Thai Iced Tea Recipe - Thai vs American Style (2024)

Why one of Iranian singers in one of his songs sing as if a girl that wanted to wed me as my future first wife from his stance and from a lot of persons with radio and TV broadcasters and singers centralities, viewpoints is unique from her looks and character too, has 6000 parasang(36000 kilometer) distance from me?
Indeed, is mentioned singer addresser she and or does mentioned singer song communicate with me and her or not?
Of course it seems as before a lot of social strata from alley and street people to radio and TV announcers and singers and from Iran and world authorities to university scholars especially Isfahan university faculty of economy ones and from my past colleagues and clients to other familiars and strangers ,…have acted and have made scene and they have zoned on my marriage momentous matter with positive or negative perspectives and even some of them have tossed up head or tail on mentioned girl and alike wedding or non-wedding with me in advance too!

I hope that all of them be good-hearted guys not bad-hearted persons inwardly that exonerate Satan strikingly too!
Although as before most of them make a scene and act artily as well!
I wish they spoke their minds henceforth! And they wear their hearts upon their sleeves such a way that I know their minds easily!
As I've said frequently it seems as if nymphet,…girls wedding with me were similar participation in football match and boxing match and wrestling match and marathon and war front and gambling and pass from mine fields and tragedies typhoons and the seven adventures of rustam too!
Anyway as before a lot of persons from radio and TV broadcasters and singers to alley and street people,…say and behave and mimic,…as if my future(first)probable wife were wonderful and she hadn’t any counterpart in beauty and pretty and character in Iran too! From their stances I will feel high her henceforth! And as before even in the middle of their talks and tasks they envy me markedly too!
It seems as if my future first probable partner and I were VIPs and our marriage was as an epoch-making historical milestone too!
Are my association of ideas and intuition and insight and six sense capabilities on this so sensitive sphere true or false?
Please appraise my intuition and insight and six sense and mind reading,…abilities and give a grade me and then apprise me subsequently!
Please distinguish my real pros and cons one another henceforward and say me which of persons are blinded by jealousy from nymphet,…girls wedding with me beforehand and as much as they can they obstruct on their wedding with me too?
In any case, whether different groups of people with radio and TV broadcasters and singers centralities standpoints I've a so belle and excellent fiancee in hide or not before now, it expects that:
1-She has maximal overlaps with my favorite triplet marriage standards and she matches me markedly!
2-She shortens her wedding trend with me and she wed me just according to my dos and don'ts and guidelines erotically and eagerly and immediately! of course before her first dating with me, in order to prove her sincerity and fidelity to me, she perform my frequently pre-said stuffs (I mean my favorite home rooms pets and music and sport,…instruments preparation)and my past prescribed recommendations,… by all means in advance!
3-Her marriage and married life trends with me never must be clamorous and calamitous and costly and tormentor and tedious and tiresome and exhausting!

The three above-mentioned momentous matters are generalized to all of my future partners and they aren't restricted to my future first probable partner merely at all as well!
Persepolis=sixfold=red demons or nope!
Esteghlal=fourfold=blue demons or nope!
In here sixfold refer to six sacrifices consecutively and fourfold refer to four sacrifices consecutively or nope?
Please decipher from Persepolis and esteghlal(Iran most important national football teams traditionally)and their pros and say me that all of them are Satanist or humanist and they diabolize or humanize and if all of them be demonist, which of them are bad and worse and worst from their catastrophic cases or conversely if all of them be good guys, which of them are good and better and best?
Altogether, from now on please decode from different groups of people real insides and identities and show their real pretty or ugly insides me vividly and say me which of them are my familiars and fans and I real fans or sworn foes innately!
Stay that my fans and I, as world best blockbuster insightful and enlightener and decoder lovely and popular persons and as times resurrection-kind renaissance prophets and pioneers and world savers, never permit to satanic sects and their inwardly blind imitators that they immolate more numbers of our familiars and fans through medical and or non-medical felonies satanically!
In any case, taking into account long term too terrible time tyrannies and tartarus and tardiness and tricks and tests and tribulations and traumas and tragedies that never become forgivable and forgettable and reparable too, without one moment hiatus and hesitation only and only either it must adopt attitudes that I quit my satanic-stricken calamitous country in best pleasurable possible forms forever or a so sexy and sentimental and lass and little and lascivious and liberal and libertine and virgin and vivacious and voluptuous and pretty and passionate and pleasant,…teen or preferably preteen girl wed me erotically and eagerly and immediately and with passage of times their numbers increase to I allot my rest golden and praiseworthy longevity to orgies and debaucheries with them greedily and ceaselessly and pleasurably and I sunk back into voluptuosity with my future hot and horny,…adolescent partners in order to fulfill personified paradise for them and particularly myself permanently!
Because I worship extravagant eroticism and hedonism as my prime permanent philosophy and school and thinking system!
It expect that from this time on, everybody give up evil thoughts and deeds and satanic calamities be repelled from all of us,…(namely from my rest familiars and fans and I,…)to we,…don’t become obligated to resort to very horrific retaliation measures rightfully afterward and rather all things become so much the better and all of us indulge in sensuality and live in pleasure permanently!
Please say my fans and familiars and especially I evil-hearted sworn foes from us forever:
1-The envious never finds peace!
2-Hit and run times have been terminated!
3-Tit for tat principle and boomerang mechanism never die!
4-Karma laws, with their proper blissful and disastrous approaches, are eternal!
5-An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth run everlasting!

In spite of repeating the oft repeated, again I severely stress that it is too terribly and tormentingly and tragically and traumatically late that even my marriage or migration to overseas take place in so superb circ*mstances currently too!
Though time tyrants and torturers and trickers have delayed them terribly!
Because they've had too criminal minds and calamitous intentions and nasty plots and sad*stic intentions and sinister schemes so far!
But game over and my fans and I displace these long term too terrible and tormentor and traumatic and tragic and tartarus-oriented games rules hereafter and rather propel them to proper routes after this!

Anyway, under these circ*mstances and crucial conditions, it expect that without one moment hiatus and hesitation I experience either a very idealistic abroad migration and quit my hellish homeland forever or I experience a very marvelous marriage such a way that I will become satisfied from her strikingly and I will become frantic with joy and I never become remorseful from my marriage with her too.
And it necessitate that one of them take place in best pleasurable possible forms by all means right away!
Of course it expect that after my future first passionate and pretty and pleasant,…teen or preferably preteen probable partner amorously wedding with me, their numbers increase with passage of time to my pleasure become multiple marvelously and as a result of extreme eroticism with them, separately and or simultaneously, I will become overjoyed forever!
Please pay deep concentration that I haven't so called Noah longevity and job patience and god fortitude and my childhood and youth,…times that has been grabbed by times demons and their inwardly blind imitators don’t return again as well!
Then, entitle me totally! Becuse as before I'm in the right absolutely!
Stay that from after Iran revolution occurrence that I was elementary school student to now that I experience my middle aged times, unfortunately I've been tolerated traumatic tests and tragedies and tribulations by force! That in my past emails I've alluded them in a nutshell too!
Then, entitle me totally! Because as before I'm in the right completely!
Of course not according to racism and fascism and medievalism and obscurantism and despotism and different forms of apartheids and caste-kind aristocratic too nasty and nauseous and nonsense and diabolic and dreadful and demonic thinking systems and legitimacy and laws and literature and lifestyles that in their lexicons all things are vice versa!

In consequence, it expects that my marvelous marriage or migration to foreign countries be fulfilled just according to my do and does in best idealistic manners until one month later by all means maximally!
And currently, I wait for only and only one of them occurrence in very idealistic manners impatiently and restlessly!
I hope that I earmark my rest golden lifetimes to overdo in orgies and debaucheries with my future nymphet and nymphomaniac and nice,…partners!
Of course I must have been experienced them from so long years ago appropriately as well!
But miserably time tyrants and tormentors and trickers have ruined my longevity heartlessly hitherto! Damn on them forever!

It expect that my future partners don’t become retrogressed to the lowest of the low and worst rascal and ruffian and rubbish persons and they don’t acquit Lucifer and Satan strikingly and they never play personified Satan and serial killers and source of sedition and silent genocides and time tyrants and Lucifer and catastrophes and conspiracies creators and ahmadi physician and pure poop persecutors roles and instead they shun and shirk from these satanic and hateful and hellish and hideous and heinous qualities eternally!
As much as they fulfill my multi-colored marvelous guidelines and guide directions they will be transmuted to personified paradises and instead whatever they shun and shirk from my multifarious remarkable recommendations and lifestyles they will be retrogressed to very rabid sub-beast and hellish and hateful evil-heated persons spontaneously!

Please decode from guess word too.
In here guess mean that my association of ideas on the girl qualifications, specially from her appearance aspect, that want to wed me as my future first wife are true or no?

Extreme apology from me never must be forgotten!
To speed up my abroad migration or marriage trend and only and only one of them as due obligations must occur by all means right away!
They are obligatorily not arbitrarily at all!
Who have been long term too terrible time tyrannies and tartarus and tricks and tribulations and traumas and tragedies creators and performers?
Sha or Khomeini?
Iran royal court or Islamic government?
Who have been long lasting disasters and diseases and deaths and deceits and discriminations and serial killings,…creators and performers?
Which of world satanic governments have been their Iranian satanic sects and mafia gangs counterparts ever since?
Which of world rubbish and rascal and ruffian governments have had green light to Iranian Satanist sects and mafia gangs in order to sicken and slay and sacrifice their sacrifices such a way that water doesn't move from water as before?
Some of Iranian clergies assert that they aren’t culprit and criminal and serial killers,…?
If they talk true, then who create disasters and diseases and deaths as before and even they've immolated a lot of my familiars by medical and non-medical felonies heartlessly hitherto too?
Meantime if mentioned clergies that speak with radio broadcasting on their guiltlessness, why they don’t revolt versus time tyrants and trickers and tragedies and traumas creators and performers and why they don’t decode them in public deliberately?
To lengthen my marriage or migration to overseas, as my prime plan and pressing need, trends catastrophic consequences are as follows:
To increase my familiars and fans casualties+ to force my fans and I,…to very cruelly revengefully actions unavoidably+ to endanger a lot of persons, of course with my future partners pivots, lifetimes and activate their butchery and beheading mechanism properly and progressively+to metamorphose my future spouses,…to personified Satan and serial killers and source of sedition and silent genocide and worst worthless girls +to activate blood sea mechanism everywhere unavoidably+to annihilate Iran,…from world atlas appropriately and unavoidably+to kill my times terribly+ to eternalize my(and my visible and invisible fans) appropriate abhorrence and antipathies and animosities and antagonism and blaze our revenge flames forever+and a lot of other very horrendous and hazardous unexpected events!
Which of following persons and characters have been long term too terrible time oppression and calamities and conspiracies and systematic apartheids and serial killings creators and executors and conversely which of following factors and personalities have played time dreadful and demonic darkness and disasters and diseases and deceptions and discriminations and deaths and a lot of other social pests antidotes and repulsive roles?
Pahlavi dynasty!
Khomeini regime!
Late Mohammad reza Pahlavi (of course I don’t know that he has been died or his stunt man has been died instead of him) and his imitators!
Late Rohollah khomeni and his imitators!
Seyyed ali khamaneei and his imitators!
The USA governments and leaders!
China governments and leaders!
Deity decree!
Demon deceit!
World system!
World discovery!
Christopher Columbus exploration!
Hong Kong tea ceremony!
Tehran metropolis!
Isfahan metropolis!
Tehran University!
Isfahan University!
Some of Isfahan faculty of economy lecturers!
Mafia bands!
Mafia gangs!
Satanist sects!
Schools, especially Tehran revolution tulips high about school 38 years ago!
Time mongolism!
Racism and fascism imposed laws and legitimacy!
Medievalism and obscurantism imposed laws and legitimacy!
Different forms of apartheids imposed laws and legitimacy!
World change consequences!
Bipolar world order frustration aftermath!
Unipolar world order future frustration aftermath!
Satan imitators!
Doomsday earthquake aftermath!
Iran 28 mordad coup, 71 years ago, consequences!
Iran revolution, 46 years ago, consequences!
World leaders and kings deaths aftermath!
Iran kings and leaders deaths aftermath!
Dr seyyed ali mozaffari murder, 55 years ago, aftermath!
Assassinated abdolhosein purjavadi or assassinated abdolhosein kashefi, 71 years ago!
Radio and TV broadcasting!
Or other things that I don’t know and you do me a favor and decode from them for us?

Who is or are time moon traveler symbol or symbols?
My future first probable partner or I or,…?
Is my marriage okay or nope?
Is mentioned girl that intend to wed me, as my future first wife, symbolized full moon and peach and peaco*ck and red cheeks and rose water and blue eye or nope?
Has she blond or brown bob-style head hairs and red fatty face and chubby cheeks and blue eyes and bud-like lips or nope?
Is mentioned girl distance with me 6000 parasang(36000 kilometer) currently or nope?
Are some of social strata with TV and especially radio broadcasting and their singers centralities descriptions on a girl that want to wed me, as my future first spouse, true or false?
Who talk true totally as before?
Who say double bluffs and misrepresent and misinterpret and misreport and make a scene and act as before?
Are radio and TV announcers and their audiences and singers and other celebrities,…my familiars and fans and I sincere pros or sworn cons inwardly?
Why as before they say and sing and behave as if they knew which of us or themselves,…would be sacrificed or saved in future in advance and so called they had different groups of people from familiars and strangers casualties statistics beforehand too?
Are they Satan imitators or not conversely?
If my marriage glad news has truth and mentioned girl that want to wed me as my future first partner has maximal overlaps with my favorite fundamental trinary marriage standards and she match me markedly, she should shorten her wedding trend with me and wed me just according to my dos and don'ts without one moment hiatus and hesitation erotically and eagerly! Or else she never become pardoned!
Because to prolong and postpone her wedding trend with me metamorphoses her to pure poop-kind persecutor and personified Satan and serial killer and source of sedition and silent genocide and so sinister girl and retrogress her to the abaddon and tartarus and Pluto automatically! Even if she shun and shirk from these too hellish and heinous and hateful and horrid and satanic and monstrous qualities innately too!
Therefore, she should take her final decision as follows right away:
To imitate from time demons blindly
To infringe from times devils demonic and dreadful decrees and rather to shorten her wedding trend with me just according to my guidelines and guide directions in so superb circ*mstances and wed me amorously at once!
Of course before her first immediate lovely contact with me in order to wedding with me say her from me that provide my favorite home rooms pets especially my favorite trained and smart and cute and caring and wooly and playful,…puppies and dogs ((particularly chao chao and or golden retriever and or saint Bernard and alike, of course with chao chao centrality)) at the outset (obligatorily) and my other favorite home pets similar wooly kitten and cats and parrots and nightingales,…secondly
(arbitrarily)and my favorite music and sport,…instruments in advance by all means and after her heavy makeup and eroticize her body members, come our current junky apartment unit and after her extreme apology from me submit her courtship demand me meekly and wed me erotically right away! And after her amorously and immediately wedding with me, she exhilarates and eroticizes me extremely and eternally! of course in company with my other future pretty and passionate and playful and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners permanently that it expect that their numbers increase with passage of times too, to as much as I can I make out and make love with all of them separately and simultaneously hereafter! And I will be sunk in voluptuosity with them totally everlasting as well!
Blissful marriages are so pleasurable and adorable and appropriate!
Instead, calamitious marriages are so hateful and heinous and hideous and inappropriate that I severely shun from them forever!
Indeed, when I wed or quit my calamitous country accurately?
Please give a meticulous time on them for me immediately!
Even if one of them occurs in best idealistic and pleasurable possible forms currently, it is too terribly and tormentingly and traumatically and tragically late too! And even one moment interruption on one of these 2 non-alternative options fulfillment not only isn’t forgivable and forgettable henceforth, but also they're as so criminal and unpardonable and satanic tasks that will have too hazardous and horrendous aftermath unavoidably and automatically and eternally and endanger a lot of persons, of course with my future partners pivots, longevity properly and progressively and permanently too! Even in their mutilation and amputation (alive) forms appropriately as well, as their minimal proper penalties!
So, to shorten my marriage or migration to overseas trends and merely and merely one of them just according to my shoulders and shoulders are as due obligations and they aren’t volitionally options at all. Instead they are complete compulsorily and without one moment delay one of them and merely and merely one of them must happen in best idealistic manners by all means!
In short, if my marriage glad tidings has truth, on condition that mentioned girl that wanted to wed me as my future first wife has maximal overlaps with my favorite fundamental triplet marriage standards by all means, but as before she evade from her wedding with me, I count her as so criminal and culprit and felon and gang and garbage girl that exonerate Satan strikingly too and I count her as my familiars and fans sworn foe and immolator and my prime persecutor and from my standpoint under these circ*mstances she will be retrogressed to worst rubbish and rascal and ruffian girl and I will be forced to punish her properly and progressively even in form of her dismemberment and decollation and decapitation as her minimal penalty 100 percent too!
Please take seriously me!
Because I never joke and jest on these momentous matters!
In conclusion, keeping in mind long lasting time dreadful and demonic darkness and disasters and diseases and deaths and deceits and discriminations that their anguishes never become retrievable too, only and only either I must abandon my satanic-stricken country idealistically and immediately or a very marvelous girl from looks and character that has maximal overlaps with my favorite fundamental trine marriage standards marry me just according to my dos and don'ts in so supreme conditions in shortest time span! otherwise blood sea will be created subsequently and not only karma laws slaughter a lot of persons spontaneously, but also I will be coerced to butcher and behead my future partners with my future first probable partner pivot properly too!
Such a way that even if I cut to pieces them totally, I must be encouraged and extolled extensively and extremely and eternally as well!
I hope that after recognition and decoding from Iranian and foreigner(in turn)Satanist sects and mafia gangs as long term too terrible time tyrannies and tartarus and tricks and tribulations and tantatalization and tardiness and traumas and tragedies,…creators and performers and all of them introduction, all of them be slaughtered spontaneously to our earth planet be purified from their pure poop-kind and poisonous pollutions permanently and satanic sinister schemes and engineered disasters and diseases and deaths and discriminations and a lot of other multifarious social pests never be repeated again as well!
Of course if you use from my different marvelous messages that enlighten and decipher from time demons symbolically and surrealistically and satirically, your visions horizons increase noticeably and you will be saved from double ignorance and your mistakes decrease drastically too!
As I've said frequently, miserably from more than 25 years ago to now all of evidence and facts have showed clearly that as long as Satan and Satan blind-hearted imitators don’t immolate 3 or 4 members of my family they don’t give up evil deeds and thoughts and as before they've so criminal minds and calamitous intentions and nasty plots and sinister schemes and as much as they can they harass and confuse and anger and agonize and anguish me and embroil us and exacerbate situation and how many they machinate against my other familiars and fans,…in order to immolate them by medical and or non-medical felonies satanically, whether before or after my future consecutive marriages and married lives too!
Just as in recent years some of social strata have confessed to these very bitter and shocking matters and even their necessity too and even miserably they've immolated a lot of my kin,…with my martyr parents pivot by medical and non-medical felonies similar different forms of bioterrorism,…ever since as well!
That is why I'm very angry and anguished and plaintiff and protester properly and progressively as before as well!
Meantime from more than 25 years ago to now, they've conspired against me in different places alike my past polluted and poisonous and poop university and workplace,…unmanly and knavishly and proficiently too!
And then they teach their inwardly blind imitators and different groups of people with radio and TV broadcasting centralities that they flagrantly assert that I must be tested and trained in order to my self-realization till so called resurrection morning too!
Alas for them totally!
Fie on their so nasty dogmatic and dreadful and demonic and dangerous doctrines and tenets!
As a matter of fact they exculpate Satan and they make tartarus times alike Adolf Hitler and apartheid and dark ages gloomy and grim epochs association of ideas again!
Damn on them and I extremely emphasize to all of them concurrent annihilation necessity mercilessly at once as well!
Of course after all of them be deciphered and introduced necessarily!
As before some of social strata with radio and TV announcers centralities habitual phrase is:
World hasn’t loyalty!
Do they talk true or nope?
Of course who are symbolized world from their stances?
Because it may that they hint to world superpowers and tycoons and then they generalize them to world wrongly!
Please firstly decode from world hasn’t fidelity phrase and secondly say us who are symbolized world in fact?
Because world superpowers and tycoons aren’t world! Although they rule on world and they play world masters and master of rings roles as before!
Please decode from wink to your commode phrase that recently on some of my current fellow citizens young cute girls bags and jackets,…have been written or even it has been written on some of my current town malls shops playing windows salable stuffs too!
Please decode from wink as a separated word that is observed on different groups of people cars windscreens and bags and shops salable stuffs playing windows,…as before too!
As before do we live in intelligence cities or not mad cities or everywhere has been turned to hellish labs?
To reflect societies and world terms bitter and sweet occurred events surrealistically and symbolically and scornfully and satirically and skillfully are so adorable and admirable not reproachable and reprovable at all!

Despite rehash, please answer to my following epoch-making question:
As before which of Iranian and foreigners satanic sects and mafia gangs play deity and demon and death angel and azrael roles with very disastrous and dreadful and demonic and destructive and dangerous outlooks that have sickened and slain and sacrificed a lot of my familiars,…with my martyr parents pivot ever since and as before they commit their cruelly crimes too?
Which of my association of ideas on their deciphering are true or false?
Please after demonic deity and devil decoding, introduce all of them extensively!
Please pay deep concentration that as before whether in Iran or around of world some of persons and mafia gangs and mafia bands and satanic sects,…play demon and deity and death angel and azrael roles,partcularily with negative outlooks!
Of course please decipher them Firstly with Iranian nationality and secondly with foreigner originality!
Of course without these Iranian and foreigner Satanist sects and mafia gangs backdrop collusions and coordination and interactions, they can't commit their criminally and cruelly crimes easily at all!
In other words, both of them have interactions and intercommunication each other, even if they be each other sworn foes apparently as well!
I wish after both of them decoding and recognition and introduction all of them be annihilated and eradicated from earth planet concurrently and completely and cruelly right away to our earth planet will be gotten rid of from their pure poop-kind poisonous pollutions permanently!
In spite of rehash, again I repeat that from this time on different groups of people bad or good behaviors don’t stay without response at all!
Instead, not only their good or bad behaviors recoil to themselves and especially their backstage stimulators and seducers and trainers but also they rebound to my future partners with so severe severities spontaneously too!
So, from this day forth, I hope that different groups of people from familiars to especially strangers don’t say and behave and act and make a scene and transgress from my red lines and dos and don'ts such a way that compel me to wars of nerves and wars of attrition and challengeable reactions and blow out my brains at all.
Otherwise not only mentioned persons and particularly their back of scene stimulators and seducers and trainers will be spoiled and screwed up and ruined remarkably, but also I will backfire their projections and diabolism to my future partners with so severe severities similar boomerang and I will take complete vengeance on my future partners and I incarnate real hell for them too!
Then, from now on, no one dare to shun and shirk from my red lines and do and does and anger and anguish me at all!
Meantime I never permit to satanic sects and mafia gangs and Satan imitators that they sicken and slay and sacrifice more numbers of my familiars and fans henceforth.
If they increase our causalities, not only all of them and especially their backdrop trainers and seducers and stimulators will be slaughtered strikingly, but also I will be coerced to demolish and dismember and decapitate and decollate my future spouses,…spontaneously too!
So called tit for tat!
I expect that only and only those groups of gorgeous girls date and wed me, as my future partners, that have maximal overlaps with my favorite fundamental trine marriage standards and they match me markedly and they rejoice and refresh and rejuvenate and revere me markedly everlasting as well!
Or else they never dare to date and wed me to they never be regretted and punished properly and progressively!
Meantime bearing in mind long term so criminal and unforgivable and irreparable time darkness and disasters and deceptions and anguishes, I hope that without one moment hiatus and hesitation either I quit my hellish homeland idealistically and immediately or a so sexy and sentimental and sensualist and freethinker and frisky and fantastic and fascinating and fun and fine,…adolescent girl wed me erotically and enthusiastically and immediately and then with passage of times their numbers increase and all of them adopt aptitudes that I feel high with them totally everlasting and as much as I can I make love with them to I will become frantic with joy as a result of extreme eroticism with them forever!
Meantime I can't stand as before! Because it is very hazardously and horrendously late and I've missed my best life times that must have been allotted to my extreme eroticism to traumatic and tormentor tests and tribulations coercively!
My future partners with my future first probable partner pivot never disremember that my generosity and self-control and restraining of anger and forbearance aren’t limitless at all!
And if they shun and shirk from my forewarning and warnings, I will be forced to thrash and terrify and torture them terribly and in the end butcher and behead them alive appropriately and adorably as well!
Then, this is as my ultimate ultimatum!
Never forget that Accident never gives news!
Therefore, I must marry or migrate to abroad countries just according to my shoulders and shoulders in so superb circ*mstances until one month later maximally!
I've in a hurry a lot and my hastiness is so rightful and appropriate as well!
Because I've been exposed of long lasting conspiracies unmanly!
Demonic forces have conspired versus me in different places From after Iran revolution to now vicariously and indirectly and even they've immolated my parents,…heartedly hitherto too. Of course after their long term gradual tortures vicariously and indirectly!
I never go to Isfahan University!
I never become trader and alike!
And these so improper options must be omitted for me. Or else I will be inflamed innately and a lot of unforeseeable accidents will occur appropriately afterward!
Stay that from more than 25 years ago all of evidence and facts have showed vividly that as long as satanic sects don’t sacrifice 3 or 4 members of my family they don’t allow any person that get in contact with me from different places including Isfahan university,…and rather as before Satanist sects and their inwardly blind imitators harass and confuse and anger and anguish me vicariously and indirectly and they conspire versus me in different places and embroil us and invert facts flagrantly,…too!
And as before it seems a lot of persons from familiars to strangers and from TV and radio announcers to alley and street people,…expect from me merely that in practice I've fortitude and feed and curry and endure,…my metamorphosed and mulish and mad and malicious and disaster-hit and electuary-stricken and sadomasoch*st and spoiled and scum sibling until his death moment by myself and grin and bear it a lot too!
I never let my rest familiars and fans be immolated by medical or no-medical felonies!
I never marry with those groups of girls that mismatch me and they haven't maximal overlaps with my favorite fundamental triple marriage standards!
I never marry with those so sinister and ominous girls that their marriage and married lives with me be calamitous and costly and confusing and harassment and agonizing and annoyer and exhausting!
I never have racism and fascism and medievalism and monarchism and militarism and obscurantism and other Satanism, that I abhor them inherently, lifestyles and thinking systems and ideologies!
Of course it expects that my future partners and cronies and children be my twins from this standpoint surely too!
I never accept and forgive and forget different groups of people diabolism and naughtiness and projections!
From now on, only and only I must indulge in sensuality and live in pleasure permanently!

From this time on, my main occupation and mental disturbance revolve on orgies and debaucheries with my future nymphet and nympho and nice,…partners such a way that I wish I could break world orgies and debaucheries records with them too!
Marginally, I want to pursue my favorite multi-colored extracurricular plans and tasteful hobbies and exhilarating abroad journeies, of course to those foreign countries that I feel high into them totally too!
I worship ultra hedonism as my main popular philosophy and thinking system and school strikingly everlasting!

As I've said frequently as before my brother toleration is as Herculean task that need to so severe self-control and restraining of anger and mortification and munificence and magnanimity!
Because he is so sadomasoch*st and selfish and silly and spoiled and savage and infuriated and intolerable and impersonal and impudent and impolite and lunatic and lewd and nettlesome and nonsense and nauseous and noisy and talkative and chatterbox and screamer,…guy that has turned our home to trash bin and nest of sorrow and under his selfishly monopoly!
And he rampage and wrangle and play the devil and project and pick quarrels and mock and mimic and scream and jabber and gibber and act,…aggressively and crazily and desperately and nauseously and stressfully,…and altogether he harass and confuse and anger and anguish me by his so sad*stic and projective and aggressive,…talks and tasks!
And as before he relieve his cumulative chronic complexes at home,…nauseously!
Especially as he is under so severe stresses and pressures from his long term libido terrible repression, his infuriation and inflammation has become multiple too. As he is so satyr guy genetically, he must has married from olden times ago, preferably from his adolescence times, in order to quench his so severe lust, that has had markedly effect on his long term mental system frustration, as his best alchemy-kind medicine for him!
Sex-therapy and fun-therapy and non-disastrous collective life have been my unlucky and unbearable bleak brother long term remedy and recovery and relief!
In any case, in order to hindrance gravity of the situation I don’t react against his so sad*stic and projective behaviors and instead consider him hugely and grin and bear it by myself a lot!
Stay that my bleak and boorish and blah and bullsh*t brother long term metamorphosis and madness and malice and psychosis and schizophrenia and sadomasochism and savagery,…cause of causes have been Satanist sects that I severely stress that they be decoded and introduced as soon as possible!
Please pay deep attention that Satanist sects have sickened him mentally and they've broken down his brain metabolism and internal hormones, that regulate mankind behaviours, functions by psychiatric and non-psychiatric felonies since more than 4 decade ago and physically since less than 3 decade ago by medical and non-medical felonies in so satanic and skillful manners!
Stay that from olden years ago and at least from after Iran revolution occurrence about 46 years ago it seems as if all things have been wheels within wheels and 3 or 4 members of my family have been as alive sacrifices certainly that unfortunately 2 or 3 of them have been immolated by stannic sects and their inwardly blind imitators by medical felonies,…ever since as well!
In any case, on my bleak brother, again I severely stress that if his close kin keep him collectively and consecutively and cheer him up and couple him subsequently, his so shattered stresses and nervous system and neurosis are cured considerably!
Because his long term sexual instinct so severe suppression and loneliness have been his mental system gradual collapse cause of causes in turn!
Additionally he has been punished by psychiatric and non-psychiatric felonies so far too and these factors have frustrated his mental and physical system with passage of time in turn ever since as well!
Such a way that in recent years different social strata from late black eggplant to radio announcers,… have said that as god stick has no sound and its pain has no medicine phrase from time to time deliberately, and their meaning was my bleak brother, so my bleak brother has experienced these long term limbo-kind conditions! Because from their stances god has punished him heartlessly hitherto too!
Stay that their god exonerate Satan and it is incarnated in Satanist sects and mafia gangs,…too! And their god adapt with racism and fascism and medievalism and different forms of apartheids and other Satanism schools too!
Anyway, I expect that my bleak brother close kin give up evil thoughts and avoid from times devils decrees and rather perform my very humanistic and scientific guidelines on him as soon as possible!
Meantime as long as they don’t perform these unique instructions, it expects that it adopt methods and policies that his day and night sleep hours increase considerably!
Stay that a lot of people with my familiars centralities must extol my martyr parents and I, in turn, from my infuriated and intolerable brother long term toleration and keeping stance strikingly forever too!
If you dear reader be instead us, you never can stand him and rather you thrash my brother ceaselessly and repel him from your home spontaneously!
But as before I feed and curry and endure him by myself and grin and bear it from this thing too!

Again and again I extremely emphasize that my future partners must have complete consistency and harmony with my favorite lifestyles forever!
Or else they severely shun and shirk from marriage and married life with me forever!
Especially they never forget that I severely care to my future home rooms pets with my future favorite trained and cute and caring and playful puppies and dogs centralities that they must beside me everywhere everlasting, even alongside me at my bedrooms! or else I will become inflamed and my future partners never have immunities from their progressively and properly punishments by me and even I never date and wed with those groups of girls that haven't adaptation with my favorite tastes in different domains including of my favorite home pets, partcularily puppies and dogs, living necessity with me at my home rooms permanently!
Then my future partners with my future first passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and or teen partner pivot prepare my favorite home rooms pets even especially before their first meeting and dating with me in order to prove their loyalty and sincerity to me by all means!
In other words my favorite home rooms puppies and dogs are so sacred for me forever that even immunize my future partners,…from my appropriate angers aftermath as well! And they strengthen our married lives stabilities strikingly too!
Just as one of my favorite dogs prefix names is saint too! I refer to Saint Bernard dog that its price is so expensive too!

Altogether, under these circ*mstances it expects that my idealistic abroad migration or my marvelous marriage as my prime priority and pressing need happen just according to my dos and don'ts in so supreme circ*mstances at once!
Or else Blood Sea will be created!
Because I never date and marry with those groups of so sinister gang and garbage girls even if they be prettier from full moon that acquit Satan strikingly and their marriages and married lives with me cause my familiars and fans silent genocides!
Instead I will shatter these groups of gang and garbage girls as heap of mire in so cruelly manners certainly too!
In conclusion my future partners ages and appearance and lifestyles must have maximal adaptation with my frequently pre-written popular paradigms! And their marriages and married lives with me never must be calamitous and costly and nettlesome and annoyer too!
On their age stance, whatever they become smaller my pleasure becomes multiple markedly!
The best age for all of them are under 15, namely 9 to 14!
But I severely shun and shirk from more than 25 years old girls in order to dates and crushes and chemistries and sexual intercourse and married lives with them! Whether they be my future spouses or my future cohabitants and concubine ladyloves,…!
On their apearenace, their beauty must be unique such a way that I become intoxicated spontaneously!
On their lifestyles I divide them in 2 following fundamental categories:
1-Erotic life!
2-Thinking system and ideology!

On their erotic lives with me they must be very hotter than popular p*rn stars!
As I'm a satyr guy innately, then they must be nymphomaniac nymphet girls naturally to our pleasures be multiple one another!
On their thinking systems and ideologies,…they must have so dynamic syncretism and eclectic ideologies based on (extra)hedonism and humanism and naturalism and modernism and cosmopolitanism,… simultaneously not separately right alike me! Such a way that they be my copies and twins! And they’ve huge harmonies with me too!
Instead they must avoid from medievalism and racism and fascism and blind nationalism and conservatism and dogmatic and reactionary caste-kind traditionalism and monarchism and other similar excrement-kind ideologies and lifestyles and thinking systems that I detest them inherently!

It expects that my future partners and children and cronies worship me as their so lovely unique idol and loadstar and paradigm from their bottom of hearts eternally!

I hope that from this time on I overindulge in sybaritism and sensualism with my future passionate and pretty and pleasant,…preteen and teen partners permanently!

As before some of social strata with radio and TV broadcasters centralities say and behave as if my future first probable wife ((that from their stances she is so beautiful and her looks and character is unique too)) wedding with me assimilate with Tehran metropolis milad tower birth and Iran revolution recreation and Iran last kingdom dynasty frustration and Iran last king flight from Iran and Iran resurrection emergence and end of the world kind festivity appearance,…as well!
And even one of Iranian TV artists and announcers in one of his weekly TV programs (I mean moon rising) said previously as if my future first probable wife wedding with me were alike moon rising and sunset too!
Of course he said moon was appeared and sun fell into well!
I narrate his sentence for you directly!

Please say me which of persons were symbolized sun and moon from that TV announcer and artist point of view?
In any case as before it seems as if my future first probable wife wedding with me not only was as epoch-making historic phenomena in national field but also it were as an international milestone too!

In spite of rehash, never disremember that racism and fascism and medievalism and different forms of apartheids and caste-kind aristocratic(and alike)imposed very nasty and nauseous and nonsense laws and legitimacy and lifestyles and customs that their executive arms are mafia gangs and Satanist sects and top secret technological productions in different domains from military to medical spheres,…alike HAARP and AI and biological arms,…that are so called closer than our necks veins to us too, are so calamitous and costly and tormentor and tragic and troublemaking and tiresome and tedious and terrible inherently and most of disasters and diseases and deaths and deceits and discriminations and other social pests, that so called jinn intellect doesn't reach them too, main origins in around of world including Iran are them too!
Especially I concentrate to engineered diseases and disasters imposition by different forms of bioterrorism that anybody can be its agent easily as well!
Although Satanist sects and their blind-hearted imitators and sc*ms and mercenaries attribute all of these horrific felonies to fate and theology and tea ceremony consequences and world sufferings and sorrows,…flagrantly or foolishly as before! And even as much as they can they deny mentioned horrific felonies and rather accuse best groups of decoder and enlightener and intelligentsia and intellectual and insightful persons alike me to daydreaming and deceptions and hallucination and misrepresentations and misinterpretations,…impudently or ignorantly too!
So, let us annihilate and eradicate all of them concurrently and completely from our earth planet permanently!

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.