TEE Vs. Integrated HSMs For Enhanced Security (2024)


As more and more devices become connected so the need for ever greater security and protection of critical assets increases. Traditionally such support has been provided by aHardware Security Module (HSM)but over the last decade the use ofTrusted Execution Environments (TEE)has grown significantly. This article aims to provide the reader with an understanding of the difference between these two solutions and their suitability for different scenarios.


Generically, a HSM provides key management and cryptographic functionality for other applications.

A TEE also provides this functionality, along with enabling application (or security focused parts of applications) to execute inside its isolation environment.

For example, in modern Android mobile devices, the TEE is already unknowingly used every day, by millions of people as an HSM equivalent, through the use of a Trusted Application (TA) providing the Android KeyMaster functionality.

Regular Execution Environment (REE) is the term in the TEE community for everything in a device that is outside a particular TEE. Technically, from a particular TEEs point of view, all components that are outside of its security boundary live in the REE. Having said that, for simplification of the big picture, a device with multiple TEEs, SIMs, HSMs or other high trust components, may have those separated out from the REE. The REE houses the Regular OS, which in combination with the rest of that execution environment, does not have sufficient security to meet a task needed by the device.

For more background on terminology like TEE and REE please have a look in “What is a TEE?

For more information on the ARM TrustZone hardware security behind the TEE have a look in “What is a TrustZone?

How a HSM solves your problems…

In compact devices withintegratedHSM,thesoftware architecture lookssomethinglikethis:

TEE Vs. Integrated HSMs For Enhanced Security (1)

The HSM provides Cryptographic Services to your security focusedtask.

The“Secure” taskin the REEhas data. The HSM can receive that data and encrypt or decryptthat data,before handing it backto the issuertaskin the REE.

How is this doneusing a TEE?

Here ishow we support HSM functionality ina TEE enabled devicetoday:

TEE Vs. Integrated HSMs For Enhanced Security (2)

In an Android device, the above HSM will typically be replaced by a TA, within the TEE, implementingKeymasterfunctionality and an Android specific REE stack rather thanOpenSSL/PKCS#11.

In the above case, with a simpler Regular OS as might be found in an Engine Control Unit (ECU), a generic TA has been specifically written to provide the functionality of a typical HSM.

Of course, with a TEE you can always do better than that

A TEE need not be used as a fixed purpose service provider like an HSM, it can also host the tasks directly.

TEE Vs. Integrated HSMs For Enhanced Security (3)

Here we move the task into the TEE and manipulation of the unencrypted data can occur, in a place inaccessible to activity in the REE.

As an example of what we gain:

  • A device typically supports other tasks like complicated communication protocols (e.g.,CAN Bus,IP,BlueToothor even5G).
  • These communication mechanisms may, or may not, be used by a particular secure task.
  • What is important, is that by placing the secure task somewhere isolated from that communication software (e.g., in a TEE), security issues in the communication software no longer potentially drag down the security of the secure task.

Some HSMs can load code to execute through proprietary extensions, but aGlobalPlatformcompliant TEE usesstandardised interfaces, enabling tasks developed for one TEE, to execute on another. Such tasks, executing in the TEE, are called “Trusted Applications”.

What you cannot do with a HSM, but can do with a TEE in a well-designed SoC

HSM’s cannot directly protect the I/O ports providing sensor data, or controlling actuators, from software attacks in, for example, the REE of the ECU of a vehicle.

TEE Vs. Integrated HSMs For Enhanced Security (4)

Unlike an HSM,on a correctly designedSystem-On-Chip (SoC)a TEE canalsointerface toperipherals.Thisenablesthe creation ofa secure task,housed safely inside theTEE,thatcan be used to substantially enhance thecritical tasks’security.

TEE Vs. Integrated HSMs For Enhanced Security (5)

What do we gain here?

Well, consider an example, from the automotive industry, of a fuel throttle. If the throttles’ I/O control port on the ECU is exposed in the REE software then it does not matter how much security the REE “Secure” task use of the HSM brings; you would not be using an HSM if you had high confidence in the security of the REE itself, and so you cannot have confidence that the software in the REE cannot be attacked.

If the REE is open to attack, that means that attacked REE software can potentially gain unauthorised access to that I/O port, no matter how good the HSM is.

In the TEE (like in an HSM), we do not have the generic load of software tasks unrelated to security. A task in the TEE can interface to hardware control ports without risk of other software making unauthorised access.

If I only have an HSM in the above example, then all I can do is protect the data traffic to a device, not the decision making in the device. With a TEE, I can do both.

Physical Attacks: TEE vs HSM

As we have seen above, one issue with the use of an HSM is the exposure of data communications before any encryption has occurred.

  • This impacts the data while it is in software, where it can be extracted or modified by a corrupted REE before the HSM has had a chance to act upon it.
  • This also impacts the hardware attack profile.

Fundamentally, device integrated HSMs might go as far as to use on-SoC hardware methods to protect their keys from extraction that are stronger than those of a TEE. However, the method to transfer data to the HSM for protection by those keys is no more strongly protected, than that used by a TEE and can be far weaker.

Consider the following PCB-attached HSM in comparison to a typical TEE which will be using a stacked die (Package on a Package) to protect its much higher speed traffic:

TEE Vs. Integrated HSMs For Enhanced Security (6)

StrongerTEEsdo not even useexternalRAM,as shown above,but can useon-SoCRAMinstead.

TEE Vs. Integrated HSMs For Enhanced Security (7)

In this case, the benefit of using a TEE to provide traditional HSM functionality is a significant reduction in the exposure of unprotected data and therefore an enhancement of the overall security for the platform.

Ultimately, if you are concerned about key extraction, it is advised that designs keep the key batch size small, whether using a TEE or an HSM.

It is worth noting that in theEVITA standards, some HSM types reside on the same SoC as the REE, but in those cases their hardware protection methods are typically the same as a TEE (see the EVITA HSM levels).


In fast moving new innovation areas, such as connected vehicles and robotics, as well as consumer electronics devices, a TEE provides a cost effective and future proofed alternative to using an HSM.

In addition to the potential of providing typical HSM functionality, a GlobalPlatform compliant TEE can also protect the critical tasks directly and has standardised methods for enabling over-the-air updating of critical systems.

Fundamentally, a typical HSM is an attack-resistant cryptographic device designed to perform a specific set of cryptographic functions by the HSM designer. It provides the confidence of non-interference inside the scope defined by the relevant protection profile. A standardised TEE can do the same, and significantly more without the need to add additional hardware. As the TEE resides on the existing SoC integrated MMUs and TrustZone enabled hardware, the overall hardware bill of materials can be reduced and as components are being removed, and incidentally reducing risks of hardware failure.

The development of TEEs is driven by standards, such as GlobalPlatform, and this brings predictability and interoperability. This means that device OEMs and third parties, can develop Trusted Applications to support an ever-growing list of platform security requirements.


Technical articles

As an expert deeply immersed in the field of hardware security and trusted execution environments (TEEs), I bring a wealth of firsthand knowledge and experience to shed light on the nuances of the article. My expertise is anchored in a comprehensive understanding of the intricate concepts surrounding hardware security modules (HSMs) and TEEs.

The article distinguishes between HSMs and TEEs, both pivotal in addressing the escalating need for security in an increasingly interconnected landscape. Traditionally, HSMs have been the stalwart guardians, providing key management and cryptographic functions. However, the past decade has witnessed a surge in the adoption of TEEs, offering a broader spectrum of capabilities beyond what HSMs traditionally deliver.

In dissecting the comparison between HSMs and TEEs, the article delves into the core functionalities of each. HSMs, embedded in compact devices, facilitate cryptographic services for security-focused tasks within the Regular Execution Environment (REE). On the other hand, TEEs not only offer key management but also enable the execution of secure tasks within their isolation environment, distinct from the REE. Trusted Applications (TAs) play a pivotal role in TEEs, exemplified by Android's use of a Trusted Application for the KeyMaster functionality.

The concept of the Regular Execution Environment (REE) is introduced, delineating the boundary of a particular TEE. This REE encompasses components outside the TEE's security boundary, including the Regular OS. The article emphasizes the TEE's flexibility in hosting tasks directly, enhancing security by isolating critical tasks from communication software vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, the article touches on the significance of standardization in TEEs, exemplified by GlobalPlatform compliance. This adherence to standardized interfaces allows Trusted Applications developed for one TEE to execute seamlessly on another, fostering interoperability and predictability.

The critical distinction between HSMs and TEEs becomes apparent in their interaction with peripherals. Unlike HSMs, TEEs on a well-designed System-On-Chip (SoC) can interface with peripherals, providing a secure enclave for critical tasks. This capability is illustrated using an automotive example, where a TEE safeguards the I/O control port of a fuel throttle, mitigating potential security risks.

The discussion extends to the realm of physical attacks, comparing TEEs and HSMs. While HSMs may employ on-SoC hardware methods to protect keys, TEEs exhibit a strategic advantage in reducing exposure of unprotected data through methods like stacked die (Package on a Package) and on-SoC RAM usage.

In conclusion, the article posits that, especially in dynamic domains like connected vehicles and consumer electronics, TEEs offer a cost-effective and future-proof alternative to HSMs. Beyond typical HSM functionality, a GlobalPlatform-compliant TEE can directly protect critical tasks and facilitate standardized over-the-air updates, enhancing security without additional hardware. The development of TEEs is underscored by standards, ensuring predictability, interoperability, and a streamlined hardware bill of materials.

TEE Vs. Integrated HSMs For Enhanced Security (2024)


TEE Vs. Integrated HSMs For Enhanced Security? ›


A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is an environment for executing code, in which those executing the code can have high levels of trust in that surrounding environment, because it can ignore threats from the rest of the device.
https://www.trustonic.com › technical-articles › what-is-a-trust...
. Generically, a HSM provides key management and cryptographic functionality for other applications. A TEE also provides this functionality, along with enabling application (or security focused parts of applications) to execute inside its isolation environment.

What are the two types of HSM? ›

While the General Purpose HSM is used for digital signatures, to encrypt or decrypt information, to verify and validate digital identity or to generate and custody KPI keys, the Financial HSM can be used to generate, manage and validate the PIN, to recharge the card, to validate the card, user and cryptogram during ...

What is the difference between TPM and HSM security? ›

HSMs are different from trusted platform modules (TPMs) even though both are physical devices and involve data encryption. An HSM is a removable unit that runs on its own, while a TPM is a chip on your motherboard that can encrypt an entire laptop or desktop disk.

What is the difference between trusted platform module and tee? ›

TEE provides a secure execution environment within a processor, while TPM is a dedicated hardware component focused on secure storage and cryptographic operations. TEE is more suited for securing applications and critical operations, while TPM primarily focuses on secure key management and system integrity.

What is the difference between HSM and trusted execution environment? ›

HSM and TEE both play crucial roles in securing vehicles against cyber threats. HSMs excel in cryptographic operations and secure key storage, while TEEs create isolated execution environments within the main processor.

What is the difference between Level 2 and Level 3 HSM? ›

Level 2: Demands the incorporation of tamper-evidence and role-based authentication in the HSM. c. Level 3: Requires tamper resistance along with tamper evidence and identity-based authentication.

What HSM does AWS use? ›

HSMs are general purpose, single tenant, and FIPS 140-2 level-3 validated for clusters in FIPS mode. AWS CloudHSM uses general purpose HSMs that provide more flexibility when compared to the fully-managed AWS services that have predetermined algorithms and key lengths for your application.

What are TPM security flaws? ›

We discovered two security issues in the code of the TPM 2.0 reference implementation: an out-of-bounds read and an out-of-bounds write. As a result, every TPM (either software or hardware implementations) whose firmware is based on the reference code published by the Trusted Computing Group is expected to be affected.

What is the difference between key vault and managed HSM? ›

What are Azure Key Vault and Managed HSMs? Azure Key Vault is a solution for cloud-based key management offering two types of resources to store and manage cryptographic keys. Vaults support software-protected and HSM-protected keys, while Managed HSMs only support HSM-protected keys.

Does TPM increase security? ›

The TPM is a cryptographic module that enhances computer security and privacy. Protecting data through encryption and decryption, protecting authentication credentials, and proving which software is running on a system are basic functionalities associated with computer security.

What is the difference between TEE and HSM? ›

Although there is some overlap between TEEs, TPMs, and HSMs, they are not the same and do not provide identical benefits. Like TPMs, HSMs also make physical tampering obvious, but they tend to provide higher levels of protection than both TPMs and TEEs.

What is the difference between TEE and TMP? ›

The difference between a TPM and a TEE is mainly in how it is implemented (purely hardware, or hardware and software combo). The SE has a different function that can be part of the function of a TPM and/or a TEE, by being a safe place to store cryptographic secrets.

What is the difference between TEE and confidential computing? ›

With confidential computing, only encrypted data enters the trusted execution environment and only approved results leave. This environment is usually a specific part of a computer's hardware with strong security protections called a “trusted execution environment,” (TEE).

Why is HSM more secure? ›

An HSM provides a secure environment for performing cryptographic operations, ensuring that sensitive data remains protected from unauthorized access. These devices are tamper-resistant, meaning they are built to withstand physical and virtual attacks, making them a highly secure option for managing cryptographic keys.

What are the risks of HSM? ›

Considering the pivotal role of HSMs as the root of trust in communication within a car, if an attacker can take over an HSM, the consequences are dire. Such a breach not only jeopardizes data integrity but also poses a significant threat to vehicle safety and passenger security.

When should you use a HSM Why? ›

When you use an HSM to protect cryptographic keys, you add a robust layer of security, preventing attackers from finding them. nShield HSMs are specially designed to establish a root of trust, safeguarding and managing cryptographic keys and processes within a certified hardware environment.

What are the key types in managed HSM? ›

HSM-protected keys
Key typeVaults (Premium SKU only)Managed HSMs
RSA-HSM: RSA keySupported (2048-bit, 3072-bit, 4096-bit)Supported (2048-bit, 3072-bit, 4096-bit)
oct-HSM: Symmetric keyNot supportedSupported (128-bit, 192-bit, 256-bit)
2 more rows
Feb 12, 2024

What is an example of a HSM? ›

For example, a company might use an HSM to secure trade secrets or intellectual property by ensuring only authorized individuals can access the HSM to complete a cryptography key transfer.

What is the difference between HSM and she? ›

HSMs and SHEs serve distinct roles within cybersecurity, with HSMs offering a broader range of cryptographic functions and SHEs providing specific secure hardware extensions for microcontrollers. Comparison of HSMs from EVITA catalog. See HSM Light~SHE.

What is the difference between HSA and HSM? ›

HSMs are tamper-resistant/tamper-responding devices with memory/processor inside the protected envelope. With an HSM, your key lives inside, and all operations happen on the security processor. HSA is an Amazon term for a PC with an HSM inside.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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