TD Bank Travel Insurance Review 2024 (2024)

About TD Bank Travel Insurance

Toronto-Dominion Bank, or TD Bank, is one of the Big Six banks of Canada. The travel insurance policy offerings by TD Bank are stripped down versions of the more comprehensive insurance offered by TD Insurance. The travel insurance offered by TD Bank is only available to clients of the bank.

TD Travel Medical Insurance is underwritten by TD Life Insurance Company. TD Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance is underwritten by TD Life Insurance Company (medical covered causes) and TD Home and Auto Insurance Company (non-medical covered causes).

What Travel Insurance Does TD Bank Offer?

Here are the key types of travel insurance coverage offered by TD Bank:

  • Emergency medical insurance: If you get ill or are injured on your trip, travel medical insurance can pay for emergency medical expenses, up to the coverage limits in your plan. These expenses can include doctor and hospital bills, medication and lab work.
  • Trip cancellation insurance: If you cancel a trip for a reason listed in your travel policy before departure, trip cancellation insurance can reimburse you for prepaid, non-refundable costs. Some of the covered causes include if you or your travelling companion gets sick, your airline goes on strike or you lose your job.
  • Travel interruption insurance: Trip interruption insurance, which kicks in after you leave home, can pay for a last-minute flight home in an emergency and money that you lose by cutting a trip short, such as non-refundable activities and hotel stays. It may also cover expenses if your return is delayed to a medical emergency or if your flight is cancelled due to weather, an accident or your plane’s mechanical failure.

TD Bank Travel Insurance Plans

TD Bank offers two insurance plans for trips outside of Canada: Travel Medical insurance and Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption insurance. You can select single coverage, couple coverage (if you are under age 65) and family coverage.

Travel Medical: This coverage offers financial protection if you are injured or become ill while travelling outside of Canada.

Emergency medical treatment includes:

  • Hospital accommodation
  • Physicians’ fees
  • Private duty nursing up to $5,000
  • Diagnostic services (if approved in advance) including MRI, CAT scan, sonogram, ultrasound or any invasive diagnostic procedures, including angioplasty
  • Ambulance (ground and air)
  • Professional fees for treatment by a chiropractor, physiotherapist, chiropodist, podiatrist, osteopath. (up to $300 per profession)
  • Medical appliances including casts, splints, trusses, braces, crutches or the rental of a wheelchair
  • Prescription drugs
  • Emergency dental treatment due to a blow to the face (up to $2,000)
  • Emergency dental treatment due to illness, excluding roots canals or damage to dentures (maximum $200)
  • Hospital allowance for long distance calls, TV rental when hospitalized for at least 48 hours (up to $50 per day to a maximum of $500)

Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption: Trip cancellation offers financial protection if unexpected events happen before you leave on your trip and you have to cancel your plans. Trip interruption kicks in once you’re on your trip and covers interruptions due to medical emergencies, a change in travel advisories or delays in return due to weather or cancelled flights due to mechanical issues, for example.

Related: Should You Buy Travel Insurance And Is It Worth It?

Summary: Plan Comparison

We’ve highlighted key benefits of TD Bank travel insurance to help you identify which plan is the best fit for you. You can select one or both coverage options.

Coverage TypeTravel MedicalTrip Cancellation and Trip Interruption
Emergency medical$5 millionN/A
Medical repatriationOne-way economyN/A
Emergency evacuationN/AN/A
Private duty nursingUp to $5,000N/A
Accidental dentalUp to $2,000N/A
Bedside companion travel and subsistenceEconomy airfare and up to $1,500N/A
Subsistence allowance due to medical delayUp to $350 per day to maximum of $3,500N/A
Incidental hospital expenses (telephone, TV, parking)Up to $50 per day to maximum of $500N/A
Vehicle returnUp to $2,000N/A
Pet returnUp to $500N/A
Return of remainsUp to $10,000Up to $10,000
Trip cancellationN/AUp to the sum insured, maximum $20,000
Trip interruptionN/AUp to the sum insured, maximum $20,000
Meals & accommodation due to travel delay or interruptionN/AUp to $350 per day, maximum $700
Transportation due to interruptionN/AOne-way economy
Travel accidentN/AN/A
Flight accidentN/AN/A
Baggage insuranceN/AN/A
Baggage delayN/AN/A

TD Bank Travel Insurance Cost

The price of a TD Bank travel insurance plan depends on factors such as the cost of your trip, your age and the amount of coverage you choose.

Here are some examples of the cost for TD Bank travel insurance single trip plans for healthy travellers based in Ontario.

Traveller(s)DestinationEmergency MedicalTrip Cancellation and Trip InterruptionTotal for both
Couple, age 27Mexico, 7 days, $3,000 trip cost$70.00$222.60$292.60
Individual, age 50UK, 10 days, $3,500 trip cost$52.00$206.30$258.30
Couple, age 65Italy, 21 days, $8,000 trip cost$121.38$293.00$414.38
Anyone over age 65 (or 60 to 64 travelling for over 30 days) must apply as a single traveller and answer a health questionnaire.

Comparing TD Bank Travel Insurance With Other Insurers

AMA Travel Insurance

Emergency medical: $5 million
Cancel For Any Reason: Yes, 50% within three hours
Baggage insurance (maximum): $1,500

Related: AMA Travel Insurance Review

Manulife Financial

Emergency medical: $10 million
Cancel For Any Reason: No
Baggage insurance (maximum): $1,000

Related: Manulife Financial CoverMe Travel Insurance Review

Blue Cross

Emergency medical: $5 million
Cancel For Any Reason: No
Baggage insurance (maximum): $1,500

Related: Blue Cross Travel Insurance Review

Optional Add-Ons for TD Bank Travel Insurance

TD Bank does not offer any optional riders or add-ons.

Does TD Bank Travel Insurance Offer Any Discounts?


Does TD Bank Travel Insurance Offer Annual Multi-Trip Plans?

Yes. You can save money by buying multi-trip insurance if you travel more than once a year for multiple individual trips. TD Bank’s Annual Plan offers emergency medical coverage for trips of nine, 17, 30 or 60 days. Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption must be purchased separately.

Here’s how the prices between single trip and multi-trip insurance compare:

Traveller(s)DestinationEmergency MedicalTrip Cancellationa and Trip InterruptionTotalMulti-trip Annual (Medical only)
Couple, age 27Mexico, 7 days, $3,000 trip cost$70.00$222.60$292.60Starts at $135
Individual, age 50UK, 10 days, $3,500 trip cost$52.00$206.30$258.30Starts at $117
Couple, age 65Italy, 21 days, $8,000 trip cost$121.38$293.00$414.38Starts at $315
Anyone over age 65 (or 60 to 64 travelling for over 30 days) must apply as a single traveller and answer a health questionnaire.

TD Bank Travel Insurance 24/7 Travel Assistance

Emergency assistance is available 24/7, 365 days of the year via TD Bank’s partner Global Excel Management. When you call you’ll need to provide your name, policy number, your location and the nature of your emergency.

If you don’t contact Global Excel before receiving medical treatment, you may be limited to reimbursem*nt of 80% of eligible medical expenses, to a maximum of $30,000.

Does TD Bank Travel Insurance Have Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR)?


Does TD Bank Travel Insurance Have Interruption For Any Reason (IFAR)?


TD Bank Travel Insurance and Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

TD Bank travel insurance will not pay for expenses that arise from a pre-existing medical condition that is not stable at the time you leave for your trip. For a condition to be considered stable, all of the following conditions must be met:

  1. There has not been any new treatment prescribed or recommended, or changes to any existing treatment (including a stoppage in treatment).
  2. There has not been any change to any existing prescribed drug (including an increase, decrease or stoppage to the dosage) or any recommendation of starting a new prescription drug.
  3. The condition has not become worse.
  4. There have not been any new, more frequent for more severe symptoms.
  5. There has been no hospitalization or referral to a specialist.
  6. There have not been any tests, investigation or treatment recommended but not yet completed, nor any outstanding test results.
  7. There is no planned or pending treatment.

The time period within which your medical condition must be stable depends on your age. For example:

For travellers under age 59 and travellers age 60 to 64 for a covered trip of 29 days or less, TD Bank will not pay any claims due to your medical condition or related condition (whether a diagnosis has been made) that is not stable in the 90 days before your departure date.

For travellers aged 60 to 64 for a covered trip of 30 days or longer, your condition must be stable for 90 days before your departure date, and you will be assigned to either rate category A or B and charged a higher premium.

For travellers aged 65 and older for all covered trip durations, your condition must be stable for 180 days before your departure date, and you will be assigned to either rate category C, D or E and charged a higher premium.

TD Bank Travel Insurance Exclusions

There are a number of scenarios not covered by travel insurance and it’s critical to know what not to do before you make a claim only to be told you’re on the hook for all associated costs. The following are some of the most common issues not covered by TD Bank travel insurance:

  • A claim against a pre-existing medical condition that is not stable
  • Non-compliance to prescribed medical treatment
  • Abuse of alcohol, drugs or intoxicants
  • Sports and high-risk activities, including scuba diving outside the limits of your certification, parasailing and any extreme sport or activity involving a high level of risk, including bungee jumping, cave exploration or skydiving
  • A child born during the covered trip
  • Claims related to pregnancy, delivery or complications of either
  • Intentional self-inflicted injury
  • A claim related to an illegal act
  • Any loss resulting from an act of terrorism, war or civil unrest
  • Travelling against medical advice or not following medical advice in regards to treatment
  • A travel visa not issued in time due to a late application
  • Non-emergency, experimental or elective treatment, including cosmetic surgery, chronic care and rehabilitation

TD Bank Travel Insurance Eligibility

Travellers over the age of 65 must complete a health questionnaire. If you respond yes to certain conditions or situations, you will be considered ineligible for any coverage under a policy with TD Bank. Some of those conditions include:

  • You have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or metastic cancer.
  • You have been advised by a physician not to travel.
  • You require ongoing dialysis.
  • Over 10 years ago you had surgery for heart bypass, valve replacement or angioplasty
  • In the last 12 months you’ve been hospitalized for a heart condition or been prescribed oxygen for a lung condition.
  • In the last six months you’ve had a stroke or transient ischemic attack.
  • You require assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, toileting, etc.).

In addition, you can apply for this coverage if you:

  • Are at least 18 years old on the effective date of your coverage
  • Are a resident of Canada
  • Are a TD Bank Group customer or the spouse or dependent child of a TD Bank Group customer
  • Are in Canada when you buy the coverage
  • Purchase coverage for the full duration of your trip

For medical coverage, you also need to be:

  • Under 60 years old and purchasing coverage within 240 days before your effective date
  • Are covered under a valid provincial or territorial health care plan

How to File a Claim with TD Bank Travel Insurance

You can submit a claim online via the TD Bank travel insurance website. There you can start your claim, upload your required documents and track your claim status.

You will also need to provide documentation to substantiate your claim, such as:

  • Original itemized receipts from all bills and invoices
  • Proof of travel
  • Medical records included complete diagnosis by the attending physician or documentation by the hospital that the treatment was medically necessary
  • Proof of the accident if you are submitting a claim for dental expenses
  • Your historical medical records
  • Written evidence of the covered caused of cancellation, interruption or delay
  • Original unused travel tickets and vouchers

You must report your claim and provide supporting documentation no later than one year after the date of the incident to be eligible for reimbursem*nt.

TD Travel Bank Travel Insurance (FAQs)

Does TD Bank travel insurance pay for medical costs upfront?

Yes, in most cases claims partner Global Excel will pay hospitals, physicians and other medical providers directly and “manage the medical emergency from the initial report through to its conclusion.” However, the insurer notes that if a direct payment cannot be arranged, you may be asked to pay for services and then submit a claim for reimbursem*nt.

Does TD Bank travel insurance offer coverage extensions?

Yes. Your coverage is automatically extended for 72 hours starting on the final day of your trip due to carrier delays. If you are hospitalized, your coverage is automatically extended for 72 hours beyond the end of your medical emergency. You can also request an extension if you want to stay longer provided you apply before the expiry date of your policy and you haven’t made any claims or you’re not currently seeking treatment.

Does TD Bank travel insurance require a medical questionnaire?

Yes. Travellers over age 65 (or between 60 and 64 or travelling for over 30 days) must complete a health questionnaire that asks you to select any conditions that apply such as: I have been advised by a physician not to travel at this time, I require assistance with activities of daily living, I have been diagnosed with metastatic cancer or a terminal illness, require on-going dialysis, for example. You will also be asked questions regarding your health history for issues such as cancer, digestive tract disease, liver or kidney disease, dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, as well as if you’ve been a smoker (tobacco, nicotine or marijuana) and if you’ve had a medical checkup in the last 18 months. Your answers to these questions will either deem you ineligible for coverage or assign you a higher premium rate.

Does TD Bank travel insurance have any age restrictions?

There is no noted maximum age for coverage but there are restrictions based on your age. For example, travellers over age 65 can not apply for couples coverage.

When does my coverage with TD Bank travel insurance begin?

If you purchase cancellation coverage, it begins the day you buy your policy and ends the day when you make a claim or leave on your trip. Your interruption and delay coverage, as well as your emergency medical coverage, begins when you leave home.

Can I get a refund with TD Bank travel insurance?

The single trip medical plan is fully refundable if you cancel before the effective date, which is your scheduled departure date. Partial prorated refunds are possible as long as there is no claim made on the policy. All requests must be made in writing or by phone.

TD Bank Travel Insurance Review 2024 (2024)


Is it better to buy travel insurance early or late? ›

In general, you can buy coverage any time before the date of your trip. That said, it's always best to buy coverage as soon as you make your reservations. The sooner you buy travel insurance, the sooner you'll have protection and the more benefits you may be eligible to receive.

How many days before should you buy travel insurance? ›

Generally speaking, most travel insurance policies must be purchased at least 14 days prior to departure in order to be eligible for a full refund.

Who underwrites TD travel insurance? ›

Travel Medical Insurance is underwritten by TD Life Insurance Company under the Group Policy TI002 issued to The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the “Policyholder” or “TD Canada Trust”).

Is dementia a pre-existing condition for travel insurance? ›

Some insurers will not provide cover for a person with dementia, or they might increase the premium you need to pay to remain insured. Others may provide insurance, but without covering you for any treatment on holiday that is due to your dementia. Advice.

How much in advance should I get travel insurance? ›

For single-trip travel insurance, the start date should ideally be the same day you book your holiday to ensure you're covered for any eventualities, like trip cancellations. For annual travel insurance, the start date should be the day you book your holiday.

Which travel insurance is best at paying claims? ›

We named Nationwide travel insurance as our pick for the most coverage reimbursed. It offers 100% trip cancellation coverage and up to 200% trip interruption protection, depending on your plan choice. Nationwide also provides some of the best policies for cruise ship passengers, based on our review.

Does travel insurance get more expensive closer to travel date? ›

Unlike other aspects of your travel experience like airfares or hotel-room rates, the price of travel insurance doesn't increase the closer you get to your travel date. There's no financial penalty if you wait to buy travel insurance (except for those bonus coverages, of course).

Is Allianz a good travel insurance company? ›

We at the MarketWatch Guides team awarded Allianz Travel Insurance 4.1 out of 5 stars based on our provider review methodology. Named our pick for concierge services, Allianz offers 24/7 travel assistance through a multilingual team, which can help policyholders with travel and coverage issues while abroad.

What insurance company does TD Bank use? ›

*TD Insurance refers to the following personal lines insurance companies: Security National Insurance Company, Primmum Insurance Company, TD General Insurance Company and TD Home and Auto Insurance Company, all of which are subsidiaries of the Toronto Dominion Bank.

What should travel insurance cost? ›

On average, travelers should expect to pay 6.87% of their total trip cost for travel insurance. The minimum you might expect to pay is 4.15%, but it can go as high as 15.8%.

Who insures TD Bank? ›

FDIC Insurance Limit – FDIC Coverage on your Account | TD Bank.

Is high blood pressure a pre-existing condition for travel insurance? ›

Yes, high blood pressure counts as a pre-existing medical condition. If you're looking for travel insurance with a pre-existing medical condition, we define a pre-existing medical condition as an illness or injury that: has been identified by a doctor. is under investigation by a doctor.

What is the best travel insurance for pre-existing medical conditions? ›

The best travel insurance for pre-existing conditions is the OneTrip Prime Plan from Allianz Global Assistance, which includes abundant coverage for covered emergency medical expenses overseas (up to $50,000).

Does high cholesterol affect travel insurance? ›

If you have high cholesterol or another pre-existing medical condition, it may make your travel insurance more expensive. But having to pay for your own medical care abroad, if you needed to, would be more expensive.

Does travel insurance get cheaper closer to the trip? ›

Unlike other aspects of your travel experience like airfares or hotel-room rates, the price of travel insurance doesn't increase the closer you get to your travel date. There's no financial penalty if you wait to buy travel insurance (except for those bonus coverages, of course).

How late is too late to buy travel insurance? ›

Purchasing the night before your trip works. That's because trip insurance goes into effect the day after you purchase it. So if it's midnight on the day of your departure, it's too late to buy comprehensive travel insurance. Anytime before that works!

What is the effective date of a travel insurance policy? ›

Trip cancellation benefits begin on your plan's effective date, as long as we receive your premium before you cancel your trip or make a claim. (If you buy travel insurance online, the effective date is the day after we receive your order.) The earlier you purchase insurance, the sooner you'll be protected.

How long do you have to buy trip insurance after booking? ›

Most Comprehensive Plans will offer a waiver of pre-existing conditions if you meet the following conditions: You purchase the policy within 10 to 21 days of making your first trip payment; insure ALL prepaid non-refundable expenses prior to your departure date; and be medically fit to travel the day you purchase the ...

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.