Test Execution Time - why is it important and how can we speed it up? | LambdaTest (2024)

As the complexity of our system under test increases, it will likely mean the number of our tests will keep growing exponentially. Large test suites mean longer test execution times. We can come into situations where we have many tests (especially for regression) and it can take many hours for all those tests to run. Not to mention the time and resources it takes to analyze the test results, investigate the failing tests, debug and fix the flaky ones, etc. So without further ado let’s see what we can do to make our automated tests execute faster.

Combine API tests with UI tests

Sometimes we will have to deal with tests that can’t be executed without certain preconditions. At times we might need a specific set of test data before we can test what we need to test. For such situations, if we have access to an API it can make our lives a bit easier. APIs aren’t just better for automating business logic, they are also great for test preparation. The reasoning is the same as with authenticating via API, instead of the UI. We can cut some corners and save a lot of time, improving our test execution times considerably. This is especially true for preconditions which are frequently used in different many tests. A lot of tools have support for this, some even have native, out-of-the-box support for making API calls from your UI testing framework. Furthermore, API tests can help us avoid malicious code, and execute tests faster, they are less dependent on any technology stack, as we are relying mainly on the universal HTTP protocol. And the benefit that is the most important to the business, API tests are a lot cheaper compared to UI tests.

Test Execution Time - why is it important and how can we speed it up? | LambdaTest (1) Note

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Favor smaller tests whenever possible

Small tests are sometimes referred to as Atomic Tests – each test is very small without having a dependency on other tests. A test that fails or passes independently of other tests makes it more reliable, faster to execute, and much easier to debug when it fails. Also, adding new tests is much easier when those tests are smaller. Granted, it’s not always possible to have very short tests – sometimes we need to emulate a real-world user journey, but as a general rule, we should favor many smaller tests over a few very lengthy detailed tests.

Only automate dynamic UI sections if it can’t be avoided

Sometimes it’s better not to automate certain elements of a web page or an app. Automating elements with a lot of animation, or highly interactive elements, can be very demanding. This usually involves adding a lot of waits in your tests – and such tests are difficult to maintain. Dynamic elements should be tested manually, as automating them can be very flaky and demanding.

For example, let’s imagine a relatable CSS animation. When a user adds an item to the shopping cart, the cart icon might move and update to show the number of items in the cart. Now let’s imagine, that we have a very slow network, we would need to tell out the test to wait until the animation occurs, and until the updated element is visible. The result is that this test can fail for a wide number of reasons, making it hard to debug, and also, such a test would be pretty slow to execute. So in the end, think about the economics of automating a dynamic element and determine if it’s worth the investment – usually, it’s not.

Make sure to mock 3rd party dependencies

When our app needs to connect to 3rd party systems, that adds another layer of complexity to our tests. We come into situations where we end up testing code that we are not responsible for. It is considered a given that we assume that the 3rd party code we are using has already been tested. This is especially important to pay attention to when dealing with sensitive data, like when using payment plugins. In such cases, the security of the integration is of utmost importance. These external dependencies should either be mocked (use a dummy version to simulate the real 3rd party extension) or bypassed on an API level. Especially avoid testing someone else’s UI, and use their API for that instead if you must. For mocking purposes, you can use public mocking libraries to generate credible-looking test data. If you are unfamiliar with mocking, you can always reach out to your developers for help. Developers are accustomed to using many mocking libraries, which they use mostly for unit testing – to test small chunks of the code in isolation. In the end, mocking dependencies allows us to focus on testing what’s crucial for our stakeholders and not spend time on too many details.

Use direct URLs instead of button clicks

We need to think about what is happening behind the scenes when we are automating a user journey. Sometimes translating manual test cases into automated tests is not the best way and most optimal way to go. Let us go with a simple navigation example: if we have a navigation menu, we do not automate clicking on it. It is faster to navigate directly to the URL to which that menu item was originally linked. This has the positive effect of making our test a bit less prone to flakiness, be it a false positive or a false negative test execution result. By avoiding clicking on the nav button, we reduce the number of actions, and page load times improve.

Prefer API authentication over UI login

Having dedicated tests with login forms can be pretty costly, and a big bottleneck. Many testers have probably seen methods that call a UI login test a precondition for many other tests. This is a huge time waster and an unnecessary overhead. So, if you have an API you should use that instead. Authentication over API is way faster than UI-based login and it is a lot more reusable. The best thing is that this kind of API test is one of the simplest ones – you would usually need an email/username, password, and maybe a cookie consent. Make your POST request and bam! You are fully authenticated in a fraction of the time it would take to do the same by clicking on the UI. Just make sure that you are not doing this blindly, first ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the login options, to get an idea of all the parameters that you can send to the backend via an API call.

Avoid automation cookie consent banners

Cookie consent banners are the bane of any automation engineer’s existence. Automation is often redundant and they should be bypassed – as they need to be tested separately, from more of a legal-acceptance point of view. Also, another thing is that they can really easily be bypassed, giving us a significant speed boost to our test execution time. Most of the time you can easily get rid of these consent banners by using the developer tools from the browser. All we need to do is to give the required value and place the cookie before our page loads. That will allow us to not even see the cookie consent popup when we load up our test.

Test Execution Time - why is it important and how can we speed it up? | LambdaTest (2)

Run your tests in parallel

Eventually, the number of tests you need to execute will grow over time, making sequential execution very time-consuming. Just imagine (this is especially applicable to UI tests) having hundreds, or thousands of tests – each one running only once the previous test has been executed! Running those tests in parallel will enable you to run multiple tests at the same time. You can run your tests in parallel on multiple machines, like virtual ones, to significantly reduce the test execution time.

Another, even more convenient, approach that you can try is using a cloud service, such as HyperExecute for your tests. This way you save additional time by not having to the setup test environment and provide resources on your own. Such an approach will need to fall under the testing budget you have allocated, as these are mostly commercial-based services. When running tests in parallel we should have in mind that we should avoid hard-coding any values, and instead make sure that our test data is well organized. If we play things “right” and use smart parallelization within our test automation strategy we will gain many benefits. Our tests will be faster, more economical to run, have better coverage, integrate better into the pipeline (our CI/CD process), enable us to have better testing practices, and give us the opportunity to move into a direction of continuous testing.


So, let us briefly sum up what can we do to improve our test execution:

  • Combine API tests with UI tests – we do this to gain faster execution, write less automation code, and have cheaper execution as well.
  • Favor smaller tests whenever possible – smaller tests are easier to debug and maintain, have a single point of failure, and should pass or fail independently of other tests.
  • Only automate dynamic UI sections if it can’t be avoided – avoid automating highly dynamic content, as it is very demanding, instead check them manually.
  • Make sure to mock 3rd party dependencies – do not invest in testing other people’s code, mock 3rd party dependencies to save time and to make your tests more stable.
  • Use direct URLs instead of button clicks – opening a URL directly instead of clicking on the button will save us time, also, it will make the test simpler. Our tests will be less flaky and faster to execute and the pages will load faster with fewer waits.
  • Prefer API authentication over UI login – authenticating via API is way faster and far more reusable than using a UI test as some kind of shared step, which other tests are dependent on. Tests should fail or pass separately.
  • Avoid automation cookie consent banners – these banners are more and more present and dealing with them directly from the UI can be very time-consuming, especially in the long run. We should access the cookie directly without clicking on buttons, and our page will thank us for being able to load faster!
  • Run your tests in parallel – parallel execution of our tests allows us to execute more tests in less time, compared to executing our tests in a sequence. We can utilize virtualization and cloud technologies to make our parallelization efforts even more effective.

There are a number of other smaller things we can do to make our tests execute faster. If we are using tools like Selenium, we can speed up our tests by removing redundant Selenium commands, we should minimize the number used to get a speed benefit. Another thing is to favor explicit over implicit waits, explicit waits are a bit more demanding to implement but it’s worth the extra effort.

From the UI side of things, there are also small tweaks we can do, such as avoiding the use of Xpath, when possible, and using tags and data attributes to manipulate elements directly. Running our tests in a headless browser mode allows up to run UI tests directly from memory, without interacting with the browser’s GUI, most modern testing tools have built-in support for headless mode. Also, we need to pick times when our tests are being run, and at what frequency; a smaller set of sanity tests can be scheduled to run several times a day whereas a bigger test set should be triggered less frequently.

We should also invest time in exploring different tools to find the ones best for our context. Our tests should also be deterministic, meaning that they should be resilient and not fail due to environmental and data issues. Another good practice is to do a database and test environment clean-up, so we start with a clean slate when we run our tests. Make sure your tests are documented (it doesn’t have to be overly detailed, as long as it provides value), and favor lower-level tests over more complex ones.

Hopefully, these tips will be helpful, Happy testing!

Mirza Sisictester

Mirza has always been a technology geek, helping friends and family with computer-related issues. Started in tech support and moved to software testing. Mirza worked as a freelance web developer for a while as well. When he’s not sharing memes online Mirza is usually learning new things, writing posts for his blog, and being an active member of the testing community. His site: https://juniorlearnstocode.blogspot.com/

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As a seasoned expert in software testing and test automation, I've spent years navigating the intricacies of test execution efficiency. My extensive experience includes working on complex systems, developing strategies to handle large test suites, and optimizing automated testing processes. I've actively contributed to the testing community, sharing insights on my blog and engaging in discussions with fellow professionals. My commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends and technologies is reflected in my continuous learning and exploration of various tools and methodologies.

Now, delving into the concepts discussed in the provided article:

  1. Combine API tests with UI tests:

    • This strategy leverages the efficiency of API tests for test preparation, authentication, and overall faster execution.
    • API tests provide a cost-effective alternative to UI tests and are less dependent on specific technology stacks.
  2. Favor smaller tests whenever possible:

    • Small or atomic tests contribute to reliability, faster execution, and easier debugging.
    • The article emphasizes the importance of prioritizing smaller tests over lengthy, detailed ones for better maintainability.
  3. Only automate dynamic UI sections if it can't be avoided:

    • Advises against automating highly dynamic or interactive UI elements due to the challenges they pose, recommending manual testing for such cases.
  4. Make sure to mock 3rd party dependencies:

    • When dealing with external systems, mocking 3rd party dependencies is crucial to isolate and test the code relevant to the application while saving time and ensuring stability.
  5. Use direct URLs instead of button clicks:

    • Advocates for directly navigating to URLs rather than simulating user clicks, resulting in faster test execution, fewer flaky tests, and improved page load times.
  6. Prefer API authentication over UI login:

    • Recommends using API authentication over UI-based login for faster and more reusable tests, avoiding the overhead of dedicated UI login tests.
  7. Avoid automation cookie consent banners:

    • Highlights the challenges posed by automation of cookie consent banners and suggests bypassing them to enhance test speed while separately addressing legal-acceptance concerns.
  8. Run your tests in parallel:

    • Advocates for parallel test execution to overcome the time-consuming nature of sequential execution, providing insights into leveraging virtualization, cloud services, and smart parallelization.

The wrap-up section summarizes the key points and provides a comprehensive overview of strategies to improve test execution. It covers additional tips such as minimizing redundant Selenium commands, favoring explicit over implicit waits, optimizing UI test practices, and considering the frequency of test execution.

In conclusion, the article serves as a valuable guide for testing professionals seeking to enhance the efficiency of their automated testing processes, offering practical insights and best practices for various aspects of test execution.

Test Execution Time - why is it important and how can we speed it up? | LambdaTest (2024)


Why is test execution important? ›

Test execution is probably the most important phase of the STLC. It ensures that any problems are discovered early and determines whether the software is ready for release. If execution results do not match the expected or desired results, the product may have to go through the SDLC and STLC again.

How can I speed up my test execution? ›

Speed Up Test Execution
  1. Run Tests Concurrently.
  2. Run Tests in Headless Browsers.
  3. Use Roles.
  4. Reset Test Speed.
  5. Run Tests in Local Browsers.
  6. Mock Time-Consuming Requests.
  7. Optimize Your Page Model.
  8. Enable Server-Side Caching.

Why is it important to record test execution results? ›

Recording Test Execution is a key activity in the test process and helps to identify Test case execution and test suite execution. It is very important to follow Test Execution procedures since they help to keep things organized, reduce errors, and make the testing process more efficient.

What is the execution time of your test case? ›

When a test case is being run, a timer shown on run panel indicates the time elapsed since the execution of current test case has started and it helps in logging the time it took to run a test case under a particular configuration by a tester. Tester however has a flexibility to pause and resume this timer.

Why is execution important for success? ›

It creates a sense of purpose and direction, motivating employees to go above and beyond to achieve success. Furthermore, execution allows organizations to adapt and respond to changing market conditions. It provides the flexibility needed to seize opportunities and overcome challenges.

What is meant by test execution? ›

Test Execution is a process of running test cases based on test scenarios created for software applications to ensure that it meets all the pre-defined functional and non-functional requirements or specifications. In this phase, the tests are categorized and executed according to a test plan.

How can I speed up my response time? ›

10 Ways to Improve Reaction Time
  1. 1) Right Nutrition Intake. It is an unsaid fact that balanced brain functioning is essential for faster reaction times. ...
  2. 2) Play Video Games. ...
  3. 3) Minimize Distractions. ...
  4. 4) Get Enough Sleep. ...
  5. 5) Hydrate Yourself. ...
  6. 6) Meditation. ...
  7. 7) Physical Exercises. ...
  8. 8) Play a Sport.
Dec 6, 2022

How can I increase my test time? ›

To improve testing efficiency, streamline test processes, prioritize test cases based on risk, leverage automation for repetitive tasks, and continuously assess and refine testing strategies to focus on high-impact areas. Success often depends on having a well-established process.

What is the main purpose of the test execution report? ›

Test Execution Report is a structured document with the intent of summarizing the testing activities, their outcomes and the overall quality of the software under test. This report helps the teams visualize their product's quality and plan their activities timely adhering to the release timelines.

What is the primary purpose of a test execution tool? ›

The primary purpose of Test execution tools is to run the test scripts or the test suites. It can also record or capture manual tests, therefore known as capture or playback tools.

Why are test runs important? ›

Benefits of a Runs Test

The runs test model is important in determining whether an outcome of a trial is truly random, especially in cases where random versus sequential data has implications for subsequent theories and analysis.

How do you reduce test case execution time? ›

Best Practices to Speed Up Test Execution Time
  1. Test selection and prioritization. Not all tests are equal. ...
  2. Test case design. ...
  3. Parallel execution. ...
  4. Test execution monitoring. ...
  5. Test environment management. ...
  6. Continuous Integration. ...
  7. Test data management.
Jul 10, 2024

How can I run test cases faster? ›

Implement Parallel Testing

Executing tests simultaneously across various device, browser, and OS combinations are the ideal way to accelerate the execution of automated test scripts. This way, testers can complete the testing process more quickly by running multiple tests parallelly rather than sequentially.

How to improve automation execution time? ›

Best Practices for Automation

Parallel Execution: Utilize parallel execution to reduce test execution time and optimize resource utilization. Collaboration and Communication: Foster collaboration between development, testing, and operations teams to align automation efforts with organizational goals.

Why is test taking so important? ›

All tests, including state assessments, provide information about student learning that help us (teachers and parents) instruct students better and help them succeed. The purpose of a test is for the student to show what he/she has learned.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.