The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (2024)

Looking for the best tax havens in Europe? Have you ever noticed that most major European countries have their own micronations in Europe?

Think about it. There is Liechtenstein for Germany and Austria, and there’s San Marino for Italy. Besides San Marino, the Italians also have the lesser-known tax haven Campione, which turns out to be attractive for the Swiss too.

Spain has Andorra and British Gibraltar. The latter is still British territory, just like the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man which are all tax havens for Great Britain.

Between Croatia and Serbia, we find Liberland. Liber-what? That’s right.

Last but not least, the most famous of all: Monaco. Positioned at the Cote d’Azur, the luxurious dwarf state is the tax haven of France.

But with increasing political pressure and changing policies, as a result, can these microstates really still be called tax havens? Let’s talk about it in this complete guide.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (1)

Table of Contents

  • Best Tax Havens in Europe – Overview
    • How do Tax Havens Work in Europe?
    • Which Micro States in Europe are Considered the Best Tax Havens?
    • Are there any Legal Considerations Involved with European Microstates?
    • Can Anyone use a European Tax Haven, or are there Specific Criteria?
  • 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe
    • Monaco, France
    • San Marino, Italy
    • Andorra, Spain
    • British Gibraltar, Spain
    • Jersey (Including Alderney and Sark), Great Britain
    • Guernsey, Great Britain
    • Isle of Man, Great Britain
    • Liberland, Croatia, Serbia
    • But what about the Netherlands…?
    • …and Luxembourg?
    • …and Belgium?
    • …and wasn’t Ireland Attractive for Big Corporations?
  • Conclusion

Best Tax Havens in Europe – Overview

Let’s start this guide with some questions I often receive, from how micronations in Europe work for taxes, if it’s worth moving there, and more.

How do Tax Havens Work in Europe?

Tax havens are jurisdictions offering low or no tax rates, strict privacy laws, and often minimal financial regulation. In Europe, they attract individuals and businesses seeking to reduce their tax liabilities.

These havens typically have agreements allowing foreign entities to register there and benefit from favorable tax conditions, while not necessarily conducting significant economic activities in the region.

The efficiency of these havens lies in their ability to provide financial benefits while adhering to EU and international financial regulations.

Which Micro States in Europe are Considered the Best Tax Havens?

European countries like Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Monaco are renowned as tax havens due to their low tax rates and privacy laws.

Luxembourg offers attractive tax treatments for international corporations and Switzerland is known for its banking secrecy and favorable tax regimes for foreign companies.

On the other hand, Monaco boasts zero personal income tax for residents. These countries balance the lure of low taxes with political stability and robust legal frameworks.

Are there any Legal Considerations Involved with European Microstates?

Utilizing European tax havens involves navigating complex legal frameworks. While legitimate tax optimization is legal, it’s crucial to differentiate it from tax evasion, which is illegal.

Users must comply with international tax laws, including reporting income to their home countries. The risks include legal repercussions and reputational damage if the haven is used for evading taxes.

Recent global efforts to increase transparency in tax matters have also reduced the anonymity that these havens once provided, adding another layer of consideration.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (2)

Can Anyone use a European Tax Haven, or are there Specific Criteria?

Access to European tax havens is generally not restricted to specific individuals or entities, but effectively using them often requires substantial financial resources or business structures.

High net-worth individuals, multinational corporations, and investors typically find these havens most beneficial.

Eligibility may also depend on complying with the specific haven’s legal and regulatory requirements.

Additionally, users must navigate both the tax laws of the haven and those of their country of origin or operation, which might have regulations governing foreign income and tax reporting.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (3)

10 Best Tax Havens in Europe

Now let’s now jump into the main topic of this article, the best micro states in Europe for taxes. From the famous Monaco to Luxembourg and more, read until the end to have all the info you need.

Monaco, France

With no personal income tax at all, The Principality of Monaco has a vital characteristic to be considered a tax haven.

However, stating that the land of Monte-Carlo is a tax haven for the French isn’t entirely true. French nationals are still fully taxed in Monaco, even if they get residency in Monaco.

Other foreigners who become residents in The Principality of Monaco do however enjoy the absent personal income tax. That even extends to the situation in which a Monaco resident doesn’t work in Monaco but elsewhere.

No income tax whatsoever is then paid on this income earned in foreign countries: in Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, you name it.

It wouldn’t surprise you that the governments of these other states are not really happy about it.

Not only is the income earned in their respective countries only partly spent there (hence, injected back into their economies) but on top of that, they don’t earn a single percentage of the money in taxes. Hence, to non-French citizens, Monaco can be considered a tax haven.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (4)

Monaco doesn’t have a general corporate income tax. However, in 1963 the tiny country signed a treaty with France in which it was specified that there are some businesses whose profits are taxed.

For example, companies that have 25% or more of their business activities outside Monaco and companies that engage in selling the licensing of trademarks, patents, manufacturing processes, or artistic copyrights.

However, with no general corporate income tax and no taxes on dividends paid by local companies, Monaco can definitely be considered a tax haven for companies.

Since 1963, there has been a Customs union in place between France and Monaco. Therefore, the Value Added Tax is applied on the same basis and at the same rates as in France. The standard VAT is 19.6% except for the products and services to which a reduced rate applies.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (5)

Liechtenstein, Germany & Austria

This little country in the mountains wedged between Switzerland and Austria has a basic personal income tax of 1.2%. However, the different communes in Liechtenstein impose an additional income tax which leads to a combined income tax of 17.82%.

An additional income tax applies for people under the Social Security program and the self-employed. For this latter category, an extra 11% is implied so the income tax becomes almost 29%.

The corporate tax rate in Liechtenstein is 12.5% and it’s an important source of income for its government. Resident companies in Lichtenstein need to pay corporate tax on their worldwide income.

Non-resident companies need to pay the corporate tax solely on the income earned from properties or branches within Liechtenstein.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (6)

The Value Added Tax in Lichtenstein is 7.7%, except for the products to which a rate of 2.5% applies (to food, medicines, and books for example). For lodging and accommodation, a reduced rate of 3.7% applies. Tourism is an important economic activity for this Alpine country.

Unlike Monaco, Liechtenstein does imply a personal income tax and a corporate tax. However, historically speaking, Liechtenstein has always been considered a tax haven as it is especially well-known for its secrecy and security.

Many of the wealthiest people on earth have been storing their capital in Liechtenstein.

Also, when we compare Liechtenstein’s personal income tax with those of Germany (up to 42%) and Austria (up to 42%) and we do the same for the corporate tax rate (Germany: 29.8%; Austria: 25%).

We understand why Liechtenstein, with tax rates largely below those of its peer Alpine countries, has been an attractive destination for both individuals and companies.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (7)

San Marino, Italy

San Marino is an enclaved microstate close to Rimini and completely surrounded by north-central Italy. It’s one of the world’s oldest republics.

The personal income tax in this tiny country ranges from 9% to 35% (the latter charged for all income over € 80.000).

San Marino has a corporate tax rate of 17% and an extra withholding tax (an income tax that has to be paid by the payer of the income instead of the receiver) of 5% that is applied to profit distribution.

However, San Marino has been wanting to attract new businesses and therefore, it has put a discount in place.

From 2013 on, all new companies receive a 50% reduction on their corporate tax for the first six years they are in business in San Marino.

Hence, for these newly registered companies, the corporate tax rate becomes 8,5% + the 5% withholding tax.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (8)

San Marino doesn’t apply a Value Added Tax, but they do charge a single-staged tax on all goods and services that are imported to San Marino.

The standard rate is 17% and reduced rates are 6% and 2%. However, companies can completely recover this amount paid on importation so the impact of this tax goes down to zero.

When we compare the personal income tax of San Marino with that of Italy (ranging from 23% to 41%) and we do the same for the corporate tax rate (Italy: 24% plus an additional 3.9% regional production tax), we definitely recognize the tax advantages of this microstate.

Wealthy Italians have been depositing money in banks in San Marino for a very long time. Banking is the strongest asset of San Marino’s financial service sector.

However, due to a series of events (blacklists, regulatory changes, and other incidents), international pressure has built up for San Marino to become more transparent. Right now, San Marino is called a “tax haven in transformation”.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (9)

Campione, Italy & Switzerland

Have you ever heard of Campione? It almost seems too good to be true.

Campione d’Italia is part of the Republic of Italy but it’s situated in the heart of Switzerland. With its 1.7 square metres and 3000 inhabitants (of which 1000 foreigners) it truly is just the size of a village.

It was the casino of Campione, Europe’s oldest casino founded in 1917 as a place to gather information during the First World War, that generated sufficient income to operate the microstate.

As a consequence, there was no need to impose any taxes on its residents, both individuals and companies.

Although the casino is no longer in business, some of the very particular tax concessions for the residents have remained in place.

Contrary to foreigners living in Switzerland, you’re not subject to the double taxation treaties with most Western European countries when you’re a resident of Campione.

All profits from bank deposits, real estate, shares and bonds, and other transactions arriving from a Swiss or international source don’t get registered for tax purposes for the residents of Campione with the requirement that they are channeled through a Swiss bank.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (10)

Residents of Campione pay fewer taxes compared to Italian standards too. The first CHF 200,000 of their income is changed into euros at a special exchange rate. Thanks to this exchange rate, their taxable income is lower and consequently, a lower tax rate applies.

Foreigners living in Campione need to pay taxes to the Italian authorities over their worldwide income.

For companies, the usual Italian corporate tax rate applies (24% plus an additional 3.9% regional production tax). However, also for them, Campione can still function as a tax haven because of its remarkable specifics.

All banking is Swiss – hence, companies profit from financial privacy – while at the same time, they are not subject to Switzerland’s income and withholding tax.

Moreover, companies can be completely owned and controlled by foreigners, something that’s limited in Swiss law.

There is no Value Added Tax to be paid in Campione.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (11)

Andorra, Spain

Andorra is a micro-country situated in the Pyrenees mountains between Spain and France. It is no longer completely tax-free after the political pressure was built up.

Nowadays, residents of Andorra pay 10% income tax when they earn more than € 40,000. Income from (most) foreign investments is subject to this rate too. Non-residents pay 10% income tax on all income sourced in Andorra.

Let’s compare the 10% income tax charged in Andorra for any income over € 40,000 with the income tax to be paid in Spain: for any income over € 35,201 you pay 37% and for any income over € 60,000 you pay 45%.

Also taking into account that Spain’s lowest rate is 19%, you’ll quickly understand that with its 10% income tax Andorra is considered a tax haven. However, that doesn’t illustrate the full picture yet as Spain has a partly decentralized tax system.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (12)

The Spanish income tax to be paid is divided into a national portion and a regional portion. The tax rates on the regional portion vary per region.

Catalonia, the Spanish region bordering Andorra – the language spoken in Andorra is Catalan in fact – has the highest regional tax rate (which can bring the total personal income tax up to 48%).

The corporate tax rate in Andorra is, like the income tax, set at 10%. Compared with a corporate tax of 25% in Spain, Andorra is a tax haven for businesses too.

Andorra also has made a name for itself when it comes to shopping. No sales tax is charged at the register in Andorra. Products and services do have a Value Added Tax, but with a general rate of 4,5% it’s the lowest VAT in Europe.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (13)

British Gibraltar, Spain

Located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, British Gibraltar isn’t part of the United Kingdom, but it’s British Overseas Territory.

The currency used is the Gibraltar Pound, which isn’t the same as the English Pound.

The personal income tax system in Gibraltar is not completely straightforward. However, to keep things rather comprehensible we can say the maximum effective rate of taxation is 24%.

The corporate tax rate in British Gibraltar is 10%. Utility and fuel supply companies and companies abusing a dominant market position pay 20% corporate tax.

Gibraltar has a territorial basis of taxation, which means that businesses are taxed for their profit accrued in or derived from the territory of Gibraltar. That makes Gibraltar a tax haven for non-resident businesses, even more, if you consider that Gibraltar doesn’t charge capital gains or wealth tax.

There is no Value Added Tax in Gibraltar, but just like San Marino, there is a tax to be paid on importing goods, ranging from 0% to 12%.

British Gibraltar is also considered a tax haven because of its strong banking system that offers many offshore accounts and investment opportunities for both resident and non-resident companies.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (14)

Jersey (Including Alderney and Sark), Great Britain

Jersey is part of the Channel Islands, a group of islands right off the coast of France. It’s part of the British monarchy but has complete financial and political autonomy. And you guessed it, that’s where its attractive status as a tax haven has developed from.

In 1928, an income tax rate was introduced of 2.5%. However, during the German occupation, they raised the income tax up to 20% on which it is still today.

The corporate tax rate in Jersey is 0%. That’s right, back in 2008 Jersey eliminated all taxes for companies doing business on the island. Financial services firms are taxed at 10% however, and utilities, rentals, and development projects at 20%.

Jersey doesn’t belong to the Value Added Tax area, but they have introduced a comparable tax: the so-called Goods and Services Tax (GST). It’s set at 5% and also applies to imports.

Besides its personal income tax of only 20% and its non-existing corporate tax, Jersey offers a great climate for offshore accounts as no registration of trust accounts is required among the businesses that administer individual financial accounts on the island.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (15)

Guernsey, Great Britain

Guernsey is the second-largest island (after Jersey) of the Channel Islands located near the French coast. Just like Jersey, residents of Guernsey pay a personal income tax of 20%.

The standard corporate tax rate is 0% (did somebody say tax haven?). Financial services are taxed at 10% however, and a couple of other business categories (including retail businesses that have annual taxable profits of more than £ 500,000) are subject to a corporate tax rate of 20%.

The island of Guernsey doesn’t have a Value Added Tax and unlike Jersey, there’s also no Goods and Services Tax.

Safe to say that Jersey, just like its bigger sister Guernsey, can be considered a tax haven.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (16)

Isle of Man, Great Britain

The Isle of Man is an independent island located in the Irish Sea between Ireland and England. It’s famous for its straightforward taxation regime which is completely separate from its neighbours.

On the Isle of Man, you pay 10% personal income tax on the lowest part of your income, and 20% on the higher part of your income (over £ 6,500). Moreover, there is a tax cap in place on the total income payable – set at £ 125,000 per person – which makes the island an attractive destination for the very wealthy.

Corporate tax rates on the Isle of Man are comparable with those on Jersey and Guernsey. The standard corporate tax rate is 0%. Banking activities are subject to 10%, just like retail businesses with taxable profits of £ 500,000 or more per year.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (17)

The Isle of Man has a Value Added Tax of 20% which is applied to most goods and services. Additionally, there’s a reduced rate of 5% (applied to home energy and children’s car seats among others) and 0% (applied to most food and children’s clothes).

The Isle of Man is considered a tax haven due to several factors, including its low tax rates for both individuals and companies, as well as a tax cap.

Additionally, its tax system is totally independent of neighbouring countries like the United Kingdom and Ireland.

The Isle also boasts a modern Companies Registry, providing speedy and efficient access to company records for both local and foreign users.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (18)

Liberland, Croatia, Serbia

Undoubtedly, Liberland is the most special “tax haven” on this list.

Has it ever crossed your mind to just claim a piece of land and create your own state? Then keep reading, because that’s exactly what people have been trying to do with this special piece of land.

Established by Vít Jedlička, Liberland aims to be the world’s next tax haven, offering an open environment for free people​​.

The country’s tax system is highly appealing, with citizens having the flexibility to determine their tax contributions, essentially making taxation optional. This system is designed to finance specific development projects rather than a broad tax regime​​​​.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (19)

Liberland is also exploring innovative financial technologies, such as its own cryptocurrency akin to Bitcoin, indicating a forward-thinking approach to economic development​​.

The nation welcomes applicants for citizenship who respect libertarian principles and have a clean legal background, ensuring a community aligned with its foundational values​​.

Despite its promise, Liberland also presents challenges, particularly in its lack of an established government and economy, which may pose obstacles for investors and residents​​.

Moreover, the legal recognition and protection of investments in Liberland can be uncertain due to the nation’s unique legal status and the evolving nature of its diplomatic recognition.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (20)

But what about the Netherlands…?

So, we have seen that the major part of the Western European countries – France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria – all have their own tax havens. But what about The Netherlands?

This country might not have its own tax haven like the other Western European countries, but perhaps that is because it doesn’t really need one.

At least, speaking in terms of tax for corporations as the personal income tax goes up to nearly 50%. For companies, however, The Netherlands is an attractive destination.

On the first € 200,000, the corporate tax is 19%, and after € 200,000 it’s 25.8%.

A Dutch company pays this corporate tax on its worldwide profit, hence it’s pretty attractive for any company doing business globally to set up their headquarters in The Netherlands.

…and Luxembourg?

Most likely, Luxembourg might have been one of the first names popping up in your head when speaking about European tax havens. But do you actually know why?

When looking at their corporate tax rate, we quickly understand the association with being a tax haven. Luxembourg’s rates are very comparable to those of The Netherlands.

Companies with a taxable income up to € 175,000 pay 15% corporate tax, companies with an income between € 175,000 and € 200,000 pay a rate between 15% and 17%, and companies with an income over € 200,000 pay 17% corporate tax.

Needless to say, these percentages attract many companies aiming to optimize their tax strategy.

…and Belgium?

Together with The Netherlands and Luxembourg who offer pretty attractive corporate tax rates as we’ve seen, Belgium is part of the Benelux.

Its corporate tax rate of 25% doesn’t give the impression of being a tax haven and unlike its Benelux peers, it hasn’t got the reputation of being one.

However, in research by order of the European Union Belgium was labelled a tax haven because apparently, companies that employ practically no one have lots of money circulating in the country with the aim to benefit from a maximum of tax exemptions. Belgium’s favourable tax regime enables them to do so.

…and wasn’t Ireland Attractive for Big Corporations?

That’s right, there are many multinationals who have set up their business and consequently lodge their taxes in Ireland. No surprise, they have a very good reason to do so.

The country’s corporate income tax is 12.5% and could safely be called iconic. Back in 1999, it was lowered from 32% to 12.5% in one go.

On top of the very attractive corporate tax rate, Ireland’s legislation heavily favours the establishment and operation of businesses.

Their economic environment is very hospitable for all kinds of corporations, but especially the ones in research, development, and innovation.

The 10 Best Tax Havens in Europe: Complete 2024 Guide (21)


How does Europe feel about its tax havens?

So, we’ve seen that almost all Western European countries have their own tax haven, which are all microstates.

One of the reasons that these tax havens enjoy the total freedom of making their own tax laws and are able to offer a high level of secrecy at the same time, is that they aren’t real members of the European Union.

Although they have some form of relationship with the European Union (being part of the customs territory for example) they remain outside the Union.

Despite the increasing international pressure to become more transparent, the EU is not in the position to lawfully enforce it, in case they wanted to.

In 2019, the EU issued a report in which it had its own member states being investigated for tax haven practices. Seven EU countries were accused of ‘aggressive tax planning’ or in other terms: showing characteristics of a tax haven: Belgium, Cyprus, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, and the Netherlands.

Based on this report, negotiations on new tax laws have started.

In the future, the EU might adopt new tax regulations that will eliminate some of the tax optimization opportunities that are in place now.

However, although the microstate tax havens will most likely share more and more information with other countries, as non-EU states they will continue to enjoy a relatively high level of freedom in shaping their own tax environment.


Do you want professional help with your own International Tax Strategy and Corporate Structure?

Check out our current services. We are here to guide you and help you navigate through the complex world of International Taxes and Business Structures.


We hope you have enjoyed this article. If you have any further questions please leave us a message below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

    NOTICE: The content of this article is not to be considered as a legal opinion or tax advice. Wanderers Wealth does not hold itself out as a legal or tax advisor. If you want to receive a legal opinion or tax advice on the matter in this article please contact us directly and we will refer you to a legal practitioner.

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