Tear Gas Safety and Usage Practices (2024)

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Journal of Science Policy & Governance | Volume 18,Issue 01 | March 24, 2021

Technology Assessment: Tear Gas Safety and Usage Practices

Jennifer L. Brown, Carey E. Lyons, Carlee Toddes, Timothy Monko, Roman Tyshynsky

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Corresponding author: [emailprotected]

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Keywords:Tear gas; respiratory health; human exposure

Executive Summary: While the U.N. Chemical Weapons Convention bans tear gas and other chemical weapons from use in war, their use is still allowed in domestic policing. Public concern about tear gas utilization increases when social justice protesters are subjected to these chemical demonstration control agents. The history of tear gas utilization by law enforcement in the U.S. is rife with corruption and racist intent. Furthermore, the scientific evidence supporting the safety of tear gas is lacking due to both the misinterpretation of public health studies and the paucity of controlled experiments. We find that the current utilization of tear gas is a threat to public health, free speech, and possibly falls outside of the exception for domestic use.We discuss policy alternatives that include alternative crowd control methods, changes to protocols for tear gas deployment and post-use review, increased regulatory oversight, and the possibility of a complete tear gas ban.

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Jennifer L. Brown is a Dual-Neuroscience PhD candidate and J.D. candidate at the University of Minnesota. Her research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, with a focus on the biological variable of sex. Jennifer is interested in the confluence of law and science, in how science is used in the legal system and in how policy can be used as a tool to foster equity and justice.

Carey E. Lyons is a PhD candidate in Neuroscience at the University of Minnesota, where her research interrogates the interaction of stress and aging. She is deeply invested in the role of scientific research and its interpretation in informing public policy. She is also a native of Tacoma, Washington where in 1935, the first domestic use of tear gas occurred when the National Guard used it against timber workers striking to gain union recognition.

Carlee Toddesis a Neuroscience PhD candidate at the University of Minnesota, where she studies the neural circuitry underlying affiliative social behavior. Her current research involves elucidating the role of mu opioid receptors in regulating social behavioral expression in mice. Carlee is passionate about the intersection of science and policy and the utilization of research to inform policies that lead to equitable changes in governance.

Timothy Monko is a PhD candidate in Neuroscience at the University of Minnesota, where he studies the developing brain. His current work investigates the intersection of neural and immune cells during development of brain sensory areas, so he is particularly concerned by the threat tear gas poses to vulnerable children and pregnant women looking to exercise free speech. Tim hopes to continue into academic science where he can mentor the next generation to be passionate about both science and social justice.

Roman Tyshynsky is a Neuroscience PhD candidate at the University of Minnesota, where he studies the sensory nerves of the kidneys. Part of his research involves investigating the role TRPV1 channels in renal function- the same channels that are affected by compounds in many DCAs. Roman hopes to continue to use his scientific background to help affect change and hopes to have a career in the development of biomedical devices for the treatment of nervous system conditions.

Acknowledgements: We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to our friend and classmate Maria Linn-Evans for providing valuable feedback. We would also like to extend our gratitude to Wilella Burgess and Barbara Toddes for their editorial assistance.

DISCLAIMER: The findings and conclusions published herein are solely attributed to the author and not necessarily endorsed or adopted by the Journal of Science Policy and Governance. Articles are distributed in compliance with copyright and trademark agreements.

ISSN 2372-2193

Tear Gas Safety and Usage Practices (2024)
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