manage and mitigate those risks reasonably. Once the final rule is published, the FFIEC will likely incorporate this requirement as the primary pillar of an AML/CFT program.

Essential guides

Adherence to the pillars is crucial for institutions

The five, or six, pillars of BSAareessential guidelines forallAML/CFT programs, andregulatorslook for the implementation and results of eachduring an examination.Of course,it iscrucialto have a successful regulatory examination, butwhyis adherence tothe pillarsimportantfor financial institutions? Remember the underlying reasons forfollowingtheseguidelines — the critical components of AML/CFT:

  • Detecting and reporting unusual or suspicious activity
  • Avoiding criminal exposure from personsusing your institutionfor illicit purposes
  • Adhering to safe and sound banking practices.

Federal regulators have issued several recent enforcement actions involving BSA pillar violations, such as one issued by the FDIC to a California bank in October 2023. Findings include:

  • Inadequate written BSA compliance program
  • Insufficient internal controls
  • AML/CFT Officer not qualified
  • BSA training was not tailored to specific job duties
  • Unacceptable CDD program
  • Insufficient suspicious activity monitoring

Remembering these BSA pillars, including a robust risk assessment process, is essential fora successfulexamination, which will confirm your institution's safety and soundness. These pillars must be understood and cannot be missed for a successful AML/CFT program.

Want to be ready for your next regulatory exam? We can help.

Learn More

Webinar AML Software AML Training AML/CFT BSA Rules and Regulation Fraud Prevention AML/CFT Requirements: Are you ready for FinCEN’s final rule? Learn More
Whitepaper AML Training AML/CFT BSA Rules and Regulation SAR Ahead of the curve: A banker’s podcast episode 15 – Accessing FFIEC suitable resources Learn More
Whitepaper AML Software AML/CFT BSA Rules and Regulation Financial Crime 6 steps for compliance with new AML/CFT program rules Learn More
The 5 pillars of BSA: Does the new AML/CFT program rule add a sixth pillar? (2024)


How many pillars are in BSA? ›

To help financial organizations adhere to AML compliance regulations, the BSA has identified five pillars that all FIs should employ. These help organizations develop an adequate AML compliance program and adhere to all relevant regulations.

What are the pillars of the AML framework? ›

The five AML program pillars are typically:
  • Appoint a compliance officer.
  • Complete risk assessments.
  • Prepare anti-money laundering policies and a procedure manual.
  • Monitor and maintain your AML program.
  • Implement Customer Due Diligence.
Apr 27, 2023

Which is the new pillar of the Bank Secrecy Act? ›

While the first four pillars are set out in the text of the Bank Secrecy Act, the fifth pillar was created by regulation. [2] A focus of the new pillar is the requirement to identify beneficial owners of customers[3]. This requirement goes beyond prior regulatory expectations for customer due diligence.

What are the five pillars of OFAC? ›

The framework strongly encourages organizations to develop, implement and routinely update a Sanctions Compliance Program that includes five (5) essential components: management commitment, risk assessment, internal controls, testing and auditing and training.

What are the components of an AML CFT program? ›

The AML/CFT standard created by the FATF is an amalgamation of measures: (1) criminalizing money laundering and terrorist financing, (2) setting up freezing, seizing, and confiscation systems, (3) imposing preventive regulatory requirements on a number of businesses and professions, (4) establishing a financial ...

How many content pillars are there? ›

These categories should be broad enough to give you some flexibility in content creation, but specific enough to keep your content focused and on-brand. Aim for 3-5 pillars to guide your content creation.

How many triangulation pillars are there? ›

Although 6,500+ trig pillars were built, hundreds have been lost to housing developments, farming, coastal erosion and other causes. The vast majority follow the standard Hotine design, but some are stone built, and in Scotland there are some 'Vanessas' which are taller, cylindrical concrete pillars.

What are the pillars of the safe framework? ›

Three Pillars of the SAFE Framework

The SAFE Framework, based on the previously described five core elements, rests on the three pillars of Customs-to-Customs network arrangements, Customs-to-Business partnerships and Customs-to-other Government Agencies co-operation. The three-pillar strategy has many advantages.

What are the 4 pillars of risk assessment in AML? ›

The four pillars include risk identification, risk assessment, risk control measures, and continuous monitoring and review.

What is the BSA AML policy? ›

The BSA provides a foundation to promote financial transparency and deter and detect those who seek to misuse the U.S. financial system to launder criminal proceeds, finance terrorist acts, or move funds for other illicit purposes. The BSA requires each bank to establish a BSA/AML compliance program.

What are the 5 pillars of BSA? ›

Pillars for AML compliance from the FFIEC
  • Internal controls.
  • Designation of an AML/CFT Officer (formerly BSA Officer)
  • Periodic BSA training.
  • Independent testing.
  • Ongoing customer due diligence (CDD)
Jul 19, 2024

What are the four pillars of BSA AML program? ›

There are four pillars to an effective BSA/AML program: 1) development of internal policies, procedures, and related controls, 2) designation of a compliance officer, 3) a thorough and ongoing training program, and 4) independent review for compliance.

What is the new requirement of Bank Secrecy Act? ›

Specifically, the regulations implementing the BSA require financial institutions to, among other things, keep records of cash purchases of negotiable instruments, file reports of cash transactions exceeding $10,000 (daily aggregate amount), and to report suspicious activity that might signify money laundering, tax ...

What are the key elements of an AML program? ›

Key Components For Effective AML Compliance
  • Risk Assessment. ...
  • Internal Policies and Procedures. ...
  • Conduct Ongoing Monitoring. ...
  • Customer Due Diligence. ...
  • Independent Audit And Review. ...
  • Employee Training And Awareness. ...
  • Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology. ...
  • Cross-Border Money Laundering Activities.
Apr 24, 2024

What are the pillars of corporate compliance program? ›

The Seven Elements
1. Implementing written policies & proceduresAll policies can be found in the Policy Library.
3. Effective training & education
4. Effective lines of communicationVarious methods to report via the Hotline
5. Internal auditing & monitoring
6. Enforcement & disciplinary guidelines
2 more rows

What is one of the key components of the BSA AML Act? ›

Under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), financial institutions are required to assist U.S. government agencies in detecting and preventing money laundering, such as: Keep records of cash purchases of negotiable instruments, File reports of cash transactions exceeding $10,000 (daily aggregate amount), and.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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