Supercharge Your Savings: Dive into the 6-Month Money Saving Challenge and See the Results! (2024)

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This money saving challenge will help take your finances to the next level! We all like to save money. But isn’t that easier said than done?

I mean, it’s easy for someone to say “stop buying things you don’t need” and think they are giving sage advice.

But how do you actuallydo that? And is it really that easy?

Well, it actually really can be. In truth, money-saving opportunities are all around us. And not just by creating a frugal lifestyle for yourself.

All it really takes is a little patience, dedication, and mostly importantly, knowing where to start. I know that, for me, that last part was the hardest at first.

That’s why we’re going to look at how you can start saving lot of money!

Let’s get started, shall we? This 6-month money saving challenge will help you save a bunch.

Money Saving Challenge: Apps to Help You Save

Who doesn’t use apps nowadays? In an increasingly digital age, it’s no secret that apps are everywhere.

In fact, accord to Statista, there were178.1 billion app downloads in 2017 alone. That’s an absurd amount! All of these apps are vying for our attention constantly, and most of them are just about killing time or having fun.

But unlike Clash of Clans and Pokémon Go, some apps can actually help you make and save money!


I am just starting to get back into using Ibotta. I honestly thought it was a fad when I first heard about it, but they’re still around, so obviously I was wrong.If you aren’t familiar with Ibotta, it’s an app that will help you get cash back on all your grocery shopping.

How does it work?

Ibotta is very simple to use. All you have to do is scan your receipts with the app and you get cash back in return. Yes, that’s really all there is to it.

As I always say – you’re going to be buying groceries anyway, so why not get rewarded in the process?

This one is pretty much a no-brainer and I would definitely recommend it. Check out Ibotta!

Related: Ibotta Review: The App You Need to Easily Save on Groceries


Drop is another app that is similar to Ibotta, but it’s a little less work on your part.

All you have to do is link your card to the app, pick where you want to shop, and you’ll get points back on your purchases. You can shop at plenty popular stores like Amazon, Walmart, Apple, and so on.

Once you have enough points, you’ll be able to redeem them for gifts cards for many different stores. Think Best Buy, Target, Starbucks, and lots more!

Want to earn free gift cards? Join Drop and you'll get rewarded just for buying the stuff you would have bought anyway. Just link your card to the app, pick where to shop, and start earning cash back immediately!

Plus, if you join Drop using Join

my link, you'll get a FREE $5 bonus just for signing up. That's like a double win. And who doesn't love free money!?

Other Ways to Save money

Honestly, there are a TON of ways to save money. There are so many that I couldn’t possibly name them all. However, here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Bring Your Own (Healthy!) Lunch to Save money

Yeah, okay. You’ve probably heard this one about 500 times. But maybe that’s because bringing your own lunch could save you at least that many dollars in only six months. Seriously.

If that sounds like some crazy voodoo math, it really isn’t. If going out for lunch has you paying $10 (which isn’t that much nowadays), you could easily save that much.

Imagine you meal prep for $4 per day (totally doable). That means you’ll be saving $6*5*26 = $780 in just 6 months!

Of course, that means you have to commit to this every day during the week. I know I was never quite that committed, but as they say – every bit helps.

Plus, it’s much easier to be healthy when you can control exactly what is going into your food.

2. Stop Paying So Much For Coffee

Yeah, Starbucks is cool, but did you ever think about how much it actually costs?

If you go to Starbucks every day during the work week and spend $5, that adds up to $5*5*52 = $1,300. Yikes!

But there’s good news. There are many ways to cut back on this cost. One way is to make your own coffee.

But I’m sure there will be times when you just really want to get your favorite drink from Starbucks. When that happens, why not get your Starbucks for free?

It’s true – if you sign up for Swagbucks, you’ll get paid for doing simple tasks like searching, watching videos, and taking surveys.

Wanna earn some EASY money? You'll get a FREE $10 bonus when you sign up for Swagbucks. Then get get paid $$$ just for doing a few easy tasks. What're you waiting for!?

Just complete a few of them and you’ll be able to get a $25 Starbucks gift card! How great is that? This could make a serious dent in that $1,300 cost.

Related post: Swagbucks Review: How To Earn Free Gift Cards (+ Get Paid Via PayPal)

3. …And Stop Buying Bottled Water

Alright, I’ve mentioned this one before, only last time, I didn’t mention my favorite style of water bottle.

I’ve had several Camelbak Eddy water bottles over the years, and I love these things.

With the Eddy water bottle, you drink from a straw through the mouthpiece at the top. This is a bit unusual compared to other water bottles, but it’s believe we drink more water when using a straw.

This can be especially useful in the coming summer months when hydration can be difficult!

Oh, and don’t worry – the straw is reusable, so you’re still saving the turtles.🐢

Not everyone loves them as much as I do, I must admit. Honestly, I think my anxiety is a factor because I like to chew on the mouthpiece. 🙈 They are rubbery so you can chew on them without ruining them.

Is that a good habit? Probably not, but I don’t use it every day, so I guess it could be worse.

4. Money Savings Challenge: Cut The Cord

I know I have mentioned this particular one before, and that’s because it, too, is a big cost for a lot of people.

Cable/satellite subscribersspend over $1,000 per year on TV.

Instead, many people nowadays are turning to services like Hulu and Netflix.

In addition, you can stream through Amazon Prime as well. Many people already have Prime memberships, but if you don’t, this could potentially save you money on TV!

Plus, you can always try a30-day free trial of Primeto see if you like it. The cost is $119 per year – nothing compared to the $1,000+ for cable.

Even if you subscribe to both Netflix andAmazon Prime, you’ll still be saving around $1,000 a year compared to cable!

Another way to save on TV costs is with a good-old antenna. Okay, maybe not the old bunny ears you may remember from back in the day. The antennas you get nowadays will give let you watch HD local programming all over the air.

The one I have is theMohu Leaf 50. I get around 30 channels on it, mostly in HD. It’s awesome!

Related: 15 Cable TV Alternatives You Should Consider

5. Do Something CHEAP!

In today’s increasingly consumerist society, it’s easy to forget just how much you can do while spending little to no money. Everyone is trying to sell you something, but why not do something that’s cheap, or even free?

I mean, a trip to the movies for a family of four will typically cost around $60. That’s quite a bit of money, and I think we all have better ways to spend our money.

I mean, think about all the activities you can do that doesn’t cost much – especially if you already have all the gear needed:

  • Go for a hike, camping, fishing, kayaking, etc.
  • Play a sport with friends, such as football, basketball or soccer
  • Have a picnic in the park
  • If you live in a city, they may show outdoor movies for free during the summer
  • Play card games, board games, or free online games
  • Have a BBQ with friends

You get the idea. There are so many ways you can have a great time without breaking the bank. Sometimes all it takes is a willingness to break free from the forces pushing us to spend.

Of course, sometimes it will be difficult to avoid, but any time you can spend less is a win!

6. Use Rakuten To Save Money On Everyday Purchases

I actually just started using Rakuten, and honestly, it’s crazy I didn’t start sooner!

There are a lot of very popular stores like Target, Walmart and Target. All you have to do is login to the site, select your store and start shopping. Easy peasy!

7. Go For The Store Brand – this saves a lot of money!

Look, we all have to make money, so I don’t blame the brand names for charging people a premium. But – and I can’t stress this enough – there is often ZERO difference between generic and brand name products.

Whether or not there is actually a difference depends in part on the product itself.

Example: cereal. Most cereal is going to be the same whether it’s brand name or generic.

Another one? Medication. Drugs are drugs regardless of the brand name. Advil is a brand name medication, but the actual drug is ibuprofen. This one can be purchased as a generic in any drug store.

They aren’t somehow making a “better” version of ibuprofen because it’s a brand name. The drug is exactly the same regardless.

Okay, there are some store brand products I have found to be lower quality. One is trash bags. It may sound silly, and your experience may vary, but it’s true.

Low-quality trash bags break much more easily and are just a lot more difficult to work with. So, for this one, you may want to stick to the brand name.

8. Cut out Unnecessary Expenses with Trim

Trim is a really nice app that can do all kinds of cool things like create spending plans, emergency funds and payoff plans.

What’sreallycool is that it can also negotiate your bills for you. Its “bot” does this and it’s all automated.

How it works: send them a copy of your bill and work their magic. You can also log into your account with popular providers like Time Warner, Comcast and AT&T. According to Trim, users save an average of $225by lowering their bill payments!

FYI... Are you interested in starting a blog? I wrote a whole post about how to start your own blog! This post is a step-by-step guide on how to get started on SiteGround. It's super easy and CHEAP at $3.95/month.

Blogging has been a great way for me to give you all of my best money tips while peppering in some other topics like sustainability, plus my travel adventures.

The best thing about it is that it's 100% your own work. You get to do whatever you want with it and are in complete control of your own content. That can be to sell a product or just for fun.

If you're interested, go ahead and check out my post starting your own blog!

9. Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Paying off credit cards is an extremely important, yet effective way to save money.

Credit card debt is in the neighborhood of $1 TRILLION dollars nowadays. That’s insane! With many credit having a nearly 20% annual percentage rate (APR), it’s very important to repay your credit cards.

For example, let’s say you’re the average household with $8,017 in credit card debt.

If you have the average APR of 14.14%, you’ll be paying $8,017 * .01414 = $1,133.60 per in interest alone. Wowzers. Imagine all the things you could do with that kind of $.

So, yes. Get those credit cards under control.

The best part? You can use some of the tips above to accomplish this. 🙂

10. Refinance Your Student Loans

I have written awhole postabout this before because refinancing my student loans saved me a lot of money.

Of course, it really depends on your situation. Not everyone will be able to save quite as much as I did, and for your typical federal loan, the government’s own options may be better.

However, if you have private loans or happen to have PLUS loans like I did, refinancing could be a great option. I was able to reduce my interest rate from 7.8% to 5% and my monthly payments from$975to just$275!

That added financial flexibility allowed me to do SO much that I couldn’t do before. Honestly, I don’t know if I would have been able to move out of my parents’ house had I not done that. Student loans can be a pain, but they’re not insurmountable!

If you’re ready to kick your student loans to the curb, you should definitely check out SoFi as they could save you thousands in the long run.

Ready To Start Saving?

Using these strategies you can easily save THOUSANDS a year! With these apps, you can using your routing number to get paid via PayPal. Even just the numbers in #1 and #2 above could put you well over $1,000.

So, how do we put our plan into action? Well, here’s what I’m thinking.

Many of us get paid every two weeks nowadays. So, why not put a little of that cool cash you’ve earned aside from every paycheck? After all, you have extra money now!

By using my guide below, you should be able to save $2,000 with (relative) ease.

What are your ways to save money? I would love to hear how you are doing so, too!


  • Frugal At Your Fingertips: Apps That Free Up Your Finances
  • How To Find Cheap Flights To Anywhere
  • Prioritizing Savings And Debt: Which Is More Important?
Supercharge Your Savings: Dive into the 6-Month Money Saving Challenge and See the Results! (2024)


How do I supercharge my savings? ›

Ways to save money fast
  1. Make a budget. To save money effectively, you must first account for all of your income and expenses accurately. ...
  2. Automate your savings. ...
  3. Open an external savings account. ...
  4. Look for ways to cut spending. ...
  5. Pay down debt. ...
  6. Boost your income. ...
  7. Sell your unwanted stuff. ...
  8. Get rewarded for your everyday spending.
Mar 6, 2024

How can I save $5000 with the 52-week money challenge? ›

Here are a few more ways to save $5,000 by the end of 2023:
  1. Save $96.16 every week.
  2. Save $192.31 every two weeks.
  3. Save $416.67 every month.
  4. Save $1,250 every quarter.
  5. Save $2,500 every six months.
Jan 5, 2023

What is the $3 52-week money challenge? ›

Match each week's savings amount with the number of the week in your challenge. In other words, you'll save $1 the first week, $2 the second week, $3 the third week, and so on until you put away $52 in week 52.

What is the best money saving challenge? ›

100 Envelope Challenge

The 100 Envelope Saving Challenge provides a structured system to save over $5,000 in 100 days. To begin, gather 100 envelopes and sequentially number them $1 through $100. On day one, you'll place $1 in envelope one. On day two, you'll add $2 to envelope two, and so on.

How much does Dave Ramsey say to put in savings? ›

According to the Ramsey Solutions post, the recommendation is to invest 15% of your household income for retirement. The article uses the example of a household income which is $80,000 annually. Based on these earnings, each year you need to invest $12,000 towards your retirement savings.

How do I withdraw money from my savings plan? ›

Steps To Withdraw From a Savings Account
  1. Ensure sufficient funds. Confirm you have enough money in savings to cover the amount you wish to withdraw. ...
  2. Review your withdrawal limits. Many banks limit the frequency of savings withdrawals to six per month. ...
  3. Choose your withdrawal method.
Jun 25, 2024

How much is $1 dollar a day for a year? ›

If you saved $1 a day for a year, do you know how much money you'd have? Roughly $30,000. This is totally 100% true.

How can I save $1000 in 30 days? ›

In this guide, we'll walk you through seven proven tips to help you save $1,000 in 30 days (or potentially even more).
  1. Assess your current financial situation and set clear goals. ...
  2. Create a budget and track your spending. ...
  3. Identify specific areas to reduce spending. ...
  4. Consider other ways to save money. ...
  5. Automate your savings.
Jun 4, 2024

How to save $10,000 in 6 months challenge? ›

Here's how I did it & how you can do it, too.
  1. Set goals & practice visualization. ...
  2. Have an abundance mindset. ...
  3. Stop lying to yourself & making excuses. ...
  4. Cut out the excess. ...
  5. Make automatic deposits. ...
  6. Use Mint. ...
  7. Invest in long-term happiness. ...
  8. Use extra money as extra savings, not extra spending.

What is the 5050 money challenge? ›

It works like this: Gather 100 envelopes and number them from 1 to 100. Each day, fill up one envelope with the amount of cash corresponding to the number on the envelope. You can fill up the envelopes in order or pick them at random. After you've filled up all the envelopes, you'll have a total savings of $5,050.

What is the $100 in 30 days challenge? ›

The goal of the Challenge is simple: save $100 in a 30-day time period through a series of gradually increasing deposits. November has 30 days so every day is a savings day. As shown in the picture below, daily savings deposits start at $1 a day for five days followed by $2, $3, and $4 each for five days.

What is the 90 day money challenge? ›

The 90-Day Savings Challenge helps you to gradually save up the money to reach your goal of $10,000. This $10,000 Savings Challenge Printable can serve you for so much purposes, such as paying off debt, setting it aside for a house down-payment, taking a vacation, increasing your emergency fund and much more.

What is the 6 month money challenge? ›

Two ways to do the 6 month money challenge. The idea behind the challenge is to save a specific amount of money every week for the entire period. You can do this any way you want. Whether you save $5 a week or $500, you will still end up on top at the end of the challenge!

What is the 12 month savings challenge? ›

This 12-month savings challenge encourages you to save money every month. Savers begin with £10 and gradually increase each month. Multiply the month by 10 to calculate the savings you need to set aside. For example, you'll save £10 in the first month (January) and £20 in the second month (February).

What is the 3 month savings challenge? ›

3 Months Money Saving Challenge Book

Every week for 12 weeks, choose the amount you want to save then, save the amount of money indicated in each shape, every time you do you color in the square so you know you did that one already, and place the funds on your envelope!

How can I speed up my savings? ›

See which of these suggestions could make the biggest financial impact on your bottom line.
  1. Cancel unnecessary subscription services and memberships. ...
  2. Automate your savings with an app. ...
  3. Set up automatic payments for bills if you make a steady salary. ...
  4. Switch banks. ...
  5. Open a short-term certificate of deposit (CD)
Feb 26, 2024

What is the 30 rule for savings? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals. Let's take a closer look at each category.

What is the trick to saving money? ›

Set savings goals

One of the best ways to save money is to set a goal. Start by thinking about what you might want to save for—both in the short term (one to three years) and the long term (four or more years). Then estimate how much money you'll need and how long it might take you to save it.

How do I stop obsessing over savings? ›

How to stop worrying about money and start living
  1. Get grounded: Practice relaxing breathing exercises and meditation. ...
  2. Create financial goals: Set clear, achievable objectives. ...
  3. Make a budget: Track finances and control spending. ...
  4. Schedule money check-ins: Regularly review your financial situation.
Mar 12, 2024

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 6004

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.