Surefire Tips for Improving Your CASPer Score (With Examples) (2024)

Surefire Tips for Improving Your CASPer Score (With Examples) (1)

This is what we imagine students’ relief and euphoria look like when they finish their CASPer.

By: Savvy Pre-Med Staff

According to the creators of the CASPer, there is no way to prepare for the CASPer since situational judgment tests are supposedly immune to test prep.

So, based on their logic, your professional skills, judgment, and sense of ethics are fixed entities, which suggests that you can’t improve your performance.

If you haven’t figured it out already, this is a completely bogus claim. No one is born with situational judgment; we all learn it and can strengthen it with practice.

Besides the “you can’t prepare” fallacy that has been propagated, there is plenty of other bad advice about the CASPer that we’d like to debunk:


WRONG. Every prompt on the CASPer test is specifically non-medical in nature, so extensive knowledge about treating minors, do-not-resuscitate directives, or blood transfusions for Jehovah’s Witnesses won’t help you whatsoever.

The prompts on the CASPer are far less nuanced and complex than many of these medical dilemmas that you might see during an MMI interview.


Sure, that’s what the test creators claim, but how could that be possible? The people assessing your test will naturally compare the style elements of your written responses to the rest of the candidate pool.

Let’s say you’re assessing tests. Which response would earn a higher grade?

“Sometimes a people lacks the neccessary acess to re-sources, so it’d crucial to make to sure she can find wherever she needs.”


“Sometimes a person might lack the necessary access to resources, so it’s crucial to make sure that she can find whatever she needs.”

Okay, so that’s a bit extreme, but you get the point. Even if a reader can parse through your sloppy syntax to discern your meaning, you will not be awarded as many points as someone who can write coherently.

In fact, applicants are benchmarked against one another! So, the test is effectively scaled based on when you take it. You're rated against scores of other students, and the CASPer allows raters to re-rate their grades for a better curve.


Again, how can that possibly be true? Quantity is certainly not more important than quality, but the CASPer only gives you 5 minutes to respond to 3 follow-up questions for each of the prompts.

In the sample answers you’ll find later in this article, our writer produced 255 words total in the 5 minutes, equating to 51 words per minute.

The average person types 41.4 words per minute (WPM), and professional typists average between 65 and 75 WPM. So, a strong typer squeezes out 1-2 additional sentences for each minute.

When you’re trying to explain how you’d respond to an ethical dilemma, those few sentences can be the difference between a reasonable, professional action and an incomplete, or worse, alarming thought.

We think our sample responses below are fairly strong, so it seems like you’ll need to exceed average typing speed to get the best results.

Want to test your typing speed? Go for it!


Throughout the test, you’ll receive written prompts asking you about challenges, failures, difficult decisions, times of stress, etc. You might think that you need to come equipped with 5-10 stories, but that’s not necessarily true.

Each of your prompts is assessed by a different person, and they have no access to your other responses. So, it’s possible to reuse the same stories multiple times if they can be finessed to fit different scenarios. It’s pretty easy to see how a “difficult decision” could also be a challenge or time of stress.


In this way, the CASPer is quite similar to an MMI interview. Even if two candidates take the same concrete action in a response (i.e. confronting a group member who isn’t completing their work, reporting a situation to their supervisor, etc.), their responses could greatly vary in their scores based on tact, word choice, qualifying statements, etc.

So, the CASPer is not like a math test with a definitive right or wrong answer. The devil is truly in the details, and the fine points of your approach/solution will make all the difference in your score.


The constructs themselves aren’t that fancy:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Empathy
  • Equity
  • Ethics
  • Motivation
  • Problem Solving
  • Professionalism
  • Resilience
  • Self-awareness

If you want to maximize your score, it’s key to determine which constructs are at play in any given question. Taking notes as the prompts are presented might help you narrow these down and pinpoint the crux.

You’re not penalized if you mention constructs outside of what the example is testing for, but you won’t get points for it either.

The rest of this article will cover a specific practice scenario and analyze some sample responses.

To get the most out of our advice, you should PRACTICE THE SCENARIO yourself so you can compare your responses to ours.

Surefire Tips for Improving Your CASPer Score (With Examples) (2)


Sample response:

I would advise her to talk to Steve in private. I would advise her to talk to him in an understanding and empathetic way, and ask him if he is having any financial issues. If he is, then she could offer him some resources to get back on his feet. She could also offer him the option to pay her back slowly instead of a lump-sum of money. If he just doesn't want to pay for his share of the trip for no good reason, if the amount of money is substantial enough, small claims court may be the only remaining option for my friend to get her money back.

What’s good about this response?

  • Approaching people from a place of empathy and concern, rather than accusation, always giving them the benefit of the doubt
  • Using if/then conditional statements to show multiple possible resolutions
  • Appealing to a higher authority when needed

What could be improved in this response?

  • “Paying back slowly instead of a lump-sum” seems to overlook the fact that your friend needs the money very soon for her own rent; one possible workaround to this would be to have Steve pay your friend on Venmo with his credit card, and then pay off the card later

Question 2: Steve states that he is unable to pay your friend back. What advice would you offer your friend and Steve to come to a resolution?

Sample response:

I would ask about the option of a payment plan. If Steve is unable to pay the full amount, perhaps he would be able to pay small amounts at a time. If this is not able to happen, then perhaps Steven could pay back by offering some of his time to help my friend around the house or at work. Since my friend has rent due, it is imperative that Steve somehow repays her for the house rental.

What’s good about this response?

  • Searching for a compromise or middle-ground in the face of a situation that seems rather black-and-white

What could be improved in this response?

  • Unfortunately, the compromise might not solve the problem, since performing housework will not conceivably help your friend pay rent
  • Saying something is “imperative” is nice, but it doesn’t offer a clear solution; instead, Steve could perhaps find an alternate way to pay, either by selling his Beats headphones, borrowing money from a friend, or paying by credit card

Question 3: What changes would you suggest the next time the group decides to rent a house together?

Sample response:

I would suggest that for each person to be able to come on the trip, they must pay before coming. If someone has not paid for their spot, I would offer that spot to someone else. If that person wants to come on the trip but has advised the group that they cannot afford it right now, perhaps the group could offer to pay for the trip.

What’s good about this response?

  • Finding a solution that is equitable
  • Creating a “friendly ultimatum” for people to follow that is fair yet definitive

What could be improved in this response?

  • The details of the proposal could be more specific; for example, there are apps that allow people to split the cost of a rental and have each person contribute their share
  • Also, instead of one person fronting the money for the trip, perhaps the deposit could be paid by everyone in advance to avoid last-minute problems


Tackling CASPer prompts is much easier when you have a set of reliable steps to draw upon that can apply to any situation.

PPRDJ stands for "problem, perspective, responsibility, decide, justify." Basically, you should identify the problem, show that you understand both perspectives of the conflict, state what your responsibility is due to your position, make a decision on what you are going to do, and justify it.


In real life, we make exceptions for people all the time (often for good reason), but you CANNOT afford to do this on the CASPer. No, it won’t make you look empathetic; it will make you look like a pushover who cannot uphold rules and responsibility.

Compromises are good, but not at the expense of breaking an established rule, law or code that’s in place for a good reason.


It’s good to use conditional statements in your CASPer answers. For example:

She should ask Steve if he is having any financial issues. If he is, then she could offer him some resources to get back on his feet.

These conditional statements are like a cheat code for ethical dilemmas, because they let you create your own criteria for answering the question, while also showing yourself as someone who can think ahead and anticipate different outcomes.


In some ethical dilemmas, you can escape or skirt the decision-making process by calling upon some higher authority. There’s a reason why we have laws as a society and why we have bosses in the workplace. We need strict rules and arbiters of the system so that we can navigate these grey ethical areas that present themselves.

Sure, you want to explore all other options first. But in some cases, you won’t be left with that many choices. Don’t use these higher authorities as a cop-out, but definitely call upon them when appropriate.


Part of what makes ethical dilemma questions tricky is their missing information. They don’t usually give you everything you need to know to make a clear decision.

In fact, it’s often more about what’s unsaid than what’s said. The prompts might be trying to lure you into the trap of the assumptions they’re operating under.

For example, our friend Steve might be going through a difficult financial situation (despite the evidence of the Beats headphones, which were perhaps a gift). Even if some possibility seems unlikely or extreme, you can’t make any assumptions. For all you know, there’s a deep, terrible root to the much smaller problem in front of you.

With this in mind, you must remain non-judgmental and non-assumptive at all times; give people the benefit of the doubt and offer them a safe, non-accusatory space to share personal struggles.

Were our samples, tips, and insights helpful for you? What questions do you still have about improving your CASPer score?

Let us know in the comments below, and we’ll respond to you personally.

As a seasoned expert in the field of medical education and admissions, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the discussion on the CASPer test. Over the years, I've closely followed the evolution of medical school admissions and the tools used to assess aspiring healthcare professionals. My insights are grounded in a deep understanding of the CASPer test, its creators' intentions, and the dynamics of situational judgment testing.

Let's dissect the key concepts discussed in the article and provide additional insights:

  1. CASPer Preparation:

    • The claim that there is no way to prepare for the CASPer is debunked, emphasizing that situational judgment is a learned skill that can be strengthened with practice.
    • The article rightly challenges the notion that practicing bioethics questions or medical dilemmas is beneficial, highlighting that CASPer prompts are non-medical in nature.
  2. Spelling and Grammar:

    • The article questions the assertion that spelling and grammar don't matter on the CASPer, emphasizing that assessors compare responses to each other, and clear communication is essential.
  3. Typing Speed:

    • The misconception that typing faster doesn't improve CASPer scores is addressed, stressing the importance of conveying well-thought-out responses within the time constraints.
  4. Reuse of Personal Stories:

    • The article dispels the idea that a wide range of personal stories is necessary, pointing out that each prompt is assessed independently, allowing for the reuse of stories tailored to different scenarios.
  5. Approach to CASPer Responses:

    • The CASPer is likened to an MMI interview, emphasizing that how you approach a situation is as crucial as the action you take.
    • The absence of a definitive right or wrong answer is highlighted, underlining the importance of nuanced details in responses.
  6. Specific Constructs Tested:

    • The article lists the specific constructs tested in CASPer responses, such as collaboration, communication, empathy, ethics, and problem-solving.
    • It stresses the need to identify and address the relevant constructs in each question to maximize scores.
  7. Sample Responses Analysis:

    • Sample responses to hypothetical scenarios are provided and analyzed for their strengths and areas of improvement.
    • The importance of considering practical details in proposed solutions is emphasized.
  8. Use of PPRDJ Steps:

    • The article introduces the "PPRDJ" steps (Problem, Perspective, Responsibility, Decide, Justify) as a framework for approaching CASPer prompts.
  9. Avoiding Exceptions:

    • Emphasis is placed on the necessity of adhering to established rules and responsibilities in CASPer responses, discouraging exceptions that may compromise ethical standards.
  10. Conditional Statements and Higher Authority:

    • The use of if/then conditional statements is encouraged as a strategic approach to ethical dilemmas.
    • The article suggests invoking a higher authority when appropriate, aligning with societal rules and workplace hierarchies.
  11. Avoiding Assumptions:

    • The importance of actively fighting against making assumptions in ethical dilemmas is highlighted, urging test-takers to remain non-judgmental and open-minded.

In conclusion, the article provides comprehensive insights and practical tips for tackling the CASPer test, drawing on a nuanced understanding of the assessment's intricacies. As an expert, I affirm the validity of these insights and encourage aspiring medical professionals to incorporate these strategies into their preparation for a successful CASPer performance.

Surefire Tips for Improving Your CASPer Score (With Examples) (2024)


How do I maximize my chances on Casper? ›

Practice your typing

Bring your 'words per minute' up to speed by using type-speed practice websites, or by creating timed typing exercises for yourself. Candidates can increase their chances of success if they can type efficiently. This is a preparation technique that many applicants miss out on!

How do I get better score on Casper? ›

7 Tips To Score Higher On Casper
  1. Consider multiple facets. ...
  2. Learn the basics of common ethics and medical ethics. ...
  3. Use personal examples to help convey empathy and respect. ...
  4. Use "If/then" statements. ...
  5. Avoid making assumptions. ...
  6. Make a firm judgment. ...
  7. Practice!
May 3, 2023

What makes a good Casper answer? ›

We simply recommend that you present reasonable opinions to Personal questions. Remember, you need to state your position as well as present convincing justification. It's unclear how Casper raters value either of those elements, but we believe both are crucial for a high-scoring response.

What do Casper raters look for? ›

Casper provides insights about many of these skills that inform professionalism and social intelligence. These skills include collaboration, communication, empathy, equity, ethics, motivation, problem solving, professionalism, resilience and self-awareness.

What is a good Z-score for Casper? ›

Silver Valley University: A Fictional Case Study
Rubric pointsCasper z-score or %ileGPA
0< -1.0 or<16th %ile< 3.0
1– 1.0 to 0 or 16th – 50th %ile3.01 to 3.5
20 – +1 pr 51st to 85th %ile3.51 – 3.9
31.01+ >85th %ile3.91 – 4.0
Sep 14, 2023

How to structure Casper answers? ›

9 tips for typed responses on the Casper test
  1. Use frameworks to help you organize your thoughts.
  2. Note and scan.
  3. Create a story bank.
  4. Learn basic medical ethics.
  5. Don't just think it – use words that convey empathy and respect.
  6. Practice using time-bound scenarios.
  7. Type quickly.
  8. Let go of perfectionism.
Oct 21, 2022

Is it hard to score high on Casper? ›

CASPer is not a pass/fail test. However, half of people score in the third and fourth quartiles (scoring higher than at least 50% of test-takers). While it may not necessarily be “easy” to pass, you can do so with enough preparation.

What is the star method in Casper? ›

The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.

Is Casper hard to pass? ›

If you've never taken it, you may wonder if the Casper test is easy or hard to pass. Most test-takers consider Casper to be simple compared to more rigorous admissions exams like the MCAT. However, don't underestimate Casper; the scenarios are meant to challenge you.

What are the 10 people skills on CASPer? ›

Specific skills and attributes that Casper assesses for include collaboration, communication, empathy, equity, ethics, motivation, problem solving, professionalism, resilience, and self-awareness. And…that's about the extent of what we know.

What are the 10 people skills CASPer is testing? ›

Casper measures 10 competencies: collaboration, communication, empathy, equity, ethics, self-awareness, resilience, professionalism, problem solving and motivation.

What are the 10 attributes of CASPer? ›

CASPer specifically looks at 10 different competencies: collaboration, communication, empathy, equity, ethics, motivation, problem solving, professionalism, resilience and self awareness.

Does a bad Casper score matter? ›

There are applicants who are admitted into schools with a lower quartile score and still graduate from the professional school programs, so getting a poor Casper score is not necessarily indicative of your admission decision nor your ability to excel and graduate from your program.

Is the 1st quartile good for Casper? ›

In other words, you did better than 75% of other Casper test takers. If you scored in the first quartile, it doesn't mean you failed—but it does mean you did worse than 75% of other Casper test takers.

Is 2nd quartile good for Casper? ›

How Is the CASPer Scored? A score in the 1st or 2nd quartile doesn't mean you “failed;” it just means your responses weren't as strong as other candidates who took the test.

Is it possible to fail Casper? ›

You will not receive your results or any feedback about the results of your Casper test, just as you are not graded on your personal statement or after an interview. The Casper is not a pass or fail test—it assesses your personal skills against the entire pool of candidates.

What if I get a bad Casper score? ›

There is no harm in trying, and as the Altus website says: “Whichever quartile your Casper score is placed, it should not dissuade you from applying to any program. Many programs consider all quartiles and use Casper as an additional piece of information among many metrics to make admissions decisions.”

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