TFSA Anti-Avoidance Rules: Prohibited And Non-Qualified Investments – Canadian Income Tax - Tax Authorities - Tax (2024)


Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) plans are a tax efficient methodof investment for individuals created by the government toencourage Canadians to save for retirement or other shorter-termgoals.

The basic structure of aTFSAis that a financial institution (theissuer) holds investments in a special account (the TFSA) for anindividual with whom the issuer has a contract or arrangement thatmeet certain requirements. The individual is called the"controlling individual" of the TFSA. The TFSA can theninvest the contributions into various types of investments. Theholder of a TFSA cannot carry on a business in his or her TFSA(e.g. a business actively trading securities or running a marijuanastore) without facing adverse tax consequences. TFSAs are notallowed to own certain "non-qualified" or"prohibited" investments. Cryptocurrencies cannot be heldin a TFSA directly, although it is possible to hold them in a TFSAindirectly through anexchange traded fund [IT1]or similar securities. The TFSA itself is exemptfrom income tax and withdrawals from a TFSA by the individual donot give rise to an income inclusion. This effectively means thatan individual can use a TFSA to invest 'after tax' moneyand not pay tax on the investment income (e.g. capital gains,interest, dividends) earned on the investment. Unlike with aRegistered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), there is no deductionavailable when a contribution is made to the TFSA nor any taxliability when funds are withdrawn.

Only Canadian tax resident individuals who have TFSAcontribution room can make a contribution to a TFSA. Everyindividual who is both of age 18 or older and a tax resident ofCanada at some point during a year will accumulate TFSAcontribution room for that year. The government specifies a fixedTFSA dollar limit which is the amount by which contribution roomincreases for every qualified individual. The TFSA dollar limit for2022, as for recent years, is $6,000. Unused contributionroom will be carried over into future years indefinitely. When anindividual makes a withdrawal from his or her TFSA, the amount ofthe withdrawal will be added to his or her contribution room at thestart of the next calendar year.

To maintain the integrity of the TFSA system, theCanadianIncome Tax Actcontains numerousanti-avoidance rules which can result in severe tax problems fortaxpayers. This article focuses on the anti-avoidance rulesregarding prohibited and non-qualified investments.

Qualified and Non-Qualified Investments – TFSAAnti-Avoidance Rules: Prohibited and Non-QualifiedInvestments

Qualified investments are the types of investments that theGovernment of Canada intends for individuals to hold in theirTFSAs. TheIncome Tax Actprovides a list oftypes of qualified investments which include:

  • Money and deposits with banks, trust companies, or creditunions;
  • Securities listed on a designated stock exchange;
  • Shares or debt of a public corporation;
  • A unit of a mutual fund trust or share of a mutual fundcorporation;
  • Debt of the Government of Canada, a province, a municipality,or a Crown corporation;
  • Gold and silver coins, bullion and certificates; and
  • Shares of a specified small business corporation.

A specified small business corporation is generally acorporation incorporated in Canada that is not controlled bynon-resident persons and substantially all the fair market value ofthe corporation's assets are attributable to assets thatare:

  • used principally in an active business carried on in Canada bythe corporation or a corporation related to it or
  • shares or debt of connected small business corporations.

If an investment in a specified small business corporation meetsthe criteria for being a prohibited investment as described belowthe investment will not be a qualified investment. As such,taxpayers should be very cautious when investing in privatecorporations through a TFSA and should always consult with anexpert Toronto tax lawyer before proceeding with theinvestment.

TheIncome Tax Act defines a non-qualifiedinvestment as any investment that is not a qualified investment.However, an investment that is not a qualified investment but alsomeets the criteria for prohibited investment status will beconsidered a prohibited investment only and deemed not to be anon-qualified investment. One example of a non-qualified investmentis shares in a private non-resident corporation.


TheIncome Tax Actdefinition of prohibitedinvestment includes the following:

  • a debt of the holder of the TFSA;
  • a debt, share of, or an interest in, a corporation, trust orpartnership in which the holder of the TFSA has a significantinterest;
  • a debt, share of, or an interest in a person or partnershipwith which the holder of the TFSA does not deal at arm'slength; or
  • an interest in or right to acquire any of the aboveinvestments.

The term "a significant interest" generally refers tothe holder of the TFSA having at least a 10% interest in thecorporation, partnership, or trust. In making this assessment, theinterests held by persons who do not deal at arm's length withthe holder of the TFSA are also counted towards the 10%threshold.


If during a calendar year, a TFSA acquires a non-qualified orprohibited investment, or if an existing investment held by theplan becomes a non-qualified or prohibited investment, then theholder of the TFSA is required to pay a special tax. The amount ofthe tax is 50% of the fair market value of the investment at thetime the event that led to the tax applying occurred.

The person liable to pay the tax on non-qualified or prohibitedinvestments in a calendar year is required to file a correspondingform RC339 tax return and pay the tax before July of the followingcalendar year. As with regular income tax, interest will accrue ona late payment and penalties may apply if a return is filed late ornot filed at all.

If the TFSA subsequently disposes of the non-qualified orprohibited investment then the holder of the TFSA becomes entitledto refund of the tax unless either:

  • it is reasonable to consider the holder of the TFSA knew orought to have known at the time the relevant investment wasacquired by the TFSA that it was non-qualified or prohibited orthat it would become so, or
  • the relevant investment was not disposed of by the TFSA beforethe end of the calendar year following the calendar year in whichthe tax arose, or any later time that the Canada Revenue Agencyconsiders reasonable in the circ*mstances.


Income earned by a TFSA from a non-qualified investment isconsidered taxable income for the TFSA which pays tax at the topmarginal rate. So for example if a TFSA holds shares in a privatenon-resident corporation which constitutes a non-qualifiedinvestment, then the TFSA will need to pay tax on the dividends itearns for holding the shares or the capital gain it realizes whenit eventually sells the shares. Income from a prohibited investmentconstitutes aTFSA advantage[IT2].

Subsequent generation income earned on taxable income earned bythe plan from a non-qualified investment or on income from aprohibited investment generally gives rise to a TFSA advantage. Forexample, if a TFSA reinvests dividend income from either anon-qualified investment or a prohibited investment, even into aqualified investment, then all the income generated by the newinvestment constitutes a TFSA advantage.

A special TFSA advantage tax is payable by the holder of a TFSAthat has given rise to a TFSA advantage during a calendar year. Theamount of the tax is 100% of the TFSA advantage for the calendaryear. The person liable to pay the tax on the TFSA advantage in acalendar year is required to file a corresponding form RC339 taxreturn and pay the tax before July of the following calendar year.As with regular income tax, interest will accrue on a late paymentand penalties may apply if a return is filed late or not filed atall.


CRA has the discretion to waive or cancel part or all of ataxpayer's TFSA advantage tax or tax on non-qualified orprohibited investments owing in circ*mstances where the CanadaRevenue Agency determines that it would be just and equitable to doso. Some of the circ*mstances in which CRA may exercise itsdiscretion are:

  • when the tax arose as a consequence of a reasonable error,
  • when the transactions that gave rise to the tax also gave riseto another tax under theIncome Tax Act,
  • when payments have already been made from the TFSA.

To request that TFSA tax be waived or cancelled, thetaxpayer's experienced Canadian tax lawyer must submit awritten application to the CRA's Pension Workflow Team locatedat either the Sudbury Tax Centre or the Winnipeg Tax Centredepending on the location of the taxpayer's residentialaddress. The application should describe in detail thecirc*mstances giving rise to the tax and why it would be just andequitable for the tax to be waived or cancelled.

Note that the CRA's taxpayer relief and voluntarydisclosures programs which offer penalty and interest relief insome circ*mstances cannot be utilized in order for the TFSA taxitself to be waived or cancelled because it is a tax and not apenalty. It is possible however to get relief under those programsfrom penalties or interest associated with the TFSA tax.


Pro Tax Tips – TFSA Anti-Avoidance Rules:Prohibited and Non-Qualified Investments

The full definition of what constitutes a non-qualified orprohibited investment is quite comprehensive and the consequencesof making a mistake are severe. Taxpayers should be extremely wearyof making any investment in a TFSA if they are closely connectedwith the investment or if the investment is in a private businessand consult with an experienced Toronto tax lawyer prior toproceeding with the plan.

In the event that you think you may have made a non-qualified orprohibited investment or if CRA has assessed you as such in a taxaudit, it is highly recommended that you speak with an expertCanadian tax lawyer regarding whether any steps can be takendispute whether there was a non-qualified or prohibited investmentor apply for discretionary relief.



A Tax Free Savings Account effectively allows individuals tocontribute funds to a special account, up to a contribution limit,and invest the funds with all of the capital gains and investmentincome from those investments not being subject to income tax. Thecontribution limit increases by a set amount each year that anindividual is over 18 years old and is a tax resident ofCanada.


A type of investment that is not intended to be allowed in aTFSA. The full details of what is qualified are complex, butgenerally investments in public companies, mutual funds, orgovernment debt are qualified investments, while privateinvestments are at risk of being non-qualified.


A type of investment that is not intended to be allowed in aTFSA. The full details of what is prohibited are complex, butgenerally investments in a business where you own at least 10% ofthe business or investments where you are not at arm's lengthfrom the recipient of the investment are prohibited.

The content of this article is intended to provide a generalguide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be soughtabout your specific circ*mstances.

TFSA Anti-Avoidance Rules: Prohibited And Non-Qualified Investments – Canadian Income Tax - Tax Authorities - Tax (2024)


What are non-qualified investments for TFSA? ›

Non-qualified investment – any property that is not a qualified investment for the trust. For more information, see Income Tax Folio S3-F10-C1, Qualified Investments – RRSPs, RESPs, RRIFs, RDSPs and TFSAs. Prohibited investment – this is property to which the TFSA holder is closely connected.

What investments are not allowed in TFSA? ›

The Income Tax Act definition of prohibited investment includes the following:
  • a debt of the holder of the TFSA;
  • a debt, share of, or an interest in, a corporation, trust or partnership in which the holder of the TFSA has a significant interest;
Jan 5, 2022

Are TFSA for US persons covered under the tax treaty between the US and Canada? ›

Similar to RESPs, U.S. persons investing in TFSAs cannot elect to defer the taxation of income earned inside the plan. The plan's income is taxable to the plan owner for U.S. tax purposes, even though there is no tax to pay on this income for Canadian tax purposes.

Does the IRS recognize Canadian TFSA? ›

Although the investment income earned in a TFSA is tax-free for Canadian tax purposes, “this tax free status” does not apply to U.S. residents. As a U.S. taxpayer you are required to file U.S. returns annually and any income earned in a TFSA during the year is taxable.

What are the 5 mistakes you must avoid in a TFSA? ›

Here are five mistakes to avoid when managing your TFSA.
  • Overcontributing to your account. ...
  • Naming spouse a beneficiary instead of successor holder. ...
  • Holding investments that produce foreign income. ...
  • Not recognizing how market gains and losses impact your future contribution room. ...
  • Choosing non-qualified investments.

How does a TFSA work in Canada? ›

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) program began in 2009. It is a way for individuals who are 18 and older and who have a valid social insurance number (SIN) to set money aside tax-free throughout their lifetime. Contributions to a TFSA are not deductible for income tax purposes.

What is the downside of a TFSA? ›

No Income-Tax Reduction:

Unfortunately, TFSA contributions can't be used to lower your taxable income. This means there is no way to decrease your income tax when contributing to a TFSA. For high income earners this makes an RRSP more appealing.

How do I avoid tax on my TFSA? ›

Generally, interest, dividends, or capital gains earned on investments in a TFSA are not taxable either while held in the account or when withdrawn. There are, however, certain circ*mstances under which one or more taxes could be payable with respect to a TFSA.

What is the safest investment for TFSA? ›

Bonds in a TFSA

Government bonds are generally considered less risky than corporate bonds, but the trade-off is a potentially lower rate of return. Bonds pay out periodic payments throughout the term. And, when compared to stocks, bonds may generally be considered safer investments.

Can a U.S. citizen living in Canada have a TFSA? ›

U.S. citizens who reside in Canada may establish registered accounts such as a RRSP, RESP or TFSA. However, the Canadian tax benefits arising from these registered accounts may potentially be offset by U.S. compliance obligations and/or applicable U.S. taxes.

What is the U.S. equivalent of a Canadian TFSA? ›

The Canadian Registered Retirement Savings Plans and the Tax-Free Savings Account are similar to U.S. traditional and Roth IRAs. Canadian retirement accounts have more generous contribution limits and fewer distribution limits than American accounts.

What happens to TFSA if you move to USA? ›

When you move to the U.S., you are allowed to keep your TFSA. Assets in your TFSA are not subject to departure tax and earnings in the account, as well as withdrawals, will still be tax-free for Canadian tax purposes.

Is TFSA taxable in the USA? ›

A TFSA isn't considered tax-free in the U.S., so U.S. persons must pay U.S. income taxes annually on the account's income and capital gains. Information disclosures are also necessary.

What happens to TFSA when you leave Canada? ›

If you hold a TFSA when you leave Canada, you can keep it and continue to benefit from the exemption from Canadian tax on investment income and withdrawals. However, you cannot contribute to your TFSA while you are a non-resident of Canada, and your contribution room will not increase.

Should I hold US stocks in my TFSA? ›

Tax-free growth: Gains from US stocks in a TFSA are not taxed in Canada, allowing for tax-free growth. U.S. withholding tax: Dividends from US stocks are subject to a 15% withholding tax by the U.S. government. This tax is not recoverable within a TFSA.

What are non-qualified investments? ›

A non-qualifying investment is an investment that does not qualify for any level of tax-deferred or tax-exempt status. Investments of this sort are made with after-tax money. They are purchased and held in tax-deferred accounts, plans, or trusts. Returns from these investments are taxed on an annual 1.

What are non eligible dividends for TFSA? ›

Non-eligible dividends — taxed less favourably. These are paid out by Canadian private corporations (small businesses) that pay corporate tax at a lesser rate. You get a lower dividend tax credit on non-eligible dividends to reflect the fact that the small business paid less corporate tax.

What is considered non-qualified funds? ›

Non-qualified money is money that you have already paid the taxes on. For this reason, non-qualified accounts, such as a savings account or a brokerage account, do not receive preferential tax treatment. For this reason, this money has less rules and regulations than qualified money.

What is the difference between qualifying and non-qualifying investments? ›

With qualified contracts, you might get a tax break up front, but it's important to plan for eventual taxes that may be due on withdrawals. Non-qualified annuities enable you to save as much as you want inside of an annuity, and you only owe taxes on any growth inside of the contract.

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